there we go good morning and we will go ahead and call to order our maps for Citizens Advisory board meeting January 4th 2024 um items two items for individual consideration a approval of minutes of the December 7th Maps meeting um they were included in your packet any changes or corrections I I have one on page three of the minuts item 2f um I noticed that on the recommended approval was move by Pace seconded by paay um I'm not I appreciate your influence but I'm not sure you have the I don't know who who second of that I don't know if we have a record of that or not it's it's not terribly important but if we okay can identify that and indicate who correction the motion okay anything else thank you for noticing that Bob anything else so with that modification um I will take a motion in a second to approve the minutes please cast your votes the motion passes thank you moving on to item 2B receive the maps for monthly financial report ending November 30th 2023 you have your packet the monthly financial report on the revenue side for the month 12,8 59543 for fiscal year of 76,7 4,163 and a total of 473,000 63 I want to draw your attention to the current 2.8% over projections so roughly 122.5 million right now on the expenditure side for the month 2,595 514 fiscal year of 21,23 332 and total of 189 m343 246 okay any questions for Mr Todd okay you not we take a motion in a second to receive cast your votes please okay the motion passes thank you moving on to item 2 C presentation on the progress um report of the maps for homeless projects periodically we like to bring you a report on the homelessness project Cassie Malone is here today from OK City housing authority to give you an update on what's going on welcome Cassie thank you thank you for being here okay so this is just an overview of the timeline since the Oklahoma City Housing Authority has been awarded the operating agreement so since we last met we had a few things happen um we did Issue the RFB for the qualified contractor poll we had in September we had a few respondents to that so we were very pleased um in March we um published the maps for housing website and in November of 2023 our board approved the purchase of vaita Nova which I'm going to go into a little bit more detail on a later slide um in December of 2023 the survey reports were um reported at the city council and in December of 2023 we acquired the Vita Nova property our plan for March of 2024 is to finalize the electronic comment system that will be integrated into the Housing Authority's website and then in April of 2024 that is when all of those um requirements listed in the operating agreement will be reported and then in May of 2024 we anticipate beginning coordination for the next annual survey this is an overview of where we are um on our benchmarks for housing units that will be developed or rehabbed um so the blue represents allocated funding and the yellow represents funding that has been committed from that first allocation this is an overview of the three items that are that are listed in the operating agreement as being required to be completed within that first year so the first one is a long-term Supportive Housing plan we did Issue an RFP um for that we did not get any respondents to that RFP so we are kind of going back and coming up with some different strategies to be able to get that plan completed the next is a results-based reporting system so that is currently in the development stage um that's paired with a grant from in as much so in addition to that Reporting System we also were able to hire a full-time staff person to answer phone calls and keep tracks keep track of um any comments that came in um we have purchased the software for that it's called issue track and staff is currently going through training and we are finalizing it being integrated into the Housing Authority's website the next one oh sorry I got two and three mixed up so I just gave you the update on electronic formal comment system I'm going to go back to number two which is a results based reporting system so that is in the development stage as well um we are utilizing the results for from the survey and other reports in order to finalize that can I ask a quick question before you leave this slide what is an electronic formal comment system it is basically just a way for somebody to go onto our website um fill out a form or submit a comment or concern and it gives us the ability for that to be done anonymously and still be trackable and so that we can respond to it this is an update on the survey the final report was presented in December um this is also paired with a grant from in as much Foundation to allow for us to give incentives to respondents we did have enough um funding remaining where we will be able to also give incentives for next year's survey this is an overview of the the four projects that were approved as part of allocation number one so the first project is that Supportive Housing number one that is V Nova I'm I promise I'm going to go into more in-depth details in the next slide um but that is located at 1800 East Reno um the project budget is about 6.5 million and that is currently in predevelopment there's not really been any other changes to the other three projects we are still in the planning for the second Supportive Housing we are still in predevelopment for Oak Grove which is located across from the Dell campus um in Southwest Oklahoma City and then cresten Park Phase 2 on the northeast side of Oklahoma City along MLK is still in the planning phase this slide is just to show an overview of where we were when the allocation was approved and where we are today so you'll see in the teal color that is V NOA or the Supportive Housing project number one originally the map the approved Maps allocation was 2.5 million what we did is we increased that to $3 million um and then we took 500,000 out of the cresten park Phase 2 so as it's stated in the operating agreement we can make adjustments as long as they are not over 20% so that is where that adjustment came from on the leveraged amount we all of the leveraged amounts remain the same as the allocation except for the support of housing number one that anticipated L reg amount is is now at 3.5 million so this is um the Supportive Housing number one also known as V NOA it is my page over it will be the first Supportive Housing Development at part of the maps for homelessness program this development will serve individuals experiencing chronic chronic homelessness who with would otherwise not qualify for housing subsidy due to a conviction history the development will feature subsidized housing along with on-site wraparound services so the property will convert a former Motel 6 hotel into a 75 unit apartment complex um they will be studio apartments the residential side of the building is just over 16,000 Square F feet the entire site is about 3 and a half acres it was built in 1969 and then renovated in 2004 the subsidy type and the property type is proposed to be 100% subsidized with housing Choice vouchers 80% of those will be Project based which means they will be attached to the unit the remaining 20% will be traditional mobile vouchers we did that to really allow for a little bit of flexibility so if there is an administrative lag time in getting somebody approved for a voucher they can still be housed while we work through that process the purchase price for the property was three 3 million um $750,000 with estimated Renovations being about 2.2 million we are currently in the predevelopment design stage um we anticipate completion to be in about 9 to 12 months this is a preliminary unit floor plan so that picture that you see in the top left that is an actual room at this property the property is in great condition um so along with the property we also were able to keep all of the furniture so in Supportive Housing that's really a huge thing because residents now will have a fully furnished unit that they can move into um so where you'll see that that little table that is where we we are proposing to add a kitchenet um the kitchen net will include a stove top sink and a refrigerator every unit is going to be about 312 Square fet um it will feature a full bath a kitchen net and a designated living and sleeping area the exterior it's in fairly decent condition we um do anticipate a few renovations to the exterior that I'm going to go into in a later slide but as far as this we are anticipating um freshening up with some paint and replacing the Locking mechanisms on the doors so this is an overview of the entire building um this is really what made this property special to us and why we thought it was an amazing opportunity so on the Eastern portion of the building there is a large former Community event space it is approximately 19,000 Square ft and it also currently has a commercial kitchen so as soon as we saw that we thought Workforce incubator this is a great opportunity to really take off a holistic approach to Supportive Housing residents can receive case management housing stability but also the ability to learn a trade and be employed all in one site on top of that um commercial kitchen with a designated dining space that will basically function as a restaurant open to the public there will also be leasable office space and classroom space for that c to be taught the curriculum for the commercial kitchen and Workforce incubator in the blue you see space that is designated for residential use um residential operational use so that includes office space for the embedded off on-site case management and service providers as well as a gym for the residents and also some community space so just a little bit more detail about the commercial kitchen and kind of the the thought process and the the curriculum for that um Oklahoma City has one of the largest clusters of Tourism and Hospitality in the United States so one of our goals with this is to really look at the holistic approach to housing stability and self-sufficiency for the residents they will have access to a to a program that allows for them to increase their skills and to gain employment so that curriculum looks at student develop development all the way from Financial culinary marketing life skills training all the way up to management and potential business ownership this is the overall preliminary site plan so we are proposing to fence off the entire site that really is intended to make sure that public areas are designated as public and private areas are designated as private there will be an access controlled gate so the residential parking area will be reserved for the residents and then the commercial parking area will be reserved for the commercial uses there is currently a large courty Courtyard area around the residential area um it does currently have a pool we are proposing to fill that pool in and really um add a lot of landscaping and green space to make that a very enjoyable place for our residents to be it does abut a highway so in addition to adding double pane windows to limit noise into the dwelling areas we are also working with our Engineers to create a noise buffer on the um southern part of the property on the western side of the property we are proposing to add in some raised garden beds and seating areas as well as in the lower portion of the Courtyard area a designated dog dog park and dog run area when we were looking at what the site could possibly have included in it we did um utilize some best practices we travel down to Fort Worth they have a property that has undergone a conversion similar to this um and we we toured that property we spoke with the Housing Authority that operates that property and we really were able to pull some some things that worked and and look at things that weren't working this is the over overall budget um so we have adjusted the support of housing number one it is now $3 million Creston Park phase two is now the $2 million we have spended all of the $3 million out of Supportive Housing number one for the purchase of the property um and then in the predevelopment we have obligated about $92,000 and then we have expended about $188,000 and that is all I have I am happy to answer any questions okay any questions for Casey hi Casey how are you I'm good happy New Year you too uh do you happen to have any um photos of the Fort Worth site you all visited I can share the link that they they've got it all online but I can share the link that has all of the information in the photographs I'd like to see that um well I'm excited about the interior and I'm excited about of course the critical wraparound Services um I do have concerns about um the exterior um I'm I'm not saying anything I haven't said before and that I'm sure you all haven't heard uh from various sources but there were such uh dire um bad bad uh approaches to apartments in the 70s and 80s that we're all very well aware of all we need to do is drive down 10th Street heading to council and we'll see the results of what happens when we see nodding heads uh let's like let's not stand on sacred ground here and pretend that we don't know what those apartments look like what happens when we design them incorrectly in ways that do not Foster uh community and the design I think about a lot I'm actually kind of obsessed with it and if as Citizens Advisory board members and as uh Fair Housing Authority people if yall have not had a chance to go to Northwest Classen and uh 29th Street and just go a little bit West you'll see I think it's about six to eight homes that Jefferson Park neighborhood association using uh chto dollars were able to design and it is where each of those four houses with porches face each other and it's something so small like that that Fosters Community I'm seeing people with planning experience in the crowd right now nodding their head because I learned it from them um but it literally is when you go and you look at and I just can't stress this enough to this board that if You' have not seen this housing it is critical that we go look at it do you know the housing I'm talking about I do so when I look at I as I was looking at your presentation and then I just did a simple Google image search of Motel 6 OKC Reno Avenue and then when I saw your presentation of that exterior I'm not convinced that that exterior is going to Foster the sort of community um that we need and I'd like to see more detail um from you all uh in terms of what that exterior is going to look like I am very excited as I was driving to Midwest City uh to take my mom to the doctor yesterday when I see fam and I see that development along the river and we know about the damning of the water and these things I think there are good things coming around that area but we also just can't forget that for so long the city and private development has just neglected Reno Avenue and so we now I think have to be very intentional about how we design the exterior we cannot repeat the old projects uh and the old apartment designs of the 70s and 80s these kids who grow up here if we don't get this right will become the kids who are much more susceptible to gang activity uh white supremacy groups um those are very similar things they might sound different from each other but when people don't have a connection to family and Community they become susceptible to demagogues and faux family I went on at link there because it's just that critical so when hey do you agree or disagree do you hear what I'm saying I guess is kind of the first thing I don't want to just speak into the void right now yes no absolutely we agree we are very passionate about Urban Design and how it impacts both the residents living there and the community at large we are in the planning stages so we welcome any input that you all have in regards to the design and kind of how we make that look more like a home and less like a hotel so is there a time that you all could come back and um present to us what that exterior because I can tell you I didn't see any trees for instance and there's a lot of research we know about uh communities where poverty is extensive and unfortunately disproportionately that affects people of color though not limited to and we know that in those neighborhoods there's just been a lack of trees and that means a lack of cooling and a lack of shade and I didn't see a single bit of that in that asphalt parking lot right there's not any trees there currently that picture is what it looks like right now so where we are right now we've just acquired the property we are getting our Architects and Engineers on board and then we will be finalizing the site plan and the the design so everything I've shown you today is just our preliminary plan and design so it will there's Landscaping in the budget um there is exterior improvements in the budget and all of those will be finalized in more detail and we can give that update at our next quarterly update or we can come early once we have those plans finalized I'll let the chair decide whether it's quarterly or the next time um I guess my ask going forward is in this early moment I think it makes a lot of sense going forward when there are projects like this for you all to consider the sort of things that I'm saying at this early moment I think we need to be that intentional because we were trying to undo decades worth of crime and poverty in this city um and I I I I just think we have to be so so intentional uh so intentional about the work we're doing so I'd like to see in the earlier moments at least you don't have to say this is exactly what it's going to look like but an X here for a tree or X here for you know murals and Landscaping but I just I'm excited about what you all are doing but I have to bring that constructive criticism to to this moment so thank you can I add something to that oh please if you're done um I didn't want to interrupt uh I did want to point out there is that courtyard I don't I don't have a sense of how big that is but um in our subcommittee meeting uh I wanted to also add uh that strip along the I don't know what direction it is the Western thank you um didn't you say that the the residents will have some Say and What goes there I think that will actually go a long way and you know fostering some of that I guess uh connection to Nature that you might be looking for uh I just wanted to make sure those two things didn't get missed yeah could you go back to that slide please so I think what you're talking about is in the yellow right yes I think that's good I think that courtyard is a good thing I'm curious and hopeful about the outdoor seating and playground what I see problematically is just all that asphalt uh that was the old parking spaces and this is right up against a a a giant Interstate um we are up against concrete and asphalt and we have to be very intentional about how we greencape this and everyone up here should ask yourselves would you live there that's what you need to start asking yourselves this is not for those people you now need to start asking yourself with your 67 $80,000 a year salaries or whatever you might have would you live here and if the answer is no you got to start asking yourself why and what's missing this we must no longer just think the ways old planning folk used to think would you live here and if not why not and use your ability on this seat right now to start adding those suggestions about why you wouldn't well and I think I would just add that I think the courtyard is going to be a great opportunity I think y'all are going to I'm looking forward to seeing how y'all um utilize that space whether it's you know set covers or Landscaping trees but I think that courtyard can be a really neat very a convening place for the residents any other questions Bob uh maybe you haven't gotten to that point yet but I'm just curious about your thinking uh down the road in terms of um how the Housing Authority intends to staff this location are you going to have a sort of a resident manager uh on site somebody to do maintenance uh as it comes up uh how you're planning to get Workforce training agency partners in to to assist people how much of that's on side as opposed to you know doing something offsite uh and again maybe it's too early to to deal with some of that but if you give me just a capsule overview of that absolutely definitely not too early um so we have put out a 20-year operating performa um to make sure that this property will be sustainable and operational for the next 20 plus years so that Staffing plan what that looks like is we will have an on-site property manager we will have on-site maintenance we will have security it will function through the Oklahoma City Housing security staff that we already have but we are still in the preliminary plans of whether or not that's on site or just on call um we will do a a embedded case manager that is staffed by the Oklahoma City Housing Authority that will kind of be our light touch service provider and then we will partner with other service providers um through the homeless Alliance to provide that um on-site embedded case management as well as partnering with other service providers and other um um programs such as the diversion Hub and things like that to make sure that this property is both sustainable and um structured in a way where residents are getting the services that they need do you anticipate the kitcher would be used for daily food service or will that be a training a facility for culinary arts or how do you see that functioning well it won't be it won't have a daily food service so this will not be um residents will be independent in that they and they will have their kitchen at so they will be responsible for um providing their own meals that that restaurant area of course will be open to them to go and be a customer at or to receive training at but they can utilize um our 5310 the housing authority and Community enhancement Corporation which is oa's nonprofit instrumentality um we have a 5310 bus we have three 5310 buses that are funded through a grant that Embark overseas um that will be our transportation system it will eventually be incorporated into the overall Embark system so our residents can utilize that system free of charge um and basically get where they need to go if they don't have a vehicle thanks I'm sure we'll get more of that as we move along but just wanted a sense of where we were were headed on those functions at this location thank you thank you Bob Daisy yes uh you said for the long-term Supportive Housing plan RFP that you received no responses for that um can you tell us a little bit about your plan to reopen the RFP so we're still kind of looking at if the best strategy is to reissue the RFP so that the particular information that we're looking for is extremely nuanced and and very hard to gather um we do understand that the city has already gone through a couple of quite intensive planning processes looking at affordable housing and um chronic homelessness in that population so we're we're really hoping to pull information from those studies and then work through it so we can we can utilize information that's already been gathered and not duplicate other questions okay yes thank you for presenting this again I saw you two days ago nice to see you again um one thing I think we haven't talked about I didn't get a chance to talk about it before was I'm really excited about the commercial kitchen and as an incubator I think there's a lot of overlap between humans who um find themselves looking to hospitality as their job because they've come on Hard Times in some other way so to me this feels like a really lovely intersection of a place people can live but then also develop their talents to actually hopefully go beyond this as their place that they live to James's point to me this looks very temporary seems like a place that you might want you might be able to live for a couple of years but it's not it's not looking like the place that you would want to build your home your life home to raise your kids in if you could if you could help it right that's what I'm what's what I see when I see this I do think that the room looks like it's in incredibly great condition considering that this is affordable housing so things like that I think are on the right track um to James's point about Landscaping if the one little I I do raised gardens I do all kinds of landscaping in my own home that West Wall is going to be really difficult growing conditions for food so because of the nature of how the light is going to come in from the East to the West so I do wonder if there are other kind of considerations around what if the courtyard has more accessibility for that or more intentional Green Space where it's not really just hey we put this in thinking it would work when it's really not the optimal conditions for growing um maybe that is just more of like a landscaping that is implemented and just stays it could be an ivy wall all kinds of things that can help with heat and things along those lines um do the units themselves have access to the Courtyard from like their exterior I guess yes so everything every room whether it on the interior or exterior has access to the Courtyard okay so they will have hopefully a lot of Green Space space within a few steps which is awesome um just to kind of add to what James was speaking about I think we have to be really conscientious to development like this especially as it abuts to highways because many interstates were erected through neighborhoods that were disproportionately affected by that impact of that so it's like we have a lot of undoing to do to make these spaces really healthy but I do think this project is well on its way to being that especially considering we have a strong need for it and again the commercial kitchen as a mechanis to get people on their feet I think is a really smart way to kind of integrate um you know the people who might find themselves living here and giving them actually an option like giving them a pathway to to success go forward so I appreciate your time and your comments and the work on the project did you say who would be uh let me just double down on everything I've heard so far these are good questions and suggestions did you say who would be doing who would be operating the workforce component no I haven't we are still in the preliminary stages of planning that there are a few State programs and we've been speaking with them um but we are still finalizing what that looks like and the curriculum and all of the potential Partners okay um do you anticipate in subsequent um uh housing uh similar uh Workforce components I think that is a one of our goals so in Creston Park um that development it also features a Workforce incubator kitchen that one is geared more towards um students who have aged out of one program and don't qualify for another so that one's programming is a little bit different but I think moving forward any any public housing recapitalization or Redevelopment of a property we really try to look at um integrating some type of employment possibility as as well as that service opportunity so that Community Center where education can be brought on site and service providers can be brought on site so our properties will either have be service integrated with that community space on site or they will be connected where that service um Community Center will be within a short distance okay well it has my attention just because of the community benefits agreement the council approved which has that strong Workforce intermediary hiring Hall component so as you all move along that's something that I'll probably want to regroup with you all once we've kind of got that up and and going but that's at least a year from now um and then just one final thing that Chelsea made me um think about that would be kind of my encouragement to you all and also I I I have had an espresso this morning I I I I hope my tone wasn't you know mean uh trying to be encouraging and and you you all are taking on a lot I mean to Chelsea's Point you're taking on decades worth of not us not getting it right um so I just want to applaud to you for doing that work uh but something I heard on PBS NewsHour the other day by one of Oklahoma's Own reporters Adam Kemp uh and proud to W two resident um he was talking about how when it comes to renting right now right um and I'm probably not saying things most of you already haven't heard uh but some of you would come as a surprise you know right now when it comes to renting versus homeownership it's kind of a smarter move right now to rent and it's probably going to be a smarter move to rent for a while and I'd been feeling this as a millennial you know you have to pay the broker you have to pay the uh the mortgage interest rate even though you get the deduction you have the the cost if something goes wrong these things start eating at you the way that if someone's renting they could be using that to invest in any other kind of thing right so that there's these trade-offs now that people are starting to ask themselves when it comes to renting versus home ownerships and the higher interest rates are only exacer exacerbating that and who knows if that's five years from now that those come down Etc but those first variables I mentioned are going to be with that's just part of housing all that to say to Chelsea's point a lot of us are thinking about renting as a long-term Endeavor and we're not thinking about home ownership I'm 41 there's a really strong chance I never own a home ever and that is a very purposeful decision someone should want to live here for all 18 years that they're raising their child or if it's someone who without a child they they are right around the corner from fam you know this should be we that's why I'm so passionate about us getting this right and however we can help you do that let us know but these are kind of the things that I'm interested in is that Landscaping I love that food stuff the workforce and then um back to Madam chair like whenever you think they should uh it's appropriate for them to come back back um and I'd like to see at that time that Fort Worth link sure okay thanks anything else thank you so much for being here and for your work on this project it's very important to our city thanks okay moving on to item 2D presentation on bike walk OKC so in the past the subcommittee has seen presentation on bikw walk OKC and we've referred to that many times here with projects that we have and the question came up up um month or so ago about the document you can uh access the document at but Justin Henry from the planning department is here to give you a quick kind of overview on on the bikw walk OKC plan document hi as David said I'm Justin Henry from Oklahom City Planning Department uh thank you board members for having me here today to uh go over by quaco KC um this by quaco KC was first adopted in uh 2018 it was the city C's first attempt at a Citywide pedestrian en cycling Plan before that we had a lot of smaller area plans but nothing that was comprehensive and so this was adopted in 2018 uh largely uh to the credit of uh issues passed by Council including Maps we've made relatively quick uh work and success of a lot of the projects that were identified in the original plan and so this was the time to update the plan we've uh are finishing that process now we've had kind of a a long public engagement process where we incorporated a lot of ideas we've gotten from the community and now we're getting to into the stage for final adoption one of the things we've done too is we've kind of changed some of the prioritization process especially around some of the bike and Trail elements work and so hoping to kind of cover some of that with you today um this was done through a a public uh a public process uh we actually did a two-year long uh public survey that we had up on our website and we as as a staff that works on these issues just get regular requests forwarded to us from City Council Members or other uh public bodies about where uh residents are looking for sidewalks and those kind of elements and so we just record all of those requests we get all the time and to our GIS system so that we can create Maps kind of like this is just one example of those where we're recording the requests that we're getting we're mapping those out and we used that as an informative tool as we went through this engagement process we also had a public board that had members of the city council and traffic commission Planning Commission that helped inform uh a lot of our planwriting as I mentioned we've made pretty uh quick work of the original plan since 2018 uh since it was adopted we built 176 miles of sidewalks uh We've also built uh 16 miles of multi-use trails and we've more than doubled our uh mileage of on street bike Lanes as well with more to come uh we also had performance measures in the original plan uh this is another spot we've made some change uh you know as courses we've added a lot of the mileage of sidewalks and bik Lanes we've seen some of our access measures kind of continue to increase which we expected but something we felt like was missing from the original plan was enough safety measures because one of the big things we're seeing is that even though we're increasing mileages we're seeing more people walking and biking we're still seeing too many fatalities and collisions with our pedestrians and cyclists and so we've added some more performance measures there so we can keep track of that uh city council also just recently approved our uh use of a consultant that's going to help us write a vision zero plan we want a federal Grant that's going to help us really study out our street Network and figure out uh where the most dangerous issues are what we need to change in the physical infrastructure to make those streets safer so we're excited to to bring that work forward too um bwac OKC breaks uh or kind of our sidewalk elements our pedestrian elements down into a couple of different categories you might hear me use the term PPA a couple of times that that's for pedestrian priority area uh that was something that was arrived through a lot of kind uh analytical uh data that's in the plan about where responsive populations were where you know demographic information like access to a car uh showed us that some households were more likely to walk where the land use also uh permitted people to walk so in some of our parts of our city we see less walking than others partially because there's not anywhere in a reasonable range to walk to so a lot of times in the in core we see a better mix of you know commercial and office closer to uh residential and see a lot more walking there and then we also have uh Street enhancements of placemaking which is a new ad access to Transit schools and Parks which is something we've done a lot of work on and we're wanting to continue uh the original bike walk OKC had 10 pedestrian priority areas this is where a lot of the efforts that came from the 2017 Geo Bond and the better Street safer City sales tax really focused on a lot of sidewalk improvements this new plan uh here's an example of what this looks like in the plan you can see kind of three different color lines here I'll kind of quickly explain that the gold are things that are currently funded or being built the green the red are our next top priority and the green would be the secondary priorities after that originally uh balk kind of prioritized based on uh making specific con connections to uh certain centers we've kind of rep prioritized this a little bit where we're trying to focus on the most dangerous streets first so you'll see arterials like MacArthur and Northwest 10 Street on here being prioritized over some of the secondary streets because we feel like it's important to uh to improve the safety of those and then new by quaco KC it adds 10 additional pedestrian priority areas you can see a lot of it's kind of growing off of where we we were working on before but as we work through Maps 4 and some of our other funding sources and complete a lot of those original projects these will kind of be the areas we grow into next here's an example of a new one of those so notice the map looks a little different uh we wanted to provide some uh some extra context on the map so people could kind of see some of the logic of why we picked some of these streets uh the green shown here are parks and the blue are schools the yellow are bus stops all three of those are very common drivers for uh pedestrian activity we really wanted to make sure we serve those really well in a lot of these all right so uh one of our new categories that we've added um is streetscapes and placemaking this is something that we we've been doing for a while uh We've we've had some successes on some of our districts where we're doing these Street Scapes this is really for that extra level of not just basic sidewalks and crosswalks this is going into really making an area more walkable by things like Street trees uh public art um you know deeper fixes a lot of times we can get into some more of the the nuances of intersection design and things like that and just some pictures of some uh projects currently in the works um so for these Street enhancements one of the important considerations there is when we do this extra level of having um a lot of landscaping and public art and things like that we really need a partner to help us with kind of the operations side of that and help us uh kind of engage with the community so that we better understand what the needs of that District are so we tend to focus these around a largely around our commercial districts that where we already have Partnerships that uh the planning department works regularly with those commercial districts so an example uh one right now is in uptown 23rd where we're been working for several years to redesign a new uh streetcape there and it's coming coming to fruition soon uh we know that there's a lot of districts that haven't gotten that kind of treatment recently and so we anticipate coming forward with that also I believe in kind of the maps for language there were some of these districts that were specifically identified as getting this kind of uh enhancements as well um another spot where we've made some changes here is act access to Transit um the original bike walk OKC really focused on some of the highest ridership bus stops and kind of dropping some sidewalks around those to improve the access unfortunately the condition you see like in the picture on the top right is all too common in Oklahoma City where we have you know maybe a maybe a bench or maybe even just a pole in grass with no sidewalk access and that really limits the the amount of users who can access it and so when embarking proves a stop they typically only have funding to you know do a little sidewalk that runs to the nearest Corner and so we want to really uh we think it's important to address all the sidewalk needs all along the routes eventually so um we also want to continue to do um we know schools and and uh Parks especially are needs outside of those pedestrian priority areas so we did an analysis about uh both of those categories as well and have identified a top 20 uh schools and a top 20 Parks uh that would also we would call for sidewalk project around uh pause right there for a second see if there's any questions for I maybe kind of move into the the bicycle part super quick okay Capitol Hill on that slide would you go back to the unfunded I'm just a bit confused on that one yeah my understanding from the work we did with maps 4 is we identified Capitol Hill as uh one of the districts that you know we wanted to do streetcape funding for is why is it unfunded here I guess is my question uh really just because Maps hasn't specifically chosen a project yet for that and I I do think that is kind of coming to you in one of the future phases as well we also don't have street Scapes per se we have sidewalks Trails those kind of project in the maps and maps for right um I would encourage everyone to go back and read that resolution carefully and this has been a I'm glad you said that director because this has been a concern um councilwoman Hammond Max Harris Jeff Butler I was there Chris doen who used to be on better streets Tony carfang who's currently on better streets that language is very clear there are streetscapes there are Street Scapes and not only are there Street Scapes I'm thrilled about those Street Apes because it's we we and I I got to finalize this language with the mayor H Stockyards Capital Hill winter District Britain District Clara Looper Corridor because we realized that the sidewalk money that we were going to have was not going to go far enough to really make a dent to really demonstrate to our uh uh residents would you go back to the Capitol Hill sure this is what my residents are asking for this this sort of Plaza stuff in front of that church they want things repurposed for pedestrian access and place making and Gathering and that's the language that we literally put in maps for I don't I'm worried that I just heard that that language doesn't exist there because it absolutely does and so I'd like to I guess are we on the same page with that I guess is my first question do do we understand that there is placemaking dollars available in maps for for those districts I just said we'll go back and review that okay um and then when you do review that would you I don't know send me an email that we heard that that's verified like that is so I just I'm going to uhuh I'm lingering on this one I wrote that this is important it was the most important thing that my residents asked for uh when I knock to doors was was placemaking and and the idea that that that Capitol Hill is unfunded on here it's just incorrect we we funded it well I I think what Justin also saying is true also that we're very early in the program and not everything has been identified and we don't have all the projects worked out we've got in the implementation plan in the schedules we've got phases so we're still working through that okay my grave concern and I'm going to say this right now um is that and I started catching on to this last year when we didn't have quorums for the subcommittee for sidewalks bikes trails and street lights My Grave concern am I wrong on your subcommittee for sidewalk trails bikes and sidewalks you did you all had regular quorums four we we had a couple of consecutive months where we did not have Quorum as I said thank you um you did not have a quorum and when I finally did attend a meeting on that what's happening right now in public is what I learned at that subcommittee meeting which is that the streetscapes were seeming to disappear from the conversations I understand director Todd that there will be phases I am not hearing yet any consideration to those Street Scapes and what I am saying right now in public is those Street Scapes are not and were not an afterthought when we wrote that resolution they were not and are not an afterthought they are a priority and it does not sound like they are a priority right now now and i' like that's what I am saying and I know this is uh maybe an uncomfortable um tension that I am walking us into but it's true so what but I think I think what what Mr Todd is also saying is to say that it's not going to happen is premature um because you know it's my my interpretation of what you're saying is got multiple phases just because it hasn't planned and been um just because it isn't part of a plan right now doesn't mean that it's not going to be and so what I would suggest is let's get because I I'm not sure where Capital Hill is in which phase right so let's get we just now started you know we're in the middle of design of the very first phase of sidewalks so councilman give me give me some time to review this and I'll get back with you on it make sure I would like to layer a concern on James's specifically as it relates to Uptown 23rd because in our experience in uptown which was this streetscape was funded by a go bond in 2017 we have had our own issues making sure and understanding the process of consistent funding which has also included at this point Uptown 23rd onor let me see it was um AOG on behalf of Uptown 23rd received an additional Grant to help us meet our streetscape needs um and we're still unsure what our total funding for this project will be this has been multiple years of kind of the similar type of conversation where they tell us it's funded we start the conversations we find out it's really not we might find some money somewhere else and then now there's a grant that's actually disproportionately funding the streetcape compared to the geobond enhancements that were originally voted and approved to be funded in uptown which is very similar I think to what happened with the side walks in w 5 in our most previous I guess it was two meetings ago or so where again there's voter approved allocated dollars for a project and then when the funding isn't where it needs to be there are other mechanisms that are brought into play to receive the necessary funding but then there's all of these gray areas now we're not sure where the actual funding is we're not sure what the actual dollar amount is I don't know where the rest of the go Bond funding went from the Uptown project I know I'm getting less from it now so I'm like I'm right with you on your concern James of not really understanding what's funded what's not funded aan district has been promised a lot of sidewalks that aren't there like there's a lot of consistent frustrations that I'm hearing in your voice because I know you've had a lot more conversations than I have about this and I am also tracking a specific concern around where is the money going and when it changes hands or when we receive additional funds from a different silos whatever that's looking like how are all of those pieces communicating and is that fair and is it clear and I don't think either of those things is true in this moment I I've worked with you though Justin and this is not a comment on you I know you're doing your best work to try to organize all of this yeah uh so it has been an issue in the past especially some it's the 2017 geobond uh Street enhancements that we did not enough funding to kind of fulfill the vision of what we were getting back from the districts and so uh my my program one of the our roles is that we apply for a lot of ACOG grants to try to get supplement refunding into those kind of projects I I haven't been involved on you know on the ground on that project I'm not sure how funds might have been shifted since then but that is something we could kind of research and get back to you yeah and when you do I'm just going to read this paragraph I want this very publicly for everybody I'm sorry I'm a little upset if I'm being honest right now and I'm going to try and walk my way back down to to Joy paragraph two it is the intent of council to allocate $55 million for the construction of sidewalks sidewalk amenities and placemaking including but not limited to trees sustainable infrastructure Landscaping drainage and public art prioritizing The Pedestrian priority areas we just heard Justin identify and schools identified by B by the bike walk OKC plan as well as other districts and Community assets including the Clara Looper Corridor Capitol Hill stock yards wi District old Britain and Maps Youth and Senior wellness centers it could not be clearer than what I had just read James I don't think anybody's questioning the language that's in the resolution um what I keep hearing is we're not there yet that just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that that provision is going to be ignored and I think that it's important that you're um highlighting and emphasizing and reminding um this body as well as the public that the specific language was included but I think what I'm what I'm suggesting is great job of highlighting it let's get there just because it hasn't already happened does it mean that that that that provision is going to be ignored I appreciate your leadership on that chair um for clarification that is that is what we heard subsequently from the director that is not what we heard at the start of the director's remarks he said that this language was not there and and that that is why I was upset I hear where we are now that's good I just need everyone to know that's not what was said earlier and that is why someone like Chelsea and I find ourselves concerned so I'm glad to hear we're moving in that better Direction I just cannot emphasize enough how important it is I don't know is there a moment where we can get some sort of uh I don't need clarification the clarification in the resolution but some sort of Direction some sort of well I wonder if what would be helpful um and I'm not sure we're there yet but what component which which physical spaces are going to be in different phases because I think that would be again helping bring some clarity um and meeting expectations can can I add just a point um in speaking with Gloria Torres who serves as the Director of the Capitol Hill district I believe the construction of the plaza is funded um at a cost of 2 million um through the um strong neighborhood initiative um which are some federally block grants and the arpa dollars so I think at a cost of two million is what I understand okay thank you did that fund everything you all need Jessica not operations as far as the beautification subcommittee actually it's connectivity subcommittee but we're in charge of the beautification we've let the contract and we're very aware of all I think 19 or maybe even 25 um places that are named that we're going to give our attention to so that's moving forward and I welcom you come to any of the subcommittee meetings you'd like good I'm fine okay please proceed with your presentation sure yeah so something uh that never has political controversy let's talk about bike Lanes so uh let's see um just as kind of a refresher um that something we've talked about before is uh in bike we identify certain tiers of bike facility and it's something you'll probably see in in some of our the designs that are brought forward by Maps 4 uh tier one is something that's protected uh historically believe mostly done um those with delineators and not really a lot of other forms but uh I know the maps office using adg is exploring alternative uh ways to protect bike Lanes as well um tier two is just uh a designated space for the B Clan but no form of of protection and then tier three are shared facilities where the B is just you know in the lane of traffic you typically have a marking on the ground but what we found in a lot of cases is those work best as Street calming projects as well uh if the traffic is moving slowly enough it really increases the bicyclist safety and so including some elements uh for traffic caling in with those has been uh fruitful for making those better facilities uh just I wanted to throw this in real quick uh it's kind of nuanced but just as an idea of how we do facility sele ction type I just showed those two different those three different tiers when we pick out a facility it's largely a factor of how much how wide the street is how much traffic is going down the street automotiv and uh the relative speed that saying that uh the higher the traffic and the faster it's moving the less likely it is that you can safely share with a a bicycle and it needs its own facility so we'll go in kind of the Weeds on that but let me know if you have any questions and then another thing that bwac does is it also uh prioritizes the trail needs for the city as well um something that we've added this year uh is well is we already had neighborhood Greenways and Regional Trails as a couple of types of Trail we've added this off Street multiuse Trail which is something we we've kind of already been doing but on arterial roads that are moving too fast and have too high volumes like I mentioned a lot of times and a lot of times we're already lacking in a sidewalk anyways some kind of facility that accommodates both pedestrians and cyclists and gives them both a safe spot to be is kind of a safer alternative for everyone it's a little more expensive but uh it does the best job of protecting uh pedestrians and cyclists so uh don't expect anyone to be able to fully read and understand this map I know it's bit of a spaghetti map with lots of colors up there would just say that uh if you do take a look at bwalk OKC which is out on our our website of uh uh the the red lines here are tier one facilities those protected type of facilities uh green would be Trails yellow would just be bike lanes and then the the purple are those shared facilities that would uh hopefully have some traffic caling elements going in with them as well uh let show that uh our our bike Network that we're kind of trying to build out we're it's still fairly early days um it's kind of anchored by two uh main projects which is the Grand Boulevard Loop which is finally coming being finished with the Deep Fort Trail was the final element it's something that the city's envisioned for 80 years but we're finally finishing up and then the cross town connections which is was uh part of the phase one bike projects approved by this body which is kind of the long distance uh routes out from the center of the city to those major uh parts of the Grand Loop Boulevard to connect the uh residents who don't live necessarily in the inner core to the to the network Justin before you move from that slide what what are the colored squares oh that was when we're kind of doing the uh the drafting of this those are just important facilities so okay just as an example there on the the The Orange Box it's kind of on the souths side of grand Trail would be like the Integris Hospital for instance which is important to know okay and then so we've changed the bike prioritization approach in new bike walk OKC uh the last version of the plan it really kind of prioritized individual segments and one of the things we've been finding as we've been building that out is a lot of times we're building really good bike facilities that aren't connected to enough things yet to be to get much utilization and so we're really wanted to try to kind of focus on a lot of the connectivity kind of in the core of the city first and work our way out making sure that we're really making all those facilities that we are now have quite a few of connect to each other and operate well and then uh Trails we run this through some of our responsive population modeling as well to identify uh which trails are the highest priority uh you'll notice that uh some of these are some of the same elements that we've talked about for cross tal connections as well and then uh next steps uh we've gone through a public process we've done uh presentations to a lot of boards and committees already um we anticipate coming to Planning Commission for adoption uh later this month and then to city council for adoption probably first council meeting of February and happy to answer any questions you have any remaining questions I just want to say thank you to Justin and Max for spearheading years worth of work like you all have really done some surgical work there and I just want to say thank you for that appreciate it yeah thank you so much for being here thank you oh oh I'm sorry Chelsea did you have oh than go ahead um I really appreciate your Framing and your language around creating safe spaces for cyclists and pedestrians as somebody who's been hit by a car um there's I've often been times feeling as though cars and car traffic are more important than my own life so I really appreciate your scrutiny I really appreciate this plan um and just thank you for doing your work same with you Max is that is that Sasha you out there yeah you too you've done good work I'm proud of you that's really good and really to Chelsea's point if y'all were uncomfortable watching me get upset it's because I have constituents who've cars have hit and and it I represent them man like that sucks and it happens all the time so when they're hurt and their kids are hurt and I have people getting hit on Portland and wheelchairs three times by Vehicles yeah you're darn right I'm going to get upset when I don't see us following through on the Promises voters made when they said yes um so SAS mostly Sasha good job thanks okay thank you so much okay moving on to item 2E recommend approval of preliminary report uh maps for animal shelter we have Todd Edmonds here this morning from HSC Architects to uh give you presentation on what's in his preliminary report for the animal shelter great welcome Todd glad you're here thank you um again my name is Todd Edmonds principal with hsse Architects I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here today to present our preliminary report for the animal shelter project um as you may recall when we uh presented to you to this group last time U the new facility will be built on the same side as the existing facility so this is the existing site plan uh Grand Boulevard is on on the west uh South Bryant to the East and then Southeast 29th at the South so all of the the structures here that are shown in the dark gray are existing buildings that must remain during construction of the new facility um so uh as you can see here there's the existing uh animal shelter there's a pet cemetery right in the center of the site as well as uh the Oklahoma Humane Society building to the South and then on the far north is an Oklahoma City Police Department uh building so after and there's also uh several utilities serving all of these structures coming in from Bryant and also from 29th Street um so um we decided to to locate uh after uh extensive study of the site it was decided to locate the building to the north of the existing facility and just south of that Oklahoma City uh police department building so you can see here we we've located uh the new facility um with the main entrance being off of Bryant uh Avenue that will be the main uh customer and visitor entrance and then off of Grand will be the entrance for all of the staff and support um uh fleet vehicles and uh entering in uh trailers for The Barn so you can see that in this uh proposed site plan the existing building has been removed but we intend to leave uh the existing parking that's there on the on the southwest corner of the site it's in great condition it's con conrete it's worth saving uh there are large adoption events that the animal shelter has where they can have up to, 1500 people in one day so uh they can certainly use the Overflow parking for their use uh you can also see here that the uh existing Cemetery U is to is remaining as well as the Oklahoma uh uh the the U uh animal society is Humane Society is still in place and then that kind of pond structure uh we propose to drain all of the storm drainage to that low uh Southeast corner of the site this is just a preliminary pallet uh of proposed plantings uh we we proposed to use all uh plantings that are native to the region that are both drought uh and heat tolerant here's a look at the first floor plan uh this first floor plan is about 60,00 ,000 Square ft in an effort to fit the building on the site um around all of the existing uh obstacles uh we also decided to move about 7500 square fet of office space up to a second floor to reduce the footprint of the facility um so with that and and The Barn at 2850 the new new all new buildings will be a total of 70,000 square ft which is an increase of almost 25,000 Square fet over their current current facility um also uh the all of the uh animal habitats will be increased in the new facility uh which is one of the major issues with the current facility uh they've just uh outgrown uh the current faciliity so dog kennels will increase by about 210% um and then the cat condo area will increase about just a little over 100% uh so all of the public function functions are on the on the east side of of this floor plan you can see there's kind of four major wings that would face Bryant Avenue um in those wings we have a community meeting Wing in the in the lower Southeast corner just north of that is the adoption wing and then north of that would be uh the intake wing and then north of that at the very top northeast corner would be the Clinic and surgery and then everything to the west of that are all uh animal kennels and outdoor play areas so we I I'll walk you through some of these areas in a little more detail so you can see there's a a legend up in the top Corner a key plan so the area of the plan that we're looking at is highlighted in the red uh outline so the the meeting room is in the bottom left uh corner there uh that would be a large training room that can be divided into two smaller uh meeting rooms this area also has its own men's and women's restrooms and can be divided off from the rest of the facility uh and can be used after hours by the public so just north of that in the kind of light green area is the adoption Lobby so it's a a really nice large Lobby uh to hold lots of visitors during during their large adoption events we also have um in the north south Corridor those are all adoption dog kennels that also have it has an indoor kennel with a door that can go to an outdoor U caged kennel on the outside that also has access to playards and then to the west of that is uh an adoption kennel for large dogs so moving moving North on the plan the next uh area would be the intake Lobby this is where uh a visitor would bring a surrender or a stray animal uh so there's temporary dog and cat holding in this area and once those uh animals have been examined they would then be moved down that uh Pink Corridor back to uh either a cat or a dog stray area there we go um so uh you can see supposed to be yellow but where it says stray those areas are uh dog stray kennels and then there's a a wing for the adop or for observation animals and then the area on the end is for storage of uh food and other supplies so then on the south end of that uh Wing um there are more kennels yeah it's a little slow um so on the south end of that there are three stray dog kennel areas with playards in between each one of those um and then this what we call the sally port on the far end and that is where the uh Animal Control Officers will bring stray animals and drop them off and then the last area on the floor plan is the far northeast corner which is the clinic uh this is where you would bring an animal to be spay or n um or to be looked at at the clinic uh so there's a treatment area and then to the west of the clinic area is a surgery area and then we also have uh kennels for sick and sick animals and a euthanasia area so here's a look at the second floor plan everything that's in Gray is just looking down on the roof of the first floor plan so the colored area represents the second floor and there should be enlarged plan next so here's the enlarged plan of that uh Second Floor area which is primarily the admin area it surrounds U an open uh second twostory uh Lobby to the adoption Lobby so all of these areas would have a view through a glass wall down into the adoption uh Lobby and we also have a large employe break room on this floor as well as the Animal control officer offices this is a this is a quick um uh floor plan for the barn uh it's very simple layout it has six stalls for large animals and then uh a room for poultry two storage rooms and a restroom quick look at the elevations um we have some renderings coming up that I'll get into the finishes in more detail but here's here's an elevation the East Elevation looking from Bryant Avenue and you can see the new barn and the pasture um to the left and then um the right side is the main entrance area which we've blown up on the on the lower elevation so you can start to see the areas that I spoke about on the plan with the meeting room uh entrance being on on the left adoption uh next and then toward the north the intake and then the clinic and all of these entrances will have a large covered camp canopy that will allow for overflow of visitors and their pets during events here's the South elevation looking from Southeast 29th Street you can see all of the Wings starting with the sallyport on the far left and then all of the kennel wings with the courtyards in between and then on the right hand side of the plant of the elevation uh would be the the side of the meeting room you can see see the second floor Administration Beyond in the in the brown color and then the twostory lobby space over the adoption and then here's the north elevation similar um with the kennel areas on the right and then the side of the clinic and the uh Administration and two-story Lobby Beyond this is the back elevation all of the overhead doors there uh the four on the right uh enter into the sally port and then the one on the left enters into the storage room so here's a rendering to start uh looking at uh give you an idea of what the building could look like so this is entering in off of Bryant uh so this is where all the public would enter into the building uh the entrance is centered uh directly on the main adoption entrance you have the uh covered entrance on the left which would be the meeting space and then to the right is intake and then Clinic here's a closer up view of the adoption uh entrance so you can start to see the finishes here we're proposing a tongue and groove uh Cedar sopit underneath all of these overhangs uh with wood trusses to kind of warm things up a little bit make it more inviting uh we'll have a standing seam metal roof over all of all of these elements uh we have some wood accents over the main entrances of each of these uh areas and then the main uh material on the front of the building will be a cast in place uh what we call board formed concrete and this is a concrete that uses uh wood planks to form the concrete so the grain from the wood is left in the concrete uh giving it kind of a nice texture and nice feel and then the brown material again is U more of a stucco uh material that will primarily be used on the second floor ad admin area and then here's a view of the adoption Playard so this is just behind uh where all of the uh dog adoption is I mentioned they had outdoor uh kennels that you could uh if you're a visitor and you see a dog um from the inside that you would like to meet and greet you can go out into this Courtyard um and they will let the animal out into that courtyard you can play with it and make sure that it's a good fit for you and then there's a glass kind of corridor there that is that connecting spine uh that's continuous that connects uh all of the dog kennel areas and here's a view looking from the southeast again this sally port is on the very far end and then there's four kennel areas the adoption Courtyard uh that you just saw is the one on the very far right uh behind that fence and then this in the in the foreground here is just a fence and a gate that separates the uh visitor parking from the staff and the fleet parking here's a view to start to look at uh what the interior uh will look like so this is a view uh standing up on the second floor uh admin area looking down into the adoption area so you can see all the way across to the other side uh of the administration area you can see a conference room up there uh we're proposing to do kind of a fun uh frosted graphic of dogs running across the glass uh and then you can see down into the administration uh or I'm sorry the adoption uh Lobby there's a reception desk and then we'll have dog kennels on one side and Cat kennels on the other so finishes uh in this area and all of the other lobbies will be very durable uh finishes throughout the facility all of the public areas will for the most part have polished concrete uh in the dog uh kennel areas and Clinics will have an epoxy a very durable epoxy flooring um our countertops and finishes on cabinets will be uh hard surfaces such as quartz countertop uh we intend to carry the wood plank SE ceiling uh and the wood trusses from the outdoor covered canopies on into these uh four major Lobby spaces and then we'll have just uh neutral colors for the most part with some accent colors uh through through out the facility different accent colors for wave finding and the furniture will be very hard plastic durable easy to clean no Fabrics anywhere here's just another view looking as you come into the adoption Lobby looking towards the reception desk and then another view in the adoption Lobby looking back towards the main entrance so underneath the stairs there um that that's what we call cat condos so there would be several cats in that area area that you can see from outside as you're approaching or from the inside uh this is the intake Lobby very similar finishes to the adoption Lobby uh with just a a different accent color on the wall so similar finishes again and then here the clinic uh entrance would be very similar finishes just a different accent color so here's a here's a look at uh the cat kennel areas uh so these this is what the cat kennel areas would look like it's kind of a two each cat has kind of a two-story uh area with a one has a litter box up high with a with a kennel and then the other has a litter box down low with a kennel so they're kind of L-shaped staggered uh that works very well in safe space we'd have epoxy flooring in this area again an accent color and then some uh very durable furniture this is what the dog kennels uh would primarily look like similar finishes the the dog kennels uh get very noisy uh so we'll have acoustic material on the ceiling here uh it's a wood fiber product that works well to absorb sound uh the kennels themselves would typically be built with concrete block it's hard to see in this rendering but there's concrete block up to about 4 and 1/2 ft and then stainless steel caging that separates between the kenel and for the front doors finishes um all durable there's there's an example of some of the accent colors that we'll have throughout and then here's a look at the community meeting uh room U it will have polished concrete flooring as well they'll also hold training uh dog training in these rooms so um durable finishes everywhere no carpet anywhere not even in the office spaces so um we'll have acoustic ceiling in here as well as some U accent LED lighting uh strips durable Furniture again and then the administration conference room and the admin area upstairs will have very similar finishes to the to the meeting room the budget for this project for for construction and FF is just under $32 million our preliminary project uh estimate uh is coming in just under $31 million and then here's our current schedule we're we're reaching the end of our presentation and approval phase um After we receive approval to move to the next phase uh it will begin our 120 days to finalize the plans and specifications after a short review period the project will go out to bid which we uh assume will be about a 30 30-day process and then we expect uh this project to break ground uh the summer of this year it's pretty exciting open for any questions questions any questions for Mr Edmond million what does that include item D um it's a good question um I think that I think that's for all of the equipment we do have equipment Furnishings but um yeah I think that's really for all of the U equipment that is needed for the for the surgery center um in the clinic does it concern anybody else that we're spending $468 a square foot to build dog kennels the majority of the building to me seems pretty straightforward with the exception of the surgery area I'm sure the numberers accurate I'm not questioning that it just seems extraordinarily High having bought a new house for uh less than half that yeah and this this question it has come up a lot during the the even when we initially got the project was initially put uh up to the public for a vote um it's surprising uh that this is a facility for animals but there is so much plumbing and drainage and things that have to go into that all of those kennel areas that you saw every single one of those kennels uh has to have a drain and so there's so perhaps that's where the services is all adds up yes sir just an interesting figure yeah and just the durable finishes uh you know the the epoxy flooring alone is shocking how much that costs um per square foot isn't it about $4 to $10 a square foot I think we were closer to 12 is that right 10 to 12 keeps going up doesn't it you know there's the epoxy that you just paint on your garage floor and then there's the centi titious resin epoxy that is very durable and can withstand chemicals and urine and those types of things that is much more expensive thank you and then a final question what uh weight has the environmental impact operating procedures what have you done to Abate those costs and control them for the say that again the cost of operating the facility you know like is it a green or a gold lead type project right and we we are looking for ways to to assist in that we're U we're planning to use U geothermal as much as possible uh the the the the uh unfortunately because of this being an animal shelter we were the mechanical systems uh which they don't have now but will be a huge improvement over what they have now you have to have air exchange U that's greater than any normal human you know occupied facility so in order to get rid of the Airborne smells and diseases uh and geothermal is is is not ideal for that type of a mechanical system so we're kind of limited to to things like geothermal only in maybe the administration areas uh but wherever we can um you know include some of these things that will help lower operating costs in the future we are doing well it looks like a great project and it looks like a quick time schedule thank you yeah thank you I just have a comment um first I want to say thank you to Todd um and hsse for their very thought f um approach to this project and I also want to recognize Louisa mun who's in the audience today who is a member of our neighborhood subcommittee um who has a passionate approach to this and to the care of animals in our city and so I just wanted to thank them both for their um hard advocacy work that has come into this um project so thank you absolutely thank you for that Jessica I'll Echo that hey Louisa and I think also Brian Brown who was a big Advocate during the maps four times and I see you're sitting with Kelly I don't know what your connection is but I'm sure you were very instrumental in doing some part yes okay okay good good good good um so you're the reason the cats get condos is that what I'm hearing okay you know I operate a cat condo at home uh that's what my cat thinks is where we live this might be more of a question for Louisa um as we head into budget time for City Council so part of the pitch for doing this project right is that we needed more space so that we would see less euthanasia right and we would pair that with in terms of um operations uh from development services which is of course where Animal Welfare calls home that we would be able to it's got to be space plus a span neuter program and I guess my question while I'm so excited about this project this is like I just with Jessica on this I think this is really great I'm curious what kind of looking at our current city budget versus what it would take to really make a dent in the um spay and neutering program to really be successful do we have any idea what that number would look like because I'd like to start advocating for that very strongly at the city level and I'll just keep advocating until we get it Todd did y'all talk anything about operating expense no okay really haven't no that hasn't been part of our scope right U but I know they do approximately 50 surgeries a day if you can imagine um out of this out of their current facility well but let me point out he has worked really close with John Gary out there absolutely and just the the nature of this new facility is going to increase the the ability to save money out there you know the current facility is kind of segregated and broken up this will be so much more efficient just with staff yeah absolutely is there I guess what I'm asking for and I love and respect John I he's just incredible with what he's doing but he in so many ways he and his staff right have squeezed you know um the last blood from the last turnup to get us to this place My worry is the building opens but we still don't have the funding for the appropriate number of staff that they're really going to need to be able to get out into the community and to do the Catch and Release and spay and neutering and so that's the number that I'm kind of wanting to know is what what do I need to be advocating and while I love and respect John like sometimes asking City staff hey what do you need you know that kind of can put them in a bit of an uncomfortable place because they're having to ask their boss for you know more money to do things and I'm curious from the advocacy world right now what do you know that would help us make sure that this building is is not just a well-designed well executed building but one that accomplishes the goal of making sure I love my cat she's 13 she's great but she was out there in them streets and I don't want any more of these babies like that right absolutely yeah and I know in working with John um you know I know our our conversations throughout the design are how do we work with the staff that he has you know he currently has a staff of I think 60 people uh so we've taken that into account as we're designing the building we' um really everything has gotten bigger but we really haven't added any functions or that that he doesn't currently have um and I think they have a very small volunteer pool currently and in my mind once you get a new facility that you know is cleaner and doesn't smell as bad as the current one you're going to gain a lot of people that you know will want to volunteer and work here here at this facility so I think the volunteer group will will increase tremendously and I can't really speak to the staff uh other than what I know that we're you know planning to work with the the number of staff that he currently has I hope that's true I am way more skeptical of that I really do hope that's true but I just know that all across our city we have uh stray colonies of dogs and cats that are it's hard for staff to get out there to go do the work that they're needing to do and I I feel it's my responsibility as a city council person to be able to provide those resources but maybe you don't have these numbers so I'll I don't know I'll just ask for more funding for them but I would really love to be able to get like an actual concrete number that would help them so you know what I mean like that's what I'm really after right now go councilman Cooper I think what might be a great idea is um maybe a meeting with you and Louisa and John and Todd um you guys have been working on this project for so many years and the planning I think that might be um a great Next Step yeah next step that's great okay absolutely okay Chelsea um back to the dog kennels um so looking at all the photos and all the things this is a beautiful design for a situation that we definitely need more support in especially postco conditions I think a lot of people have re you know considered their relationship with their pets and thing there's a lot going on that I think there's going to be a huge need for this and as I look at these photos and I see you know these these beautiful conditions for adoption for the cats and the condos and all these things and I look at the straight dog kenel that looks like Corporal Corporal jail to me so I'm curious if there's any research or other structures by way of kindling dogs that maybe could cut some of these costs per square foot and also don't quite include so much um look like it's a jail sale cell kind of situation yeah that rendering probably is deceiving because you're standing at one end and you just see all that caging together in in in person it probably doesn't look quite as intrusive to you um but we have increased the size of all the kennels uh to what the uh standard recommended kennel size is uh which is considerably larger than what they have that the kennels are also connected uh with with a guillotine door so you can if it if you're not at capacity you can open that door to where a a dog would have twice as much space than they would normally have so um you know ultimately it could it would be um almost I guess 4T by 12T long uh a dog run in these IND kennels U and then we've also added a lot of natural light in their current facility they're in large rooms concrete block rooms with no windows and so uh the way that we've designed those kennel Wings it allows us to have windows down both sides of those wings which brings in natural light uh into every uh kennel area which is makes tremendous difference for the health and well-being of the animals I appreciate appreciate that thank you um I think maybe my thought process is a little beyond the scope of the project since there might be recommended sizes for kennels I'm thinking dogs are one of the most social creatures that exist and yet we're still separating them and cats are not very social and they're all together but it's just kind of a you know my brain is a little bit like there feels like there could be a newer approach but that might even be down the line that we're not and and we do have some larger kennels that we purposely you know some dogs might have siblings or they might just get along well with other dogs so we have some that are two times or three times as large as the normal single ones we've taken out the walls in between to purposely make a larger kennel space for those dogs that can you know get along with other dogs or have siblings so uh We've thought through that as well um and you know there there is a lot of anxiety too um with the dogs in these spaces so you know keeping them giving them more private spaces for a lot of animals is better uh than having them be exposed to the other dogs yeah creates anxiety yes this this creates anxiety to look of this to me so yeah that's why the staff and the volunteers from what I've learned and I point very well taken but that's why when I took a tour of the uh existing facility after I first won four years ago that's why getting them out for regular walking and out in that space is just vital uh because if the barking and these sorts of things yeah it increases that anxiety and then thle can sometimes make them less adoptable right because they that socialization Falls away so that's that's again that's why I'm kind of obsessed with you know this uh this volunteer and staff number so I really appreciate Jessica's recommendation on that so right anything else Tod thank you I think this is an exciting project that we're as a city ready to see happen Okay so with that presentation um who oh no oh okay got a motion in a second please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2f recommend approval of amendment number one to architecture Services contract with Alford Hall monigan and Morris um for the Family Justice Center an increase of $20,000 when we negotiated this contract for architecture we didn't anticipate a commercial kitchen and during design it is it is uh become evident that they need a commercial kitchen and with a commercial kitchen there's a need for a kitchen consultant so this amendment is for them to hire a kitchen consultant okay any additional questions it comes with the approval from the sub committe okay take a motion in a second please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2G recommend approval of amendment number two to Engineering Services contract with kimley horn and Associates for the map for bus stop Improvement phase one for an increase of $48,000 and so this is an amendment for the uh bus stops we have asked this consultant to do so many changes on their plans as we've worked through the the project in order to get some of the bus stops out sooner we asked them to remove the bus stops that needed right away so that we could work on that and then subsequently uh we've asked them to remove the the structures the structure purchase because we are going to purchase those um through another contract and the installation will be with another vendor so there's just been a lot of changes that we've asked them to do and we think this is a fair number based on all the work that we've asked them to change okay any questions or comments okay take a motion in a second please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2H recommend approval of change order number eight for the maps for Fairgrounds Coliseum um for an increase of 9,967 so I can tell you that the uh subcommittee saw an update on the fairgrounds Coliseum everything is going great um they've got the the seating Concrete in it's starting to look like a Coliseum um you can still go out to that that link that I sent you and and see the the video and see the current status of that but along with that comes um change orders as we move along with the project there's some additional Plumbing equipment and this has to do with the the soda system you know those Soda Systems are plumbed throughout the building so there were some some changes in that mechanical equipment uh revisions just duct work that runs into structural we they did a great job on on identifying that but still some things come up some additional door hardware there's a credit for um Bar Beverage display um external defibrillators were left off the plan so that's to add that access control Power and Equipment so the low voltage that controls the lock on on doors there were seven doors that were left out and then there's a credit for an escalator modification so they went through all this with the subcommittee uh in detail and they approved it any comments Kev or Bob okay so with that take a motion in a second if there's no other questions okay please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item two I authorize staff to use map for connectivity funds to in investigate Andor apply for Grants to supplement the maps for bus stop improvements budget so these next two items are similar but they're different um and this is unusual it's unusual and a bit ambiguous but I I we we have opportunities to um apply for Grants and apply for additional funding and I think that everybody would be in favor of that and the reason this is on there is I want everybody to understand there are costs so to speak that come with that and that being mostly timing and some control so the first one would be for bus stops and there are some opportunities for some grants out there but those grants don't happen right now they happen at certain times in the year so we could see delay on executing and and building the bus stops that's all I I really want to put out there um make sure I didn't want to do a whole bunch of work on on pursuing grants and then you say no we don't want to delay the projects we think it's more important that we we build them on time rather than and build more I think this is a good opportunity for us to meet the goals that we have by getting these grants again it's I just want to make it clear that that it could delay the project so so David do you have an A an idea or a feel for the length of delay are we thinking six months are we talking two years it could be a year okay a year um six months to a year you know somewhere in there that it's all it's all different depends on when where we are and when the grants come around and we could apply for stuff and wait and then not get awarded right right um are there some of the bus stops because it's phased will we move ahead with some of those that are currently engaged and just kind of take a little bit of a pause on the next phase or so as you've seen we are going to come up short with the 500 number that is pretty previously been talked about and this will be an opportunity for us to to reach that number yeah um so has did this go before the connectivity it did subit they didn't have a quorum but yes it okay it went okay um my thought is that it's worth trying to meet the full expectation um I know 6 months to a year is six months to a year been in a 10e long project or program um to be able to meet the full capacity expectation I think is worth it yeah in this case if it's a grant it it it actually allows us to do projects that we weren't going to get to do anyway so yeah this one doesn't affect things as much okay any other questions or comments concerns are I'm guessing these are federal grants or are they yes Chelsea I suppose I'm concerned because it seems to be the same pattern we're not funded adequately we need to seek funding from a different Source upon seeking funding from a different Source we might delay the project which who knows at that point if it's adequately funded so that's I think that's my just general concern in the process of the delay is you know I'm glad to hear that we'll continue constructing projects as we can but I'm the the pattern is the same pattern I think I've been concerned about um with the stadium situation in the recent Tiff announcement also with the previous situation with the maps funding in W five as it pertains to bike Lanes um so I'm expressing this concern I don't have a solution for the concern but I'm expressing this concern well the the solution is that we're getting additional funds to do things that we wouldn't be able to do you know the the alter alternative is in in this bus stop example we just can't do them we we run out of money right and my concern is in six months we'll also need more money to do what well we always need money yeah yeah yeah okay I think I'm sorry well I just want to I think Chelsea's concern is valid uh I hear what you're saying director Todd it's just that we don't know that we'll get it but I do think we should take the shot you miss every shot you don't yeah take is that the yeah okay yeah thanks Jess um so no I I think that's fair I guess I have a couple questions which bus shelters find themselves under construction in the interum I don't have that answer as we said here you know we do the ones like I said that we didn't have to go out and and purchase right away because that's slowing things down also but I I don't have specific examples I'm just talking in general that will this board support this meth I think sometime at one of our meetings within the next six months it would be useful to kind of hear from you or Embark uh about like where we are able to construct what we're able to construct no you'll see that real soon when we when we bring final plans and it'll list all the the um stops that we'll have and and we'll bring you information as we um apply for Grants and and all this additional money I'll bring it to you I just didn't want to start doing it and find out that you weren't interested right and then I can say I also spoke with director Fair brush yesterday just to give you all an update and I think some of this delay might actually work in our favor but I think you might recall when I went to Seattle last year with the transit trust and um the the bus shelter murals the artwork that they were doing um on those shelters to kind of identify neighborhood and community history that's something that we're still looking at and actually staff's already been exploring other municipalities that are doing that so maybe this would give us some time to do that right so together okay any other comments okay not I would take a motion in a second to approve please cast your votes motion passes thank you and finally moving to item 2J authorized staff to use maps for sidewalks construction funds to lever leverage matching funds for additional sidewalks so this one's a little different that it would um go through a different process I'm not I'm not going to summarize the whole process but what what ultimately could happen is that we could do the design and then get it funded and and give it to another organization like ODOT and they would handle the construction and that would be the last we see of construction and there's another program there that we would just sign up basically for an 8020 type match we'd pay 20% they'd pay 80 but they hire the consultant they do the design and they do the construction so it completely leaves the maps process I don't think there's anything wrong with that um I've personally done projects that way when I was in private practice the city does it all the time again I just want everybody here to understand that's the tradeoff right that you get now I'm not advocating that all sidewalk money go that way I don't even think that there's that kind of funding that we could get but anytime we can extend our money by getting 80% from another source um the city always supports that well and I'll first say thank you for exploring um all of these options to extend and stretch our dollars um you know you think a billion dollars goes a long way but it doesn't go doesn't go as long as far as it used to right um so thank you for looking for creative ways to um leverage those funds a question would two questions one would the location with the specific sidewalks that we be a part of this matching program come through the maps process so we identify the space but then the project itself is executed by this third party okay um and then two would it be would the the matching relationship be on a project by project basis yes that we would review and approve okay yes okay other question questions um two one those were great questions by the way um so when we make those decisions let say we're able to secure the funding uh ODOT still going to put the stamp of approval for maps for on the sidewalks or since they're no longer don't know don't know I would try to do that yeah but I don't know CU that would be important I just cuz again we talked about why I'll sneak out there at night and put it in the concrete myself do not tempt me with a good time I will actually do that um so long as it's legal you know so my lawyer out there it's great cities lawyers I don't have like my own personal lawyer uh and then two and I think this is a question for Justin actually if you would in mind it was something that got lost because I went deep into Street Scapes but we invited you here because of a question uh Daisy had at one of the meetings could you explain to us help us better understand and it's going to end up affecting this project too but like so bik walk has identified correct me where I'm wrong it's identified priority phase one phase two here's why it's arterial it's a school it's senior Wellness whatever it might be is the way we approach securing the funding once you all have identified is whichever funding source becomes available first whether it's Maps the bond a grant this this about right that that's what that we go okay then whatever was identified as a priority phase one Whatever funding becomes available that's what we're grabbing or correct me if I'm wrong because I think that was part of our concern it's like well why were there projects from a different part of town that got elevated up and so if you could just kind of clarify that and I'm sure Daisy will probably have questions from that too or maybe she won't I don't know sure yes broad Strokes you're you're right uh we we kind of Follow that prioritization as we recommend projects there is some Nuance between different funding sources because we see the different rules for different funding sources so one of I think the main Grand opportunities talked about and really looked at here is ACOG they have a lot more money coming through because of the infrastructure investment jobs act that there's a lot more money flowing through ODOT to ACOG for uh bicycle and pedestrian projects through stbg and tap programs but they have specific criteria and they have a very kind of complex scoring system for projects so we largely do is we take a lot of all of our high scoring projects we run everything all of them through and see what pops out to be the high scoring for ACOG and then we submit projects that we think are going to do the best so it's always going to be something that was a high need in bike walk but for instance um we've we've recently just this last cycle we applied for $40 million worth of SBG projects of all these various types some of them you'd see in phase two some you'd see in Phase One of byac but that's because they scored really high and we think we maximize our opportunity to return as many dollars as we can because we're competing against the other cities in the metro area for those they also have a limitation that a lot of those uh funds through stbg are only can only be applied for certain Street types so you can only apply for something that's on an arterial or collector you can't go for like local roads that makes any sense okay yeah makes sense I guess my question was that um maps for dollars won't be distributed to other projects if it's like 100% sure that that project is funded through what through whatever other funding source correct or not okay yeah right that say that again yes maps for funding for certain projects won't be redistributed to other projects so unless we have 100% like um clearance that that project is funded through other funding sources is what ultimately my question was because right from the previous question was that it it did make application but then the funds were redistributed right without knowing or maybe now it has been the application the grant was awarded was it oh speaking about Santa Fe Trail specifically no no it hasn't been awarded yet it's usually revealed in uh February and then the recommendation to remove that funding from that specific project was approved and passed and that was kind of my whole uh conversation was that why would we remove that funding from that specific project if it's not funded through this grant yet right yeah yeah and I think we can always come back and and add it back to a project you know if it if it for some reason it doesn't get awarded through the grant yeah the Project's going to be completed it's kind of it sounds like it's kind of jocking between which pot of money and timing yeah and that was clearly my my question was that like why are we removing this funding from this project if it's not 100% approved and awarded for this project and then leave that project not funded or whatever yeah there was some complication on that the cross town connections especially because that was originally started as a bond project and it was underfunded and we knew that and so since it was the top bike priority we you know we went to maps and asked this connectivity subcommittee if they wanted to to fund that um uh the Santa Fe Trail portion has stayed with public works so they're they're continuing with a a design with kimley horen to continue to design out that project project so it's still underes designed it's just with Public Works instead of with maps right now yeah by the by the way that was a super helpful clarification moment and I just think that probably as we go forward it's just probably going to be useful just as you invited them to come today kind of these periodic updates from you all about you know why uh you know where we are and what we're applying for Grant wise and why this project and that project I think that's useful stuff otherwise these sort of narratives can start to well I I think what you're getting to is how we it would be helpful for us to understand more complete full context of the various pots of money to get all of the projects done I mean we only are involved with the maps for dollars obviously but the full context on some of this would be helpful sure okay thank you okay um okay um moving on to item three discussion item going to vote on that oh I am so sorry we need we need to vote on that uh 2J um Motion in a second my apologies please cast your votes okay motion passes thank you now moving on to item three discussion items do we have anything for discussion no okay um item four maps for Citizens advisory subcommittee reports any subcommittee reports want to share anything from venues connectivity neighborhoods okay all right uh moving on to item five update status of maps 4 program Mr Todd so I mentioned the fairgrounds Coliseum how great it's going um if you're out that way encourage you to swing by and and see it we've got a whole lot of projects in design so um late spring early summer you're going to have several uh ribbon cuttings or groundbreakings to go to um than you for delaying winter yeah um the other thing is that it was announced that the uh operator for the multi-purpose stadium has uh identified a site and they're trying to get some additional funding on that and that will come back to the subc commmittee and to this Advisory board for confirmation but um I think most of you have seen that or I sent you a email explaining some of that so that's exciting that we've got that finally moving and uh can get that started well and I don't mean to interrupt you but um from some comments that I have received or questions that I've asked just want to be clear that the 41 million that was included in the resolution did not contemplate land that that was construction went back and looked at that so so the so I think this was kind of um part of what the thought process was for because I've had somebody say how did it go from 40 to 70 where you getting the extra money and that wasn't that is not what the case was yeah it was always contemplated that they had to provide the land right I'm sorry no that's no that's it is there any kind of approval through this body or the Vues and then it goes to council yes got it thank you yeah we will still follow the maps process but it was kind of a chicken in an egg I mean if they had brought if the the um operator had brought a piece of property as a location but didn't have funding the first thing that a is going to say is how are you going to fund it so had to go through that piece so that it is a viable um location to consider that to go through the maps process so okay um any okay moving on to item six comments by board staff and citizens do we have any citizens signed up great any staff comments no ma'am okay um any comments by the board Bob uh just a quick first of the year observation that uh uh when we started out we were all kind of worried we don't have anything to do there's nothing going on uh you know it's uh very slow process and David and Teresa have reminded us from day one that the time would come that uh we were going to start seeing a a lot of activity and you know that's very evident today but I just wanted to observe how much I appreciate the the expertise the knowledge the thoughtfulness uh of the members of this board addressing these issues that uh that come up uh I know from my experience with Ms three sometimes I felt like we were just rubber stamping things but not that there was any downside to that it was appropriate to do that because it had been so thoughtfully prepared and presented to a subcommittee or a board uh but Maps four as we've known from the beginning would be a little bit different uh because of the uh more uh subjective nature of some of the projects and the difficulty homelessness for example of dealing with those issues it's not a thing that can be simply handled with a brick and mortar solution U and so I I really do appreciate all the knowledge and expertise this board is uh is beginning to demonstrate as we move into these projects and it's uh very exciting it's very comforting uh uh very pleasing that that we have that ability and I think we're uh trying to do our job uh for the citizens and I hope they appreciate what this group of people is doing thank you for those comments Bob and I I would Echo that this is a a great group of people um also noting that we're beginning a new year and I very much appreciate everybody being here we've got a strong presence today um at the end of every calendar year I get a report of Quorum of those um of people that subcommittees that have made Corum and that haven't who's attended who hasn't so I would just as we ramp up and are having more and more activity um fully understand this is a volunteer role um but your engagement as much as possible in both the subcommittees and this for these meetings um is so critically important to the success of this program so thank you so much for the time that you dedicate and um we're going to have a great year 2024 is going to be fun year so um if there's nothing else we are adjourned

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