at 6:30 p.m. I'd like to call the meeting to order Renee can I please have the roll call Mr Brewer here Mr McDaniel here miss McOwen here Mr Parker here miss bird here Mr McClure here Mr Griffith here miss kindall Mr jablonsky here we have a quorum our first item is the election of officers for 2024 is there a nomination or a motion can I just make the motion yes I uh make the motion that we uh have commissioner bird as chair commissioner jablonsky as Vice chair and commissioner Parker as secretary and is there a second second and a vote you may vote um everyone has voted and the motion carried 8 to zero moving to the consent docket item number two minute uh consideration of acceptance approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of the minutes of December 14th 2023 regular Planning Commission meeting and item number three short form plat consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of SFP 23249 consideration of a short form plat submitted by onq LLC SMC Consulting Engineers PC for Lots one and two block one Cedarwood Edition section two for property located at 2920 and 2910 class in Boulevard does any member of the commission wish to remove an item from the consent docket I'd like to remove item three please does any member of the audience wish to remove any item from the consent docket uh seeing none I would take a motion to remove item three from the consent docket I move to remove item three from the consent docket second and a vote you may vote uh with the as to the remaining items from our consent docket which is item number two minutes consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of the minutes of December 14 202 23 regular Planning Commission meeting is there a motion for the remaining consent item which is only item two move to approve second and a vote okay hold on wait a minute what's okay okay everyone has voted and the motion to approve the minutes passed 8 to zero thank you you now moving to non-consent and item number three consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of SFP 2324 D9 consideration of a short form plat submitted by enq LLC SMC Consulting Engineers PC for Lots 1 and two block one Cedarwood addition section two for property located at 2920 and 2910 class and Boulevard uh is there a staff presentation for this item presentation since it was on the consent docket originally but this is a short form plat for uh the parcel north of the enq down there on Highway 77 it's going to be split into two tracks uh since it's less than 3 acres they were allowed to short form plat and all the improvements are in so so uh there's going to be a water Burger on the southern lot and uh a unknown facility on the North lot at this time thank you are there any questions by commission for staff yeah I I have a quick question I was looking at this it looks like there's a lot of concrete um so it looks like a lot of impervious surface and what stood out I know this I know I sound like a broken record but I'm going to do it anyways I don't see any trees and so I'm just looking at this I mean are there going to be trees along the road between um Highway 9 or Highway 77 and and the property is there room for that or do you know is it I don't know about the Landscaping Mo he's with SMC he can answer that question but uh as far as the impervious area when that uh parcel on Q did it they provided detention for those two lots already so that has been figured in and already been provided thank you uh I do believe uh our planner Laura Hogan who is filling in for Jane Hudson today may have some comments to add to that too so I'm going to let her speak so there is a 10-ft lan gate buffer along the street and they'll have to plant trees within that great and around parking too thank you many what was that commissioner I think he said how many I'll ask I'm sorry I Was I Thinking Out Loud how many trees I mean designated in that area is like a couple or is uh it's one for every 40 okay thank you any other questions for staff be care uh seeing none did the applicant have a presentation thank you for being willing you're welcome good evening Muhammad Khan with SMC Consulting 815 West Main uh no like your staff mentioned that we assume this was on consent item but there there's a side development plan in the hand out in front of you also the short FM plat what you have so presentation would have been about the same item too so this is a shortform plat we we establishing the Lots we'll follow up with a construction plans landscape plans and the landscape plans will comply with the city requirement uh with the amount of parking what you see here was already accommodated uh with the construction of those two detention Pond Pond a and pond B there so this it meets the historical condition requirement there and uh there will be uh more information which will be submitted with the part of the building permit plans so such as utility fire hydrant coverage and all other requirements can I ask a question sure sure we have a short meeting so I don't feel too bad about doing it thank you um when I look at this you know I Envision I think about summer and I see a lot of heat and so I always wonder are there ways to put trees so so that in 15 years you know you you have a lot less heat gain on all this uh paved space I mean is is that a hard thing to do with these parking lots to position trees in there so that they can knock out the heat in summer not at all in fact what you just mentioned the concept called heat Islands yeah uh that applies to large areas and as you see in the side development plan what you have in your handout each parking ends at the landscape and cap Island and that's where you will have those trees to absorb any heat May generate by the parking lots and then again what your planning member said here that you have a 10 10 foot landscape setback along the front a a so there will be plenty of landscaping will be provided with shrubs trees and everything there thank you you're welcome thank you any other questions of the applicant thank you very much thank you very much uh if there are there any audience comments and seeing none Planning Commission discussion seeing none I would take a motion move to approve item three second and a vote you may vote everyone has voted 8 to zero uh before moving to our next items uh my understanding is we since our most of our remaining non-consent items are postponed that we can read all and vote for postponement uniformally in one motion uh unless any Commissioners would like to make any discussion to do differently than that that's how I'd like to read and present okay uh starting with item number four consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of resolution number r-23 2475 Shaz Investment Group Group LLC requests Amendment of the Norman 2025 land use and transportation plan from low density residential designation to commercial designation 25.12 acres and high density residential designation 14.82% request rezoning from PUD planed unit development -1011 d43 to C2 General commercial District 25.12 acres and rm6 medium density apartment District 14.82% Development Group LLC SMC Consulting Engineers PC for Whispering Trails addition for 39.94 Acres of property generally located at the northeast corner of Indian Hills Road in 48th Avenue Northwest item number seven consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of resolution number r-23 2476 Highway 9 Jenkins M&J Investments LLC requests Amendment of the Norman 2025 land use and transportation plan from future urban service area to curban current urban service area for 11.72% Investments LLC request rezoning from i1 light industrial district to PUD planned unit development for 56.5 four acres of property generally located at the southeast corner of Highway 9 in Jenkins Avenue item number nine consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of pp-2 32410 consideration of our preliminary plat submitted by Highway 9 Jenkins M&J Investments LLC craft and toll for sooner Village a planned unit development for 56.5 4 Acres of property generally located at the southeast corner of Highway 9 in Jenkins Avenue item number 10 consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of ordinance number 0-23 24-35 University North Park LLC request rezoning from PUD planned unit development to PUD plann unit development for approximately 90 Acres of property generally located east of I35 between Corporate Center Drive in Rock Creek Road item number 11 consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment and or postponement a pp-2 32412 consideration of a preliminary plat submitted by University North Park LLC for University North Park Entertainment District of planned unit development for approximately 90 Acres of property generally located east of 535 between Corporate Center Drive in Rock Creek Road item number 12 consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of r-23 24-104 Anthony blat owner on behalf of the owner requests Amendment of the Norman 2025 land use and transportation plan from low density residential designation to office designation for approximately 4.05 Acres of property generally located immediately north of 1700 North Porter Avenue item number three consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of o-2 32438 Anthony blat on behalf of the owner request resoning from the Pud planned unit development 0-21 22-4 to Spud Simple Plan unit development for approximately 4.05 Acres of property generally located immediately north of 1700 North Porter Avenue and item number four consideration of approval acceptance rejection Amendment Andor postponement of pp-2 324-1301 Acres a property generally located immediately north of 1700 North Porter Avenue the applicants in all of these cases have requested postmovement to the February 8th 2024 Planning Commission meeting uh are there any discussion items or questions by commission for these items have one uh what's the distinction between uh resoning from a PUD plan unit development to a PUD plan unit development in this on the same plot of land am I missing something it's a new P so they're basically amending it okay thank thank you thank you uh any other questions or comments by Planning Commission any audience comments seeing none I would take a motion remembering the postponement to the date February 8th 2024 move to postpone February all 14 items are 12 items and a second second and a vote you may votee everyone has voted and the motion to postpone carried 8 to zero moving to miscellaneous discussion does staff have any information for the commission um so with our aim comp plan update we um are starting our community meetings in February so those dates will be released soon um we're going to have some in February some in March and our new questions about Transportation are up on am so if you guys want to go check those out or spread the word to help get more public input that'd be great thank you do the Commissioners have any comments to make uh seeing none uh there's anything else to come before the commission I would declare the meeting adjourned see you indeed is that our shortest

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