e e test test e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e test test one two one two one two 3 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay it's time to get started I will call the special meeting of the lot and water authority to order please call the road henkins Harris Chapman Gil here Hampton here weager here Williams pres and Warren okay Quorum is uh established business item number one consider approving a Fourth Amendment to the Ralph Resort lease and Concession air agreement between the loton Water Authority Steven Sandra Perry and the City of lton modifying the terms of the agreement as it pertains to the transfer of ownership of the assets owned by the peries as shown on the asset list of the agreement to the city of Lon in exchange for a firm payment of 300 $100,000 Dwayne mayor and Council this is uh the agreement that we discussed at the last meeting uh we've had an opportunity to meet with Mr Perry he is actually here in the audience today um Mr Perry um it does accomplish uh the change in the termination clause in the contract as well as establish a $300,000 firm purchase price of the property associated with the asset list and allows the council to direct us to go out for uh RFP to select a new concession there council do you have questions saying none can I get a motion so Move Motion for approval and a second discussion or debate please call the rooll Chapman yes Gil yes Hampton yes weager yes Williams yes henkins so I apologize for saying please call the rooll just you can just remind me that we're voting if I do that again but on this next one we're going to have to call the rooll so if somebody will make a motion for adjournment some Mo second Motion in a second uh please call the rooll Gil yes Hampton yes weager yes Williams yes henkins Chapman yes we ready John okay at this time I will call this special meeting of the lotton city council to order please stand for the invocation by Pastor Alan Hampton and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance Pastor please bow your heads thank you mayor please bow your heads uh father we come before you and thank you for your good goodness your mercy we thank you that you have provided a place for us to come and meet and we pray that you give us wisdom and understanding in all that we need to take care of today may all the information come out that we need and and uh we continue to pray for prosperity for our city and our citizens in Jesus name amen amen ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right thank you and please call the road Williams present Warren henkins Harris Chapman Gil here Hampton weager and and a quorum is established business item number one consider approving a Fourth Amendment to the Ralph's Resort lease and concessionary agreement between the lot and Water Authority Steven Sandra Perry in the city of lton modifying the terms of the agreement as it pertains to the transfer of ownership of the assets owned by the peries as shown on the asset list of the agreement to the city of Lon in exchange for the firm payment of $300,000 to Wayne mayor council this is a companion item based on the agreement uh that was between the parry's the water authority and also included the council uh same same exact agreement we just need Council approval you have a motion so move do have a second motion and a second discussion or debate please vote motion carry 6 to0 item number two due to the upcoming expiration of the Ralph's Resort lease and Concession agreement between the lot Water Authority Steven Sandra Perry in the city of lton consider directing staff to initiate a request for proposal for the management and operation of the Rous Resort concession a area located at Lake Ellsworth Dwayne mayor and councel in accordance with the provisions just approved in the uh Fourth Amendment uh staff is seeking direction to go ahead and go out for RFP to find a new concessionary that would assume the responsibility of the management and operation of Ral Resort and we'd also like to thank Mr Perry for 45 years of service so wow 45 years that ought to at least get a round of applause hadn't it that that was that was uh after my parents would take me on weekends and drop me and other teenage boys off that was back when you could do that and we'd camp out right uh right across the road parking lot and Road there from Ralph's Resort I don't know if people do that with their teenage kids anymore but a lot of history there thank you so much for carrying on that tradition for so long Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion that we go out for request for proposals on Ralph's Resort y I have a motion in a second discussion or debate please vote motion carry 6 to zero bringing up item number three consider the FY 2025 city of lot proposed operating preliminary budget and budget book presentation and take appropriate action if necessary to include making amendments to the preliminary budget to be incorporated in the final budget and budget book presentation that Council considers Kristen just waiting on my slideshow we will be talking about CIP in capital outlay today um I'll go ahead and explain capital outlay is an item individually costing $5,000 or more with a useful life of one year or more so that's things like vehicles and Equipment Okay so we've had some changes oh it Tammy are you messing with it okay thank you we've had some changes since we printed the preliminary budget um we cut a fire alarm panel from police technicals um budget that was saved to $70,000 we cut a skid steer from Park maintenance that was $150,000 of savings we added a half ton pickup to police patrol this is Rolling Stock money um it was $67,200 and provide diagnostics for them um but that is not Capital so we removed it from their capital budget it is revenue or cost neutral it was $15,000 for the remodel it's $155,000 for the program we added $231 Million worth of Revenue and $ 172.5 Million worth of expenses to the lot and Water Authority um these are for those loans with owrb drinking water clean water and and the projects that go with those loans we reduced the fiscal year 24 2019 CIP expenses by 32 million after looking at those numbers some of them were um pretty aggressive so we went ahead and reduced those but then we turned around and increase the 25 uh 2019 CP expenses by $66 million I do have a question there on the reducing the 24 you saying that we budgeted 30 we're in 24 right now right corre correct so when the budget book was printed we had a certain dollar amount of expenses that we thought we would spend and then when we went back and looked we're not even close to that we didn't get to okay I got you and then okay I understand okay so we're going to talk about Capital outlay first you'll see our general funds um in fiscal year 23 we spent 1.5 million in capital outlay um we're up to just over three million this year which is 97.87% increase Enterprise funds it's a huge jump however okay um it that's due to the uh loans with uh owb clean water drinking water and those are those expenses that go with it capital Improvement funds this is Rolling Stock and what we call fund 435 at one time 435 was a capital Improvement fund from like year 2000 um over time obviously we're not collecting on that anymore um it's kind of change to a special Revenue fund um so that's why we have Capital outlay items in here it's not truly a capital Improvement fund anymore um but the capital Improvement funds are up 97.35% from fiscal year 23 our special Revenue funds are up quite a bit we've got $6.4 million in the budget this year a lot of that is the uh medical marijuana sidewalks and then some other things that we'll get into and then internal service funds and our other funds do not have any Capital outlay expenses so we're going to start with general fund Capital outlay expense they do not have any lease purchase um machinery and equipment is actually down from fiscal year 23 and 24 um construction improvements and additions is up we've got $1.5 million in the budget for fiscal year 25 and then software is up from fiscal year 23 it's the same as last year uh so total uh capital outlay for general fund expend uh fund excuse me is 1.7 million and we'll get into the details on the next slide so the city attorney's office will be moving next year and they would like the access control door in their new space that's $122,000 uh flooring replacement at the libraries 15,000 paint for the Owen Center Gym 20,000 a bathroom remodel at the king and Patterson centers is 100,000 to strip and wax the gym floors at all the centers is going to be 9,000 Patterson Center exterior refurbish is 50,000 a front desk station for all the centers is going to be 15,000 a burrow blocker machine uh for Park maintenance that's 32,000 roof repair at Lakes headquarters is 25,5 $542 a sign cutter $25,000 for streets and to repair the existing wood frame salt sand storage dome for streets is going to be $60,000 any questions on any of these before we move on okay so then streets would also like a concrete metal fabric salt sand storage Dome that is going to cost $360,000 uh malfunction management unit for electronic maintenance is $16,000 electronic Maintenance building metal awning $20,000 diesel fuel pump for equipment maintenance $20,000 new support building designed for Police Headquarters we have that in there currently for $300,000 data Works inmate tracking system for our jail is 34,000 intake Center for Animal Welfare this is 556 th000 this is some old funding from some funds that closed um it's in the general fund but we earmark it every year for them so that when we do get to the point we can build an intake Center we have the money there well the money that was designated for it at one time um workout equipment uh this is required um from fire CBA it's 7500 every year station three kitchen remodel for fire $29,100 and an I plan table for fire prevention $88,000 any questions on these expenses Kristen are we still doing the kitchen remodel yes they took out the I'd have to go back office yeah the office remodels out the kitchen remodel is still there the remodel is still in okay yes they had two remodels now they just have one so if there's no questions we'll move on to Enterprise fund they do not have any lease purchase either uh their machinery and equipment is down from f year 23 353,000 construction improvements in additions is up 96,000 they don't have any software purchases so their total request for fiscal year 25 is $198,900 and they are requesting two portable litter vacuums for solid waste a 2-in hammerhead mole for water distribution 3in Hammerhead mole for water distribution a power rake at $12,000 uh Wastewater collection roof repair is going to be 36,000 bay door replacement at Wastewater collection 177,000 skylight replacement at the southeast Water Treatment Plant 15,000 and uh meter Services would like an electronic pallet jack for 6,000 an AC unit for 10,000 roof repair replacement 10,000 and garage doors for 8,500 any questions on these expenses Kristen on these uh like the roof repairs that I've seen a couple times are these from the storm from last year in with insurance paying for it or this is this all new Rusty saying no it's not from the storm all right so now we're going to get into our other fund Capital outlay expenses um storm water doesn't have any our special Revenue uh is up 107,000 again this is sidewalks funded by medical marijuana and then the court technology fee is also in this account drainage maintenance is asking for $ 8858 worth of equipment we'll get into that on the next slide or next couple slides McMahon Authority this is a really old Grant um we can only use the money for a specific purpose so I budget it every year in case that we are going to use it as cemeter care is not going to have any expenses this this year we're going to let that fund build back up since they've used so much of it the last couple years narcotics forfeitures they do not have any Capital outlay uh this year e911 has a request for $270,000 which is up $195,000 from fiscal year 23 our cellular fund does not have any requests this year um grants has a request of 5.5 million the majority of this is arpa funds uh Rolling Stock uh their total is 6, 369,486 I didn't include a slide on this because there's 49 items and that would be several slides it does start on page 15 of your budget book though uh Capital Improvement projects again that's at fund 435 that's really more a special Revenue fund now um they have 1.4 million this is where things like your Council W funds are held um DND litter abatement Fire cost recovery there's some old FEMA money in there we did identify earlier this year what all the funds that were in there and we're trying to make the Departments aware so that they will start spending some of this money and you will see in fiscal year 24 they spent $140,000 more than the previous year so we're trying to get the word out on that fund U lot and Water Authority is up $53 million from fiscal year 23 again that's those loans and the projects and then sewer rehab their request for fiscal year 25 is $253,000 which is down substantially from uh fiscal year 23 so here are the items that are funded with other funds um got the court technology fee eligible items 683 th000 Park fee funds eligible items is 19,000 sidewalks for medical marijuana 680,000 uh drainage maintenance is getting a 1 and 1/2 ton pickup that is $885 the MC Grant McMahon Grant eligible item ,500 Next Generation 911 for emergency communications that's $270,000 the industrial water main construction uh sewer rehab is spearheading that project but it is funded by arpa it's 5.5 million um sewer rehab is also requesting 1 and A2 ton pickup at 91,000 an arrow board at 7500 trench boxes 50,000 a half ton truck uh 39,000 uh 3/41 truck 55,000 and new Forma which is a project management software that is 9,225 any questions on these purchases okay so I won't go over this one line by line but this is all the loans that we're getting in the lot and Water Authority for uh owrb clean water drinking water and the projects that they fund again these are are 100% funded by these loans and have all been approved by Council previously so lot and Water Authority has a couple other Capital outlay expenses of course the Ral Resort buyout that was just approved 300,000 Schoolhouse slew buyout um that was this current fiscal year 2.8 million um interest which is let me get my notes uh loan interest for those o owb AP loans uh 1.5 million and then admin fees for the owb loans is going to be 370,000 okay so now we're going to move into Capital Improvements drink so we have our streets and roadways Geo bonds um we spent 1.4 million in fiscal year 23 we're projected to spend 4.3 in fiscal year 24 we've got 4.5 plugged in for fiscal year 25 which is a 221 per increase our 2005 ADV valorum we do have a little bit of money still sitting in there um $185,000 so we like to budget it should we spend that um 2012 adalum you all actually voted to return this to the syncing fund um it wasn't done and I'm not familiar with that process so we're going to try to get it done this year so hopefully it's not a next year expense but we went ahead and put it in the budget in case it doesn't happen that way we don't have to come back with a budget amendment to do it uh 2015 and 2016 Capital Improvement programs are closed and then our 2019 Capital Improvement I have a typo on this uh it shows the expenses for fiscal year 25 or 84 million it's actually 91 million that gives us an increase of 16215 per.

coule questions he brought up some arpa a little bit earlier M want to make sure that we have a plan for any remaining arpa to be allocated by the appropriate time and got that covered okay that's good then the 2005 avalum what was that for it was for sewer rehab in New City Hall were two of the big items mhm okay so so we're going to get that clear off right yes that is my goal and then the 2012 what was that for that was uh the fire station was the remaining money Bond Council recommended go back turn on your turn on your mic if I'm understanding Kristen right that would have been for the central fire station remodel that bong council did the opinion on and recommended that that be put back into sinking fund okay well that was 700,000 of it right Jared 7 or 770 it is grow it has gained interest um oh so this includes incl the interest okay all right and so you're budgeting that but the only thing that can be done with that is pay it on debt right pay it on ADV valorum debt yes is that right if it's a sinking fund that would be correct yes okay and so we're going to get that closed out yes okay then um apparently the 15 and 16 are you saying are they're closed out not officially but there are no they're rolled into yes they're rolled into 2019 okay I don't see the 2017 or the 2017 [Music] avalum that's been the streets maybe that's roadway that's the top one is it yes but that's 37 million was that different CIP that we had for about like $37 million 37 million oh 37 million on the 2 I see on the 2017 CIP for those five roads you're saying we've got bonds for those we haven't spent that money yet and I think we have the this is just what we plan to spend in fiscal year 25 traditionally we've only spent a few million a year um I don't know if Joe's no Joe's on here what what are you referring to you referring to like Gore mhm okay those are CIP 17 right which is um we haven't spin which is all rolled into here okay into the 19 yeah all remaining cips not aurum cips were rolled into the 2019 Propel okay yeah that was all right okay now okay I think I got it all thank you okay so here's just a chart of our expenses versus our revenues for the 2019 CIP um I will make a note this does not include loan proceeds um you'll see in fiscal year 22 uh for the revenues we had a spike and then it dipped down in 23 in 22 we had a Federal grant that reimbursed some CIP expenses so that's the reason for that Spike and then we had a spike again in fiscal year 24 we received a refund for some Industrial Development projects and so that's the reason for that increase um otherwise it pretty much stays around the $30 million Mark a year for um sales tax and then so you can see on here um in fiscal year 22 our revenues exceeded our expenses um fiscal year 23 revenues were just below our expenses same with fiscal year 24 and then we've got this big gap between revenue and expenses for fiscal year 25 so we make that up in two different ways uh we have fund balance we're estimating about 28 million doll worth of fund balance to carry over next fiscal year and then loan proceeds will make up the rest so this list is fluid um like I said earlier we have a 27 million 27.8 million carryover that we're expecting to have uh we expect to receive $63 Million worth of Revenue this includes a $30 million loan that we could potentially go out for so that gives us $91 million to spend in CIP for fiscal year 25 so we got together we had several meetings and we prepared a tentative list of how we could spend that $91 million some of the things we have to do example Public Safety sales tax that's every year the 2.68 4 million um but some of these numbers you know if we decide we want to instead of doing the escore sidewalk we want to do the loton pavement Management program you can adjust that number how you wish but this is what we have tent tentatively set in the budget um we don't have anything for Street Maintenance or sidewalks and streets ecore sidewalk $500,000 uh West score from 67 to 82 we believe we'll need $144,000 to finish that up and I believe that's funded by the 2024 sales tax revenue note that we just went out for uh Lee Boulevard resurfacing they asked for 12 million uh we cut that down to 4 million good your Boulevard lead to cash uh that is 8.7 million that is also funded by the uh sales tax revenue note we just got as well as landfill cells 6 and seven we've got 7 million plugged in for that and that is also funded by that loan Water and Sewer line replacement we have at 3 million cash Road water line replacement 1.3 million can you go back for me and let me ask a question before we get too far away from it that um Goodyear Boulevard the 8 million is the $5 million Grant on top of that I'm not aware of a grant when did we get it we got $5 million from um I don't know what it's through Department of Commerce it was a state Grant Department of Commerce I don't know that we've received it okay but we well that would make sense um but we do need to plan for it because otherwise I'm going to have to bring a budget amendment back when we do receive it um no that is just loan proceeds only and you would be aware of it if it was in the 24 budget right yes I would have seen that hit all right and the Lee Boulevard resurfacing I don't know where they had a how did they come up with a $12 million we've got an engineering report that says it's all some deep what do they call it full depth repair and Mill and overlay so I don't know how you'd spend $12 million do you but you guys can check into that they've got 4 million so that's that's more like it now what is the pavement Management program what is that is that that study we did on pavement see I'm a a little gray on the details we don't have anybody here from that department um I'm what um okay great hi Larry 67 to 82 there yes that's the IMs Paving study that's been completed okay so it's not an ongoing expense and that's why we have nothing going to it we don't update it for another five correct okay thank you while you're there the Street Maintenance from 2.4 was this um I'm trying to figure what that what that is and why it's Capital Improvement if it's maintenance was that the in the Propel there were $10 million set aside specifically for Street Maintenance and what we've been doing is about a million dollars per year on average um this year or next fiscal year we've got $10 million in our actual repair budget in inside the division so it's not as critical to have that million going forward okay okay good so we actually spent almost 2 and a half million of that last year I know we got lots of crack seing done right that'd be this current fiscal year okay projection all right very good that's two and a half out of the 10 well we didn't have 10 budgeted this year right we will going forward for next fiscal year cuz I see here in 25 we got zero budgets on the CIP side yeah on the general fund inside the street division itself they're going to have $10 million okay very good thank you any other questions on these projects on this slide okay uh water and sewer line replacement will be $3 million cash Road water line replacement 1.3 million uh Lakes gate operation uh 354,000 nothing for the Elsworth Lake Dam improvements wastewater treatment plan improvements lot and Fort Sill water resiliance resiliency Grant or the water reuse feasibility study um alternative water sources we have $9.6 million plugged in lats transportation improvements that is 2,444 th000 and then our dilapidated houses to demo those is 300,000 so why did we cut that cuz I don't think there's anybody up here that wants to slow down on that program on which program that DND program that was the number I was given by Charlotte do you want more when we went through this we were still trying to gather the numbers to see what we are going to do so I do need to we do need to increase that back up to uh 550 okay now we're talking yeah cuz we are going to be bringing some commercial structures well as well okay you can bring commercial structures but that was we we've got to keep our goal of residential going to do what we told the citizens we do so that's got to be there and so my question is still is 550 enough but you can bring that back after you study it mhm yes what have we been averaging a year on that what have we've been figuring um this year I think on number of houses demoed well total dollars or total dollars um we're probably averaging 450 a year yeah I'm not I'm not sure we don't need a little bit more because we're we're really accelerated that program and I'm I mean I don't think uh I don't think twice that would be out of line but we may not be able to do that now but what is the number that we've been doing number of residential I know we set a goal to bring to bring uh 20 to you a month but I I can get that information for you okay thank you I like that go that's a that's a good goal before you go uh I noticed that U it's getting speedier as far as the demo contract is being being complete by the by this the contractors right because things are getting tore down at a much higher right now at least they in my w right yes yeah they don't have to because they don't have to do the sewer and water caps themselves we're doing that on the city Side fantastic I like to see that well I think we can give credit to getting that done in a faster way to our uh different staffs uh I know Rusty worked on that with me and then Charlotte took it and so we have eliminated some of the red tape and we've eliminated some of the problems that we ourselves had created and uh actually we have more than doubled the amount of demos so I think that that's a good record for our staff 229 all right thank you guys 22 go ahead 2020 do what 229 Dem 229 since 2020 229 since 2020 229 since 2020 and we're going to increase that quite a bit so um I'm I'm thinking we already to be looking at least 800 maybe in the budget okay thank you any other questions on this slide okay we will move on to the US 62 interchange project we have $5.5 million plugged in for that um IT projects is zero our it improvements which is our Tyler software we have at 1 million uh the scada system is uh zero this is actually one of those that's funded by the loan um we were paying for it out of this account and then transferring the loan proceeds to the CIP which kind of convolutes it so we're going to pay for it and uh book The Loan proceeds in the lot and Water Authority fund next year um City Hall we have $750,000 plugged in for that McMahon audit auditor or addition and renovation uh 7.8 million this is also part of that 20124 sales tax note late master plan that's completed so we don't have anything for next year same with the Elmer Thomas Park concept plan any questions on these projects okay so we have the aquatics master plan that was completed that cost us 54,000 uh Youth Sports Complex we paid $50,000 this year I don't have anything plugged in there for next year currently um Elmer Thomas Park Aquatics plan that cost us 300,000 we don't have anything for next year east side and Lee West Park improved improvements uh nothing for next year we paid $45,000 this year matd Beal Park improvements 32,000 uh for this year nothing for next year the waiting pool improvements we paid 28,000 this year nothing for next year Park improvements $630,000 uh this year nothing for next year the Elmer Thomas Park Aquatic Center um the bid came in or the engineers bid whatever it's called Uh at 20 or 2,200,000 but to make a budget balance we had to cut somewhere and this is where we're tentatively cutting obviously we're open to discussion there um but we've got 7.6 million plugged in there Lake Helen Trail Phase 1 and two we don't have anything for next year and then our youth programs they requested 525,000 we uh cut that in half to 262,000 okay while we're on that one why did we cut it in have the youth programs yeah to try to balance the budget like I said these numbers are tentative okay I'm a I'm a little bit I my hesitation is I just saw an email where they had over requested for this year and so we need to look into that a little further I I hate to get into it because I'm unclear on what was going on anyway and had a question let's go back to um the Elmer Thomas Park Aquatic Center did we receive a Engineers estimate or did we actually receive a bid I don't even remember on I don't think it was a bid I think it was an Engineers estimate was it a bid engineer's estimate okay all right okay I'm good Park Improvement 6:30 uh um I guess all of these are Park improvements and I'm remembering the million and a half that we awarded parks and and I don't see the million and a half but it must be pieced out at a lot of this or something yes is that it okay all right I'm good with that okay any other questions okay thank you uhhuh I've got a oh yeah uh so so we we You've Got 7 million and some odd for the for the aquatics I saw that somewhere oh okay uh third to last line yes El Elbert Thomas so it came in at 22 million we've just pulled out of the Hat an estimate of 7658 not an estimate what we could Fund in fiscal year 25 okay because we did have uh an estimate from an engineering firm up here that was going to be around $8 million to put that Aquatic Center in oh well then that would get us pretty close you remember that Council yeah so I don't know where we got or how we got from 8 million to 22 million um but I guess I'll find out when is that going to come for discussion the plan was to bring it soon I don't know exactly when um but I think Joe was still trying to re find the the estimate the last estimate that he he's gone back a few times now and it keeps the the cost keeps getting greater so we'll get it on the agenda soon thank you and I would like to ask you to get with the U Youth Sports Authority on that Youth Sports Complex number of zero because I'm pretty sure that's not their imagination okay okay uhhuh so so our next project is the arts for all and this actually falls under uh the youth programs category uh 35,000 for next budget year um Industrial Development we have 7.5 million plugged in I will say fist's request alone was just over 9 million did you have a question yeah I do have a question on arts for all that was actually we used some money in an old CIP for that that was designated as youth summer programs which was not part of the Youth and Family Affairs committee correct okay I'm good um beautification projects uh we don't have anything plugged in there okay so we have 7.5 million plugged in for next budget year we did get fist's request it is just over 9 million so that's something we'll have to work out we don't have anything in plugged in for beautification the bag and tie campaign was a one-time thing uh so we won't have anything next year i44 pedestrian bridge we have $50,000 plugged in our emergency fund transfer that we do every year 250,000 pension reimbursement that is a part of the reimbursement resolution that was passed in 20 uh 2024 is the last year for that so we will not have that expense going forward uh CIP also pays for one abatement officer and that salary is $110,000 next budget year our sewer rehab transfer is 3.8 million and then Debt Service payments are going to be approximately 16 million for next budget year if we get another loan we already got 30 million this year if we get another 30 million next year that's approximately what it'll do well have any questions on these okay so Capital Improvement expenses not funded in budget year 25 Library ceilings uh renovation they requested 2.3 million airport Renovations 2 million uh reconstruct Rogers lane from what I understand there's some issues surrounding that uh so we're not going to put it in this year's budget that's 5 million Citywide signal Improvement plan 25,000 City Hall mold remediation 100,000 City Hall Dome restoration 2 million and then we have the US Sports Complex but I'm going to get with them about that and then the McMahon ballpark improvements any questions or comments on these one one question I have is the Citywide signal Improvement plan um 25,000 I'm wondering where that number came from but I'm also wondering I while I do have that in the new Propel proposed Propel I'm not aware of anything in propel that could even remotely be considered to pay for that like a category yeah one of the categories so I don't know what that's about 25,000 is not enough to fix an intersection but but anyway okay that's one stop it it doesn't belong in it doesn't belong in the current Propel I know that so now we'll just reiterate where our fund balance is and this has been updated since I presented on Monday so our general funds uh we've gone from 53 million in fiscal year 23 to 37 million which is a just under a 30% decrease our Enterprise funds went from 64 million to 74 million which is a 55% decrease but a lot of this has to do with those loans we have to book the loans at full value even though we're only paying so much every year Capital Improvement funds we've gone from 39 million to 35 million so that's a 9% decrease our special Revenue funds we've gone from1 million to 7.8 million so a 60% increase or decrease excuse me um I'm okay with this one because that the money just sits there if we don't use it CU you can only use it for a specific purpose so we do want to spend that money as we get it internal Services fund um that decrease was pretty minimal 1.65% and then our other funds it did increase slightly 73% so our total fund balance decrease from fiscal year 23 to fiscal year 25 these are all our funds is uh 23.3 4% so what's next um we need to discuss the CPI if we're going to approve that deny it adopt a modified version wait for the revenue or the rate study and we've got a lot of options there uh do we want to cut expenses further and and if we do how do we want to do that um we've cut by flat percentages in the past we've picked on Capital outlay um we can look at some of those expenses that were you know really substantial increases from previous years and then we can also revisit the Personnel additions and the rec classes um do we want to hold additional budget workshops and then if not when do we want to set the public hearing okay so let me start um first I want to and I apologize some of my questions really relate to the last meeting but I wasn't able to be here um and the and my first question has to do with the use tax mhm and that really belonged in the first meeting but I wasn't prepared for the question at the time can you just give us a general discussion an explanation of what use tax is and and how it's changing in in other words it's upward Trend so used Tax is essentially a tax on uh items or services on which no sales tax has been paid so online sales is a big part of that uh you buy online from a Ikea we don't have any Ikeas in Oklahoma but you will pay a use tax to get it sent here um we are seeing you know a trend in online sales is only going up and so our use tax is going up and our sales tax is not going up at the rate that the used Tax is going up okay so the information I have is that our used Tax in 2017 was about 2 million and now it's about 8 million sounds about right that's pretty close right and so it's a sales tax on online Goods but when the when our ordinance was put in place in 95 there probably wasn't much online sales I don't know was anybody buying anything in 95 online I don't think so so um so really it was then like um I was in the convenience store business at the time and if I bought equipment I was responsible to pay the state my tax and that was use tax so I I really feel like because this is replacing General consumer item sales but it all goes in the general fund according to the ordinance and I really don't think that meets the citizens expectation when they voted for the CIP for 2 and8 cents to be spent on these Capital items or uh Capital designations that we've given things some of it's not Capital like our youth programs aren't really Capital items um and I I really feel like we need to take a look at that ordinance Council and I'm going to ask for that discussion to be put on the first council meeting of May to discuss the use tax and and whether or not we should amend that ordinance so that it gets the proper allocation and I don't think would affect any of your budget except your fund balance because you've doubled your fund balance this year from 10% last year to about 20 is that correct doubled general fund balance my uh yeah general fund no we're actually going down okay well that would okay well what was our discussion that you and I had our fund balance was about 20% we are at or above the gfoa standard for the GFA is 12 and a half uh 16 for general or yeah 16 for general fund 16% okay I think it was 122% and the 16 is what is what 125% would be I think Enterprise well we can look you can look and have that for us yeah at our next meeting um but anyway I really feel like the council needs to have this discussion and when we get to the CIP discussion my numbers are based upon the use tax being designated for a split I don't know how to say it but I hope everybody understands it that two and an e is split just like the other sales taxes split mayor mayor yes who's saying yeah yeah I want to make a comment about that uh in in light of uh the new world that we live in um the offset is that bil local is kind of going out the window and and with that said uh local uh uh where that money goes locally I think um is something that we need to to look look at like the mayor is saying because it is no doubt that um the the monetary funds that are we should be getting from sales now has is really kind of this worldwide idea now because I mean you can buy stuff in China you can buy stuff all over the world and we're not getting any tax from that although they're charging taxes I I I'm I'm ashamed to say I bought something from China yesterday and uh uh I Tri to BU local but but but I couldn't find this anywhere but uh they charged me tax on that and uh I'm thinking that tax uh there has Oklahoma attached to it and I'm thinking that that money that is going out there needs to come back and be re organized somehow where the citizens aren't losing out on sales that should be taking place but uh I appreciate you bringing that up M and putting that on the agenda because it needs it is something that needs to be discussed thank you all right thank you Mr Gil well I think we'll we'll bring this up at the next meeting where we can discuss this to see about the money because the citizens do uh want to recover this so we can use it on projects I'm I'm not sure where it's going right now I know the state also take some of this money from sales and I'm not sure how we're going about getting that too so the state collects it and then they remit our portion to us and then all the use tax goes to the general fund okay any other comments Miss henin we don't even have enough shopping in loton to generate those funds and some of the bigger cities that we compare ourselves to they do have that but I think we're probably lower on that so I definitely think it should be um moved to where the citizens can benefit from that um ordering online basically Kristen I have a question I know that you transitioned to the CIP portion of your brief but do we move from item 3 to four on the agenda I don't know no no that was um that was a discussion item about used Tax the only the only relation I made to the CIP was that that's where I think it should go and I put it on the agenda to talk about that I've got more questions on the budget okay I'm just I'm just trying to figure out which agenda item that we're on we're on three okay anybody else before I move on okay now on um I've got a few questions on as I look at the budget and I look at the Staffing numbers and the overarching question for the council which isn't supposed to get involved in the details right is are we adequately resourcing to accomplish the expectations of the citizen or to accompl the mission now when we get to the animal shelter um for the first time since I've been here 5 and 1/2 years I'm getting stories that that we've got a lot of wild dogs we're not addressing and it makes me wonder if we're adequately resourced now I know we added one person but I'm not sure that's enough to deal with the problem we're having and so I don't really want any discussion I just want to ask the city manager to look at that and make sure you're adequately resourcing the animal shelter to meet the expectations of the citizen and every Department's got a mission but that mission's got to tie in with what the citizens expect and that's why I use those terms now Neighborhood Services it's been a few months but they were standing up here giving a report we asked them and they said they were asking for four more people at that time I said that's not enough you need six more initially and maybe bring it down to four but our neighborhoods need more attention and I'm very concerned that we're not resourcing this department to meet the expectations of the citizens and I'm I'm very concerned as i d i I know it's spring and every spring we get grass out of control so I'd really like to ask this to be re-evaluated does Neighborhood Services need more resources to meet the expectation of the citizens which I happen to think is the expectation of the council license and permits I'm I'm unclear what we're doing with the thirdparty review contract which I believe has kept us where we're getting a big degree of I'm I'm going to say it's near 100% of our permits out in 30 days I know of only one that we missed there may have been more and we ended up canceling your presentation at the last meeting but what talk to me about that third party contract so the third party contract is on it's it's an on call contract um we utilized them quite a bit this year in fact I haven't even got the final bill from when they helped us out with like 40 or 50 solar panel and all the brand new houses that we had at the beginning of the fisal year I haven't even gotten that bill yet so but they're just an at it's an on call with Garver and we're actually also in discussions with a company out of uh Texas for on Call um inspections yeah because we're we're still short um two inspectors down there okay I love that thank you now now just reassure me that we're keeping the third party review contract in the budget yes okay yes it's in there very good and just real quick are we meeting our expectations of 100% of our plans out we've probably had five or six since we went live with the new system that kind of fell through the cracks but um over the last few months we've been 100% okay and we're going to hear more about that next deal so thank you very much for that I'm good there and and litter we've got these new litter vacuums let me ask her a question yeah go ahead Charlotte do we have something in there for this third party inspection also you said you were looking into that so yeah it'll it'll it'll be all the same fund that we do the third party plan review cuz that has been somewhat of a problem and I know we're short but sometimes you when you need an inspection you need it yeah yeah so if anybody knows a plumber or a building person who wants to come work for us we would be greatly greatly helpful I'll check into that but meantime keep that third party available thank you and before we close this item out I want to get Joe up here to talk about the pool we'll backtrack but I've got a few more questions while I've asking these Kristen um the litter um we did a tremendous Improvement in litter control this year um I still don't think we're meeting the citizens expectations but it was a giant leap forward and I want to make sure that we're adequately resourcing those new litter vacuums that we're getting to to have the Manpower and whatever pulls them a regular truck or whatever two more to especially during the winter months when you notice litter it's not that we have less litter in the summer it's that you don't see it because the grass is growing and so I just want to make sure that's adequately resourced don't smell it either now I'm going to I've still got a few more comments I want to make but I want to back up to our Capital Improvements and let Joe talk about that swimming pool and how it went from 8 million to 20 million Aquatics the aquatics Park yes sir the um I don't remember how it went from 8 to 20 but the they gave their presentation and we were hitting around $8 million to do that the The Firm that we had come and they had the pretty pictures of it and this and that and I thought and you can correct me of course on this that I thought we as a council made a decision at that time to go forward with that so we could get that thing going so we could get it put up in the community so the citizens could use it maybe not this summer but for sure by the following summer but it sounds to me like right now that we're not on that path at all in fact we haven't even decided on a price which I thought we had so clarify that because I'm vague on it evidently well I thought we had we we it's been 12 for the base for the pool and almost eight for the Lazy River part of of the project uh the plans are are 100% done we're they're getting ready to be on your uh May 14th agenda to start advertising the next day um but the right now there's a base bid for the the the building the pool part of the project of 12 12.2 range and then the lazy river is a ad alternate and it's about eight 6 to 8 somewhere in that range does anybody else remember those numbers that were presented to us Randy probably would but he's not here okay we'll we'll get more of that at the next csil meting you me have the architect here to go through that in detail with you okay thank you Joe before you go so uh it's split up into two phases is that right uh monetarily uh uh it building the building and pool area and then the Lazy River it's two separate bills correct well it's it's set up where they could you could bid it and just accept the the base bid for the building and pool or accept the base bid plus an alternate of the lazy river depending on how prices come in and and the bidding is probably going to affect that as far as the allocation of money cuz we got 7 million right and you said one was 12 and one was the base bid right now is right at 12 just for the base of the pool for the building and pool itself and then the Lazy River part uh is about 6 to 8 approximately okay and they plan on doing the pool the pool in the building the plans right now have are are for both 100% complete so we'll put it out for for bid and the biders will bid both uh but one will be an add alternate so you can decide if you want to do it or not do it okay all right thanks Joe change reality that's just what I remember and I was to know the status where we were so the status sounds good we're there we're getting ready to out B we'll have the architect at the next council meeting all right so make sure that agenda item allows broad discussion than app okay Kristen I've got a couple things that I've talked about companion items with the CIP and I'm going to talk about those now during the budget in case the council wants to take action on the budget and one of the things that I talked about a companion item was that we would have a certain am amount of money or a percentage of the overall budget going to streets for years well I think everybody knows for years we haven't put enough money in streets then last year we added $3 million and that's how we got our first 10 wins was in that $3 million and that also paid for the engineering and that also paid for some panel replacement I think right which the panel three years ago what was our materials budget for or repairs however it is what was our number it was 1.5 million.

Okay 1.5 and then last year we added three so we were 4.5 correct and this year what are we we are 10 million 10 million okay so I think the thing the qu the council's got to ask is what is that number city manager needs to weigh in here what is that number that we could put in a policy that we would the citizens would have as well as the council know going forward that we would have for a Mill and overlay program as well as panel replacement um what would be that number John you got any ideas um I don't know that number off the top of my head but I we could certainly research it and go back and look at past cost and and where we're add on the cost of material and maybe make a CPI adjustment every year but I think we could come up with a figure that that would be pretty reliable okay well let me ask you this just to give a starting point for discussion last year we added three million then we came back and added 5 million okay so that's a this year we've got the number at 10 is it unreasonable to think that we could say we want $10 million and the repair number every year or would that [ __ ] City operations to do that cuz we don't want to [ __ ] operations but we we want we we want streets to be a priority um well it won't [ __ ] us this year but of course every year is different I mean it's going to depend on Revenue um so I I'm hesitant to sign up for a fixed number um maybe we could come up with a percentage that might a a better idea that way you're not crippling operations but I think we can come up with you know something to where we're ensuring every year that there's resources allocated for um repair and maintenance of Roads so we're not it's not getting put on the back burner and we're not doing 40 road projects every year because we haven't done road maintenance in the past 10 I certainly think we can do that um but um I I'm hesitant to I'm hesitant to say that number is $10 million every year yeah um comments yes yeah yeah thank you mayor uh with this whole Road thing I'm on that committee with uh with councilman Gill and uh councilman Harris but but but um you you know in my mind this Mill and overlay is kind of a part of our maintenance plan because we're buying time for oursel to get kind of caught up on those major repairs that we failed to do on on big roads like 38 a street and so uh uh it is no doubt whether it's a percentage or not I I think that for the future uh councils and mayor that we kind of set something in place to set a precedent so that we do set aside a certain amount of money every year to do Milla as part of our maintenance plan to keep us ahead of this road thing because uh the feedback that I'm getting from most of the citizens they really really are liking driving on their roads I've talked to some people that changed their routes they're that they're actually taking so we're making some Headway for the citizens in this area so uh I I I do think what you know if it's if it's 5% or or 2 and a half% whatever there needs to be something set so that the future councils know the importance of this and that something is set in the budget every year that they're going to talk about it mayor one thing that we could do that I think would would get us to where Council wants to go is we could put either dollar amount or a percentage in code and then um if for whatever reason revenue is not where it was the previous year Council can have the option to opt out of that so we we put it in code and we establish it and then in order for Council not to do that they would have to affirmatively opt out that's one that's that's a a way that you could address it as well that's that's an option to look at too uh because while the goal is to make streets a priority it's not to [ __ ] operations in any way does anybody else want to comment on I'm just going to say something about what the the city manager said I think that may be a great option that leaves the um request kind of in the city manager's hand to say hey we're going to have to cut back on fixing roads which would bring up a the the the discussion that probably needs to be had since you're here since you're the city manager here is here all the time initiating that conversation with the council because we're not so I I I I think that's a real practical way to deal with it thank you mayor George thank you uh I could come up with all kinds of numbers and percentages but I do think that there was one thing said and Allan brought it up the mayor had brought it up and that is some kind of a guideline or a guarantee that the council does address this at least maybe once or twice each year so that it doesn't go away or it doesn't get diluted down and in 3 years from now we're back to where we were last year because uh we'll never get caught up with all of the roads in lton I mean that's not going to happen and so we need an aggressive or as an aggressive as we can plan to do that and we need to make it where staff or no one else can really change this add to or take away as far as that goes without the counil actually voting on it so so your idea was good in a way also and maybe have that where it comes before Council each year but as far as for budgeting to me uh $10 million is a great number to start with thank you so okay so I think we're you're clear and you'll come back with some ideas for us right before we finalize the budget and pro and matter of fact let's make it before we finalize the CIP okay because the Citizens need to know I presented that as a companion item another thing that I talked about companion item and I think we need to talk about it potentially if the council's ready make a decision now or be prepare prepared to make a decision soon and that's on Parks I made the statement when I made the original presentation show me a city that's not investing in its parks and I'll show you a city that's going back backwards I I kind of think that's at least been a picture of of our parks department for years we haven't invested in it like we should I I feel like we need a minimum of and I'm basing I'm basing this off of the million and a half that we gave parks to do some parks improvements this year I feel like we need a million dollar minimum in our parks Capital Improvements from the budget now I'm not talking about buying equipment I'm talking about citizen usable amenities I feel like it needs mil and they could make an argument for 2 million and I'd like to get a little discussion going here by the way even if we designate if if the citizens vote to designate a quarter of a cent that's not going to be enough to do everything we need to do and catch up I say catch up cuz I've made it clear Altus is is blowing us away on things they're doing with their parks and swimming pool now that may not bother y'all but it bothers me and and that that had quarter cents aren going to be enough Norman has a half cent uh we can't go there and do all the projects we need to do so that's wife talked about a quarter and supplementing it this would give us roughly if we went 2 million it would put us at about the equivalent of 38 now I'd like to get some discussion going and see what you guys think of that idea don't everybody talk at once mayor yes I'm seeing a lot of discussion on making Elmer Thomas the main part park for the city of Lon and we're also looking at the East side and the west side with the splash pads and I can tell you for my particular Ward at Kids Zone which 22 24 years ago uh pretty much those funds were raised by the people the citizens and businesses and it has outlived its life and I'm looking at that thinking we've almost got to start all over just in that one that one Park which really concerns me because it is heavily heavily used some way we've got to come up with some funds looking at areas like that also I don't know the answer yeah I I do think the answer is not relying totally on the CIP I think that's been a problem that we've had in history is relying on the C p and the Ambu thank God for the Ambu who raised the money for that Park 20 some years ago and but that's not that's not a good plan for the future so thank you for that John were you want to say something um just one thing as as we talk about Parks just something to bring to council council's awareness I know that many of you have been out to the Lakes recently and you've been out there to look at the slooh and other places but the lake headquarters which is across the street from Schoolhouse slooh is in horrendous condition um I don't know if you guys have been in that building but it is in desperate need of replacement so as we talk about improvements and upgrades to Parks I'd ask that you consider that um in terms of financing uh Park improvements and maintenance another option I don't know how realistic it is but I think some certainly something that we should consider you know especially for the bigger Parks like Elmer Thomas where we do see tourists come to those Parks it's potentially using hotel motel funds to you know to uh Finance some of those uh repairs the challenge we would have with hotel motel funds is we'd have to decide what to not do because I think the requests are outpacing the income there but it's a discussion that's probably got to be had Mr Gil yes uh first of all uh John when they moved into that headquarters building it was a dump and it hadn't got any better um I think that's a pretty valid point I we have a parks department working on all these different uh items with Band-Aids and we really need to do something we've got a great leader right now uh Larry parks in this position he's doing just really many many good things he needs some help and I think that as the mayor said to rely on CIP Alone um not only is it enough it's proven it's not enough because look at our parts we haven't been getting there and I think $2 million to put in the budget for that is in my opinion absolute minimum I think we need that um our citizens I know want that I get probably as many calls on streets I get on Parks so it's a it's a big item and the and the people uh are looking for that and a place for the kids and just for people to go on picnics we have a lot of great pieces of property we just need to bring them up to par and and keep them there so it's just my opinion that you're right CA CIP isn't going to do it and we do need a budget and I think $2 million would be a great place to start thank you mayor yes Mr yeah I um um this whole Parks uh thing uh I I think hinges on on the qual quality of life especially here in our city during the Spring and fall times uh if you haven't been over to uh Sixth Street to 35th division Park I I think that's a good example of a good neighborhood park uh they've got the pool there got tennis cour they've got his gazebo over there it's quite a large Park and the citizens in that area actually have block parties over there where they have picnics and they go out and interact with each other you know interacting with other citizens is a quality of life issue and if you go to a lot of other cities you'll see there I kind of made this statement you know I I don't know what kind of family you're from when I was a a child my my mom and dad used to always say this saying to us and and they would say that's why you can't have anything nice well well you kind of think about that and what they're talking about is because you got to take care of your stuff because everybody likes to go out on a nice I mean I like to go out on a nice cool night sit on my back porch and look at the trees I live in Oldtown North has a lot of trees and and just kind of relax and it's really relaxing and when you can do that with other citizens around whether you have your own personal space and I'm just going to say this real quick I visited a lot of like Phil Philbrook up in in in in Tulsa I noticed that in Philbrook everywhere you look in Philbrook uh there's only one bench only two people can sit at any G area and I'm talking about Park design uh there's depressions there's other areas the big gazebo down in there they just put one little bench in there so you can sit and have some private time with another person if you'd like to I don't think that that's necessarily an idea that I'm trying to give them what we need to do but it does paint point to the fact that it really is nice to find a nice picturesque place just to sit and relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of uh urban urban living and uh investing in our Parks is I think as Mr Gil was saying uh next to uh streets and Roads as far as uh quality of life in the community if you've ever been up to that big Park in Tulsa it's just you go in there and you're just not in in the city anymore and uh the stuff that we're doing and moving I think that should be very inclusive and to be able to find some money somewhere to put into that I'm I'm I'm totally in agreement thank you mayor Miss Chapman something that I struggle with when we're doing all this budgets and we're trying to focus in on on different things that we know our citizens want sometimes I worry that we have so many projects that we never can really put the amount of money that needs to be in that area whatever it is Parks streets whatever and so we're always trying to catch up or where can we find some more money I don't know the answer to that but sometimes I wish we could just do four projects or whatever and really do them well and then move on to the next that's just my opinion this good this is good comment anybody else okay so what do you what do you want to do here do you want to come up with a number to to and take care of this now or do you want the city manager to come with come back with something like he is on streets that uh that we can do you want a motion make a motion um okay if you want to make a motion make a motion but I don't think we need a motion for the city manager to bring it back he'll but is that what you were going to make a motion for well I I love working with the city manager but I was going to make a motion that uh we direct staff to bring back a a $2 million amount of money uh to put in the budget for the park starting starting starting with this current uh okay so we have a motion to put in we have a motion to put a number in at $2 million for this year is there a second let's get let's get our two million does is there a second we do have a second discussion or debate Mr Hampton uh I would like to um I'm trying to figure out uh I'd like to make a friendly Amendment to the motion and that's that I think that U with the $2 million which I think some money needs best set set aside but the amount that is going to be feasible for our budgeting process this year I think is really really important for it to be successful because if they come back and we can't find any of that money where it's going to be a problem so I I would like that to be looked at through the city manager's office and uh working with uh Finance so that that we can really get a realistic amount that we can put in there even if it's not as much as we want so the amendment would be what uh to to to look look for two M look look for up to $2 million to be presented to the to the staff through the city manager and finance working on on an amount that we can actually do for 2024 okay so I think what I'm hearing is you you're asking would they take a friendly Amendment for the to do the 2 million this year and ask the city manager to put together a discussion about what could be an ongoing long-term number or amount that that that is what I'm uh what what I'm what I'm asking except I think that we need to do that this year because if we can't find the 2 million we were just looking at some of the budget items and maybe further along in this budget process we would know there was a list up there that you had put that we haven't funded yet right there was a whole list of things we hav fed CP correct uh uh was that only the CIP that was CIP this sounds like a general are all the other things pretty much funded as far as budgetary stuff that we're looking for yes well then uh that that would work that would work I like I like the long-term plan do you accept that friendly Amendment I'll accept it okay and Miss Williams seconded it do you accept that friendly amend okay so I think what we're voting on here is to uh put 2 million in the budget and ask the city manager to come back with a plan that would be longer term thinking on this has everybody understand what we're voting on please vote okay I need one more vote okay somebody didn't vote who didn't vote okay made okay we have six to zero motion carries now back to my back to my questions when will we go over each Department's goals objectives and benchmarks we we have those ready um they're not all in the same format I you know Donna Lynn was working that so that will be in the final um publication of the budget book I I wasn't necessarily tracking a a a requirement for a a special meeting just to brief metrics yeah and I don't think once necessary I just want to make I'm wan to make sure it's in there and available for everybody to see and for the citizens okay and my next question that goes with it is is the budget book going to improve its presentation as we discussed and I don't expect that to necessarily be the um to be ready when we pass but I want to keep heading towards that I realiz we had some disruption and I don't want to lose that goal yes okay right answer okay I think that's all all the questions oh no I have one more comment um I am impressed with the budget presentation and with the CIP oh didn't say that right with the capital that you are putting in this from the general fund I'm impressed and I know John pel's probably listening and he will be impressed too because he constantly reminds me that we are not doing as much capital in our general budget like we used to so I appreciate you've made significant progress in that and I appreciate that very much any final comments before we get off this area uh yeah mayor I just want to say Christian thank you for being very clear and thank you for U uh being forth enough to say that you don't know what you don't know that you're going to find it out makes makes the discussion very very easy and I appreciate that thank you for talking on our level that's what he we are through with item three and we're going to take a break before we get on item four it will be a short break okay yes [Music] [Music] [Music] s [Music] milon this is [Music] [Music] this is your [Music] [Music] [Music] 43 e [Music] IDE [Music] [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] right okay let's make our way back to our seats and so breaks over and we're going to move on to item number four discuss possible projects to consider and funding levels for the Propel 2040 CIP sales tax extension and take action as deemed necessary Council I'm not going to repeat everything I said but I am going to repeat some of it and one of the things I want to say is that that I'm very proud to work with this Council that understands how important planning the future is that's been the thing that's made a difference and we passed Propel in 2040 I think it went into effect April 2040 and that planning is just now coming to fruit and we're seeing work all over town and we're seeing the things that happen I'm a planner I'm always thinking about how what we're doing today impacts the future and that's the same about Propel 2040 proposal is that it would help us start planning for the future Propel has given us the future funding that allowed us to address so many of our communi challenges and before we could address any of them we had to plan and when there was no money allocated there was little little planning going on um now planning ahead also opens up the door to state and federal funding CU when they decide they want to give grants for something they're interested in projects that are ready to go so propel's paying off in that regard too I've hear from people all the time that they've never seen so much work going on at at one time in lon's history I think that's probably true U we do have a lot going on much of that's coming from the Propel CIP of course it works together with other things like uh some of our water authority debt that we're using along with the Propel that we're using to change the water system uh we also have our avalum I think think Rusty told me was it over 800 water breaks a year over and that was last summer last summer over 800 water breaks a year but because of the funding that we've put in place the water lines that are causing half of those water brakes will be replaced by the end of the calendar year we have 23 miles of water line under construction today and that covers 475 of where those brakes are 23 miles under construction today wow and you've got more coming we' got 23 more miles scheduled to be under construction by December wow so that's pretty amazing did you tell me that 1/4 of our water system distribution system will be replaced in four years I think was we we are on on track to have it done in a threeyear cycle right now yes wow that's amazing thank you Rusty and thank you for being a good planner by the way over 800 water stre water breakes um you know all this is thanks to the citizens and thanks to a council that sent it to the citizens because the citizens don't get a chance to vote on it if we don't put it together and send it to them and we've done it all without raising taxes next slide so I just I just real quick went through and took some of the same slides that I had and i' um this one is about streets and bridges and I don't I don't know cuz the picture don't match up so forgive me but streets and bridges that would be about $85 million allocated over the 16-year life of this program this is if you accept my proposal youth youth Arts next slide youth arts for all camps that's been the most successful youth thing that we've done our stem Camp very successful as well but it cost a little more per child I'd like to see us head for Arts Camp not only in July but I've been talking to arts for all leaders about doing for June but doing July also we're doing a pretty good job as a community keeping kids busy in June by the way keeping kids busy is how you keep them out of trouble and so I'd like to see that in July and they're working on some programs that we could take into neighborhoods partner with churches or other people that have buildings in neighborhoods to keep kids busy in July as well if kids are involved in the arts for 4 years they have a 33% higher graduation rate according to the search foundation and it's all about getting kids through high school we have to invest in our youth why is that so important it's important to raise the graduation rate because 80% of everybody in jail does not have a high school diploma so it's real easy to get to the fact that whatever we do to raise the graduation rate is a good investment as a community to change future we change the kids future we change the future of the city i' I'd like to see that at 2 and a half million next Slide Parks is on the same program about quarter of a cent uh we have run into a little challenge of being able to designate it but we can designate what we believe believe the quarter per would um generate and that would be 85 million and that would take uh go into a long way in our Parks over 16 years and give the staff the money they know they need to be uh planning along with the partner project or the companion item next slide okay next slide after that that's all part of the parks okay McMahon now we've done about $8 million worth of work or it's starting $8 million worth of McMahon but I understand they're going to be making a request for new seeding so I just pluged $2 million in here I don't know what that number is um and I do understand that because we put $8 million that this may be one of the items we say has to wait for the next one sports complex all of that next slide all of that would be out of that Parks category no no special allocation for the complex it would come out of the parks category next slide D and properties um I'm looking at adding 7 million to get us through the next 5 years or so and I do assume that going forward as a matter of fact I intend to put together a policy that would require every 5 years to go go through this planning process so that we extend the CIP and keep the planning process going DND property 7 million now we're currently able to use DND funds for commercial buildings and far as I know we've only used it for one it sounds like we've got a few more coming and uh but really when we set that original budget up we only set it up for residential so we need to add some money to it to keep that project going the citizens love it and we need to make sure we got enough money in there to address some of these commercial blighted uh structures that we have let's go to the next slide lats uh they haven't I think they're about to get to the point they're going to spend the 2 and a half million they get an incredible amount of Grants I put 3 million in here for lats uh next SL sidewalks we haven't really dented the 5 million that was in there or the 1 million that was in an old Ada but I'm going to tell you I could go out and find a million dollars worth of ADA ramps that need to be done right now and I think we need to add a million dollars for more Ada ramps and three more million for sidewalks and probably uh we need to understand what we've spend of our CIP sidewalk money CU I don't know that next slide okay this deferred maintenance crack sealing item I think everybody will remember me talking about that it was never intended to be a maintenance item it was intended to catch up on deferred maintenance with a primary focus on Cash Road and preserving Cash Road we don't want to get in a situation where we let Cash Road deteriorate I'm telling you that would be the most expensive Road in town to F to replace excuse me and we need to make investments in it now so my proposal is that we reward this so that we catch up our preventive maintenance then it becomes a standard budget item by the way from from what uh Larry our Public Works director told us we're already moving in that direction to get these kind of things in the budget and I really appreciate that curb appeal was another one of those items where something we didn't catch it was intended to be a beautification project but the way we put it in the CIP the way the citizens voted on it it can't be used the way we originally intended it so want to open that up to where we can do some beautification projects with that and that's just a wording change and I'm not I'm not expecting any addition to that category just opening it up to beautification projects curb appeal kind of things um next slide that was from the old presentation It's Already Done um okay Museum of the Great Plains we've got that number $6 million everybody remembers that presentation only way we're going to get it done was with the CIP next slide Carnegie Library I'm hearing the numbers going to be uh 22 million but I don't have that yet I put 3 million in here and I'm hoping to get those numbers on the Carnegie Library and um the Armory soon the next slide Animal Welfare um I've got $5 million in there for Animal Welfare building not not sure where that's at yet Central fire station U Got $1 million in there nobody's talked to me so okay all right you know that's the way this works as you plug numbers in and then people let you know if that's not going to work let's go to the Discovery lab U this idea has to do with continuing to develop our children continueing to invest in children um and I've got 15 million in for that and the neat thing about this is we don't have to build a building we have Central Plaza or the mall that we could put that in there and in a discussion with um one of our congressman's AIDS he thinks it would be relatively simple although we know nothing simple to get a matching Grant from the federal government because of the extreme focus in the federal government on stem and that's what a disc Discovery lab or science museum whatever word you want to use for it is all about let's go to the next slide we talked a lot about a domestic violence Center Resource Center sexual assault and Domestic Violence Resource Center or victim Resource Center it fashioned somewhat after the the successful Palomar project in Oklahoma city that was funded Maps is about to build them a new building right across the street from where they are and so we've got $4 million in here and this is an item that is not a capital item well what we found out is that if we will allocate this to to 16 years of funding that it will open up the door for capital investment by nonprofits and they nonprofits would build the building because we would Ure them of an operating budget for 16 years and so it's actually better than actually us building the building traffic control automation uh I thought $10 million would get us a long ways between now and the next time we plan the 23 million or whatever number it was was was a pretty jazzed up system as I recall discussions we can talk more about that get a presentation on that but I think that would get us a long way crime fighting technology I think we're all fres frustrated that we can't get uh enough qualifying applications and we're adamant that we're not going to lower our standards and I think what we've got to do is invest in crime fighting technology if this number is not the right number then somebody needs to tell me that I feel like this would go a long ways of investing in cameras around town maybe new body cameras I've heard that talked about I like that idea of license plate readers and I don't know what all crime fighting Technologies is out there but I think we need to be investigating that and I don't think we have any choice as a city but to invest in the things that are uh police officers need to fight crime next slide this Redevelopment fund would be pick an area of town so that we have the seed money to go in and buy up the property and then put a tiff over that property and redevelop it and the Tiff would pay back the Redevelopment fund and over time you could take that money and go to another area of town to redevelop that I don't see any other way that we are going to get a Redevelopment project going the way I hear so many people want that done Municipal Golf Course um well I'm 67 and I'm not sure we've ever put any money in our municipal golf course in my lifetime so I think that's got to have an investment and I don't know what that is I think for one thing they need a well and a sprinkler system they have no sprinkler systems on their Fairways and so I would say that's where that starts but I'm not the person to actually come up with that and I've plugged in $2 million to that and that could even be tied to um some kind of a revolving fund where you assess a certain amount of money than $5 to a round of golf and that goes into a fund that continues to invest in the municipal golf course I'm going to tell you we're do the guys that have the municipal golf course do a great job on a self-funded venture they even have to pay rent but and I'm going to tell you when I go to other communities and play golf with Mayors on their municipal golf course I'm embarrassed but it's not because the guys out there doing it aren't doing a good job with the few resources they have none of which come from the city that I'm aware of next slide uh the law Force region airport I think I told everybody they've got this situation this foam we've been using is Just Deadly um they've got to clean out the trucks one of the trucks is like 30 years old they've got to get a new one the other On's got to have special cleaning done it can be used for a number of years more with whatever whatever they use now and um then I think we just need to have some money earmarked for other it's not that's not going to take the whole 3 million I'm not indicating that I can't remember the number they told me but I put a little bit of more money in here because things come up at the airport and there's no there's no Capital available for that um okay next slide Industrial Development job growth one of the most successful things in Oklahom is the fista because we've invested in the fista $30 million not to mention all the jobs $30 million is invested in the fista by the state and federal government so I've got $35 million in here for Industrial Development job growth next slide somebody brought up I think it was Randy brought up Storm Sirens 750,000 is the number I got by the time we get it done I thought we better put a million in the cemetery I don't think it cost much to do what Mr Harris want to do the number came back extremely low but you know our his our cemetery is historical and I think we need to have some kind of a capital fund that they could make some improvements I think we've ignored it long enough and um while their Cemetery fund may help keep it going they don't have enough to improve so I'd really like to see us and and I'm open to these numbers changing what you get John you're reaching for your button I I was just going to say one of the things in addition to the fence and other things that we've discussed that Cemetery needs is they desperately need like an automation upgrade too um some of the older records are still paper records so we got a we've got some serious work to do there okay so do you like that number I I do I I I think it actually could be higher though okay but it's a good start okay well you're welcome to bring that back and you know how it goes you always have C La taste you end up buying Chevrolet no offense to Chevrolet uh Library okay I got a little low on this I saw a number for the library in the budget um and I don't remember what that was was it 2.3 or four 2.3 2.3 okay so uh so I'll change that as we go along here um but I think it's the time we get that done they've been wanting to get that done for some time uh okay now the next slide talks a little bit about um the municipal election date would be August the 27th just to remind everybody we need a June 12th re resolution so the target decision date is May the 28th and we'll keep everything coming to get there now the next slide is our public input meetings and that will be at 6:00 p.m.

Right here in this Auditorium on Thursday May the 16th and Monday May the 20th we will have a time limit now this is about things you want to see in the CIP now I'm already had a few comments from people that are against every CIP we've ever done this is really not about coming and talking about you're against the CIP that's where you go vote on August the 27th but this is about what do you think the council needs to know about in our community that needs to be done and added to the CIP Council that's my presentation those numbers total 153 million um that do plus 85 million for Parks 85 million for streets um and sat down with Kristen checked all my numbers she's agrees with my growth rate and all of that it does include and my numbers are totally off if you don't accept the idea of putting the use tax splitting it into the CIP the way the sales taxes split but I think you're going to as we go through that do you have any questions or comments or have you thought of other projects that maybe we don't have have in the CIP and the one uh I need to make sure I've briefly talked with John about this and that is air conditioners we talked about that it's my understanding you have another plan for air conditioning So currently I have nothing in here for air conditioning okay yes Miss Williams fire station number two that's out on um Bishop Road are we going to be we doing anything with that talk are you talking about the one that's at the airport the airport's not made any requests for funds for that and um they're in the middle of a lawsuit so you're probably not going to get anything done till that lawsuit's settled thank you it'd be my guess Mr Hampton yeah mayor um um we have been uh working I say we uh now the cultural preservation and I'm talking historical we have been working pretty diligently in trying to uh finally get the designation which is I'm told is going to be be uh quite soon uh once we get that designation it's going to open the door up for a lot of uh uh additional funds especially for historical buildings I think that number is kind of low on the fire station but we might be able to get uh extra money for the fire station and some extra money for some of the other historical buildings both uh the the town hall and the U Armory are on the National Historical registry which will give us an opportunity Chief do you want to say something I'm ask question okay okay um I had brought that up and and and with that said I I I think that there's maybe a that that if we could get some some matching funds uh a little bit of money for matching funds uh for the cultural preservation commit commission once we start putting in for those grants that may be something that we may need uh uh and that's that's a small request as we as we move forward uh the second thing is I just want to talk in general about uh this U uh CIP we we we uh have talked about the fact that we want to set a little bit of money aside and we did that this today about uh fixing our Parks well I think that uh in a sense I just want the citizens to know we have set aside this uh what is it 2 and A2 or 2 and a qu mayor uh uh that we're we're using for the CIP uh uh dividing it up but I I don't I don't know the exact numbers but that your taxes are not going to go up from this because this money was set aside to try to do improvements uh fortunately this money that's been set aside uh this Council this mayor we have really put our nose to the grindstone to try to get all of our maintenance issues that we haven't taken care of we have been criticized as a city on things that we fallen short on and indeed we have fallen short on those but we are are on a on a beline to try to correct those things and bring them up to par and I think that once we bring them up to par and mind you I'm saying this again is not going to cost any more tax money it's going to be a flow of the same thing that we've been doing and uh once we get a caught up the maintenance on the the roads the maintenance on the water lines the sewer lines we're talking about this stuff should have probably been done earlier that is going to give us an opportunity to plan in the future to to to to begin to spend some money on more quality of life things that some of those things have been mentioned here and mind you these cips the citizens have 100% input on this and that's what the mayor was talking about so uh uh let's be proactive uh as Citizens and let's uh talk about what we want to do to to to repair things that we haven't repaired to fix roads that we haven't fixed to fix our Parks up to where they're nice to do all the things that we would like to do to make our city a a a destination even from tourists and I just want to say this very quickly a lot of cities are in the mind of businesses and they produce the the the river parks up in Oklahoma City c those parks are great amenities for the citizens but those places are producing money and I think at some point we're going to be able to take our money and begin to make money which is going to double our ability to be able to be uh a city of choice not only just for the citizens here but for other people to come and visit and spend their tax dollars here in in our city so I encourage you get out and put some input into this because we are making Headway as you know if you drive the streets we're making we are uh uh the infrastructure stuff sometimes it's hard to see you see the roads but you don't see all the the sewer lines and other things that we're repairing that haven't been repaired but once we get caught up I think it's going to take us to a to a different level of being able to do some of the things we really wanted to do and that's to buy some nice things and be able to take care of them thanks mayor hoping your historical preservation committee can get us money on the Armory yes City Hall Carnegie Library and Patterson yes yes any building that is deemed uh a national on the National Historic reg registry can apply for for different grants and that designation once we get it finished is going to open the door for that money it will also provide us opportunities uh and it's got that that cost a little bit of money mayor to put other buildings on the National Registry that we have here that will open that up I am looking at the waiting pools and I'm looking at our city pool to to uh and we've already found money for that but we'll have the opportunity to get more money for that once we we finish this historical designation with the State Historical preservation committee thank you mayor all right thank you Jared I want your comments on Central fire station we uh uh Council you approved whenever we did voted on the funds earlier to give that back to go against the debt we did go ahead and forward with a Architecture Firm and I know that Joe's working with them and we're awaiting those numbers back so we've had that that with them for 5 to 6 months I I would expect Joe do you have a time frame so it is finished we're ready to receive that so we could have an updated number from an architect to be able to move forward with that all right thank you no more comments no more numbers no more projects all right everybody's doing good then that means we're through with that discussion and we could have a motion to adjourn couldn't we we have a second we have a second please call the r henkins yes Chapman yes Gil yes Hampton weager Williams yes we stand to journ we will [Music]

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