Strategic Wealth Management

95% of Americans following traditional financial planning advice putting money in IRAs in 401ks they're actually in captivity and they will likely outlive their money due to the negative impact of taxes inflation and Market volatility they're going to be lucky to have a 100,000 a year of income that frankly because of inflation will'll […]

Maximizing Lump Sum

are you optimizing all of your assets while minimizing taxes as a financial strategist for five decades when I would meet with clients I would analyze seven asset categories most Americans have and we would go through and look at the ones that are underperforming non-performing how to increase the liquidity safety rate of return […]

Become Self Insured with This IUL Strategy

how to become self-insured and design an ilul to actually become cheaper as you get older the point is this uh the cash value has equaled the death benefit so the cost of insurance now is is nothing if you structure an IL like I'm talking about you'll be self-insured in 11 to 15 years […]

Strategic Estate Planning

are you optimizing all your assets while minimizing taxes as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist now for five decades when I would meet with my clients we would analyze seven asset categories and we would go down each one of them uh let's just look at estate planning uh so many people they […]

Strategic Estate Planning

are you optimizing all your assets while minimizing taxes as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist now for five decades when I would meet with my clients we would analyze seven asset categories and we would go down each one of them uh let's just look at estate planning uh so many people they […]

Zero is your Hero

zero can be your hero what do I mean if I have money deposited into a Max funded index universal life insurance contract uh it's in the insurance company earning their general account portfolio rate let's say 4% anytime I can just settle for 4% on a million that's 40,000 but if I feel bullish […]

Living Benefits with Smart Insurance Choices

there are two things uh whole life insurance can't do that iul can do because frankly it was designed for that for living benefits whole life was designed primarily for death benefit uh the first thing is uh to be able to earn a rate of return within 1% of the gross rate of return […]

Minimize loses to maximize profits

I speak uh at a lot of different places especially in Las Vegas and if I was a guest in the Bellagio hotel and they said hey Mr Andrew uh in our casino here is a special table for you uh you can play at this table and at the end of the day you […]

Escape The Commodity Trap And Work With a Certified IUL Professional

escape the commodity trap work with a certified iul professional in this educational episode um I'll talk about what a certified ilul professional is and why it is so imperative for you to work with one and escape the commodity trap have a unique experience get educated but more than that create a meaningful transformation […]

City Council on 2024-04-19 2:00 PM

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay it's time to get started I'll call the special called meeting of the loton city council to order please stand for the invocation by Pastor Bob weager and […]