all right good morning we're going to get started this morning with an invocation led by Pastor Harvey Sparks III of Portland Avenue Baptist Church and that'll be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman Todd Stone please stand as you are able let us pray Heavenly Father we come before you today with grateful Hearts acknowledging the dedication and service of the city leaders and workers who tirelessly labor to maintain and improve our community bless each person who serves our city Lord with strength and endurance as they carry out their duties protect them from harm and danger both seen and unseen as they fulfill their responsibilities to the best of their abilities As We Gather here today we are reminded of your word which instructs us to seek wisdom and guidance in all that we do in Proverbs 3 we're told to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding and in all our ways to submit to him so we pray that you would Grant these leaders Lord the humility to lean on your understanding rather than their own as they deliberate over the matters before them let your word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path as they navigate the complexities of governance in our city in James 1 we are assured that if any lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you therefore we humbly ask for your wisdom to guide their decisions knowing that you generously provide to those who seek you may their discussions be guided by the principles of justice and mercy and love as outlined in Micah 68 to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God but even as we pray for the welfare of our city and our leaders May our ultimate hope rest in something greater as the writer of Hebrews reminds us for here we have no lasting City but we seek the city that is to come and so may our ultimate hope be found in the kingdom of God that is promised to us through the mighty work of Jesus Christ upon the cross we entrust this meeting and all of its proceedings today into your hands knowing that with you all things are possible in Jesus mighty and precious name we pray amen flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you Pastor Sparks and thank you councilman Stone I call this meeting of the city council to order and we have a few items under Office of the mayor including some recognitions and I'll make my way to the front for [Music] those all right when don't we have our friends from Allied Arts come forward because it is Allied Arts month yeah yeah if you came down you might as well stand up front you're here at 8:30 in the morning let's make the most of it [Laughter] ibody she also she also has an item on the agenda but yes she's welcome to come forward to all right uh well first of all thank you for the beautiful uh music this morning maybe you can mention uh who the artist was here in a moment uh but uh first we want to read this Proclamation and so I would ask the clerk to please do so whereas the Arts enhance every aspect of life in Oklahoma City and whereas the Arts contribute to Economic Development efforts enrich quality of Life Drive tourism and exert a profound positive influence on the development of Youth and whereas youth Arts education helps to Foster imagination self-expression and creative problemsolving skills and whereas youth Arts education also helps underserved students in our community find their unique voice and path in life and whereas Allied Arts has served as the champion of Central Oklahoma's cultural community and whereas Allied Arts has distributed more than $91 million to the Arts since 1971 in improving Oklahoma City's quality of life in countless ways and whereas the month of February is being recognized as Allied Arts month by the mayor of the City of Oklahoma City local businesses and nonprofits and the community at large in recognition of the organization's vital support for our cultural Community now therefore I David H mayor of the City of Oklahoma City do hereby proclaim the month of February 2024 to be Allied Arts month in Oklahoma City so as we know Allied Arts uh provides you know funding for dozens of Community Arts agencies here in our city it's a venerable and vital organization and as as noted but I think it's worth repeating more than 91 million has been distributed through Allied Arts since its Inception in 1971 now we have uh a few Representatives here I might ask you Sunny real quick to in fact honor our artist who performed earlier just talk about that and then uh introduce your co-chairs and anyone else who might want to speak including perhaps uh perhaps chairman trosy I believe is uh volunteered himself so here you go although he seems to be kind of hiding on the back row so I'm not sure what that's about thank you everybody for giving us the opportunity to be here today thank you mayor for this Proclamation and thank you to our friends at Arts Council Oklahoma City through your art moves program you brought us saraphina bird the amazing performer who was out here this morning we work as a partnership in the Arts and we feel really lucky um to get to support each other in the work of growing Oklahoma City as the proclamation States Allied Arts was founded in 1971 by business and Community leaders like you who knew that it was in critical to invest in arts and culture to grow our city and today we're the 20th largest city in America oh thank you shny no thank you mayor thank you for uh that recognition and uh Jill and I are chairing the Allied Arts campaign this year we're very excited about doing that we have a big goal um I'm not sure we're going to do 91 million but uh we're going to do our best to get there but this is important I mean the Arts are important and positive for not just um our community but also for our city and we talk a lot about being a Big League City and there is a big part of it so thank you for having us here well let's hear a for Arts community and Allied Arts thank you all thank you all for being here this morning all right Master Sergeant ailman is it ailman Alman alaman let's get it right Master Sergeant alaman you are our employee of the month and we'd love to learn a little bit more about you and so I'd ask the clerk to read this resolution whereas Master Sergeant Michael alaman has been a city employee for 17 years with the police department and whereas Master Sergeant alaman is a sergeant with the youth Enrichment Services Unit and whereas Master Sergeant alaman noticed that children were suffering at home and in school so he helped develop a program for officers and school Personnel to report residents that are struggling and in need of assistance and whereas Master Sergeant alaman worked to help create the youth Enrichment Services Unit to assist with the overwhelming needs of schoolage children and their families the program has become a model for other cities across the US providing food clothing shelter Transportation tutoring and counseling services so families can see their children succeed and whereas Master Sergeant Alan's hard work has resulted in the yes unit serving over 63,000 children in and their families since the Inception of the program in 2014 and whereas through the yes unit Master Sergeant alaman humbly changed the lives of many people for the better with his leadership and Innovation and whereas this Council desires to recognize Master Sergeant alaman for his dedication compassion and commitment to the residents of the City of Oklahoma City now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the City of Oklahoma City that they do hereby thank and commend Master Sergeant Michael alaman February 2024 South Oklahoma City Kanas Club employee of the month thank you and thank you master sergeant alaman for your remarkable service to our city we're very grateful for it and we want to exhibit that gratitude by passing this resolution and then maybe we'll hear a few words from you so but first let's see if we can get a motion in a second all right we have it cast your votes I wish to vote I passes unanimously well thank you so much again for your service and we'd love to hear a few words from you master sergeant well I'd just like to thank my uh immediate supervisors Lieutenant gamil Harden and Captain Michelle Henderson for giving us the support we need as we support Oklahoma City Public Schools but I would be remiss if I did not mention Tracy Alvarez with the okcps in the relationship that we've been able to establish with okcps uh to provide the alert system internally and externally so excellent I appreciate them very much well thank you let's hear it for Master Sergeant Allen thank you so much all right Lauren Lauren dial please come down well you're our teacher of the month and we'd like to like to learn a little bit more about you so I would ask the clerk to read this resolution whereas Lauren dial has been named teacher of the month for February 2024 by Edmund public schools and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City and whereas Lauren received her bachelor's degree in early childhood education with special distinction from the University of Oklahoma and whereas Lauren was named the 2023 District teacher of the year for Edmund public schools and whereas Lauren is a member of the Edmund Public Schools peer coaching Academy the purposeful play committee and the foundation Advisory Board and whereas Lauren is an apple certified educator and a language Essentials for teachers of reading and spelling certified educator and whereas Lauren has taught kindergarten at Westfield Elementary since 2019 serves as the kindergarten team lead serves on the Westfield professional Learning Community leadership team and and has also served as the Westfield site conscious discipline coach and whereas Lauren serves as a University of Central Oklahoma student teacher mentor and whereas Lauren came to teaching because of a desire to see students with special needs thrive in the general education classroom and a desire to teach in a manner that values the whole child and whereas Lauren has made it her mission to make every student feel valued and loved for who they are to help all students achieve high levels of learning by all means and to equip her fellow Educators with the knowledge and empathy they need in order to accomplish the same now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the City of Oklahoma City that they do hereby recognize and commend Lauren dial on her selection as the February 2024 teacher of the month by Edmund public schools and Rotary Club of Oklahoma City well thank you and thank you Lauren for your remarkable service and again we'd like to illustrate our gratitude by passing this resolution so if you'll give give me a moment we'll see if we can get a motion in a second all right we have it please cast your votes I wish to vote I all right passes unanimously well again thank you for all that you do and you're a district teacher of the year which feels like you're kind of slummed here with us this morning that's a big deal so um we'd love to hear a few words from you of course thank you all so much this is such an honor um to be recognized in this way teaching is my passion and I love it so much but I would be so incorrect if I said that it had anything to do with um what I do in my classroom alone or what I do in my school building alone teaching is not something that can be done well in a vacuum um it takes so many layers of support um my wonderful principal is here and I'm so thankful for her and the support I get from her um The Edmund Public Schools Foundation is here today we could not do what we do in our school district without their funding um and all they can tribute and we also couldn't do what we do without all the layers um that go on behind the scenes with government and all the people that are supporting our schools um passing laws doing all those things that way our kids can receive the education that they need and they deserve if you do happen to live in the Edmund City Limits we have a bond vote coming up today um Edmund has passed our bond vote every single year for a long time now um and without that funding our schools don't have what they need so if you do live in Edmond City Limits please get out and vote today thank you well thank you let's hear it for Lauren real quick thank you for oh that's yours and by the way Lauren there are actually tens of thousands of our Oklahoma City residents who live in Edmund Public Schools so you do not have to live in the city of Edmund to vote on that Bond today in fact quite a few of our residents starting in Quil Creek All the Way North will have that opportunity so thank you for the reminder to get out and vote all right I'll make my way back up all right we are still on Office of the mayor now we'll proceed into some work related to appointments we'll begin with um item C 3C this this is a resolution amending the August resolution that established the community Public Safety Advisory board at the time we failed to include the terms of office so as we got to the Practical step of actually making the appointments which you'll see in item d uh it occurred to us we did not have terms which is usually a pretty uh vital aspect of the appointment process so this just adds that they are four-year terms and they are staggered it's very standard um compared to other boards that that we've created in the last few years so I would entertain a motion for this resolution amending the original resolution creating this board you have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 8 to one and that brings us to our appointments we have items de and F item D is for Community Public Safety Advisory Board the previously mentioned board these of course of the inaugural appointments to this board um and I'd like to vote on this separate please okay we can do that well then we'll stay right there then okay I I want to make a couple of comments before we cast our votes for this um I I would like to I made my comments when we talked about this before probably in August I'm assuming that's when this came before us uh but as we look at the watering down of this effort that the law enforcement task force worked very hard to do we spent over two years uh trying to make sure that we were working towards ways for Equity uh and inclusion for all of our Oklahoma City residents there were an there were a few asks an Ask as far as the name is concerned that was changed there was an ask for the um for also term limits and I'm pretty sure that was changed there was also an asked for uh the amendment of members of this body and that was lessened instead of us having true representation and the fact that uh the appointment of our mayor's appointment is going to be the chair of this committee which I do not believe uh should be the appointment of one person that this body should be able to choose who can uh and who who can and who will lead the charge in this effort for this particular uh Advisory Board which should have been and what people asked for uh and that was not what this name is uh so as we move forward I just do not understand why it is okay for a task force and this is the second task force that I even I've been a part of that the decisions are changed at the back end instead of all of us being able to have these conversations at the middle or at the beginning and the mayor knew uh all of these things that were occurring as far as what these decisions were and still decided to change the name as influence the name change as well as the appointment size so this is my protest about U this particular board um and I do not agree with what is taking place and how this particular body is moving forward all right we can entertain a motion now to adopt the uh or make the appointments um actually yes go ahead thanks I just did a quick Google search I typed in community Public Safety Advisory Board um you're noticing a trend with me doing this by the way I like to Google things um I'm concerned because when we type in just those words which are the words which appear on our agenda the first thing that actually finally links you to the city of OKC's page that result doesn't happen until five down and it's the about page and when one clicks on that about page um you know you do see uh the six items from the community uh policing resolution that we passed you do see from the mayor the two the law enforc M deescalation the independent law enforcement accountability so far none of those are clickable links like there is nothing clickable on there um I'm hoping I'll just pause there that's coming yeah I will have to talk to staff to see exactly how that's going to work honestly don't know exactly how all that will work in the end okay um thanks my next question is I can I'm I'm Fair really certain when we last spoke about this body um one of my requests was to make it clear on this landing page where someone would be able to um make a complaint Google right now I don't see anything on here um like when you land on this page it is OKC public safety partnership and the the new design that goes with that there's the recommendations then there's the contact you can click um but the contact is to contact Andrea who's a great person great worker um but there there's nothing you click on recommendations there's the timeline the very simple ask that I had and that the community had was where do they go when they have a concern in terms of a concerning encounter with law enforcement and they did that ask four years ago this summer as uncomfortable as it may be for us to have experienced and remember because we were the second highest uh police department in terms of police involved uh murders of their residents I don't like saying that I don't like experiencing the memories of those protests I don't like bringing them to this body right now but that is why we asked for the task force and and the very basic idea of how does someone make that complaint about a an unfortunate encounter with law enforcement it's just not on this page and so I hear what councilwoman nice is saying it's like four years ago and two years worth of hard work and it feels I don't know it's it's I don't know what it doesn't feel right is what I would say I look at this page yourself if someone if someone is if I'm just missing it so councilman Cooper Can I submit something to you is only being appointed today so they obviously haven't been able to do anything yet and I would think these would be great comments for them and I I believe they will rise to the occasion to meet uh um your your suggestion if I can say I think the concern is the facts that we're not being transparent before the process before these folks are appointed um in order for them to have fair fair reasons to be able to oversee and do the work that that we have or whoever has asked for them to do so that is the issue today and unfortunately again here we are another task force another commission that has been whitewashed and watered down uh in order for it to be be in order to say look look what we have and to brag about it on the national level when in fact the work is not being done on the local level and let me oh go ahead I I hear what you're saying mayor I do I just sent an email Thursday I think um and then had to disappear in deg grading land over the weekend and I'll check my email today to get a followup to the to this this inquiry I had but I had also asked last year for monthly meetings with the folk behind the uh implementation of these 39 recommendations 2024 began without that monthly meeting it began without it I don't mind sending that email I really don't right that is my job to do that work my expectation and I am someone who has very low expectations in this life so that way I'm not disappointed uh when when the light turns green I'm happy but I would imagine when I ask for something like that as a council member and as someone appointed to the law enforcement task force group as someone who authored with uh Amanda Carpenter our former Municipal counselor uh the community policing resolution that this body passed unanimously I would imagine when I make a simple request like monthly update that I would that that would happen and it didn't happen and it it it slipped right by and then there's not even one on my calendar for this month either I hate to make a big deal about it it's just and I am so happy that Nicole is about to represent word two on this this body but it's just frustrating it makes me feel like yeah like we're about to pass this and then when will the residents get their follow through in terms of their ask in terms of being able to Clearly say here's my complaint moreover and concludingly before someone just thinks I'm some sort of naysayer on this I have since I've been on this Council voted for every single Council budget save one 2020 and I did that as a compromise because I wasn't comfortable doing it um because it didn't include the mental health alternative that was in the um um community policing resolution and every year it was we're getting there we're getting there hang on James we're getting there it is now four years later this summer and forgive me for feeling a bit concerned right I have trusted this process and when I do a simple Google search to see follow-through on this process and I don't see that number one this is the link to where you go and then when you get to where you go how do you access it yeah so we are working through those issues and we will be we'll make sure that we get the update meeting scheduled and take care of that the I think you know basically in our responses like having that available it's another step that we're taking with that we wanted to get the board set before we started that process Jason do you have any other update on that as far as the timing of when they'd be able to submit online um complaints or concerns uh good morning uh Jason FBR assistant city manager so the uh Complaint Form that you had requested uh council person Cooper um it is on that um OKC Public Safety uh web page partnership web page page it's under recommendation 17 the city should establish a a way for a resident to file a complaint so it is on the front page however hearing what you're saying today um if you would like it at the top of the page to be even more prevalent uh it's certainly something we can do as far as you know connecting um I don't know the the the Complaint Form or other aspects of the public safety partnership page to how Google um would identify it um when you do a Google search I'm not exactly sure how all that works uh certainly happy to to work with Pim or someone else that can give us some guidance on that because we do we do want somebody to be able to very quickly and easily search for the information we're putting out there um honest I hate that I'm having this conversation with Jason because Jason is just one of the in my estimate in my experience one of the most thoughtful workers in the city of OKC so the the the concern and tone I have right now I am going to try to do everything I can not to bring that to Bear right now on someone who I have such high respect for you can direct it to me I'm I'm I'm open to constructive criticism as well Council council person it why why is it maybe if I form it in in terms of a question why is it when a resident goes to the city just why is it that when you have the drop down menu at the top of the page when you uh see the public safety partnership it is under government and it just says OKC Public Safety partnership that language is vague it is vague how many of you knew that when you click that language that language means this is where I go to file a complaint when I encounter an unfortunate encounter with law enforcement shaking a heads no you would have to have read 1984 to know some sort of double speak to know what that means it should be a clear why is it not a clear item in this drop- down menu why is it I know for instance under City Council in this drop down menu it says city council and then there's mayor there should be maybe sub why are there not subcategories under OKC Public Safety that are linking residents to the items that we all we can certainly look at that didn't realize that was a concern it's one that we want to try to have make it available but we can certainly look at it to see what we can do to improve that to make it more accessible and I guess that's ultimately my concern why was that not something we were thinking about why it is Black History Month it is Black History Month it is Black History Month Nikki nice and I are the only I'm writing an editorial with her right now and it is hitting me so heavily we are the first time two black council members have served on this body at the same time that is because the very first law the first law the state of Oklahoma passed was segregation the first law and not only that but then the grandfather clause that restricted black people from being able to vote thusly making sure the very first black person elected by the people of this state was removed from office and there would not be another one of us until 1965 it should have been a Paramount concern a Paramount concern to do this correctly because of that history that history that residents spoke to on hours long Council meetings in the summer and spring of 2020 and they felt affirmed and heard when mayor you created your law enforcement task force when over 40 people from the fop to the NAACP Serv served they felt affirmed when this body passed that community policing resolution I as their elected representative do not feel affirmed right now I feel ignored I do not know why this is happening because I'm not in any of your bodies or your hearts I just know that when I go to the city when I go to the city of OKC's main page there is an obic there is not a clear link to the follow-through of our work and I don't know why I I I can tell you why don't know why I can tell you why it's because our our mayor doesn't feel the importance or necessity of ensuring that all of those voices are heard in this representation because of the whitewashing of again this whole commission that is that is the frustration I don't anything to do with the way this is presented on the website that's completely handled by you you have responsibility of how this was structured at the end after we made that decision Absol that is a joint decision we are all have the same the decision we asked for the accountability the name and that came from the mayor's office of that change and have the paperwork that shows that it did so I will make sure we post that today so people can see that that came from the mayor's office for this title to be Chang name of the board other than we voted on that topic as a body up here that that happened before move on this is an appointment that's we let this conversation go into other areas but ultimately we have to stick to the agenda and today's topic is the appointment of the members of this board I'm very grateful for to those who will serve I think they're going to do a great job I think they're going going to meet this moment and uh and I think they will be very receptive to the comments that have been made here today and that's their job is to move forward and make sure that these issues are prominent that they're handled professionally and in the interest and on behalf of the people of Oklahoma City and I think they're going to do that uh I was very clear that I did not know why this did not happen so I want to make sure you heard that I did not cast those aspersions on either of you two but I did ask a question and maybe don't have that answer right now city manager yeah why did these things not happen I don't know that I can give you an answer of why they aren't the way that you would like to see them and why they aren't better it's something that we will definitely look at and we'll make sure that we address that I've definitely heard your concerns and we will get those addressed thank you all right is there a motion to uh approve the appointments found at 3D we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 8 to one uh items 3E and F can be taken with one motion these are appointments to the building code board of appeals in the plumbing code review and appeals commission we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and item 3G is a resolution approving travel expenses for me to attend the US Conference of Mayor Civic IO mayor Summit at South by Southwest at in Austin March 7th through 10th we have a motion in a second C your votes this requires six affirmative votes and passes 8 to one and with the required six affirmative votes there are no items from Council today and so we'll advance to item five city manager reports uh we have items A and B Mr city manager yes so we have the uh visitor uh the convention visitors bureau fiscal year 2024 second year uh second quarter report so that's available if you have any questions that we're glad to respond and then claims as payroll so that's all that we have all right thank you Mr city manager item six are Journal of council proceedings uh we have items A and B we can take motion we have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously item seven our request for uncontested continuances is there anything on your list Mr city manager yes beginning on page 14 item 11 N1 dilapidated structures item F 3400 these are all stricken from the agenda item F 3400 Northwest 27th Street to re notify for a new owner item G 1529 Northeast 44th Street to Ren notify for a new owner and then on page 14 continuing with item 1101 unsecured structures item D 415 Northwest 8th Street to re notify for additional structures item I 1529 Northeast 44th Street to re notify for a new owner item J 15 17 Southwest 48th Street the owner is secured item n 8104 Northwest 114th Street the owner is secured then continuing with item 11 P1 all these items stricken from the agenda item F 3400 Northwest 27th Street to R notify for new owner and item AG 1529 Northeast 44th Street to R notify for a new owner that's all the items that I have all right thank you Mr city manager item eight a revocable permits and events and we have item 8A this is a revocable white right of way use permit with Stockyard City Main Street to hold the stockyard City St Patrick's Day Parade on March 16th and we have uh Debbie Harrison here to speak good morning mayor councilman and uh Mr Freeman I can't believe it but it's almost time again for the annual Stockyard City St Patrick's Day Parade it will be held on Saturday March the 16th starting at 10:00 a.m.
And as is the tradition for our events in Stockyard City it will be led by the slash o Ranch Longhorns following them will be the Grand Marshall which this year we're very pleased to announce that it's Anita laava Swift who is John Wayne's oldest granddaughter she also serves on the national Cowboy Hall and Western Heritage Museum board um we have a lot of equestrian uh entries that are already signed up to participate there will be cdes uh lots of dog groups which they're all dressed up in their Gia following the parade we have U mcgard's Irish dance group that will be at Rodeo Cinema performing and then we have lots of activities for kids so with your permission we'd like to proceed with the event and if you have any questions I'm here to address them all right councilwoman Hamm I don't have any questions just It's Always A really lovely lovely time I'm glad to hear there's more dogs that's that's very exciting so I'll move for approval all right we have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously thank you thank you Deb all right we'll recess the council now and convene as the Oklahoma City Municipal facilities Authority uh where we have items a through I we could take with one motion and staff has not requested executive session on H2 I would like to uh move that we enter an executive session on item H2 okay so we have a let's bring that up we have a motion in a second to go into executive session this is a vote on H2 under the OC MFA agenda fails two to six so we're back on the OC MFA agenda and items a through I could be taken please vote on a separately one so we'll pull out item H and see if we can get a motion on that we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 6 to2 now we're back on the remainder of the OC MFA agenda items a through G and I have a motion a second to pass those remaining items passes unanimously now we'll adjourn OC MFA and convene as the Oklahoma City public property Authority where we have items a through C we could take with one motion um I actually have a few questions about item a or sorry Item B since it's just one docket um did we I looked back but I just couldn't recollect whether we had released an RFP for this management agreement for the multi-purpose Stadium we didn't do an RFP on this this was one that was um it was intended I think it was with the resolution that we would have an operator that with a soccer team they're the only soccer team that was available so it was understood I thought from the beginning that we'd be working with um the professional soccer team that's here in Oklahoma City well I I feel like we sort of went through a similar thing with the housing agreement where we kind of knew there was only one uh really eligible applicant based on the resolution but we still went through that process um of releasing the RFP and I think partially that's to me that's like a accountability and transparency process um particularly even just for Council to know that this process is happening and that a lease might be being written because I think my one of my concerns is that looking through the lease um as especially based on our conversations from the fall about um leasing out City buildings to operate without um language about um the people who will be working in that those those buildings or those facilities um seems like that might have been a conversation that was could have been had in this um process and so just not us even being able to have that conversation to me feels um like a process issue of of kind of taking away um actual Council input and and thereby The public's input onto how these lease and management Agreements are are formed um I think additionally particularly um I have had complaints about uh private entities that run City facilities about how they treat their employees and the amount of turnover only to learn that in our essentially management agreement with them we have no no um opportunity or ability to investigate those sorts of things and um and so I or have any again like accountability of like what people working in publicly funded facilities are how they're being treated um so that I just it seems odd to me that we wouldn't at least go through that process at least for just the like accountability and transparency of um how these uh these management agreements and leases are are formed so I don't again it seems strange to me that we did it for for this other Maps 4 project that also seemed like it just had there was only really one entity that could meet their requirements and not in this case yeah I would agree that with the Housing Authority situation that we believ they were probably going to be our best partner but we knew there were others that out there even private developer could have made a proposal knew they couldn't have it's said government entity but we knew that there were others that were out there like the H the Housing Finance Authority others that are in that realm that do that work and so we wanted to make sure that we went through that process with this there's only one professional soccer team and so it was implied within the clearly understood within the resolution that that was what the intent was and so that's what we did was negotiated with the professional soccer team that's here okay well apparently wasn't clear enough because I was not clear on that so um I just I would like to vote on Item B separately okay okay all right well then we can take Item B separately this is under the PPA agenda you have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 7 to one all right now we're on the remainder of the PPA agenda items A and C which we could take with one motion we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay we'll adjourn ocpa and reconvene as the council uh we are on page page three of your printed agenda item nine the consent docket there are scheduled presentations relative to items AI through Al item Au and that is it is there anything else that a council member wishes to pull out for a separate Vote or separate question or comment yes I'd like to vote separately on item a a t and ba those are all separate votes he said so item a a t and what was the last one BA okay and I'd like to hear more on item T please okay okay if there's nothing else we'll let's probably just go in I would like to hear more about item AG okay all right well then we'll start with item a this is a request for a separate vote on item a consent docket so we'll need a motion in a second have a motion to Second cast your votes passes 7 to one next up is item T councilman Carter you wanted to discuss this yes sir this has just kind of been an ongoing issue with this bridge and a contention in kind of the area and so i' just like to hear a little bit more about it where we're at and when it'll be completed okay good morning mayor and Council Debbie Miller with public works department I can give you some more information on this project we are trying to get this project complete there is an issue with one of the spans that we're continuing to work on with the architect and the cont contractor and we're very close to having that ready to be completed so it's usable like even currently usable or it's not a use it no it is in use we do have some scaffolding up underneath there to make sure that there's not any issues it's more of protection for the contractor in the city but yes it should be open and available for use okay all right I appreciate it thank you sure all right next step is item AG councilwoman nice yes I just wanted to hear more information about um what the proposals as far as the what the proposal to be advertised will entail and what we're looking for and who can be eligible to apply so the I've got someone I think coming into here but I'll go ahead and start with this the the idea with this is to have public relations firm working with us with our Public Safety partnership group um with the different projects that we're doing to get the information out to be able to communicate that publicly and make sure people know what we're doing and know what's being Comm you know what the activities are it's police and fire department because we're looking at with the mental health response uh being managed through the fire department so it includes both for all these um any of the programs that are under Public Safety partnership and even some of the things like we talked about this morning with how we're managing our Communications and getting information out to the public um and anyone who is qualified that does these Services could apply do we have a date as far as when this will begin um and they I'm noticing it has to be received by April 3rd so when will this be posted for advertisement it will be posted tomorrow okay thank you m all right well next up we have a presentation that's going to cover items AI AJ a k and a good morning Britt Bryant finance department we have four items on the agenda today for you related to our general obligation Bond program this year will be our seventh year uh seventh sell from the 2017 Geo Bond authorization that was approved by the voters in 2017 which told total 9675 million today we've issued about $62.30 6 million remaining with your approval of these items we will both issuing both tax exempt bonds and taxable bonds starting with item Ai and AJ we are seeking approval for the sale of 110 million $220 million in tax exempt go bonds the bond proceeds will will fund approximately 81.5 million of Street projects and the balance is spread over seven other categories item AI is the resolution authorizing the sell and item AJ introduces an ordinance and sets a final hearing for March 26 items AK and Al seek your approval to issue $1,280 th000 in taxable General obligation bonds to support the building of a new clubhouse at the Hefner Golf Course item AK is the resolution authorizing the sell and I introduces the ordinance again and sets a public hearing for March 26 we'll be meeting this month with both standard and pores and Moody's investor services to obtain our annual Bond ratings and what's our um expectation that we will remain a AAA rated City again our plan is to sell the bonds on a competitive basis as prescribed by law on March 26th at 8:30 uh we will need to sell them with an emergency because we actually award the bonds on that day and so we'll need need at least seven votes on that day so if you're not planning to attend the council meeting we'd really like to know that sooner rather than later so with that I'm happy to answer any questions thank thank you okay next up uh councilwoman Hammond has requested a separate vote on item a have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 7 to one and now we are on Au and I believe this has a presentation David Todd our our maps program manager will present the project and then we have um one of our Engineers with that's working on the project who will talk about the details of the project yeah sorry good that's right good good morning David Todd maps program manager uh really happy to be bringing you this first project for new uh shelters for bus stops we've worked uh really closely with Embark and Public Works to U identify this project this is phase one of two phases that will be coming so Lydia Leslie from kimley horn is our engineer and she's here to go over the project real quickly thank you so as David said this is our uh goal is to make these Ada accessible providing a good boarding and a lighting for everyone and a concrete pad and accessible to sidewalks and we'll also be putting in these shelters so you've seen these shelters across the city in some locations our goal is to expand that and all The Bu stops that we can budget wise um so this shelter that I'm showing you is a 5 foot depth and 8ot wide it has a trash can and a bench seat so we'll also be putting in some shelters that are 12 foot long and some that are 16 foot long this is all based on ridership we worked with Imark to understand the ridership of each bus stop and tried to prioritize those bu stops that had their higher riters ships you can see in the bottom left the um diagram shows that the majority of these will be eight foot wide long shelters and um the others the 12 foot long shelters would be those the 10 to 20 Riders we have 12 of those and those that are 20 plus Riders we have three of those in locations and you can see the bu stop IDs are on the right hand side of those locations we're in the process of acquiring right away for these stops of the 250 stops that we studied 50 of those require permanent RightWay so in the phase one portion of the project we anticipate putting 28 RightWay Parcels in that phase one and phase two we'll be doing 22 RightWay Parcels but we're going to go ahead and try to acquire all 50 right now so we're like David said we are trying to uh coordinate well with Embark and public works and trying to get you the best price that we can on these uh so what we're doing is we're putting the paving flatwork in the contractor item that will be bid and they will after they complete that process then we'll work with Tyler Outdoor advertising and Embark Who currently have a contract together to provide shelters across the city so we'll be purchasing Maps money will be used to purchase under the existing City contract those shelters and then Tyler outdoor media will be using their current contract to place those shelters in place so looking at the budgets that we have our estimated fixed limit of construction was $4.3 Million we looked at the current pricing and the pricing is expanded since we reached that original budget and um we looking at 150 140 stops that would be allocated for our phase one these will be in a unit price bidding so we have some opportunity to perhaps get in more shelters than 140 if the unit prices come in in in a good price the RightWay acquisition is 280,000 and um like we see the breakdown of the estimated cost of the shelters and the estimated insulation cost of those shelters as well for a total of $3.5 million for our anticipated construction cost and for like I said to try to get out the most as we can we're going to allocate a few stops in Bas bid as our base element so we'll have a 102 stops in our base bid and we'll break down those into alternates for 10 stops and all those that are needing right away we'll put in in another alternate and like I said we have a unit cost associated with those so as we are able to add more shelters we will have that opportunity so we're on track for our schedule um we will be advertising for bids after this council meeting is approved and then we'll have our bid opening in March and with an estimated construction completion of April of 2025 thank you mayor I need to recuse myself on that oh okay uh then we'll have a separate vote and we'll give you a moment to step out are there any other comments or questions about this I do I had a question um as far as when we understand these will be implemented in place is there um a timeline for when we'll know like WS specific when those are occurring so therefore you know I we as a council members can communicate that to our residents our plan is to work with the contractor diligently and the pre-bid conference will be talking about phasing and he'll present a schedule to us for his phasing and um we you know we can't put off 140 at one time so we'll definitely be working in small groups of areas so I'm sure you could be notified of that schedule when we have it I just want to make sure we are at least um if there are any in Word seven that I we are notified about that so uh Mr city manager yeah same with too I mean I would hope all the council members would want that but maybe they don't but I can just assure you like walkability and public transportation as you've heard me say many times these are just topof the- mind priorities for at least the majority of Bo two residents so I'd like to be able to let them know as they're happening uh so I they'll get to see that their Maps vote mattered so thanks okay well if there's no other comments we'll take a separate vote on that item item AU we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right Next Step was a separate vote requested on item ba by councilwoman Hammond so we could take a motion on that we have a motion in a second pass your votes passes six to one all right that was the last item pulled out for any separate considerations so uh we can now take the remainder of the consent docket with one vote this is a motion to adopt the remainder of the consent docket except for those items previously considered we have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right now we're on item 10 the concurrence docket we have items a through J we could take with one motion I would like to vote separately on item J I understand that it's just it has already been received but I still want to vote separately thank thank you okay well let's do that first then we'll have item J so let's see if we can get a motion for that we have a motion and a second C your votes passes seven to one and now we can take items a through I on the concurrent docket have a motion a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right that brings us to 11 items are requiring separate votes uh we'll begin with 11a this is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval resoning 2321 Northwest 35th from R1 to R2 this was deferred from January 30th um councilman Cooper there are some oh I'm looking at the wrong thing no one has signed up to speak thanks mayor or maybe somebody has well nope nobody has but I'm guessing this is the young man I spoke with uh via the Internet yes would you mind telling us a little bit about your uh your project please so my name is Brandon O'Brien uh representing Garcia's construction uh we're just looking for approval to uh build a duplex on this one lot here on Northwest 35th Street does this presentation happen to have the the early design in it I'm curious I know my packet did but I don't know if the one we're able to show people I do not know I know that uh you had requested me to send over that a floor plan and I had send it over if that's what you're referring to uh it wasn't so much the floor plan it was a and I don't know if I need to make this as a technical evaluation Amendment right now but we had talked about um it's a duplex right that's correct yes and along the side where there's going to be a driveway at the front IID requested a window so yes where the driveway is actually going to be going there are windows all across the front of the property but there weren't in what you showed me remember this uh yes but the the floor plan that I did send over after I gave you the example did have that uh those windows on the on the drive side but will I guess my question is so you might have sent that in an email but that wasn't part of the like propos what planning approved and so I need to make sure that that is in fact something see the language that we approve right here is ultimately what parameters in which you'll be working right and so I guess is that a question for I'm see councilman ston ciper already looking but yeah uh Craig or Kenny what what do I need to do to make sure Jeff can you answer that so I think it's a good project but as we spoke about U you know on the zoom call we need to make sure that that front part has the window there yeah Jeff Butler planning director um yeah if I understand the question correctly we so we we can't condition a Straight Zone mhm um so that's uh it would have to be a a spud uh for us to be able to add conditions to anything that's beyond what's in the regular zoning okay so I guess out of the goodness of your heart you'll be doing this um no I like I said if you the the email that I did send you can see the you know the the windows that are facing the drive portion uh which faces the West um I know your concern was being able to the look of it as far as not having Windows the way the house is or the way the duplex is positioned it's all the way on the east side of the lot so it's going to be about six foot away from the neighbor that's the that's the backside of the the property that's not going to have the windows but the majority of the property actually faces or it's on the west side of where the building is going to be and there are windows Galore over there on that side on the west side of the property wait am I am I hearing you right so what we talked about on the call uh that part by the driveway that is not going to have the window no no it is okay just wanted to clarify there 100% yes okay it's just these things matter I mean I I I've seen where sometimes someone will build something it's just like a a storage shed instead of a home and that I just want to avoid that for both the people living inside that but also the residents who will be their neighbors so completely understand did you have a chance to look at the email do you know I did I did not when did you send that uh right after we got off the call that day uh the gentleman that was on the call did respond back and said thank you for sending those yes yes yes I did that's right okay good good good all right that's great I'll move for approval all right we have a motion in a second cast your votes pass is unanimously all right 11b is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval rezoning 10807 Southwest 29 from AA to PUD 1976 um councilwoman PEC someone has signed up to speak thank you we'll hear from that individual first okay David Syler 10 seconds good morning mayor and councel uh I'm David Syler 11001 Southwest 29 Street um I come to you guys today in opposition of uh 1976 um I also bring an additional 658 signatures that we have diligently worked to acquire from surrounding neighbors um 1976 is designed for mass density in an urban sprawl area um the largest issue that my neighbors have and also we have with 1976 is that it has a large majority of 30 foot Lots 30 foot lots for this area are not conforming um it's it's going to create a significant number of issues I'd just like to summarize them and I'll keep my time brief um currently there's been two other 30 foot lot developments within two miles of this neighborhood so if you guys were to pass this um PUD it would add an additional burden on the area raising it to approximately 1,00 total 30ft Lots within two miles of the area on two lane roads currently one of the largest things that we deal with in this area is the runoff in the area um without um proper uh detention which they do have a detention Pond scheduled this Creek already has blown out the main bridge on on 29th Street three times in 7 years City of Oklahoma City has had to come and replace that bridge three different times okay um additionally uh over Thanksgiving this this area that we're discussing had a total blackout on Thanksgiving the blackout I was told was due to overc consumption or or the the stress on the system adding an additional 3 or 400 homes is not going to help um just to clarify our the neighbors are not anti-development that's not the case here it's just it's its intensity on the area if you look at the at the diagram up here Kilpatrick has recently and within the last few years you have 30 seconds remaining say again 30 seconds remaining it's 30 minute limit but you know I'll give you some it's a three minute limit technically but if you need to kind of a little bit more time thank you um the the Kilpatrick has recently uh opened and and is Con is making significant congestion right there at Kilpatrick 29th and Sarah Road um prior to Sarah Road being expanded to forlane uh it would take me 30 minutes to go from the exit around to essentially the west side of the proposed um development um that's that's like less than a mile 30 minutes okay um right after coun or commission my mailbox was was hit and and total the car the the next day there was another accident it it's just it's super congested the only thing we ask is that we slow the mass density and allow the the infrastructure to catch up I I would request that you guys uh vote no for 1976 appreciate your time any questions Mr Syler thank you for coming today and for sharing your opinion thank you like to hear from the applicant now good morning Mark Z Johnson and Associates on behalf of the applicant address is W Sheran Avenue uh I'm going to address just a few of the points uh but this case is a little bit strange in that we've continued to hear about this petition with over 600 uh protesters it's never been submitted to either our office and our understanding the staff poting to the second page of your Council docket for this item uh when it references protest the staff has received five zero of them being legal so uh to this point none of those have been officially turned in or submitted uh other items that he mentioned the 30 foot Lots so the application was originally submitted with 30 foot Lots Lots uh through our neighborhood meeting and then through Planning Commission that was actually removed so the minimum lot width is now 40 ft in width so hopefully that appeases the neighbors but Sarah if you could go to uh the next slide real quickly uh this plan conforms with both comprehensive plan and the housing study it's providing not just uh multiple housing types M multiple price points all within the same neighborhood there's 50 foot wide Lots there's 40 foot wide lots and then there's the potential for duplex so if you can go to the next slide this is not the first project in this area we are not bringing the density to Southwest Oklahoma City uh what you'll see everything in green are actually puds that allow for uh less than R1 standard Lots so that's what we're seeking here it's in the area as a significant development including a lot of multif family we're at the intersection of a Turnpike and a major arterial if you go to the next Slide the City in anticipation of this growth uh has invested significant dollars uh Southwest 15th was widened uh Sarah was widened and 29th was recently resurfaced so we believe that this area is well suited for the growth which is why staff recommended approval as did Planning Commission so if you could just go to the summary slide Sarah one more one more slide so post the neighborhood meeting where we had about 30 f show up and then at the Planning Commission where I think there was about six we've made all of these changes to the document and an attempt to appease the neighbors that included a 20ft buffer on the west side of the property requiring 50 foot Lots along the west side we Blended the Lots this was from Planning Commission so we've eliminated all of the 30ft Lots so now the narrowest lot that will be in the development is 40 feet we have a a minimum of 60t for the duplex Lots we've put a cap on the density at six units an acre the comp plan calls for a range from 4 to eight so we are right in the middle of that we do not consider that high density nor nor is the staff from a comp planning standpoint the open space is probably the biggest piece of this we've committed to 25% of the site to be open space we're constructing a detention Pond regardless of whether or not the staff says that it's required and that's in the Pud as a requirement uh we have architectural regulations we've also doubled the number of Street trees along 29th then one of the main uh concerns that came out of this was the fencing along both uh 29th and the Turnpike that with smaller Lots you may have aging fences that get stained different colors that are in disrepair so what we've agreed to and you'll see as a plat note when that goes before Planning Commission is that uh the HOA is going to maintain all of the perimeter fencing to make sure that the corridors uh remain attractive and wellmaintained so with that happy to answer any additional questions but we would ask for your approval today I just have one if you don't mind um I'm I'm looking in comparison to the area that would be south of this proposed development and if you would miss Sarah will you pull up yeah that's what I want to see right there um about in comparison to these neighborhoods um what are the pros and cons if I know that's a loaded question uh for you but what are the pros and cons of your development in comparison what it to what already exists around this area sure so from a resident standpoint of someone looking to purchase in this area what this development has is varying lot sizes varying housing typologies and then varying price points so right now our developers very passionate about showing and proving that you can build a community with smaller lots and still have high quality amenities at a a solid price point and so what we've done is increase the open space and put it in centrally located areas so when you look at our Green Belt that runs to the center of it that's allowing all residents there will of course be sidewalks back to the common area and the playground area on the east side but then we also have another Park pocket park on the North side so it's no surprise that Mustang school district is a very uh attractive school district and so what we're trying to do is allow families an opportunity to buy into this part of town at a different price point that really doesn't exist today you good thank you Mr city manager maybe you know off the top of your head and because I don't have the map in front of me but um Southwest 29 Street there west of Sarah Road it's two lanes today it Narrows down to that do you recall if it's on I don't recall on that one if we have um if we have it planned on the Geo Bond I know completing the four lane down Sarah the length of Sarah to 15th is still underway it's in progress now I'm not positive on 29 Street okay I know and we've got um well last I heard that on Q coming there um across from the Brams at the corner as well um to service the community I think the hard part um for me is definitely the size of it but at the end of the day I do think that it meets all of the code requirements and all of the expectations of plan OKC and so despite my concerns about the density and and the traffic through that area I think was as a city we have some work to do out there for to improve the infrastructure and um I'll make a commitment to the community to continue to do some Road widening there on 29th Street and uh mark Mark I'd appreciate your help with in support of that as well so with all of that I will go ahead and move for approval all right we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay item 11 C is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval closing a portion of Northwest 65th Street uh or the right away I guess west of chartel and south of 66 councilman Cooper uh no one has signed up to speak is that what I to understand but correct is the applicant or their Council yeah yeah this feels like a bit of a sequel so maybe you could tell us a little bit about that good morning David box 522 call Drive uh you may recall that you previously approved the Spud 148 88 for multif family development um an individual well it's a lengthy story my client ended up buying the R1 triangle that will now allow him to own both sides of the rideway so we're seeking to close the last remaining portion of uh Northwest 56 65th Street which will allow us to build the project okay I appreciate you taking time to share uh that backstory and there were a lot of moving parts to make make this uh proposal work and so uh I'll vote in favor of moving us forward here too all right we've got a motion in a second cast your votes pass unanimously okay item D is an ordinance on Final hearing it was recommended for approval closing all of the alley etc etc near in the Highland Edition near Broadway Extension in Northwest 85th councilman would it be possible for staff maybe to speak to a little bit about what this is because or I don't know that this was a or is this you you did okay hi again uh Mark sit out Johnson and Associates W Sheran Avenue uh about a month ago uh you all approved a PUD for the Unison project uh after the survey was completed a 10ft wide alley was shown this is cleanup work it's uh given its width it's not actually usable from an alley was never opened or paved so we're simply seeking to close it to allow for the development to commence that's right there we go well this is just the day of sequels to original uh proposals so we'll just move for approval on that one as well thank you Mark Motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously all right now we're at items e and f that are related to each other they're both addressing the sign code um item e is the ordinance this is the third of three meetings on this topic and then F relates to the fees related to uh the ordinance could have been worse um there's no further presentation and no one has signed up to speak um but honor um one thing uh we need to consider an amendment today there's a handout that everybody had uh let me give a little back drop for this this is a proposed amendment to the sign code uh we're stating back to 2020 we're planning and a consultant began work on revising our side code which was necessitated by two federal court cases uh one went all the way to the Supreme Court which is known as Regan International versus the City of Austin um the one thing that I think that needs to be pointed out about this process and planning did a great job with extensive Outreach to stakeholders artists sign industry Representatives uh developers and OD do this process worked a lot of people were involved and um it comes down to and I talked to Laura mcdot about this today um one of the concerned citizen about the definition of on premises sign uh which adds five words uh in the opinion uh in my opinion I think it gives a little more clarity uh to the definition I don't think it's really NE necessary but uh in an effort to make everybody on board and happy with these changes we'd recommend uh that the five words be added to the definition of on premises sign the words are exclusively either or non-commercial copy and so i' first moveed to make that Amendment uh to the proposed uh sign code okay so the motion is to amend uh the proposed ordinance on item e to reflect the uh amendment that has been printed and handed out to every council member and obviously the clerk has a copy which I'd ask be made a part of the record yes um and so let's see if we can bring up a motion for that Amendment councilman can you help me understand those words like why I think lore is probably best to completely explain that um I don't know I had to put on the spot but but in in my view of it it's just to make sure uh that there is Clarity um as to uh noncommercial content did I say that right yes that that is accurate Laura mcdev in the city attorney's office so the proposed amendment today really just is um the goal is to clarify that on premise sign should only be displaying information related to what is going on on the premise or non-commercial speech you know expressive um Poli itical speech or other things that would not otherwise be regulated so they can put up a sign for a political candidate or something so within the square footage that is allowed excuse me for a particular property they would be able to display any kind of expressive or political speech in addition to you know if it's Taco Bell you know they can display information about the food that they have on the menu or they could also um Express support for a political candidate or other non-commercial speech okay okay thank you okay well we have a motion and a second on the amendment if there's no further discussion cast your votes passes unanimously so now we're back on the ordinance at item e as amended and if there's no further discussion or questions we could take a motion have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and again I want to thank planning department they did an excellent job on this project it was a very difficult process I appreciate you saying that there's been a ton of work on this a lot of people have participated I appreciate all those who have participated worked with us on this and the leisa's leadership with planning department staff so thank you for saying that okay so an emergency is requested on this that will avoid significant printing costs it's a somewhat thousands of dollars of taxpayer dollars will be saved if you pass the emergency on this that's the real reason uh for the staff request so if the council is so willing uh we would entertain a motion a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay now we're on item F which is related to the sign code and this this directly relates to the general schedule of fees in chap chapter 60 related to sign code similarly to item e this is on the third meeting this item has appeared before we take the vote I do want to reemphasize um my opposition of of fees being established in in regards to um assign and those who may or may have limited funds in order for them to be able to purchase and receive stickers that will be on those signs after you pay that permit price uh so that I I still have an issue with that as far as those fees are concerned so I will be voting in the negative or nay for this okay so we're on item 11f and we can entertain a motion for passage we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 8 to one and then for similar reasons staff requests us consider the emergency again it's up to the council but that is the request all right we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 8 to one and with the required seven votes for the Emergency okay now we are on 11 11 G and 11 g h i j k are all related um and there's gonna be a lot of votes here y I think I counted it's 12 total votes but before we get there uh we have a presentation so Scott Wise with development services is going to give us a presentation we're going to give a presentation just over all the changes that are in here it's a lot of information if if there's a place in there when he's presenting this you have a question or if you'd like to try to vote this separate you know go go through the changes on one and then vote him vote on that one before we move forward we can do that but our plan was for him just to give an overview of all the changes that are Incorporated in all of these and then you can come back and do all the votes that are included so we'll start on that path unless we need to make a change okay thank you uh Scott Wise Development Center manager uh good morning mayor city council members uh this morning I'm addressing the adoption and update of our local building codes necessary to continue the safe construction of residential and Commercial uh structures within Oklahoma City all right Oklahoma state law requires that all jurisdictions adopt and enforce various building codes which the state itself has passed into law through the Oklahoma uniform Bill and code commission uh local jurisdictions are then given the directive to formally adopt such codes while retaining the ability to add amendments with at least equal uh or more stringent language all right uh these ordinances are specifically intended to adopt the 2018 International Mechanical plumbing Fuel Gas commercial building residential building and existing building codes along with the fire code uh and along with the added City amendments uh it is these code regulations and proposed amendments which govern every aspect of the design and construction of all structures and dictat such re relevant details as the fire detection and Protection Systems emergency means of eress occupant loads and uh restroom fixture requirements among others uh these ordinances and related resolutions are result of the collaborative effort made between the City of Oklahoma City our various code commissions uh our city staff members uh and members of the general public who helped attend uh and it reflects the interest of the residents Builders and developers of the city uh with that some of the significant changes I'll go over starting with those reflected on item 11g for the building existing building and uh residential codes uh the residential code uh only had one major significant change and uh uh that's just to increase the required wind load for construction from from 95 M or excuse me 90 M hour to 115 uh that's in line with what the code itself says uh we've just been on a lower uh miles per hour rate for the last number of years um for the commercial building code uh we saw a few more significant changes there uh among those are the shared common use areas uh those are are now better defined uh these would be similar to uh shared lobbies between tenant spaces uh uh sometimes they like to share a restro or things like that this would better Define how those are uh designed and require such locations uh as having a means VOR directly to the outside of the building for fire safety um in the building code we also have various changes to the storm shelter requirements these would be for schools primarily uh so for existing structures uh any any school moving into an existing location that was not a school before would now have to comply with the requirements of providing a storm shelter this was not required before so that is a major change um apart from that we have made certain concessions dealing with the Oklahoma City School boards and others uh School storm shelters will now be required where an augment load of 50 or more is added uh previously this was a requirement where any sare footage was added so it's somewhat of a compromise for small work they intend to do uh School shelters will now also be able to design the maximum student excuse me design the storm shelter based on the maximum student enrollment uh and faculty numbers rather than the the uh augment load used to calculate means of egress so that's kind of a concession uh this allows greater flexibility for the schools while still safeguarding the lives of the children uh the final significant change for uh building code in existing buildings is going to be the addition of the adult changing stations uh so these will be now required for retail assembly universities and K through 12th grade assembly areas uh where they have a higher occupant load uh these would entail a uh changing station platform able to uh lift up to 350 pounds uh and which will raise and lower to assist the caretaker in the helping of uh you know changing those they're they're dealing with uh such lifts like said would be primarily added two family restrooms that you'd already currently see on location uh so those are the significant changes dealing with the building code existing building code and residential U now moving on to item 11h fire code Excuse me yes sir where will we find that list you just walked us through like in the memo okay uh yeah I don't believe they're actually listed in the memo these are going to be in the resolutions themselves I'm sure we can provide that to you after the fact if necessary that would be great thank you okay so moving on significant changes for the fire code this will be the item 11h believe yes uh for the significant changes to the fire code uh the fire Marshalls Office had clarified standards for outdoor pallet storage uh we have updates to school security lockdown Provisions uh we have updates to emergency responder radio communication standards uh and the and there's new changes to the battery storage systems for alternate uh fuel vehicles uh so those will be the significant changes for item 11h for fire code uh the next item item 11i pertaining to Mechanical and fuel gas codes uh for that uh let's see the primary signic changes for that for the fuel gas code gas fired appliances are now clarified as not being permitted in spray foam attics uh the reason being that they are sealed to an extent they can't provide return air uh for combustion um let's see there are no main significant changes to the Mechanical Code being made so that's all we have for item 11 I the next item 11j for plumbing the primary change we have there is going to be that's the potable drinking water uh and Sewer Supply connections are required where structure is proposed within 500 ft of city services this was previously 750 ft so this is actually a reduction um This falls in line with the utilities department requirements from what I understand uh the last item we have is item 11k this is the general schedule of fees uh really the significant change there is um clarifying language bringing things up to speed um it also coordinates the Boards of appeal fees for the plumbing mechanical and building code board of appeals all to the same $100 amount uh but really that's uh all of that item entails so with that I don't if there's any questions thank you Scott any questions comments if not we're gonna go ahead U because I've got some text on this we are just introducing this today it is not a final vote and people will have an opportunity to weigh in right it will come back on the 27th yes yep thank you the this this does appear in all the cases listed here to be a TW vote a two uh meeting cycle just so you're aware councilman stand for not three meetings okay all right well I'll try to guide us through an odyssey of voting now um we will begin with g 1 this is an ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously G2 is a resolution to be introduced and set for fi for final hearing on February 27th declaring the need for adoption of the international building code we have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously G3 is a resolution to be introduced in St for final hearing on February 27th declaring the need for adoption of the international existing building code we have a motion at a second cast your votes passes unanimously G 4 is a resolution to be introduced and set for final hearing February 27th declaring the need for the adoption of the international residential code for one and two family dwellings have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously now H1 is an ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th relating to fire prevention and protection regulations have a motion and a second cast your vote passes unanimously H2 is a resolution to be introduced in set for final hearing on February 27th declaring the need for adoption of the international fire code Motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay I won is an ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th relating to the mechanical code we have a motion a second cast your votes passes unanimously I2 is a resolution to be introduced in set for final hearing on February 27th declaring the need for the adoption of the International Mechanical Code we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously I3 is a resolution to be introduced and set for final here on February 27th clearing the need for the adoption of the international fuel gas code have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay J1 is an ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th relating to plumbing and the plumbing code have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously um item J2 is a resolution to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th declaring the need for the adoption of the international plumbing code you have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously n 11k is an ordinance to be introduced and set for final hearing on February 27th relating to General schedule of fees for the building electrical plum and mechanical board of appeals have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay all of these items as previously mentioned were just introduced today and are set for a final hearing on February 27th okay now we advance to item L items l and m which I believe are related um item L is ordinance to be introduced set for public hearing February 27th final hearing March 12th relating to motor vehicles and traffic uh item m is an ordinance to be introduced set for public hearing February 27th and final hearing March 12th Rel relating to the same uh and we're going to get a little bit of a presentation yes so Debbie Miller our interim Public Works director will give us presentation on this and these are items that came from the traffic commission are being requested the council yes item L is coming from the traffic commission we have some situations where um vehicles are trying to to make left turns out of businesses and on a heavily traveled road and it has caused some issues in safety concerns so the commission has asked that this become an administrative uh action that to be done by the public works excuse me director instead of having to go through the commission and it speeds up the process and then on item the next one this is to make a few changes um this adds juneth as a holiday to chapter 32 um it establishes a street car safety envelope that was a request from Embark and it also introduces our on street parking standards um 90° pull in and angled on when that's allowed and what the dimensions are required for that we have been using these as a policy but we'd like to get these into the code thanks Debbie okay well if there's no questions we could take these one at a time starting with item L again this is being introduced today with a public hearing on the 27th and a final hearing March 12th have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously item M similarly ordinance to be introduced after public hearing February 27th final hearing March 12th there's a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously so those two previous items will have hearings on February 27th and Fin final votes on March 12th we'll now advance to 11 in1 this is the public hearing regarding the dilapidated structures here listed and we do have several people who have signed up to speak on item n1b 709 Northeast Third Street this item has been deferred on three separate occasions um councilwoman nice would you like me to call up these folks arnes Williams is it okay if we all come up at the same time I I suppose so Josh todson and uh deavan Edwards thanks uh good morning mayor and Council appreciate your time I'm Josh doson uh I'm a director at restore restore OKC a Community Development organization in Northeast Oklahoma City uh and I'm here to show support for Miss arnes Williams as well as Sunny Frasier and the koven Edwards in the back of G13 construction um recently it's been about two two weeks ago we were notified um about the situation she's in with the notices on her home uh so in the last two weeks we've worked to secure Partnerships to help um address those notices namely her roof um and so since then we've partnered with G13 uh to get that resolved um we have a great relationship with the city we've worked with uh chief Chief Building Inspector Chris Smith um several times and currently are working on another home with him um but really our hope today is that you guys would defer one more time uh and allow us 30 days to make the roof repair and and get the structure where it's supposed to be um I think that's all I had a lot more written down but that's that's the gist of it do you guys have questions um no okay um oh everybody's looking at me so uh first thank thank you and I I do have a letter from restore as far as the work that they will be doing with Miss Williams and as you all may know um my my goal was to ensure that we did not have to declare her structure dilapidated the concern also is as far as it being unsecured the reason it is also on our unsecured list is because of the roof so that's the thing that they are working on because I asked them if they could address at least the unsecured first at least get one if we could but of these things work together in order for us to assist Miss Williams um with her property um and also talking to uh one of our Municipal counselors and understanding the difference between um the implications of us declaring it dilapidated are totally different than us going through the unsecured and abandoned process so I want to uh be able to allow them to help and assist Miss Williams uh in this effort to get her home restored because it's again it is a beautiful home built in 1925 and that type of history in my opinion should be able to be restored if we are able to to do that hence the name restore so thank you all um and I will ask I I I had a meeting with the city manager yesterday and we kind of talked through it so I did ask him uh we talked about it so I'm going to ask if we give them four weeks to get this taken care of um especially like right now we had a couple weeks with the weather not being as favorable and even the last time so I I know we can get this taken care of and and we have Miss Williams in good hands to do that so I'm going to ask that we refer defer this for two meetings um and hopefully uh by that time it'll be worked out to where we will not have to see it again great you okay so we will entertain a motion here to defer item 11 in 1B to March 12 12 I have a motion in a second C your votes passes unanimous all right thank you well now we're on uh the remainder of the items and no one else has signed up to speak under this public hearing no they haven't um so we'll move to item two the resolution declaring that the structures are dilapidated except for those previously struck or deferred Motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously 1101 is the public hearing regarding the unsecured structures here listed has anyone signed up to speak Amy no they haven't so we'll advance to the resolution found at item two declaring that the structures are unsecured a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay P1 is the public hearing regarding the abandoned buildings here listed councilwoman nice do you need def ferl here as well yes please so item C the motion will be to defer it to March 12th have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously Amy has anyone else signed up to speak into this public hearing no they haven't so we'll advance to the resolution found at P2 declaring that the buildings are abandoned except for those previously struck or deferred have a motion and a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay okay 11q is a joint resolution with the Oklahoma City Economic Development trust certifying that keep quiet movie llc's proposed feature film Project silence is an eligible project under the Strategic investment programs film incentive program and approving an allocation not to exceed $ 26,120 we have a presentation Mr Jill Simpson with the city film office is here to present the project good morning council members I'm here to present a rebate application for a project called project we're calling it code name project silence and if you'll Advance the slides Joanna uh it's a small budget film it's character-driven drama uh the filming dates are January 24th to February 16th it was a unique situation it was pre-qualified by the state they were initially going to film in Tulsa and at the last minute shifted their plans to film here so we were up against a pretty tight window um the producer and director Vincent grashaw and Cole p filmed here in 2021 a film called what Josiah saw it shot in chochet and at that time they utilized the Oklahoma City rebate and so they were a a tested production company right now they are um set up at filmmakers Ranch which was previously Green Pastures on the border of in okoma city but on the border with Spencer and the Oklahoma impact is that they are hiring 93% Oklahoma City based crew and anticipated Oklahoma City local qualifying expenditures of $522,500 or 65% of their budget this project uh we have pre-qualified at the 5% level and with the anticipated local spend of a little over $522,000 that gets them to a 5% amount of 26129 and other considerations were um they met the minimum budget criteria of 500,000 they're filming 50% of their days in Oklahoma City their main production office is located within okom City Limits and I'm really pleased they're doing post production in okoma City at their brand new post production facility Apex post um and they're pre-qualified for the state incentive they have a total of 150 local hires and over that 18-day production schedule that amounts to 2700 what we call M days or work days 93% of columa City residents qualifying labor income of 29,42 they're filming 50% of their production schedule at filmmakers Ranch on their Sound Stage which is is also something we really like to see that they're utilizing our facilities and they're doing 100% of post- production which is picture editing sound editing scoring mixing everything in Apex post and that's a sector of the industry that we really want to grow here um this is just reiterating some of the stats from before 50% of filming days here 93% of local of crew are local hires 90% of vendors are local and um I have stressed to them to keep an eye towards diverse minority owned companies 93% of tech Talent is local after putting it through our Lo our internal economic modeler um the total impact of their expenditures is 1.5 million jobs supported direct and indirect are 165 labor income is a little over 520,000 qualified expenditures 5 22584 taxable expenditures 95937 for the City of Oklahoma City and below the line salary and PM if that's the council's desire have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously thanks Jill for hanging out for a couple hours we appreciate it okay 11R is a resolution authorizing approving and ratifying the action taken by the Oklahoma City water utilities trust authorizing the issue and sale and delivery of a clean water water State revolving fund promisory note to the owrb in the amount not to exceed $370,000 and we have a presentation yes Chris Browning our water utilities director just give us a few comments on uh this funding opportunity that we have with the Oklahoma Water Resources board good morning Chris Brown and utilities director back in November the water trust authorized an application to the Oklahoma Water Resources board to secure funding to identify sources of posos and past as for forever chemicals that are entering into our sewer system uh the Water Resources board approved the application in amount of $370,000 it is a fully uh forgivable loan uh so it's a grant in a in a sense so at this time we would recommend approval of this item and I'd be happy to answer questions thanks for Chris okay no questions or comments we could take up the resolution we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously okay item 11 S1 is a resolution authorizing the municipal counselor to conest judgment without admitting liability in the case of C BV city of OKC uh staff has not requested executive session we have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously item 11 T1 is a resolution authorizing the municipal counsel to confess judgment without admitting liability in the case of kensaw would Woodson and minor child versus city of OKC staff has not requested an executive session have a motion in a second cast your votes passes 6 to1 and then we've got 11 U1 this is a joint resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal facilities Authority authorizing The Firm call in zor and Wagner to represent City employee Rebecca fry in the case of Bobo V city of OKC staff has not requested executive session I'd like to request um we enter executive session on this item all right so we'll bring up a motion for item 11 You2 to enter in new executive session to discuss youu want we have a motion and a second cast your votes uh fails two to five so we're back on the item U1 joint resolution with the Oklahoma City Municipal facilities Authority have a motion in a second cast your votes passes f to two and now we're on item v one claims recommended for approval staff has not requested executive session we could take items A and B together have a motion in a second cast your votes passes unanimously and now we're at item 12 comments from Council w three word four word five word six word seven thank you um a couple of things one I I wanted to mention I didn't get to talk through this but as far as my Housing Authority vote um I'm I'm still having issues with the housing authority and be us being able to hold them accountable as far as securing their properties um they have their abandoned buildings that they have within Northeast Oklahoma City are a blight to this part of our community and it clearly uh shows that they have no regard for the residents nor my neighbors that live within the within this area for for the doors to be wide open Windows broken out um and the vandalism that has occurred on these properties it to me again shows their lack of caring for my neighor neighbors uh as well as the way they displaced in my opinion uh my residents that were previously there because here we are years later and we still haven't seen them tear down one building so that is clearly a concern for me I'm pertaining to the housing authority and it's okay for them to purchase other properties but not figure out how to maintain their current ones so I I will continue to speak out about my concern about U what they are doing and what they choose not to do as far as my residents are concerned um I wanted to thank also also um excuse me representative Jason low for the invitation to be a part of the Black History Month at the capital on yesterday we were at the capital celebrating uh Black History Month and it was a a great occasion and we had heard from uh the daughter of clar Looper Miss Marilyn ler hildr uh giving words of encouragement and and from others talking about some things that are happening uh within our communities uh African-American communities and also want to give a a thanks and and also continue to cheer on the Oklahoma legislative black caucus in the work that they are doing to represent our um African-Americans that reside throughout Oklahoma and not just Oklahoma City with the work that they're doing and the policies that they are working to establish Lish um I also I see a couple of my my residents here had a good time with my neighbors and uh Pimon Hill my neighborhood association yesterday and for their their meeting neighborhood association meeting and we'll be hearing about some of their concerns here soon uh but just to be able to to connect in touch with our neighborhood associations and and understand you know what's going on and how we as as City officials can be good stewards to the people that we are serving is always um in my opinion should be at the Forefront of the things that we're doing so I I hope that um as we continue to work through the rest of of our issues and and when we hear what their concerns are that we are are able to put our all of our minds together to figure out how we can better serve and and assist uh with some of the things that are happening lastly I want to continue to say uh Happy Black History Month um I think as we heard from council person Cooper one of the first um enactments from our city uh well from our state was to restrict and segregate public transportation in our state however in our city in 1915 uh we established Provisions that prevented African afan Americans from moving in certain and living in certain parts of our city they were subjected to stay south of Second Street only uh until continuously that was challenged upon challenge upon challenge when it was declared that it was unconstitutional and being able to again uh understand the reasons for representation for our communities to have have a voice which is why I'm very passionate about things that I speak out about uh in relation to again this law enforcement task force and the work that was done because our communities had a voice and expected for their voices to be heard and they were neglected that opportunity as far as uh when the final decision was made for them to be able to establish um the membership and those requirements that they asked for so happy Black History Month thank you mayor um I just wanted to um if you haven't seen it on February 2nd it was announced that Oklahoma City is now ranked the number one uh City for lowest cost of living among large cities that would be cities exceeding uh 500,000 people the 2023 annual cost of living index for Oklahoma City stands at an impressive 85.1 which is significant because it's 14.9 points below the national average so if you have a child a grandchild a friend or a business wanting to relocate um I'd encourage you to send this article to them where they compare Oklahoma City's cost of living versus the other major cities in the United States congratulations OKC thank you okay so now we are at item 13 citizens to be heard we have a few who have signed up to speak uh Alisa Howell and if everyone could uh state your name and address when you take the mic and keep your remarks to 3 minutes or less Alisa Hal 211 South Harvey Avenue so as I sat here today at the beginning we said the pledge allegiance to our flag and at the end stating that it stood for justice and for Liberty of all but as I stand here and have listened to even the own City Council Members discuss that Justice is not for everybody in our Fair City where's the justice and hiring a public relations firm to help change the image of our Police Department while not honoring the communities that helped make that possible or obfuscating the Complaint Form that goes with that image change where is that where is the Justice in that where's the Justice in our unhoused citizens when our tax dollars are being used overseas to unhoused more people to un alive people where's the Justice to our 12,000 Oklahoma City Muslim citizens whose families are being murdered using our tax dollars where's their Justice where's the justice for our Oklahoma City citizens when do we get it when does it come here I call on the city council here today to draft and pass a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire and demanding that our tax dollars be used in our homes in our cities for that is our respons part of the responsibility of the city council is to ensure that our state and the tax dollars that you collect are actually going where they should be going back in our community thank you thank you William Quinn berberet part of the reason for stating your name is that you'll be able to pronounce it correctly yeah it's William Quinn berberet I go by Quinn okay um I have some pamphlets that might kind of illustrate what I'm about to bring up a little bit better if I could I don't I don't have enough for everybody but um the reason I'm here today is to draw attention to activity industrial type activity that we're seeing next to my home and some of my immediate neighbors homes and the P Hill neighborhood association within their boundaries um this probably when you see this you might be surprised to see that this is going on in what appears to be zoned residential one everything that I can tell it's entirely residential one zoning um a company has moved in and to the the best of of what I can have researched and found out uh they're doing um util utility horizontal boring Wastewater processing there so um I have a page on there telling what the company from there about us posted publicly what they do um the pictures in the in those in that pamphlet shows what those are all taken by me they're what I'm seeing um with my conjecture of what the activity actually is um one of the close picture of all the industrial like activity with all the machines was taken from my neighbor who's here today his name is Alton par and that's about 20 feet from his property line um less than 100 feet from his house um what we're dealing with since they've moved in is they've cleared a tree lot um the lot had an existing oil well so I don't know if that comes into play with how they're attempting in my to do what they're doing but um from what everything I can see their activity does not involve anything with that well that well existed prior to them um I've attempted to contact the uh uh Corporation Commission numerous contact with the city the action center um Department of Environmental Quality trying to find out who regulates this activity and the noise and all the disturbance that comes with it and I've heard they're not regulated um what I'm dealing with with is the loud construction beeping from within my house I can 30 seconds remaining I can hear the beeping I step outside it's very loud I hear the vacuum trucks kicking on uh into the evening up until 8:45 9:00 at night Saturday morning I hear the beeping of the equipment and those are photos that I've taken um and some of that is what I've submitted to the action center already so I just want to make you aware that if this type of activity can go into an R1 it could affect all of you because I haven't found anything that can inhibit their action so far and I know I want to thank councilwoman nice for coming to our neighborhood association meeting and she's looking into it so I wanted to thank her um but I'm waiting to hear what can be done to help us so that's all I had thank you okay thank you Nadia Rasheed hi uh my name is Naia Rasheed um my address is 5609 Northwest 11th Street I believe I'm in uh Ward 8 um and I am here today to urge all of you as City Council Members to begin thinking about writing a resolution in support of a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine and I believe that that is something that we can all stand for no matter who we support in this conflict because no matter what happens if we do not advocate for a ceasefire right now more people are going to continue dying on both sides I don't believe that this is an issue of who you stand with this is an issue of saving lives and it starts here at city government we have been trying to Advocate with our legislators and we're struggling with that we're struggling to get people to listen to us and I am trying to spread the message that every avoidable death must be avoided it is not okay to kill a child there is no circumstance in which the life of a child should hold no value and we are seeing thousands of children are dying we have over 10,000 children are estimated to be dead right now in Combined Palestine and Israel and if you believe that a child's life is worth something I believe that you should stand for a ceasefire for the sake of everyone on both sides of the conflict and if anyone has any questions uh I am open to answering those okay thank you thank you James King hello uh James King 102000 Holly Head Way in Yukon uh today I'm speaking in protest of PUD 1983 by Mustang Creek Crossing llc at 8 10 South John Kilpatrick Turnpike the Pud in its current form cause problems for the surrounding residents due to the amount of special conditions and amendments they've been granted by the Planning Commission um this egregious oversight has already had a negative impact on some of the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods uh that are standing up to say no to this um we feel like no one's listening I I know you are but we uh the residents by the zoo amphitheater have complained so much that measures uh had to be put in place retroactively uh we have the opportunity to make those changes before anyone has to suffer uh the noise level limits for live music and Amplified sound they have stated in section 9.18 uh need to be lowered five 5 DB or 10 DB as well as an enforceable action set in place under PUD 1983 so if Such Noise level was exceeded the measures in place will force action to be taken uh furthermore uh 9.18 needs to have an enforceable action that can be taken if live music and Amplified sound goes over curfew times they have set um I say enforceable action because there are sound ordinances in place for Oklahoma City uh but they are not enforceable under this PUD uh they are obligated uh to uh to turn down the music or end a show uh but that doesn't mean they will because it's not enforcable within the Pud there's nothing in place that will keep them from doing what they want if the project is built uh please reject PUD 1983 in its current form thank you thank you Ronnie Kirk my name is Ronnie Kirk my address 2328 North Missour I'm not here today or in that book those are inserts I've been giving y'all all year but today my concerns is the war you know Nixon started the war on drugs years ago Oklahoma has finally won three years ago there's 7,400 application for marijuana life today they have over 10,000 if you go in any direction within four blocks you'll see all kind of meral water houses that's throughout the whole city four or five of them in one block and some blocks are six nobody knows if you have a cap on them or not they're still growing 75% of the citizens the kids the adults and the older people going to be hooked on want and it's legal they'll be hooked on it now just two days ago at Joel O's Church woman walked off in there with a AR15 and started shooting just two days ago without since time I've been there now down here in the last two weeks Norman had four businesses that's been in businesses over 20 years closed you know how many people take a to run a weed house three working 12 hours of shift that's even supplying security they not out of no money cuz they selling something that a man's body or kid or adult's body is craving they making all kind of money it's time for the city to put a Hal today they made enough money made enough money thank you thank you thank you Kristen Bruce hello my name is Kristen Bruce and I live at 1601 birkenhead Road first thing thank you for serving our city you guys carry the heavy weight of decision- making thank you the Pud 1983 Sunset Amphitheater was introduced today and I protest the location of this development to think of 12,000 people bombarding this quiet area for loud concerts with multiple neighborhoods in a one mile bubble is egregious Common Sense would tell anybody that there's a huge problem with noise just a quick search on Google by residents um who complained of a being near amphitheaters and I found complaints ranging from half a mile to 15 miles away how did these venues win approval to build near homes one big reason was by telling city council members that noise won't be a problem because of new style speakers better acoustical designs partly underground structures sound walls speakers that would be aimed away from the houses it'll be optimized or sound will be distributed into the bowl these sound like many of the answers that OKC residents have heard Carol Hefner said the stage will be positioned North so all the sound will be abated noise live application that you receive says the seating Bowl will reduce noise emissions It also says the sound woer s subwoofer can be arrayed to provide low fre quency dir activity except that low frequencies sounds are not positional and go in every direction they're speaking technical terms that most people do not grasp my concern is this this same situation has happened over and over again Across the Nation an amphitheaters proposed residents have concerned about noise reasons are given why this won't be as loud as they fear it gets approved and after buil the noise pollution is so severe Health stress level sleep School study relationships freedom to enjoy family are affected the residents complain but these complaints are met with city council can't lower the volume there's little you can do because of zoning code we are within legal limits you can see why I would be concerned with a possible approval of a large outdoor concert hall less than a mile from my house the 30 seconds please is not good regardless of their claims mayor Hall I want you to be able to get good sleep and go to work mentally able to make decisions I want the same for my engineer husband and seven children councilwoman Nikki nice last meeting you said the health safety and Welfare of our constituents resides within our hands I want the residents of Ward three but also ward two and Ward five and W 8 to be protected don't let You're The Gatekeepers don't let a multi-million dollar company Hoodwink Oklahomans who deserve peace and quiet in their homes if you want this here find a location where nobody is jeopardizing their health or their family their time with their children thank you thank you that concludes our residents who have signed up to speak which brings us to item 14 adjournment and we are adjourned hey mayor um I have a question for you later