good morning and we will go ahead and call to order our maps for Citizens Advisory board meeting for March 7th 2024 um moving on to item 2A approval of minutes of the February 1st 2024 Maps advisory meeting um were there any changes Corrections if not i' take a motion in a second thank you please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2B received the maps for monthly financial report ending January 31st 2024 Mr Todd thank you madam chair you have in your packet the your financial report on the revenue side for the month 12,355 190 for the fiscal year 10,771 722 and total of 498,00 um I want to draw your attention to the bottom there we are now at 2.8% above collections um Target and then on the expenditure side for the month 1,990 231 fiscal year 24, 8217 and for total of 192,50 [Music] n89 okay any questions of Mr Todd I love that above being projections if not we'll take a motion in a second to receive please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2C recommend approval of the final acceptance for the maps for Downtown Arena phase 1B seating replacement Mr Todd so you've seen some presentations on the seat replacement this is the final acceptance the project is complete and has been being used for several months now but all the all the little punch list things are finished this comes with a recommendation from the venue subcommittee okay any comments from the subcommittee no okay any Motion in a second please pleas cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2D recommend approval of final acceptance maps for Downtown Arena phase 2B retractable seating so this is another set of seats remember that there's two distinct sets of seats at the arena the fixed seats and and the retractable so this is the retractable same thing um all the punch list items have been taken care of it's ready to be accepted and comes with the recommendation from the venue subcommittee okay any questions or comments not I take a motion in a second please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2E construction update presentation of the maps for Fairgrounds Coliseum so we' like to periodically keep you up to date with what's going on with the projects and as you know construction is well underway with the Coliseum very happy with how that's gone Travis paully from populace who's the design architect is here to take you through a presentation to show you where we are on the project welcome good morning thank you for having me um yeah excited to be here to give you guys an update on how the construction is going on the Coliseum um overall going really well I'm sure you guys have driven by it and seen how things are going um we're about 14 months into construction right now so about halfway through where we're going to be um scheduled to finish in Spring of 2025 so it's an exciting time out there on site lots of stuff going on so excited to show you guys uh where we are um my first couple slides I have are couple videos this one is a little bit old now but from January 26th the first truss went up on January 26th and this is a big moment in in any project but especially an arena project like this uh when you got this first tress going up the video is a little bit shaky because it's sped way up um but it's an exciting time out there this was on a very uh rainy and foggy morning back when we were getting a bunch of rain in January this is the smallest truss on the far um North or West end of it um near the noric went up without a hitch and since then if you've driven by you've seen we've had several more go up since then so big big milestone in the project there one more video this is a drone shot from flintco the contractor um just a a week or two after that first one and you can see we're already on the third truss here I like seeing the little guy uh well not little guy but he looks little from this uh perspective walking across that trust there it gives you just a sense of scale of how big these things are um so they're moving right along the Tresses are going in the decking goes in right behind it um so they're starting to close this in really quickly now they're putting a truss in about every week or two um so they'll have 10 going all the way across there 10 or 10 or 11 I can't remember going all the way across there uh it's starting to really take shape there's the overall view you can see those Tresses on the left side and then you see that um construction leave out where the crane um Moves In and Out on the right side there that crane you can see there The View you can see the mat going underneath it that'll essentially move out of the Coliseum as they install the trusses you can see they're building the trusses right there in the Coliseum floor and as they build them they'll raise them up that crane will move out and eventually it'll move all the way out that of that leave out on the right side there um pretty soon they're going to have to start building them outside of the Coliseum because they won't be able to build them on the floor and lift them up um so you'll see that um coming up pretty soon and that thing will will get out of there and then we'll finally get to close in in the rest of the building so going down from the ground floor now we'll go a couple shots around uh from the exterior and then we'll walk around the ground level on the interior and then I'll walk you around The Concourse level so this is that view coming right up to the main entry coming down Gordon Cooper Boulevard I'm standing right in the the median of Gordon Cooper Boulevard so this is what you'll be looking at when you drive up to the Coliseum you can see those columns kind of starting to give it that shape that it'll eventually eventually look like they're on the front facade um so it's coming together there as we get a little bit closer on the North facade you can see the colonade starting to come together that eyebrow is starting to get framed out all of our Framing and sheathing is starting to go up um they've raised that up even higher since this picture was taken this is on the 19th so a couple weeks ago um coming around to the southwest side also starting to all be framed in and sheathing is going up um the sheathing is just about all the way up to the top now you can see those columns sticking up that framing will go all the way up to the columns and that encloses our mechanical roof well there behind it um they've started putting on some weather barrier on this which is black so as you drive by you'll see this thing turn from the bright green color of the sheeting to all black as they put that weather barrier on there and then the um continuous insulation that we have around this will will be installed and then our masonry will be installed on the bottom and the white panels will be installed on the top that's the the masonry sitting right in front of me in this picture um approaching the entryway here this is our main entry vest entry uh into the building the vesu is right in front of me and then the lobb is back Beyond um you can see that eyebrow kind of on the exterior side being constructed there that's been left out right in the uh right at the entryway um it needs a little bit of additional support for the signage that's going to go on it so that'll come later um but as you walk in the vestule you see the main lobby there with a big open double height space up to our Concourse level so it'll be really nice when you walk in you'll be able to see all the way up to the Concourse and see everything and then back beyond that where the bowl kind of slopes down we have a really neat um kind of wood ceiling with OKC in it it she'll be greeted with down in the main Bowl uh looking back up at the trusses you can once again see the kind of scale of those trusses there as they build them in the main Bowl um we'll go up around y um not yet I think everything else you saw there on the the um on the overhead shot as we get down into The Concourse level almost all of the walls have been framed up on this Concourse level so we're here we're sitting looking down the um kind of locker room Corridor all of our locker rooms will be to our right our kitchen's down in the end and then some storage spaces are there to your left you can see the bowl up above you uh as we move our way down that Corridor towards the noric this is our last stair to be constructed stair four um this is the one that is in the north Lobby all of our stairs except for the grand stair we've done a scissor stairs in this so we're basically getting two stairs and one stair opening um it's a really efficient way to to do your egress in these buildings to have really high occupancies so that's the last one there before you see the slab being left out there that's where we have colored concrete going in that they want to do last to make sure it's protected so that one that's why that slab hasn't gone in there now as we move up to The Concourse level you can get kind of a better view of those trusses being built once again see the scale of those trusses um they've got two going right there um they finish them all up in the arena floor and then raise them right on up with that crane looking down around the bowl we've got all of our bowl is installed and um the stairs are getting put in the steps are getting put in those will be poured in place so they're framing all those up um the the bowl installation has gone really well overall um our contractor for that finished up the the construction of those at their site around uh I'd say November of last year I started installing those December um all of the bowl went in in a matter of two weeks with the exception of where that construction leave out is um so really really good process everybody's really happy with how it's going so far as we start walking around The Concourse uh you can really start to get a feel for what it's going to be like out there right now um this is on the North side Concourse you can see our all of our walls and restrooms and concessions are getting framed in on the right that's one of our concessions there directly on your right side restrooms are just beyond that and then on the left side you can see one of the benefits to to this Arena and how we've designed this is when you're up on that Concourse level you're going to have a view of whatever's going on in the arena floor no matter where you are so even if you're going up to the restroom you're going to the concession stand you're going to have a great view of whatever's going on in the arena right there um where you see that safety wood safety railing right now that will eventually be our drink rail that'll go all the way around the exterior so it'll have a nice drink rail going all the way around the exterior of this with um standing or stool seating around that and as we make our way around more towards the north side this is the lounge in the low SE seating kind of the premium seating on our North Side so this area will have Caster seats and drink rail in front of it um with the lounge back behind it you can kind of start to get feel of the sense of the space there with the the roof coming in overhead and then making our way back around looking towards downtown you can see the skyline in the background there um once again the other side of the Concourse same thing that's one of our concessions there to your right um then some restroom Banks there to your right you can see all this overhead starting to go in so this is uh that same Corridor up near the the East End um there's been a ton of overhead work with all the plumbing electrical mechanical fire protection happening right now um really once they they finished the concrete work for The Concourse and the the roof deck levels this thing started really really moving they were able to get all the trades in there um and just have a have a very active work site they have about 100 to 150 people on site at any given time right now um so it is it is a a beehive of activity out there if you go out there during the day um it's exciting stuff lot a lot of action is happening out there one thing you may have caught that last picture at the very end of that Corridor one thing that we've tried to integrate into this uh this project that's a little bit unique is on two kind of diagonal sides of this instead of having a roof hatch or a pull down ladder to get up to our our um mechanical deck there we were able to continue those those stairs all the way up to our mechanical roof level so that's a great thing for the operator it makes it a lot easier for them there's a lot of stuff up on that roof and they're not having to go up a hatch and a ladder to get to it they can take the stairs straight up to that mechanical roof tag um our wall main wall mockup it's getting really close um you can get a sense of what this is going to look like what the materials are going to look like this is out by the job trailer um if you happen to drive by it's about half scale of what the actual wall will be so those panels are going to be twice as big as what you see out there um the height is about twice as big as what you see out there they still have some flashing and some things to finish on the roof of there but it's getting close it's nice to see what it's what it's really going to look like out there that's used basically as a goto when we're out on construction side if we see something that we think is a little bit off we're going to go back to that mockup and say hey no this is the standard that this has to be held to so that's kind of the intent of that we've gone through lots of rounds of getting it just right so it's it's doing its job um we have had a few changes in the last um couple of months I think the last time we came to you was a few months ago so we've had a few changes in in that time um I'll talk about one and five together first because they're kind of related so the fairgrounds has secured a naming right sponsor for this venue um we that's not public yet it's going to be pretty soon I think um but we've been working with them on some signage around the building some of that signage at the two main entries is requires a little bit of extra structural support what we've talked to the fairgrounds about is the fairgrounds and their sponsor covering all of the actual signage but in order to for construction to proceed and not hinder the the construction in the schedule for us to go ahead and put in any additional structure or conduit things like that that are needed for that signage so one and five are kind of tied together five is the signage credit that they're giving us back because they're going to pay for the signs and one is the extra structure that we have to put in at the main entry and North entry to support those new signs um I'll say the the credit that we're getting is for just the two signs at the entries they're going to be doing several additional signs too that we didn't have in the scope that they're going to take care of of so that's what item number one and number five are um number two is just power for a trap primer we have a couple trap primers in mechanical rooms that they very rarely see water going through them so they need to be electrical so they can keep them running like they're supposed to um so it's it's adding that power for those trap primers um number three is a still anchor revision for the top of our CMU walls our CMU walls were originally designed to be anchored into an ed at the bottom of our bowl that leaves very little flexibility for variance and construction and so the contractor suggested to change that detail a little bit to allow for the anchor to be on top of the CMU walls and allow some variance in construction we agreed with him on that so we went ahead and suggested that change to the walls um to allow for a better better construction really overall but that's going to cost about $5,000 more for those that type of anchoring um item number four is that cordal wall revision and I'll actually go back here because we have a picture of this one I realized during a presentation yesterday this is this Corridor right here so that wall on the right was originally designed with masonry going all the way up you can see it's a a pretty tall wall um after thinking about it we realized we don't really need that that masonry all the way up we really only needed about N9 or 10 feet up to protect the wall um and make it more durable and we can do stud wall up above that it makes the penetrations easier it makes the construction easier and it saves us about $30,000 so we decided to make that change um and item number five we already covered and the last item is just the weather delay we've had a little bit of delay in these last couple months I believe that's for January and February um four days that the contractor is asking for for weather delays so all that adds up to $286 for change order number nine our total change orders to date we've had nine of them um all combined they combined for a savings a reduction of $534,000 um we started out at a bid price of $12 6, 476,000 right now with all of our change orders we are down to 1225 m941 th000 that's a reduction of about 0.42% of the construction cost um and we are predicted to be complete with construction in May 20th of 2025 so we added four calendar days to that uh some of the things that are upcoming in the next few months so the first one I wanted to talk about and make sure everybody here is aware of you'll be getting invitations I think shortly to it but we're having our topping out ceremony here in a few weeks U March 27th we're going to have a a ceremony out there when the last truss goes up so this isn't necessarily the the highest point we will have a little bit of Steel coming up on top of those trusses but it's kind of the most exciting point because it's that last big truss going up so we're going to celebrate a topping out with that last Trust on the 27th hopefully everybody here can make it um in the next few months we've got a lot of action going on out there the steel erection is going to be continuing once those go up the steel will come around to the front of the building too so that front facade that you've been looking at in the renderings is start going to start getting framed up going to start being able to see really what it's going to look like um the roof deck installation will come on continue on behind that trust installation uh the framing for the interior and exterior walls will continue as you saw in some of those pictures that Vapor Barrier that I talked about is going to go up so it's going to be all getting covered in black vapor barrier um and then the the insulation and then the paneling and the masonry will go on after that so that masonry should be starting um pretty soon so we'll start to see that going up the sub roof installation has started and will continue that is a a roof element that goes underneath our Bowl to protect any areas underneath it from any sort of drainage that might come through the bowl um that's a little bit of a unique thing on this Arena I will say U because of the the nature of it and all the dirt and things in there that they had to wash it down a lot of Arenas don't have that but this one does so that's being constructed right now um our platforms around the arena you saw the bowl on top of that bowl and a few different areas the Ada platforms the judges platforms and the Suites we have to build up a platform for those spaces so that's going to be starting construction pretty soon um we've got some site work curb gutter Planters light pole bases all that good stuff around the site that'll start taking shape in the next few months and then once that crane comes out of there we can start building back that section that we've left out for the crane so that's one that we're really excited about it's really going to start enclosing and and uh making it Feel Complete around the exterior and then of course all that mechanical electrical plumbing and and Fire Protection that you saw in those pictures is continuing to be installed in the next few months that's all I got for you today I'm happy to answer any questions you may have overall I'll say um everybody's really happy with the process that the construction progress that we've made um it's going really well out there and we hope that it continues looks like it's going according to plan so far so good good any questions or comments okay thank you so much for being here so item 2f recommend approval of change order maps for Fairgrounds Coliseum the amount uh for an increase of $286 take a motion in a second cast your votes please motion passes thank you moving on to item 2G recommend approval of architectural services contract with alord Hall um for the maps for transitional housing for a fee of 63,800 any questions okay if not I'd take a motion in a second please cast your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item 2H recommend approval of preliminary report for the maps for bike Lanes phase 1B North classing Boulevard between Northwest Grand Boulevard and North Britain and Northeast 16th Street between Northwest Walnut and Brian Avenue this is the first of our bike lanes that you're seeing today preliminary report uh roughly 35% completion so Josh Malick is here today from consort Engineers to show you what this project includes good morning Madam chair board members I appreciate the opportunity to come in to present the uh phase 1B uh projects the pr engineering report to you uh my name is Josh I'm with Conor Engineers uh we were selected last year uh to complete the design of the first phase of the maps for bike Lanes uh for today's purposes we'll talk about the class and Boulevard in the Northeast 16th Street project the uh class and Boulevard and uh 16th Street project are the first of the cross town connection projects to be constructed uh as it's shown in bike walk Clon Boulevard uh begins at Britain uh I'm sorry begins at Grand Boulevard and extends to Britain Road for 2.6 miles and then 16th Street uh begins at Walnut and extends to Bryant Avenue for a total of 2.8 miles uh just the existing conditions uh for the Classen Boulevard it's four lanes uh throughout it's a undivided section um between um Grand and um the Northwest 59th Street the roundabout there at Chesapeake and then it's a divided section from Northeast I'm sorry from from Northwest uh 59th up to Britain Road there is like I said the roundabout um at the Chesapeake uh we do have a slight transition where we won't have a bike lane it'll be a shared Lane uh where we transition um at Wilshire uh across the atg grade railroad tracks uh the pavement condition uh along this project is is fair to good with some localized pavement failures looking at the improvements that we've put together like I said we'll begin at Grand and it'll extend all the way up to Britain but between Grand and uh Northwest 59th Street uh we will go from a two lane or I'm sorry from four-lane down to a two lane uh we will add a right a dedicated right turn lane at uh at Grand that way we're able to begin the the bike Lanes immediately on the east side of grand uh for the westbound we will be uh transitioning uh to tie in to uh the Deep Fork uh deep Fork Trail at the roundabouts we will have to terminate the bike lane uh the mutcd the manual on uh manual on uniform traffic control devices doesn't allow us to actually install Bike Lanes in the roundabout so we will put sherrow symbols that will go through the roundabout to uh direct the cyclist where to go and inform drivers uh that cyclist will uh could be in the lane with them as well and this does uh turn uh turn the project to the north through the ches campus as you can see in that that right image between uh Northwest 59th and Northwest 63rd it is where it begins The Divided section of the the roadway uh there are uh a few signals through there uh and a number of pedestrian Crossings as well and that Center median is about 60 ft uh for the most part throughout continuing North uh from 63rd up to Britain Road uh this is where it does continue the four lane divided uh the entire project will include six foot uh protected bike Lanes we will build and stall delineators uh along the majority of the project uh adding brakes at intersecting roads and and where we might have significant commercial driveways and again like I said there is that transition uh at Wilshire uh there are no traffic signals within the limits of of this section of the project moving over to Northeast 16th Street uh we do have uh two two-lane sections uh this the first one is between walnut and lah Avenue and then the second one is on the the East End between Martin Luther King and Bryant Avenue uh the project shifts North it just has a little jog there at Kelly and then whenever we get to Lindsay Avenue there's actually a meeting median that we have to cross uh the center section of the project is a three lane uh configuration where it's got a center turn lane that's between lah and Martin Luther King uh the payment conditions throughout this project uh were also fair to good with uh some low class failures and just wanted to make note that it does cross uh the KD Trail looking uh at the first section the first two-lane section between walnut and lah Avenue uh this is a two-lane it does uh have about 25 feet so we will have to do sherrow through this section and we just made a note that the parking restrictions through there do vary sometimes they on one side of the road sometimes they're on both at the Lindsay Avenue intersection we do have uh that Center median that runs through so we will be constructing like you can see in the right image the two eight foot wide sidewalks just to be able to allow cyclists and uh pedestrians if they need to cross at the same time it is a stop control as you can see in the the left image so cyclist would be slowing down as they approach that intersection so making a jog over into uh the bike Lanes shouldn't be a problem the reason we have them offset that way is because uh ADA requirements we have to keep the sidewalk all in alignment between uh Mar between lah and Martin Luther King uh this is where we do have that three Lane section it's 32 feet wide uh so we are able to remove that right that Center left I'm sorry the center left turn lane um and then install the tier 2 uh 5-ft bike Lanes uh we we likely won't be able to get in um any delineators through the segment because there's too many driveways that are too close together uh and then there's there's a number of intersecting roads the final section between Martin Luther King and Bryant uh we do go back to a two-lane section through here this is a little bit narrower than that first section getting closer to to 22 feet U so we will be doing uh just sherrow through this section this does connect um cyclist to Katy Trail and we did extend the project out to uh Bryant Avenue which is also a shared Lane um bike facility we did have to do a little bit of a revision from bike walk as far as goes with the tiers and the limits of of those tiers um the the two sections that you can see in the with the purple or the pink Cloud uh bike walk called out for that to be a tier 2 uh bike facility but it's just too narrow so we had to revise that those those two sections to be a tier three uh shared Lane where we will just be installing uh uh the sharers and like I said we did extend the project U from Katy Trail out to Bryant and so we will add an additional approximately a half a mile of tier three uh marked facilities signal detection we will'll need to upgrade uh four of the seven intersections uh up to radar the current types that the of detection that the city has we I I only have three on here but we've got Loop detection Fleer which is an infrared uh radar and then we actually have video as well but the standard is to upgrade everything to Radar Radar detects cyclists um we have uh I've got the list of the the intersections and what each detection type is uh so we will have to upgrade those four 63rd Street does have a partial upgrade because it's got both radar and Loops uh in that intersection for pavement repairs the we did have significant patching um uh between Northwest 82 Northwest 84th on the southbound side of Clen so that'll need to be repaired but otherwise it was just some localized pavement failures that's in the outside Lane which is is typical on Northeast 16th Street uh the same thing we did have failures that were very very inconsistent U along the curb line so those will need to be repaired uh we did recommend however between LTI and Martin Luther King that we do a Millan overlay whenever we go in and we remove as much stripe as what we would need to remove on those sections when it gets dark and it rains the stripe the the scarred pavement tends to look like a stripe so for safety we feel like it's best if we go ahead and do a millon overlay in that section so that we get rid of that scarred pavement for the budget uh you can see that we got 3.5 million uh for the total construction of both projects our our estimate of the Classen Boulevard was 1.6 million and the estimate for the Northeast 16 Street uh was 618,000 this one does have that alternate overlay that that we'd like to add to it for just under 350,000 for a total of uh $967,000 the base bids combined come in at 2.2 million and then when we add that that alternate overlay option it's 2.6 million uh with nearly a $900,000 below what the budget is right and just for information the public information website that we've got out there um we are we won't be going live with it until phase 1A is also approved so this is just 1B right now so we'll we'll be back in front of you with 1 a hopefully soon uh but this is the kind of information that we've got on it you can see it's got like a project overview some of the facility types just general information about bike lanes and then General informations about the project the budget and the schedule as well for our schedule we're shooting to have uh the final plans done done hopefully before June but maybe in June uh so that we can try and get to construction by August and then try and uh shoot for a construction completion uh before the end of the year our conclusions and recommendations for this is to construct the alignment and the tiers as we've shown uh update the signal detection to what's necessary to go into radar uh and then complete the base bid and uh the overlay Alternet as we've recommended and with that if you guys have any questions thank you you um any questions comments uh Ross we had talked about um some form of way to denote the uh 8ot wide bike lane uh we talked about bards I can't believe I said that word uh we we talked about a grass strip and we talked or perhaps talked about paint is that part of the will you see those in future um more Pro we'll have to we'll have to look into those uh you know in this for for the road it's not typical to put put ballards or the the grass strip in there but um for I know we talked about the how wide the bike lane would be right there at the intersection and we're going to look at different ideas just that small place where it crosses the medium there on 16th um where we're expanding the sidewalks okay you're talking about just the 8ot wide sidewalks there that visually is kind of makes a road yes we we could do that we'd have to we would have to have uh maybe we may have to widen the sidewalks more uh for the ADA requirements of it as the city will require if we haven't divided with the strip we'd have to put five foot at on each side in each location okay that was something that we discussed in the committee that we thought was important in that part of the of of the planning so we'd like to see that implemented if possible um we have $900,000 left over in this budget which is exceptional um one of the things the committee had hoped was that the trail could be in part of the Boulevard in the center meeting where it's safer um we've been able to delete that to save money which is perfect but my suggestion is that where it approaches the the Britain District now U as they're doing a lot of buildout there and red veloping that area that perhaps for when we discuss this perhaps for a block or two before it approaches Britain the trail would return to the median or be in the median I should say so we'd like to see those two changes made yes we've we've talked plenty and about getting the the conceptual drawings that they have for those so we can try and uh work with it very good and the committee recommended approval okay any other questions or comments okay thank you so much for your presentation and being here today so I take a motion in a second your votes motion passes thank you moving on to item two I recommend approval of resolution approving agenda number one and two for the maps for Park enhancements public transformation River Phase 1 pedestrian Bridge recall that we previously did a project for the beams for this bridge because of lead times that we were afraid of and we have those this is for the actual Bridge Chris Russell is here from team design to go through uh briefly what the what this project includes and this is for the construction of the bridge welcome we're glad to have you back thanks for having me um well I'll just go ahead and start up then uh so just as a recap of where the Project's located what it includes uh we're about, 1500 ft Upstream of Eastern uh it's connecting the greenway Trail on the North Shore of the river to the Embark lease area on the Southshore uh which is uh tied into the Okana site as well as the Embark boat landing project so included with the base bid uh is of course the bridge construction and the greenway TR reconstruction on the NorthShore uh but it does have some Bas bid Aesthetics uh that includes the cable railing uh so the left image there is just a cross-section of the bridge so from the deck of the bridge there's a 13-in tall concrete parit uh that is to keep any light service vehicles that are on the bridge from bumping into the cable railing they'll hit that concrete parit uh then on top of that will be the 2 and 1/2 ft of cable railing that you see on the Right image there uh this overall is 43 in so it's above the ada8 standard height uh that top railing that will be uh on top of the cable rail will actually be a lit Rail and this has a 30° tilt to it so that'll shine light towards the center of the deck and then below the bridge deck will have a series of lights that will shine down on the bridge Piers kind of making it look like it's floating at night uh then in addition to the base bit Aesthetics the bit alternate one uh has 18 light poles uh that's nine for each side evenly spaced uh We There are 16 foot light poles and then that Beacon is color changing programmable uh just for scale reference that Beacon is about 2ot tall in relation to the 16t pole uh along with the light poles uh we have two of these Banner arms that you see on the right uh per pole uh those are standard Banner arms that you'd see in downtown Oklahoma City Streets uh so they're two foot wide uh ALS also we're recommending uh bid alternate three uh so if you are sitting in the river and looking at the bridge the four concrete peers that are in the river uh if you're looking at it the these medallions uh would be on either end of that bridge on the pier cap kind of that middle image that you can see there uh so this is they're six foot wide and 5 foot tall uh they're sheet metal that would be bolted onto the U onto the perer cap uh the image on the right that you see is the proposed uh aesthetic um pattern uh the Shaded out portions would actually be cut out of the metal um so that it would create that contrast with the concrete behind it as a recap on the budget uh the overall budget for the river enhancements all four phases is just over $9.6 million as David mentioned the steel beams were awarded last year for just over a million so what we're recommending for award today in addition to the base bid of uh just over 5.5 million is Bid alternates 1 and three which you can see for the listed prices there we are not recommending bid alternate 2 which is for the decorative panels that would run down the length of the bridge uh below the deck to cover up the steel beams um so that those three items combined uh brings the total contract today to 5,775 1864 after taking out the contract for today and the beams that were awarded last year that would leave the overall program budget at just over $2.8 million for the other three phases uh then the schedule that we're anticipating after today and uh if Council Awards next Tuesday uh we are anticipating beginning of construction middle of April and then completion of construction by the end of the year and with that that's all I have so if you have any questions happy to answer any questions and just to be clear you're only recommending number one and number three bid altern B al' okay okay any questions not I'll take a motion in a second thank you so much for being here okay please cast your vote yeah motion passes thank you very much moving on to item three discussion items Mr Todd do we have anything we don't have anything else okay item four uh subcommittee reports any subcommittee reports anything to take note of okay um item five update on status of maps 4 program Mr Todd I have a whole lot going on I think you all understand there's a lot in design working behind the scenes uh had a big meeting yesterday on Stadium so the multi-purpose stadium is is moving along with design Palomar plans are getting close to being wrapped up we should be bringing that to you for bids here soon same thing with the diversion Hub same thing with sidewalks we got our first package of sidewalks bus stops are out on the street I think that bids next week our first package there animal shelter will be coming to you later this summer um late summer and but it's well in design and Parks will be coming to you here pretty soon fantastic I did want to ask uh about the youth centers I met with a group of community folk last week and they were particularly interested in the Parks master plan and as well as as the location of the youth centers y still still being worked on right now um I'll be bringing those to you here in the near future okay and are you all to the point where you all are selecting sites or is that what you're working on or so we're working with the operator to to come up with with potential sites and that'll be presented to the subcommittee perfect thank you great question anything else okay um thank you Mr Todd um moving on to item six comments by board staff and citizens do we have any citizens signed up no um anything more from staff no ma'am okay any comments from the board I just want to say thank you for your continued commitment to these projects um they are transformational truly and as we start seeing more coming up out of the ground it's going to be more and more exciting um moving on to item8 uh adjournment so we are adjourned thank you

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