Bond Advisory Committee Meeting – 2/5/2024

we have sit here you're just going to call me up anyways Gooding there you are oh well we have a quorum so go ahead and call the meeting to order uh looks like the first item on the agenda is to approve the minutes from the November 6th meeting if you guys will take a look at those if there's no changes I'll take a motion in a second all those in favor that carries okay looks like items for consideration we have item a good afternoon Chad meber geobond program manager for Public Works our first item up here today is both of these are going to be fire related so we just have two items today this is fire station 31 and of course we are today asking for 63 $38,000 to move forward with this one is so this will be for equipment and Furnishings for 31 and that's out there on Rockwell as well as an additional Bay so whoops do I have that right one is that the next one let me make sure I got these right yeah this is the additional Bay so when we're building the fire station here we have a typical fixed limit of construction what we know that we can fit within budget and then we bid out add alternates as separate items that were a little bit concerned that might fit outside a little bit but still within the project scope and with that with that being said we just had this one Bay and so to add these unlisted funds to this project to build out all of our Bays there so that's our request today for that fire station any questions on this request it does look like we need to update the dollar amount it has a period there instead of a comma okay oh in the memo yes in the memo okay so we uh I'll take a motion for this one motion to approve looks like we've got the buttons working a bu so it's moved by Jacqueline seconded by Linda and that passes on to Item B okay our next item is an $85,000 request for fire station 38 or it'll be our final request and we've been here one other time for the same fire station for um an item to do with another water tank for the volume so we get the pressure through the fire suppression this one here is to finish out the project we've had since this was a project during covid we're still lagging through there and having that increase so with that to finish out the project with the Furnishing some electrical that we needed we are asking for $85,000 today in unlisted funds for that proposition any questions on this one I don't know if it affects anything but in the memo again it has a period instead of a comma that my only question I guess is on this type of project and on the previous one does it cause any issues with um delays for you know future you know fire projects or anything else as far as like other precincts that may need you know other repairs or improvements so in the bond program itself we have in the proposition for fire for every proposition we have well there's a couple we don't so retract that but for most of the propositions we have an unlisted percentage in there and that unlisted is exactly what this is what is exactly to be used for so if you have a project that runs a little short due to covid or what have you any kind of scenario that you can bring in this money and then keep keep it going right online so we're right right on our critical path moving forward as we should and all the other projects are just in line so doing well if there's no other questions I'll take a motion moved by Linda second by Benjamin that passes as well thank you thank you for informational items we have the go Bond executive summary okay there it is um so for this is as of the month of December uh for the month we had expenditures of $13 million fiscal year to date we're right at 48 million total expenditures for the rolling 12 months were $116.5 million um we are right at the threshold of the 85% requirement by the IRS in fact as of the February report we had met that for the 2021 sale year 2022 is a little bit ahead of what where 2021 was last year at 48% and we're right on par with 2023 versus 2022 at 16% there's there's 127 million5 remaining balance to spend in the G and uh that is all unless there's any questions any questions if not we'll take a motion for the executive summary moved by Crystal seconded by Jacqueline and that passes is there any new business any items from committee members any citizens to be heard in that case I'll take a motion to adjourn we're back on timing for our fast meetings thank you everybody we shouldn't have one

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