How to Drip Your Faucets & Protect Your Pipes

winter is upon us and every Oklahoma knows that that means unpredictable freezing temperatures one of the main concerns with freezing temperatures is the damage they can cause to your home or business should they cause your water pipes to freeze over older homes especially those without proper insulation or that have basement or crawl spaces with exposed pipes are particularly susceptible to this here is Rachel Croft City of Norman water treatment plant manager to show you the proper steps you can take to prevent your pipes from freezing the good news is you don't need to run a whole lot of water in order to combat freezing from your pipes here's how you do [Music] it another thing that you can do to help is to open your cabinet doors to make sure that warm air throughout your home is getting to your faucet pipes but you want to make sure to to remove any harmful chemicals that any small children or pets could have the ability to [Music] reach following these steps can help save money on your water bill and help to conserve Norman's water supply

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