for well good afternoon and welcome to the Oklahoma City Planning Commission um before we begin the meeting uh just want to do just a a couple of uh housekeeping items uh first please take this opportunity to uh silence your cell phones um if you are wanting to address the commission on any of the items on the agenda but you are not one of the applicants please make sure you fill out one of these forms these forms are located right outside on the desk um we will only be calling on members of the public who have completed one of these forms if you're not an applicant um please limit your uh your comments to five minutes and please avoid any repetitious comments we recommend that if you have um if you're here with a whole neighborhood and you all have the same concerns that you pick one person to speak on behalf of all of those concerns it'll make it easier for us to understand and hear it all um but please avoid any repetitious comments if your neighbor is concerned about drainage and they mentioned it no need for you to bring that comment up because we will have already heard it from your neighbor so um we want to just remind everyone to uh that we follow the Golden Rule to please treat uh us with respect each other with respect and and the process with respect so um with that being said we'll move forward with the beginning of the agenda um which is the receipt of the minutes from the January 11th 2024 meeting just looking for a a motion Mr chairman I'll move to receive the January 11th minutes commissioner CLA moves to receive the minutes of the January 11th um meeting I'll see if it comes up sorry I think I pressed the wrong button bear with us while we get make sure our technology is up there we go okay please cast your votes move stuff I voted Y and the motion passes we're down line for continuance request and we'll begin with uncontested requests item 19 case PUD 1982 defer to February 22nd item 20 case PC 10898 defer to February 8th item 21 case Spud 1588 deferred to February 8th item 22 uh case Spud 1590 deferred to February 8th item 23 case SP 584 defer to February 22nd item 24 case c76 615 defer to February 22nd item 25 case PC 10910 defer to March 28 and item 26 case PC 10899 has been withdrawn is there anyone here wishing to be heard on any of those items uh seeing none is there a motion to approve the continu the uncontested requests move to approve the uncontinuous request is read uh commissioner CLA moves to approve of the uncontested continuance requests as read motion seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes and the motion passes um we're now in line for new requests item 13 uh uh wish this case SP 585 requested defer to February 8th item 14 case PC 10916 defer to February 8th item 15 CPA 224-1 deferred to July 25th item 16 case PUD 1990 deferred to July 25th th and item 17 Case C 7621 defer to July 25th is there anyone here wishing to be heard on any of those items and then we're just looking for a motion M chairman move to uh approve the new continuance requests as read commissioner CLA moves to uh approve of the new continuance requests as read the motion seconded by commissioner Le Forge please cast your votes and the motion passes we're in line for the consent docket item one is KC 7620 final plat of The Enclave at Creekside Village Phase 2 located south of Southwest 29th Street and East of South Czech Hall Road item two is KC 7623 final plat of Mayfair Plaza uh located south of Northwest 50th Street and East of North May Avenue um is there anyone here there's no one signed up to speak is there anyone here that was wishing to be heard on any of these items I I have a question about number two if the applicant's present is the applicant present for item two doesn't appear so um you know what I think I can probably get it answered by a phone call so I I it's fine with me that it's on the consent agenda okay all right then we're just looking for a motion Mr chairman I'll move to Pro uh approve the consent docket commissioner CLA moves to approve appr of the consent docket that motion has been seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes and the motion passes um we're in line for items requiring separate vote and we'll begin with item three item three is case c1117 application to close a portion of the East West RightWay of Northwest 26th Street East of North Military Avenue and west of Northwestern Avenue good after afternoon Caitlyn Turner 522 call Cord drive here on behalf of the applicant this application was set to be heard at the Urban Design commission yesterday uh due to a recusal and ultimate lack of decorum they could not vote on this application uh since it is a recommending body and this is a recommending body it will still go to UDC prior to City Council in March so I believe the UDC date is February 28th and I do have staff here that can explain that further but um that is why it's not coming to you with a recommendation from the UDC if there are any questions about that piece of it if not uh then I'll go ahead and get into what this application is wanting to achieve this is a closing application for an encroachment along the public rideway on two 26th Street there it's in between military and Western just north of the super cow win um so this is about a foot and a half that we are seeking to close to remedy this and I do have the UDC staff report here which also recommends approval as does the staff report that you all have in front of you this staff report though I think is especially helpful when it states even with the buildings having been built into the public Street rway they will still be located approximately 20 ft away from the existing sidewalk along the north side of Northwest 26th Street this is due to an exceedingly wide 80 foot rideway for Northwest 26th Street so due to how broad 26th Street any is anyways which you can see there it says 80 foot R of way um this really won't have any kind of adverse impact the other remedy would be to demolish these structures which if if you've driven by this area you can see that they are pretty fully developed so I would be happy to answer any questions though um as I had said staff does rem recommend approval with the 1te that we get a topographical survey to them prior to city council which we definitely will agree to thank you Caitlyn this is inward two commissioner Powers um I initially had some questions about this it was just kind of an odd thing uh and a little confusion in my own mind when we did the puds I had not remembered that we had varied the visual setback but it's not really a variance of the visual setback so uh plus I think the thinking at the time was that eventually this whole street will be redeveloped and so that's gonna render that issue moot um you know this is kind of a cleanup thing the buildings are there I cannot imagine um the Urban Design commission requiring them to be torn down so you know I'm I'm fine with this the UDC staff report does request that we revise the current approved CA just to illustrate this closure which we're more than happy to do as well which yeah that'll come later but just wanted to throw that out there as well cool any other questions from Commissioners we have no one signed up to speak commissioner powers7 uh commissioner pow has moved to recommend to city council approval of ce11 17 no we're closing so it's just an approval an approval excuse me am I wrong Jeff is it a recommendation um I believe let's see it's a recomendation yeah oh okay so recommendation Council takes the action okay so the motion from commissioner Powers is to recommend the city council approval of c1117 um just need our I'm not seeing it on my end at least but I see it up there um okay okay there we go um voting on approval of item three please cast your votes and the motion passes we're now in line for item four item four is Spud 1589 application to rezone 3209 East Park Place from R1 hi Ryan Greenville good afternoon address is 1163 East 138th Street Glenpool Oklahoma 74033 so I was here two weeks ago and you guys wanted recommended for us to talk to the Garden Oak City C or neighborhood Council we spoke to them basically right after the meeting everything went really well they liked everything that we were suggesting for the community inside of their Community um it's going to be just an extended arm of what they have and we're really excited to work with them they loved everything that they heard so we were we all really pleased with that came to an agreement so we're here for vote awesome and thank you so much for visiting with the community and I do want to say the fact that they're not here is a testament to how well the meeting went because this is a very active neighborhood association they're deeply committed to being a part of any of the Redevelopment efforts that are happening in their neighborhood um I'm very excited about the final product um what's not on any of these exhibits is the fact that to the to the south of This is highly industrial um this is the very edges of this uh neighborhood and so for them to find a unique way of making this feel both like a neighborhood and affordable and still a really good product I think is exciting for us so love to see us continuing to innovate as we do infill development even more love it when it's not controversial because it seems like we're always dealing with the controversial ones so um I'm excited to support this um there is no one signed up to speak are there any questions from Commissioners I can't make the motion but if I to approve it if if I could I would Mr chairman I'll move to recommend approval City Council of Spud 1589 commissioner CLA moves to recommend uh approval of Spud 1589 to city council that motion has been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and the motion passes Lu thank you so much we're now in line for item five item five is case PC 10918 application to reone 23 07 Southeast 22nd Street from R1 and A2 to I2 and A2 good afternoon pervy Patel with Wallace design Collective the address is 410 North Walnut site 200 this application is filed on behalf of Crooked Oak schools as well as Oklahoma City Parks Department um the entire r1n piece we're looking at is about 40 acres and the Weston 11 acres or so was purchased by Crooked Oak from the Oklahoma City Parks just to where Wards the end of last year and the school would wish to um create this area or create an athletic complex in this area they already own the parcel the Ballfield parcel to the west and Oklahoma City Parks currently has their facility um maintenance facility there so that would move to the eastn parcel that they still uh own and so we just working in um with the city as well as crooked Oaks is reason Zone the entire 40 acres to I2 which is majority of what the surrounding zoning is as well can I answer any questions you may have cool this is in W four commissioner privet yeah I've got really no issues with this surrounded by I2 and I3 and behind the golf course for the schools um there's no one signed up to speak any questions from Commissioners I think we're just looking for a motion commission approve it I'll move to uh appr case number PC 10918 commissioner privet moves to recommend approval of PC 10918 to city council that motion has been seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes thank you thank you good luck we in line for item six item six is case PC 10917 application to reone 5600 South Mustang Road from PUD 26 to C3 good afternoon Kendall Dylan with Crafton toll representing the applicant um this is a 2.7 acre track of property that sits obviously just north of 59th Street on the east side of Mustang Road um the site currently is in P 265 so it's an old one but it's um the allowable use currently as it sits is multif family with group residential um our application was actually for C3 zoning but in working with staff and commissioner Meek we will ask that we amend our app to C1 um and so if you look at this area obviously there's a lot of commercial activity there's more than 23,000 cars a day on Mustang Road just in front of this site um so obviously it kind of um there's a large demand for commercial um zoning and property um if you look at the surrounding properties um to the north is some a zoning um there was a residential house there um it's a fairly small track and recently that's been acquired by an LLC the house has been demoed not sure what their plan is but it looks as though it's going to be something besides residential um and then on our companion item plat which is the next item on your agenda you'll notice as well that we've got a large pop line easement on our North Boundary that will obviously set up as a buffer as well on the west is the leadstone Edition so it is single family on the other side of Mustang Road however if you were to look at that plat you'll notice um that they've accounted for their own buffer there's at those lots there's about 120t depth of common area there um and then as you you go to the east we the applicant owns the property to the east but it's encumbered by a flood plane in a stream and it's about 450 ft from this zoning to those apartments and then to the South we adjin ourselves again and that's C3 zoning and that put 265 so you can see that it it's compatible with surrounding area um obviously there's demand and so we had asked for your approval thank you this is in w three uh commissioner Meek yes as as he said we spoke uh regarding application and uh I'm good with the C1 change I like that too unless any other Commissioners have any comments to be fair there is a lot of buffer it looks like to the departments on the on the east side though um any questions from Commissioners we have no one signed up to speak all right all right with that I'd like to recommend approval of the Pud 265 um pc1 10917 I'm sorry yes I was looking the wrong PC 10917 sorry perfect uh commissioner Meek moves to recommend the city council approval of PC 10917 the motion has been seconded by commissioner privet please cast your votes um well the applicant agreed to it yeah as amended recommended approval as amended to C1 yes as long as council's good with it awesome thank you awesome thank you we're in line for item seven item seven is K C 7600 final PL of wild horse ranch phase three located north of Southwest 59th Street and East of Mustang Road again for the record kall Dylan craft and toll um this obviously is a companion final plat there's two tees that are standard um so we're in agreement with those and going ask for your approval thank you uh commissioner Meek back to the same spot uh I uh I'm good with the uh tees that staff has on here and unless any other Commissioners have any comments I'm good with recommending approval any questions comments from Commissioners okay I would like to recommend approval of c760 to councel uh commissioner Meek moves to approve of c760 that motion has been sated by commission Forge please cat notes and the motion passes thank you good luck we are in line for item eight this is Spud 1592 application to rezone 2820 West Britain Road from C3 and R4 Caitlyn Turner 522 call Cord drive here on behalf of the applicant and the architect is also here with me so this application is to allow for the current Brit Road Clinic to remain and revamp and actually utilize the entirety of their property uh so that is what this application is seeking to do um they will be shifting over as you can see from the site plan the existing building and then extending that parking lot to the South the way that the zoning is on that parking lot to the South it's divided so it's actually C3 on the west side and then an R4 on the east side so we would we're cleaning up this site essentially to again allow for the full property to be utilized uh there is R4 to the southeast and a Triplex there there is a increased setback along the South uh where adjacent to residential so you'll see the 5T there you're also going to see a landscaping buffer to buffer from the Residential Properties and then we're complying with the code when it comes to screening which is also going to require there to be a screening between the commercial and the residential I think it's important important to note that this entire intersection area is very uh high intensity it's commercial it's been there for a long time and there's been commercial of course along the frontage and near that major intersection so I'd be happy to answer any questions that you all have uh staff does recommend approval without tees however we would be agreeable to including the te uh so te number one that there shall be a 25t setback from the property line on C and Court just to prevent any uh future structures from being built more adjacent to that residential area even though technically it is currently Zone C3 this would just be another Safeguard uh for that residential to the southeast so I'd be happy to answer any questions that you all have thank you and we do have one person signed up to speak but commissioner Powers some more to um I'd like to hear from where it is it signed up excellent any questions for Caitlyn before we do that okay um then we have Mr Ray Broadfoot and you have five minutes to address the commission please give us your name and address for the record my name is Ray Broadfoot I own the property uh south and east of the uh described area and uh my home is in Quail Creek uh do you need the address um please yes 13308 Oak Cliff Road excellent all right uh my con I have three concerns um I uh I've had this property for a few years um I'm a retired dentist and trying to renovate this it was in very poor condition when I acquired it and um I've had some burglaries that have been reported and some that have not and uh I have no problem with their doing this this but um my concerns are this one I would like them to do fencing as the first part of their uh construction uh I believe a a commercial property next to a residential requires an 8 foot uh solid fence that six foot six foot okay well I've already done 8 foot in part and and and have tried to work with the the uh veterinarians and haven't had response from them and and and so I would like for it to continue to be an 8 foot solid fence between my property and theirs secondly just a a a consideration of the noise factor of multiple animals maybe barking and and making noise uh that they would take uh sound problems in consideration and all of that that and third there is uh there are uh three large trees that are in between my property and theirs and one of them has a rather significant branch that uh comes out over over my property's roof and uh we know what ice storms in Oklahoma can do and so I would I would ask that they would uh do the Tre r- trimming and and stuff like that um ahead of time uh there I understand that's going to be the parking area but just to leave it I mean I don't know that we can force them to do that but uh it'd be on the record that I was concerned about it should that problem occur and they may be willing to do that they may be privately be willing to to commit to that so okay and and last are do they intend to uh pave that parking lot or just put gravel down that's a question is it intended it's going to be paided right it's absolutely will be paved yeah absolutely so it's going to be paved and and then the water is going to be accounted for right yes as runoff from that paved okay and the fence is that a problem you want to do can you do an 8 foot fence that's going to be something that we'll have to right now they are aware that a six foot fence is going to be required and that's what they were intending um I'd be happy to pass my business card along to this gentleman and serve as a liaison and work through that fencing but I think that in terms of the tree issue those will likely be removed because they'll be doing a more uniform landscape buffer there anyway so the tree issue will be mitigated but in terms of when they're putting up the fence and the height um that would be something that we can certainly discuss and work through prior to city council I from a security standpoint we we have a a system with cameras and stuff and it pings my phone when people are around there and and right now people can walk in between and around my property and theirs and and I I would submit that uh the fencing would be a good thing for them and their Construction and construction supplies and things as well I I I just ask that the fence be in the first order of business thank you Dr Broadford anything else uh I don't think I is it true that you're gonna talk to somebody and they're G to contact me yeah can I go ah and give them my business card so she'll she'll visit with you about that and then we'll talk about what about the fencing um we'll the commission can can make a recommendation about the fencing as far as the six 6ot versus 8ot now we don't have any authority to tell them the order of operations as far as when they put up the the fence versus when they begin construction and to my knowledge I don't know if we have the authority to tell them to specifically tear down the branch that's over your property I don't know how we their intention is to tear down the tree in general um so I I I don't know how to do that I I just know that people [Music] large heavy branches have to be dealt with carefully so yeah well thank you for coming down thank you so that's it thank you feel free to email me and I will all right thank commissioner poers Mr chairman my concern about this case really had to do with the noise issues you know how I am about vets and that kind of thing I had understood that we had agreed that the um Panhandle that goes to the South would be limited to parking only correct okay and yeah that that te for the 25ft setback from the property line along cin would just further prevent any structure from being built because it is going to be parking lot well that's great but I wanted to actually say that um the 25 foot setback is wonderful but I want the te to actually say that it's going to be parking only um okay let's see would something along the lines of uh well because parking will be located kind of all along the west side there so I'm thinking if there was something along the lines of uh only parking can is the only permitted use within the 25 foot setback no no the 25 foot you're talk set back is a buffer is it not well it would be from Cen so there's already a setback in place along the sou property line how the property kind of turns there kind of panhandles that's where that setback is referring to so we would increase the setback just along cin to prevent any development within that parking space that little Panhandle piece if that makes sense yes thank you Jared so that's why the yeah the verbage would I thought it was 25 ft from yes that's why I'm saying if you limit the use within that to just only being Park a parking lot is that sufficient I'm worried more about the East property line gotcha okay um and so I thought that the easy way to handle this was to make that a separate tract and permit parking only within that tract should be or I guess the Western because they're moving the building to the east side right yeah but just we're talking about just the panh hand off okay so um that seems to me like the easiest way to solve that problem um I think there is are you agreeable to doing that I thought that's what we had agreed when we were talking about yeah definitely I I was just am trying to come up with the best verbage to achieve that um but yes that is definitely something we can agree to because I know that they have just plan on parking there anyways so that's not problematic whatsoever I was hoping that the setback language would achieve that just by preventing development there but I'm more than happy to to include uh a separate te to the effect that this is where the square the distance comes into play because I would love to be specific and say the south x amount of feet shall only be permitted as a parking lot so I would just want to confirm that distance there from kind of where it cuts off to the South property line the other I wanted to mention you do have a d it looks like there's a dumpster enclosure indicated in that parcel yes which I don't think we're saying that's a problem but I don't want to have you have a problem later saying then that's considered a structure or you know so it's the dumpster was screen I don't have any problem okay with that no I Dr so Miner I just want to ask one thing Cen the street she's referenced is two blocks long the street sign on the west W end is c r yde n and on the east side it's d o n and it has been part of it's in the village and part of it's in the city I think is that right isn't it the north is the village the north north is the village okay yeah I it just has been a a tiny problem with mail occasionally and I just I don't understand why the left hand and the right hand is you know or why it's called when it's a street street yeah that's a it's all a good all a good question um not sure about that I used to live on a doorchester drive right next to it was a Dorchester place so I definitely can sympathize with the address can somebody um give us a little help with that is that something we're going to have to go deal with the post office and public works over or I mean what do we have to do to help this guy out with his name um we can ask a we can deal we can get with Public Works about it okay that would okay so the dumpster wood we could say no buildings Sarah advis said if we if we specify to say no building shall be developed within the South 30 feet and it this seems more complicated than it needs to be you want to allow for for a dumpster that's fine I don't want there to be dog pens like there are now on that piece of this property I don't want there to be anything but parking there okay so wondering track B parking only uh and a dumpster we can do that okay um and are we good with the six foot F but we're going to but commissioner Powers you have language that we can read in as a te for that though we're going to I think so okay I was going to I mean I don't see why we wouldn't just say put a te in that says 8 foot fence along that same section of property I mean both the West fence or both the East and the yeah especially if they don't they only have to fence the part that's not already fenced right well if his fences on his property line then it would be yeah you got to put fence prop yeah we' have to only fence our property line I don't know what do you think commissioner Powers so I think that I mean you know what maybe we should take a continuance and work these things out I'm not crazy about the idea of just handing this off to city council with these things not nailed down let's just take two weeks well if if we were to make the revision that if we agreed to the te that we would split off the southern parking lot the southern 30 ft there and make it tract B where the only use unit or the only use permitted would be 833 I'm talking about that whole thing where the property adjoins the triplex to the east that whole piece and then across the triplex property to the north mean that needs to be fenced off it's at least 189 ft it's at least 189 ft um I can't read what this says to see if it's got any any measurements on it yeah um which is the problem of doing things on this scale I guess um I think the concept is simple I don't know why we're having such a hard time here but um let look at the legal doesn't say so want to give I do want to give the applicant a chance to make sure that they confirm with the client what they are willing and not willing to do so would you like to push to the end of the docket that's a good idea come up with the language you need sure we'll do that thank you you think that'll work the other the other one because we we have no problem agreeing to all this and I think that if we are able to track it out I just want to make sure that we're getting language that satisfies commissioner powers and satisfies that intent you know and does your client have a response to the 8 foot fence we will this is the architect so we'll give them a call and see if that's something that we can just go ahead and agree to today then let's let's just push it to the end of the docket then if you all are good with that yeah and for for Dr Broadfoot benefit it just means we'll come to it after we've heard all the other items so okay I don't think we need to take a motion do we we can just move on the next item all right well then we're in line for item nine item nine is KC 7622 final plat of eclipse uh and this is located east of North MacArthur Boulevard and South of Northwest 164th Street and variances to sections 5.1.8 point a and 5.3.1 pointd point8 of the subvision regulations hi um my name is sophilia canio with hu doers 701 North Broadway in Oklahoma City um um here for the eclipse plat that was the final plat the preliminary plat was approved in July 27th of 20123 and we're here um for approval of the final plat there are three tees um on the staff report and we are in agreement with with two of those one of them is um te number two there's a the the road that's connecting um to the South property is uh day Dayflower Lane and we would like for that to maintain a different name called Eclipse Boulevard and we would like to ask for a variance approval for uh for that okay um I I'm curious as to why we wouldn't want to leave the street name the same just from your perspective sure yeah the community is a gated community so just I mean we just like the that's the theme of the um project and the the um desire of the client some other than the fact that it's a gated community and that's what the community is called it's eclipse and Eclipse Boulevard leading into the pro into the subdivision are there any issues like from a public safety standpoint when we start doing that I'm looking to commissioner Meek who always is our resident our resident firefighter even though you're retired just another Street I it's obvious that people expect it to continue but uh once this is developed and platted and the map pages are updated it'll won't be a big deal and I mean it is gated separately so okay other questions Commissioners we thought about this a while I recall um so I'm glad to see the limit on the poly carts and I think the neighbors to the South are the fact that they're not here I think is a testament that they're happy with the gates so even though I don't I don't particularly love that either but I guess as long as we're reaching a happy um medium here anything else if not I think we just need a motion how do they accommodate emergency vehicles in this type of gated community what you mean well obviously emergency vehicles have to be able to get in do they have some sort of override for the gates or I mean oh okay they smash through them or what for them to be able to put the gates in they have to put in what's called a nox box and it's a every fire department apparatus has a nox box key so instant entry the first time I've ever heard that so yeah that's cool learn something new just looking for a motion Commissioners Mr chairman I'll move to recommend approval of item C 7622 you want to start with the variance oh yes I do have two correct just one on the street name no it say two different is it two different ones two different section variances PL okay excuse me I guess so can we vote on them in is one okay okay okay I'll move to excellent so yeah we can just if you just read them both we're good there one motion uh I'll um move to recommend uh approval of variances to sections 5.1.8 pointa and 5.3.1 pointd point8 of the subdivision regulations commissioner CLA moves to recommend excuse me moves to approve uh variances to sections 5 5.8.1 point a and 5.3.1 point d8 of the subdivision regulations that motion has been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and the motion passes um now we're looking for a motion on the item and I'll move to recommend or to to approve item C 7622 subject to the technical evaluations commissioner CLA moves to approve of except te2 uh commissioner CLA moves to uh approve of c76220 technical evaluations except for te2 um that motion's been seconded by commissioner Goen please cat your votes thank you and the motion passes we're in line for item 10 item 10 is PUD 1989 application to rezone 9430 Southwest 15th Street from AA and PUD 1512 good afternoon Mark Z with Johnson and Associates address is W Sheron Avenue uh before you is a request for rezoning to allow for a continuation of single family homes uh immediately west of the neighborhood known as belflower if we go back uh to October uh early November you saw a reone for phases three and four of the project immediately to the east of this that s 30 foot Lots it was approved uh by city council about a month ago and so what happened through that our neighbor to the west that owns this property was was notified conversations began it's essentially a landlocked piece of property uh while the remainder of this lot goes north to 15th Street there's a creek that bisects the tract so the property owner reached out said I have this landlock piece of property in the back are you all interested uh in acquiring it so uh client went under contract so what we're seeking today is uh the same zoning is what was approved for Bellflower phase three and four uh there were tees on this there were three uh step Rec approval we agreed all of the tees uh including the one about providing additional parking uh I do think we want to make one Amendment to the te just for clarification purposes that I think staff would uh appreciate and agree to uh it's noting that off Street guest parking should be provided uh we want to note that as uh not in the form of a parking lot uh what we would like to see is on street parking that's in set so whether we do angled 90 degree parking um or parallel that we we bump in we'll still provide the additional parking but with conversations with some there was concern that we would in some way build like a separate parking lot and and I don't believe that's the intent of staff um it's to provide that additional overflow parking but not a parking lot in a neighborhood so that would be our preference I like that I don't knowah Jeff thoughts that was the intent is we've seen similar uh and most often when somebody has a little pocket park they'll have kind of inset parking it was that sort style that we had in mind yeah makes sense commissioner meek yeah so on that te number two what was the language change that you would recommend I think we would prefer that it just say guest parking be provided okay at a rate of and then when you see the uh preliminary plat on this we'll note the easen for the Common parking areas okay so you found some extra property and said let's do some more 30ft wide Lots we know how much you love them I love them um not but this is is actually a good use of it it's the back of a neighborhood it's got the big easement with the creek also known as common area um I counted 45 of them you've got 20 along the north side eight along the west uh 12 in the center may change to yeah and and I know that could change but it looks about 45 of them I like the idea of of the tees I think it's really going to improve uh parking issues so unless any other Commissioners have any comments I'm actually uh okay with this perfect uh Sarah brought up one clarification on this te if we said guest parking shall be provided at a rate of two spaces per every 10 dwelling units four lots of 30 ft in width so her point was if they decide to do 50ft lots they don't have to do the inset parking so I would agree to that I I want to clarify further that because if we take out off Street then it somebody could think well we're just we're providing parking on street um the goal was to have some parking that would be not on the curb on the Cur um just have inset parking occasionally uh because of the so if we take out the word off Street we're almost there because that was not our intend to have a parking lot per se that you would pull into um can we say inset guest parking perfect and then we commit that when we come in with the prelimary plat you'll see uh parking access easements uh we I think we kind of have them light out little PODS of three sprinkled throughout great okay okay we all good I'm good with it okay maybe we can have it read one more time for the record I've got it okay okay Mr chairman I'd like to uh recommend approval of PUD 1989 with the existing te number one uh te number two being changed to read inset guest parking shall be provided at a rate of two spaces per every 10 dwelling units for lots of 30 foot width and also the existing te number three excellent uh the motion is to recommend to city council approval of PUD 1989 subject to the technical evaluations including the amendments to te2 as read into the record that motion's been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and the motion passes thank you we're in line for item 11 item 11 is Spud 1577 application to reone 2141 Southwest 21st Street from Spud 110 is there applicant present is there an applicant present for Spud 1110 all right well then we'll keep on moving to 1577 excuse me sorry oh Mr H oh no okay well then we'll keep on moving to item 12 item 12 is uh Spud 1594 application to reone 1304 Northeast 14th Street from R1 Robert Haggard representing Checkers thank you Mr hagard could you just describe um the changes that we've made well when we started off about four months ago we we had originally plann to have the parking lot on L and uh move the apartment house towards the back and um at that time uh we we were we this department uh okayed the r for zoning but then when we got to city council it turned out that a lot of the neighbors wanted to have a lot of input which we were happy to do and so we really just deferred the whole thing back to this level and you guys recommended that we apply for a spud and in that Spud we moved the parking lot to the back and the apartments to the front we um have added uh security lights in the back parking lot and by the way each one of those lights has a dual head um I just left the lighting contractor and we're putting dual heads on each of those poles and we have added U light poles across the front that are decorative and if you go anywhere in this city you're going to see this particular light pole it's everywhere all up and down we're going to match that light pole so it'll be a continuous the the uh used to be the Ronald Ronald McDonald House to the north that's what they have and then that's what we'll have so it'll continue it and then anywhere else on that street on 14th there's some so it'll all be continuous and match each other and we we uh the landscape is per code and everything else is per code anything else Mr haard um well uh I mean there were so many things I don't some some things are by code so we have to do those anyway but as far as the list that the neighbors had I think we've complied with all of them um I will say um first of all Mr hagard and I are famous uh because we managed to make the front page of the Oklahoma I don't know if you saw but this community meeting made the front page so you know um we're celebrities so we'll be signing autographs at the conclusion um of this meeting um it was I want to thank Mr Haggard for the conversation that was had with the neighbors um it's an excellent neighborhood association that's very well-run um we had a number of of very constructive conversations that have led us to a very good conclusion and I think it's another healthy reminder that um respectful conversations between developers and neighbors can yield really positive results and so um I again just appreciate your efforts um this revised site plan is was a group effort um the neighbors did sign off leadership did sign off on it I know we'll continue to watch the process as it goes forward to um to city council but um the latest was a concern about ensuring that there's enough lighting I don't know if any of you have driven down um lot between 13th Street and uh 23rd Street it's dark so um we want to definitely make some make some improvements to that so appreciate that effort and the revision to the site plan I will ask Sarah I know I'm putting her on the spot so I'm very sorry Sarah I'm sorry it's okay if you need to take a second um if there's anything that we need to change as far as the the tees to ensure that we're we are um utilizing the agreed upon site plan that that's a part of the application and that the agreed upon light posts will be what we are approving uh Sarah Welch planning department I believe Mr hager's proposing 18% um open space that has to be included in the master design statement correct and then um Jared there is a um exhibit of a lamp post on our um exhibit on there and that would be um a additional te that you could do if you'd like to incorporate that as an additional exhibit as an example of the lamp post that would be put up on the front cool I like that long as it we so did you get the 18% that needs to be added to the Spud that we're changing the open space requirement open area yeah okay does that need to be as a te Sarah the open space change does that have to be in the te it needs to be because the master design statement that we presented to you did not have the open space that was just one thing that hadn't been determined before we printed the packet okay so it does need to be stated as a okay I think we we had a we had um recommended the existing te says 20 20% so you'll have to modify that to 18% to match what he's proposing gotcha okay and then we don't need to make any changes for this new site plan to be the one that is uh the site plan no um the um only thing that you would if you want those lamp post the picture of the lamp post to be recorded as the conceptual one that they would be providing um along um L you would add that as an te to include it as an exhibit um D I believe C okay Exhibit C are you sure yeah yeah well can I Sarah um I need to just look at can just I think there is a landscaping plan that's an Exhibit C already someone please confirm I don't have it in front of me thank you I don't okay I don't have those so then it' be it would be exhibit D okay I I hope we can we can work through the the Amendments so it sounds like we need to amend te1 go ahead can I ask a question if you're if you're looking at this picture there are actually two light standards that are visible one of them is the decorative pole the other one is the double-headed one can you see that and do is that the one you've agreed to along the back yeah that's everywhere in this city so literally down every get them both in there in oh you're saying oh because the double okay he made reference the double is he made reference to the double looks like a very old fixture I don't think that's they're if they're buying them new I doubt they this is for the front of the property yeah that's I understand but you had talked about on the backside the Dual heads and my question was just is that the kind of dual head you're talking about Mr Goin thinks not he's talking about a different kind of dual head because the parking lot is going to adhere to the the code standard never mind here it is oh yeah it's of course it is okay okay okay okay I'm I'm happy sorry I I did figure I do want to just one thing real quick so Mr hegard replaced the exhibit as uh exhibit B and C was going to be the Landscaping um exhibit but when he added the light poles he added it to the overall site plan that includes the Landscaping so we will have an exhibit B as in your packet and then a potential new Exhibit C which is the photo of the lights okay and and the advice from Council was to um make sure that we have a te that specifies that the lamp posts in exist the light posts um that are included in the locations of the light posts that are included in exhibit B on the lot side specifically are the ones in exhibit that are now will be in exhibit we agreed upon C correct I think D because the C is okay sorry so D I don't want to put words in anybody's mouth but you I believe and Mr heg correct me if I'm wrong the the te or what he's agreed to is one lamp post basically per dwelling or ground floor or porch so you could you could probably require the lamp post one per porch because the porches are required on the Lotti side and then adopt the um exhibit a new Exhibit C with the example of those lamp posts but I think that the um Lamp Post locations are separate from the ones that are supposed to be on the porches themselves right correct yeah so we're talking about two different types of Lights Sarah yes so one one would be the lights that are demarcated on exhibit B nearest Lotti and it would be the one and and those light posts are intended to be the ones in Exhibit C C C in addition to the lights that would be on each porch well that's by code also code requires every the back doors the back doors on the parking lot side they have to have lights by code and the front doors have to have exterior lights by code okay so this would be in addition and this also favors the sidewalk you know it's it's going to be close enough to that sidewalk that it really is going to lainate sidewalk as well as the property okay does that make sense sah I was just looking out for the if they if they don't build five top and bottom then this the placement of the lamp post may change so I was just trying to think ahead to for what that might other options yeah but that's okay no that's UMD see I can take a stab at this Five For Less evenly play would that be good enough we've got two exhibits one already shows the location of the light poles but we want to Ure I would we want to ensure that however we read the te that it's it is consistent with what's in the yeah that's why I mean I would suggest it would be te2 refer to Exhibit C for example of light poles required on lobby as located on site plan exhibit B boun is good with it look at him you architect lawyer I mean we it's already been drawn so that that that seems okay maybe I like it should we start having somebody from the permit department come to these meetings I would love it I would love that yeah commissioner mik has brought that up to me before I think it would be great I'm sure they'd love to spend their afternoons Thursday afternoons with us um okay any other questions if not I think we're ready maybe we should give commissioner go I I have a question please uh how is trash pickup being handled we're going to have a shared the the the owner of this owns the property next door and right now we're planning on sharing the dumpster is it going to be on this property there's a 16 foot alley you see that alley on the right that we were going to put the dump I just I think there should be a te that there dumpster should be located 50 feet from any residential dwelling and I know I mean if you look that achievable well and the other thing is is those units to the east those are vacant Lots so yeah um but I think it's zoned R1 MH yeah it's it's zoned R1 and we have the L the fence sight proof fence there's an oil well actually to the east I don't think they're I don't think they're going to get 50 feet it says it has to meet chapter 49 the municipal code so that wherever they are they have to meet the code yeah but I don't have that memorized if it's residential what's the distance I think it's 25 that's what I thought yeah I think it's 25 in enclosure and 25 ft I just because I just don't know where else we could put it on the site I think that's my issue and then obviously we couldn't mandate them putting it in a property that's not that we're not resoning that's not the subject this p no I'm I'm just bringing it to attention so I mean if you're fine with 25 let's I think so especially since the intention is for it to go with the existing commercial dumpsters okay that's the least disruptive but yeah okay so sounds like we don't need anything for it but a good catch nonetheless but you do understand you'll have to do an enclosure and have your dumpster enclosure permitted oh yeah as per code okay uh commissioner Goen do you want to do us the honor if there's nothing else sure happy to you uh Mr chairman I'd like to recommend approval of Spud 1594 subject to uh te1 which will be modified to State a minimum of 18% open space defined as no buildings or Paving shall be provided adding uh te2 I'll see if I can improve upon it a bit uh light Po shall be required on lahi Avenue refer to Exhibit C for light pole for example of light pole to be installed as located on site plan exhibit B that covers lah I I haven't addressed the parking lot light yeah did we leave it but that's the primary incern is the visual on L because there's the parking lot's going to meet code and that's going to be it requires lighting anyway yes so that's the motion okay um the motion by commissioner Goen is to uh recommend to city council approval of Spud 1594 subject to the technical evaluations as read into the record that motion has been seged by commissioner please cast your votes and the motion passes I want to thank planning and the commission for all of their help thank you so much we do have a great planning department they do an awesome job um we're now in line for let's go back to item I don't remember the number 11 11 award 61 let's see if they're ready are you all ready with item 11 yeah or we can go on to 18 which I think is going to be it's all the comp plan stuff or you want us to go there first you want to just eight and 11 11 was the one nobody showed up for oh sorry we're talking about eight are you are you all ready yet before we go ahead and hear the comp plan stuff you want to go ahead and go now I'm saving your clients some money because otherwise they'd have to wait okay so I think we got it figured out now so uh First We can't agree to the 8ot fencing so we would request the first te uh be that there shall be an 8ot High Sight proof fence where adjacent to residential property if that satisfies that piece of it uh we are still fine with the te that there shall be a 25 foot setback from the property line along at cordin court and then a third te that this property will be split into two tracks tract a would be where the new building will be developed tra B from the site plan is going to be where that parking lot is uh in tract B we would only permit an accessory parking lot to tract a as well as an enclosed dumpster and then we would Define tract b as the South half of 2026 West Britain Road as described on exhibit a the county assessor and the way the legal description is that whole parking lot that you see on the site plan is dedicated as its own lot so that's how we thought would be the easiest and most clear way to define uh tract be to only allow the parking Sarah uh yes we were trying to um calculate the legal description just hopefully to be able to for Miss Powers to be able to just call it the lot in Block that it is but she's correct the parcel extends between the streets so if you we have a really clear legal description so if you want to create a second tract using the South half of only that parcel that's extending from Britain to cin then we that we can do that before it goes to council okay yeah right that are we good with the way the amended tees let's have them one more time Kaylin okay so te number one would be that there shall be an 8 foot High Sight proof fence where adjacent to residential property te number two there shall be a 25t setback from the property line on cing court te number three uh dividing the property into two tracks tract a will be the current list of uses that you all see in front of you on the master design statement under track B the only use permitted within track B shall be an accessory parking lot to tract a as well as an enclosed dumpster uh tract B shall be defined as the South half of 2826 West Britain Road as described on exhibit a which of course is the legal descriptions cool other I'm getting a head knot from Council so that's good um there was there was one other thing that I just want to make sure we all think is adequate and that is you know they've they've indicated that there will no outdoor dog or outdoor dog runs shall not be permitted when we talked you had indicated that dogs would be taken out as needed for walking and that kind of thing is there you know I think probably it's a little too much to expect there to be some sort of limit placed on that but and I'll explain that a little bit so as of right now the current use unit of course allows for everything enclosed allows for dog boarding of course they have to take dogs outside to relieve themselves however they are not allowed to have any kind of enclosure this is going to be a very small enclosure you can kind of see it on the site plan but that's really just to prevent liability from a dog getting out or Strays or something like that from getting in so we did try to use that limiting language so that they're not allowed to just let dog dogs loose again it's going to be very small but um if you have other limiting language that you'd be comfortable with but again it's just going to be to take dogs out as needed you know other other than to say that they'll do it singly and I just think that's too much of a code enforcement you know burden to make sure they're only taking out one dog at a time you know that's a little much so no Outdoor Dog Run I think is probably where we need to land so okay and again that would just allow for it to be closed because what we have now had experience with with another use is um yeah any kind of fencing whatsoever violates that restricted use unit so it's I try to make it as limiting as possible but okay um I think I'm good okay do you want to make the motion I'll try um I'm going to move um we recommend approval of item number eight Spud 1592 and I'm just going to say with the three tees as were read into the record excellent uh commissioner Powers moves to recommend the city council approval of Spud 1592 that motion's been as subject to the technical evaluations as read into the record that motion's been seconded by commissioner CLA please cast your votes passes thank you very much thank you I appreciate you all letting him work through that yeah no worries okay do you want to share something about item 11 before we move on to item 18 yes uh the applicant we reached the applicant for number 11 and they had a personal emergency with their power and so they're unable to come today so um if obviously if you're comfortable with the item you can make a recommendation um otherwise probably need to read it into the record and and continue what up to you um would probably prefer to continue I would other thoughts happy with that yeah did we have anyone sign up to speak on it just by a chance we didn't but the site layout is weird and I wanted to talk about it so um I think it'd be nice to have them here yeah agree you want me to make a motion yeah please uh Mr chairman I'll move to continue uh item 11 which is uh Spud 1577 to the February 8th yes commissioner goine moves to uh continue item 11 Spud 1577 to the February 8th meeting of the Planning Commission that motion's been seconded by commissioner lege please cast your votes and the motion passes we're now in line for item item 18 item 18 is to consider a resolution amending the comprehensive plan updating and clarifying the document and including various text and map amendments and berer uh has a there we go Mika Ortiz has a presentation for us we did have a study session on this um a few weeks ago uh wanted to kind of briefly run through it uh one more time I think not everybody was able to make it there so a few weeks ago quite a few not two weeks ago yeah I think it was several several weeks ago but Yeahs but we did hear we did have a study session we were there and we did talk about it and and commissioner Meek only remembers the pizza so all right lunch was good Sarah I just keep putting you on the spot go go ahead berer sorry so B mik Ortiz uh planning department um like Jeff mentioned this is basically um a brief uh presentation from the study session that we had um in November um so basically this is um what um we had is that we modify the language to include amendments to stet types we're going to modify the boundary of the planc downtown L use to correspond with the boundary of the Downtown Development framework we are going to modify the Luda boundaries within the Innovation District area and plan OKC's who respond with those delated in the Innovation District plan we're going to integrate the mayor and minor connectors as Street types in the plan OKC Street topology we want to update the City of Oklahoma City a street typology database and map to include all necessary Street adjustments and we're going to do some updates in The Innovation district line use plan amendments um the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to officially adopt the Downtown Development framework as part of plan OKC the DDF um was actually approved for implementation in 2015 um but it was never actually adopted as officially as plan OKC and you know the main reason why we want to do this is to remove any conflicts between the urban High Urban medium lutas and the DDF so we just want to you know make it easier for developers and for staff to have only one plan that is actually what is going to be the one who's going to be ruling now what is the downtown area um so um it's kind of the street types um are going to be the gdf street types that's how it is right now it's a um if you look in plan OKC we actually refer to DDF for the street types and of course we want to be have the ability to support inform the new sign code and the new sign new signing code with the street types of the DDF um some of the Amendments that are going to happen are going to mainly happen in the chapter two that is the development guide and chapter one that is maintaining plan OKC the chapter one basically what we're doing is we're adding um in the page four um in the area for applying for Amendment we're adding um the possibility for citizens to be able to apply U do amendments to Street types this is due to the signning code the sign code and the sign code have a relation with the street types so from now on the citizens if they want to have a different type of sign they could apply first you know different street type I'm sorry can I stop you for one second we have a sign code you mean the new sign code or the old has it been approved I'm talking about the new one the new sign code has been introduced again at Council so it's going through the adoption process is does that mean it's going to come back to us or they're just internally no they so it it will not be coming it it is already back at Council okay they there were a couple of minor amendments one was related to uh signage in the right of way which is the main reason why it was delayed uh ACLU had uh a problem with the fact that we don't currently allow signage in the right away which is the what the code says right now so it really wasn't related to Old versus new code it was just they failed an opportunity to to make that change since the city was updating the code so uh there was one other change and that related to mural permits um which are no longer going to be required okay so but that you know the that came to the Planning Commission a while ago now and uh like more than a year ago yes it's taken some time to get uh through that uh through that process um and get language that's that legal and and everyone is comfortable with we had a Consulting attorney come through and and uh in addition to that we also had some Law changes uh through uh the court system that we had to address related to um uh well that was maybe before that I don't want to confuse the issue but mainly it was the it was mainly the uh sign signage in the right of way and the murals all I heard was it was it was the lawyer's fault that we still don't have we still have a sign code so I don't I yeah uh the council uh requested that it just go directly to them so that was they felt that it wasn't well I don't know they didn't elaborate but in our briefings with them they felt like they just wanted to get it uh taken care of because we've been on the and I don't know that this was elabor um articulated but it has been some time and we've been uh that this has been on the clock we committed as part of a different lawsuit that we would get the code adopted so there's some sense of urgency and just wanted to get it taken care of lawers we'll take it we'll take it okay thank you Jeff sorry so in chapter two we're going to do some uh we're going to modify the boundary of the downtown Luda um so with the modification we're basically um in the actual page 60 we're going to refer people to the DDF for any kind of uh development or the framework um so basically this is the downtown Luda boundaries right now so we're going to extend it to match the DD f um um boundaries so basically what we're doing is we're making both the same um we're going to modify the Luda boundaries within the Innovation District area to correspond um to correspond with those delineated in The Innovation district line use plan The Innovation District was a plan that was approved so what basically what we're doing is we're going to be aligning um our U actual boundaries to align what the Innovation District was asking for in terms of land use um so I don't know if you can see here um like the district the commercial District so we added the commercial District in our um land use plan um here I think you're going to have a better idea this is how it is right now the existent and this is how it's going to get modified and it's basically to match what the Innovation District plan is asking for yeah you got you got to do that one um I don't know do you have any questions here okay um so yeah basically this is the Innovation district and this is their boundaries so we're basically um matching the the land uses with the Ludas um again this is how it's looking right now the urban high so basically we're modifying um these areas to become Urban medium um we're adding a commercial Corridor here um and basically here we added um a little bit of urban High um and that's basically how it's going to look now the Innovation District area um one of the biggest changes that we're doing is that with our connectors uh right now planc only talks about connectors so we are dividing the connectors in minor connectors and major connectors um and the main reason why we're doing this is because we recognize that um all connectors are not the same so minor connectors are going to be um are those that are going to be more neighborhood like connectors um is more light um um the streets are less traffic in the streets are more neighborhood like and then mayor connectors are area that are more mixed developments with um um more commercial uses and other uses so how we're achieving this is we're basically changing the language in planc um the first big changes that of course in the title we added uh we went from just connect to mayor or minor connector and then we added um a little bit of a differentiation um in the language add in mayor connectors will typically have moderat moderate travel speeds and curb to curb with and may have trans Transit routes minor connectors will be narrower have less traffic and slower speeds and then we added some other changes in the language like you know it will include share lanes and in the case of major connectors dedicated Lanes or Pearl Trails this is basically for bike infrastructure is moderate defined anywhere what's what's moderate travel speeds usually we use the the travel speeds that are um Bas but we don't really define basically what moderate means and that's because it's this this language uh similar languages throughout this um this section in plan OKC um because it is a guideline it's the plan so if it were um you know we don't we don't say you know a certain vehicle mile or certain um aadt traffic count uh we haven't done that in the past um to differentiate the uh the different street types although Justin are Transportation planners here I I don't know if we Maybe I'm Wrong maybe we do do that in the tables I'd have to look it up hi uh Justin Henry uh Transportation program planner for the planning department uh we haven't formalized any any miles per hour but I think we've like roughly been talking about kind of 35 miles per hour is typically like a breaking point above and beyond when we were analyzing the segments for which one should be Major versus minor um so some of the other changes that we did is that we made made changes in um the pages that actually describe what a mayor minor connector it is so we basically um modified the one that is says only connectors and we added mayor connector and then we did the changes in travel zone pedestrian Zone bicycle facilities parking transit to make it more um look like a mayor connector and then we added a whole new description for minor connectors including our image and how what we think a minor connector should look like like you can tell is more like a neighborhood kind of Street um the other big change is to update the Oklahoma City street typology database and the street type Maps um including all necessary Street adjustments um some of the adjustment is that several existing Street needed to be we assign a different plan OKC strep type uh for example every time we create a new neighborhood sometimes we're a little behind in assigning the neighborhood uh Street type or if it's a conector or not so we did that update um and you know um there is going to be new language that is going to be added in plan OKC stating that going forward the planning director shall assign streets type from the planc street typology to all new streets so all new streets are going to be automatic automatically assigned within the planning department and we're going to be updating the maps for the the maps that are available online um some of the other changes is the Innovation District plan streets are now aligned to the plan O casc Street topology when the Innovation District plan was approved they had their own Street types so what we did um is that we use what the idea that they you know they're they're idea for the street types where we align them using the the names of the plan OKC Street types and the idea behind that is from now on any other new plan that is presented to the planning department we want to keep everything simple so we're encourage uh all new plans to use stet typologies from plan OKC um and the plan OKC is replacing the connector Street type uh with two new typologies that are the mayor minor connectors that's going to be happening in the maps too in the here we're not going to present all the maps but in the staff report we did a very detailed maps for you guys so you were able to see in your boards exactly which streets were changing from minor connectors to Major connectors here is the example this is the actual um Innovation District Street typologies like for example they call High um intensity major material so we changed the name to only majoral iial like in plan OKC high intensity minor arterial to minor arterial that is what is in plan OKC high intensity connector to a major connector medium intensity connector to the minor connector um neighborhood uh remain a neighborhood and they don't have Main Street or they don't have Industrial in their right now in their plan but it was just uh to keep the language simple simple in terms of development future development Etc in the area um so this is the example um what we did with basically all the connectors um went to minor connector and then the ones that we consider um like I mentioned in the staff report you guys receive a more detail uh Maps um it was a lot of maps to present them uh one by one here but if you have any questions about any specific area you're more than welcome um so the connectors went to minor connectors um the the minor materials went to Mayor materials some of them these are the ones that were were uh changing from minor material to Mayor materials and some of these um for cartography mistakes or some of them we just forgot in the original plan to extend them extend extend them all the way so a lot of them are just clean up that we're doing to the plan um these are the connectors that are going from regular connectors to Mayor connectors you can see almost all of them are M uh big streets uh commercial areas um and these are the minor materials again this is a cleanup these were streets that didn't have anything assigned any Street type assigned to them and we're doing a a cleanup assigning uh the proper Street type within the Innovation District plan these are the main changes that we're doing the main uh changing is of course we're modifying the language uh it's basically their name the name of their street type um is going to be modified to be the same as the name of the street type of plan OKC we're basically aligning the language between the two plans and we're changing the map too um and here is the example of how we're going to do that um it's a very a minor change instead of calling them high intensity maor arterial they're just going to be called maor arterial instead of being called high intensity minor arterial they're going to be called minor arterial and like connectors high-intensity connector is just going to be called mayor connector and medium intensity connector is just basically going to be going to call minor connector and those are the main changes I don't know if you guys have any questions questions commissioners I don't have any I I don't have a major question more of a minor question I think but it's it's a I'm just curious how do you do this in these subdivisions like where the streets all just go like this and stuff like I see some amendments proposed in some of these it it makes sense when it's a grid like we all understand how cars move through the busier streets and the connectors but you get into the the subdivisions that are planned that we see a lot of in here and I'm and there's a lot of maps in the packet that you know we didn't focus on I'm just curious kind of like what's maybe do you want to spend a minute or two just talking about that is it um basically the the the way the the analiz the it was we use a tool that is called GIS geographic information system we have one of our planners Jonathan Lan he did basically what is called uh a module where he basically um with decided what we want it to be among those connectors to become a mayor minor connector or a minor Min or mayor material and it is a lot of um thinking that it goes into what are those criterias are going to be or you know if the RightWay the site of the RightWay or if it's commercial not commercial the Sony a lot of that and the tool the the software actually does a lot of the mapping for us other thing is a very big monitor and um a lot of time to uh literally go in detail in each one of these streets um we have a great database that helps a lot with that that we can do the queries and the mapping will you know it lights up and it let us know when when to we need to change something and that's why we were able to identify all those areas that were not assigned because the the the system tell us hey there's nothing here is a all or is empty and we are able to go there in detail yeah is it um is this sometimes when you see those those little tubes across the street like to count the cars and stuff do is that a big part of this how you get the data or we the U GIS we could use what where you see those tubes is basically that what it do that does is provides data and it's a lot of a lot of data and with that data we then query what we need and then from there we create the models and then the models create the maps for us it took us I don't know a year and a half two years something like that to to come up with this with the mayor minor and a lot of discussion and a lot of and we're not done this is just the first part yeah so it'll if there if there are future um like we yes we do the we have traffic count data that we've been using for many years we have recently um acquired um a much better data source essentially uses data coming from these devices which allows us to get um more fine grained traffic so I can I can see that influencing these Street types we come forward in the future if we find out that streets are going more or less traveled than we thought um but this was um this wasn't we wanted to make sure that we kind of scrutinized this and and cleaned up areas that where there were any errors and made sure that we got it U just the way we want it because like berer mentioned uh the code is going to start using these um these Street types um well it doesn't really use them now so it will starting with the sign code your entitlements are kind of tied to that so uh we wanted to make sure we get it buttoned up so if anybody feels like hey this street is class too high or too low you know we can we can take a look at it um I don't anticipate this will come up very much with the Planning Commission but in in future years as it gets more integrated into the code it likely will uh from time to time I have a quick question um and I understand it's it's cleaning up and lining up a lot of things it's it's a good deal but another deal I wish Development Center had someone here does the street type being changed changed uh does it affect uh Development Center like curb Cuts driveway widths stuff like that could that be a problem with some people uh right now it does not right now the only impact it has is on the sign code okay um so but in the future as we progress through the code update um it it may influence that so and the development center is very much involved with with the code update um so um right now we have well I get too much into off topic but that that's in process right now yeah and one of the other things that we did for this is that we align our street type with the Federal Street types do and we were actually um create a database where we have all our streets um with the federal actually category plus hour and they're align just to help with that too so now every time we update one of our street types we're going to know or we're going to have an idea if what the person is requesting or the amendment the person is requesting is or not going with what the federal uh category it is or type is we're going to be able to keep up with the data a lot easier now that we have claimed this and we have been able to keep all of this and created basically all of this from CR so Jeff if IOD correctly redesignating these streets is going to have an implication on future code adoption we're going to use the street type as a a a basis for a lot of those things like the sign sign code so that's kind of where this is headed globally and we're seeing a little piece of it exactly so um and it was always anticipated from the time plan OKC was adopted that's the reason we have this Street topology because um the federal classification system really doesn't say anything about land use um it's just hey this is this is a highway this is a residential street um and so the street topology was meant to be more nuanced and say okay well we want to integrate land use and and transportation because that's how we live our life that that is just how things are should and do work and we want to regulate to that so that's the goal and so so as we've been developing the um Urban medium the core area of the zoning that the street type matters um uh it influences your entitlements um so if you are on a a major arterial or excuse me well a major connector um you may be a street or two over from just a regular residential street but you're on a major connector there's more traffic there might be a bus route it makes sense to allow a little bit more density um by right that's kind of what what what uh where we're moving towards and what the plan plan OKC anticipated uh in a manner of speaking so based on the type of street that you're on is going to limit what you can and can't do is kind of what I'm understanding you to say allow you to do things versus that you might not be able to do on a more restrictive Street exactly and for the sign code is the the example we have that's in you know before us right now before the city council and it's imminent so it it adjusts the height of the signs it adjust the the amount of signage you're allowed depending on whether you're on an arterial or a connector um and so um and and that it still is controlled by zoning as well but now it's both uh the street type and the zone They both matter and that's why we divided the connectors because we want to add density where density is appropriate but we wanted to protect those neighborhoods too that even though there areas that connect um x with Y we wanted to protect them too and keep them more neighborhood likee yeah most of the connectors were ended up being minor connectors you saw that on the maps of the all the yellow squiggly lines there were there were a few that were that were major connectors though yeah yeah kind of split to minor or major yeah I wouldn't say it's much of an upgrade because before it was just an it was just a a connector and so um it's just more of a a differentiation yeah not to derail us but but I I do think this is only a reminder that it would be nice it would be valuable for us to spend some time um maybe in a study session hearing about where the code update is because this adds a level of complexity to that analysis that would be um that I need certainly more time to wrap my brain around so maybe that's something we could consider is ways that we can get up to date on it I fear the day that we're going to get that put on our lap and it's a really complex thing and it takes us a long time to really wrap our brains around it so the around it because this is pretty complex um so anyway throwing that out there no it's it's a good point and it's it is it is complex and um so we we've we've submitted a portion of the kind of the base zones to the St The Advisory team um and now we have a bunch of new drafts that kind of fills in the rest of the code and and there's been some debate well do we it's hard to take just one component of the code because it's all interrelated and you don't know if you're okay with this unless you see this portion and that's been the struggle because it's like well but it's overwhelming to just see it all at once but you can't understand this without understanding all these five other pieces so um that's kind of where we are now we we showed the base zones but now we've got all the use parking Landscaping tree preservation um for getting one or two but since they're so interrelated staff is like we're trying to get the sign code done we're trying to get the successory dwelling we uh and a few other kind of code update things taken care of while we get our heads around and kind of figure out how these inter relationships work like compatibility is one I didn't mention so all these things have' been waiting some time to get figured out are before us and so we will be bringing those forward as soon as we can get them um kind of to a better less rough draft we've got the rough drafts now it's connecting and making sure everything makes sense then we'll bring them forward and it's kind of unavoidable but we feel like we kind of have to bring them all forward at once and we'll take as much time as we need to get through it all um but we want to make it all available to the stakeholder advisory team and then the Planning Commission so that if we have questions about well this section of the part of the code relates to um you know whatever it might be but I don't know if I'm okay with this unless I can see the landscape code that that deals with the buffers and all that kind of thing so um we want to be able to do that I think you know having a study session that's not on the same day as a Planning Commission meeting where we would have that opportunity you know and we would know that we're going to go into a longer you know study session in order for us to do that but I think that'd be essential before we bring it to the Horseshoe because I I could see that still being a pretty intense conversation even after both things occur but I know we're getting off a a little bit off topic but it's important to know where this is headed and so thank you commissioner Newman for asking that question because I sure had not put those dots together there so I I appreciate that question anything else Commissioners okay I think we're just ready for a motion to approve I was little un what we're approving here the res we need to approve the update to the comprehensive plan the resolution yeah the resolution itself doesn't have a number just it's the resolution the resolution how don't we say approval of item 18 yeah item 18 Mr chairman I'll move to recommend approval of item 18 we are the final body on the comprehensive plan correct correct we are okay this will be received we've got the power we're just approving it all right yeah all right move to approve item 18 commissioner CLA moves to approve item 18 yeah is that now right there we go we get it that's been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes why do I have more of these tonight and the motion passes thank you all right well that brings us to the conclusion of our items requiring separate are there any additional items okay there's an extra housing affordability study anyone looking at that um any let's go to Communications and reports Planning Commission committees we don't have any reports I don't believe well as I I since you inquired about it as part of the stakeholder uh Team on the code update there is going to be an access the amendments to the accessory dwelling policies in the current code will come our away pretty soon it sounds like so we're we're commenting on that and being asked to to return comments by I think the 8th of February or or sometime pretty soon maybe even the 30th of January I can't remember so I'm not sure about this if this study session is beneficial for for getting through that portion of it completely separate from the whole new code updates that are are coming we might want to think about scheduling that that to talk about that sooner than later I'm not sure but um I haven't even had a chance to go through all that yet and get Lisa comments back but um and I'm not sure after the comments are back how long we're talking before it actually shows up I think it could be pretty quickly so we at the last study session the Commissioners that were there requested that we so once it goes to um once we get the comments back from the stakeholder advisory team presumably we could move it forward and the next step would be this to the development Review Committee of the Planning Commission uh which was it was requested that we just have the invite the entire Planning Commission so we were planning on doing that but I will say that right now and maybe Sarah can correct me I'm only aware that we have two official development review committee committee members and I think that's M commissioner goine commissioner Claire te three yes can I don't think we can can we vote on that today or is that just somebody who is a volunteer I that is a good question I we would have to put that on your next agenda and we can do that um as planned right now I believe that committee whoever that committee is is scheduled to meet on February 22nd to discuss some pending ordinances okay so we could put it on the eth okay um that sounds good anything else on uh Planning Commission committees excellent then we'll move on to commission members commissioner CLA nothing commissioner powers I heard young deer out on the Lake Road last night as I was coming around it there were four that stayed on one side but the other ones just like walked across the street from me so the light that they took down the giant you know one that had its own um generator and they've just put one up which still too bright but it's way better the deer out there you know communing with nature and it it always makes me feel better when I I see him this was where on the Lake Road hner Lake Road cool south of the there's a kind of a meadow north of the fire station just at the North End of Meridian and um he kind of enjoins the golf course and then off to the marina it there's just kind of a meadow there there like 20 of them young deer very makes you feel good about life love that comp oh wow um anything else commissioner Powers no commissioner me commissioner privet commissioner Newman no commissioner Goen commissioner Noble commissioner L Forge I have nothing as well planning department um I think I we've covered the things that I had on my mind so I'm good unless there are other questions I don't think so municipal council's office all right um do we have any citizens to be heard that are signed up to speak no we don't okay um seeing as we've reached the end of our agenda we're Jed