good morning I would like to call to order the March 14th meeting of the McGee Creek Authority the first item on the agenda is a resolution of appreciation for Brett weard assistant utilities director charity would you read that please yes whereas Brett weard is retiring on March 28 2024 after 30 years of exemplary service to the Citizens Council Members trustees and Senior leadership of the City of Oklahoma City and whereas Mr weart since 2001 has served as the assistant director of utilities and intermittently served as a surrogate trustee for the McGee Creek Authority and whereas Mr weart prepared recommended water sale cont contract procedures and pricing options for marketing McGee Creek Authority participants water to customers along the McGee Creek Authority and Okuma City Water Utilities trust pipelines with respective cost recovery procedures and adoption by both trusts in 1996 and whereas Mr wear assisted trustees in transferring the ownership title of the McGee Creek headquarters Pump Station pipeline facilities and easements to the McGee Creek Authority and whereas with the assistance of the municipal counselor's office Mr weart provided briefings to trustees enabling them to establish alqua share procedures to account for financial contributions and inl credits from sales of Water by participants water customers in compliance with the amended trust and denture and whereas Mr weart provided Financial technical support to the US Department of interior and the Bureau of Reclamation in marketing the McGee Creek Water Supply with the eventual sale of water to new customers along the Atoka p pipeline lessening Financial burdens on the McGee Creek Authority participant members and whereas Mr weart authored the first Bureau of recomendation Reclamation McGee Creek Authority water conservation plan in 2006 that Federal officials used as a guideline for helping other Reservoir projects prepare their plans now therefore be it resolved by the trustees of the McGee Creek Authority that they do hereby gratefully recognize the contributions of Brett weart and thank him for 30 years of meritorious service to the McGee Creek Authority and congratulate him on his retirement thank you Jerry is there a motion to approve the resolution so moved so moves second second we have a motion in second so if if you've enjoyed working with Brad over the last 30 years I may or may not have hired him it if you've had some challenging times with Brad it's a little fuzz I don't really remember how we got there I'm I'm just no Brett congratulations you served the the utility well you've you've made numerous uh involved been involved in numerous improvements uh throughout the utility from all kinds of operational Financial got our credit rating up to AAA we've done done significant things to improve uh the utility and the citizens of Oklahoma City and the state of Oklahoma are much better off because of your service to the to the City of Oklahoma City so thank you for your service I would I'd also like to add chairman um Brett thank you for your friendship over the last 12 years of my service on the council in aoka having uh the ability to pick up the phone and call and say hey how how do we work on these things and and not even be tied to mgee Creek just items we needed in Atoka and that that uh that response um is just incredible thank you for your service and appreciate your friendship I'd like to add um you know Brett's been a very valuable member of the team uh anything that needed to be done he was always willing to step up and get it done and he will be missed so thank you so much for your service Brett all right all those in favor of the resolution please indicate by saying I I oppose the same sign it carries Brett congratulations does that mean he retires now you [Applause] can thank you sir item two is approval of the minutes of the September 14th meeting it's in your packet do the uh trustees have any concerns or questions regarding the minutes yes seeing none is there a motion to approve the minutes so moved motion second and a second all in favor indicated by saying I I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item three is a consent docket there are uh 11 items on the consent docket there's everything from some contract amendments uh selection of our banks auditor a number of U of uh amendments change orders a couple of contracts um are there any items on the consent docket that any of the trustees would like to pull for individual consideration seeing none is there a motion to approve the consent dock it in its entirety so moved motion second in a second do we have a motion in a second all in favor indicate by saying I I I opposed the motion carries next up is items for individual consideration item 4A is receive the annual financial report and Communications related to the audit for the McGee Creek Authority for fiscal year anded June 30th 2023 Mr chairman J John Samuel will be doing the presentation this morning excellent good morning chairman and the trustees Jiffy John Samuel Financial operations manager here this agenda item that you have it receives the fi23 annual Financial report for the Mee Creek Authority the city's finance department is responsible for providing accounting services for the trust and it helped prepare the financial document providing financial statements and Analysis the accounting services division ensures that the transactions of the trust are recorded accurately making sure that we are in compliant with the generally accepted accounting principles in compliance with the state with the statutory requirement the trust engaged external Auditors Alan gibs and holik LC to conduct its audit on the financial statement for fiscal year 2023 the external Auditors found that the MCA financials were presented fairly and were free of any material findings the overall Financial condition of the trust uh fa slightly lower in comparison to the previous fiscal year some of the highlights include the net position a decrease in the amount of 62 632,000 25 in comparison to Prior year for an ending position of 74 million $767,000 the operating revenues for the meie creek were recorded at 1.17 million and the operating expenses were recorded at 1.75 million the operating expenses so saw a slight increase roughly around 126,000 and this is partly attributed to increase in personal services cost operations and maintenance the operating revenues decreased by 4.46 million and this is due to the changes in the cash requirement tied to the mag Creek dep service that are secured by the alqua share revenues from the participants of the authority The Authority also implemented several new accounting standards in fiscal year 2023 and none of them had any impact any material impact on the trust financials I would also like to point out excuse me i' would also like to point out an important mention in the financial statement during fiscal year 2023 that the M Creek revenue bonds series 1992 were paid off the revenue bonds uh the the series 1992 revenue bonds uh were issued to purchase the storage rights and related assets um which in turn repaid the construction cost for the Bureau of Reclamation for the M reservo last but not the least I also want to take this opportunity to thank the accounting services division from the finance department who helped prepare this financial statement and also the business manager vesa gar for her leadership and guidance throughout the review process of this financial statement with that said I'll be happy to take any questions if you all may have as I read the audit uh it appears to be what's referred to as a Caan audit sir okay that that's delid um any questions regarding the audit do I have a u a motion to receive the annual financial report and and audit so moved second we have a motion in second all in favor indicate by saying I I I oppose the same sign and the motion carries thank you Jeffy thank you Item B is a presentation on the McGee Creek Authority fiscal year 2025 budget chairman Brandy wolfkill will be presenting the budget along with Mark long good morning chairman and trustees I'm Brandy wolfkill and I'm here to present the fy2 McGee Creek Authority budget my aim today is to highlight the key aspects of our financial plan for the upcoming year the sources for this year's Finance fiscal year total is $1,492 th000 this includes raw water sales from the aoka rule Water District 4 estimated to be $578,000 this does contain a rate plan adjustment interest earnings are estimated to be at $2,000 reflecting a shift from previous years years due to the defeasance of bond accounts in FY 23 leaving only our operating accounts contributing to the interest earnings for fiscal year 25 we anticipate the Bureau of Reclamation reimbursement to be $70,000 this reimbursement is tied to a long-standing contract dating back to the 1990s under this Arrangement the bo represent or reimburse 8.55% of eligible expenses linked to omm and capital expenditures concerning the dam and reservoirs ait's aloquete share component is anticipated to be approximately $6.6 million and then the remainder of our sources comes in the form of a loan from aquit to McGee Creek Authority and is anticipated to be $3,280 th000 so within our operations we have earmarked $440,000 for person services this encompasses salaries benefits and retirement contributions for our McGee Creek employees this allocation incorporates Provisions for both cost of living adjustments and Merit adjustments to the pay plan we're expecting a 2% increase in our contracts and services bringing that total value to $852,000 this is largely due to expenses in insurance and service contracts additionally we have factored a slight increase in our expenditures on equipment and supplies this increase is mainly fueled by escalating cost in our pump and motor refurbishment program along with higher expenses in both our tires and tubes as a result we anticipate the estimated value of equipment and supplies to reach $137,000 our operating and CIP Reserve is estimated at $300,000 and this is a reserve that we establish in FY 23 which helps provide funding Authority for any unforeseen operating expenses or Capital emergency repairs and with that I will hand this presentation over to Mark long who will be able to provide insight into our Capital expenditures thank you the uh capital budget is 8 proposed to be 8,763 th000 included in that will be Pump Station and pipeline facility improvements in the amount of 5 milon $200,000 the MCA headquarters and residence building those projects have been underway for several years but they will total at 3, 50,000 the equipment replacement will be 254,000 for Bo projects as Brandy mentioned in the agreement where we'll be doing repairs and maintenance items that are recommended by the BR is budgeted at 150,000 and then some additional technology improvements of 109,000 related to the new headquarter building and residence as we are bringing those buildings online I would like to add that the pump station and pipeline facility that 5.2 million was identified as part of a 2018 facility assessment that has been uh deferred until budget funds were made available and that has now come to a realization so we'll be able to start on those uh very needed uh imp improvements to The Pump Station facilities themselves with that we can answer any questions $8.7 million is all-time high for Capital from mgee Creek I assume so so I mean doing the pump station doing doing the the facilities uh the headquarters and such what do we see as the capital projection over the next several years on and and I'll talk about it a little bit more in the update um well I can wait till then if that's more appropriate we go to the next slide so on the on the pump station when we did the facility assessment in 2018 we took an asset management approach and so we've been looking at it working with uh Ron and Byron down there as far as what they've been able to improve and maintain so the the 5.2 is what we are going going to reassess and then start putting out in bid packages over the next 2 to three years I'm confused on that so so you're you're going to bid the 5.2 out over multiple years or there's going to be more beyond the 5.2 well what we're we're we're designing for that 5.2 we believe we'll be able to have those projects ready but we've had some issues where we've had to roll over to the next year and and that's really due to the how the the budget is versus what we expend I don't really care year to year I'm just looking at total future capital projects I know they get bumped from this 5.2 million is basically addressing all of the capital needs that were identified in 2018 so in the next few years outside of rollover of this 8.7 the capital budget should decrease significantly that is correct okay very good thank you are there any questions regarding the the budget seeing none we'll move on to item B2 which is a resolution adopting the McGee Creek Authority fiscal year 2025 budget Capital Improvement projects and pay plan and directing general manager to implement and administer the budget and capital Improvement projects including but not limited to development of plans specifications bid solicitations bid evaluations contract negotiations and award recommendations in accordance with McGee Creek Authority purchasing policies and procedures and delegating to the chairman The Authority the authority to award and execute contracts as needed which comply with applicable law and that do not exceed the funds available in the McGee Creek Authority fiscal year 2025 budget pursuant here to for ratification by the trustees is there an motion to approve the resolution so Mo motion approves in a second all in favor indicate by saying I I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item C is a fiscal year 2025 loan agreement with the Oklahoma City water utilities trust estimated cost of $ 3.28 million Mr chairman jivy John Samuel will present this item uh good morning chairman of the trustees again uh this particular agenda item is part of the uh ongoing uh support agreement where the aquit is um supporting the Mei Creek Authority with ongoing operations and expenses and this is uh consistent with what's been done historically with the McGee Greek authorities relationship with the home City Water de dress yes okay any questions regarding the loan agreement is there a motion for approval so Move Motion second have a motion in a second all in favor indicate by saying I I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item D is a resolution directing the general manager to request participants to par make an election regarding annual eloquent call cost for fiscal year 2025 in accordance with the McGee Greek amended trust and denture staff recommends approval of this item Mr chairman and again this is uh in line with what we've historically done with our relationship with the with the participants any questions is there a motion for approval so move second we have a motion in a second all in favor indicated by saying I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item e to keep the operation going we have a resolution approving McGee Creek Authority funds as to such become available for fiscal year 2025 equipment replacement authorizing the general manager or design need to purchase such equipment items from State and other intergovernmental Cooperative purchasing contracts bid and awarded in a manner consistent with the practices of the trust Andor state law and directing the general manager or designate to prepare bed specifications or requests for proposals for remaining equipment for formally advertise and present derived project contracts to the trust for consideration of award and authorizing the general manager or designated to declare fiscal year 2025 Surplus items that are sold for more than $25,000 as surplus of the needs of the McGee Creek Authority estimated cost $254,000 do we have questions from regarding item e see none is there a motion for approval so moveed second we have a motion and a second all in favor indicate by saying I I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item f is a resolution authorizing the general manager to update McGee Creek Authority Personnel policies Mr Browning Mr chairman we would like to make make sure that all of our employees have the same set of rules and practices and policies in place including migy Creek um so we're updating the McGee Creek Authority uh Personnel policies to uh be consistent with the Oklahoma City employee policies um and so at this time we recommend approval of this item so that we can update their policies accordingly are there significant changes or are they morally in line with existing the the first one is um secondary employment to match our secondary employment uh terms and conditions um and that's pretty much it other than you know we we try to keep their pay consistent with with the pay of the employees here and so on and so forth but but that secondary employment is one of the items that needs to be updated all right any questions regarding the modifications of the Personnel policies no seeing none is there a motion for approval so moveed second second have a motion second all in favor indicate by saying I I I oppose the same sign the motion carries item five is items from trustee any items for this morning all right see none General management reports item a water use report for calendar year 2023 Mr chairman Ron Butler would be happy to provide us with that information morning Mr buter good morning Mr chairman trustees water use report for year 2023 this is a annual report turned into the water resources board with a total public water use of 7.8 billion gallons a total of 7.5 billion gallons were transferred over to Lake of TOA and and then the remainder of that is 368 million gallons that was sold locally mostly to Rural Water District 4 and I believe one month of that was a sales to the city of TOA the second page of that report is just a monthly breakdown of the same information and if I may I'll proceed to the operations report great you the uh operations of McGee Creek since our last meeting is a fair fairly routine in nature we did uh not have anything come about unexpected things are ready to run right now we're almost 100% not in this report as we recently uh removed one pump and motor to be refurbished so we still have the capabilities of moving 70 million gallons a day if the need AR Rises a few events that happened uh during these past few months it I want to noce some events that we had with the Bureau of Reclamation we attended a dam tender training which is necessary every four years in uh January here at Norman in January the 23rd we did a functional EAP exercise with 20 people in attendance and 10 online so it's a pretty good group for us that went very well without any hiccup there was no recommendations when that was over end of January the bureau was at McGee Creek again for a mechanical inspection that's of the river Outlet works the alni everything Associated to the dam they turn every switch push every button make sure every light shines and there was nothing they found wrong there I'm pleased to report as recent as yesterday and we'll talk more about this in the next dress meeting the Bureau of Reclamation was back for their annual side inspection and that went well there may one recommendation come out of that and now if I may we'll move on to the lake level and pumpage Report rainfall we had uh five months that we was below normal but by the end of the year we exceeded our yearly average over an inch and a half of rain Reservoir has been 100% full or better for most of the year we had a water pumpage to uh TOA Lake in the amount of 24341 28 acre feet and electrical cost of close to $400,000 and that is all I have any questions thank you any questions or comments from Mr Butler thank you sir thanks thank you next up is the presentation regarding project updates Mr long click out of there okay and click oh sorry yes thank you Mr chairman and trustees this is the capital Improvement program um update of the project statuses that we are underway with or have completed wc35 is the facility Road improvements if you recall about 3 years ago we started the process of updating many of the roads surrounding uh the McGee Creek area that are of responsibility of MCA uh those six sections of roadway were the Pump Station Road Dam Road Spillway Road and Dyke Road those those being now completed under WMC 0351 by Ellsworth construction the final projected or project is at two a little over 2.1 million we also have a a WMC 0352 which will be uh phased after the completion of the headquarter building in the residence and that will address Ferris South Ferris Road and the crossover Road and that's a map showing you the roads that we have left the main roads are the ones that tie into the headquarter building we don't want those to be improved and then have all the heavy traffic over the next year while we're constructing the headquarter building WMC 036 and WMC 039 are our uh Bureau Reclamation inspection uh recommendations and regulating tank improvements uh that project was awarded in June of 23 to Nash Construction we are at about 90% complete now at this time and we do expect to complete the project uh for this in May of this year uh one of the key items on this was this was redoing the electrical that you can see there on the slide this was electrical conduit and wiring that was faulty that is critical to the operation of the pump facility on the dam slope itself WMC 037 revised this was our second attempt at bidding out the McGee Creek headquarter building um we did open those bids and are planning to award that to maill construction uh in the amount of 2.9 Million U this will include a new headquarter building plus a shop and other site improvements and we anticipate that it will be completed in May of 2025 we will hold off on demolishing the existing headquarter building and residence so that uh both this and the new project will be completed this is a rendering of the of the shop and the headquarter building this is WMC 37-1 which is the resident replacement uh We've advertised that and we are expecting to open bids in aoka on March 26 uh so in a couple of weeks and we have a budget of that of $350,000 WMC 04r is the cathodic protection these are one of this is one of those projects that came up uh during the process of uh looking at the annual uh uh conditions uh we had to rebid and we awarded this project to win Construction in October we are approximately 65% complete and we anticipate this one will be completed in May of 24 and with that I can answer any other questions that you may have thank you sir are there any questions from Mr long C none I would entertain a motion to approve the uh in one motion to approve the general management reports AB andc so moved have a motion second we have a motion in second all in favor indicate by approval by saying I I I oppose the same sign and the motion carries I'm not aware of any citizens to be heard uh I wish everybody a very happy Pi Day and with that we are adjourned e e e e e e e well good morning everyone thank you for joining us I call to order the meeting of the lake a TOA reservation Association and a little housekeeping before we get started as uh voting members if you could it was requested of me that we give uh some type of modification or motion as to who made the motion and who made the second for the minutes keeping uh it assists the ladies that are doing that so did I do a good enough job okay all right so it's not on me anymore we'll move forward so all right uh first item for consideration is approval of the minutes of September 14th 2023 meeting do I hear a motion to approve those minutes is there any questions on those minutes second have a motion in a second all those in favor motion by saying I I I I all those opposed same sign motion carries uh items for individual consideration a resolution recommending Oklahoma City water utility trust receive and approve the lake aoka reservation Association fiscal year 2025 budget for $63,750 do I hear a motion to approve is there any questions first I guess do I hear a motion to approve so moved okay second have a motion and second all those in favor motion by saying I I I all those opposed same sign motion carries Item B receive financial statement and report of independent Auditors for fiscal year in 20 or June 30th 2023 do we have anyone that's going pres or just move for any any any questions yes is this considered a clean audit you just thought you were getting good morning yes it's a clean order excellent thank you sir any other questions okay have have a motion second second all those in favor I say I I all those oos same sign motion carries are there any items from board members right hearing none we'll move on items from the city of AA Lake Patrol and activity report as provided by police chief of the city of aoka Chief Dodson good morning sir good morning I don't have anything exceptional to add to the report U we are in kind of Final Phase of the boat project upgrade and continue to struggle with personel issues like so many do so okay very good do I have a motion to any questions for the chief do I hear a motion to approve the report so mooved so moved second uh a motion is second all those in favor I I I I all those opposed same sign motion carries as we move on to the general man report good morning sir thank you Mr chairman uh lake levels and pumpage report will be presented by Byron Trent good morning everyone on the U lake level and pumpage report I don't have a whole lot to add um to it our current Lake elevation is you know we're about an inch or a foot and a half below normal uh we are anticipating um everything to be topped off with the spring rings I did uh prepare kind of a resiliency checkin for for our pump stations for basically meeting everybody's needs uh I'd like to focus a little bit of time and attention this morning on the PowerPoint presentation if I can proceed so the southeast water supply um resiliency check in basically our major pump pumping station system components consist of our Motors uh pumps Motors or vfds or plc's surge systems balancing tanks and the last portion of it is our forecasted budgeted Capital Improvement budget for FY through FY 28 um this is the internals of the TOA station um a lot of people are curious of what what that actually looks like in there uh the picture on the right is one of our pumps that's coming back from rehab uh those get set up with crane they actually get lowered in through the roof it's pretty extensive process uh the picture on the left is um there's four pumps in that basement area in the last four years we've rehabilitated um three of the four in the last four years we did have one that had a a critical failure and that fourth pump is on order and is anticipated to arrive November 2025 um we're looking forward to having that back this year's the final year for us to rehab all 16 pumps on the south end of the pipeline on average we spent um 77,500 per pump with a total cost of approximately $1.2 million um when we get into our pumps we have two types we have a horizontal and we have a split case uh picture on the left is basically when we break these things open what what we're getting into after they go through the rehabilitation process uh the picture on the right uh deals with some of the internal repair and refinement the uh rotating assembly goes out um kind of on our rotating assemblies we've initially when these were bought we invested a little bit more money with some stainless steel shafts and impellers that was a good investment those are holding up really well um this is kind of the upper picture of one of the split case pumps uh currently these are our electric motors currently we're running a predictive um maintenance analysis for quarterly testing and all of our Motors are coming back with good scores still within factory specs U as part of our Capital Improvement we'll begin cycling these out 2027 um for rehabilitation services um or predictive maintenance analysis that we're going through right now will help us determine which ones need to go out first um our plc's are kind of the brains of these pump stations that talk back and forth with each other uh we have replaced all of our plc's which is our program logic and control um part of this year we're spending a focused portion on our vfds uh rehabbing some of the major components of those uh we do have some smaller um cards that we've also because recent Market challenges increased our uh Supply because lead time is there so if we have an event and we have a failure we can get back up and running um another portion of our pumping system is our surge system basically our surge system has been online for roughly three years and has been deployed during some of our severe weather power outages uh this system prevents major line breaks and is working as designed um with the added layer protection basically we're safeguarding against brakes ensuring that we can pump consistently and preventing costly line repairs um another portion of our system is our balancing tanks uh two of the three balancing tanks on the south end have been replaced we do have one final that will need to be U replaced when um a later phase of the new pipeline construction um we currently have nine Capital Improvement project numbers associated with our pumping operations uh the biggest of this is split amongst the pumps Motors vfds and pills our yearly allocation breakout from 24 excuse me 2024 to 2028 is right at $12 million um as we move through this time range um sure we'll have new things that will pop up on the radar and we will work to get Capital Improvement funds for those as well and um a lot of what we do uh would not be possible without a lot of the people here today people in the audience and some that are will no longer be with us shortly so uh we we just want to say thank you for thank you to everybody for the U assistance and helping us do what we do and deliver our service to City of Oklahoma City all our raw water customers in the city of AA and that is all I have on our resiliency checkin are there any questions you said you had one critical failure of a pump yes sir how does that affect our day-to-day so our pump stations are designed to have one um down extra pump and motor so that when we have a failure we can bring that one back on line and keep us at full capacity right now we can pump at full capacity but if we had a event that at that same station it would reduce our capacity to about 60 to 65 million a day until we were able to get that back online any other questions thank you Byron uh next we're going to have a presentation on the projects uh an update Larry hair good morning see here here we go all right status of various TOA projects that we have currently under construction uh the TOA Lake Road which was severely beaten up during the uh time when the dam was being rehabilitated is shown here on the South Side here in yellow and and also the north side of the road in red had lots of alligator cracking and separation due to movement of the soil base uh we bid this project very recently um we bid them both at the same time one the one that was beaten up by the dam construction uh we bid as a base bid the second part of the road we bid as an ad alternate to encourage more biders to participate as well as to see if we can actually afford um both ends of the road because of the budgetary constraints that we have um luckily we had several biders the uh competition was very tight um the apparent low bidder is elworth construction for a total cost of $ 7.56 million and we expect this whole thing to be done by the end of this year for the aoka pipeline projects we got several currently um going online um out of 98.6 miles of the to the second ATA pipeline that being constructed I have roughly half of it under construction um going uh in order of the pump station projects from the south to the Northwest uh uh the the section from Pump Station o to Colgate it's about 14 miles long the contractor's Oscar r uh they are about 56% complete with the pipeline installed we expect that to be done in October of next year moving on from Stonewall to Ada since we have not bid the Colgate to Stonewall section yet um it's almost 10 miles long uh the contractor mck we expect this to be done in h June of next year uh they currently have roughly one mile of pipe installed 874 which is from the Ada Pump Station to uh the river crossing of the Canadian river is almost 9 miles long the contractor here is also M utilities um we expect this to be done in July of this year um and they have roughly 98% of their pipeline segment installed the river crossing which is um we're tunneling two new uh bores underneath the uh Canadian River um one for the brand new 72-in segment of the uh new Pipeline and one to replace the aerial Crossing as you can see here going through the middle um they are about 99% complete they're redoing or actually they're finishing construction on on air vaults and uh getting ready to uh hand it over to mcke to uh complete the connections for the existing pipeline um that operation has been coord is being coordinated with our operations staff out in the field and uh hopefully that will be done in later this month or next month uh moving on to 877 which is from cona to about halfway to mome um it's about 10 miles long again the key utilities has this project uh it's expected to be complete in July of next year and uh pipe deliveries for this particular project will begin uh later on this month uh projects I have uh coming up next for this calendar year would be Pump Station o which would be a brand new pump station that will transfer water from iggee Creek all the way up to the new pipeline to uh Draper also two more segments of the uh uh pipeline uh from Colgate to Stonewall and from uh the Canadian river uh to the cona Pump Station and I will entertain any questions you may have so Larry the uh the crossing the existing crossing over the South Canadian river leaks pretty good it looks very well yes yeah so with the new with the New River Crossing At what point will we be able to benefit get beneficial use out out of the Cross unit and and uh bypass the uh existing AAL Crossing um probably an April or May of this year really yes that's great thank you you're very welcome thank you Larry you been that's all I have Mr chairman very good thank you sir this time are there any I don't know of any citizens to be heard if there any citizens to be heard this is the time hearing none we are adjourned thank you for your time today