e e testing one two three T Test TST testing 1 two 3 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e test test e e e e e e e okay it's time to get started at this time I will call this special meeting of the loton city council at order please rise for the invocation by minister Wayne Hall of get the word out Incorporated and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance Pastor Psalm 37 Psalm of David verses 36 trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness delight yourself also in the Lord and He Shall give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the new day father I thank you for this land of L for S and Lord I Thank you for the faithfulness that's transpired this last year holy spirit I pray that you help us to increase faithfulness in this year to come 2024 help us to be able to Delight ourselves in you and father as a community I pray that you give us the desires of your so that you can give us the desires of our heart as we commit our way to you and trust in you and I declare righteousness and life and Justice as the Noonday Sun we bless you we worship you I thank you for these council members I pray that you guard their hearts and their minds in this year to come and that you even visit them in the nighttime hours with your angelic Messengers so that they would be able to extremely wise decisions that will impact this community of lot cour s and it's in Jesus name I pray in the spirit of Faith amen amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you Minister Hall please call the role henkins Harris Chapman Gil here Hampton weager Johnson Warren business item number one hold a public heing and consider adopting an ordinance providing for the annexation of the Southwest quarter of section one Township 1 North range 13 west of the indm meridian kamanche County Oklahoma in to the corporate limits of the City of lton Oklahoma providing that the annex territory be zoned as temporary I4 heavy industrial district for a period not to exceed one year superseding ordinance number 22-34 and by a separate vote declare an emergency Tim okay thank you good afternoon mayor and Council so this item comes on today essentially uh last December December 20 uh December 6 22 the council did have a public hearing and and we adopted ordinance uh 2234 which did an annexation of of the same tract of land that we're talking about today however in preparing for the West Wind amended Redevelopment agreement that that was voted on earlier this month uh staff noticed an issue with uh with the notification that was done at the time uh back back last year and specifically that it was published the notice was published once in the newspaper and uh and for a what I call a 105 annexation actually requires two Publications in the newspaper uh in successive weeks and so we we talked about that internally with our outside Council also and we thought best to go ahead and and confirm the annexation and by doing so we CCA has submitted a a a new petition for annexation uh notice was published twice uh in in the loton Constitution and uh we are here today for the council to consider consider the ordinance uh for annexation uh and have a public hearing uh if this passes uh it will supersede the previous ordinance from last year and U we'll move forward with annexing or confirming the annexation uh of the property and as we are asking for an emergency so go into effect immediately so that require a separate vote a vote on the ordinance itself and then a vote on the emergency clause and the emergency Clause would require uh six to pass thank you council do you have any questions before I open the public hearing Mr Harris I was curious Tim why we're only zoning it for heavy industrial for a year okay so when when you do a uh a um when you do a uh annexation uh you have a temporary zoning that's initially the initial zoning so we're we're recommending the that it be zoned in industrial um industrial 4 uh temporarily and then what will happen is it will come back to the council I believe in the relatively near future a request for a permanent zoning in that in that zoning classification but but it's it's a since it's an initial one we do we do temporary but you'll be be considering in the future a a permanent zoning classification makes sense is are there any questions Council before I open the public hearing at this time I'll open the public hearing anybody wish to come forward to speak on this item please do so at this time saying no one I will close the public hearing so what I need is a motion for approval uh wave the reading of the ordinance and read the title only and then we'll have a mo separate motion for on the so I need a motion for approval we have a motion and we have a second please read the title an ordinance providing for the annexation of the Southwest quarter of section one Township one North range 13 west of the Indian Indian Meridian kamanche County Oklahoma into the corporate limits of the City of lton Oklahoma providing that the annex territory be zoned as temporary I4 heavy industrial district for a period not exceeding one year superseding ordinance number 22 hyen 34 providing for severability and declaring an emergency please vote motion carries 7 to1 now I need a motion declaring uh the previous motion the previous ordinance of Emergency the vote was 7 to Zero 7 to zero what did I say 71 well I guess I'm reading things thank you 7 to zero first mistake You' ever made uh so I need a motion for an e declare an emergency and motion in a second to declare an emergency discussion or debate please vote this does require six votes to pass and it passes 7 to Z all right thank you guys and we move on to item number two consider an ordinance approving and adopting the first amended skills training education development and investment steady project plan as a minor Amendment within the meaning of the Oklahoma local development act 62 OS State Statute 858d providing for severability and by separate vote declaring an emergency Dan Bachelor is he going to talk on this Dan or Lisa Dan or Lisa or Dan and Lisa yeah [Music] good afternoon Mr Mayor and distinguished members of the council it's a pleasure to be here uh in support of the request for a minor Amendment to the steady project plan uh this is a minor Amendment which accomplishes upon approval uh three things one is it will modify the project area that is the area in which activ supported activities will take place uh to embrace the sites for the West Wind development both the uh pilot plant in the immediate future and the larger uh facility uh assuming that's built uh further down the road it also modifies the project area to embrace certain locations where the city uh will need to and does plan to install certain public improvements so those will be project activities as well the other uh aspect of this amendment and we say it's a minor Amendment because it does not change the thrust or the purpose of the project plan it does not increase the budget it does not increase the area of any increment District by more than 5% in fact it does not change the area of any of the existing increment districts so it is a minor Amendment but in carrying out the objectives of the plan what has happened since this plan was originally adopted is uh the city of lton has created the fista facility uh with its technological focus and its uh uh offering of programs and training and education in stem subjects and so we have broadened and and reshaped the proposed the focus and authorization of the stem activities to embrace fista and provide the city greater flexibility in determining how you wish to carry out uh those activities so those are the three things that the minor Amendment will will change if approved one is change the project plan in two respects that is to Embrace areas where you do public improvements to and also to embrace the West Wind Development Area and the other then is to uh Embrace fista as a part of the stem uh program effort and provide the city additional flexibility and how it carries out uh its stem objectives under this plan I'd be happy to entertain any questions councel do you have any questions for Dan um is there discussion or can I get a a motion for approval waving the reading of the ordinance and read the title only oh we do have one announcement on the front page of the steady plan it had the wrong council member it had um councilman forb in there and that that has been changed and handed out and that may not be what was attached to the agenda but that minor change has been made yes we have corrected that over oversight in the version which we are requesting that you approve might be minor to you but not to [Laughter] me I move to approve the ordinance read the title only have a motion to approve withit the reading and ordinance and read the title only and a second discussion or debate please read the title to the ordinance okay an ordinance uh approving and adopting the first amended amended skills training education development and investment steady project plan as a minor Amendment within the meaning of the local development act 62 o section 858d providing for severability and declaring an emergency please vote motion carries 7 to zero we need a motion on the emergency now this is emergency too yes sir okay I need a motion to declare this an emergency Mo I have a motion and a second discussion or debate please vote that was 7 to zero also all right thank you guys thank you Dan Lon okay item number three receive a presentation from The lottin Economic Development Corporation and the lot and Economic Development Authority regarding a potential indust Industrial Park project with the Airport Industrial Park Brad cookie and Rich Rogowski good afternoon Council it's good to see everyone I hope everyone's having great holidays as Richard's passing this out I kind of want to get a brief synopsis uh of this project uh before Richard comes up and go goes through a little bit of infrastructure uh things with you but uh this is a uh we call this project pick and it's been in the works for um oh 6 to 8 months now and this is a project that's going to go on the airport industrial land that ledc owns uh and it's going to go directly north of uh the new Pepsi Distribution facility and this project is going to mirror um the Pepsi project in itself and when I say mirror kind of how we're going to structure this how we're trying to structure this um is going to be similar to what that Pepsi Pro uh Pepsi Distribution plant was was was set up to do um fiser 59 which is uh the entity that that that's doing this uh they own a distribution plant here in lotton right now they have recently purchased another distribution facility and they're going to combine the two and so combined uh right as they stand right now there's about 60 employees and U they're going to add 40 to 60 more once this facility is done so we're talking you know a minimum another uh we're keeping 60 and we're going to add another 40 to 60 U employees with that this is the capital investment we're looking at roughly around $20 million so um again that property out there by the airport that we own is um you know it's Oklahoma Department of Commerce certified so it's got all the utilities and it's ready to go and the only thing that it really lacks is um is Rail and that's why it's so it's so productive for distribution facilities to just go go out there because they don't need rail they just need Interstate access and that Interstate access is about a block away so this is just success building on success out there in that industrial park so with that uh again this is a Fisher 59 um uh project I Know Rich has passed out a little packet here and I want to turn it over to Rich right now as he talks through some of this infrastructure uh items that that we're that we're going to be asking for all right thank you uh I want to apologize first for the uh the handouts I'm fairly new coming back to town and don't have all the fancy bells and whistles I used to have when I when I was a city employee so we'll work on that and you'll have we'll have a fancier display next time but the Crux of the matter is so you saw the first page that I handed out is this is their draft floor you know site plan that they that they they prepared you can see there's you know 100,000 foot Warehouse more or less 8,000 ft of office space very similar to any other District Distribution Center that you might have there uh it's on that 15 Acre Site um the next page is the the existing infrastructure as Brad mentioned we um we would we were going to try to try to model this after the the Pepsi Cod deal which was project pumpkin and that is where you know the the industry purchases the property from the ledc the only thing that the that the public provides as an incentive is the offsite public improvements which you know if this was a completed development would be there anyway right so um we're going to build the the public Street the public sewer and the public water that is off off the site um and if you look on that second page you see there is a public water line on the North across the North End of the property uh but there's a sewer line that comes uh North and South through it and that sewer line need to be relocated just like at the PepsiCo project and then uh obviously the road ends at the existing development there so that road would be extended um the next sheet very bad Graphics uh it shows the 15 acre parcel it shows the remaining 43 Acres that the ledc still currently owns um and it it kind of It kind of shows a what you would look like if we did a Road Extension a single Road Extension ending with a cesac just along the north side of the property so all we would do is build a road on the North you North part of the property it would end at at the at the property extents and then we would put a caac there just like we did with with Pepsi um the the next page is that same road but extended down and tied back in to the building to to to uh Rex medier Road basically creating the completing the infrastructure on that project so this this page here would complete the infrastructure so the rest of that property the other 42 Acres would be developed without any further public infrastructure requirement so it creates truly shovel ready ready uh facilities so um now of course the bigger project get go to the last page the more Road you build the more expensive it is obviously um just to be clear the the sewer the amount of sewer line and the amount of water line that we would have to be that would have to be constructed is the same regardless because you've got to complete that water line circuit you've got to move the sewer to the down and connect it to the downhill sewer so the crost on those are exactly the same so the only thing that really changes is version one versus version two is the roadway amount um there's approximately another, um feet of roadway actually of in the um in the two different versions so actually 1,700 ft um and so you can see that the the cost of the least cost is about 1.6 million with the most cost being about 3 million this these are very broad estimates um as part of this project what what we would what we would again we're still talking to the to the developer but just like we did with with PepsiCo we would we would suggest that the developer contract and and get those They he would pay for the design of those public improvements or they would pay for the design of those public improvements they would they would give us the the engineers cost estimate that that would be available before we came to a final agreement so you would know have a really good estimate of the cost of those public improvements and then um you'd have that Redevelopment agreement that was based on that cost but you would only reimburse them the actual costs of those so whatever they paid the contractor that's what you would reimburse them so you know even though we're we're looking at the terms as estimated costs the actual payment would be the actual cost and um what we found is when you have them build it it it goes a little faster a little a little cheaper and they control the timing of it so you don't have those other you know competing contractors on the same site so we feel like that work that model works best so again we're not asking you to make any decisions today uh what I what I what I like to do is to be to obviously you know so I'm involved in these projects and Brad and I are involved in these projects early on so we know all about it for like six months or something like that before it we walk up to you and say here approve this term sheet so what this is is to say okay we have a project that we think is a real deal uh they are wanting to close on that property we feel like it's going to happen and so um we're bringing this to you just to let you know about it uh so that you you can kind of you know think about it a little bit before we come to you and say okay approve this term sheet because that would be the next thing that we would bring to you is an actual term sheet to say yeah these are the terms that we're talking about do you agree with that if you agree with that then we move forward and they they do the design work and we come back with a with a full agreement which is probably you know a month or so later a full agreement to to have that real development agreement that we would get this thing done on a binding agreement the term sheet is non-binding but it certainly is it does show your your um what your representation is so any rate um that's what I have I I kind of went through it kind of quick and my my sketches are bad but is there any questions on that council do you have questions I have an important I I forgot one thing U that is that is how we pay for it so um obviously this is part of the C project plan this is in the increment District um well how we pay for it you know we would actually have to have to come do a little work to to to find the money to or or to arrange where the money is going to come from and actually to reimburse the developer but the reimbursement of the city's investment in here would be through the Tiff District um basically that that that project is as Brad mentioned uh develop probably going to do $20 million in in Real Property um improvements so you have basically infrastructure or or adorm taxes off of $20 million 100% is increment currently there's no taxes on the property um you earn 1.3 million so as you know the steady project plan has a number of places where money goes um you know there's something goes to the schools the counties his stem you these other places but there are a couple categories that are project support and public infrastructure that we use generally to pay back the city to pay the uh to to to do an an enticement for the developer or anything like that so those two categories those are the ones I'll I'll be quoting you um I mean the whole thing earns much more than this but at at basically we can earn that amount that 1.3 million by by year nine so if or sorry 1.6 million um by year 10 um so we would we would be able to reimburse the city at the 1.6 million within 10 within 10 years um and to go to 3 million it would take year uh 13 so it would be year 13 to get to the 3 million Mark so you can see we do we do does reimburse the city in a reasonable amount of time um no so um at any rate now now we're good now we're done okay now we move on to item four and I'm going to turn this over to mayor protim council I'm going to read item number four is consider approving a resolution to support of support for the appointment of Mayor Stan Booker to The District 9 seat on the board of directors of the Oklahoma Municipal League declaring set appointment to be for the benefit of the city of lton and other municipalities within the district and declaring the mission of the Oklahoma Municipal League to be for the public purpose uh Council this is a this is a really good opportunity I think for us to have a voice in U in what is going to happen Statewide uh some of the information that's going to be pushed out and uh just to be able to have a a foot in the door to the municipal League uh so I would make a motion to approve I've got a motion in a second please vote motion carries s to zero all right now we move on to item number five consider approving a professional service agreement for insurance broker service with in shua and authorize the mayor to sign the agreement good afternoon am I still on okay U this is just a Professional Services agreement from last council meeting when youall voted to go with ins shurika as our uh broker this is just the Professional Services agreement for y'all to consider Serv agement we have a motion for approval and a second discussion or debate please vote item carries 7 to0 do I have a motion to go into executive session have Motion in a second please call the roll waren henkins yes Harris yes Chapman yes Gil Hampton yes weager yes [Music] [Music] pi that's how you doing [Music] yep [Music] [Music] not my fr e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we're back from executive session can I have have a motion to return so motion do have second second and second please call the role weager yes Warren henkins Harris Chapman Gil yes Hampton executive session item number six Tim pursuant to section 307 B4 title 25 o the statutes the council convene an executive session discuss an action relating to class action lawsuit McKenzie and Company Inc uh United States versus McKenzie and Company Inc Washington DC collectively McKenzie uh claiming McKenzie played a central role in the unfolding Pro propagation exploitation of the opioid crisis by advising multiple opioid manufacturers and other industry PR precipitant participants how to sell uh as many prescription opioids as possible said lawsuit being enr McKenzie and Company Inc uh National Prescription opioid consultant litigation case number 3 colon 21 MD 0299 crb Northern District California uh conversation did occur regarding that class action lawsuit we have a motion um Mr mayor council I move to accept the outside Council recommendation and take no action to opt out of the class section case pending in federal court in the Northern District of California against McKenzie and Company is there a second second we do have a second please vote motion carries 7 to zero city manager has a public safety announcement uh mayor and Council and citizens just be mindful that you uh cannot use fireworks inside the city limits without a permit and if you do choose to use them outside the city limits please be careful happy New Year and do we have a motion for adjournment second I have a motion for adjournment of the last meeting of the Council of the year and a second if we don't want to debate it please vote Chapman yes Gil yes Hampton yes weager Warren henkins yes Harris all my blinking Glory yes