e e e e e well good morning it looks like we're at the appointed time um as you can probably recognize I'm not Tom McDaniel unfortunately Tom couldn't be here this morning and so uh I'm sitting in in in that role um so I'm glad everyone is here today I would want just learned my allergies are just really bad too so uh if I stop and drink a lot of water it's because my mouth is so dry from claran U um I I want to make a a note today uh that Carol our attorney who has represented us for the last I don't know how many years now Carol how long have you been where is she okay okay but have you you've been with doing the maps from the beginning no I start with map for yeah okay okay well anyway we will miss you Carol and I understand you're going to be doing some fun stuff with family and some of your favorite passions uh um regarding animals or what have you and visiting your granddaughter at Texas Tech so so uh all right thank you so much for all you've done 30 years is that correct yes wow that's that's a while that's a while I'm sorry okay all right well I guess we will officially call the meeting to order um uh we are legal I understand we are we are not legit Mary tells us but we are legal with six people being here um so the first item on agenda is to approve the Amendments um is there a motion a motion and there is a second and we will vote um so do we need to wait for Michael to get back on I vote Yes okay um um so what do we do here at the vote oh there it is okay now it it passed okay well I'm glad our minutes passed that's really important um Item B David Item B is receive the maps three revenue and expenditure report ending February 29th 2024 so you have in your packet the expenditure report uh quickly on the revenue side for the month $1,066 fiscal year of 65,7 24 in a total of 839 M 21, 815 on the expenditure side for the month 87,3 49 fiscal year 7,436 1997 and a total of 85,3 79,2 140 and you also have in your report the budget and obligations report and if you have any questions on either of these I'll try to to answer them Michael do you have any comments or no any questions someone like to make a motion we've got a motion and we've got a second and we will vote passed unanimously um next item on the agenda David item C item C is recommend approval of revised maintenance Bond project m3004 maps 3 Senior Health and Wellness Center number 3 3748 North Lincoln Boulevard accepting the project and placing the revised maintenance Bond into effect in Ward 7 um so I think most of you if not all of you have been out to see the building uh um I understand that they now have 1600 members there in what three months um reports I get everybody loves it so um I love bringing this item to you this is final acceptance so project is complete and we'll send it to council for final acceptance that sounds great I actually happen to be a member of that uh that Health that senior center now and uh it is it's very wonderful I encourage you all to come and visit or join if you haven't already visited um can I have a motion I actually forgot Mr chairman we have a final presentation on that you like to see it who is doing our presentation Tony's going to do that okay all right well good morning sir good morning uh Tony blat adg blat 920 West Main I this is the kind of days that I like to come and present whenever their success stories what Mr Todd mentioned I was going to also uh Express that everything that we've heard about this facility is that it's doing amazingly well and extremely well received so maps 3 senior Wellness Center number three of course located at the intersection of of 36th and North Lincoln uh it is a building that is paired with the new home in same as we have discussed before both facilities doing extremely well and getting a lot of traffic um the lower level floor plans showing the gymnasium space and the Fitness area to the West that's on Lincoln Boulevard and looks down towards the city uh in the middle we've got our locker rooms and our pool on the North side our reception and our game Space to the front we have a teaching kitchen and we have classroom spaces there's an active clinic on this lower floor and several multi-purpose rooms up on the upper level we have the jogging track that again can look down and see the capital uh and then an upper uh Fitness area area as well the the renderings that were done are paired very nicely with the final photographs for the facility it looks wonderful this is the rendering that we have done from the south and paired with its final photograph um showing it its same perspective the building looking at the Portico share and the uh re Center and the the and the gymnasium space to the west and it's paired photographic completion we have the p kosare looking at it from the front and then in the final form after all of the Landscaping which was completed which looks wonderful um have the entry space looking towards the West looking towards the gymnasium area and its final form this is the reception desk looking in the same orientation we had the art and public places installed and this is a new photographed after it was completed and it turned out really well it's being very well received um this is just directly a adjacent to that and this is our game room uh the elevated walking Track the original rendering that was done when we were presenting schematic design and then the final photograph from the same orientation showing the gymnasium in its completed fashion we had the natatorium of the swimming pool very well received it's working very nicely some multi-purpose rooms in their completed State arts and programs classrooms the wellness uh and fitness area area on the lower level and then another group exercise space that's up on the upper level that the track goes around and then we have an outdoor culinary Garden that pairs up with the indoor kitchen the original construction cost was going to be 11,712 th000 and at the end we are at 12,658 11 $111.4 with a total change order amount that equals 7 91% of the original budget uh substantial completion was achieved on October 31st 2023 and final completion and final acceptance was March 18th of 2024 I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions comments great Shelby thank you coming it's really nice it's very nice all right thank you thank you so um on item C uh is there a motion and a second we'll vote motion pass s David item D so item D is recommend resolution approving change of shoulder number 15 project M3 h005 Mass 3 Senior Health and Wellness Center number four 13660 Southwestern Avenue increase of $4,940 and authorizing the use of excess Oklahoma City capital Improvement sales tax collection Andor interest to find the change order number 15 and that is in Ward five so there's um several things on here some decorative wood slats on the stair railings some fireplace support that's for the stonework that goes around the fireplace um contract documents didn't have some stair stair tread vinyl inlays um cellular dialers uh for the elevator needed to be added and then U at a request of the operator there's some brush clearing there's a pond back in the back and we didn't have any kind of clearing on that and looking at it we decided we probably ought to cut some of that brush down it's kind of snaky looking in there so um that adds that so it's $40,000 um that project is is coming along well finally and and uh these things are needed to complete it so when we expect to comple officially the completion is still um well the yeah April 15th is is the official completion date let me back up the the official completion date is May 29th of 2023 but we expect that they'll be finished in mid April and that'll give get the Y in there early to miday or so okay any questions uh is there a motion we have a motion at a second motion passed thank you all David um so item e is recommend approval of change order number one project m3c 015 maps 3 okluma City Convention Center service Corridor upgrades 100 m cornet Drive incre of $225 75 so this is the the corridor upgrade but one thing that was commented about at the convention center is in the women's restrooms there's no place to put a purse or a phone so we're adding some shelves in into the Stalls there and that's a lot that cost 20 20 over $20,000 for shells there's 205 of them that answer that question my gosh wow yeah that was my question too how could it cost this much and then I find out there's 205 this is in the convention center itself yes I said the corridor I was thinking the the alley between the Omni and the No No so the the specific project is is the corridor that goes from the loading dock up to the front of house and you can see it on the south side of the of the building so David do we expect any more change orders from uh anything other than Wellness Center number four at this point um well we got this project ongoing and we've got the the trail and the the Katy Trail connection so something could come up but right now I I don't know that that we have anything in the works okay all right but I I would guess that there's probably going to be something to wrap up Wellness Center for okay and where is that that issue regarding uh for LA or better what is it the fine or the that they're paying because they didn't finish so that'll be dealt with at the end once they finally get substantial completion then we'll have to deal with that all right any other questions is there a motion I guess I'm supposed to say who made the motion I just remembered that uh I know I understand that but most of the time I think Mike or U Tom would say so so Zane moved and we have a second by Bob um and we have a vote motion passes David new business so item f is recommend approval of final plans and specification to be advertised for bids project m3p 019 maps 3 Union Station renovation 300 Southwest 7th Street Ward 6 if you remember we were able to do some work here on Union Station because of excess Collections and interest through the program um Michael seagroves I believe is here to to go through what's included in these plans for this long awaited renovation of Union Station good morning everyone um like I said just want to bring this to you for your uh review and approval for um Union Station uh we've been working on it diligently for about the last seven or eight months um working in an existing building is always a little more difficult than than building up out of the ground especially when the building was built in 1931 um just some imagery of the building throughout history shortly after it was built um the original uh this would be the East Hall now uh what we're doing in here is I believe in the 80s a lot of interior office space was constructed we'll be removing all of that uh restoring U and patching uh plaster on walls and then bringing what you see back there is the new stand back to life as an interactive uh display um this photo is about a year or two old back from right before the improvements were made on the Upper Park and just some some of the conditions going around the building it's in fantastic shape for a a building that's approaching 100 years old but it needs some uh some care and maintenance uh done to it as well as uh you can see there on the right photo the removal of those uh mezzanines that were constructed in the offices below them and uh restoring the uh terazzo floors under those and um on the left there you can see the old phone booths we're going to be turning those into an interactive display as well where people can um sit inside them and and hear uh audio from from the period from the 30s and 40s uh conversations uh that their parents and grandparents would have been making uh and the long train Hall that is going to not be touched but will be um essentially a a backdrop for photos and things like that uh for the uh events to be held there uh we have three main areas of construction uh you can see on the left the the upper area area a is where the most of the functional spaces are at uh the green is office spaces that we're going to be renovating either through the base bid or um add alternates and second floor is also an add alternate to improve the finishes in those spaces and just going around through here uh we have Renovations touching the East and West Halls Flex rooms U just overall Improvement of those spaces to to function for the the events that'll be held there um improving existing restrooms bringing to code um especially on the west side in the base bid uh on the east side will be as an ad alternate if the budget allows um we've also added uh like I said we're bringing up to U Ada adding water fountains U things that are now required by code as well as a a um adult changing station over on the west side in the family bathroom um improving the offices and adding some restrooms and showers for the staff that works there making a lot of mechanical improvements to the yard at the back but as well as uh screening those from the highway view this is the area that the operator is using primarily for storage and operations right now we won't really be touching it other than to upgrade or add um things like the fire sprinkler or it cabling electrical cabling and conduit um here's our Landscape Architect's rendering of how we're going to treat this as the the bottom edge of the park and this is what we hope this will look like in about 16 months right now we have a construction budget of 12.1 million uh building and site work for the base bid we're expecting um at 10,586 395 um additionally we are uh going to be looking to replace the uh low slope roof on the building uh it's it's not in the best shape uh and if we're going to be putting this significant amount of work into the building we need to protect it with a new roof uh total estimated construction is 11,497 443 we plan to advertise for bid on the 10th of next month uh open on May 1st and hopefully award by June 4th um get started again in June and finish up in October um the roof replacement will be by a separate contract and it's anticipated to start roughly the time that uh the rest of the building work starts but will complete hopefully significantly before that and I'd be happy to answer any questions David this is this 12 million is all Ms three money and that's all that's going into the project I was thinking there was other funds going into that project no that's it just the maps money I don't why I had in my mind there was like 25 million that we decided we were GNA I don't know where I came up with that I don't either Michael i' I've got a question uh if I may uh at least in the that first photo there were U two or three out buildings uh behind or to the south of Union Station what were those used for originally and are they part of any improvements that are are being done um those right there in the red no they were actually separate to was it the aerial photo Bob that you were looking at it was that very first photo that uh yeah if you see there on the on the the ride and back behind that that area right there is is not a separate building it's area B so that's where uh most of the operations is going to be uh the day-to-day offices um okay I didn't realize those were actually connected to so there there in the green area is is the area that you're looking at the gray area just to it's is uh storage and operations there's a lot of golf carts and things like that in there and we'll be um making those improvements all into that that far west wing but also into the mechanical area okay thank you all right so that's is used by the scissor tail Park foundation for yes maintenance operations in and they'll have some other offices throughout the building for their Leasing and Rental operations and and all the other stuff that they do anything else anyone someone would like to make a motion Cecilia moves and Zane seconds motion let's vote pass unanimously new business David thank you we don't have any new business we're going to get out here even faster than I thought um I don't know if there are any um subcommittee reports um but let's move on to an update oh I'm sorry Z I'll I'll add one since I can't help but see it every day the construction on the the uh trail bike trail on Air Depot from 59th Street down to 240 is going well traffic is blocked up about 2 miles and when tinker and Bo get out so it's quite a weight to get to the high but it's it's proceeding niely great great Michael I I would add from the fairgrounds committee uh probably most people know that yesterday we had a celebration it was really Maps three Maps four combined ceremony for the topping off of the the new Coliseum that's being built and so those us who are involved with maps 3 and and the design of that uh were recognized you know for our role and and that that process Unfortunately they didn't top it off because with the snow and sleep grain it got a little messy and a little dangerous for the construction Crews to do that but we were able to recognize the progress and if you weren't there or if you haven't been out at the fairgrounds lately you ought to go take a look it's phenomenal what's what's happening yeah yeah thank you for that uh and I'll have to my wife and I will have to take our e trikes that's a TR Tri out to the trails uh we've been doing some of the trails here around and it's really really they're wonderful the trails are so they're just wonderful um I'd like to say congratulations to Bob nean who's been voted over the Oklahoma journalism Hall of Fame with a special honor so congratulations of course it is wow on congratulations Bob um David any updates I think we've talked about everything did we I it's not I don't have it on my agenda here but back um do we have any um comments from guests I believe anybody signed up yeah that's what I meant to say David anyone sign up that's what I meant to say no one signed up well um I guess we look for a motion to adjourn I guess how many more of these do you think we're going to have David a map three until we're finished wow okay I it it I know for so many of us it gets hard to to get excited about coming to these meetings when it doesn't seem to be a lot on the agenda but I know they're important they are then the process is important so I'm glad those of us are here here um so I think this is my last meeting with you all um uh on Tuesday uh I think my term is over and councilman Carter is going to take my place for however long um I think we thought that I would sort of be closing things out but um but it's been a pleasure to kind of get to see this level of sausage getting made and um getting to sort of be part of some of the closure of some of these projects so I really appreciate getting to join you all we're so we were glad to have you this year CH thank you so much I guess officially at board meetings we do need a motion to adjourn would anyone like to do that we have a motion and a second and let's vote and we are adjourned

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