A Personal Success Story

people ask Doug uh what happened in 2008 when your house went down in value in December of 2007 I could see the writing on the wall and my house appraised for a million5 I went out and refinanced it 80% loan to value with the first mortgage a second mortgage up to 90% and a third mortgage the remaining 10% I was 100% leveraged okay where did I put that money in my laser fund portfolio I was paying 45% interest on my first mortgage tax deductible that was a net cost of three so I was paying 4 5,000 interest on my laser fund on that million and a half I was making 8% that's 120 how much more is20 it's $75,000 profit I came out ahead in 2008 because I kept my money liquid and safe if I would have left it in the property I would have lost 400,000 for several years

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