Kathy Griffith here Jason Blair here Glen Lewis Louie Williams here Adam web here Melissa Hunt here um and with us tonight we have the Girl Scouts who are going to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you thank you very much all right um item two is the consent doc item a receive and approve the minutes of the regular city council meeting held January 16th 2024 Item B receive the minutes of the regular parks board meeting held December 5th 2023 item C except 400.03 Square ft of permanent rideway and 3 3,840 24 sare F feet of temporary construction easement from Jeremy s Larson and Lindsay n Larsson for the construction of the South Bryant and Southeast 4th Street um and drainage Improvement project except 4.10 square feet of permanent rideway and 34020 square ft of temporary construction easement from Robert E Rogers revocable living trust from for construction of the southeast Bryant or yeah South Bryant and Southeast Fourth Street drainage Improvement project approve and ratify claims and expenditures for fiscal year 2023 2024 in the amount of 3,9 11,257 37 motion to approve second have a motion in second will you call the vote Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes item passes item three consider approval of an agreement with Pinnacle Consulting Management Group Inc in the amount of $236,300 million from ACOG so it'll have OD do funding therefore we have to follow all of the right all of the OD do requirements as far as acquisition uh of RightWay on this particular project and this this contract includes so all RightWay staking for approximately 50 51 Parcels uh there are a total of 29 Parcels uh some have temporary constructions some have uh permanent uh or construction temporary uh Construction ruction easement and then some have permanent rideway so we'll have to stake those um we have to have two appraisals uh one appraiser that does the actual appraiser and then OD do requires an appraiser to be hired to review the appraisal um and then the RightWay acquisition process uh so U Pinnacle has a lot of experience with uh the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and we would recommend approval of the contract make a motion to approve second a motion a second you call the vote Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam Webb yes Kathy Griffith yes Melissa Hunt yes item passes item four consider approval of amendment number two in the amount of $36,500 to the to the agreement with Garver LLC for additional Design Services and legal descriptions for the Eastern Avenue reconstruction project from Northeast 12th Street to nor to Southeast 19th Street the the changes or additional uh design work that are um uh were request they requesting fees for uh include the intersection of Northeast 12th Street and uh Eastern Avenue uh from actually 9th Street Northeast 9th Street on Easter goes up and then back east on on um 12th Street um to flicker Ridge uh the original project was set up to just do panel Replacements uh on the 12th Street portion from flicker Ridge to the in section of 12th Street and Eastern and um as we got into it and also received the additional money it was felt that let's go ahead and and do the full reconstruction of that intersection so it required additional design of the intersection and the improvements in addition uh the intersection is very very crowded with um um utilities and so what we're trying to do with our water relocations is uh utilize the um uh retail parking lots uh in the area uh to AC acquire easements through there so they have to uh prepare additional legal descriptions as part of this for this project we'd recommend approval of the amendment motion to approve second have a motion in second we call the vote please Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Melissa hun yes item passes item five consider approval of amendment number two in the amount of $79,500 to the agreement with ch gy and Company for additional design services for Southwest 34 Street widening and reconstruction project from I35 to Broadway and North to Willow Pine um vice mayor and Council the changes in the additional services that they're going to provide um this particular project we have broken up into from one original project that included the entire length just described uh we we are now breaking the project project into into two phases and we will bid uh the plans will be prepared as two separate projects uh so part of the funding for this is uh breaking the project up and having to do all of the services that are required for an initial project uh but double those uh work Services the other portion of this is the the uh box structure that comes under uh from the north side of the I believe it's the Lakewoods um and addition on the North side uh to the to the South Side just west of Eastern that that uh it would be the South uh West Corner um there's a bunch of erosion and it's just eating away the entire lot in that area and so uh what we decided instead of just extend the easement across the road for four lanes we would go ahead and take and build a box structure that goes back to the east to Eastern and then turn and go a little bit South along Eastern and they're designing that box structure uh for for this particular uh to be able to take care and handle this we' recommend approval of the change to app second have a motion in second will you call the vote Yes Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Melissa Hunt yes item six consider approval of a REV job job description for recreation coordinator in the Parks and Recreation Department change the job title from program coordinator and assign it change the job title to program coordinator and assign it to pay grade 110 of the salary table approved by City Council on June 20th 2016 and in accordance with the budget approved by city council for fiscal year 2324 Vice May and Council the Parks and Recreation Department is requesting your approval of the submitted draft for revised job description for recreation coordinator the revision will include a title change to program coordinator and will allow the title and duties of the position to reflect changes and how the department provides programming for adult and youth recreation activities Special Events sports club development and the development of programming for child watch kids club and the summer day camps if this revised job description is approved there will be no change to the pay grade assigned staff recommends approval and placement of this budgeted job description in pay grade 110 of the city salary table as approved by Council in 2016 make a motion to approve second for motion and second we call the vote please Kathy ruith yes Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes um item set seven consider approval of a revised job description for environmental service manager in the community development department and assign it to pay grade 117 of the salary table approved by city council on June 20th 2016 and in accordance with the budget approved by city council for fiscal year 23224 Vice Mar and Council the Community Development Department is requesting your approval of the submitted draft for a revised job description for environmental services manager this revision became necessary after the resignation of the former employee in that position to reflect changes in the Community Development Department including storm water quality management activities we also increased the education and experience requirements for the disposition if the revised job description is approved it would move from pay grade 111 to pay grade 117 to more accurately accurately account for these significant changes staff does recommend approval and placement of this budgeted job description in pay grade 117 of the city salary table is approved by Council in 2016 motion to approve second a motion in a second we call the vote Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes hun yes item eight consider approval of a revised job description for Parks maintenance supervisor in the Parks and Recreation Department and assign it to pay grade 113 of the salary table approved by City Council on June 20th 2016 and in and in accordance with the budget approved by city council for fiscal year 2324 Vice May and Council the Parks and Recreation Department is requesting your approval of the submitted draft for a revised job description for Parks maintenance supervisor this revision will allow the title and duties of the position to reflect changes that have occurred in the last several years including the reporting relationship the description of the position and the specific supervisory areas assigned if this revised job description is approved there will be no change to the pay grade assigned and staff recommends approval and placement of this budgeted job description pay grade 113 of the city salary table as approved by Council in 2016 make a motion to approve second a motion and second we call the vote please Lou Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Melissa Hunt yes item nine consider approval of a sports agreement for the 20 2024 more youth baseball program held at Buck Thomas Park vice mayor and Council we received approval to send out requests for a proposals at the December 18th 2023 council meeting we received our four proposal after review we selected two of the organizations as finalists after interviewing both organization it is our recommendation to select MBA for 2024 in Reading their proposal and hearing their presentation we feel that myba will be a much better organization going forward they have reviewed our proposed lease agreement and did not raise any concerns and they have paid all of their lease payments through through this year recommend approval do anybody have any questions yep y so I have two people um signed up to speak first up Barry Williams if you'll come up and state your name and you have five minutes and address please I know you know the drill hope everyone of you got my email that has these papers in there except for you I didn't send you one I'm sorry but I'll give you these I'm here tonight to talk to you about more youth baseball in the Barry Williams 1061 Northwest 6 Street more Oklahoma 73160 I'm here tonight to talk to you about more youth baseball in the city of Mo's relationship I know this is a new board kind of and I have nothing against Casey or Craig they're just trying to keep the league going but I would ask that the city that say that no one that has served on the board in recent years for nyba be allowed to serve on the new board except for Casey and Craig I would also like for the city to audit nyba for the past 5 years and find out what if any happened to all the money and I'll explain this to you in a minute I would also request that anybody that is required to have a background check in any Sports organization be required to wear a lanyard with their name just so people will know that these have had been background checked because apparently they've been doing background checks on people for I don't know how long and that's one of the requirements in the in the contract now the audit now these figures I'm going to tell you come off the UTSA website for tournaments the nyba tournament page for entry fees and the nyba annual report for 2023 would you be surprised if I told you that in 2023 nyba tournaments they should have collected $337,000 this is only for gate fees and Tournament entry fees they reported 5,800 36 in income for 2023 tournaments as a more citizen I'm concerned about where the other $300,000 went now the city is supposed to oversee the program in December 2023 it decided to terminate the agreement between the city of more and the NBA this was due to the NBA not turning in monthly reports now the city is saying they're going to keep better track but let's take a look at the yearly financial statements for nyba that has turned over to the city in the last three years and these and according to the contract the city can request all financial documents and detailed accounts of financial operations and give them to the city's financial department and if you're wondering why if you look at the 2021 financial statement from nyba it states that it paid the Umpire in charge $192,000 this is on their financial report now this is a they pay at the plate before every game each team has to pay the umpires why are we paying $192,000 for an Umpire in charge for one year the the tournament director got paid $26,000 and nyba was negative $772,000 at the end of the season and they spent $1,100 on trophies now in 2022 the tournament income was $58,000 they didn't pay a tournament director according to their financial statements and they spent $20,000 on Trophies the UIC was paid 25,000 now the M the nyba league had a net income of $5,500 is anyone seeing why none of this makes sense we go from the UIC getting paid $192,000 to $25,000 and a tournament director that gets paid nothing in 2022 I'm sorry but the city's not doing a good job auditing this now in 2023 the NB asked for new restrooms the city architects the city paid Architects $50,000 for the plans and now myba says we don't want to pay that much for them but according to the lease agreement they're supposed to pay 25% did we collect 25% of the $50,000 or do we just let it pass then we get to 2023 and you've heard that they made $5,800 on tournaments but if you look at the team and gate entry fees and each one of you should have got this MH and your email and all I did was take the number of teams that were signed up on the UA website multiplied that times the team entry fee and on the gate fees which they do a uh pull play on Saturday and then elimination ter on Sunday so all the teams have to come back so I just doubled what the gate fee would be two adults per child and an average of 10 players a team which some have more 30 seconds left so what I'm requesting is that the city council hire an independent auditor to go over the nyba books for at least the Last 5 Years and find out what happened to these kids money and that it I thank you for listening next up is Patrice Williams thank you Patrice Williams 1061 Northwest 6th Street on number three of the contract the new contract under consideration it says a payment a full payment of $6,400 is due by April 1st 2024 any monies that are not paid by the given dates can result in immediate termination of the contract we know from previous contract that probably won't happen nyba went a full year in 2022 without paying their lease all year um 2023 they paid it late the city allowed nyba to to sign a new contract in 2023 even after nyba did not pay in 2022 on page two of the 2023 contract the association will be will be respons ible to pay $6,400 to the city by the first tournament game of the 2023 Season the full payment of $6,400 is due by the first tournament or League game of the 2003 summer season failure to pay in full by the first terminate game will result in immediate immediate termination of this agreement the city did not hold nyba accountable and the city was not held accountable the C City terminated the contract in early December 2023 there was no reason to terminate that contract the contract was already terminated when they didn't pay um number four facility Park Improvement account lease payments made to the city and the trust will be dedicated for repairs of improvement for designed softball facilities that should be changed to baseball because it's baseball not softball bookkeeping failure by the Association to to submit Financial records to the city shall constitute a material breach of contract and may result in fines or even termination of this agreement there were no fines for nyba for not doing anything they weren't supposed to do or they were supposed to do and chose not to um and that's according to NBA records Financial records City needs to be better the city has several contracts and sever with several different companies and nonprofits are all contracts just signed and forgotten about does anybody oversee them because they're not this one or they didn't if the city wanted certain people out of leadership in nyba this was not the way to go about it the sh the city should be ashamed of what they put the new board of myba through coach and parents even the city was not in compliance with the contract thank you thank you m williamses anybody else want to speak on this item Brooks have we looked into some of the concerns for Mr Mrs Williams we're in the process of doing that okay I do I mean do we is this something we want to this is new information to me are you uh our our recommendation is after after reviewing the four proposals that were submitted uh the interview on the uh two finalists uh a discussion with uh myself Parks director Sue Wood Assistant Parks director Whitney Wan three of the members from The Parks Board uh the recommendation was to move forward we stand by that recommendation and would hope that the council would approve this tonight okay and then I I think I mean it's our hope that moving forward we will keep um a better accounting and better um look on the what what's going on at nyba Whoever has the contract we've already developed better auditing and correction methods I'm I'm willing soft baseball contract yes it's already been changed I want to probably move forward with voting to approve it but I would like to definitely follow up with the concerns of Mr and Mrs Williams and make sure that those are addressed and because it may lead to us revisiting this if you know we find any issues yeah and in in our packet does it show I'm sorry I don't know if it still shows baseball we um made a the correct the corrected corrected version is in there so I don't want to lose my place so I don't want to go double check it but perfect anybody want to make a motion or not I'll make a motion we approve Adam made the motion so you seconded Louie I did not make a motion he did not make a motion second I have a motion in a second will you call for the vote Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Melissa Hunt yes item passes item 10 consider approval of the Sports Association agreement for 2024 for more youth soccer program at held at various city parks vice mayor and Council the next three items are renewals of the agreements that we have set up for the soccer program softball program and the football program they are renewing their agreements and are exactly as the baseball Agreements are the the new baseball agreements so the pleas mirror they mirror cont absolutely okay motion to approve second motion I second will you call the vote please Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes item passes consider approval of of Sports Association agreement for 2024 for more girls softball girls softball program at Buck Thomas Park motion to approve second motion a second we call the vote please Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Melissa Hunt yes item 12 consider approval of a Sports Association agreement for the 2024 more football program held at Buck Thomas Parks motion to approve second motion and a second will you call the vote please Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Melissa Hunt yes item passes item 13 consider reappointing Janie milum to the board of adjustment to serve a three-year term beginning August 2023 motion to approve I should say 2024 yeah it should August 2024 sorry no that's completely fine vice mayor and counsel um this is a um housekeeping item uh since the board of adjustment does not meet unless unless there are actual items to consider we have not met since before August of 20233 okay yes uh so this would be a reappointment of Janie milum to the board of adjustment serving a three-year term that is retroactive to August 20123 and just as an FYI this would be her final appointment before she is cycled off the um committee is that permanently cycle or is there a twoe weight one year three it's a one term so she would have to be off for 3 years and then she could reapply after that and that applies to all the commissions that's correct perfect make a motion to approve second motion and second we call the vote please Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Melissa Hunt yes item 14 consider approval of ordinance number 10484 amending Part 12 chapter 4 article H section 12-4 462 of the more land use development code by adding tattoo and bodypiercing parlors as a special use permit establishing use restrictions and establishing special use um revocation process providing for severability and providing for repealer uh vice mayor and Council this is a followup from the discussion that we had on January 16th um this proposed ordinance is to create a new special use permit for tattoo parlors they would be allowed in the C2 through i1 with a uh Planning Commission and city council approval only um the special use permit would have some restrictions uh it would be 1,500 ft uh from any other tattoo parlor or any other objectionable use which is defined um in the ordinance as pawn shops um plasma blood donation centers food banks um those kind of uses um additionally there would be limit on the hours of tattooing limited to between 9:00 a.m.
And 9:00 p.m. uh the special use permit would expire when businesses uh change ownership or when they move or when they cease operations and the special use permit can be revoked or suspended by city council after a 20-day notice to permittee uh for any good cause um and uh included in the good cause would be any um uh violation of city code state law or federal law um now just as a full transparency this uh ordinance does conflict with some existing codes so it is U more stringent than our current ordinance for new tattoo parlors uh so um if you are a tattoo parlor who might be located in a C5 or C6 um today you can just go in after a occupancy permit is issued um if this ordinance was approved then you would have to go go in front of Planning Commission and city council um it also creates two um I would say classes of tattoo parlors you would have the new ones that have the restrictions of the hourly operation uh and the revocation or suspension of license um but then you would have four of our we only have four tattoo parlors existing and more um they would not have these restrictions so you would be creating those uh conf uh so a reason that city council can suspend or revoke uh a special use permit uh in the proposed ordinance is for non-compliance with city code and just to touch briefly on that um this item was brought up because of a specific uh application for the Dragon's Den tattooing at 2100 Northeastern uh just in full transparency since they began their uh zoning process to get the use on review uh City staff has been called out at least five times for illegal tattooing at that location uh We've insed citations on two instances where we actually saw them performing the Tattooing in the office they've been requested numerous occasions to not conduct their business while this process is taking place and they've chosen not to do that um to disregard our our warnings um so they were issued citations they were operating tattooing uh with without the proper zoning they were operating without a valid occupancy permit and they were performing tattoo without a um valid City License business license uh we have since heard that this weekend they've relocated to a location in Oklahoma City um and knowing this uh I recommend that we table this proposed ordinance uh to give um some additional time an undetermined amount of time at this point uh for staff to research this issue and to come up with an ordinance that would not have these conflicting regulations um it may be count uh maybe the council does prefer to keep the existing code AS is it's worked since 2007 um and it does give Council review in the most um uh sensitive zoning districts which would be C2 through C4 these are the zoning districts that are most likely to be uh to AB the residential homes but it does allow tattooing by right in C5 and C6 um and again this has worked for many years Council may decide just to keep it as is for now um we can always revisit this at a later time um if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them give me an example of a C5 or C6 uh zoning area currently today um certainly so C6 is only downtown it's our downtown zoning District okay um and when I say downtown I mean Oldtown U the C5 is um located uh there's a corridor of it along 12th Street uh 12th and Janeway has C5 zoning um there is also C5 zoning along Shields um and there is C5 zoning um spattered about uh some of it is along the the I35 Corridor um along where like Main Street to the on has some C5 zoning um have we had any issues in Oldtown we have not had any uh complaints in Oldtown or any other tattoo parlors that we have existing we just haven't heard from them um citizens complaining are any of the other ones right next to a neighborhood they do they do not AB but um a residential this one would have abutted the backyards of residential homes okay so uh I I think I would in the future I think I would like us for us to address that distance okay yep absolutely for now you're okay with tabling and yeah yeah I'm totally fine yeah I think we should table i' may make a motion to table item 14 second I have a motion as second we call the vote please Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes thank you Elizabeth um but you've done a tremendous amount of work on this I even bothered her on vacation and I apologize um we'll now recess the city council meeting and convene the more Public Works Authority meeting um item 15 the consent doc receive and approve the minutes of the regular more Public Works Authority meeting held January 16th 2024 approve and ratify claims and expenditures for fiscal year 20 2023 2024 in the amount of $ 1,65 800 1, 65,000 $26.98 motion to approve second have a motion a second we call the vote please Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes item 16 consider authorizing the budgeted purchase of um 1,44 poly carts from Sierra container group in the amount of 86,4 4278 as the most responsible quote mayor and Council um yes I know it's 404 last time I was asked why 404 um this is for the purchase of two orders of uh polyarts each order is 702 I don't know why 700 not 700 yeah so this will be two others um we are going through polyarts faster than usual and this is partly due to new developments and people requesting for additional polycart s and some of the defects that we found on the old polyart so we solicited from three different vendors and this one they used uh virgin resin so that makes the polyarts better the quality is better and we are not seeing any returns from those so that's why we chose this one so the likelihood of us getting these is good yeah okay so no delays no okay needing them do to requests and not do to damage and yeah all these things are indestructible yes request prob have the old I have the old version I think I got mine in 2000 and so I have the score and I mean you can't destroy that thing the ciruit 2000 model yeah mine's not mine this is this is the newer and better improved 1400 make a motion to approve second a motion in a second we call the vote please Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Melissa Hunt yes um we'll now recess the more Public Works Authority meeting and um convene the more risk management meeting um item 17 is a consent doc receive and approve minutes of the regular more risk management meeting held January 16 2024 approv payment of a workers compensation settlement in the amount of $ 23,32 for CBR number 205 001071 to M John Michael Rous and authorized payment on the adalum tax rule approve and ratify claims and expenditures for fiscal year 2023 2024 in the amount of yes M hunt yes um we'll now recess the more risk management meeting and reconvene the city council meeting um item 18 new business item a Citizens forum for items not on the agenda I have two people signed up to speak uh Christopher white if you'll come up and state your name and address and then you'll have five minutes thank you my name is Christopher white I'm uh resident at 1316 Northwest 9th Street in MO uh 73170 um myself and my family been taxpaying citizens of the city of Moore since 1980 and that consists of six residences here in the city of Moore right now currently uh as my family um I was terminated I worked for the uh sanitation department from June 5th until October 10th and I was terminated um without notice I had not not been written up not been reprimanded not damaged any property of the city or any Resident um we've never had a problem with tardiness or missing work uh I missed work two times and had doctor's notes for that and I was called in one day and I was terminated um I was told that I was being terminated and I asked that I is on what grounds and they said we don't have to give you a reason and then I was escorted off the property by two more police officers and told if I come back on the property that I'm trespassing so I was treated like a criminal and uh was still never given a reason why I was being terminated um I was told that I was under a probationary period for a year and uh that I signed this agreement that they could terminate with me without cause um and uh comparison another man that was hired before me uh about five weeks before me had gone through training and was put in a side loader truck to dump trash his first week out he total somebody's car a resident's car and took out two break mailboxes with a trash truck and then when I started working there four weeks later you couldn't get the man to show up to work two days in a row and he was never written up and never terminated he ended up quitting on his own fruition um so this brings me if you want me to talk about that more I'd be happy to to do that but I've only got five minutes so I'm going to move on um Daniel Sutherland the head of Sanitation Department made up his mind early on that he didn't want me to be there because I had said some things about coming down here to City Hall to talk about the condition of the trash trucks and why we were the only vehicles in the entire city fleet that didn't have air conditioners when it's 105 degrees outside and we're sitting on top of a hot engine um and it it put me almost put me in ICU is what the doctor told me I can tell you that too if if you want to give me more time but um so uh I was put between Dan and his wife his his niece's husband who who Dan hired to work in the apartment and was terminated and I brought up the nepotism policy to Brian Miller and to uh Christine jolly and tried to talk to Brooks Mitchell about it but I've never been allowed to talk to Brook Mitchell about it um tried to talk to Tony M about it I they were all made aware before Thanksgiving that this man was working for the sanitation department and that his uncle was the head of the sanitation department and that that was a violation of the nepotism policy at one point Brian Miller told me that they were investigating it looking into it it took I don't know what he was investigating because it took me less than five minutes to go on Facebook look up the employee see who his wife was see who she's saying happy Mother's Day to look at her mother's maiden name and see that it was the same as Daniel Sutherland's and that it was Dan's sister so he's definitely related through marriage on Dan's side of the family so it took me less than 5 minutes to do that they said they were investigating it okay the last thing that I was told is that this man is being moved to another department so the city paid this man to train to be a sanitation driver and now he's being paid to train so that they can move him to another department when he lied on an application um three places on the application here it ask if you have a relative working for the city of Moore and and all that stuff and it says right here in the nepotism policy that if you lie on your application that you're not qualified to work for the city of Mo there's three places on here he would have had to lie or he didn't lie and Tony Minah Brian Miller and Christine joli failed to do their job and allowed this man to work there so it's it's one or the other but the fact of the matter is is the man's related to Dan Sutherland who was the head of the sanitation department and uh is still being allowed to work for the city of Moore I didn't violate any policies I didn't lie on my application and I was terminated and treated like a criminal when I was terminated uh but this man's being allowed to work at the city and we're paying to train him for another job so we can move into another department and the nepotism policy is there because of fairness Dean Southerland knew this policy was there he's been working for the city for almost 40 years and he totally and willingly and knowingly disregarded the policy and hired his niece's husband anyway there's any questions I'd be happy to answer them no thank you thank you um next up we have Tom poiser I say that right if you'll state your name and address and then you have five minutes hey my name is I'm poiser I live on Farm Road here in Moore in the city of Moore good evening vice mayor city councilman uh I'm one of the several citizen volunteers at the mo Police Department which was started in January of 2023 by the direction of Chief Todd Gibson which is supervised by Captain Chris Maddox and which is all of the we volunteers are coordinated by Mrs an Davis who is also present here tonight I'm here tonight to highlight a few of the events by the mor police Community Service Unit which in which we volunteers occasionally help they've included burgers and badges which fed approximately 750 people this last July the neighborhood night out at the Regal Movie Theater picking up and distribution 240 coats and jackets to the children in need serving a Thanksgiving meal to families with food insecurities and especially the 13th annual event of sha with the cop I know most of these community events are briefly acknowledged by someone on the city council but I want to emphasize how important and appreciative these events are by the community I was asked to personally delivered certificates of appreciation to the many many businesses in the city Moore that financially contributed to the event of Shop with a cop after introducing myself as a volunteer in the mo Police Department Department there was an immediate positive response to my presence and when I told them why I was there to present them with a certificate appreciation for their financial contribution there was also a reaction of tremendous gratitude they told me positive stories and of the their thanks for the police department and how steadfast they wanted to continue their support so I thought I I each of you should know this a little bit more about the positive relationships and the appreciation for this community donors and how they dedicate and how they are dedicated to helping the citizens of more thank you for this time to share and bring to you this attention to some of the charitable events of the more police department and what they participate in and all of the officers who dedicate their time and efforts to the community that has such an impact on so many thank you thanks so much do we have anybody else that would like to speak um Item B items from City Council Members um I've gotten several calls um with questions about the RO The Underpass and it's on our website but you kind of have to click about three places to get to it so I wonder if it couldn't be on like a box just right there on the front it's under like the the current projects where but just so it's super easy to find on the website look sure thank you um item C is items from the city trust manager the uh police department uh moved into their police advancement Center there on 12th in Jan starting this last week so they're still fine-tuning a couple of things but I've been over there a couple of times it looks really good uh we congrats to Chief Gibson uh and his team uh we'll have a grand opening probably within a month or so so uh look forward to everyone doing that and then uh week from tomorrow is uh election day we've got the mayor's race and award two race so encourage everyone to go vote Yes go vote thank you absolutely item 19 is the executive SE session section 307 titled 25 Oklahoma statute permits the public body to meet an executive session for certain specified reasons under certain specified conditions is the opinion of the City attorney that the city of city council may consider and adopt a motion to meet an executive session to disc discuss the following items item a discuss consider and if deemed appropriate consider taking possible action regarding pending case number CJ 2024-the and appropriate in the interest of the city of Moore as authorized by 25 stat Oklahoma statute 307 V4 make a motion we vene to Executive session second second we have a motion as second we call the vote please Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louis Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes we are convened to Executive session executive session please note that everyone that was president before is still present um item C or item D is action make a motion for staff to proceed as direct second second the motion we have a motion at second we you call the vote please Kathy Griffith yes Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Melissa Hunt yes um item 20 is adjournment so moved second I was about to say we need a gap please Melissa Jason Blair yes Louie Williams yes Adam web yes Kathy Griffith yes Melissa Hunt yes oh I would love a gavl yeah we need to get you a gavl water in this chamber do we not have one I don't know if we do but I would I mean I would be drunk with power with a gavl