e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning we're going to get started with an invocation by Pastor Dan Maxwell of Chisum Creek Baptist Church and that will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Kayley testerman representing Girl Scout Troop 3:15 please stand as you are able dear father we thank you again for another day to serve you Lord we thank you for these City servants here today Lord we thank you that you gave your life that we might have life in you and Lord I just pray for wisdom for them today I'd ask God that you would give them wisdom if we lack it we can ask you and you'll give it thank you Lord for the city that you have placed Us in and God I pray your blessings upon them thank you again for Jesus and for all that he has done for us in his holy and precious name we pray in your name amen I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible and liberty and justice for all all right I call this meeting of the city council to order and uh we have office of the mayor which has a few presentations and I'll make my way to the front for those all right if our friends um from parent promise could come forward to for our reading of the Proclamation proclaiming Child Abuse Prevention month all right I would ask the clerk to read this Proclamation whereas Oklahoma City's future Prosperity depends on nurturing the healthy development of more than 174,000 children currently living growing and learning within our community and whereas research shows safe nurturing relationships and stimulating stable environments improve brain development and child well-being and whereas research also shows neglectful or abusive experiences and unstable or stressful environments increase the odds of poor childhood outcomes and whereas the abuse and neglect of children can cause severe costly and lifelong problems affecting all of society including physical and mental health problems School failure and criminal behavior and whereas research further shows that parents and caregivers who have social networks and know how to seek help in times of trouble are more resilient and better able to provide safe environments and nurturing experiences for their children and whereas individuals businesses schools and faith-based and Community organizations must make children a top priority and take action to support the physical social emotional and educational development and competency of all children and whereas during the month of April the City of Oklahoma City parent promise prevent child abuse Oklahoma the Exchange Club of Oklahoma City the downtown Oklahoma City Exchange Club and the Oklahoma State Department of Health in collaboration with their Citywide Partners will be engaging individuals and communities throughout the city in a coordinated effort to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting awareness of healthy child development positive parenting practices and the types of support families need within their communities and whereas prevention starts with each of us now therefore I David Hol mayor of the City of Oklahoma City do hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention month in Oklahoma city thank you well you heard the names of some great organizations uh full of volunteers that work on these issues uh 365 days a year but every April we we certainly focus in on it as a community and do all we can to prevent child abuse we'd love to hear a few words uh from Chris Seaman who's executive director of parent promise thank you mayor I'm Chris seamons I'm the executive director of parent promise we are also the prevent child abuse America chapter of Oklahoma so we affiliate with the National Organization that has tons of chapters across the the United States we have been an organization since 1988 and our friend Charlie is one of the founders of our organization and um our goal is to prevent child abuse and neglect and we not only work in Oklahoma City but we also work Statewide with our prevention efforts so thank you for recognizing us this April absolutely thank you let's hear it for all the people who work to prevent child [Applause] abuse all right how about um Tim Arnold come on up all right Tim well Tim is our emplo employee of the month and we'd like to learn a little bit more about you and so I would ask the clerk to read this resolution whereas Tim Arnold has been a city employee for one year and 10 months with the public transportation and parking department and whereas Tim Arnold as a parat Transit operator with the mobility management and Paras Paratransit services division where he works with Embark to provide transportation to people with disabilities and whereas Tim Arnold has been nominated as the Embark Legend multiple times received numerous phone calls from satisfied customers and was recently recognized by the Oklahoma Transit Association in the drivers doing good section of their newsletter and whereas Tim Arnold has made Innovative suggestions to improve operational safety and customer service maintains an outstanding record of ontime performance and is a leader in the Paratransit team provide providing training on Paratransit services and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act to new Embark bus operators and whereas Tim Arnold recently assisted a mother experiencing A Minor Medical episode while boarding his vehicle and was able to take immediate action contacting dispatch for assistance in an effort to ensure the safety of his passengers and whereas Tim Arnold remained by the side of the distressed mother and her disabled son working with the mobility team to coordinate efforts to reach a case worker who could provide care for the son while the mother received treatment and whereas this Council desires to recognize Tim Arnold for his dedication compassion and commitment to the residents of the City of Oklahoma City now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the City of Oklahoma City that they do hereby thank and commend Tim Arnold April 2024 South Oklahoma City Kanas Club employee of the month well thank you and thank you Tim uh what an amazing example of the best city employees in the country that you are and uh you're obviously uh really leaving an impression especially for only been only having been here one year and 10 months and you're already employee the month uh it's all downhill from here I guess so uh well thank you Tim and uh this is a resolution so we need to uh see if we can muster some votes for you so let's see all right we have a motion and a second cast your votes I wish to vote I passes unanimously all right well we'd love to hear a few words from you Tim the floor is yours well first thank you very much and uh I'm honored and and deeply humbled I work with a great group of people and uh a lot of them that are very deserving of this as well so thank you yeah well thank you let's hear it for T okay Lisa if you could come forward we'll come over here just to mix it up all right Lisa is our teacher of the month and we'd like to learn a little bit more about you and so I would ask the clerk to read this resolution whereas Lisa EML Ingram has been named teacher of the month for April 2024 by the Oklahoma City Public Schools foundation and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City and whereas Lisa serves as an instructional coach at Wheeler middle school and has through her 30 years of teaching evolved to the everchanging educational environment and whereas Lisa strives to establish strong relationships with her students and provide classroom lessons that extend into their current and future lives and whereas Lisa practices empathy and kindness and believes that strong social emotional skills are essential for the well-being of staff and students alike and whereas Lisa has a strong history of being a leader in her school encouraging and mentoring her fellow teachers because she recognizes the need to support both students and teachers to achieve a healthy successful School Community now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the City of Oklahoma City that they do hereby recognize and commend Lisa elel Ingram on her selection as April 2024 teacher of the month by the Oklahoma City Public Schools foundation and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City well thank you and thank you Lisa for all you do for the kids of Oklahoma City now this is also a resolution so we need to see if we can pass it let's see if we can get a motion in a second we have it please cast your votes I wish to vote I passes unanimously um thank you again so much for all you do and we would love to hear a few words from you the floor is yours L okay thank you well I I thought I might be asked um why I do what I do so um I'm some days I'm not sure but I will tell you that um 30 years ago I came to this little school called Wheeler Elementary and I had no idea what was in store for me um I have and now I'm teaching students or I have taught students of students and I used to be called Mom you know how kids sometimes will say um hey Mom and and you know out of habit and now they say Grandma so um and and now it's my my pride and joy to be working with adults in the school and teachers who I hope will pass all of that on and commit to our students like I I hope I have so thank you all thank you let's hear it for [Applause] [Music] Lisa okay our remaining items on Office of the mayor our item 3C this is a notification that councilwoman Barbara p will serve as vice mayor for the six-month period beginning on April 13th later this week and thank you to councilman Brad Carter for his service he still got today on the job and uh never know when I may enlist him but uh we'll look forward to vice mayor PC's service in the next six months so let's take a motion on that I have a motion in a second cast your votes let's see the motion was made by councilman Carter you didn't I didn't get there fast enough there we go there we go fast as unanimously okay and 3D is a resolution approving my expenses to attend the US Conference of M annual meeting in Kansas City June 20th through 23rd a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and with the necessary six votes required for approval item four items from Council um this is item 4A is an ordinance to be introduced and referred to the Bricktown Urban Design committee the downtown design Review Committee the stockyard City Urban Design committee and the Planning Commission and uh this is introduced by council members Hammond and nice councilwoman Hammond is here would you like to speak to this yes thank you um um probably about a year ago um a group that has uh done some Urban farming using some underutilized land that St Anthony has in the kind of Midtown um south of St Anthony's area had approached me because they were asked to to help Steward a lot that is on Sixth Street and um we discovered that when the city council probably about 10 10 or so years ago um did a large cleanup of a lot of ordinances and codes to allow for urban farm uses Community Gardens um those sorts of things um that a lot of our design districts were not included in that um and so I've worked with staff um to to address that and try to get those condition as conditional uses within um some of those design districts and um this is kind of the first step is referring it to all those design districts for review and input um because many of those districts are in uh councilwoman n's Ward as well I um had invited her to be a co-sponsor in this and if she has any comments to make um but this would just allow for that use um especially uh on those lots where nothing's really happening right now um letting them be productive and let those Property Owners decide what to do with them um and uh particularly for the group that I've been in contct with they they use the uh food that they grow um as part of uh a group with St Anthony's that that gives that food out to Patient so it's an opportunity just for more Community Building um and utilizing those those empty lots um while nothing's currently happening on them well for me I I know um we have quite a few Lots within our community that are underutilized as well so uh this is also important to ensure that were able to be in find more creative ways uh we worked on maps with Community Gardens and we still have yet to see them uh within our parks and in our communities uh so this is just an extra way for us to be able to ensure that we're taking care of of those that that need the need it the most and also with that educational piece because for me in in my ward um particularly Northeast Oklahoma City we have uh restore OKC that helped to teach people how to have their Urban farms and you have other Urban farms and then you have osc extension that also teaches people about gardening and all the other things so again this is just cleaning that up and and ensuring that we're able to to be able to provide this in all parts of our city okay well thank you do we want to make a motion for introduction and again this is an introduction that is then referred to a series of committees and commissions for feedback now second all right we have a motion in a second cast your votes pass is unanimous VI ly the ordinance is introduced all right item five city manager reports Mr city manager yes mayor we don't have any uh formal presentations today just note that we've got claims and payroll on as usual um you can see that at okc.gov and then the status update on the city's arpa funding on the arpa program that the council had approved and um there's a lot of information in here we don't have a formal presentation with it but we'd be glad to take any questions or if you've got information I mean uh questions as you're looking through the report that you want to reach out to staff we'll be happy to get that information to you it's all that I have all right thank you item six Journal of council proceedings we have items A and B we could take with one motion got a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right now we have uh item seven request for uncontested continu is Mr city manager yes uh beginning on page 15 item 11 C this is PUD 1979 uh there's request to defer this to April 23rd okay on page 17 item 11 P1 dilapidated structures all of these items will be stricken from the agenda Item B 5012 South Bypass Terrace to R notify for a new owner item D 709 Northeast thirr Street the owner has repaired and then item e 8:30 Northwest 9th Street the owner has removed continuing on page 7 item 11 q1 unsecured structures all of these rest stricken from the agenda item C 2522 North chartel Avenue the honor is secured item F 1132 Northwest 30th Street the owner is secured on page 18 item 11 R1 abandoned buildings all of these are stricken from the agenda uh Item B 5012 South Bypass Terrace to R notify for a new owner item D 709 Northeast 3D Street the owner is repaired and then item e um 8:30 Northwest 9th Street the owner is removed and that is all the items that I have okay item eight revocable permits and events and we have item 8A revocable permit with the Nationals Society for the WMS Oklahoma City May 18th and uh we do have Andre Muse who sign speak and feel free to correct the pronunciation of your name no worries oh you might pull that mic up I pulled that down does that work yes okay good morning I'm Andrea Moore with the national MS Society and yes walk Ms Oklahoma City is an annual event that brings together the community of those living with multiple sclerosis and impact Ed and those who support them in fight in our fight to end Ms this year's walk will take place on May 18th um at the Willer District starting out at the Willer Ferris will this event is open to the public it's fully accessible for all we offer a one M walk and a three mile walk that take place on the event River Trail um we support the Walkers with two hydration stops where we will be providing water and an area to sit if anyone needs to rest um we are looking forward to another successful walk and M okahoma City on May 18th all right well thank you this is inwards four and six yeah go ahead um what time does it start uh it starts early morning so um people that live with Ms tend to have a little bit of a heat issue so we start about 6 or seven in the morning good to know well it sounds like a great cause and um hopefully a nice day for it um so I'll move for approval we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously thank you um thank you have a great event Item B is revocable right of way use permit with the Southwest 29th District Association to hold dia del nino Children's Day on April 21st on Southwest 29th no one has signed up to speak councilwoman Hammond well I know this is a um I was going to say I was like looking to see if I saw anyone from the district um yeah I know this is a really um well- loved event in the community um held an annually every year um and just uh really great to get out so if anyone's able to make it I really encourage you to go and I will move for approval we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously now we'll recess the council and convene as the Oklahoma City Municipal facilities Authority where we have items a through F we could take with one motion have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously we'll adjourn OC MFA and convene as the Oklahoma City public property Authority where we have items A and B we could take with one motion a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously we'll adjourn ocpa and reconvene the council where we are at item nine the consent docket and we have a scheduled presentation for item bi and that is it is there any other item that a council member wishes to pull out for a separate comment vote Mr Mayor item a r for staff staff's going to come up and tell us about it okay all right well if there's nothing else we'll start mayor sorry my speaker was like hiding so I had to find it forgive the timing but um just to hear a little bit of an update on uh AQ the streetcape there please and are we so we're not going to have have a presentation I would like to hear an update and I suspect residence would to for items um BT u and v those are maps projects so to by Y and and CC and these can be quick painless I know we have a long day ahead of us but these are uh part of the $1.1 billion doll worth of projects that voters approved and I do think it Mak sense to at least hear like a um brief update on those projects so especially something as important for instance as mental health so appreciate that and uh for me item AG please okay and if we are talking about b y if we could add CB onto that as well please CB is that you yeah okay n CA okay so we'll start we'll just take them in order and we'll start with ag councilwoman nice yes I was hoping we could have someone um to speak to the the home in investment partnership program Community Housing Development organ organization as far as the funds um I know this is important to this part of our community so just being able for the public to actually hear uh what this will do and how this can benefit award s would be greatly appreciated Teresa can you Teresa Smith with the Plenty Department's program manager for this and she'll give us a quick update NHS has been a neighborhood um Community Housing Development organization called a chto for about 25 years or more um they have Built Homes all over Oklahoma City they have been focusing on the northeast side sorry I didn't expect it to come up so soon they' built probably this will probably be at least eight houses that theyve built in the culbertson's East Highland neighborhood um we're requesting funding for them to build two a house two houses they each three bedroom two bath houses about 1300 Square ft I am perfectly willing to answer any of your questions I think you just did thank you so much you're welcome and I I just want to pinpoint again uh the importance of us being able to provide this type of service uh within this part of our community as far as uh affordable housing is concerned and um a unique relationship that has been created and established with the H Neighborhood Housing Services uh with funding as far as down payment assistance and being able to implement uh the program within Northeast Oklahoma City that had not been done prior espe to to be strictly as far as intentional for this part of our community so I just wanted to add to that but I appreciate you thank you so much thank you okay next up is AQ councilman Cooper thank you mayor so item eight AQ this is the streetcape where councilwoman uh nice and I represent historic Britain district and I know some Works underway there so we like to hear from our Public Works director about that historic project thank you yes uh Debbie Miller with public works department uh this is a better streets safer City streetscape and we're also using some bond funds to do resurfacing of Britain Road um this amendment will add some Landscaping plans to the streetscape it has recently started um construction's underway and we're excited to get this going that's great would you remind us the timeline for this project when residents would expect to see the um resurfacing and every sidewalks you name it yes um the resurfacing has been underway and we expect the streetcape to be completed fall that's wonderful this year that's great well thank you so much thank you if you have any questions Council no I'm I'm fine I'm very excited all right item AR councilwoman PE believe we have good morning Debbie Miller with public works department um this item Awards the consultant contract for the swisser park master plan and Public Works is excited to be working with the parks department and I'll let Melinda talk a little bit more about the project so swisser Park Long Time Coming we very excited I know I'm Applause please uh we're very excited to be able to get this consultant on board um swisser Park is located at Southwest 15th Street in about County Line Council Road area um it's our newest Big Park that we purchased a couple years ago um we're really excited to hopefully with the consultant be able to analyze and be able to get us connected to the West River Trail through a bridge across the north Canadian river um that get that trail system pulled into swisser park and that just gives us our entrance then into the southwest side of our city um sorry I have allergies um also part of this is um really getting with the neighborhood to understand what amenities they're excited to have in that area so we'll be conducting public um meetings with the residents in that area as to get their ideas and then hopefully bring a report back to all of you to say here's what we hope to build in the park um hopefully we'll see it um really built up here in just the next um well really you two to five years will'll be done so very question about it and it's kind of great that we've got a lot of folks from m 3 um in the building today to get to hear this live from you and so we're very excited about the future for swisser Park thank you Linda thank you okay next up is a presentation for item bi so kitten sudel with the alliance for economic de development will give us an introduction on this project on the this recommended allocation uh good morning mayor Council Kenny sud with the alliance for economic development so this today is a resolution it's a joint resolution with the economic development trust to set a public hearing and final consideration in April for a $2 million allocation for affordable housing go uh dollars to the alley in Project which this is a project at forth and Gaylord um it I do want to point out a couple little nuances here your packet says for 211 affordable units and $52 million I'm happy to report actually as they're putting this together we've been able to add a couple more uh uh rooms to it so it's going to be 214 you'll see and about a 56.7 million project so it's a combination of litec funding arpa funding this and allocation we're looking at in private funding so with that I'm going to turn it over to the uh developers to make a presentation I believe Steven watts is here here and uh we'll be happy to answer questions when they're done thanks thanks Kenny good morning councilman um happy to present this project to you this morning and I think it's one that some of you are familiar with it's on the uh Southeast corner of fourth and Gaylord um it is 100% affordable uh 60% of Ami average using low-income housing tax credit financing um it also utilizes State matching uh ltech tax credit financing and a mixture of arpa and then uh these 2 million of gold bonds so um this is a joint venture between Rose Rock Development and Belmont development Belmont is uh one of the largest Lite techch developers in the state and um we were awarded this project several years ago uh it's been several years in the making and uh very happy to have Belmont as a partner on this project and their expertise that they bring so as uh Kenny mentioned this is 214 units um it is a mixture of two buildings uh we are utilizing surface parking for the project at one point we'd contemplated a parking garage we hope for that maybe for a phase two but um for now uh we're going to be utilizing um surface parking it will help keep the rents affordable and help us stay in compliance with um the the total project cost limits for the litech through OFA I think that's next slide here's just some renderings of the project as you can see um you know it is going to be a very attractive project um six stories in total uh we'll have ground floor um leasing office will be located on the ground floor we don't have any third party retail but it will create a very interesting um architectural feature with an alley that uh people will be able to pedestrians will be able to use in between the two buildings here's a uh a rendering looking from the street there's another rendering looking from the back side of the building this would be from the parking lot there will be ground floor units so we are going to have several amenities in the project we will have a fitness center uh an entertainment room um a leasing office all the units will have washer and dryer uh high-end finishes um energy star appliances will be um very energy efficient here's a site layout uh aerial of the project here's a typical floor plan for for each building and then here's a unit mix for the project so as you can see rent levels are extremely affordable uh 51 Studio units 59 one-bedroom units 52 two-bedroom units and actually 52 three-bedroom units which brings a lot of three-bedroom units to downtown Oklahoma City area which uh there really aren't a lot of right now in downtown Oklahoma City here's the uh Financial predictions 56 million in total costs as you can see the different uh sources of funding there and our timeline we hope to uh break ground in May or June of this year um and we Off to the Races on construction uh starting our lease up in in June 25 and hopefully fully leased and stabilized by July 2026 with that I'll be happy to answer any questions um I don't hear or I don't have any questions um I do just want to point out and say thank you for the two and three bedroom units I know and I think I mentioned this in a different allocation conversation a few years ago but especially for people that are working service industry jobs I actually spoke with a woman last week who is elderly Works um at Taco Bell for about 20 hours a a week um and she doesn't have any family that she's living with she's just on her own but I know that's the reality for a lot of people that have kid like the ability to find things in an affordable attainable range um that are in good shape um good location um accessible that are at that two three bedroom um to be able to have kids or live with family of any kind is is very rare so um I'm excited to see this opportunity for folks um and yeah excited to see something happen on this lot that I know um is well you know there's lots of people go by it every day and it's nice to think that something um will help activate it and um and make it a little more hopefully safer for pedestrians and and people driving through that area as well so thank you yeah we're excited about those three bedroom units and the two-bedroom units as well and uh as far as we're aware it'll be the largest ever affordable project in an urban setting in the state of Oklahoma so just one question for me and you may have already addressed it so I apologize if you have to repeat um your litec funding have you already secured that yes ma'am okay perfect um and I just want to compliment this this product as well this development because um and that's probably why I missed it because I was whispering to councilwoman Hammond that this should be the example for our housing Authority as far as being able to provide a product such as this instead of feeling like we have to just continue to keep the same stock and and not do something better for our residents that may not have the means to get something that other people would dream to have but this looks like something that uh anyone would want to have so I I just wanted to complement this project as well because this should be an example of of how we can better serve our residents uh that may not have the expected income that most expect but still be able to live like everyone else so thank you thank you councilwoman may may ask a a couple questions um first so this is 60% of the average median income correct yes do you happen to know what the average median income is it's uh low 60,000 I believe okay so if I wanted to calculate because I think this is critical for all of us to understand so it's around 60,000 so how would we calculate what 60% of um that median income is I know get out your calculators over I just think this is so important as as this number becomes a reality for us right now in real time because all of my life and I turned 42 last April uh 1 last week uh that's not a joke and the for all of those 42 years until just about the last 10 most the The Narrative of Oklahoma The Narrative is we are a low cost of living State and that's that's the narrative but it has devolved into myth it is no longer true we don't have we have a housing crisis and that is hard for a lot of people to hear and so I'd like to hear right now what the number is if you were making 60% of the average median income for a one-bedroom household these are these are ofa's published rates it's about 37,000 okay so $37,000 a year this is the sixe anniversary of the historic teacher walk out when that walk out happened you all will recall that the starting pay for teachers we just honored up here for instance as you all saw a teacher right who talked about all the uh her her teaching philosophy the starting pay at the time was $31,000 a year we have to disabuse people of this myth that lowincome right are people who are lazy and don't want to work that that is so critical and that is a myth that is foundational to a lot of people's understanding about what attainable affordable housing is so right now I'm public particularly on a day like this where so much attention is on city council here in our Capitol City because of some zoning cases coming up it is critical that we know that the units you all are providing are for teachers nurses Mental Health Counselors which is important also because of the accommodations we were giving earlier regarding childhood abuse right those childhood abuse statistics lead to an incre increased need for Mental Health Counselors which we have a shortage and those Mental Health Counselors as councilwoman Hammond can tell you right now now are not making much more than this $3 $40,000 a year so they too need housing as they're taking care of our children and our seniors so I just wanted to name that in public right now uh those income levels why this sort of housing is important to double down on what councilwoman nice was saying that the quality of the housing is also critical and not building that housing in a segregated way away from the rest of the community but in fact building it in the heart of our downtown right where it's close to support services like mental health for instance so that someone working there who might have a child with disabilities can get them more effectively to the services for instance that they might need that is critical and I would ask that this become a model as we head into our general obligation bond election next year that the ways in which and it's going to be critical I think that you're at that table with the city manager myself and any other council person who's interested in this but it is critical that we figure out every economic tool you all brought to the table here to make this project a reality for our people we have got to bring all of those economic tools to bear um because we have too many people right now too many working people right now who do not have access to Affordable attainable housing um so I just wanted to name that in public right now I know poor council's heard me talk about this quite a bit but it because it's a priority it needs to be spoken into existence that this needs to be a priority for all of us so thank you for your wonderful work here thank you councilman we will have several units in the development not more than just several that are dedicated to 50% Ami and 30% Ami as well so we will have a variety of income levels thank you thank you okay thank you all right next up our series of items all related to either Maps three or Maps four so it'll be the David Todd show here for a few minutes um first up are items BT through BV councilman Cooper thank you and welcome to the David Todd show where you are in fact the star main character uh would you mind walking us through uh each one of these three and what these particular items do for uh our residents please sure David Todd maps program manager um item BT is a grant for the long long range plan that is part of of maps and and actually part of Embark and Embark applied for this grant through ACOG and it was granted to us and we're happy to receive it and it would just be used to further the the work that we're going to do with the long range plan and that includes uh analyzing some of the bus routes and and doing the the things that they do item bu is the the operator for the maps for senior Wellness Center so as you recall we have four senior wellness centers in maps three three of those are complete the fourth one is is imminent and this is uh essentially a fifth one that will be coming online through Maps 4 and like I said this is for the operator each of the centers has a different operator um one of those operators may be successful in in getting uh getting this project but this is the process that we've used for all of the other senior wellness centers and then BV is an architectural services contract for sa Studios for crisis centers so we're we're uh starting on the crisis center projects and this is for the architecture for that project um thank you that's really all I have for now all right B councilman Cooper yes hi uh sidewalks maps for director Todd go right so this is uh this is one of our our sidewalk projects this is Phase 1A and it's our first Maps 4 sidewalks project and it it follows with the the preferred pedestrian areas that planning has in bike walk OKC so as I said this is our first package of sidewalks to go out as I recall it includes chartel and some quo Creek and and some different areas some of it um what we're doing is fill in type sidewalks no I don't think that you'll see any miles long of sidewalks but for this one we'll be connecting areas that that need um 50 ft here and there where there's a missing piece so we're happy that that we've started on sidewalks yeah I am too and to connect some dots uh what makes me excited about seeing the Maps projects all come to fruition at this moment in time is that what I kept hearing from Seniors or from families was how can they better walk to school or to uh senior wellness centers how can they better take public transportation uh to those facilities as well how can they have facilities like senior wellness centers so that sidewalk infrastructure that public transportation planning and infrastructure is just critical as you know and as we've discussed and just wanted to In This Moment again kind of cohere that into a narrative for everybody so good work thank you thank you item CA councilman HL hello David I got an email the other day talking about a ribbon cutting at senior Wellness down on Southwestern and since we have a generation that is now old enough to be seniors since this thing got started I just like it I just like an update yeah so this is a a change order for some some items to to help wrap this project up miscellaneous things but um they should be obtaining what we call substantial completion which is where we get a uh certificate of occupancy and everything's ready to go and the operator can move in in about two weeks so they are very close to uh getting this complete and then we'll have the ribbon cutting in May thank you for your work on this I know it's been a pain thank you I'm glad to have it open uh CB councilman Stone thanks David I was curious if we were able to do the by versus CD breakdown expenses per Ward yet uh I've got the consultant working on that i' have it to you this week great thank you and finally CC councilman Cooper yes uh bike Lanes which were another part of maps for if you wouldn't mind giving us that kind of update right now right so this is a preliminary report of the first uh bike lanes that we have coming out of maps 4 and this is for part of the cross town connection and it goes from Indiana over to overholser U Drive and it is along 16th or 19th Street and then it drops down to to 16th Street combination of of tier one and tier three uh bike Lanes but very excited to get this one started also good and you know the other thing I would just want to note right now uh regarding the bike lane and sidewalk implementation to complement staff um my understanding is that really starting with better Street safer City in 2017 um and I think even a little bit before that but this is really a datadriven process right it's very much focusing on where schools where parks where where do we need to emphasize these uh connectivity uh infrastructure projects and I I'm excited about that because I think residency to understand that heading into the next Bond project next year as well that this isn't like willy-nilly a politician says I want a sidewalk here or a bike uh project here very much is driven by Community uh advocacy but then also data so right connections are very important y so thank you for that thanks all right I think you're done thank you all right that concludes all the items that have been pulled out for separate comment on the consent docket we can now adopt the docket Mo have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously item 10 is the concurrence docket we have items a through X we could take with one motion a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously now we're at item 11 items requiring separate votes item 11a is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval resoning 1 1551 North Rockwell from pd300 to C3 councilman ston ciper no one has signed up to speak can you hear me now sorry yes uh there were no protests U planning approved this and so at this time I'd move for the approval please got a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously item 11b is an ordinance on Final hearing recommended for approval resoning 9400 Broadway Extension from O2 and Spud 11166 to PUD 1949 councilwoman nice um a couple of protest ERS have signed up thank you there we go all right had to turn him off so I can Sor turn myself on um first if you don't mind I would like to hear from the applicant and then we'll hear from those who oppose just so everyone can understand what's happening good morning David box 522 call Cord drive here on behalf of the applicant what is before you is PUD 1949 that would rezone the entirety of my client's property from a combination of a spud and office to a C3 based PUD that would allow for the Redevelopment of an underutilized corner there at Britain in 235 um the other thing that it seeks to do is add a non- acccessory sign at the corner of Britain and the service road this application was filed in March of 2023 March of 2023 was exactly one year before the city council adopted its new signed ordinance why that is significant is because this application must be viewed through the lens of the rules that existed at the time in March of 2023 if you will recall there were a series of puds and spuds that approved zoning cases that allowed various forms of commercial development and including Billboards uh the city council instituted a moratorium at that time and the moratorium did have an Avenue like every ordinance to seek a variance from the board of adjustment my client sought a variance from the moratorium at the board of adjustment at the first part of this year the the variance application process is very different than this process this process is a legislative process the variance process is a quasi judicial process that is set out by Statute in order to get a variance from the board of adjustment there are four statutory elements that must be met only upon Meeting those statutory elements can the board of adjustment Grant a variance and in this case in January of this year we went to the board of adjustment where unanimously a variance was granted to the moratorium the legal effect that has is the moratorium goes away as if it didn't exist at all so that put this application then in the same manner as all the other applications that approved uh puds and spuds for Billboards and other commercial development including less than a mile to the north on the west side of 235 is Spud 1110 that has a C3 base that also allowed a billboard that billboard is now erected so we then moved forward through the legislative process and at the Planning Commission the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application with the application items we saw to include including the billboard the reason being in their opinion if the moratorium was not in place through the variance process well we need to look at it like we looked at all the other puds and spuds that had a billboard all of the other spuds and puds that requested Billboards were approved by this city council so given that lens the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Pud as drafted so that is where we are here today um we would ask for your approval which would be consistent with all of the other spuds and PS that allowed commercial development plus Billboards uh again this has been a lengthy process through not only the board of adjustment but Planning Commission all the while having unanimous recommendations for approval I'm happy to answer any questions all right any questions so get ready for this roller coaster I know we had a couple of of um gentlemen and I I I think it's important for us to to understand as we all went through this process ourselves of this moratorium that was brought forward to us and I was looking at the timeline of the uh moratorium when we first adopted it it was in May of 2020 um and again it's it's important to to note as um as he said there was an opportunity to still have a process even with the moratorium um which did happen so therefore we had the other pieces of this and we um I'm looking at the application being continued from May 11th May 25th June 22nd July 27th and August 24th of last year so it was continued quite a few times of last year and um so those are some unique pieces of this um not to say it's right or wrong but I think that's important to lay that groundwork um and also to understand with this part of of our our Broadway Extension where this would be located we have a couple of developments that well one particular larger development that is working its way to being fully developed which is the half we also have uh a large uh commercial um and Hospital rehabil Rehabilitation hospitals that are within this area as well um and therefore we also have quite a few signs that currently exist exist within this this area as far as Britain to May is concerned on Broadway Extension and I'm sure I don't have to tell you all because you pass it often and you have seen those signs um so this is again something that we will consider and and looking at that for this particular development um and why they had to do that was because their sign will be over 200 ft and I believe that they're asking for the standard billboard sign size of 672 ft um and again there were some tees that our city staff added um and the client asked for those tees to be removed which you know I I guess even for myself it's looking at the staff report a little um I wouldn't say confusing but it's interesting as we see what the board of adjustment granted and then in comparison to what the staff suggested um so with that I I think it's important to also hear from from our from those who are here and I do have some emails and and a couple of um spuds and and puds that were presented on behalf of of being able to say that this is a concern for some of our other uh property owners that are within the vicinity of this part of this development so if you don't mind I would like to hear from them okay yes and to be clear actually the only people who signed up are from Lamar Advertising and they are Bill Condon and Bill Hickman good morning my name is Bill Condon I'm the general manager of Lamar Advertising 123 Northwest 50th Street um I think it's important also to provide a little bit of uh brief history regarding the spuds and puds even more than what was uh provided by Mr Box as it relates to the Billboards um I acknowledge that there are some Council that weren't here six years ago when this really became a Hot Topic issue um so 2018 to 2020 over 12 puds and spuds were approved allowing 14x 48 EMD Billboards in May of 2020 uh moratorium was introduced by councilman ston Cipher and Council approved 90 to enforce that moratorium that moratorium reads to address the proliferation of applications to request a billboard in a zoning District where it would otherwise be prohibited so for four years the moratorium was in place and during that time the moratorium in the city excuse me the moratorium the city was working on a new sign code extending the moratorium six times so in essence what was happening is you were checking with staff and said hey are we done with the sign code no and then it would extend six months at a time so that happened seven times along the way uh while working on the new code we heard multiple presentations from City staffers highlighting the benefits of the sign code where were to Pro to prohibit the use of puds and spuds to increase sign standards and then now last month uh the new code went into effect and as it relates to this particular issue it reads A PUD or a spud may not be used to modify sign standards to make them less restrictive so for the past four years uh what Lamar heard was it's abundantly clear that the city does not want to use puds and spuds for Billboards moving on to the Planning Commission staff report uh highlighted the last pages Pages 14 te 1-4 prohibits the Billboards the application informs that the Planning Commission that te 1-4 excuse me the applicant informs that the Planning Commission uh that tees 1-4 must be removed that we feel exposing the only reason why the put application was filed in the first place the applicant wants you to believe it's imperative for a non acccessory sign must remain for the development to be economic to make economic sense and lastly uh you may be thinking a why Lamar an industry participant that that's uh been in the billboard business for quite some time why are they here it's a fair question um some have actually called our presence of these things in the past as anti-competitive afraid of competition or even monopolistic the real answer is because the last four years working with the new sign code meant something the focus group meetings the stakeholder Advisory Group meetings all the time and resources from all stakeholders including IND industry participants and City staffers to follow the city's process so what message is the council sending if you approve the P less than 30 days from approving the brand new code that prohibits this type of zoning action in addition Lamar operates 33 of the 107 emds in the city that's a far cry from a monopoly I want to make it clear all I've done this morning is highight light the city's work product from plan OKC that says deny the P via the staff report the c um the actual moratorium in place that you guys put in place for four years and extended seven times says not to do it the new sign code that reads Mr we're at four minutes just okay I'm wrapping up okay all right uh the Pud and Spud may not be used to modify sign standards and make them less restri restrictive so in closing Lamar has been in business for 120 years we've operated in Oklahoma City for 25 we are fortunate to operate in a pro business City equally important is the need for the city to consistently follow their own ordinances that's why respectfully we ask you to deny PUD 1949 thank you if you have any questions any questions okay thank you good morning my name is Bill Hickman I'm an attorney here in Oklahoma City represent Lam more Alor advertising I'm not going to cover this same ground is Mr Conan he was talking to you as a business person did want to point out a couple of important things uh from the conversation we've had so far one every PUD and Spud stands on its own does not set precedence for any future put or Spud at least that's what I've always been told and I assume if you asked your legal counsel Mr Jordan he would confirm that that just because you passed a spud or a PUD that included a non- acccessory sign doesn't mean you have to pass this PUD with a non- acccessory sign the facts of each zoning case stand on their own now if I'm wrong about that I'd love to hear from somebody sitting up there that I'm wrong because that's always what I've been told when I'm standing on this side of the podium but I heard a lot of that in the presentation from the that you've done 10 12 whatever number it is in the past and to be consistent and to keep doing it what we feel like is the wrong way is what you're required to do that is not accurate one of the reasons why this is a unique and different case is sp 1166 which is referred to in your staff report the so-called commercial development that you would be approving is already approved it is already approved the renderings from spot 1166 are identical for the commercial development as they are in PUD 1949 one of only two additional uses in PUD 1949 is the Billboard 44 other ones I believe is the number were already allowed in spite 1166 the commercial development can happen right now and it was passed in 2020 four years ago it's a red herring it's a different set of facts and spot 1166 already allows the development to occur and in fact the property is already developed with a large multi-story building a C3 based zoning does not allow billboard sign on developed property C3 zoning does not allow a billboard sign as large as this one we have provided to you multiple examples of Spuds and puds in the immediate area that contain language that expressly prohibits billboard signs in this area which indicates the she position of the property owners your constituents that they do not want more Billboards in this area one of the things I've also heard is that where there's already other signs in this area so gosh guess this is the right place and we should just allow one more no plan OKC says no more billboard signs reduce the number of signs your moratorium says R reduce the proliferation of signs this is a plus one additional sign in this community that otherwise would not be allowed under your zoning code both current zoning code the new zoning code we would simply ask that you listen to your staff there is no confusion with the staff they had four tees one of which was to not allow the billboard sign because they know it's not appropriate it doesn't conform with the city's ordinances that say you cannot use a PUD or Spud to circumvent other ordinances which this PUD does to circumvent the sign ordinances which you have now corrected in your most recent zoning act zoning code change finally we would argue that there has been no sign permit submitted a zoning application has been allowed by the boa but if this is approved by you and they have to apply then for a sign permit when an application is submitted I hopefully Mr Hinkle agrees with me he's a guy who knows the business when you submit your application for a permit that's the law that applies in the land at that time not the one from prior times they have not submitted a signed permanent application and when they do if you approve this today they should have to follow the signed ordinance that applies now not the one that applied previously all that said the right thing to do to avoid any further confusion and additional Billboards is to deny this application thank you are there any questions thank you I've got a couple of questions for for Mr Box um so we're we're at the board of adjustment right and that's quazi judicial in other words that that board makes a Judicial determination right did anybody show up when the when the evidentiary hearing occurred before the board of adjustment and protest no sir did anyone move to intervene in the uh Board of adjustment hearing no sir did anybody ask to reconsider the ruling by the board of adjustment no sir did anybody file an appeal to The District Court which would be the next step right correct did anybody all right um once it came before the Planning Commission the board of adjustments order was final correct yes sir and the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve this correct yes sir and my uh commissioner Mr Noble approved it moved to approve it correct yes sir all right and uh I think that's all thank you for your help may I real briefly could you show the zoning map I I'd like to correct the record briefly Mr um Hickman said that what we want can already be done and there's already a multistory tower there if you look to correct what he said it's actually zoned O2 office um right now it's not zon commercial the commercial development we see could absolutely not be developed on the site that's zoned O2 that is what this application seeks to do is to allow the commercial Development Across the entirety of that site can I then clarification because I I I think this is important so this proposal in front of us is so that you can your client can develop this commercial space the rendering that I'm seeing in our packet is that what I'm hearing yes sir and then you want this billboard correct as well so it's both yes sir so what is the other uh speaker referring to and he says there was a different planning case that allowed for you all to so I your back sorry Sarah I guess what he's oh sorry if you keep going I guess what he's referring to is Spud 1166 allows commercial development but the location that is the the closest to the highway does not allow any commercial development the only way to be able to do the commercial development we seek is to have the Pud cover the entirety of that space that says O2 so from O2 there that dotted dark black line all the way down through Spud 1116 this whole footprint this is what you're going to develop this commercial yes space just wanted to be clear about that okay thank you yes sir go ahead to be clear this I mean this one is just unique because of when it was filed but the new ordinance has fixed this issue and there could never be another PUD or Spud that would allow this this just happened to be filed over a year ago so it's this Unique Kind of lagging application okay thank you two questions um one Miss Laura McDavid I know you and I have been talking sorry to put you on the spot like this uh but the qu my question for you is um now I just forgot my question I'm sorry there a lot going on um looking at at oh is this the last application for a spud or PUD that involves a billboard sign thus far that we know of and maybe that may not be a question for you so I apologize that I asked you um but maybe that could be something for development services as well if we are aware of it I believe that to be the case so this this would be the last that we would see of this magnitude of us going back and forth between a spud or PUD for a bill board correct thank you um you I I appreciate you thank you Mr Hickman my question to you is I I guess I'm I'm so confused and maybe you can help me understand to the point of of the questions that council person uh ston Cipher just asked how come no one showed up to the board of adjustment meeting or the Planning Commission meeting to say no no to this particular um application that was brought forward if that was such a concern well of course we don't get notice um of you know the a specific case that's going to have a billboard involved in it so we have to find it U and so the bottom line that's on the board of adjustment case we just didn't know about it U frankly or we would have probably showed up but the fact the board of adjustment all they did was allow it to move forward their action in their quasi I all has nothing to do with your responsibility as a council whether or not to vote it's here in front of you today because they allowed it to go forward but they did not condone or sanction or approve in any form or fashion what is proposed before you today they just allowed it to go forward within the confines of the language in the moratorium which is required by law to have a process to Grant ask an exception to the rule of nothing can go forward that's all they did period they did not in any way condone or approve prove what's being asked for you today and I want to point out one thing real quick PUD 1949 exhibit D renderings should be in your packet cute little commercial development like this other slide shows a point of tower Spud 1166 master design statement you saw the schematic earlier that showed it on the one end exact act same picture page two nice pointed building exact same rendering all du respect to Mr Box I don't know for sure what he's talking about granted the commercial development under PUD 1949 does include the entire lot right now however the O2 part that's already there has a parking lot and a LGE multi-story building on it which I assume they don't plan to tear down the commercial development that we're talking about is on the corner it's already approved in 1166 and the exact same renderings are used today in 1949 or 19 yeah this P 1949 so you're not approving a new commercial development opportunity you're not being anti-b bus by denying this it's already allowed thank you um are there any more comments okay can can I ask uh because there's like this back and forth maybe this is for again legal like clarification what are we approving today then like that maybe you're the right person asking just want a clarification thank you you are approving the SP sorry you're approving pod 1949 is what you are approving what the board of adjustment did was allow them to go forward with this PUD with the billboard in it uh so what you are voting on now is the Pud which includes the billboard and the commercial development so I I just that's important for me I know this might bore everybody else but I'm a I don't want more Billboards uh I don't want a future of Fahrenheit 451 where Billboards are super elongated along interstat uh so people can speed as quick as they want but they can still read the billboard like I don't want a city dotted with Billboards I want a city that is much more people oriented than that and so I'm really ful for the sign code update um and there is a place for signs I just don't want a city overrun by them right um so I would not feel comfortable voting just to allow a billboard today uh that's why I need this clarification that I'm doing both that this is a vote for the commercial development which I'm way more you know in support of than I would be just for you know sure that if you look at your staff report um you will see the um a portion of the Pud is included what you will see under it shows up is uh page two of4 it it lists all of the commercial uses that would be approved as part of this PUD that under the current O2 are not approved and so you're adding retail you're adding restaurants you're adding all of these commercial uses that are today absolutely not allowed under the O O2 zoning just it's very important to me you know because it's not just when I say people centered I just I don't like the idea of us always in our cars and seeing just Billboards instead of the land sure like just seeing the land I mean we have these protections on uh i44 around Lake Hefner Parkway I point to councilman ston ciper cuz we have that view of that beautiful Lake and I worry you know what would happen if you just had like Billboards all along that so I just wanted to be very clear that what we're doing today then and correct me if I'm wrong legal is this is about a commercial development with a billboard and as we heard earlier this would be the final time that a put or Spud would bring to this Council a billboard zoning proposal are those two yes state is true yes sir okay thank you for taking time to walk me through that okay I guess it that it means it's back to me um here here's here's where I'm I'm so torn um I I understand the complexity of all of this whole this whole application process and I I hope you all have been following because in the last two days I have been schooled on some Billboards that I did not know I could be schooled about um and still waiting for some more information um about what can happen although I took a little break to see the eclipse yesterday but in the in the midst in the midst of of what we are doing my my concern is the fact that this went through a process that through this moror moratorium was allowed through the board of adjustments and again this quasa judicial body said yes to this variance for this to be allowed as far as this use of of this um the standard billboard sign then it went through the process of the Planning Commission so my concern is two things one it went through two different layers and no one showed up to protest what could or could not take place on this uh particular uh piece of property and for all of us to be as involved uh in in signs and in the business of signs it it seems as if we we would know these things when they occur and um at Mr hle I hate to put you on the spot council person hle but I know this is some of the things that you do in in your in your former past and future life but do you have someone um that follows applications as far as Billboards are concerned you do you do you do you do so someone usually knows when an application comes forward with a billboard sign no I can't speak for or you all do you all pay attention speak for everybody else I said we do but I can't speak for every Outdoor Company in town thank you for that it it seems as if with this type of business that everybody would in in some aspect have some type of representation to look at um what is coming forward a couple of things that happened yesterday in the process of talking to to Mr Bill and to uh Mr Box um and and thank you gentlemen both for for speaking with me yesterday were questions that I asked to uh Miss Laura mcdevon and I appreciate her for listening to me as well as we tried to just kind of understand what was going on together the um process as we said about us extending the puds and spuds it it did happen it was a long process so I think we all understand that the other thing that I asked for was um when and if we had any other zoning applications that went through the board of adjustment process during this time frame and there were three other cases that went through the board of adjustment process during this time frame of the mo moratorium so we know that it wasn't just this application that went through that process to seek a variance for the board of adjustments it was three other signs that went through this process to seek a variance from the board of adjustments and I believe all of those were approved except for uh there had been one variance application relating to AOS a proposed Bill board somewhere else but that application was ultimately withdrawn so those are the factors that I I'm looking at um in one of the things and and you know you got to pay for school and understand the difference of of learning in in planning I'm I'm learning and understanding the difference between that Quai judicial body and the and the abilities and things that we do as City Council Members um in our legislative process as well so for it to have gone through this board of adjustment process and ultimately coming to us that is what we have to look at um in in this this application again I I do I say to myself um that it is a little more wordy than it should be as far as the staff report because of the fact that it does say that the board of adjustment granted the variance on the the sign moratorium allowing the Pud to be processed um and here we are now where the staff report says to take these things out which is quite confusing in my opinion for that to take place and occur um did did you want to say something I i' offer to clarify if you'd like no I don't need clarification thank you um so therefore I I am going to ask that we and I I did talk to council person uh ston Cipher as well as dealing with a moratorium to give better understanding of why um as far as the moratorium is concerned and this process as well with the board of adjustments so we we did talk through that to understand each other and so I appreciate his insight as well um so with that we have also heard that this will be the last application that will go through this process so I apologize we all had to sit here through this uh as as long as we did but we're going in my my decision is to to um move this application forward I I understand um that there the concerns from from the the gentleman that spoke from Lamar Advertising and I appreciate you gentlemen for being here but at the same looking at um the application in the ways that this application was brought forward there were at least a few times for us to to talk through this application uh so I I apologize that we weren't able to do that prior to as far as the board of adjustment conversation the Planning Commission conversation and now here we are to make this decision so um with that I will ask that we move for approval of uh this this PUD or Spud for uh the application okay we have a motion and a second for approval cast your votes passes unanimously okay item C was previously deferred which brings us to item D this is an ordinance on Final hearing recommended for approval resoning 810 South John kpatrick Turn Pike from doublea and PUD 1628 to PUD 1983 uh councilwoman pck thank you mayor uh just a quick breakdown uh there's a lot of folks here to that have signed up to speak um we're going to start with the applicant and their presentation um and then I will give some comments and um then probably give it back to you mayor at that point we'll take it from there with some more housekeeping so Mr Box good morning David box 522 call Core drive here on behalf of the applicant this is an application for a PUD that would allow an Amphitheater to be built at uh just north of 15th west of Sarah Road it's an application that went through uh Planning Commission and was recommended for approval unanimously uh there were a few neighborhood meetings that also occurred throughout the process so staff recommends approval the Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval we would ask for same thank you Mr box thank you all right full disclosure it's been a really long process process um it started in October of last year um when I met with the applicant and the applicant met with City residents at their first town hall meeting um and then as Mr Box alluded to again recently I think the venue itself is very interesting I was very interested initially it it looks really cool it's pretty flashy and it's a very elevated um development that's being proposed our community is asking for that W 3 Way Out West residents are asking for elevated amenities uh we want a Chism Creek out that way we're kind of over the tired strip malls and the facades lacking cohesiveness I say we because I live less than three miles from this proposed application my kids went to those schools that are on the south side of the application I Drive Southwest 15th Street every single day and I've lived in the neighborhoods that are on the Southeast side of this development vment during my now let me do the math real fast is bad um almost two decades um in W 3 I've listened to the school field day from my yard in these neighborhoods with the kids having fun out in the fields next to these schools I want to address a few things as we go through this kind of talk about the process that I've been through to get personally to get here today um I want to talk first about the criticism that I've heard about our city staff and planning Commissioners they are doing a job and they are doing it well within the guard rails that is ordained for them to do them um it is not their job to do what we do it goes through those processes and then it comes to this Council and we take those recommendations and we add in our community engagement in what we know about the community and what we are hearing from the community and then we move forward as a body with individual votes and our past experience to inform that so just some fun facts as of Friday's cut off there were 280 contacts in protest and less than 70 in support to our Council Office since then there have been additional contacts and and I'm just going to have to Ballpark it because I don't have the exact counts but it on the surface appears to be 3: one in opposition that doesn't count any direct contacts those are strictly contacts to to this to the city whether it's City Clerk or the city council office um that doesn't count the contacts that have come to me personally which still roughly 3 to one in opposition our residents in opposition have put time and energy into formulating their opinions there's 1,73 pages of protest letters it included shared articles both peer reviewed and editorials letters sharing very personal details about your family your friends your pets our vets PTSD autism and other health conditions and how they feel like those could be impacted there's have been 90 pages in support there are Facebook pages for both the support and the opposition and this definitely holds the position as the most activating item for my constituency in the three years that I've been here and I am grateful for the involvement I hope you will continue those efforts for all the things that go on in W 3 you heard earlier about an amazing park that's coming there will be Community engagement for that and I expect every one of you to be there because it's like a mile from you down the other so I know where you live I will knock on your doors it's been said to me that the opposition here is a loud minority of folks that most people want the venue but the numbers just don't work out for that from my perspective but to that I say maybe so but this small loud group of 3 00 are also the group of people who are most closely situated to the proposed venue it is the group who will have no choice about attending those concerts or dealing with the traffic on the way home from work in the evenings or late night base that is unable to be Abad the city is already aware of the traffic situation so much so that we have a road widening project just to handle yesterday's traffic we're 10 years behind on it already and it's taken many years to get to to where it is and I'm excited about that road widening from Czech Hall to Sarah that is out for bid now I've spent time with the city's attorney's office learning about our noise ordinance and its history and its challenges and I see how it's really not going to be very helpful to the residents who live nearby as it doesn't appear to be very helpful to our Zoo Amphitheater residents I've discussed with music industry experts and Oklahoma City Entertainment experts and there is considerable excitement around our new Arena that's coming and our multi-purpose Stadium which provides some of the same amenities just in a little different venue I've spent time with the applicant the residents for and against I've been contacted by many other elected officials and I prayed a lot about what is the right thing to do here with everything that I've weighed in mind and the residents that I represent I'm going to make a motion to denied this application and with that motion comes kind of the next step in the process so I am going to hand it back to the mayor because there are so many of you that have signed up to speak and we are not going to deprive you of an opportunity um but we've come up with maybe a way to be very efficient with it um and I'm going to let you explain sure well it's it's up to you honestly but what you've just heard from Council wiek is that she is prepared to make a motion to deny the application will if that motion is adopted that's the end of the rad the application is has has has been rejected um I'm going to vote for that motion when she makes it we are either moments away from that motion in the conclusion of this issue or an hour and a half away from from that and that the the the choice is yours so I'm going to call the names of everyone who signed up to speak and if you would like to uh wave your speech at least for now and see how this motion goes um um just do that just wave your hand I'll look out I want to promise you that if the motion fails we're sort of back at square one at that point and there is no outcome yet and so I would certainly understand at that point that you may like to be heard that if you have chosen not to be heard to see this motion potentially voted on um but if it fails then you wrot in that scenario apparently a majority of the council does not see the way see the world the way you do and you'd like to tell us why we should and so I would revisit these these slips but for now I I'd like to give you the opportunity to and and if even just a few of you would take this opportunity it might make things go faster I understand if somebody just really really wants to speak you have that right but I'm going to call the names and um can I signed up and uh great so there's one that will certainly speak I'm going to call the names and uh if you if you're okay with just proceeding to the motion to deny just wave your hand Kristen Bruce or if you want to speak come forward and speak okay and if you're not here then I'll move on okay okay she waved I'm told James Rogers King okay Carl Edan uh are you okay just uh seeing how the motion goes and maybe speak later if it doesn't go the way you want or you want to speak okay all right Carl then come speak then you're up12 you have three minutes Mr Ed we are here from the neighborhood as you can see there's plenty of buttons shirts we are here to strongly request a no vote for the resoning of PE UD 1983 Amphitheater especially me I live one block from this impending disaster that will impact my family our families and the entire neighborhood and established Community for over five decades 50 years 50 years of a quiet peaceful neighborhood the amphitheater will blast music till 11:00 p.m.

Probably more does the city have a department that will monitor this no does the city have anything to monitor how loud this will get or how long it will last no they don't they've already been allowed to increase the deciel and it hasn't even been passed here yet the family environment will forever be changed if this goes through imagine trying to sit outside making memories with your kids and your grandkids roasting marshmallows making s'mores and not being able to hear them tell you Thank you Grandma thank you Grandpa and then not hear the words that melts our hearts that will stay with you forever you're the best I love you but you won't be able to hear this crap because of this impending disaster or sitting outside with your wife glass of wine enjoying the peace and quiet 30 seconds remaining if you allow this to pass families will be greatly impacted because the families will be forced to move economic impact will be severe from the lowering values of our property and if you sell you'll be getting less for your money the hallway right outside there's a sign that says city council priorities number six reads Carl where Community definitely can't go over today because there so many signed up thank you thank you Carl Casey Whit vote Don Bryson okay and again just your every Speaker gets his further from denying the application thank you mayor council members for hearing our protest my name is Don Bryson I live at 10305 abine Drive in Yukon Oklahoma I've lived there for 20 years with my wife and our Bulldogs I am against the amphitheater adjoining my neighborhood my concerns are many noise the prospective Amphitheater owners have asked to be able to emit sound levels higher than it is allowed by the noise ordinance Oklahoma City I know you as a council do not want to hear the t-word so we have modified it vehicular incursion the Overflow of the vehicles will travel and park throughout my neighborhood this is unacceptable the road in which I live abine Drive is a thorough Fair it is a undersized thorough far it should be a lane in a state highway they're working on that and I do appreciate you Barbara p economic impact one day I may want to sell my house due to the negativity brought to this area by the amphitheater my home may sell for less than fair market value this is unacceptable crime it is a fact that the criminal activity will increase in the area surrounding that Amphitheater this is unacceptable in closing I'll remind those here that we have an obligation to our neighbors we have several veterans who suffer from PTSD I am blessed to not be one of those but I feel and I will defend those that do as well as children who are autistic this level of noise pollution especially for them is unacceptable please deny PUD 1983 it is unacceptable thank you for your service thank you Gary Rymer good Samuel Smith Samuel Smith okay thanks Bob France thank you Linda Hall thank you Dom d dunger dangara speak okay all right my name is Dominic dangora I do not live near the amphitheater but just by a show of hands before I get too far is anybody in support all right one other guy okay so uh I am for the the amphitheater um I am a Boston transplant so I did not grow up here but I am a musician and when I came here in 2005 I was stationed in uh Enid Advance Air Force Base I came to grow to love Oklahoma City and so I made this my uh place of residence in 2008 I've been here ever since what caused me to stay here was the growth that I experienced and the growth that I've been a part of and it's the growth that excites me about the future of of Oklahoma City as a musician who's played professionally for 5 years in this city in the past um you know obviously an Amphitheater is very exciting to me um I would love to have something like this but I also feel for you guys who are close by but I also think that there's a misunderstanding of all of the noise pollution that could be um I think there's a misunderstanding of all of the the traffic that could be uh you mentioned Barbara fact that uh there was a a 10-year delay on what should be uh with with the road development well perhaps that something like this could bring the revenue required for you to be able to do the things that would grow your ward um so I'm not I'm not an expert I'm just a fellow resident who would love to see the growth of this city continue uh in in big ways you know the zoo amphitheater I've seen recently that uh there are Renovations taking place the city's excited about that well the zoo does not have any of the sound abatement uh equipment that the amphitheater would have uh there's been no there's been no push back about the zoo and future Renovations and what they haven't done over the last couple of decades so anyway I just wanted to voice my opinion um let you know that I'm in support I respect any decision that's made I appreciate I know how much you've been through with all the time and you guys who are not in support I just respect everybody for being here thank you thank you thank you Emily fincen thank you Megan yarber thank you Philip Cox okay like to thank you guys for all being here today and allowing us the time to speak um as we heard before at some uh previous meetings if people don't show up and say something it's brought up in you know against us later on so that's why I decided to speak today I am in opposition of the Pud 1983 Sunset Amphitheater I live at 920 Cardiff Place in Yukon Oklahoma 73099 in Westberry North I've lived in the neighborhood for 30 years I'm only 36 years old I moved there when I was 3 years old with my parents I left for about 3 years to go to college and do some schooling and whenever it came time to get married and find a home I came back to this neighborhood because it's quiet I can walk with my family my dogs on the streets it's nice outside I can enjoy the nature and everybody around um let's see sorry I lost my spot uh putting this Amphitheater in jeopardizes everything we built as a community I'm respectfully asking you to prioritize the health and safety of the people in our neighborhood over financial gain the Ampitheater will not be good for the health of my neighborhood or any of the surrounding neighborhoods and schools I used to be a mobile DJ and I know for a fact that sound travels long ways I've had the police called on me whenever I was dejing an event at the Mustang um football stadium that's completely enclosed I did a cancer walk all night long we played music and the police were called on a cancer walk to come shut the sound down because it was too loud for the surrounding neighborhoods and that's two PA speakers that I have as a mobile DJ and that's that's not a huge amp theater so I just wanted to say thank you for your time and consideration thank [Applause] you and maybe maybe to the gentleman's point I don't want you to feel I I think we see you and and you all got the buttons in the shirts but raise your hand if you are here to protest this this PUD okay just just so we know I didn't want you to think that just because you're waving your right to speak doesn't mean that we don't know you're here so Dr Dennis Beringer yes yes sure I guess um uh just do whatever you want Mr marer are you g to do you want to speak I mean you've already used a minute already you want to come up and speak is all right uh my material is technical in nature okay but I I'm going to hold you to three minutes just so you know may I get out my before we start sure uh I'll keep it I'll keep it brief some of you know me some of you I hope have seen the report that I submitted to councel trying to explain the details of the sound issue um so I'm Dennis Beringer I live at 10237 Bonnie Castle Drive uh I've been there and in my 31st year of residence I have three generations of my family living in Westberry and the only reason I really want to say anything is because I want to be sure that we have a firm technical grasp of what's going on because the Planning Commission indicated to me when I appeared there they did not understand the sound and noise issues and had no experts on the Planning Commission to look at that uh as you know I'm in opposition to this PUD I reviewed the city staff report the resoning request and the two attached reports in great detail and then I did exhaustive research on this as Mrs peek knows and I submitted a report to her that I promised I would give to her and all of you received a copy uh I have a handout can we take a timeout long enough to get this handed out all righty so if you look at this bar graph what you're going to see is the blue is the city code the Orange is what the Pud requests it be changed to it's important to understand that by changing this in the Pud you are actually changing the noise code in the adjoining R1 area by PUD and I believe we frown on changing city code by using the Pod uh and notice that there are some cases where the sound level by a 10 deel increase actually doubles a 10 decel increase is a doubling in the sound level uh so if we don't get the same protection as other R1 areas in this city is that unfair discrimination kind of feels like it uh the applicant's data indicates they cannot mitigate low frequency and impulsive sounds which is what's been implicated 30 seconds remaining I can do it in most cases for the noise we've seen we need to use the operational record just like FAA does to track what actually happens in the real world the operation record for amphitheaters indicates we can get noise anywhere from 1 to 5 miles distant that's why they keep getting complaints so having pretty much run out of time I just wanted to be sure we understood that there are some significant technical issues here that haven't been resolved and I have to agree that I I would recommend rejecting this PUD thank you very much thank you thank you Alan down Allan downan okay thank you Mike Robinson thank you uh Marty Lawson thank you Rachel ears thank you Julie McCoy thank you grant Bailey thank you Keith Woodward thank you Jeremy KS okay my name is Jeremy Carn I live at one22 birken Head Court in Westbury South I've lived out there for 21 years I'm um very active member in our community and I've also spoken with lots of people in ward 3 who do support this the uh there's a lot of misinformation that has motivated people to come today and speak fear is a very motivating factor some of the things that have been said there's going to be more child trafficking there's going to be uh drunks on your door at 3 in the morning concerts will go to one or two or 3 in the morning which is which is not true um and I just think that you guys need to understand that um the people who drive our economy and people working that contribute to their local economy which is why the 959 people in the support of sunset group are not here today is very important that I took off to make sure they their voices were heard this uh is a very very big project which will bring a lot of money to the city and also help our Mustang schools out there which are in desperate need and they're growing like crazy there's going to be continue grow growth around the area and we've got to pay for those those those children to have a school to go to so I would appreciate your you're thinking about this seriously we just need five votes to make this go on I understand why Barbara would not want to to vote forward in this situation elections are coming up so that's all I have thank you thank you Kelly W yes thank you Mr Mayor and members of the council my name is Kelly work and I am here representing the Mustang Creek Family Fund which was a group that was organized uh in opposition to this PUD and represents uh members of several of the neighborhoods uh surrounding the subject site and uh because I am here on behalf of a number of people and was asked to speak I just wanted to to let you all know that we're present and uh are in opposed to the Pu we are opposed to the Pud we understand that that uh councilwoman peek has made a motion that has been seconded and I'll uh defer any further remarks and allow that process to go forward thank you very much thank you Kelly Melissa lefave I would like to speak just because uh my husband and I worked really hard on some fancy um handouts for you guys um the first uh handout is a map of the protest and support letters as of Friday at noon um the protest letters are in blue and the support letters are in orange so that's just a quick visual of um the people who will be directly affected um the second page is a one M radius um 3,800 households are in a one M radius um okay so sorry 913 Edinburg Drive located in Westbury North belflower Edition we've lived there for 16 years I've served on uh the belflower uh Property Owners Association since 2019 uh my family and I are against PUD my son is here today missing school um purposely because he has been involved in the protest he loves this process he wanted to be here today to see it through I chose to go ahead and speak because I know that this is not the end um I know that this land will continue to be um developed I would love the opportunity I don't know who said um love the opportunity to meet swisser Park I love that idea I hope that this land owner would honor the same thing in trying to figure out what could go in there um if I don't I don't have enough time but if that rendering is still up um you can see my house I'm 90 feet from sah Road um so no one can sit here and tell me that the traffic I know we're not supposed to say that word today the traffic would not be an issue for my house I would see it the lights the sounds I don't care um to the gentleman that is in support if you would like to buy my house um we can can talk later I'm for real like for anybody that's going to say that it's not an issue and all this come talk to me um misinformation that's another thing that's another reason I wanted to speak today there is um a lot of misinformation going on we uh I have actually met with the superintendent of Mustang schools had an actual meeting um and I'm using those words specifically um he act he laughed whenever the statement was made the schools are in desperate need of this m 30 seconds remaining not saying that the schools wouldn't benefit the schools will benefit from anything that is put there um it is a concern uh Mr Bradley has has sent his um concerns to miss peek if no one has received them then please see her um the amount of lobbying that has occurred in this scenario has been mindblowing to me I am not a political person but I have become involved and I now a member of the Mustang Chamber of Commerce because of this so thank you thank you thank you and the last speaker Michael Washington wonderful wonderful thank you thank you greatness oh my God it is isn't it Barbara Michael let me say you've done a great thing today you have decided to listen to the people put you in office that means a whole lot to them that they can depend on you for that continual Peace of Mind rather than some entrepreneur development now then the people love the way things are currently going and I agree with them no business adventure should disrupt that you better believe where I'm coming from the people then have a wonderful state of mind they would have to deal with emotional instability that they would prefer to do without they like the way things again are currently going on but let me say one other thing you cannot allow someone on the outside to come in and disregard the wishes of the people who know for a fact I don't even live in that area but when I see an injustice and engrave Injustice I must speak out or not be the man that I have come to become now then everybody knows that the traffic is going to increase everybody knows that come on talk to me if you would everybody know when there are parties and thing people going to drink do dope and all like come on let's talk to me today if I ain't real now this everybody know thing like this is not saying Amphitheater is not a great thing I I like to go out and watch the movies and things what go on but I don't like coming and bringing business to a place where it's going to harm people's stability emotional mental and emotional state of mind these people feel good to be able to go to the store without a lot of traffic and crime and noise I guarantee you one thing with the music and things it would not be contained in that building because you want to know why when there are parties people can hear it miles away I mean at times I wake up downtown I'm way way from downtown here not saying it's bad oh I've got a minute left oh my God the time come quickly stay on topic but let me say it was an a courageous act on your part I must conclude with this and I believe that the people have more faith in you than they had before that you're going to do the right thing this is not to say now that you may approve of public Adventures that may change their mind on certain things but I know they know the vast majority of times going to be pleased with your ANS 30 seconds remaining so again thank you for oh 3 minutes thank you again y'all thank you for this opportunity to speak I just had to speak because the people deserve to be given the right piece of Mind children deserve to go on the school buses without somebody possibly harming them in things I am for this and if there's anything I can do to help file a law who excuse me free of charge y'all please come to me because I will set you free thank you very much for this opportunity thank you'all very much [Applause] councilwoman pck you wish to make a motion motion to deny can I make a comment I know we're doing this I hate sorry um I I heard some things and I just want to correct some misinformation that I heard pertaining to the zoo amphitheater um and I I I want everyone to hear this very clear um and also because of the last few Council meetings I've I've heard people say go to the zoo amphithe um our community in Northeast Oklahoma City if you have not been there to see how this abuts a neighborhood this is the ultimate example of what can take place the difference here is that that was built in 19 between 1933 and 1936 before a neighborhood came so it set a little precedence but it does not mean that this neighborhood is unharmed this neighborhood has been been in distress for quite some time the animals just as much because of the things that occur and take place and for anyone to say that uh the neighbors have not mentioned anything about this uh I'm sorry to to inform you we have been on this case since I've been elected for sure because of the constant calls and the things that have taken place for my residence in the uncomfort and I stay a mile away from the zoo amphitheater and I can hear it from my house so these are impacts that not to you know agree disagree but I think it's important for us to look at if we say we don't want these things everywhere let's say we don't want these things in our neighborhoods all over Oklahoma City not just in specific communities and areas so I would implore that I wasn't I'm sorry and and I I wasn't saying that to to garnish a a clap because it's important to me I I I want you all to realize and understand as well as we look at this um and I I'm I'm supporting whatever the councilwoman puts before us because she and I have had a very deep conversation about how this has impacted the my neighborhood but I I wanted I felt it necessary to say that and I I appreciate the opportunity but to my residents in uh this area please help my my residents as well and support them in the efforts that they have uh because of the the ways that you feel about what's going on okay so you would like to make a motion to deny that is correct and so let's bring that up uh electronically and I'll clarify for both we who are voting and those who are watching this is a little bit of flipping the Motions on their head from what you've seen in other zoning cases so in this case councilwoman peek will be voting yes to deny her the application uh and so it may be the case that many of you have sent emails asking us to vote no and now we're going to do the exact opposite of that and you're going to wish that we do that um so so a yes vote is against the application it is voting to deny the application okay we have a motion in a second cast your votes motion carries 7 to to the application is denied we will pause for just a moment I will I mean you're welcome to stay but um I assume you'd like to get on with your day we're g to move on to other business now but it might be very loud so maybe I'll give it 30 seconds for your exit work e okay we're going to get started again item 11e is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval this is rezoning 16400 North Mustang Road from AA to PUD 1992 uh councilman Carter no one has signed up to speak sorry I'm kind of drawn a blank for a second I got to recalculate you're in city council um okay so no one signed up correct okay well after speaking with um the school district in this area as well as the developer and the things that we have come to agreement on and again subject to the technical evaluations I will move for approval okay we have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right item F F1 and two F1 is an amendment to the master design statement uh F2 is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval rezoning 408 Northwest 30th uh from R2 HL and UC to Spud 1581 HL and UC uh councilman Cooper we do have a couple people who have signed up to speak in protest and I've heard maybe we also may have met a protest um milestone just as this agenda was being prepared we have okay so it is believed by staff that this is reached the standard which requires seven affirmative votes if the motion is to approve councilman Cooper great um let's hear from the applicant first about the proposal and um i' be curious then from Mr Box and from lindsy pever uh if you all would like like to speak before you hear from the protest or what order I'll Trust your guidance and councilman Groves is here as well so I'm I am at your service the three of you thank you drive um it's a rare opportunity that I get to speak at this Podium where Eric Groves is here and we'll be in agreement with what I have to say but but we have found ourselves in that position um and so the mayor is right although there is a significant amount of written protest my belief is what you're going to hear uh from Miss peevers and Mr Groves and others is that they are in agreement with where this document is now uh this has been a very lengthy process um because it is in the HL District it required us to go to the HP commission for a recommendation prior to Planning Commission this is at the corner of 30th in Hudson there was a church that had a significant fire many years ago and ultimately that church had to be removed what we are proposing uh would allow for a multif family development to be uh placed there so when we went to the HP commission we had a 40 foot product at uh three stories with almost zero setback on the North and the East HP commission recommended approval we continue to meet I'm not sure the total number of meetings I believe it's I don't know four or five many meetings with the neighbors um and what we now have is a document that has a m Max of 30 ft in height the architectural elements now would reflect what looks like three separate buildings when before we had one single building uh with that felt pretty U heavy with the massing along 30th and Hudson we've pushed our setback significantly on the North as well as the east on the north we match that line of historical setbacks that exist although there are some buildings that actually are closer to the rway than we are and on the East we are slightly uh closer to Hudson however Hudson has a extraordinary wide rideway and so when you look at it if you can tell we have a significant setback that will allow us the opportunity to landscape uh sidewalks and all those things so the development now will look more like a bungalow style uh series of buildings than what we started with additionally as part of this process my client has agreed to retain the HP commission's oversight with any development of the of this uh site so what that means is before we can pull a building permit we still have to go to the HP commission to get a CA before we can build we've agreed to meet all of the regulations contained in the HP guidelines further we agreed to a neighborhood charet prior to submitt of any plans to the HP commission so the conversation with the neighbors does not stop after today we will have a design shet where we fine-tune what the actual materials and all of those things will look like and only after our shred is done we make formal submitt to the HP commission at the HP Commission of course notice will get sent out and the neighbors will once again have an opportunity to comment and weigh in on what the the final design is and looks like so we think after all of these meetings that we have arrived at a at a project that although isn't fully designed is supported from I think the majority of the folks that have written in in in protest and what you'll notice is in the agenda you'll see it's not only an amendment to the um or not only the ordinance but an amendment that's because after Planning Commission we had a meeting with councilman Cooper and I want to thank him for all his time where we made additional modifications to the document that is what I've handed out to you and that is the I believe it's the March 27th version of yeah it's excuse me February 27th version of the Spud that is what item number one is and that's what we're asking you to vote on on today that represents all of the changes we've made all of the updated renderings uh and what we believe is the agreement that we have with the neighbors so I'm happy to answer any questions that the council might have but we're thankful for the Neighbors time and the councilman's time because it was a long process many meetings and the work's not done thank you Mr Box uh Lindsay and Eric would you all like to take to the podium or would you like to hear from the protest first we'll trust your guidance on that as the residents thank you mayor members of the council I'm Eric Groves I'm an attorney a resident of edmir I represent Bill white who is also a resident of edmir um this case provides a model of how these things can be resolved we want to thank councilman Cooper for all the time and effort he put in in helping us find Common Ground uh so we are in agreement with the developers to what's going to be done the architectural details will be hammered out at the HP commission but this case does raise two other matters one is uh we are wary of the Spud being used to circumvent requirements in overlay districts we think that needs some attention secondly want to be sure that the city adheres to its commitment to protect HP neighborhoods uh we were disappointed in the actions of the HP commission with in respect to that so anyway we really appreciate the efforts of James Cooper and with that I'll turn it over to Lindsay thank you all just to stay on track I'm G to just read a few comments thanks for giving me the opportunity Lindsay pever 225 Northwest 33rd Street and I am here on behalf of both Jefferson Park neighborhood and edgmere park I did want to thank all of the neighbors who have devoted their time to ensuring a more compatible development I want to thank the developer for being willing to work with us to that end and most of all I want to thank commiss uh planning commissioner Janice powers and council person James Cooper without whom a very uncompatible very large apartment complex would have been built together what we accomplished is close to what would have been developed had the comprehensive plan and the HP guidelines been followed however they were not followed on this project and I want to take a minute to bring that to you your attention areas with historic homes were not always the desirable neighborhoods that they are today the reason they're desirable today is because of historic preservation plain and simple the HP commission has jurisdiction to see to it that these strict rules are adhered to and fairly applied the HP commission as you all probably know has been known to discuss a single non-conforming window for an hour or more sometimes however this originally proposed 27 unit apartment complex was approved out of compliance with those rules in a matter of minutes which means the rules are just not being consistently applied so I do stand here today on behalf of Jefferson and edmir and I formally withdraw our protest because we have worked really well with a developer we've gotten the project to very close to what it would have been had the the HP guidelines and the plan been followed but I would respectfully request beg that you all help us by ensuring that your appointed HP Commissioners and the staff are fairly and consistently applying the HP guidelines until those are changed I understand the plan is you know changing and evolving but the HP guidelines are not at this point and so we just ask um on behalf of all historic preservation owners to please please ensure that these guidelines are adhered to both by someone who might put in the wrong window and also a developer that might do infill development thank you so much thank you um I'll save my remarks because I'd like to hear whoever signed up to speak in protest there were no that's the main event then um first uh and I think this is for city manager uh Freeman Jeff Butler our planning director Katie Friddle with historic preservation we just heard uh concerns articula regarding the historic preservation commission process particularly as it relates to this proposal my request is to receive uh an assessment of that process from staff I'd like to know what happened that gave way to the concerns we've just heard from W 2's appointed Bond advisory representative and Lindsay paver so this is someone I trust quite a bit when it comes to their uh thoughtfulness and their expertise so this isn't just some willy-nilly person speaking in in my estimation on this um so whatever that concern is and if you and if uh Jeff uh director Butler and Katie and and city manager Freeman if you need clarification on that concern um and in fact Lindsay would you mind just maybe clarifying exactly here for us right now so that again leadership can hear what that concern was so that as we move through the development code update right now that this concern finds itself addressed like what went wrong what happened so that going forward with development we don't have to hear that again sure so I would say without the guidelines in of me I would you know defer to the staff on the exact guidelines but suffice it to say development in you know historic preservation neighborhoods should be compatible with what is already there it shouldn't look exactly the same but it should be compatible so if there are you know three one-story Bungalows it wouldn't be compatible to have a 40ft building next door if the setbacks which you know are if you if you go into a historic neighborhood you can tell that all the houses for the most part are set back the same um and so when something isn't set back you know 15t or even 17 ft like the surrounding buildings it just looks different it feels different and you notice it and so infill development should match what is already there to the extent that it is set back the same or very similar the height is the same or or similar and the massing right so um you wouldn't want to see a thre story building with no breezeways or you know one single three-story building next to three Bungalows would just it's a feeling you get and that's why historic neighborhoods are so popular today that's why you're seeing more infill development that's why you're seeing people wanting to rent garage apartments even more than ever because there's just a feeling because of the Aesthetics that you get and there there are parks around and um you know it's close to downtown and convenient um but all of those things that you just that feeling you get in historic areas is due to the design elements it's due to um things that were not initially adhered to in this proposal so um going into the HP commission meeting we all sort of assumed that when we saw the proposal that those things would be corrected that the HP commission would say we see that you're asking for 40 ft the nearest building um is 2 and a half stories and probably closer to 30 feet and we thought they would bring it down we see that you're asking for 5 foot or zero setbacks the nearby setbacks are 15 ft and 17 ft and we thought that we would those things would be corrected or adjusted downward in the HP commission meeting um we see that you're asking for 27 units that is far too many units for a less than half an acre piece of land but that didn't happen and so the neighbors felt like you know it was up to us to try to convince the developer that these things are really important and um and ultimately we with your help truly your help was what made the difference we were able to do that but my request is simply follow the guidelines whether you know you are an individual homeowner you have to follow those guidelines and if you are a developer of a duplex or you know in this case a multiplex that you just have to follow the same guidelines as all of us do that live in that area thank you so thank you for that detailed response and I think something Mr Box would say right is that well after this goes to planning and Council then there would be that moment where there has to be the return to the HP commission to to meet those guidelines but what it sounds like I'm hearing is that upfront we'd like to hear that clarification or yeah that's what I'm hearing right so what I'd like from it doesn't have to happen right now in fact I don't think it could happen but from the city manager from the planning leadership from uh uh HP from Katie I'd like a diagnosis of what happened at HP that allowed for that um what we just heard and what we are going to do going forward uh to uh address these sorts of concerns does that sound about right y okay um Mr box that sound about right from you too okay I don't know if there's anything you would add is there anything you would add okay um does that make sense what I'm asking for okay so uh let me just uh Begin by saying um I really appreciate the level of Engagement thoughtfulness that we had from Lindsay my predecessor councilman Groves uh from Matt and your team in terms of development it struck me about h uh after this made its way to Planning Commission um when my planning commissioner actually voted against this she was the one no vote uh it struck me in that moment I I disagreed with Janice um because one of the statements that she had made was that she thought there was too much density already in terms of development in Jefferson and no there there's a lot of infill lots where we could be adding to in terms of housing Bungalows duplexes fourplexes there's still that ability but what Janice got exactly right I think in saying no in that moment was we didn't have all of this consensus you just heard we had gone from 27 units to 20 but there were still concerns about the number and from that coming back together we were able to get to 18 right so I think Janice did us a solid in that moment in saying hey slow down here hey we're not done yet um because Janice is an advocate for neighborhoods every bit as much as the people you've heard today and certainly why I've reappointed her and will continue to reappoint her to represent word two on the Planning Commission because she understands the importance of uh protecting the Integrity of our neighborhoods but also I as the council person have to address the reality of the housing crisis that we have currently right I have to address the reality that when it comes to the old ways of thinking of what a single family what they might want in terms of living space you take someone like me right I live in an apartment that is 700 square feet it is 730 I'm sorry 735 square ft I've lived there for 11 years that's all the space I need and that is what's happening with a lot of gen Z with Millennials and even seniors right now who are saying how do I downsize how how do I live in a space that is actually conducive to my safety because maybe I've raised my family in a two-story house and now is they're moving and thinking about their families and their grandkids are going I don't feel safe necessarily walking up and downstairs I would like a one-bedroom apartment right or two one a two-bedroom apartment for their uh partner right or something like this so I think we need to rethink uh what single family housing is right in ways that maybe didn't um think about in a postor war II moment right it is critical for me to articulate aloud and this was something we talked about in those final meetings together the neighborhood associations and I I really want the HP neighborhoods to hear me as well because I understand uh a sense of um concern uh that uh the city government would just allow willy-nilly any sort of infill development in histor neighborhoods hear me when I say this word to and hear me when I say this HP until me as a council person I don't think there was someone who ran a campaign two different times on honoring the history of our historic neighborhoods better connecting our historic neighborhoods to one another with sidewalks with bike Lanes with reliable public transportation that ran every 15 minutes I ran two campaigns talking names back into existence like GA Nichols who developed the payo who also developed Nichols Hills where I went to elementary school Anton Classen and John chartel those are the people who developed that historic area and when they did they thought we want Bungalows but we also want duplexes fourplexes and eight plexes they figured out how can you weave all of this different type of housing to meet family needs and the needs of the individual all I did as the council person was rearticulate that history back into existence because since World War II we stopped with that articulation we started talking about sprawl and moving as far away from connecting to our neighbors we stopped requiring the building of sidewalks after World War II remember that until my other predecessor Sam Bowman the late great Sam Bowman Maps 4 37 he said we are going to invest and sidewalks again and I carry that torch that's what I do HP you might recall when I ran in 2019 and again last year that I always said that we need to build infill housing that complements the architecture of our historic neighborhoods that honors the historic architecture of our neighborhoods that is what I am trying to will into existence right now as we go into our bond next year and we have the opportunity to fund housing to meet our housing needs mark my words you will have no greater Advocate than me when I say to you we should be incentivizing developers to do infield development that honors and complement the historic architecture the tutor you name it if it's there in Jefferson Park if it was good enough back in the 30s for edgmere it's good enough for us today in 202 before so I'm not interested in cookie cutter chip and Joanne type Prairie housing in edgmere park I dislike it strongly and I will always oppose it good I thought my HP people would appreciate that if you want to know my vision for War I going forward all you need to do is get on your bike take a walk get in your car and drive around Jefferson drive around edgmere drive around poo drive around putham Heights you'll see it all I want to do is honor it and take it into the 21st century I will never again sit and listen to people try to make it seem like I am trying to hurt these neighborhoods you're not I'm supposedly the nice person in the bridge builder you don't want to know what it's like to be on the other side of me on that you don't because that would be dishonest that would be dishonest about what I am trying to pull off what I am trying to pull off is to meet our housing needs to make sure that teachers and the Baristas and the servers who work and live in War I will always have a place to live in W two I am so proud of Eric grov I am so proud of the people who in the 70s and 80s fought to keep highways from running onto what is present day Robinson I'm here to continue your legacy and with that I would move for approval one more thing Jan h look thank you for opening up your home multiple times to Residents who were not always in agreement with each other very tense Moments One of the most proud achievements of my time on Council was to get Matt and his team to agree to put speed cushions on Northwest 30th Street I know I'm going on a bit but if the sunset people get to than I get to too this is significant this is the first time a development with this many units is going to move into HP in many many years we had to get this right which is why I Incorporated language in this proposal to make sure that there are speed cushions on 30th street because one two three times I believe a vehicle has sped down 30th Street and crashed into Jan Hook's home what if Jan and her family had been in the car lines Direction when that happened that's horrifying and do you know that as a city we have those incidents all the time so thank you to the Developers for actually helping us to calm traffic on 30th Street at their expense Jan You Were Always On My Mind in that moment and I know we don't always exactly see eye to eye on some of the things when we think of HP but that's okay CU I think that ultimately we come to really good compromises together and that's the best I can sometimes do and then I'll just say to the developers um and especially to the architect who I believe is also an edgmere resident youall have a lot of work ahead of you but I am so grateful that you sat with Mr Box Caitlyn lindsy councilman Groves and myself throughout this whole process and I know it was a painful push sometimes because you're an artist right it's what architecture is but we had to as councilman Grove said set a precedent here here for our HPS to say that if you're going to come develop in our historic preservation neighborhoods you need to be ready to sit down sit with the neighbors and we need to be ready to have compromises But ultimately I think this Spud is the first time that I anyone was able to put language in there that said architecturally we must meet even ahead of HP uh honoring uh this historic architecture in these neighborhoods that we have fought so hard to protect I think I've said it all um I just think it was really important to uh do um that timeline let me also say thank you to this land yoga uh the owners of Harvey Bakery for coming to me and expressing concerns about the parking in that area that's why we have 30 parking spaces at this development because we definitely had some parking concerns my childhood friend Evan Bray who grew up with me in the coma Park chalk to schools who connected me to this L yoga and their concerns Mary Monfort who wanted to articulate those concerns to me Bill and Susie just y'all I know we didn't all get what we wanted here but we all worked together and that is my commitment to you is that I will always sit I will always listen and I will always try and figure out how we can meet the needs of our present moment but honoring the history of w two is there anything I am forgetting that you all need from me we need to move to one okay let's do it now I do want to clarify oh I just asked you may but despite l Lindsay's comment the our attorney think it is still legally at the threshold so it does require seven votes though thank you mayor it is important that Council heard she withdrew yes but yes there is this official moment shall we proceed does anyone else need to speak okay let's bring up uh oh do we uh oh we need to do the amendment first yes and the amendment doesn't need to be amended or anything does it David okay all right so first is F1 the amendment to the master design statement this I suppose Kenny does not need seven votes this is the amendment all right rck we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and now F2 the ordinance itself which does require in this instance seven affirmative votes okay and I'll move for approval when the screen comes up here I have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and with the necessary seven affirmative votes think your work's not over youall have some group work sitting together to make sure that the language in this Spud that you follow it right so buckle up the sequel's coming let me know if I can be of any use and then otherwise just thanks to my planning and traffic Commissioners and everyone I've already thank and just really grateful to work with you okay we're going to take a brief departure from zoning cases because I want to be uh available to everyone on items V and W and I have uh impending conflict approaching and so these are addressing maps for implementation plan amendments and uh so item VNW are kind of related to each other and will both be presented by David to cor right yes David Todd the director of our math program will uh present these items David Todd maps program manager I'm going to speak to this this first item v at a very high level um if we need to get into details AJ Cook Patrick is here from adg he has been tasked with understanding all the details of this but the the implementation plan originally uh looked at two crisis centers and what was in place at the time was a restriction on the number of beds that a single facility could have and that was at 16 and the the desire was that we would get at least 32 beds that has um since been waved we've we've gotten a a waiver I suppose and um we feel that and and in conjunction with the okoma Department of Mental Health which is our operator that we can be more effective by combining these combining the budgets and possibly getting up to 40 beds out of a facility if we combine these remembering that also the restoration Center which is part of maps 4 also has a crisis center in it so we are asking that the implementation plan be amended so that we just do a single crisis center uh with the combined budgets and understanding that we will get the same or possibly more amount of beds and I'll add some color that five years ago when we were working on that part of the resolution very closely with Terry White who was then the commissioner of mental health um the sole reason for the two centers being written into the resolution and ultimately the implementation plan was the federal law that you just referenced which has I don't know exact mechanics of whether it's changed or whether we've received a special dispensation but whatever the case it's no longer applicable and uh for the other reasons you just stated that was one why we've moved to this point okay any questions I'm going take them one by one perhaps maybe that'd be the best any questions on that I got questions um I know I've had conversations and I think I had been waiting for some more clarification and understanding what we were doing um where are we projecting this one location to be we're still in um in that process today also on on the agenda was hiring an architect and once we get them on board then we'll start that in motion and and decide where that is okay because initially when this was brought to me um and my attention there was a location in Northeast Oklahoma City so is that still the location you all are looking at or are you looking at a different location and so again we're we're still in the process but that is certainly one one of the the locations probably the top priority okay well I just want to express my concerns about that particular location which is why I believe I understand we want to do we want to combine one but um the unfortunate opportunity of not having uh the ways where we can connect residents everywhere um is the fact that we're putting it in one when I I believe also as we were looking at how do we connect with our residents that are in need in all parts of our city and to the location that currently stands that is operated operated by the uh Department of Mental Health um also which is next door to the loty house which is operated by Mental Health Association Oklahoma um I have residents that seek services and I haven't heard of anyone in my neighborhood that have been able ble to use or activate services within um the proximity of where this is located and it's literally across the street from a Housing Authority property where we have a lot of our community that is disabled and or have um behavioral health concerns Andor issues so therefore for me um I have I have a a bit of concern um I guess that's the best word I can use about it in US separating or or combining one space and I understand the bad situation but my my concern is everyone not being able to be served um and the intent of what we were trying to do in in ensuring that we had locations uh where we could serve residents so uh I I'm not supporting this res this this particular implementation plan so with that in mind I'd like to call up AJ and he can talk about some of the private facilities that have are being brought online and and how we're looking at at looking at it as a system thank you David yeah um so the um some other things have changed um since Maps 4 was originally passed in addition to receiving the waiver which has already been addressed um we are also starting to see the growth of these Services being offered by some of our community based organizations um like North Care uh Red Rock and so uh if I had a map up I'd be able to point this out to you clearer but um we have actually uh to to councilwoman nice's concern the O crew facility that's current currently at 13th lat that was our only crisis center for several years when oick at General Persian uh opened in the early 2000s um it became our UR ENT Recovery Center or URC and that is if you'll help help go with me a little bit that's almost like the emergency room of this experience for the for a hospital so urc's urgent recovery centers are really the front doors that we need um more of and the good news is that we and many of our Community Partners are adding those throughout our community so um the this this combined crisis center um we've talked a lot about the beds and trying to make sure we're getting the same number of beds it will have a URC so it will be one of those front doors uh where either law enforcements mobile crisis teams or the individual or their families can be dropping off uh the consumers of these services in addition to that we also have had Hope on the Southside opener URC uh two weeks ago northcare uh opened a new facility in Edmund that is very adjacent to our city boundaries that will be serving families on the North side and the intent is for that to also be eventually certified as a URC of course we still have oi um the new Donahue which is a replacement of Griffin Memorial Hospital that will be at Portland and Reno will also have its URC so um that is one of the other things that we're trying to kind of predict the wind here and um we are definitely overall increasing the ways that these consumers can enter the system again that's to me um as we look at that the concerns that I I had previously I I still haven't been able to get um resolved D when we had our meeting when I spoke about what those issues were pertaining to Residents pertaining to those that are in the surrounding areas pertaining to those um clinicians though pertaining to those psychiatrists pertaining to those that are within this part of our community that can speak to the concerns of what is taking place and you know while I again as um I I hear what what we're saying but also um it's interesting of how we prioritize certain areas instead of others for for things that that people are are not able to access councilwoman I do want to say that your request was not did not fall in deaf ears we have been reaching out to members of the community that we think can speak to those and uh we even had a very positive conversation with one of our Maps 4 subcommittee members after the same item was heard and um I think we might be returning soon to talk about those things it's difficult we know to separate the conversational location versus combination but we really wanted to get focused on the combination so that our Architects can start moving ahead with some of that preliminary design this might not be the time in place but councilwoman Hammond and I have toured this facility Hillcrest Hospital is sitting at the corner of 59th and pin is TurnKey ready Zone properly and ready to go just we don't have to build a building if we buy that facility just saying yes we we uh we are aware of that and we have been discussing even this week about potentially needing to go check it out with the Architects once they're on board you know uh and I'd be curious to hear from if councilwoman Hammond has any guidance on this too uh just how we feel about going down to the the one though again bed wise right uh we would still be able to achieve what we were after and possibly even more um but I mean councilman Hinkle your points very well taken when we went on our W five tour you showed me that area and that facility especially I think that would be a really interesting place to consider um when I think about the mental health needs of my former students there at Jefferson Middle School for instance on the souths side right nearby so many of the students over there and their families uh those childhood trauma scores which of course it's not to diminish other parts of the city's needs by any stretch but I like that but I would say to you all if that's the direction you end up going uh repurposing a building like the one that's at 59th and um is it Western pen thank you um one of the things I mentioned to to Matt during that drive is then you're in this giant parking space also like giant parking lot excuse me not just space but giant parking parking lot it's like Endless Sea of asphalt right and I was very encouraged seeing some renderings at Crossroads Mall uh where some folk are wanting to redevelop that parking lot in addition to the building with just dense trees dense I mean just lots of trees walkways housing uh there's just a lot of mix use development that they figured out how to repurpose that uh uh parking lot to create a better sense of walking into that current Mall space right now July and August and June and even September if one's going to walk at Crossroads Mall from that parking space into the mall you're have this punishing Summer Sun coming down on you so I wouldn't want to see that same sort of punishing sun coming down on the resident going to a mental health healthc care access right so I would just challenge to really then think architecturally about if if I'm just saying just as this as an example this space at 59th if we're going to do that then I think we really need to think about um I know Maps 4 allows for transitional housing connect connected excuse me to mental health care so I would really think about that whole space and activating that whole space in terms of meeting the needs not just the mental health needs but tradition transitional housing needs uh shade structures maybe not just limited to treat but I I think what they're proposing at Crossroads is one of the most exciting things I've ever seen it's something I'm very much interested in doing it like sheeper mall for instance uh or 63rd in May where you just have asphalt forever and always out in front of PetSmart why where are the people parking there I don't see it um how could we repurpose those spaces to meet our housing needs so that's just something to think about if you're going to do that repurposing of that space I wanted to will that into existence right now I have concerns about just one building and again if councilwoman hmond just because of her mental health background Services background if she has any thoughts on this I'd be curious to hear as well um if not today just over time but if we just have one space how do we ensure that a our families and our up to our seniors have an awareness of that space that it exists I don't think we should take for granted there are people who live in poo for instance who don't know about the core of the Poo I know that sounds wild there are people who live they were just telling me just last week about the plaza there are people who live in the plaza neighborhood that don't go to the plaza commercial Corridor I have people in w i who live around the 39th Street LGBT District who tell me they don't even go to downtown Oklahoma City so we have a lot of residents who kind of are operating in silos I know that might strike a lot of us up here as wild because that's so much of the Renaissance Story the places I've just mention to you we have a lot of residents who don't know about a lot of the services we provide and I think it's going to be critical particularly because of our mental health needs that we're already thinking ahead about connecting people to the knowledge that this place would exist and then the transportation access that might need to to come into existence in terms of how do you use the bus the street car the brt to get to these places and even beyond that the mobile Management Services within Embark where sometimes maybe someone's not on the actual route of public transportation but we have PA Transit service that could get people from their door to these mental health facilities so I'd like to as you come forward with this I assure you that we are going to look at uh public transition existing public transit lines um and any of the sites that we look at um I do want to at least just touch on the fact that increasingly we're seeing more of these consumers that are coming with First Responders hopefully with the overall changes to our uh response to these sort of crisises we're also going to start to see more use of mobile crisis teams um many of them are being referred by hospitals um so um I think that's been an education for me is learning how many other ways people are coming here than just on foot that certainly isn't to say that some of those won't still happen and I think northcare has already started to signal to us that once our facilities are open that they may start to reposition the way the O kick operates and maybe it caters more to the walk-in clientele as opposed to those coming from other institutional means that's all I have for now thank you okay all right well then we could take up the resolution found at V if there's no more comments or questions a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay item W now continuing the theme of maps implementation plan amendments this is also an amendment to the uh implementation plan if you recall the the plan was to come up with $70 million at least $70 million um out of the the paycom Arena projects and put towards the new Arena uh we've been able to come up with 78 million in this plan that still gives us um money still there for the the improvements at the practice facility and there's a little bit there for a couple of things as we transition between buildings but um we're at a position where we understand what we can move over to the new project so that's what we have today um so I have a question about this so this the way that this is worded it sounds as though this money is moving out of the maps for process purview so not going through Maps 4 committee anymore that sort of thing that's correct have we ever done that with money in maps projects we have done some things similar when we've done matching funds we we gave um I think it was $600,000 essentially to ODOT to do trails and that was not under our process so yes it it has been done but it sounds like that was that went through the maps for process to then do a sort of technical transfer versus is the actual implementation of building that infrastructure being sort of taken out of so like none of the plans none of the accountability around this money will go through the public body that is maps for that's that's correct but that's also how that trail was so there was a trail that Public Works was doing and they were seeking ACOG funds and we came up with the matching funds we never oversaw any of the plans or anything we were just happy to be able to give that money so that they could do that project that that was the um South part of the greenway Trail okay I guess it's interesting to hear we've done this before I think for me there's still the issue of the amount is so large and that um that sort of uh item that we constantly sort of um Bang the Drum about with maps um and the maps brand and the maps accountability and oversight um I have huge concerns about this amount of money going away from that process and the sort of trust that um future Maps um initiatives might have um by the voters when I mean this is this is a lot of money um and it's it's just constantly frustrating to me how we will find the money and be creative about how we move money around when it comes to um projects like this Arena um but are not quite as motivated to move as quickly or be as creative um when it comes to our affordable housing crisis um or even uh investing in um just our Park system like I just it's um it's it's very frustrating to see this and um I'm just not able to support it for those reasons okay any other comments or questions on this item thank you David take up a motion then on item w a motion in a second cast your votes passes 6-2 okay now back to the regular order we're at 11g back in the zoning docket and vice mayor Carter is presiding thank you mayor uh this is a spud 1593 resoning 1841 Exchange in ward 6 councilwoman Hamm um yes so this is a project the um is the applicant present I didn't I see okay you can come on up if you can um I know that this um the folks involved in this have already been operating this space um and this is just sort of adding a few more uses but if you can kind of explain that um just for the record sure Dean K civil and environmental Consultants 4700 already a Parkway representing the applicant so obviously there's an existing building here and the purpose of the Spud was to expand the facility to the east side there for additional space and then they purchased the track to the north to add some parking for the facility and then you know to obviously the buffering from their surrounding communities we had some uh landscape buffers on the North some additional Landscaping um and then also working with staff we were able to uh reduce the parking to be what would be the new code that's being worked on now to add a playground there on the east side so all kind of worked out kind of a team effort in that regard so the the use is basically everything to just support their facility which lilyfield is a nonprofit they do family supported services such as um foster care after school programs counseling Pregnancy Services so it's really compatible with this surrounding Community you've got you have the Southside there a Baptist Church the north they've got the uh Oklahoma Public Schools student services as well and so it it's a good fit for this area Revitalize it it's going to be a new building freshen up the old one so it's going to be great for this uh this corner hard hardcore lot so and then like I said uses or just something to support that may be used for this type of counseling and child care services yeah know I appreciate the that overview um because yeah that um Lily fill and Empower does a lot of really great work out of their current kind of confine you know confinements that they have with their current building um and uh like you said as a great um asset to the neighborhood so excited for their continued growth and development I will move for approval okay we have a motion in a second please cast your votes then the Adam passes great thank you very much thank you on to H Spud 159 6 Ron 1624 Northwest 17th Street also W six yeah if we can have the applicant come up I see y'all um over there um just to sort of give again an overview of the project this is a um an infill project that um I think will be an interesting addition and sounds like we'll help um sort of clean up some of the frontage of the current property so if you can give an overie appreciate it sure Adam landman uh 718 West Sheridan uh so this is a uh existing there's a duplex on this site right now it's kind of falling down uh foundations are falling um so we are looking to close a couple of curb cuts that were previously parking along 17th Street restore the front yard put in a couple street trees basically make a front yard um matching the setbacks to the surrounding neighborhood we're going to develop some porches um we're looking to do a seven unit with a uh quite a broad mix of unit types in it um everything from small affordable uh Studio units to possibly two-bedroom or larger uh units as you go up um we've worked with the neighbors uh to sort of adjust the language um I don't remember if there's any tees in this but I don't think there is um I think we tried to incorporate everything into the language uh of the Spud and uh if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them thank you yeah I know there are some listed but as we talked about last week um like you said you got them put into the actual language so um I will move for approval we have a motion in a second please cast your vote and the item passes on to 11i it's a spud 1599 resoning 2027 Northwest 16th Street from R1 single family to UC Urban conservation overlay districts Ward six yes um this one is also fairly straightforward um just allowing for an accessory dwelling unit in the backyard so I will move for approval we have a motion in a second please cast your vote and the item passes 11 J is an ordinance on Final hearing recommended for approval spot 1600 resoning 4310 South Shields Boulevard board four thank you vice mayor I'll go ahead and move for its approval motion a second please cast your votes Adam passes 11k is an ordinance on Final hearing resoning 18 uh 2821 Northwest 11th Street from R1 Ward six um this also is another accessory dwelling unit um I will move for approval we have a motion in a second please cast your votes and the adem passes 11 L uh let's skip over that one for a second until councilman Cooper gets back let's go to item 11 M Spud 1603 res zoning 3023 South cleron Avenue W 6 yes we have it's the day of adus in uh W 6 this is a another Adu and um I will move for approval we have a motion in a second please cast your votes and the item passes back to 11l it's a spud 1602 resoning 1016 Northwest 67 Street ward two thank you I believe the applicant is here if y'all wanted to give us a little bit of background on what you're up to there I appreciate your patience too David box 522 call Cord Drive um the applicant is here with with me as well this is a multif family just off of Western um it received no protests it's in an area that if you have followed along over the last several months many applications have come through for for some form of residential uh in fact just east of Classen was that large scale project for clay farha so it's an area that's trending more residential than industrial and this is just the next application in the process good uh I think it looks great and I think it's fitting the area in terms of the um housing needs and I think you're uh the way you've situated it there on the corner makes a lot of sense to me so I would move for approval we have a motion in a second please cast your votes passes thank you on to 11n it's a ordinance to be introduced and I believe we have a presentation yes Sor Chris brownie our utilities director will give us quick presentation on the proposed changes and his ordinance good morning Chris brownie utilities director we're requesting approval of the updated development water and sewer system standards now the standards have not actually been updated since 2006 the version presented for your consideration updates the materials practices and protocols consistent with present day standards during the preparation of these development standards we met with Representatives Oklahoma Municipal contractors Association local engineering firms and the developers significant changes to these standards include we're adding a a sewer system standard the original standards that are in place right now were only water so we're adding the standards for development for sewer as well uh easement widths uh will change from a standard of 15 ft uh to a standard that depends on the pipe size and the depth of the pipe uh We've updated uh notes that need to be included uh in plans for submitt for review to speed up the process we've updated definitions and directions uh to speed up the plan review process as well and we've updated the pre-qualification standards that were approved by you all a couple of years ago so all of those changes uh will enable the private development Community to be able to process their plans full review and we can complete that process much quicker uh so these standards will not become effective for 180 days after approval to enable the design Engineers to complete those plans currently working on and this time I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have thanks Chris thank you thank you sir we take a vote on this to introduce okay so I'll I'll take a motion Motion in a second please cast your votes the Adam passes thank you Chris on to 110 public hearing regarding ordinance related to motor vehicles and traffic amending chapter 32 this was Pres Ed by Jason Fair brush at the last meeting regarding traffic andfor enforement that's right we have no one signed up to speak okay we'll move on item 11 P is a public hearing regarding dilapidated structures uh except for the ones that have already been stricken Michael Washington signed up does not appear to be here okay I'll will take a motion to say that these are dilapitated or excuse me we'll move on to P2 for that we have a motion in a second please cast your votes and the item passes 11 Q is a public hearing regarding unsecured structures again except for the ones that have already been previously struck no one else has signed up to speak okay we'll move on to item two declaring structures are unsecured we have a motion in second please cast your votes the item passes 11 RS a public hearing regarding abandoned buildings again minus the ones that have already been previously struck no one else has signed up to speak so so move on to R2 resolution declaring buildings are abandoned we have a motion in a second please cast your vote thank you okay 11s is a public hearing regarding the resolution declaring city-owned property adjacent to 3301 Southwest 17th Street in Surplus and abandoned for Park purposes this is just a public hearing it's also we just have it on as the public hearing this is the second of three meetings on this one yeah okay it was introduced last week having to answer question no one has signed up to speak so we're good okay thank you I appreciate that okay 11t is the the third meeting uh it's a resolution declaring approximately 01233 Acres of real property located at Northeast 63rd Street in Kelly is Surplus Park purposes and we do need to vote on this and we have no one signed up to speak so word seven I don't I don't have anything to say but I'm excited of what's to come we have a motion in a second please cast your votes and the item passes thank you on to 11U it's a joint resolution with the okah city Economic Development trust and I believe we have a presentation again yes Jill Simpson with the film office is here to present this item good morning morning I'm bringing you uh I believe our sixth application for the Oklahoma City film incentive program and it's an independent film that we have codenamed project High Plains it's a $6.7 million feature character-driven drama it's set on The Plains of South Dakota but they're coming to Oklahoma because of our incentive program um they're scheduled to start on April 22nd shooting primarily in oklah City a little bit in Guthrie um the producer is Shan Flanigan and the director Kevin getts uh Shan is based out of New York Kevin is from LA and they're utilizing yet another one of our local production companies which is a really good thing um they're partner partnering with all Suite which is a production and Production Services Company at sth and Hudson um Oklahoma impact 93% of Oklahoma crew will be well 93% of the crew will be Oklahoma City based anticipated expenditures of roughly 4.7 million in the Oklahoma City metro area um they are pre-qualified at 5% based on their projected expenditures of 4.7 million as you know uh 5 million and Below qualifies for 5% above 5 million they can't and get an additional 5% if they hit some other marks but this one is below that threshold other qualifications they're going to be filming 50% of their days in Oklahoma City city limits main production office will be at all Suite again seventh and Hudson um they're pre-qualified for the state rebate program so we are recommending that the rebate allocation be 5% of their projected spend or 236,000 they are anticipating 54 local hires and if you multiply that times 30 days of filming that comes out to 620 days M days of work in Oklahoma City uh qualifying labor income of three and a half million and again utilizing another one of our companies I believe this is the fourth company now that has benefited from the rebate program so we're happy to be spreading in that around so that everybody can benefit uh 71% of the days within Oklahoma City 93% of the local crew is local their uh commitment is to hire as many local support companies as possible with a focus toward diversity we're too early in the process for me to be able to tell you what that number is they've had to push their dates a little bit um due to Casting and we're still seeing the Ripple effects of the strikes from last fall so it's kind of slowing the ramp up for these Productions we did put this application through our economic impact modeler at the Chamber of Commerce and based on their uh their projections total economic output is 12.8 million jobs supported both direct and indirect are 94 labor income 5 a half million and again qualified expenditures 4.73 3748 Mill million taxable expenditures 63,9 and they're paying below the line salary in per DM in Oklahoma City $3 and A5 million does anybody have any questions thank you Jo thank you okay do we need to take a vote on this then at that point so okay we'll entertain a motion please we have a motion and second please cast your votes and the item passes we've already handled V and W so we will go on to 11 X1 a resolution authorizing M Municipal counselor to confess judgment without admitting liability in the case of Margaret Rose Tucker V Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County Executive session was not recommended any questions okay will take accept a motion for approval we have a motion in second the item passes 11 y1 is a resolution authorizing Municipal counsel to confess judgment without admitting liability in the case of quisha Williams and versus the City of Oklahoma City executive session is not recommended we have a motion a second please cast your votes and the item passes 11 Z is claims recommended for approval we have any questions okay Z2 uh executive session is not recommended so we will entertain a vote vot please cast your votes and the item passes that brings us to uh excuse me item 12 comments from Council or two yes thank you vice mayor uh I would like to invite uh residents and business owners to a community meeting councilwoman Hammond and I will be hosting alongside uh the Asian district and economic Alliance and our planning department uh regarding class and Corridor uh as you heard at a recent council meeting we are um proposing a new tax increment financing District to revitalize the north class and Corridor uh this meeting will take place from 6:30 might want to grab a piece of paper or your fancy phones to take notes if you need this or just rewind it I don't know the the video later uh but yes this meeting will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Tuesday April 16th so a week from today in homsy hall room 100 uh which is uh going to be in the sari Science and Math building at Oklahoma City University um that's literally at the intersection of Northwest 23rd in Kentucky if you were to go to okc.gov and go to the news uh link there you'll actually find a campus map as well and a little bit more information about that process so uh this will be an opportunity for uh people to receive uh information in terms of a presentation from uh economic Alliance and planning about what a tax increment financing uh District uh sets in motion it's also a chance to ask questions about the process and I'm really uh grateful to councilwoman Hammond and um Council staff for being able to help arrange this and to the asan district for securing the the location uh for it as well uh so the only other thing I would say is it was such a treat yesterday I heard councilwoman nice just a little bit earlier reference the eclipse it was really wonderful uh I teach at ocu and I had a break I teach from 11: to uh 5:15 on Mondays and I have a break from 12:15 until 2:30 uh for lunch and office hours so I don't know how much a break office hours are but um I really want to thank the student government Association because they secured for the students and faculty and support staff uh the glasses so that we could see the eclipse together and it really was kind of a humbling arguably magical experience to be on that campus lawn um with fellow Stars uh looking up at the stars uh it was really cool and honestly I don't know if I've seen that campus as activated there were students tossing the football one another and kicking soccer balls and laying on blankets I mean it really was like a community event and it was really cool to hear the students talk about the fact that they were doing this because it won't be for another 20 some odd years before such an opportunity would happen again and so it was really neat to share that experience with the students um and then just to connect that back to class and Corridor a lot of these students are the same ones who are very interested in the re revitalization of class and Corridor um so um I've already sent the invite to their student government to pass on the good word to students and I'll leave it at that thank you so much thank you Mor Fork thank you vice mayor I have the uh honor of attending the Oklahoma City police foundation blue night Gayla on March 30th and uh just a fantastic event where they really Shine the spotlight on the exceptional work of the Oklahoma City Police Department and what they do and specifically honored officers uh brunette and shean and uh it was great hearing their stories and just uh talking about the work that they put in Daily fantastic opportunity so thank you thank you board five Echo the comment about the the policeman's ball it was a great event um last week councilman Stone and maybe some of the rest of you were there but Santa Fe schools and Chris Brewster put on a wonderful presentation at Crossroads Mall everybody has a memory of Crossroads Mall from a thousand years ago but um unfortunately I didn't get to stay for the whole thing but from what I saw you should look up and see what's going on at Crossroads Mall because that will transform South Oklahoma City if that comes to fruition so um thanks for letting me hang out with you in W four thank you w six W seven yes thank you um I do have memories of Crossroads Mall I worked at Foot Action for quite a few years at Crossroads mall so definitely hey it was a joy and she shoes were much cheaper then um I I wanted to say congratulations to the Oklahoma City's zo um myself and and quite a few were there for the ribbon cutting of expedition Africa which is um amazing if you have not yet had the experience please make sure you do There's an opportunity for you to feed the giraffes and look at them and um that was pretty cool to see them that close and personal and also see the um amazing art piece there's a a bboa tree outside of that um and I was on the the Comm that helped to decide this piece of artwork so it's pretty cool to see it in fruition and the artist is from not from America um I believe I can't remember where if he was Brazil Peru somewhere um but it was amazing to be able to connect with with the artist and and see how he um envisioned what we can now show as a piece of art within this part of our our community for the zoo amphitheater so again please if you have an opportunity it's it's amazing of the thought and care that they put into that um I also wanted to say as you may recognize the deferring of Miss Williams property on Northeast third paid off because we were able to strike it today and I want to personally um thank the restore OKC restore homes arm because they were very instrumental and and also Sunny um she works with the Northeast Renaissance as a liaison but had she not been at our meeting and ask me what was going on we wouldn't have been able to connect Miss Miss Williams to some services to make sure she got her roof prepared so very grateful for them for the things that they do and and this is how Community works so very grateful for them being able to step in and say uh we can help and and ALS also calling on the rest of the community to ask for help with that um um the Metropolitan Library System hosted uh author and poet kwami Alexander on Sunday at the Douglas High School and I must say it was an amazing event um and I I'm grateful that we were able to have something like that within the community and I hope the next time that we have this type of event that we have more people in attendance because it was an amazing um thing and he just won an Emy and he is um he showed up here in Oklahoma City so I think that was pretty cool and he brought the Emmy with him so we got to look at that too um we were talking about the so I did talk about the solar eclipse but I just want to shout out city hall because we were all outside on the lawn yesterday looking up and myself Boyd and Miss Debbie walked downstairs and James came a little later but um shout out to Pio and Miss chrisy because she had double decker moon pies for the occasion and she had a whole playlist so as we walked out we were listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart and it was amazing to put our glasses on and look up as we were listening to that so that was pretty cool just to have I know everybody's been talking about their stories of connection but just for all of us to be on the lawn and say this this matters and this was pretty cool to just connect for that one for as long as we did um to look up um I just wanted to acknowledge black maternal Health week that's happening next week as we look at the dis parities of black maternal health and um as we look at the the challenges and mortality rates for African American women they are three times more likely to pass away uh during or right after child birth than than any other um any other race and and that's important to note because we have mothers that are leaving um in in our children who are here without their mother left to to be cared for by other family members when we can do something different as far as how we use um care and and also clinics and and just doctors paying attention to the disparities within our community a couple more things 80th simultaneous Revival we did celebrate that in our community 80 years of um pastors coming within Oklahoma City and and sharing space and that does bring an e economic impact to our city especially to our community for being able to host this type of Revival um for the last 80 years so that tells you that this is still strong and we're very excited that it exists um and if you have not seen the newest mural to pop up in Northeast Oklahoma City it is on Northeast 16th in Martin Luther King and that is uh because of with love OKC also the Oklahoma City communities Foundation they offered a Grant to help with this and the urban Bridge um Center for that mural and it it pays homage to CLA uh Ro Thelma Parks Alinda Jackson uh Rosco dun and uh former representative opio Tay and if you look into the eyes of of um Rosco dung as this is a reflection of the past leaders that have been a part of our community if you look into the eyes of rasco duni you will see the skyline of current Oklahoma City which pays homage to the Future and the present so it's done by Carlos Barbosa and it is an amazing piece of art so I hope you will get to see it and last lastly I just want to thank the F Beta Sigma fraternity uh Delta Beta Sigma chapter as well as community health centers of Oklahoma for uh honoring me with an award on two Saturdays ago I had to be in two places at once but I'm very grateful to be thought of and and for the work acknowledging the work that's happening within w 7 thank you thank you w eight thank you nothing today M vice mayor thank you I just want to take a second and thank uh Habitat for Humanity and and Felton for inviting me out to their groundbreaking uh for their largest habitat for hum's uh housing addition I guess uh to date so we get to celebrate just a little over two years years ago that they had built over a thousand homes and now they are going to be building 14 or 450 more uh with this groundbreaking 91 started pretty quick so this is going to be up in W one um truly looking at the aspects of affordable housing and the way that they actually come alongside the homeowners and buyers and how they work with them and get them into a a financial system and plan to really move through it so I can't think Ann enough for inviting me to be a part of that and welcome to Ward one on that so okay that concludes item 12 I got one more thing oh Lord I want to thank councilwoman nice for pointing out Langston playing in the championship game if you guys didn't watch that game oh my gosh that was great basketball I mean they so they were so close I mean shout out to Langston that was an amazing game thank you than you good job guys item 13 is citizens to be heard okay I will remind you would you please state your name and your address when you come up to the uh mic and keep your comments to three minutes Mr Kirk you're first my excuse me my name is Ronnie Kirk my address is 2328 North mour back in October I spoke of this very same thing it appears that the Russians are listening to yall City Council meetings other than our state senators they were able to shoot their way into Russia's biggest building they shot 800 people they killed 138 today this morning morning on chall 5 they were talking about a young man 19 years old had AR15 bums more ammunition and he want to burn down four synagogues it's not hard for them to get these guns when they come across that water they ain't going to bring no gun they can just wait till to get dog Oklahoma and buy one all they got to do is get some ID is go to the library print their own they're not going to use it for a long time they not coming here to get a job to work for a year everything they going to do they going to do it within two weeks time when they go to a place sell guns they ain't got to buy one cuz they ain't got proper ID all they got to do is follow one two three of y'all home kill your whole family and take your gun that's when it's so important that y'all get these chips put in a gun cuz everybody want this AR15 any kind of gun those chips give every one of y'all a raise the teachers a way the police a raise so it's so important to us to do what we need to do to get through this everything we're going through now times have really changed thank you thank you Mr Kirk Amir khik okay Emma marrow hello my name is Emma I'm from Ward 8 and today I'm here to talk about Gaza over 40,000 people have been killed by Israeli occupation forces in the past 6 months this number includes over 15,000 children over 134 journalists over 400 medical staff over 174 un staff 9 2% of those killed in Gaza are civilians one of every 10 children killed in Gaza did not make it to their first birthday nearly 880,000 people have been injured many of them critically wounded more than 10 children a day are losing one or both of their legs more than 112,000 housing units in Gaza have been completely destroyed with an additional 25600 th000 plus damaged by Israeli air strike last week the US let Israel commit the worst of atrocities at gaza's largest hospital alifa hospital after two weeks of brutally attacking and killing doctors staff and patients inside alifa Hospital Israeli soldiers withdrew leaving behind scenes of absolute horror images from the hospital showed the decomposing bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers scattered around the hospital complex many had their hands and feet tied some people were flattened by bulldozers or tanks and more were unrecognizable according to journalists and eyewitnesses Israel's assault on alifa hospital is a war crime and part of Israel's systematic destruction of gaza's entire Health System thousands of Palestinians were seeking shelter safety and Medical Care aside inside before Israel began its assault on the hospital as is true of several other hospitals Israel has destroyed Israel continued to T on on alifa even after the UN Security Council passed a binding resolution demanding a ceasefire knowing this the Biden Administration continued to arm fund and back Israel throughout its assault on alifa what was the point on this assault of the hospital and all the people inside to find Hamas to take down Hamas no there was no resistance fighters in the hospital and there never was this indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians is not okay it has been going on for months now Israel is out of control and we cannot continue to keep funding this Mass killing of innocent human beings I ask you all to start being in favor of a permanent ceasefire and an end to the siege of Gaza and the West Bank I ask you all to embargo Israel thank you for your time today naria Rashid hi y'all uh my name is Naia Rasheed I live at 5609 Northwest 111th Street Oklahoma City Oklahoma and I have what I think is a very simple question is it okay to kill a baby I would say no I would say that's a pretty simple answer is it okay to take a semi-automatic rifle and pointed at the head of a baby and pulled the trigger is it okay to take a baby in an incubator that can't breathe on its own and turn off all of the electricity is it okay to put a baby in a building that's on fire and then bomb the building these are all things that are happening the estimated number of children that have died in Palestine is between 10 to 15,000 these are including newborn babies I my friend just said do you know the the number of children that have died before their first birthday these are literal infants being turned off in incubators and I know that some of you believe that it's okay to kill a child because you have told us so to our faces and I will remind you as someone reminded you earlier that our elections are coming up and if you believe that it is okay to kill a child say it with your full chest we want to know these kinds of things about the people that we're electing we want to know if you believe that it's is okay to kill a child because some of us have our own children and we want to live in a world where our children's lives hold value I don't have children but I would like to one day and I would like to live in a world where it's not okay for someone to point a gun at my child and shoot them in the head that's the world we're living in right now tens of thousands of children are going to die unless we pass a ceasefire are you okay with that are you okay with turning off an incubator baby I mean re like be honest with yourself are you okay with that are you okay with with shooting a baby in the head or taking a baby in an incubator and turning their electricity off I personally think that treating a an infant like that is unacceptable and furthermore I know some of y'all support Israel and that's fine whatever but do you understand that more Israeli people are going to continue dying the longer this goes on Israeli people are dying as well people on both sides are dying horrific deaths right now and it just seems like nobody cares I mean no matter who you support I think you should want a ceasefire because more of your people are going to die gruesome horrific deaths 30 seconds until we have a ceasefire it doesn't matter who you support do you believe that it's okay to kill people I don't I don't I believe that every avoidable death must be avoided I don't believe that it is okay to take a human life and I would hope that we could all agree that that's a very basic thing to be able to say I would hope that we could all agree that it's not okay to kill people I don't think that's difficult to wrap your head around and until we have a ceasefire people are going to continue dying and a ceasefire resolution will come across all of your desks at some point I will ensure of that and when it does if you vote against it you are letting us know that you do not care about children's lives and about the lives of people people in general this is not a Palestine versus Israel this is a people are dying and we need to stand against murder I think it's as simple as that and I don't understand where the hesitation comes from thank you for your time Yasmin and I'm sorry is I'm going to butcher this last name thank you hi my name is yasman I live at 10213 Judy Court Oklahoma City Oklahoma Bradley Carter W one my representative or should I say the representative of my white neighbors only see Bradley Carter as islamophobic man who stands for the slaughtering of children and the genocide of a population you say you're a follower of Jesus Christ yet you allow his people to undergo apartheid and occupation see Jesus was Palestinian and born in the place that now carries the blood of thousands of Martyrs I mean it makes sense that you support the fascist regime that is the state of Israel and its offensive military you support the funding of a police system here in Oklahoma that kills the kills people for mental health problems and determines the worthiness of Life worthiness of life based on the color of their skin for those who don't know the systems of Oppression here in the United States are trained by the Israeli Defense Forces and the same tactics that murder my relatives in Palestine Murder My Neighbors in Oklahoma by now you've heard all the facts about the genocide happening in Gaza if you choose to side with Israel you're racist and genocidal no debate about that so I will be using the rest of my time to read the stories of a few of the tens of thousands of child Martyrs that Bradley Carter says could be Hamas mayor had aspirations of becoming a journalist alongside her younger brother belal the isra the ruthless Israeli occupation abruptly terminated May's dreams as the home became a target of Destruction taking her life and that of her sibling belad along with her mother the the Relentless brutality of occupa occupation silenced not just the individuals but extinguished the flicker of potential future for Souls like mayard Muhammad he was just shy of 5 months old when a bombing hit a neighborhood killing him on December 1st 2023 in his hometown his mom Rec calls I got up took my son in my arms and we were running from under the bombing and I didn't know that my son was dead shems the precious shems means the son in Arabic she wasn't even a year old when the iof precisely targeted their house on February 23rd shems was martyred along with her father mother and other family members our son went down and was never going to rise again 30 seconds remaining muhamad died of dehydration and malnutrition due to Israel's Siege on Gaza he is shown in his final video before his death crying of hunger his older brothers also suffer from malnutrition and is threatened with the same fate as muhanad muhanad was starved by Israel Gaza is being starved by Israel if you can't look at these images and question where our tax dollars are going then you have a problem with your soul and with your heart I don't think any of us can debate that any of this is okay so when a seesi resolution comes across your desk I hope that you pass it because none of us can stand for a future where our children die like this thank [Applause] you Jacqueline Skelton hey y'all Jaclyn Shelton tu 2617 Southwest 63rd Place w 5 I just want to say thank you to those of you on this Council that um take the time to listen to your constituents um you all are voted into these positions and it's really unfortunate or better for us to know which uh one of you are U racist and islamophobic so thank you for outing yourself uh it is imperative that the city ccil take a Firm Stance against islamophobia and anti-Semitism and call for a ceasefire in Palestine we cannot continue to fund a foreign army enacting terrorism with our Oklahoma City tax dollars this community deserves the chance to improve and these tax dollars we need so desperately are being used to support a settler colonial state every day that goes by without passing a ceasefire Revolution it is another day that this city council continues to to condone genocide a genocide that our Oklahoma City tax dollars fund a genocide that our elected officials have the opport opportunity to stop and yet they do not and when your constituents stand in front of you every other week begging you even when your constituents stand in front of you every other week begging you to side with Humanity we see you ignoring us we hear you telling us to stop coming every other week we're not going to stop as long as these bombs keep dropping and our Oklahoma City tax dollars are paying for it we demand you prove to this community U that this Council will not accept islamophobia and anti-Semitism side with humanity and pass a ceasefire resolution thank you Vivian hello some of you know me at this point my name is Vivian Jaber Velasquez and I'm a Palestinian American with family in the West Bank I live at 6400 Northwest Expressway in Ward 1 and I'm here to talk about Reza two weeks ago I met with my councilman Bradley Carter and I expressed my concerns for the USF funded violence that my people are experiencing in Palestine and the threat of violence that we are experiencing here in the US as islamophobia and Arab hate is on the rise I asked him to help me understand his stance on Palestine and what he plans to do to promote peace he asked me are you Pro Palestine or pro- Hamas do you condemn Hamas do you condemn Hamas you call yourself Palestinian do you condemn Hamas you said you poked a bear and the bear turned around and bit the hand that poked it you cannot poke a bear and then be upset when it retaliates he said I will not be authoring or signing a ceasefire resolution I will not be signing a ceasefire resolution I do not see a ceasefire as peace when I asked about the 15,000 dead Palestinian children you said I don't know I come from a Time in the Middle East when they would strap vests onto children and send them to blow up our soldiers there is no difference between the two little girls that I am raising in Oklahoma and the 15,000 dead children in Palestine there's no difference between my naen and my Valentina and hind who was forced to spend days surrounded by the dead bodies of her family members begging for help before she was bombed by the Israeli forces or Sidra whose tent was bombed and her remains were splashed across a wall or yezen who died of starvation because of Israel's blockade of humanitarian Aid or the 15,000 dead children in GZA funded by our tax dollars every child deserves to live in Safety and Security with access to food and water every child deserves access to Medical Care and education and the comfort of their parents and I want to make it very clear if you do not see the humanit the humanity in the children of re you do not see the humanity the humanity and the children of Oklahoma if you cannot advocate for the children of re I do not trust you to advocate for the children of Oklahoma there is no room on this horseshoe for people who believe a child doesn't deserve to be advocated for just because of where they are born the color of their skin or their religious beliefs and I'm here to demand that every one of you prove that you see the value in human life regardless of the human's race or religion or ethnicity and sign a ceasefire resolution when it makes your way when it makes its way across your desk and I want to thank the council members who have been paying attention who have been connecting and have been having those passionate and meaningful conversations with us thank [Applause] you that concludes citizens to be heard we are at item 14 adjournment thank you

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