severe weather and chilly air and the wind is going to come back not a forecast coming up guys back to you. Our David thank you an update now to breaking news, Oklahoma City police are investigating a shooting between neighbors in Edmond last night. >> One person is now in jail is that Karl torp joins us with what led up to that shooting Carl coli police say this began as a road rage incident between the suspect's wife and the victim. >> That a significant other of the suspect got home kind of a situation that made her feel uncomfortable that there was something that happened between she and the shooting victim. >> That is when investigators say the suspect Sam are all Hassan when looking for the victim in their neighborhood near Northwest.
A 178 and may. >> The suspect then in turn. I got in his vehicle scan the neighborhood off of descriptions given by that by that life. Look for the victims vehicle found it not far away. Waited until the victim came outside an altercation occurred between the 2 of them. The suspect shot the victim. >> And police say all Hassan called 911. An affidavit says he told police he felt threatened. He was arrested on assault and battery complaint that victim taken to the hospital at last check he was stable Colby. >> All right Karl and police say if you're involved in a road rage incident, it's best not to engage with the other driver.
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