Board of Adjustment 03-21-24

e e e pry all right let's call the meeting order it's 1:30 the lights are on it must be time to start uh first item that I've got second item that I've got to receive the minutes do everybody look at those yes do I have a motion second cast your votes I voted yay it's not showing up there that's our problem is that video feed or there is no problem okay all right very good Cindy uh continuance requests we have none okay are there any applicants that want to ask for a continuance anybody else want a continu no consent docket so let's get started Cindy if you call the first case please um item number one case number 1555 a request of gardener Studio on behalf of Wheeler District LLC for a variance to the yard regulation and landscaping for parking lot islands in the Pud 1611 located at 900 Hangar drive all right give us your name and address tell us about the application please yes so my name is Sarah Hannah I'm here on behalf of Garder studio um my address is 413 Northwest 46 Street okay um I have this application in for a variance request we previously presented to the cck river um uh the cic river overlay district and um received approval from them but they were requiring a variance for two conditions um we've listed those in the application today um one of those is for um a variance that the first two floors of new construction have to be at or within 10 ft of the street RightWay um in this particular uh lot we are an irregular shape and with the current proposal of the building and our site constraints um we would have limited Space Between The Pedestrian sidewalk and entry points into the building um we are are still maintaining these alignments on upper floors but on the first floor this becomes a challenge given the existing conditions um and then the other variants that we're asking approval for is a requirement for the tree Wells um that the scenic River overlay district has we are limited in site parking on this particular lot and so um to get as many parking spaces as we can um we are seeking to uh reduce the required size of that tree well to a smaller uh Diamond footprint to allow for more parking spaces to be provided okay questions comments from the board there no protests on this one does anybody want to speak on this application the only thing I would ask is that you are going to meet the Landscaping requirements yes still without the large island yes yes definitely um we exceed the points required for the slot um in other areas of the development as well okay anything else okay I think we're ready for a motion I'll make a motion Mr chair um make a motion to approve case number 15555 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special or for a variance second okay motion on a second C you they're doing it for us all right you're approved you have the next one I have the next one okay item number two case number 15556 a request of gardener St Studio on behalf of Wheeler District LLC for variance to the yard regulations and landscaping for parking lot Islands located at 901 hanger Drive yes so this is um the lot directly north of the one we just looked at we're asking for the same variances for this lot our um setback requirement and the restrictions that we described in the first application are very similar on this one given the loot constraints that we're dealing with okay anything from the board nobody signed up to speak on this one anybody want to address the board on this application okay we're ready for a motion with that I'll make a motion to approve case number 15556 on the basis that it meets the requirement for a variance second Mo a second cash to votes you're approved thank you item number three case number 15560 is a request of Johnson Associates on behalf of tab buil homes and TD investments in Cordelia Ranch replat for a variance to minimum lot width and setback requirements in the ra District located um at the following addresses 9409 9417 Northeast 141st Street 14132 14 Burch Lane and 9040 9416 9408 9400 Northeast 139th Street in 14025 and 14033 Magnolia Lane good afternoon markit Johnson and Associates on behalf of the applicant uh if you could please place the plat up on the screen uh this is a bit of a unique application and commissioner Noble may remember the the tail end of this but this started probably seven years ago uh this property was owned in a PUD it was then rezoned R A2 and then it was rezoned again ultimately the market determined that larger two plus acre lots in this part of town uh was not meeting the need and so it continued to get rezoned into smaller Lots the streets had been built uh which made this property unique it had ended up kind of in a foreclosure situation ultimately our client bought it we rezoned it uh and then platted it to uh the layout that you see on the screen we were restricted in the layout because of Where the streets had already been built our client acquired it mid development which is a bit unique ultimately we went through the process it was approved by uh Planning Commission been recommended approve recommended to be approved by staff and then the plat was recorded as you see it on the screen uh the Oddity here was some of the Lots didn't meet the minimum lot width or the building line because of the elbow typically the lot uh width is narrower on the elbow and culdesac lots the building line wasn't placed in the correct spot uh and it wasn't caught as we went through the process so the Lots in Blue uh didn't meet the minimum lot width requirement and the Lots in green didn't meet the setback requirement so what we're asking for is a remedy to allow for these uh lots and building permits to proceed you can actually see that the lot on the southwest corner or the bottom left corner of the exhibit actually has a home on it it wasn't caught and so I think as staff has changed out in plan review some things are are being caught that that weren't previously so uh what we're asking for is uh your approval today to allow these Lots uh to be buildable as approved by the Planning Commission on the recorded plat happy to answer any questions okay questions or comments from the most of the the reasoning for having to do that is they're skinny in the front and so that you have to push the house further back correct from the build line and just to make it buildable but they're all larger lots already they're almost all one acre or close to we meet the minimum lot size um requirements uh and so these ones on the corner the house is just going to sit further back but because it was a platted building line we couldn't just administratively amend it that's why we're here and I went I went to the neighborhood it looks fine I mean yeah ultimately from the from from the perspective of the people that live there they're buying into exactly what they thought it was just these two requirements weren't met on a handful of the Lots so in regards to the folks that are already living there there's no established HOA no control has been turned over to the neighbors it's still being led by the developer that's correct okay and so you're not aware of anybody having any push back in regards to these variances no sir and the the green one actually there's a house on it and the 300 foot there would have captured the folks that were living in the neighborhood too and so to my knowledge we haven't received any letters I don't believe anyone is here today on it anything else speak nobody signed up to speak so anybody wants to address the board on this application all right ready for a motion I'll make a motion to approve case number 155 60 on the basis that it meets the stat statutory requirement for a variance second okay motion a second cast your votes you're approved thank you all item number four case number 15558 I'm sorry 1558 request of Ali Jabari for a variance to yard and bulk regulations concerning the rear yard setback in the i1 light industrial district located at 625 Southwest 29th Street okay okay give us your name and address and tell us about your application please my name is Charles boder I'm an architect uh address is 16112 canara Creek Drive in Edmond and uh long story short we have a carport building it's a metal structure I think there's pictures yeah uh it's within the 15 foot setb that we need because we have two different zones our on on the North and then ours is an i zone so we thought uh as opposed to potentially moving the building which is the hardship at this point um that we would ask you all uh and see if the neighbors had any issues and just kind of make our case uh to allow the building to remain where it is and then of course this is the tail end of a permit so pending your approval uh I think we'll have everything else in a row and then we can get this inspected and closed out and any questions I'm happy to answer anything from the board is is there a utility easen underneath the building do you know no there isn't none that I'm aware of at least and the building sitting about 5T off the fence it's about 5 ft off the fence uh the biggest concern that we had uh aside from any you know neighbors um was just making sure that we got the water off uh and unto the lot so that's something that uh we'll be doing the the storm drainage yes sir have you made contact with the people to the to the north um my I'm speaking on behalf of my client obviously and he is here um but my understanding he's attempted to talk to the neighbors you know in direct and he has told me that there have not been any issues as far as this goes again that he or I am aware of I know there's a couple other properties EXC me to the to the east that that's a very congested area for sure appr anything else from the board nobody signed up to speak on this one do anybody want to address us on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion I like motion sorry I like the motion that we approve case number 1558 on the ground that it meets the requirements for a variance okay got a motion in a second cast your votes you're approved thank you so much item number five case number 15559 request of Caitlyn Turner of Williams box fory on behalf of investors for Summers Development LLC in summers Point phase seven for a variance to minimum lot size requirements located at 604 608 6 12 cadum drive and 13312 13316 13320 13324 13328 and 13329 Southwest Fifth Street good afternoon Caitlyn Turner 522 call Cord drive here on behalf of the applicant so a little brief history on this on these Lots it did go through the plotting process through Oklahoma City it was approved uh after they began development and many of the lots have already been developed and sold it was brought to their attention that a few of these lots that are specified in the board of or in the variance application excuse me fall just under that 6,000 square foot uh required lot size for R1 so this is to clean that up allow for these lots to remain in conformance with the plat again that was approved uh the largest variance that were seeking is a little over 800 square fet the smallest one is 02 in so this is is just cleaning them all up in one application so that they can continue to uh sell the lots and not have any issue moving forward I'd be happy to answer any questions did you see that this was platted this way yes and so the plat was gone through the process and approved with being under the 6,000 foot minimum yes I will say Planning Commission doesn't actually get to see the exact number on each one of them so right yeah it's it's kind of to slipped by without it's between Planning Commission and Council where that is reviewed and determined okay got it so I was just reading in the in the application it it says that the minimum lot size application in this application is 5,189 Ft M and then the next sentence it says that the maximum lot size within this application is 5,999 Ft right so the lots that we're needing to get a variance for the smallest lot size is requiring that 800 square foot variance whereas the largest lot that also needing a variance is 5,999 N8 Square F feet so that's that was that yeah and I went by there I mean these are really pretty small houses on very small lots and you couldn't really see any difference so I was wondering if it's even in the depth of the lot Maybe the width I think they're all they all meet the setbacks correct and and so yeah this is the only only experience needed it meets all other R1 requirements I'm fine with this I I'm just curious on the requirement to have a variance if it was platted this way is that and maybe Council can answer like if it was platted like this is a variance necessary Sarah's will answer that for you Sarah Welch planning department um just to clarify when Planning Commission approved the final pla it met the minimum lot size between Planning Commission and city council there was a a shift in some of the lot lines um and it was accepted with some Lots being smaller than the minimum lot size requirement um so what you're what you're being asked to um approve is the lots that are less than 6,000 square ft um to Grant a variance on each of those lots so that they're not carried with the burden of um a lot size that doesn't conform to the zoning District but they weren't so this configuration didn't exist when it went through Planning Commission it was very very close it's just that some of the lot lines shifted and when they did that some of the Lots became smaller than 6,000 square fet which is where this issue that we're trying to resolve today is happening okay so when you say some of the Lots is that a small number uh there are nine total mhm okay that's small yeah and they're all kind of as if you can see the screen they're all kind of right around each other and the houses all look uniform they all have 5 foot setbacks on sidey yards and so in looking at it it didn't you couldn't see anything that was off and I'm assuming the MDS everything all the other supporting documentation showed that the intent was to have 6,000 s ft it wasn't anywhere else in the application that they were supposed to be smaller correct correct it was just R1 it just straight R1 okay I got you okay anything else nobody signed up to speak on this one anybody want to address the board on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion then I'll make a motion to approve case number 15 5 559 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a variance second see second cast you votes thank you you're approved case number 15557 as a request of the Mitchells for a variance to front yard plat building line in the R1 single family residential District located at 947 East Hill Street hi um my name is lcia Mitchell this is my husband sunchai Mitchell and the address is 947 East Hill Street um good afternoon and forgive me I'm new to this so if you don't mind I'm going to go ahead and just kind of read a few things um my husband and I are the owners of emc2 Investments and we actually acquired this lot through illegal real real estate trans action on December the 28th uh we found out that there was a building violation through the Chicago Title edmin um and we decided to go ahead and just get a land surveyor um to kind of just take a look at everything um and we found out that there was an encroachment and so um we ended up going under contract on January 18th with this property of this year and was supposed to close uh February 29th but unfortunately we could not because Chicago Title just based off of their Underwriters needed the uh variant to be passed in order for us to actually close and so we had to extend that to um March 29th um in order to close and they need some type of documentation for us to be able to do that um we passed all of the the inspections that we needed to um had it approved by the city they came out looked at footings all of that um but still we're in the situation we did hire a builder to um to actually do the work for us and so unfortunately we're in this situation now um and so we are asking that we get the approval to be able to close on this home um hopefully next week um if not financially it would probably be catastrophic for us so that's it yeah I'm a little bit aware of situations in this area um I just want to clarify you guys didn't like you guys hired the Builder this was all done through the Builder so was an oversight on that part right as far as yeah uh it's unfortunate and it's it's an easy it's something that should easily been caught in my opinion but I completely understand uh the situation you guys are in and at the same time all of the other properties that are along there are already all built out to the same line as you are so the houses all line up correct and we're actually there's like two lots on one side of us and then another on on that's fig those people are all going to have to get variances too and else nothing's going to line up right and so yeah I I don't have any problem with it this is the easy one yeah yeah I'm I'm fine with this anybody want to speak on this one nobody signed up okay ready for a motion then ID like to motion that we approve case number 15557 for a variance on the ground set it meets the requirements of statutory variance second motion on a second cast your votes you're approved Lu thank you and is it something that we have to wait on to I'm sorry if I'm out of order but do we have to wait on something if we're supposed to close next week like something to get approved or paperwork well there's always a 10day appeal time but the approv will be in the permit portal and they can always inquire that it's been approved and you'll get a board order after the 10 days okay thank you thank you guys so much item number seven case number 15535 is an application for special exception of Joyce Willis to allow Home Sharing located at 2833 Northwest 12 Street hello I'm Joyce Willis and I'm here representing Heartland living LLC um to request uh to allow lodging AC accommodations for my home sharing property anything from the board um I'd like to just clarify a couple things on the application it's a two-bedroom one bath home but and you have uh a maximum of five guests yes so in a two-bedroom how how can you get to five uh we have like a rollway if they need extra or a couch type of situation to allow for an extra person okay would you be willing to just do a four sure just two for two bedroom and then I see you have quiet hours 10: to 8 a.m.

um and I would like to limit the number of cars I'm sorry I would like to limit the number of cars to three three with a maximum of one car parked in the street yeah there's usually not that many usually one maybe two yeah just to protect the neighbors this is a first time this application I believe is the first time throw a renewal yes I've had uh I have another one that's right beside it but I started it back in 20 2018 so I guess it was grandfather in and this one I just began in like the end of 21 okay and because it's the first time a one-year exemption okay I don't have any protests on this one or anybody signed up Mr Noble did you say three cars three cars three cars total one off on Street maximum four total three oh three total two in the drive okay one in the street okay anything else okay I think we're ready for a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15535 on the basis that it meets a statutory requirement for a special exception with the self- opposed rules and changes to the application to a maximum of four guests a maximum of three cars with one on on street parking and for a onee exception second okay Motion in a second cast you votes you're approved thank you item number eight case number 15539 is a renewal application of Scott and Caitlyn Archer to allow home sharing at 4904 Lorissa Lane Kevin MIRS 268 go ahead sorry go ahead 2608 Northwest 69th Street I represent Kaitlin and Scott um we've had this property for for a few years now um it's been fantastic um we we limit parking we limit occupancy um we take all the precautions we possibly can and we have not had any issue so I'm just asking for a renewal of the license okay anything from the board is there anyone here um not on this one there was a protest in the packet I think did you get that protest I did okay have you reached out to them we have it's a neighbor across the street and nothing we can possibly do would ever change her opinion okay if that makes any sense Y no code violations in the last year no police calls no code violations no parking violations nothing anything else from the board I think it's a three-bedroom home yes we asking for eight guests so in one bedroom we have a trundle type bed so we limited to eight guests but we've actually taken out that so now it's actually seven guests um and we sit we have no off um on street parking it's all in the garage in the driveway um we've never had an issue we've got a camera there we monitor everything we've never had a problem okay so you'd be willing to make the adjustment to the application for seven guests yes sir and then I would also like to to add into the application about the cars just the number of cars yes sir and our our check-in message has all the details like no parking on the street only in the driveway only in the garage that kind of stuff so we're we're trying to be proactive how many cars can you fit in the driveway four okay and a three-year exemption I I would like that yes anybody signed nobody signed up on this one is there anybody wants to address the board on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15539 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and adjustments to the application to a maximum of seven guests and a maximum of four cars and no on street parking per three years and for a period of three years second a motion in a second cast your votes you're approved thank you on that last item who made the second I'm sorry thank you we have item number nine case number 15545 is a renewal application for Greenway homes to allow Home Sharing at 2612 Northwest 49th Street so I'm going to have I'm sorry 545 546 547 548 and 549 I'm Jana cops I'm the property manager for all of these locations okay I'm here to represent Greenway homes and Huntley co- Holdings okay tell us about the application and it appears as though there have been some code violations I'm sorry the first this on this application there was a code violation for the trash and the cans being being out oh the trash cans being out they we have remedied that it's been we have a guy who picks it up every Tuesday he uh they put it out cleaners put it out and he picks it up every Tuesday so I don't know when that last code violation was but it shouldn't be within the last gosh five six months okay anything else from the board um just a couple of of things for the application to change them um I'd like to the quiet hours were open 9:30 p.m.

to it didn't say when so I'd like to change that to 9:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on the quiet hours it is our yeah that is sorry that's not in there but it is that I correct 8 to 9 and then I'd like to limit the number of cars in the parking lot or in the driveway you kind of have that dictated out I just don't want any cars on the street so at that location two cars can fit in that smaller driveway then there's another driveway on the other side so I don't know what are you wanting to limit it to how many cars can fit in the driveways one two three four five six that's too many if you want to go that high so would you be comfortable with four car maximum yeah that's fine and this is a renewal and the r the first renewal I'd like to see a threeyear exemption okay anything else from the board anybody want to address us on this application nobody signed up for this one thanks I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15545 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self- opposed rules and the adjustment to quiet hours from 9:30 to 8:00 a.m.

A maximum of four cars with no on street parking and for a three-year term second and a second Cas your votes you're approved a item number 10 case number 15546 a renewal application of Huntley um company Holdings to allow Home Sharing at 2708 Northwest on this one we just found out that we had several code violations for the trash can as well um when we went to renew our application they mentioned we had never received any formal notice or anything like that um we did have a guy who was going and taking it um on Tuesdays but pickup is on Thursdays so that has been remedy it's now on his radar to pick up on Thursdays instead anything from the board um just a couple of other things and I do appreciate that the owners have a a property manager I think having a property manager on these will take care of those problems and and help the neighbors feel more comfortable with with the situation um just a couple other things same same it's the the quiet hours from 9:00 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. and a maximum number of cars that being three and no on street parking okay and same with threeyear exception sounds good be okay anything else from the board nobody signed up to speak on this one does anybody want to address the board on this application I think we're ready for a motion that I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 5546 on the basis that it meets a statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules in the addition of quiet time quiet hours from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. a maximum of three cars and no on street parking and a three-year exception second okay Motion in a second cash boots and you're approved thank you item number 11 case number 15547 a renewal application of Huntley company Holdings to allow Home Sharing at 6601 North Ross Avenue we shouldn't have anything on this one um you've gotten the application quiet time is after 9:00 a.m. I'm okay with that but did you mean 9 p.m. yes okay and same on on this one just to uh make make adjustments to the application of the quiet hours to be 9:00 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. a maximum number of cars being three with one allowed to be on street because the driveway is not very big and a three-year exemption sounds good to me second okay Motion in a second cast your votes I haven't made a i Haven made a motion sorry thought I heard a motion well I can't make a motion so go ahead make a motion to approve case number 15547 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and adjustments to the application of quiet hours between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. a maximum of three cars with one car allowed on street for a term of three three years a second okay now we have a motion in a second C you VES okay item number 12 case number 15548 is a renewal application of Huntley Holdings to allow Home Sharing located at 2841 Cambridge we also shouldn't have any hitting on this one believe there's there's a protest on this one yes there's a written protest in our packet on you received I've only received one protest and that was for 2744 Lancaster you you yes Cindy I'll have a copy was in my packet and I'm just going to chime in really quickly on this one that um it's not uncommon to have some protests on some of these home shares and a lot of the reasons cited even in this particular uh protest letter are things that I I I can't really consider in my decision however uh whenever a protester does take the time to document an experience that they've had in this case they've shown uh an abundance of cars impeding you know uh traffic and walkability and so I will say on this one I'm only looking to renew it for a year until we can see that uh the property can uh be managed in the way that we're not we're not seeing this type of uh negative experience and then three year afterwards so I'm looking at this Stephanie Palm Green and I see where she says 2841 but this picture it says during Memorial weekend at 2720 Lancaster Lane not it's a different address other than the one that's right there so this is not this is not you all's property that's in the photo so 2744 Lancaster could be potentially in this one but this 2841 Cambridge Court like are these two together like these pictures are together yeah I I think they probably because like if you look at this it says on this one 27 this is proba about this was on a question there too because it's two different addresses let me just pull the phone quick yeah if that's not the property then I don't want to hold you all responsible for activity taking place somewhere else so if that doesn't well I I will take responsibility for 2744 Lancaster if that is a picture from 2720 Lancaster um I don't like I I could look back at my camera from Memorial Day weekend and see if that correlates with us so when we get to that case we'll we'll re yeah but I don't know about the 2841 portion this one the 2841 Cambridge Court and so you you do have the the uh protest from Stephanie right so are those yeah I believe that's right because that's the address is is stated in the in the protest but if you look at the picture it's the I think the pictures probably doesn't belong with the with the written so is her protest against this house that we're currently discussing yes I believe the yeah but not the picture okay okay I'm sorry I handed that paper back to her so I'm not sure what did she protest General concerns against Home Sharing mostly yeah and I think we we do a good job of taking care of most of those with adjustments to the applications of if any members I have it in the file that way I can't verify of course right now but um perhaps she want to protest another case and just I don't know so on this property we do on 2841 Cambridge we do limit it to three cars which is two cars in the driveway and one outside the street um because it only holds a Max of six people so there shouldn't be anything and like I said I can go back and look at the cameras but we didn't have any verbal acknowledgement from her regarding that for that weekend okay and you have her contact with with that with that written doc if you wanted to reach out with to her that that's fine um as far as the application same things I'd like to make is adjustment to the quiet hours being 9:30 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. keep it at a maximum of three cars with one car on street and I'd be good with a three-year exemption so may I ask a question please because according to what um the complaint states that the driveway this is a smaller home has a single car driveway so you can put you two just two and then one on street okay thank you correct okay and nobody signed up to speak on this one is there anybody wants to address the board on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion with that Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve case number one 15548 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self impos rules and adjustments to them of quiet hours being 9:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. a three-car maximum with one car on street parking and a three-year exception term acceptable I second okay we have a motion and a second cast your votes and you're approved item number 13 case number 15549 is a renewal application of Huntley company Home Sharing located not the same house and what were the code violations was it trash again again that's been remedied we have a gentleman who picks up on anything else from the board um and same thing on this application just make an adjustment to the quiet quiet hours of 9 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. and a maximum of three cars and no on street parking I think you can get all three cars in the driveway yes sir um yeah that should work and a threeyear term didn't say that sounds good to me um well there's two written protests and nobody signed up to speak yeah did you get those the the written protest I have one okay and then this morning we got that other one got another one oh I one and I am fine with addressing everything on this yeah and again A lot of times it's the cars that are parked all over and that's why I try to limit the number of cars I got that so three can park um we do we did have a Max a four on there so we did ask that people and in our details that go out for the welcome um email it does say three cars in the driveway one in front of our property um so that's been changed to adjust for that there has never been a car parked on a lawn in adjacent properties um I have camera proof of that the city police arrived three time in one day and that was our poor new cleaner who didn't know that the door's automatically locked and left her purse Keys phone everything in the house and she went back out to her car then she went to the Sweet Neighbor Next Door to ask for help who called the police on her so they came back once to check on her make sure she was legit they came back again to make sure she got back in and everything was okay so as far as I know it was just a two two visit and again it's your your property management I don't know if you're property management but had it during some of the instances but I just again reach out to them and make sure they have your contact it just makes it easier yes yes all right and I think again it answers a lot of questions with with the limited number of of Gest and The Limited number of cars okay and no one signed up to speak on this one do there anybody want to address the board on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15549 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules in the addition of quiet hours from 9:00 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. a three car maximum and no on street parking and a threeyear exception second motion and a second cast your votes you're approved awesome thanks guys for your time item number 14 case number 15552 a renewal application of Luke Richardson of Triple H Investments to allow Home Sharing located 1122 Northwest 27 hi Luke Richardson 5117 Isle Bridge Court Edmond Oklahoma here seeking a renewal for a three-year exception at 11:22 Northwest 27th Street anything from the board on this one um and this is a renewal but you have six guests but it's a two bedroom one bath home correct pull out couch in the living room um to get to six guests I don't allow multiple families to come I just limit it if they're going to have that many to one family my wife and I we have three kids kids um so just give them a place to sleep but yeah um it is a duplex so courtesy to my tenant my long-term tenant on the other side last thing I want is three couples there and getting calls from them because they're having fun at midnight anything else from the board um I would like to limit the number of cars it's got a small driveway two car probably fit okay yeah it can it can hold three smaller but in the drive but I allow two in the drive and and I'll allow one in the street so three car maximum okay and a threeyear exemption so okay it's just first renewal I remember you came I think maybe on my very first board meeting but there was some uh protest on that so you've yes on this one the neighbor yeah the older neighbor there um which talked to him a couple weeks ago when I was repairing the fence and that's what his main concern was about the previous time was the fence issue which I resolved that myself and uh but yeah I haven't heard anything from them since no one signed up to speak on this one do anybody want to address the board on this application okay I think we're ready for a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 155 52 on the basis that it meets a statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and the addition of a maximum number of cars being three two on the drive and one on street parking for a three-year term second Motion in Seconds cast your votes you're approved item number 15 case number 15553 a renewal application Investments to allow Home Sharing at 11 one I'm sorry 116 Northwest 43rd Street and this is a three-bedroom property six guests um driveway is almost 100 feet long so fell no street parking on this property never had an issue with it um and seeking a threeyear exception as well questions or comments from the board the only thing I'd like to add is a maximum four cars I think you can probably get there and no on street parking yeah okay nobody signed up to speak on this one is there anybody wants to address the board Cassidy from Helm's Farm is usually here protesting I do remember we have become very good friends I support the uh the neighborhood and have funded their their block parties so made friends good that means you're obviously operating good airb being good business that's do it anyone here to speak on that I think we're ready for a motion then uh with that I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15553 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self- opposed rules and the addition of a maximum of four cars no on street parking and a term of 3 years second Noone no second cast your votes you're approved very much item number 16 case number 15554 an application of Aisha Muhammad and sa Muhammad to allow Home Sharing located at 113 Southwest 132nd PL good afternoon my name is sein k I have applied for Home Sharing all right tell us about your application please I'm sorry tell us about your application a little bit about the application yes we have started this a home sharing business so recently and so we' like to just get a home sharing permit for it please yeah we've got uh two people signed up on this one okay I'd like to hear from them all right uh Nicole there's some protesters so we we're going to have them come up and speak hi my name is Nicole armor and I live at 109 Southwest 132nd Place so I'm right next door and I'm haven't met him all I got was the letter in the mail um so a couple of things I would like to address um is this I am going on my 19th year of owning this home and when we bought it um it has always been a single family home residential area and you know that's how everyone around me the all the neighbors around me the one across the street was the original owners the other ones they've lived there about the same time as me or a little bit longer and and that's just always how it's been is a you you think of it as a family single dwelling home I will say um a lot of the the one on our street there are a lot of children in that area and so I'm going to come from the standpoint of two things I'm a mom I'm also a teacher a lot of my students live on that street third graders so I'll address that in one more second and one of the main things as I was look at because I I'm not familiar with the home sharing so I've done lots of research I have looked up so many things regarding it um if it is what he stated just a second ago his business then everything that I look up in our HOA we do not allow business activity through a home um that is my first point um if it is different people and no longer than 30 cons itive days that's where I have a huge issue with safety and I know there are lots of um places where you can stay and and you only want to be there for a week or two my idea of that is typically when you're on vacation you're near a beach or somewhere like that this is smack daab in the middle of a residential neighborhood um so going back to the safety that is my huge concern I have absolutely no clue who's going to be in there one week who's going to be out who's going to be in there for 30 days who's going to be out here's where I go with the safety again I would love to say okay are we prepared to do background searches on anybody that's coming in there and going to stay I know lots of people would laugh at that and go well there's no way well what about sex ifin list as I mentioned before there are numerous children not even just on that street all throughout the neighborhood and as a mom yeah I would want to know who's I I don't care if they're only to be in there for a week that's one week of me living next to complete strangers that I don't know as opposed to my neighbors that have been there 15 years 19 years 20 years and so that's that is my biggest uh stance where I'm coming from today um some of the things you look up briwood creek it is a single family home um area and I even went to look up last night and it says um so of the stuff that I came across was it says single family home is a home intended for one family to live in at a time most cases this phrase is used to refer specifically to single family detached home meaning freeing freestanding structures on their own then you go in to more and it says single family versus multi multif family homes are buildings that can house many different families at once such as an apartment or a condo duplex Triplex and it goes on to that again in my everything that I've known for the last 19 years is a single family home residential area um that's kind of where I stand on that um I don't have a home that I've invested in for almost 19 years to live next to a motel or I was even this may sound outlandish but a prison like think about that you have people you don't know come in and out of that all the time I'd probably be safer next to a prison because I would know there were cops there I know it sounds crazy but I mean I've never had to go up against anything like this since I've lived there so that's where I stand on that thank you very much for your time questions for her um no i' wait to one more yeah I got one more protester um this one looks like Latoya Warren I say that right there's an in I just don't I write poorly okay hi Warren yes uh my name is Lan Warr B I live at 13120 boxwood Court which is within this neighborhood as of February I was elected as our HOA president and I have received several emails actually about this um Nicole was one of them there was a couple other um according to our HOA rules which I do have in front of me I'm not sure if you guys got a copy of it or not um but it we do have in our bylaws here um item number 15 is non-residential use no churches business Trade Home occupation or any other activity shall be carried on upon any residential lot no noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done there in which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood um this was written by um pety odm when they started the the area and that's something because we were actually discussing our new bio that's something that we still wish to carry on like Nicole said there's a lot of kids that do play in the neighborhood um and it is a it is a tighter knit neighborhood and the neighbors do try to patrol things that they see and we do report things um and we just want to maintain the safe of our neighborhood and I've only lived there and I'm relatively new to our neighborhood as well um and I've grown to love it in the last two years that I've lived there anything from the board so I believe this is inward four right with this is inward for with the City of Oklahoma City yes and I would encourage you to reach out to your council person they are working on adjustments to the uh written ordinance right now and and currently as it's written it's allowed to have a home share in an R1 single family neighborhood ccrs HOA doesn't really come into our purview that is up to you guys to then go back and and there is a vehicle you can use and go to District Court to get stopped but here we according to the ordinance can approve a home share in a single Family Residence can you repeat you said I need to go to whom Todd stone is the the council person for that board and just voice your opinion there on the ordinance change because again they're working on an ordinance change and and it will change this um and right now what we can do for you and and what we try to do I think as a board is to limit the number of people limit the number of cars limit the number of of influences that can be upon you as a resident okay I mean I hate saying this to people but of so many times we don't have jurisdiction to enforce ccrs or HOA bylaws there are other vehicles okay and I don't have anybody else signed up to speak is there anybody that wants to address the board on this application okay I'll let you respond then I have kids of my own right so I know what they are coming from but we are trying to make sure that it's we have when we give we'll try to give to the like a family individual not for a party goers or something where did you live I I missed that part your address do you live close to this property and you're managing this property I just live like five minutes away from the property okay yeah sure I live inale what I would like for you to do is is at the end of this give them your contact the more communication you can have between the neighbors and you the better this is going to go sure yes of course so if you would just allow the neighbors that are here to have your contact information sure okay um I I have a couple of questions because um you have observed quiet hours between 10:00 p.m.

Through 6:00 a.m. then underneath you have outdoor quiet hours 9:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m. that's two different time frames but it basically covers the same amount of time okay so if we can make those both the same yeah just make an adjustment to the application and have quiet hours from 900 P pm to 8:00 am every day okay sure sir and then also I would like to ask you a question because you have no video production without prior consent what kind of video production are you talking about video production in your application it says that you do not allow video production without prior consent we don't know what that means we asking no do you know what that means you don't know what it means either no oh okay so do you want to strike that yes please thank you we will yeah oh also you ask for the special exception indefinitely that's a good request but we can't do it yeah and it this the first time this application has come before us okay and and for the protection of your neighbors the maximum I would do is a one-year exception sure sir thank you and I want to limit the number of cars okay to four cars four cars can fit in that driveway and no on street parking sure okay anything else and I know there's some other people in there if you want to come up and speak you can speak without signing up ask a quick question you have to do it from the from here hi my name is Katherine toist I live at 137 Southwest 132nd Street street is here place is behind me so I've lived there since well I've been in my house for 22 years it's been quiet I know all of my neighbors we have a little bit of a problem you see we're the board members of the HOA and we're responsible for everybody else in that addition and we just want to make sure that our neighborhood stays quiet it's very quiet that's why we move there and we just thought we could come here and get some kind of a resolution where all of our people in our h would be comfortable with this we understand that not everybody's going to bring in sex offenders and stuff like that but there are chances and we are concerned about our children and we're concerned about odd cars in our neighborhood we watch I know my neighbor's cars I know if there's someone there that shouldn't be there you know because I've lived there for so long in my street we just appreciate your time thank you for helping us and letting us know what we can and we can't do we appreciate it thank you so much and just a little bit more on that the self- policing that you guys do in your neighborhood calling in code violations that's the only way we get feedback and so you have to do that for us to even know on the renewal what's going on and we do that you know we will do that and and that'll also make the the applicant a better uh businessman and owner for this property knowing okay you you been long so I'm Cheryl Turner and I live at 129 Southwest 133rd and I'm vice president of the HOA and yeah this is a little upsetting because you know we just thought that our HOA was protecting us from this type of thing we have a we do have some complaints in our neighborhood about like a guy that works on his on cars and he think we think maybe he brings in other cars and has a business you know kind of of repairing cars and there's always cars there but you know he moves them in time to where it's it's not been a problem but just um it makes makes me wonder about our HOA bylaws I mean what else can we do besides so to protect ourselves yeah I just want to address that I don't I don't want you to misinterpret anything that we're saying we're not saying that your bylaws are insufficient or that they don't apply uh I've not read your bylaws and I'm certain that you probably have all of the protections that you were led to believe are there uh our statement is simply that uh we we don't have the jurisdiction uh to to take in that argument of whether or not it violates those those guidelines that would be done through district court so your HOA may decide to retain an attorney and outline all of the reasons that you feel like this Home Sharing uh activity would viol that HOA and that attorney he or she may very well say yes this is absolutely a violation and they would file the appropriate action at district court and just as as we're here presiding over uh the few things that are within our scope uh you would have a district judge that would preside over your your case that actually could hear your arguments as to whether or not it violates the HOA bylaws okay okay and that's why I also said to contact the council person because as they changed the ordinance they could put this the HOA in ccrs into the ordinance then then we could follow them okay it's just a possibility okay it's just a lack of jurisdiction we can approve or deny a special exception put some conditions on it but we can't enforce your right ccrs and that's an odm development so I didn't write those but I can tell without reading them you've got good ccrs and a good homeowners association because it's an Odum deal thank you I have okay I'm the secretary treasurer for our HOA being the owner of that property and you made some amendments can he come to our HOA meeting so he'll know what's going on in our neighborhood y I mean we only have them once a year and we like our owners not our renters cuz we do have rental property but we'd like to have our owners come can you I can't make them but communicate with suggest that he come and so he'll know what's going on in our neighborhoods so he can comply with like if we do he has a voice you know y okay and that's why I want that communication back and forth okay just so so you guys know that and you know we do have dues that have to be paid so he'll be responsible for that more question she's looking at the clock sorry and I've never I just want to say I have not seen him met him until this very minute so it's it's not him it's not anything against you whatsoever it is just the whole sole purpose of what I'm talking about I think they feel the exact same thing way so my question is um obviously I guess if it gets approved before we are to go and talk to anyone else um let's just say he won't be there let's say somebody's in there for I don't know two weeks okay and there is an issue or there's a safety issue based on other properties that you've that have had this where would you because I'm the type of person i' like to talk to my neighbors if there's a problem I go I'm like hey because I don't want to cause any more issues but if I don't know these people and they're in there and something is to come up what would you advise like I would First Call call the owner okay and if I got nothing I'd call code Services okay and with Oklahoma City okay and then 911 after that go okay okay thank you I appreciate y'all's time thank you very much anything else okay so you you will contact the or give your information out to to the people in the in the uh in the audience today okay okay I think we're ready for a motion with that Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15554 on the basis that it meets a statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and the adjustments to be quiet hours from 900 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. maximum number of cars being four no on street parking a one-year exception and we are striking the no video production production without prior consent from the application a second we have a motion in a second cast your votes thank you you're approved and if you'd visit with those folks for appreciate that excuse me Mr chair prior uh before you start the next one I'm going to have to leave so okay yeah yeah I don't want to get in the midst of it and then get out so let me leave real quickly all right wait one second item number 17 case number 15561 is an application for special exception of Mer deos on the behalf of three geese L to allow Home Sharing at 6601 Northwest 113th Street okay yes my name is Mark doos and I'm trying to get the special exception on that house of 6601 Norwest 113 this house belongs to my daughter and she used to rent it but uh she wants to try something else since there was too many damages from the tenants so the house has been restored and we are trying to get an application to pursue with this okay any questions or comments from the board um couple questions for you your daughter owns the property where does she live she lives in L in Oklahoma City in Oklahoma City yes by Memorial Road on Lost Creek Drive okay that's justes is just the LLC yeah okay um there's a swimming pool on property right there's what a swimming pool no no swimming pool in the backyard no oh okay sorry I thought there was um there's a couple of of protests on this or just maybe one written did anyone sign up to speak uh yes we've got two folks on this one I haven't se have you seen the pro the protest okay we can get you a copy and then I'd like to hear from the the people signed up to speak yeah there were protests in the packet so um okay I've got Michael Cel kofel did I say that right Co come on up give us your name and address and uh my name's Michael kofel I live at 6617 Northwest 112th Street so I'm about one block to the south of the subject I saw house and uh well first of all just sitting here listening to the cases go by and and I saw how many Home Sharing that you were going through and after seeing these four ladies come up here and protest that you were going to approve a home share it it sounds to me like it's foregone conclusion already but I'm going to pass on the information that I found about this just for your information anyway if it I hope it does some good but uh uh I've lived you're not hearing me okay it I I've lived there for uh 27 years I know all my neighbors my neighbor across the street is from Ghana my neighbor to the west is from Taiwan my neighbor across the street is the perfect American Dream story he came here he went to New York and uh he made got citizenship in New York moved out of New York like any smart person would and uh found a place here in Oklahoma uh he's he is he travels a lot and but he's got a good business and he's doing great uh my the my neighbor from Taiwan uh works for Goldman Sachs he's on here on a Visa and I have no problem with those people living here and anybody that comes here legally have perfect uh uh okay with them uh I I want them to come my issue is and I think this Home Sharing contributes to illegals coming into our country and establishing a residence and then voting in our elections and the reason I feel this way it well you see it if you listen to the news at all you see it all over the country and uh uh it's a perfect setup for coming in have staying 30 days or less get a a residence established and then you you're you get a OG&E bill or you get OG&E bill or you get a city Bill and you can register to vote and there's nothing we can do about it because we can't demand proof of citizenship so they get citizenship or they don't get citizenship but they can enroll on our voter roles and vote they'll be illegal they will get caught but their vote will be cast and we can't get it back and District Five is the most vulnerable District in Oklahoma to be flipped by the Liberals and I'm sure and they're making every effort to probably try and do that and what concerned me when I saw this this Home Sharing coming up to my neighborhood was first of all I wasn't going to do anything because the last thing I want is to be here but I woke up at night and I could not go back to sleep because of what I was seeing and you the first thing I saw was the uh list of sanctuary cities rolling through on Fox news and hello and behold there's Oklahoma County in sanctuary City and I know we're not a sanctuary city or county or anything but it wasn't for us it was for the illegals coming across the southern border they're going to come here they're going to establish residency and the Liberals are using it to uh uh flip the District Five blue and I know that's a far-fetched story but it all falls into place uh and when I saw this uh uh uh three geese LLC I I talked to the gentleman about it and he said that it belongs to his daughter well there's an LLC in Arizona there's an LLC three Goose LLC or geese LLC in Georgia there's one in Nevada there's one in Utah and all of them are vulnerable to be flipped they're swing States and and our district five is vulnerable to be flipped and all of these home shares that's why I stood up I when I saw how many home shares there were all of them are vulnerable to that and I'm not saying that he's bringing in uh illegals to live in his so they can go vote but if he just brings somebody in lets them stay there he pays them rent and uh that they'll they can get their own residence and they can show here this is where I live and if they don't have to stay there but they get elected they get on the voter roles they can go anywhere and they're there and they have if they vote in their District they can vote and they're not going to get caught and I know that because I was Precinct you know official in our Precinct and you can't do anything about it if they're even if they're illegal but when they run the barcodes through uh on the voter roles they'll catch anybody that is voted that shouldn't have voted and they'll get a list of people that voted from uh 10 or 20 people that voted from one address that's exactly what happened in Arizona in 2020 and that's my theory uh you can laugh at it if you want but the home sharing is an ideal situation for this and uh I think it should be considered when you approve these home sharings and uh and how are uh neighborhood is eligible for Home Sharing I I don't I I mean it's zoned for single family dwellings so I feel it should be uh single families that live there I mean I know it can be rented and uh you can bring family people in and stay for a while and that's not an issue but just renting to people you don't know and allowing them to stay there and they pay you rent now I me it's like having a little motel in your neighborhood and that's just not right and how that is being approved in our city I just don't understand that and that's all I got to say questions for just couple of comments for you the same thing that I I told other group this is this is in w 8 uh Mark Stone Cipher is the council person in w 8 and reach out to them and because again they're working on an ordinance change and that's where you'll get the changes to this existing ordinance they're making an ordinance change for our neighborhood for the whole city for Home Sharing who is the council our city council so re out to them give them your information what you know why they're making that change do they want illegals to come in here get registered and vote are they Democrats well I don't think party affiliation anything do with it they actually want to tighten up the Home Sharing okay uh because there are so many and like you said I mean you see what we get this every two weeks we get a good group of Home shares and so you're going to approve it not necessarily no okay they meet the ordinance I'll vote Yes right okay so we we go to the city council and protest that we don't want home shares in our neighborhood I why should we have to do that that is we're already zoned it's yeah it it's Nationwide the business of Home Sharing Nationwide uh my point exactly thank you okay all right uh there's one more hello my name is Deborah gel and I live at 6600 Northwest 112 So I'm exactly one block south of where this residence is um 112 and James El Dennis that's a very busy intersection um when you go up to 117th that's where James El Dennis Elementary School is located so this this home is four blocks away from James El Dennis Elementary School it is a corner house too and so there's children walking I see you know middle midd schoolers I see some of the older Elementary Schools they're walking along James El Dennis to go to their school um where I live it's on a corner house also and the Hefner middle school children are picked up at my address in the morning 7 something or whatever and so there are uh a lot of children that are present in this area and you know parents um also on 117th if you make a left that's where putam City North High School is and so you know there is a lot of traffic my concern this being a corner house I think he did mention uh no street parking should be allowed and being a corner house I would probably think no street parking should be allowed um I I did also notice that he was requesting for a number that there could be 10 people that could reside in this home and he was also requesting a 10-year grant for for this application which uh being a new application I would hope it would possibly I've never ever been to one of these hearings I would hope that it would possibly be a one-year application versus even three years because our neighborhood is a you know I've seen all these pictures of these houses our neighborhood is a lot higher end than these other properties you know they're valued from $350 to $400,000 homes and you know that you're home is you know in that ballpark and so it's not that um it's not that um I'm just concerned about being on that kind hold up just a second yes we lost a quum he'll be back we lost a quum okay we we have to have three otherwise we all wait well I have grandkids but they all live out of state yeah Marcus be back in a minute but I am a pharmacist and my technician brings her two children to work with her every day that is a challenge yeah spring gets everybody I know yeah are we leaving the door open closed would be good okay continue back record go ahead did Kitty leave or yeah she had to go she oh she had to leave okay um let's see so um this our subdivision it's Warwick 5 it's a more exclusive subdivision than I guess all the properties that I've seen presented today um I've never done Home Sharing I've never been around home sharing the home I live in was built in 1992 I've owned the house for 19 years and so um you know Mark lives down the street from me and you know I and I know all the people in the neighborhood my concern is like the lady in the house before not knowing the people that are coming and going and coming and going as often as if someone's you know renting for a year or two versus you know someone that owns the home so um it being so close to a school I'm a little really concerned with that because it is only four blocks away from James El Dennis Elementary um uh my concern is also that possibly this would lower the property value if several of these type of you know situations are in the neighborhood um and I would hope that would not be happening um I know you've talked about quiet hours I would hope that definitely should be enforced and about a property manager I know um I don't know if that's something a person can be suggesting this this area does have a homeowners association also so um my just It's upsetting you know that this is happening or possibly happening and so I just hope that you do consider the comments that I have made and uh to limit the number of people that would be allowed this home is a four bedroom home so it's larger it's 2,800 square ft mine's 2800 sare ft also um so to have you know 10 different people and I don't know on on this type of home sharing if like sometimes people just are having part of the house and another party has another part of the house at the same time I don't know what is allowed in these situations but um thank you for hearing my comments I appreciate that questions for Deborah the only thing I'd say to you is say what I said to the others is self- policing this is is your best Avenue to keep this as reasonable as you can keep it who is our council member in there mark ston Cipher ston Cipher okay and and again you call uh codes code enforcement if there's if you see anything wrong and and they will document it and we'll we'll know in the future thank you you want to respond please well uh this property has been a rental and I don't see how how the traffic is going to increase and you know people which protest here they say that they knew all the neighbors and everybody but you know they are about two blocks away and and it's not going to affect them I have I have some other home sharings which I manage and I think personally and I tried to explain it to them before that being involved into this having giving the people more control I had my daughter had a trees died out because the tenant did not water them I definitely will spend the money for the water for the upkeeping of the house that's going to look like uh like it's supposed to and that way if somebody stays 3 days or four days our minimum is 3 days when they when they leave we address all the problems we make sure that the grass is mow that everything is taken care of so actually if we're going to meet if I get approved and we're going to meet for renewal in the future they will be able to tell the difference I put 10 years because I didn't know what to put you know there is no really any guidelines how many years you can you can apply for and you can get a spe special inspe exception and if the the school person was concerned about the school doesn't matter who lives there if there's going to be a be a tenant or somebody everybody has to be careful recently one of this high school students drove in through the fence over there and it wasn't about the whole home sharing it was about careless driving you know that we replaced the fence right away there was a pieces of car in my front yard and you know I don't blame anybody I just think that everybody has to be careful when they driving and then you know cooperate as much as we can you know to make this neighborhood nice so you manage the other four properties I do I do manage and there is another property in this same neighborhood yes okay so couple of things on the application I'd like to to change you do have four beds but you have 10 guests I'd like to limit it just to eight we can we have some extra extra beds you know but yeah we just try to keep it right per bedroom uh I'd like to keep or make quiet hours be 9:00 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. that's fine I'd like to limit the maximum number of cars to six which is still a lot of cars but you can fit that many in the driveway oh I can I have three car car Option G right and so no on street parking no I don't and it's the first time this has come up so a one-year exception that's fine there were some written protests yeah I think there was three written protests you and and they were in the packet so you should have those I did get it so okay but and and you can you can contact them in directly and I heard you say that there was a minimum of a three-day rental yes we don't do I'm we don't do one day because that's that can indicate the party so that's that's you know if somebody wants to come for three days there is there are some people visiting fam there are some people going to the hospital because it's not not very far far away and they in the special circumstances they could use it so it has it's Home Sharing has some good stuff too not not only that right and a good operation a good manager can make this a very good property and I'll be very happy to I I went by it this morning uh the fences back up they the yard's mowed I mean it it looks fine yeah it will be that way or better so as long as you keep it up I think you you keep your neighbors somewhat happy all right those are the only folks that signed up to speak is there anybody wants to address the board on this application and just for me make sure that they have your contact information of course of course okay if there's nothing else from the board we're ready for a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15561 on the basis that it meets the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and the addition of an eight guest maximum quiet hours from 9:00 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. a maximum number of cars six no on street parking and for a term of one year second he we have a Motion in a second cast your votes okay you're approved okay s next item number 18 case number 15563 is an application for special exception of Darren Bron and Elizabeth barbana to allow Home Sharing located at 1524 North Kentucky Avenue hello uh brandan Caffrey and my wife naresa Caffrey representing Elizabeth perano and Darren Baron they are my in-laws uh we live at 4545 North Lincoln Boulevard Unit 1016 uh applying for a exemption for Home Sharing um the property is 1524 North Kentucky Avenue it's a new build as of 2023 um oh man the garage is full um we uh are going to be actively managing it they live in Virginia uh it's a three-bedroom home uh two and a half bath uh we've got a queen a king and then two twin mattresses in the third bedroom and a pull out queen and a pull out queen as a uh sofa bed couch so it's a three bedroom how many bats two and a half okay um I'd still like to limit it to six first time uh quiet hours 10: p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. it says after 10 p.m. I just want to put the 8 a.m. to it and then I want to limit the number of cars the driveway situation is kind of a little bit different so could you help me can you fit two cars in the drive no it's one car in the drive one car in the garage one carrive car the drive and then I'll allow one more in the street okay thank you and then a one-year exception nobody signed up to speak on this one and I bet the folks in the back aren't on this one they might want to talk all right anything else I think we're ready for a motion thought I'd like to make a motion to approve case number 15563 on the basis that it means the statutory requirement for a special exception with the self-imposed rules and adjustments to them at a maximum of six guests quiet hours from 10 p.m.

To 8:00 a.m. a three car max with one car parked in the street and for a term of one year second okay motion and a second cast your votes you're approved awesome may I ask two questions um we have a neighbor across the street from us who Parks several cars on the street um is that something that we can address for the safety of the neighborhood in the street as well as our clientele if they're parked legally I mean you can call code enforcement but if they're Park Le there's something much you can do great and then I heard something about a 10day waiting period our plan is to list this on Airbnb and VRBO is that something we can do now or do we need to wait 10 days there's a 10day appeal time yeah okay and you have to obtain your license and so we have to wait for that 10 days gotcha thank you very much thank you I had sorry I had one other question about the Six Guest so in a year when we come back to renew if you don't have any any protests or anything and you can move it up great great thank you so much cool appreciate it than you thank you thank you okay Cindy I don't have any additional items no board committees anybody have comments your turn no sir citizens to be heard I'll listen to them uh no other business we're adjourned

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