Inside a Besieged Ukrainian City Where U.S. Weapons Are Headed | WSJ

(pensive music) – Right now we are headed into Chasiv Yar. The Russians have been
smashing the city for months, trying to push in and take over. Right now, it's one of the
most dangerous places to go and we're headed in today with the Ukrainian National Border Guards, who are usually used as border protection, but now they're just
another unit in fighting to keep this territory and
push out the Russian forces. (border guard speaking foreign language) (car door slams) (explosion blasts) (tense music) – [Ben] Chasiv Yar is
in the Eastern Ukrainian Donetsk region, about three
and a half miles from Bakhmut, which Russia occupied last year after months of grinding combat. Now, Russians are attacking
this city with heavy artillery, nearly a constant stream
of explosive attack drones, and bombs launched from war planes. In the basement of a destroyed building, we met soldiers taking a
break from the fighting (Maksym speaking in foreign language) (soldier exhales strongly) – [Ben] During a lull in the attacks, the colonel took me to see the destruction all around the city.

(tense music) Go in. How far are the Russians? – The Russians are, from this point, maybe three till four kilometers. (explosion blasts) – [Ben] Chasiv Yar's high ground makes it a key strategic
city for Russian advancement. Its forces could use it as a staging point and launchpad for attacks
deeper into eastern Ukraine. (Sergiy speaking in foreign language) (Sergiy continues speaking
in foreign language) (explosion blasts) (pensive music) – This is the main message to
the world from Chasiv Yar now: Don't leave Ukraine alone. Give us weapon and the rest we do by self. – [Ben] President Biden has
signed a foreign aid package that includes about 60 billion aimed at helping Ukraine
fight the Russians. (explosion rumbles) American weapons and ammunition could begin to arrive within a week, but the aid isn't a cure-all. Soldiers are saying they need the help now and are struggling to hold
onto Chasiv Yar long enough for the fresh weaponry to arrive. (pensive music).

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