e e e I'll go ahead and call to order the Central okoma Transportation and parking authority uh May 3rd uh monthly meeting uh there are no items from the chairman uh are there any residents to be heard no residents so item four is the approval of the minutes of the April fifth Copa board meeting is there a motion to approve it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes uh item five is our consent docket there are nine items on the consent docket uh and I uh would ask Jason if he could speak to item I which is a uh resolution ratifying the administrator's actions approving the Professional Services agreement with Melissa Rousey yes thank you Mr chairman yeah this item is a as you mentioned a a Professional Services agreement U Miss Rousey as uh the board knows served as the financial services manager for ca for a considerable amount of time um has a lot of um expertise and as we uh begin onboarding a uh new Financial uh controller and uh wrap up some items from the trianal review specifically um uh procedure updates uh we wanted to actually just bring in some extra help uh with both of those tasks and uh Melissa has a lot of institutional knowledge and um we're just looking forward to working with her a bit again this is I think maybe the second possibly the third uh PSA that we've had with Miss Rousey she's helped us out from time to time one point of clarification I wanted to make is on the estimated annual cost um we had listed $100,000 um we don't anticipate um this uh Professional Services agreement um costing near that so um that's something I uh had seen during the review of the agenda packet meant to correct and uh we just didn't get the number updated but I would think the the range would probably more more be around 20 to 25,000 but again with the item today doesn't obligate us to spend anything but as we engage Miss Rousey and and she has hours that count towards um Consulting with us that's that's how will incur the cost okay thank you are are there any other items that the any trustees would like pulled from the consent docket if not is there a motion to approve the consent docket it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes okay item six is items for individual consideration item a is amendment number two and restated audit contract with Allan Gibbs and hul L LC for auditing services for Central Oka transportation and Parking Authorities fiscal year 2024 financial statements with an estimated cost of $ 67,8 52 yeah so as the uh board is aware we have used um Allan Gibbs and hulik or AG uh for several years this is the audit firm that the city and really all the city's trusts use for the financial audits um so we are uh presenting this contract uh Amendment to the board really more or less as a housekeeping item in that um the city the trust will all adopt a similar amended and restated contract get us set up for the next fiscal year of auditing so not a lot of detail it is an amendment so we wanted to put it on the items for individual consideration okay are there any questions or comments on this item if if not is there a motion to uh approve it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes Item B is a resolution ratifying and approving the administrator's approval of amendment number one to a soul Source agreement with weatherbe Electric Incorporated for flowbird strata ticket vending machines for the rapid Northwest stop location ending January 5th 2028 yes sir thank you Mr chairman um so this item here is um as the as the item indicates basically amending our con our agreement with weatherbe um this is a no cost item um to the trust uh in essence uh weatherbe is the local dealer for the parkon flowbird technology that we use um with our on street parking meter and our ticket vending machines at Oklahoma City uh street car and Rapid uh Transit platforms and um um we have a SLE Source agreement with weatherbe for parts supplies maintenance all of those kinds of things um the software the backend software that integrates with parkon and flowbird we actually pay that subscription to parking onf flowbird the the OEM if you will of the equipment the contract we had with weatherbe contemplated being able to purchase that software subscription from them since we're already purchasing that software from essentially parking on flber the manufacturer we're amending this contract to remove that as something that we would be obligated to pay so again a no cost item but probably worth a little bit of uh explanation as to why we are asking to amend this contract okay are there any questions or comments on on this item if not is there a motion to adopt it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes item C is a resolution extending time to award contract as mutually agreed and authorizing the administrator to award the contract to Manhattan Road and Bridge Incorporated base bid for the first American Museum Riverboat Landing for 6,617 877544 prior to the ex to the expiration of the extension of time for award cont contract for a contract award and should sufficient funds not be available authorizing the administrator to reject all bids all right well Mr chairman first of all sorry that you had to read that very long title should have brought some water for you today so um but uh if if the trust could give me just a few minutes I'll try to walk through this rather intricate agenda item um so as as you know we've been uh working diligently on completing the design and bidding the uh project known as the the fam Landing The Landing that we're building along the Oklahoma River to serve the first Americans Museum the Okana development um the uh bids uh were received in February and those bids came in significantly over budget so as you can see 6.6 million versus about a $5 million budget So that obviously creates a funding Gap and so staff has been working um with the FTA um working uh amongst ourselves to try to identify some ways to close that funding Gap uh we're in a very uh positive position in that we have katpa has some formula funds that um are awarded to kPa annually specifically for for the ferry service right so it's funding that we can't even use for the bus service or any other purpose so our recommendation is to close that funding Gap with these formula funds that are designated for the river so uh identified a solution to the funding Gap and so then a couple of other things have to fall into place to make this project a reality um one is um we're asking the board to approve extending the time to award the contract so in keeping with the competitive bidding act that the state uh requires along with uh Federal uh procurement requirements we have to get authorization to extend the the bid if you would will and we're asking uh for 90 days um Manhattan has agreed to extend the bid so got that part checked done if the board approves this item um then we have to uh get what we call pre-award Grant Authority so we have the grant funds they're um uh they're allocated if you will to uh kPa but we need to still go through the process of processing that Grant through the Federal grant electronic management system if you will and obtain what we call pre-award Authority before we can do the pre-award authority we have to clear environmental and the only piece that we're waiting on on the environmental is a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers because it's a navigable Waterway we have to make some some U environmental requirements so all that's said to say is because of these kind of these BL sins if you will to wrap up and put the project together we're under a bit of a time frame with that 90day window and so that's why in this case we're asking the board to consider going ahead and authorizing me as the administrator to enter into a contract with Manhattan contingent upon getting the pre-award grant Authority uh from you know the FTA so that we can allocate those Grant funds to the project um so maybe I'll stop there if there's any questions but that's really the essence of what we're asking the board to do and we will uh bring the the contract itself back to the board in June for ratification okay are there any questions or comments I have some comments um this project is being um managed by the public works department is that correct yeah in in conjunction in conjunction with the trust we always have a public works project manager help us right but the consultant uh the any consultant was hired by the trust to do this uh develop this project and we were assured over and over again at least twice if not more than that that the project was within budget the way it was designed and I'm very discouraged that the bids that were received are more than 30% over the amount that we had identified in the budget um I did investigate a little bit we did receive two bids for this project so the first the one that we're awarding is 6.6 million the second bid was 11.6 million so it's not like we can go to the second bidder and say hey what do you got um um I I feel especially discouraged about that because we have been working through a very long period in our invest investment in infrastructure of being um over budget on nearly every project that we work on and every time we say to the Consultants you know we we know this is out there we know that there's this environment of extreme cost whether it's labor shortages or uh long uh timelines for supplies we've asked them in pre-bid conferences what can we do uh with the contractors to um make this less expensive for us you know do we need are we putting too tight a time frame on something are we um requiring too too much in our specs and every time we come back with nope nope this one's going to be in budget nope nope we'll be fine and here we are 30% over budget I think that Jason's working on a good plan to get those funds assembled but this is just endemic of what we're dealing with across the organization in trying to find ways to put together money to meet our residents expectations and our partners expectations in the case of Okana here who has put money into this project so I I just wanted to say that that is very disappointing for me um I do think that um I want to say that Jason's uh discussion about the time extension I want to say that because the way that the uh compet the state's competitive bidding Act is written we can almost never meet the timeline on awarding a contract so for the trust members who don't normally see City contracts it's very normal for us to have an extension of time but then particularly because this trust only meets once a month it's a little bit easier when the city council meets every other week to to hit those timelines that um that I can't remember it's 30 or 45 days to award the contract is literally never enough to tabulate the bids and award the contract so in almost every case we say we need an extension biders are well aware of that and they're accustomed to holding their prices firm I also wanted to mention that um the core of engineers permit has been sitting on the Commander's desk with the core for for a while now and we have another permit for the pedestrian bridge in the river uh we the city has another permit for the pedestrian bridge in the river that is also sitting and the uh city engineer Public Works director will call the core today to see if we can get that freed up this is always a circumstance where we don't want to poke the bear too hard too many times because we've we've got to have a good relationship with them but I assure you that we will be reaching out to them today to see if we can get that permit moving we don't have any reason to think that there's anything wrong with it it's it's been processed through all the staff is just waiting for an approving signature so that's it okay anybody else have any questions or comments thank you Laura uh for your comments I think they're appropriate so if not then uh is there a motion to adopt the resolution has been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes item D is a resolution amending the central Oklahoma transportation and Parking Authorities fiscal year 2024 budget and directing the administrator to implement and administer the amended budget Jason oh Susan good morning I have a few slides for you this morning just two so we'll keep this brief but this is our FY 24 budget amendment and I thought I'd just give a little context of why we're here to propose a budget amendment and and uh what that really means so when we're developing our fiscal budget we're looking at projections for our revenues we're looking at what our expenses are going to be in the in the coming up year and so with that um that's to provide service we come up with with how we're going to fund that service those expenses and so what we've what we've presented to the trustees back in June was the fy2 24 budget where we thought we would be this time of year and so um anytime that we're going to go over that budget amount we um have to come to the trustees and ask for an approval to amend our budget to give us budget authority to expend more than what was originally adopted as our budget and so that's what we're doing here today um the finance committee met on Monday and I reviewed this with them in detail I'll just give you some highlights of what we're proposing to you all this morning to amend our budget so what you have on the slide here and in your packet is um specifically our Transit bus operations expenses this is where the amendment is occurring um so we're asking for an increase to our budget of $1.6 million and the two lines in particular that we've had excess and expenses and we've talked about this routinely over the months is our Personnel line and our supply line so I won't go into a great detail of what's caused our overrun there because we've talked about that pretty routinely but those are the two expense lines that are um in excess of our budget we were able to um realize some Savings in our services in our payments to the transportation fund and capital so with that it netted us to need a $1.6 million Amendment overall so to fund that we had to increase our revenues and some of the revenue sources are our general fund subsidy so half of that was funded through an increase in the general fund subsidy of $800,000 and the rest of it was is funded by increase in our state subsidy and also we've seen more Revenue in our advertising and interest than what was originally budgeted so that is how we're we're plugging that $1.6 million gap in our and our expenses and so if the board approves this adop this amendment to the budget our overall oper our overall budget goes from 61 m518 th000 to 63 mil1 153,000 and that's that's an overall 2.66% increase in our operating budget and you know um in the context of inflation and the supplying supply chain challenges that we've had 2.66% certainly doesn't seem as bad as it could have been so we're grateful that we're um we're able to be in that smaller percentage of increase but um that would be the amended budget we're proposing for you today and I'm happy to answer any questions since I hit a pretty high level okay thank you are there any questions or comments good good job thank you is there a motion to adopt uh the resolution it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion passes uh item seven is to receive our financial reports of the budget to actual and we're going to strike this item today and bring it back at the meeting in uh next month and and hopefully both uh March and April will be approved or received at that point yeah for for the um for the next board meeting we'll have uh um payrolling claims and then uh budget to actual the financial reports for both March and April and um just to make sure the the trust is aware um IID asked the or the chair and I had talked and I had asked that we consider striking that item with the idea that as we were really doing some reconciliations in preparation for this meeting there was some variances that we kind of felt like we probably needed a little bit more explanation maybe a little bit more time so that we can convey accurate information so with that if we can strike that item give us a little bit more time to work with accounting then when we come back next month we'll have all the information that we think is relevant to explain any variances from budget to actual we're also changing accounting uh software uh effective April 1 so that was part of the your consideration yeah we did we did change uh we as a city have changed Financial systems I I I must say though that that occurred in April the budget to actuals was for March so we so the March budget actuals did reflect data prior to that change over but yeah it does have staff really um occupied just with some extra duties if you will learning the new the new system and again we just need a little bit more time to work through that okay so we appreciate that do we need a motion to strike yes I would do like yes I would do that or a motion to postpone it definitely to the next meeting okay either way okay second it's been moved and seconded you want to do this electronically okay it's been moved by Robert and I second okay do we want to go ahead and vote i i i i i i okay motion passes um item eight is our financial reports so Jesse do you want to give us a update on the rapid Northwest program program and uh transit system report bonjourno good morning chair Vice chair trustees how's everyone doing have you been traveling I I thought you were making a in glorious uh reference with the Brad Pit character but never exactly all right so we are here to talk about March uh Transit report operations report we'll we'll start off here at the raping Northwest uh we'll talk a little bit about ridership so again March of 2024 we saw cumulative monthly total of almost 33,000 Riders used the uh the rapid Northwest in March which is fantastic our average daily ridership for March was just a little over a thousand uh looking at our cumulative total from launch to through the end of March we saw we've seen 125,000 Riders use our rapid Northwest uh and then our average daily ridership for December through March 1027 uh and then again our cumulative here December through March our average monthly ridership is about 31,000 just a little over 31,000 um I did want to point out one little thing here uh uh during the capital presentation Jason going to cover that today he'll talk a little bit more about the wrap up of the brt but I did want to take a moment here to show uh this uh this slide here so this is a rapid Northwest and Embark where Rec coordinated maximizing Transit during the Thunder up in the park pregame events and playoffs so what does that mean so uh Armando and the and the marketing team worked closely with the Thunder and what we did was we were able to provide rapid Northwest service directly to the arena the arena stop where we shared the the OKC street car stop folks could get on at the the rapid Northwest parking ride right use the brt travel all the way down and essentially get dropped off uh front door service at the at the paycom Center using the rapid Northwest so really appreciate the coordination with the Thunder to be able to do that uh one another thing that we were able to do was we were able to test the idea of being able to also uh get to the Santa Fe Station right so with the with the additional brts coming online what would that take for us to still be able to maintain our headways of 12 to 15 minutes during Peak service to still be able to get to Santa Fe Station so we uh we tested that out and looking forward to being able to test that further so with that that wraps up the rapid Northwest I'll pause there allow any questions to talk about the rapid Northwest before I move on to regular Transit I'm sorry you did say you were going to do this for the next two games in a city that's right questions all right let's talk our fixed route so cumulative monthly total for our fixed route service was 24,179 it's a 6% decrease over the previous year of 229,000 nearly a 9% increase of 2022 of 196,000 our average weekday writers ship being just a little over 8,000 this is a 14% increase over last year and a 38% increase over the pre or March of 2022 and there are average weak week night ridership being 371 this is a nearly a 38% increase over previous year and 68% increase over 2022 and then uh our average weekend ridership being just just under 3500 and almost 18% increase over last year and 33% increase over 2022 so continuing to see growth in our fixed route Service uh our cumulative monthly total for embar plus uh was almost 3,800 for 2024 it's a a slight decrease almost or just a little over 7% in or decrease over previous year and almost a 9% decrease over 2022 this again goes back to what we've mentioned several times when it comes to the the slight decrease forair Transit we've seen a lot of folks using the the teleah health things like that we're staying averaged for the uh for the entire year but again a slight decrease I did want to point out one of the things that we're doing here this is uh the 2024 Women's College World Series uh so we uh continue to work with the the wcws to develop an improved route uh again shout out to Armando for uh working with that group to um really kind of continue to improve that service he's worked with them and we actually added an additional stop so if you remember in the past couple of years we've had the stop there at the convention center uh at the convention center what we've added was an additional stop at the Bricktown ballpark on Mickey Mel drive and so what this allows is there's two options now right so you can park at the convention sitter U surface locked uh ride the service you can purchase a $4 Universal pass be able to use that service all day or you can also be able to if you're staying at a hotel in Bricktown you can use that Bricktown stop now and be able to provide that access quickly uh so we would be running uh on the hour and half hour and then just a few minutes later we'll be doing that pick up up in Bricktown so every 30 minutes we'd essentially be picking Folks up downtown and taking them to again front door to the world the Women's College World Series so looking forward to bringing that back again this year that uh kicks off toward the end of May 1 of June so we'll be happy to bring writers ship of of that service uh and then also I wanted to point out uh I wasn't here but you guys may have seen that we had the memorial Marathon going on the Arts Festival lots of activity going on on downtown as always we are a part of that and so uh imar coordinated with the Oklahoma City Police Department Public Works Emergency Management uh to help support that Memorial Marathon this is a photo of our our support coming downtown so uh our uh Jimmy Jimmy friend and Byron Richmond they coordinated this uh this support we had our bus operators they uh volunteered to come in uh some of them on their days off to be able to provide this support So essentially what we did was brought all of our bus downtown and we used uh our our buses behind those barriers just for Extra Protection right this is something that the city of okoma city does also with their trash uh their their trash truck services uh to help block those roadways really to make sure that we provide a safe event for those running that the memorial Marathon right and then uh quick shout out to Jimmy and Byron there again coming in on their days off Saturdays and Sundays early in the morning this is 3:30 4:00 in the morning where they're help coordinating that uh being downtown making sure they operators while they stay with the buses making sure that they're able to to get breaks maybe get a little bit of breakfast things like that just really really appreciate everybody coordinating that um that's our fix route service so before I jump into the street car pause there any questions go ahead no did you have point no uh well let's not dance around uh the fact that those photos would you go back to the the row of buses just I just want to applaud yeah yeah that is some that's that's that's great photo like well shout out to Lloyd Lloyd rousin he he was Again part of the team that was out there at four o'clock in the morning making sure that we get the I get the cool shots to show this is incredible I don't know if there's a way that can be forwarded to the w i office uh got a way to do that y I'm just saying the lighting the wet uh ground that's the stuff film studies people live for so uh thanks for making is so cool uh on a more serious note uh looking at your numbers for the fixed rought and I guess rapid uh and we seeing those increases how are we doing how is Oklahoma City doing it seems like it's going well but how are we doing like just in a um considering the downturn we saw from Co and I know that was a national conversation and and where ridership really you know has lagged where where are we at from 2020 yeah no I'd be happy to talk about that so our uh you know we we constantly stay in contact with our peer cities right those those cities that are similar to us in size and and population um I I'll tell you we we are doing much better than most of them um we are as far as like employment goes we're significantly better than most of our peer cities uh a lot of our peer cities are still struggling uh filling those roles um there are several peer cities that still haven't went back to full service yet and if you guys remember we we only had a slight Hiatus where uh you know we kind of pulled back service for a little while and we went back to full service pretty immediately uh I think that has a lot to do with our job market and also the ability to attract um uh great folks to come on board at Embark our our HR team does a really really fantastic job of going out and meeting with folks and getting those folks to come here uh you know there was a slight down downturn with the the oil natural gas we were able to increase our our uh maintenance team when it came to uh employment but specifically when it comes to our operations uh it really takes everybody right it takes our HR team to get those folks in the door uh it takes our training and our training staff to get them properly trained and then it takes our operations staff to make sure that they uh uh continue that training and be able to continue to enjoy where they work and I think embor does a really really good job of doing that uh sorry but as far as uh ridership goes uh again we are uh above average with our increase and getting closer to our pre-pandemic numbers we're still slightly below that but we're getting very very close and continue to see that increase yeah I'll I'll add just a bit to that um and in fact um we were preparing to to share some of this in our budget presentation to council um but we do uh we do look at the the peer systems if you will that Jesse had mentioned but um we also just kind of and it's kind of random but we look and we say well what are some mid and even some larger systems like you know New York C New York Transit and and and la and those kind of systems and we were looking at that data the other day and one of the interesting things that that we we noticed was that we have had consecutive years of growth and ridership since the 2021 time period whereas I think all but one other system we had in our sampling really showed some fluctuations meaning like yes ridership came back after 2021 but then some declines so to me that's really encouraging is that we continue to build right like we've had consecutive years of growth and ridership um so just a little bit of additional information for you well I appreciate that and I actually appreciate to the backstory of what we're doing on the back end with you know the management side of things and the operations and that training for The Operators um but yeah actually I'm glad you mentioned New York City because my question was kind of within the context of you know yesterday having a conversation with someone who was like I don't know what the state of public transportation is you know it hasn't really in New York and so yeah I it's I appreciate the actual data and the context there um so I I guess there's both the demand that's increasing but then also we're preparing to meet that demand and so I think that's a really healthy combination so also just again that photo I'm just gonna we have Lloyd sign up before Oh yes please you know the artist any other questions move on to street car real quick all right so street car ridership our cumulative monthly total for March of 2024 was a little over 21,000 again this goes back to you can kind of kind of look at the pattern there right January and February slightly down march uh quite a bit up so this really goes back to good weather events and people being out on sidewalks right you you see those increase you see our our OKC street car ridership increase um so this was a 21 1% increase over 2022 a uh just almost a 1% increase over 2021 again coming out of covid in 2021 we saw a lot of events going on downtown and so that's why if you really look at 2021 it's uh an increase but starting to see a pretty significant increase there in 2024 uh average weekday just almost 600 this is a 20% increase over 2023 uh almost 5% increase over 2022 our average weekend ridership being about 901 we're seeing that tick closer to 1,000 as we get into the warmer months uh I wanted to point this out real quick so again street car and Embark coordinated maximizing Transit during the Thunder up S uh in the park pregame events and playoffs so what does that mean so we uh we had street cars uh staged right so we wanted to make sure that folks could get to uh the the playoff events easily using the street car but then whenever folks were leaving we wanted to make sure that we had street car stage so that uh folks could easily get back to their parking garages or or their parking spots and so uh working with Delano and PD we were able to do that we had cars staged at stop five and also staged uh in Bricktown ready to take those folks to their to their stops um we also coordinated with the memorial marathon ocpd and public works again for the memorial Marathon so we um uh every year we coordinate with those folks to to make sure that we provide service so what do we do so we actually start service a little bit earlier on Saturdays and Sundays knowing that we're going to have to pause during the memorial Marathon so we actually start around 4:35 o' uh for folks that are staying uh in Bricktown or downtown to be able to use the street car to be able to get to the starting line uh and then we pause we usually pause our street cars there at stop five: the scissor Tel Park stop and uh until the the lanes are free for us to start uh back up service so what does that starting service backup look like so typically what happens is Captain George will give us the all clear and then our staff uh and the Herzog staff will go out and verify that the street car alignment is clear and so we'll do a safety security uh sweep before we start uh service back up and then we start service back up as soon as possible uh one of the cool things that we did this year was uh we had one of our street cars wrapped with the meman marathon so it's kind of cool seeing folks out there taking pictures with the street car and and things like that uh another thing that we did uh every year we also uh the training room at the street car facility uh ocpd FBI Homeland Security all of the Safety and Security folks that come into town to help manage the memorial Marathon they use our facility there as a as a home home base right and so we're also able to use our parking lot whenever they bring their their truck and their equipment out and things like that so we're happy to coordinate with those folks to be able to have a space downtown where they can quickly access anything going on downtown uh and then also wanted to give a quick shout out to Delano Fischer uh he is our new street car manager he's in the audience here right there taking a candid photo so uh folks may remember Joel Garcia he was our street car manager um fortunately he uh his previous life he was in the uh the heavy Freight railroad side of things he had about 10 years worth of uh retirement when it came to heavy Railroad uh about six months ago some folks approached him about coming back to Texas which uh where his wife was commuting every day uh from Oklahoma City to Texas and so it was an opportunity for his family to improve their quality of life so he went to Texas and he was able to get his Railroad Retirement back and uh be where his family needed him so sad to see Joel go but uh happy to have Mr Delano Fisher so Dono Fisher is actually uh was the maintenance manager for Herzog Transit and uh so he come over with uh several years of street car knowledge and uh inner workings of the OKC street car so I wanted to make sure I give a quick shout out to Mr Fisher all right we'll talk about spoky ridership uh so in March we saw a slight decrease uh so our cumul monthly total for March was 352 uh about an 18% decrease over the previous year of 434 uh but a increase of 2022 of 203 and then want take an opportunity to talk about our River Oklahoma River Cruises uh again so we're talking currently about March right so we shut down Service uh through December through March um but we're service has launched uh earlier this month so we'll be able to show some ridership uh the next transit report but I did want to take an opportunity to kind of talk about what we do during those off times so this is our Devon Explorer Hall out right so this is where we have the our trailer our special Iz trailer and towing service come in take the boat out of the water and then we bring it into our facility there where we really give it a more or less a refurbish right so the Devon Explorer received new propellers bearings shaft seals bottom paint handrails seat cushions batteries and refurbished topside paint to to help maintain that above average condition so happy to see that above average condition and continued uh quality boat service and then we uh April 25th put that back into the water uh prepping for that service again I love cool photos so I thought this was a cool photo Jesse how old are those votes that is a great question I don't have the yeah answer was just curious if there you go 20 2008 y all right that completes the transit report happy to take any questions any questions for Jesse good report thank you thank you okay now uh we have a Capital Improvements projects presentation Jason yes sir thank you Mr chairman um unfortunately uh Kristen who normally presents is uh out today so I'm going to try to take us through this rather quickly um starting on this first slide here we wanted to provide the um the the board with an update on the Villa bike lane project and I think it's a good time to kind of remind the board and and anyone that might be listening interested to the project that you know we talk a lot about the rapid being a brt service which rightfully so that is what we have primarily been focused on um constructing and operating but just a nice reminder here that as we put the project together we really tried to Envision more than just a brt Transit service we really wanted to try to emphasize Mobility options within and and to be able to connect to the corridor and so what we haven't spent a lot of time talking about although we have visited from time to time is some of the local match projects that Public Works is managing uh for us and that really were critical in securing the grant because because these projects that are being funded and constructed with local funds serve as matching dollars for the construction money we basically spent you know building building out the corridor so um anyway we are to a point where we are wrapping up the last of the local match projects this is the Villa bike Lanes I say bike lanes that use that term probably a little Loosely it's a lot of sherrow but primarily Villa all the way from 10th Street to 62nd Street is being improved from a connectivity standpoint by one putting in some B amenities cheros primarily but also finishing the uh buildout of the sidewalks so there's sidewalks along Villa there's not NE there but there are some places that don't have sidewalks and so just like we did with Independence as part of the brt project we're making uh improvements to make sure there's a a seamless um uh sidewalk connectivity so um so this project should wrap up and so why is that critical well when the last local match project wraps up it gives us an opportunity to kind of pause because we have the brt corridor build we've got the local matching projects finished up then we can really take a look at our budget and any remaining grant funds that we have and we are optimistic it does appear we're going to have some remaining in Grant funds and so I might just remind the board too that especially through the stakeholder work I'm sorry the brt stakeholder committee um we had several ideas that were presented to us as staff like you know wouldn't it be nice if we could do this or can we do something else for this intersection you know various things came up and we kept a list of those potential ads if you will so once the project is wrapped up and we kind of know where we're at in terms of any remaining grant funds then we'll start looking at those other additional connectivity improvements and bring something back to the board to consider so um although we're wrapping the project up we look like it looks like we're going to be able to make some additional improvements in the future So speaking of wrapping up the brt um we do plan to take uh final acceptance of the uh contract that we had with with Rudy construction for the actual Corridor itself we're going to bring that to the board in June and as I just mentioned we'll be able to determine what type of funding we might have to prioritize uh pedestrian connectivity throughout the corridor and then uh just a quick update um on our headquarter remodel um again 2000 South May this has been a project we've been um talking about for some time in terms of the need to remodel do some space planning we've outgrown the facility um We are continuing to focus long-term efforts on the idea of a new facility that would accommodate all of staff and include some some room for growth but in the meantime we have to deal with the fact that we are out of room at South May so we're dealing with that that issue which is a good issue to have we're continuing to grow as an agency and provide more service we're dealing with that issue in two ways one is we're continuing to uh work with Beck design to revisit the concept design plans that were conducted or I should say delivered um last year and kind of bring that to um a final design that we'll present to the board on how we can get the best bang for our buck out of the South May facility within hopefully within budget um but we are going to have to move some people that are currently working at South May uh to another facility just simply to make room for um for the employees and so um I think this has been shared with the board before but just to Revisited briefly the Santa Fe Depot um has some open space we had a a tenant move out of the Santa Fe Depot that created a space opportunity to where we basically with Furniture a few fixtures some paint minor improvements will be able to transform that space into a really nice office environment for primarily our admin staff staff and I think um Suzanne might have already shared some of that with the board but essentially um most of the admin staff with the exception of HR and a few others will move over to the Santa Fe Depot so we'll keep you updated on on that and that'll conclude the capital projects update Jason going back two slides to the uh to the one that talked about uh uh the winding up of the brt and you said you'd have additional funds um uh the pin Square side walk did not get included in the original buildout and is that one that's being added to because we have excess funds yeah thank you for bringing that one up um because that is definitely one that we as staff we know the board wants to see come to fruition so kind of on that list of priorities that one is at the top of the list having a pedestrian conect nection from that platform at Pin square a nice sidewalk that um that goes down use down to the parking lot to the parking lot yep and then U there's also um a couple of um additions or extensions if you will to uh a few of the platforms to allow for more space more ideal space for uh people to uh navigate moving from putting their their bike on the front of one of brt buses to the platform so those are probably projects at the top of that priority list and then we'll look probably primarily at um um uh Street crossing improvements whether that be more Continental striping or whatever we can do to make it easier to get across the street and connect to the transit okay are there other comments or questions yeah so um I've already made i' I've contributed to the list uh as someone who was on the stakeholder group and I'm looking forward to seeing what funds we'll find available um and then I'll also look forward to what we can't address there um making sure that you know they're at the top of our priority list heading into next year's Bond uh if I'm glad we're on this slide though because if one were to look uh closely at Villa and this is something I just about a week or two ago attended a b Isle West neighborhood association meeting in B West for those of you who don't know is literally just on the west side of villa and then B right to the east um we met at Bellow Library they at Northwest Expressway uh and Villa they are ecstatic so let me do the good news first they're ecstatic uh about the sidewalks this is something that they uh requested when I was knocking doors over there five years ago they're deeply concerned about their kids getting to the school which is right here they're deeply concerned about their kids after school and before school and on breaks getting to the library safely so they're just really tickled pink about the sidewalks uh they were also excited to see the markings go down for the bike infrastructure um they're ecstatic about the oak they're ecstatic about the brt uh they appreciate the vision I have shared for them of where I want to go with Northwest Expressway which is to you know make it a little bit less of an expressway that's what the residents are asking for and I'm just there to Champion that okay so here's the the pickle so looking at this screen if you were to hone in um along the sides of villa like if you look at those dark patches and then if you were to I don't know Google pavement condition index and OKC where one could look at the technology uh results of what are the street conditions and if you were to look at Villa um that same stretch that's visible on our screen right now from 55th Terrace up to the school is in red on a scale of 0 to 100 and that stretch has a condition index on again a scale of 0 to 100 of 17 so our kids their their families if they're in a car or whatever they're going on a street that is at a 17 the condition varies because once you get in front of the school then that condition is a 49 if you keep going up to 62nd it is a 65 which supposedly better um when I say that there are things that I'd like to prioritize going into the bond it is the street condition for instance here on on Villa which by the way a lot of people will Veer off of Expressway and use villa which is between two neighborhoods a school a park as like a a Speedway my concern and I bring it to the C uh to the trust right now and I'll bring it to the council's attention too is I was a bit shocked uh discouraged to use a word from earlier um to see the bike infrastructure uh those boxes go down on Villa because that means we put those bike boxes like if you look at that we put that infrastructure down on Street conditions that are a 17 so there's no protected bike lane there's not even a that's tier one tier two would be just the striping on the side of the road which if you did that here would be literally you see those patches right that would be where people would be biking but so they're not tier two so it's going to be tier three they're going to be biking on patches uh that say here's where you ride your bike I just don't understand I under by the way I do understand the ways in which and it took me not just the five years of being on Council but the four years prior being on this trust I understand so please don't misunderstand me when I make this critique I do understand how the state has limited us to sales tax as our primary funding source I understand that we only get to tap into the bond every 10 years for property tax I understand that I understand that grants are what we have to then Cobble together to create this hodgepodge of funding sources I I I understand it I understand the restrictions on us what I need help with going forward particularly as we go into this Bond and really to Jason's opening remarks of like well it's not just about the brt it's about that first mile Last Mile connection to the brt on foot by bike right um I think there has got to be and maybe there was I don't know it just doesn't seem to be I think there's got to be a more holistic approach at the beginning creation of these sorts of projects where we are thinking about if you're going to put bike infrastructure down on this street what is the street condition let's resurface that street and that wasn't May if it was done you would not know it because we are putting down this bike infrastructure on Street conditions that are 17 and you might be uncomfortable with me saying this but I just need you all to know this is actually what I'm hearing at the bile neighborhood association meeting right there at the library on this street so there's no way I can go in there and like paint a Rosy picture because behind them are these Street conditions that they live with every day of their lives as families and single folk so I don't know what's going on that um there was not a coordination I don't know if it's between departments funding sources but I just think there needs to be as we go forward as we move forward a holistic conversation about Street conditions The Pedestrian the bike infrastructure the public transit how all that all works together this is especially on my mind I'll conclude here by saying we are so excited in the Poo that we were wrapping up the the uh streetcape and we'll have um the ribbon cutting a week from today at 11 o'cl Ando you're all invited um we just found out this week we being the Poo board mean the council member um and the merchants will learn soon and so too will the residents and as that streetscape wraps up a utilities project will now begin and it'll be a 210 Day project that will go from 23rd to 30th Hudson over to about western or or maybe even chartel excuse me and no one knew none of us maybe staff knew but none of us on that board the merchants didn't know the residents didn't know we we thought this was the end of the project and we were preparing for Walker Street skate from 23rd to 30th thankfully staff who showed up from utilities and Mike Clark who again remains one of the city's just strongest most effective communicators with with residents thankfully we were they understood that there were these multiple funding sources that utilities has a separate funding source the streets gape had a separate funding source but it took having to explain that and they're still going to have to live through it like they're going to have to live through a 210 day utilities project having believed that the streetcape was the end of the thing I don't it's this and then hearing Laura's comments earlier about about the consultant when it came to the the fam I y'all know I believe in good government y'all know I believe on the words that are on each side of this building but something is a skew it's not a it's not a conspiracy theory it's not a it's not a malicious intent comment it's just something isn't quite connecting sometimes in terms of us thinking through these different funding sources that we're using and then being able to communicate that back out to the residents um at the start of projects even being honest with them by saying hey there's going to be a gap and something else might be coming like so I these are the sorts of things that as I've been sitting here this whole meeting it's like my brain is constantly playing a game of like building blocks and trying to remember these funding sources and remembering these different pieces of infrastructure trying to connect the dots for myself and then my residents um so this is frustrating to me is what I wanted to say this is both encouraging and frustrating two things can be true at once so so I I'd love to have a conversation with you about this after this but I do want to say that uh this particularly these Villa improvements were well coordinated between Embark and um the public works department in fact years ago working together to identify the um matching funds that would come from the bond project for these um sidewalk and bike infrastructure and um pedestrian improvements I I will say that I I recognize that in the community there's an observation that we're putting lipstick on a pig at some point with the bike Lanes going onto a lowquality street at that point we have to make an evaluation of whether or not we're going to go ahead and put that paint which is essentially what it is is paint on a poor quality Street patching as much as we can and and move forward with a bike infrastructure piece that will at least be in effect for the three to four years it may take us to get the money together from a new Bond authorization to make those Street improvements you you mentioned how long and advance we have to do that planning and I know that you're frustrated with that and so are we but on the other hand it's it's very difficult to commit to the residents that we'll do something when we we don't have money available for it right now but as you know we're coming to the end of a uh Geo Bond program and that's where it's really hard to Cobble together the money to do a street project in in Li of or in addition to the bike project so then we're faced with do we do this bike project that we know will at least be available to the residents for the next three to four years and then follow up with a good project or do we do nothing and that's where it seems better to do something than nothing um I don't feel like it's a waste of money it may appear to the residents that we're not doing the best thing but we are doing doing a good thing so I just want to lay that out there I apologize for the utilities project on top of the Poo improvements project I know that sometimes those things are unpredictable emergencies that arise as a factor of the street enhancement exposing the fact that the utility lines were in bad condition and need to be repaired and so you don't always know in advance but it has been my mission for the last five years at least to try to get them to work together better it's it's really hard they've all they've both got a lot of work going on so they're trying to meet deadlines find funding sources and coordinate that I I apologize for what happened in poo because we never want that to happen so okay are there any other questions or comments about our Pro um uh program reports if not is there a motion to receive our program reports it's been moved and seconded please vote electronically motion okay motion passes okay item nine is items from the trustee anything Jason a couple quick things uh I wanted to let the board know that uh the Embark well program that I know you're familiar with was um selected by the national aging and disability Transportation Center as one of 14 Innovative transit services um that they found throughout the country so I just wanted to make sure we advise the board of that and thank Becky Nolan and her team um for all the work that they do continuing to make those programs happen um and then also wanted to uh mention the we were uh able to join um councilwoman nice's uh um town hall meeting I believe that was on April 23rd and at that meeting we were able to Showcase one of our brt buses and uh was very well received so always thankful for opportunities to partner with Council and others and I know uh trustee Cooper hopefully we have some some ideas for some neighborhood events this this summer but it's always great to be able to collaborate and have those partnership opportunities and get out to the community show folks what we do so thank you for letting me make those comments all right uh at that point we're to item number 10 which is adjournment so thank you all have a good uh week and we we'll see you next month