e e well good afternoon and welcome to the Oklahoma City Planning Commission let me see if I can get the microphone to work properly um we are excited to have you all here before we begin I just want to start with a few um housekeeping items first if you are interested in speaking to the commission about an item and you are not an applicant please make sure you complete one of these forms we we're only going to be calling on people for items that we're hearing we're only going to be calling on people who um have filled out the form so please make sure you do so um we do ask that when you're called on um that you uh limit your comments to 5 minutes um and we do ask that you please refrain from repetitious comments so if your neighbor who spoke before you is concerned about drainage and you are also concerned about drainage you don't have to add drainage to your comments you can bring us a new concern that your previous neighbor had not brought up I would recommend that if you're here with a large group you consider appointing someone from your group who could represent all of the issues and I I promise we'll make sure that they get some more time to be able to explain all of the issues um but that can make it a little bit easier for us to process when it's a it's a coherent um effort not required but encouraged um finally we just ask that you please be respectful of each other uh please be respectful of the applicants be please be respectful of our process here today so um with that we'll begin with um receipt of the minutes from the uh February 22nd 2024 meeting Mr chairman I'll move to receive the minutes from the February 22nd Planning Commission meeting commissioner CLA moves to receive the minutes from the February 22nd uh 2024 meeting is anybody else seeing the second on the screen I'm not okay mine's not appearing okay um Let me refresh sorry working on the technology here um the the motion is to receive the minutes from the February 22nd meeting that motion has been seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes when available and the motion passes um excellent we're in line for continuance requests and we'll begin with uncontested requests item 27 case PUD 196 1996 has been withdrawn is there anyone here that was wanting to be heard on that item 27 know that it's been withdrawn if you were um next new requests with have three new requests item 12 case Spud 1598 deferred to March 28 item 21 CPA 20235 defer to April 11th and item 22 case PC 10920 defer to April 11th is there anyone here wishing to be heard on any of those items all right then we repeat that it's items 12 21 and 22 Mr chairman I'll move to approve the new continuance request as R commissioner CLA moves to approve of the new continuance requests as read that motion's been seged by commissioner Newman please cast your votes and the motion passes we are there is there are no items for this consent docket so we'll begin with the items requiring separate vote and we'll start with item one item one is case c76 29 final plat of Britain Place located east of the John Kilpatrick Turnpike and south of West Britain Road good good afternoon Kendall Dylan with craft and toll representing the applicant this is a uh final plot um that not only conforms to your zoning ordinance but is um almost identical to the approved preliminary plat so it obviously conforms to that I would think it would have been on consent docket however staff did receive a letter of protest um it was really more of just an inquiry in terms of drainage so we've reached out to Mr Draper I'm not sure if he's here today or not but um we've sent him some emails with our grading and showed him how the drainage has worked so I think we got that squared away and we have two standard tees that we're in agreement with and we'd ask for your approval dang I I was hoping this was going to be an opportunity for us to go ahead and let Barry come up and do his whole drainage explanation at the first item for the day so okay all right we'll save it time save time um this is uh this in W one commissioner Claire yeah um I didn't have any questions you're agreeable to the tees and I was going to acknowledge Mr Draper's um email and you did that for me so thank you thank you very much and I'm prepared to make a motion um if there's no further questions or discussion think you're ready all right I'll move approval of item C 7629 commissioner CLA moves approval of c76 31 who 29 excuse me c76 29 I'm looking at the wrong item um that motion has been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and motion passes thank you all we're in line for item two this is KC 7631 preliminary plat of south Portland rail Park uh located south of Southwest 29th Street and West of south Portland Avenue along with the variance to table 5.1 in section 5.3.2 pointa of the subdivision regulations hi there John doy Cedar Creek engineering representing the applicant uh this is a preliminary plat like he said uh it's zoned I2 and they will conform to all the zoning codes um there is a flood plane in the area we have already done a no rise study for this and it's been approved and uh I look through there are two tees and we are we agree with both of them and you still need the variance right correct that's one of the tees yes yes sir okay this is in Ward three commissioner Meek yes sir I've uh went and checked out this area and met with the uh applicant I don't have an issue with the variance with the constraints of the railroad and the um other developments are in place there's no other option really um on the 1700 foot Cy saac so unless there's uh any other questions from other Commissioners just one question what was the width of that roadway the width is it just a standard 26t Road I believe so it might be 32 but that's 26 probably any other questions from Commissioners not I believe it's 32 that would be better yes any other without that we can start with the motion on the variant okay with that I'd like to uh recommend uh vote on the variance in table 5.1 5.3 Point 2 point a recommend approval of the variance commissioner Meek moves to approve the variance to table 5.1 in section 5.3.2 pointa of the subdivision regulations that motion's been seconded by commissioner CLA please cast your votes and the motion passes thank you all very much thank you we're in line for item three item three is PUD 1775-p 9 application for plan pursuant to the approval of P 715 located at 2111 Northwest 550th Street we oh sorry we didn't y sorry I kept on going so sorry right glad Sarah caught it sorry and David was like ready to go sorry um um stand here awkwardly while you guys vote on the previous item so sorry I'm moving too fast y'all no you're good need to move to approve SE uh C- 7631 okay uh commissioner Meek moves to approve c76 31 that uh motion's been seconded by commissioner privet please cast your votes and the motion passes okay we're all set thank you Sarah sorry I'll move slower no D you're doing great no I said I'll move slower you you go ahead did it get called do we do we want to call it yeah UD 1715 sp09 application uh for a specific plan pursuant to the approval of PUD 715 located at 2111 Northwest 50th Street David box 522 call for drive here on behalf of the applicant this is uh the latest application for a specific plan for Oak this is a nonprogrammed building on the south side of the park it could be a variety of things think seasonal type pop up things within the confines of the building again it's on that South Side there you go it's on the south side of that open space that will exist uh it conforms to the Pud happen to answer any questions thank you this one word to commissioner Powers I don't have any questions about this and and I note that it is in conformance with the p is there anybody here who signed up to speak no so if anybody else has any questions I'll move approval I just want to know when it's going to be what's completion date look like of like the entirety of the project I think the sign says fall of I don't know what it says okay fall of something commit to it right now on TV I won't I'm not turning any any dirt out there Cent might not like that I'm pretty sure it's going to be sooner rather than later I mean I think they're ready to go looks good can move we'll call this the Box building the oh okay the what building the Box hey I love that I'll tell my client that was a condition upon approval as someone who drives by often they're making very good progress they really are that's cool okay commissioner pow moves to uh approve of the uh special permit to P special permit uh excuse me specific plan number nine for PUD 1715 that motion has been seconded by commissioner Meek please please cast your votes thank you thank you we're in line for item four item four is case Ed 240 application to dedicate cury Boulevard in Southwest 11th Street to the public located located north of Southwest 15th Street and East of South Mustang Road good afternoon Terry Haynes here on behalf of the applicant Cedar group uh We've read through the tees there's two standard tees and uh I'm here to answer any questions you might have thank you this is in w three commissioner Meek yes sir I spoke with the applicant and once again everything looks to be in line uh with the two they are agreeable to both tees and if there's no other comments on ready to move for approval I do have one question of clarification is this a recommendation to city council or do we have authority to dedicate this stre okay it's recommendation recommend recommend approval of Ed 240 uh commissioner Meek moves to recommend to city council approval of Ed 240 motion's been seconded by commissioner Newman please cast your votes the motion passes thank you thank you in line for item five uh item five is case PC 10915 applications to reson 7601 North Central Avenue from PUD 1987 and R1 to i1 good afternoon marks it's S Johnson Associates one Sheran Avenue unlike Mr Box I've patiently waited my turn to thank you for setting an example uh so this is an application you've actually seen once before recently uh it did not make it to city council we've brought it back after the public notice went out the R1 tract of land that owner approached our client and said I own a landlocked piece of property would you like to purchase it my client did so rather than complete it and file a new application we brought this back uh and included it within the development so with happy to answer any questions we would ask for your recommendation of approval uh thank you this is in w 7 I am entirely in support and don't have any questions any questions from Commissioners there is no one signed up to speak all right with if there's no questions I'm prepared to make a motion easier get e you um you can go ahead okay I'll move to recommend approval City Council of PC 10915 commissioner CLA moves to recommend approval of PC 10915 to city council the motion's been seconded by commissioner Goen please cast your votes motion passes thank you thank you we're in line for item seven item seven is sp sp six sorry item six is uh PC 10922 application uh to rezone 1512 South buers Avenue from C4 uh Sr o and MH to R2 Sr o and MH hi there Andy Nelson with Nelson MBM investments just here to answer any questions sounds like the building's already there yeah it's non-conforming you just want to go back to the zoning that it would take to be able to use it's been a duplex its whole life right there I don't know why it was ever Zone commercial just trying to go back to R2 sounds great I'm in full support this is in w s don't have any questions anybody else have questions all right I will move to recommend approval City Council of pc10 922 commissioner CLA moves to recommend approval of PC 10922 to city council that motion's been seconded by commissioner privet please cast your votes and the motion passes thank you we're in line for item seven item seven is case SP 586 application for a special permit to operate use unit 82501 15 moderate impact institutional in the I2 District located at 701 North Sarah Road hey um Tom VOD I'm a portion of the applicant uh so yeah any questions you have let me know excellent um commissioner me yes sir I've uh met with the applicant and uh went out checked this area out uh just to let the other Commissioners know um this will be a gravel uh yard with a concrete uh approach and this whole area is gravel there's a deli plant or I mean a concrete plant at the End of the Street uh schlum Barger has gravel um Lopez Foods across the street has gravel and I don't see any problem with this application and I didn't know if there would be anybody that would signed up to speak there's no one signed up to speak okay if uh if there's no other uh questions then I'm ready to make a mo um commissioner Meek now how much time are you spending in the car driving across the vast ward 3 to go to every single case you keep saying I went to the side do you go every time well the these were all in the same area so I made one trip and hit I had four cases I hit three of them in one day look at you so great and talk to Mr VA so yes his truck's still in there so oh he's got a newu I'm trying to get first change okay okay yes so with that uh I'd like to move uh approval of SP 586 recommend approval commissioner make move to recommend city council approval of SP 586 that motion has been seconded by commissioner Newman please cast your votes and the motion passes thank you we're in line for item eight item8 is c1113 application to close a portion of the Northwest 90th Street RightWay between block 456 of Brit Heights Edition west of North class Northwestern Avenue and north of Northwest 89th Street once again David box 522 call Core drive this is a closing application for some rideway the dead ends into uh the railroad right away it's unused by anyone other than my client um staff does recommend approval we are in agreement with the te excellent this is in ward two commissioner Powers Yeah I do not have any particular uh issues or questions about this but I'm curious to know if there's anybody signed up to speak there is no one signed up to speak um is it your ition to vacate this yes okay um if so if not and if other Commissioners don't have any comments or questions I move approval of CE 1113 commissioner pow moves to uh recommend approval of ce113 to city council that motion has been seconded by commissioner CLA please cast your votes and the motion passes we're in line for item nine item nine is kce 11118 application to close a portion of an East West platted utility easement on line 11 and block nine of Cedar Ridge at Morgan Creek Section 3 West of Angel Oak Drive and north of Southwest 44 Terrace once again David box 522 call cour drive this is uh an effort to close and vacate a portion of a utility easement a home was built 1.69 ft into the utility easement in this case utility easement is a 20ft easement rather than what you would typically see a 15t easement the structure itself is 1.69 feet into that utility easement it is worth noting that the actual sewer line is actually on the south side of the fence meaning it's not on my client's property so I believe it's an 8 foot separation between the structure and the sewer line it also has a pad and an HVAC unit on it the question was asked to us as not whether or not we could agree to move that h AC pad and the unit one of the complicating factors here is that my client is the home builder the client sold the house someone already owns the house and so my client is is comfortable and trying to get that accomplished but of course it will take the agreement of the homeowner to move that pad um so we can agree to it with this caveat that the worst case we could always apply for a revocable permit that would put the homeowner and subsequent homeowners on notice that in the event that the city had to get in there and remove that pad it would be on them so we agree in principle but of course it will require the homeowner to agreed to allow us to do that because we no longer own the property okay um go ahead commissioner Noble oh is it not me is it not why was I picking on you because weal because you and I talk about it so much sorry go ahead commissioner me yes so I uh did not go to this location but uh spoke to the applicant multiple times times and uh visited with Public Works uh did you have any comments Barry Lodge public work sorry to interrupt the flow of the discussion uh we did meet yesterday with uh with David uh to discuss this closure and and we're okay with the with closing and vacating the portion of the easement where the house is encroaching uh and so the only thing we would ask to be done before this goes to council is that the part of that the legal description of the closure area that includes that air conditioner pad be revised so that it only includes the encroachment of the house and we have come to the agreement that that if they can move the air conditioner pad and get it out of the ement completely that's going to be the preferable way to approach this if that winds up being something that the homeowner won't agree to becomes too problematic then we we are in uh in favor of working on the revocable permit for that but we do need to get that the the closure legal description corrected before this goes to council David do you have a good reading of what we would need to do a te or I I think the te would just be that prior to city council the legal description would be reduced to just Encompass the um encroachment that exist Exist by way of the home and not the HVAC pad that makes sense to me commissioner meate yes sir I uh I agree with that I I spoke to a title specialist that said if the home if the homeowner got a revocable uh filed at the county on that address it would help future owners unsuspecting owners to know that that there was an encroachment that they could be liable if they did not remove the air conditioner unit and I'm fine with that so uh and if there's uh no other comments from any other Commissioners I'm ready to make you're good okay um I'm ready to recommend approval of CE 1118 with a te number one existing uh te number two that a revocable permit is required and te number three that the Leal description be reduced to cover the encroach of the home only do we need te2 as you just read it I think we just need that description that David read into the record earlier right yeah I don't think we need the re we need to we don't need to require the revocable permit we just need to have that we'll either move it or we'll have to go one or the other fine as it's read then yes sir can you just one more time for us to make sure we Bo I said it so well the first time uh prior city council hearing the legal description will be reduced to just Encompass the structure that encroaches not the hbac pad excellent I feel like it was better the first time but that'll probably work that's okay I mean they'll go when we go back and get the record straightened out we'll have that that reading from the first way of saying it um okay commissioner Meek moves to recommend approval of ce11 um8 to city council subject to an additional technical evaluation as read into the record that motion has been sated by by commissioner Goen please cast your votes thank you the motion pleas thank you we're in line for item 10 item 10 is case PC 10923 application to rezone 1401 Northeast 44 street from R1 uh and hno to R2 and hno my name is darita herd just here to answer any questions y'all might have so you are wanting to create a duplex on this and it's currently a vacant lot currently a vacant lot sir have you had any conversations with the park of State neighborhood about well I actually am a resident of the par St neighborhood I'm just trying to build build a duplex so I have some more space so do you where do you live do you live next 37th okay that's cool um I would recommend while I'm in support of this proposal I would recommend that you probably have some conversations with councilwoman nice before it gets to city council I've talked to her before about it but not anyone specifically there's no organized Community Association but I have talked to her about the that'd be good just to make sure but I think it's good to you know fill in those vacant lots and create more density is a good thing for Northeast Oklahoma City so I don't have any questions are there any questions from Commissioners and there's no one signed up to speak okay uh Mr chairman since it's your ward I'll move to recommend approval of item pc10 923 commissioner CLA moves to recommend approval to City Council of PC 10923 the motion's been seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes the motion passes thank you good luck we're in line for item 11 item 11 is case PC 10924 application uh to reone 1025 Southeast 15th street from R1 and srod to C3 and srod hello good afternoon my name is Shazam Chima uh I'm the applicant and I'm here to see if you have any questions excellent could you tell us a little bit more about what the what you're doing and where this what's happening with this side there is nothing in particular in plan as of yet uh it's currently R1 and we i' like to change it to C3 there are some c3s around to see uh something to build on Light commercial excellent and it's right next to Industrial but there's no there's nothing going on it's just a open field currently right yes sir it's it's just the wakon lot correct and then next door is the is the industrial zoning as well yes sir um with the houses this is more of a question for staff with the houses across the street to the South um what limitations if any does that place on the ability on lock coverage etc for C3 so I know lck coverage for C3 is like is High um Sarah Welsh planning department lot coverage for C3 is um 100% but um this is in the SC River overlay Design District and so he's retaining all of the design requirements and regulations and so we are comfortable with the Straight Zone with that in place that's true okay well I'm in support I don't have any other questions any questions from Commissioners we did I may have just uh missed it not AV able to look it but we have a recommendation from Senor fiver overlay Design District in support in support of it very good all right well I will make a motion to recommend approval of pc19 24 commissioner CLA moves to recommend city council approval of PC 10924 that motion's been seconded by commissioner Newman please cast your votes the motion passes thank you thank you we in line for item 13 this is sp604 application to reone 5421 South May Avenue from R1 hi hi you menzor here on behalf of uh Miguel menzor my dad just to answer any questions okay so this is um can you tell us more about your project and what all is going on with this uh we're just applying to allow for a small Barber Shop uh on the main building uh the first floor there'll be four chairs and that's that's it and then the parking what's the for the parking we can utilize the lot right next to it to the north of that first building uh there's also a main entrance off of South May so we don't have to interrupt traffic to uh 53rd are there are there any other cuz are there any other commercial uses along May Avenue between uh so between 44th and 59th I believe there's a total of seven on that strip of May Avenue uh there's a Chinese restaurant there's a gas station uh and and then on each corner there's a few shopping centers are is the is the house or the attach uh the um accessory dwelling unit are they being occupied do are the people who live there no okay um this isn't more six commissioner Goen sorry I I just jumped on questions immediately it's good that that's all Rel I wanted to know more about the the parking and um I think I have a question for staff I just want to make sure it's clear is by approving this Spud does that mean the parking needs to be upgraded to meet City standards or is it allowed as is assuming no new structures or permits are applied for do do we so as of right now that that little lot has uh it's uh recycled cement gravel uh but we're I mean if we need to make improvements we going to have a problem doing that I don't know what the requirements are to be honest I I don't I I'm not sure that's why I wanted to check but I wanted to make sure you were aware of any any things that were like were coming with this approval like if it's going to be a burden on you that you're aware of that that's all I'm that's the only reason ask S Welch planning I think you know typically all parking needs to be paved specifically for this use if it's not paved now and not permitted now if it had been permitted they would have required it to be Paving technically you could use your Spud process to allow an alternate surface that is an option for you but normal code would require Paving and Landscaping okay so if they if they want to uh have the possibility of a permeable surface do we have to specify that that it's not just any kind of Paving anywhere can be permeable if it meets our requirements right we would have to put into the Spud that permeable Paving is allowed and we have a standard statement for that but I think if he's he's already installed the paving so I think for him and permitting it would be most important to make sure you're permitting whatever he's installed right if that makes sense well if it's up to our standards I'm not you know we have not inspected it so so we don't know but but so Curr currently the permeable Paving is not what's being used I believe right now it's permeable permeable correct yes gravel okay specify that if you do not specify it the parking for this site will have to meet code which would be paved so so my thought on the matter would be that we include language that says uh the site shall comply with current site development standards because that means they need to do parking and Landscape buffers the appropriate landscape buffers but also say that permeable Paving would be allowed I support that yeah are you good with that yeah yeah no problem at all okay yeah we'll we'll comply with whatever requirements are necessary this is my first time going through this so understood thank doing good sight proof screening is also a uh inherent in your NBS language so if you if you don't already you would have to have a 6ot uh fence adjacent to any other residential well will'll make that happen we'll make that happen yep um I think that's all the questions I and then you're you're aware that the only uses allowed are Barbershop Salon in the existing reg correct correct that's all we're looking get y okay well uh I don't know is anyone signed up to speak no one signed up to speak any other questions in that case I move uh to recommend approval of Spud 1604 and do we need the additional language sorry with the addition with uh te1 as written and the additional uh addition of te2 which says permeable Paving shall be allowed uh and and and site development standards per the per Oklahoma City uh are met in aord yes do I need to repeat that yeah okay let's say let's just make sure we're we're all good you want to say that one more time like Mr Box I like Mr Box said it the first time yeah yeah uh know I would say the te says that uh approval contingent on um you know site development standards uh being met in regards to Paving landscape buffers site proof screening uh and uh permeable Paving would be allowed I like that lordy thank you great uh commissioner Goen moves to recommend approval of sp604 to city council um that motion includes an additional te number two that as read into the record by commissioner Claire um that motion's been seconded by uh commissioner privet please cast your votes thank you thank you good luck um we're in line for item 14 item 14 is case Spud 1605 application uh to uh excuse me tone 3305 Northwest 192nd street from Spud 1194 Dean Coy to represent the applicant uh I think that map may be slightly different there is this the Zoning for the for the residential be different case is this the right exemp this is not the right exhibit 14 yeah 14 this is the right one this is the the commercial One commercial one yeah we got the residential s gotcha Thomas bowling okay do we have an do we have an applicant present for item 14 doesn't appear we have an applicant present so we'll just push it we'll push it to see if unless there's and I didn't see anything objectionable in this what are you thinking I mean the concern with the city not providing service and yeah then we should wait then we'll we'll push it to the end of the agenda I don't believe I need to take any formal action move on to item all right we'll move on to item 15 okay item 15 is case PUD 1995 application to reone 19619 Thomas drive from R1 that Dean kaita civil B Consultants 4700 Guardian Parkway sorry about that same client different track this is our piece here so this uh basically PUD is to rezone this property it's a multiphase proper this is phase six of the development and you know the front half is the commercial piece and then the rest is residential so the goal is to provide different housing products for this area there's regular single family lots you know 6,000 7,000 ft Lots there's large Lots up to 12,000 then there's also duplex and then there's also uh Garden home type products as well so there's a variety of Home Products for this area and this one is is taed towards R2 zoning which is going to be a duplex development and we meet the comprehensive plan and it's pretty compatible to all the surrounding areas uh with the residential to the East and to the South as well I'd be happy ask your questions you have excellent this is in w 8 commissioner Noble um just one thing on the facade regulation do you have a any problem changing it from 50% brick to 70% brick and brick veneer rock stone masonry Rock Stone fiber cement siding we had no problem with that yeah I spoke more a common sure that's fine yeah and he plans to do pretty quality development here any other questions any other questions from Commissioners we have no one signed up to speak all right we're just looking for a motion um I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval for PUD 1995 commissioner Noble moves to recommend to city council approval of PUD 1995 with the amendment to the facade regulation with the amendment to the facade regulations requiring 70% um of the brick excuse me 70% brick veneer rocker stone masonry rockstone fiber cement siding uh or other similar type of finish um the motion's been seconded by commissioner Meek please cast your votes and the motion pass thank you we're in line for item 16 this is Case C uh c76 32 preliminary plat of country colonade Phase 6 located north of Northwest 192nd Street and East of North Portland Avenue and a variance to section 5.2.8 A of the subdivision regulations Dean K civil and environmental Consultants 4700 Gardia Parkway this is tied to the Pud that we just heard and obviously this is for the flex development side filary plat we do agree all the tees and for the access secondary access for the development we do plan to put a secondary access point in the Northeast Corner which is up upper left of your page that would tie down to um 192nd or not 100 sorry 196 Street and so that will be a a permanent access point through the neighborhood there and then temporary uh fire access until the next phase is going to be built which is Phase seven to the east so we shouldn't need a variance if uh we have the access requirement met so you're going to meet the access requirements so we don't need to take any action correct yes sir so we agree to the tees okay commissioner Noble um and with the temporary access does that take the what the Fire Marshall said yes sir out okay yeah I believe the staff Bo had three different options and we're choosing the option C which is the most CEST option to uh to create that and then when the next phase comes in it'll all be connected and it would that it temporary access would just go away B could be it would be a hard pay surface at that point for the next phase okay and so that that access is coming out the east side and going back it goes south to 196 that Road 196 so you wouldn't need a variance either right so just okay so I guess we're we're just we don't even need we don't need te3 so I guess we're just approving everything else do we don't need four either without the okay no three no four okay yeah and the mention of the fire suppression would go away because if we meet the access that wouldn't no issue with that okay and then I think and there is you're you're aware of the the city's not supplying service yes sir yeah we have no one sign up to speak I think we're we're ready no other questions um recommend approval for C 7632 uh subject to deletion of tees three and four three and four right um this is not a recommendation of approval it is an approval this is an approval um commissioner Noble moves to uh approve C 7632 deleting tees 3 and four the motion has been seconded by commissioner CLA please cast your votes and the motion passed thank you very much thank you we're in line for item 17 item 17 is Spud 1608 application to rezone 2769 Northwest 21st street from R2 come on sorry I wasn't sure if that one was me uh Fallon Brooks Magnus Jolly Bird design representing the applicant um we are taking a current single family lot and adding a duplex on the rear um on the rear of the lot so that's what this is about okay um this is in w six commissioner Goin sure um okay yes well we've been talking about accessory dwelling units quite a bit lately and uh so it's all it's a it's fresh on our minds um I don't have any problems with this but I do have a couple of questions um well let's just say okay first of all the the it's a corner lot so the being a duplex Adu seems consistent with where things are headed in that regard the one um I you are asking for 30 feet um is the the the new regs that are being currently being reviewed and all that are a little lower than that but uh do you know the height of the existing residence is it 35 or is I think it's a little over 30 just barely okay yeah we're right at it I I want to make sure that it it's in this area that it wasn't exceeding that so I I I don't think I have a problem with the 30 foot height no in this case um in in this particular part of the city so um maximum two buildings um the exist is the ex existing residen is to remain is that correct is is what is the existing residence is to is to remain okay uh I I mean I'm I don't have any other issues is there any other questions from other commission there been other reconstructed um garage apartments in the area too that have been turned into twostory right right I've done like five in this neighborhood alans exactly I I A friend of mine owns one of them so that's I don't think it's an issue but I I want to make sure that anyone else has anything has a chance to speak and if not I prepared to move approval excellent uh commissioner Goen moves to recommend approval of Spud 1608 to city council that motion's been seconded by commissioner CLA please cast votes the motion passes thank you we're in line for item 18 item 18 is 1588 application reson 3208 North Indiana Avenue from Spud 1462 me again um B Brooks magmus jelly design representing the applicant uh so this one's a little more complicated it's a half lot there's already uh there was a previous zoning application on it that allowed for a duplex um my client is uh she they live in the neighborhood and they are trying to do micro units originally the idea was to make them out of um shipping containers and I think we have changed that up a little bit um but it's still kind of the same basically out stick built we originally were going for five units that was very problematic um so we met with commissioner powers and uh you know kind of lots of back and forth with commissioner Powers City staff uh trying to get you know as as much as we could fit without going too far over on lot coverage and density and things like that we are a little high on our density there's four units uh staff is recommending three um so yeah answer any questions that you have I'm curious about the definition of micro unit what makes it when does it go from what makes a unit go to but is there like a I think they're 400 square feet okay yeah my question yeah um but and so that's why that is the the square footage that is specified in the document so yes gotcha if they build more than two units they have to be smaller okay it's a little tight 400 bit 400 sareet that's kind of one of the things that sort of caught my attention about this just the experimental aspect of it I mean it's very very close to ocu yeah um you know the idea of it being you know sort of student housing or you know a micro unit not be something I would want to live in but you know um it seems to be uh something that other people find worthwhile so um the the lot just the the uh way it faces the street it's not Indiana is it is it Florida Indiana um you know it just I think it lends itself to this I think it'll fit in there nicely uh and so if it's if it's a maximum of you know 1600 18800 square feet you know that's not really any bigger than a probably a duplex would be if you buil one in there so I think I think I'm I'm comfortable taking a chance on this product at this location and and seeing how it goes and I think that's a good point you know the proximity to ocu is a good thing I mean it will obviously be more affordable it's very walkable I mean it's just right there so you know okay um other questions Commissioners about this glad you were able to work it out with the neighbors sounds like they were not happy sounds like and they're not here now so they must be happy now oh no that's the next one that's okay got it okay come you worked that out I was like do we get this one okay I'll I'll not one thing for the record I uh lived in a 397 ft apartment with my wife and that's where we had our first child oh my God and we were absolutely fine for a year with that amount of space it was a one-bedroom apartment with kitchen it wasn't any kind of unconventional unit I'm just noting that there are you know that is a sufficient size if it's designed well and laid out in a way that functions um of course we did outgrow it uh when a child starts walking and you have more stuff but uh so and you're still married Mr chair if you don't mind I'll make some comments not questions just and I'm don't feel too strongly about this but I'm going to vote only because experimental maybe but um I'm sure people might want to live in that something that small that's fine and then Apartments that's fine but right here houses um all around this so I'm still concerned that these are just it's not appropriate right here in the middle of the house it's it's uh I'll I'll do the math 57 units per acre that's just a lot so just because some people may want to pay that I think it's not appropriate in the middle of these houses There's an actual apartment complex right across the street from this it's I don't know how many units is it 16 maybe 20 you know Upstairs Downstairs very very unlike everything around it but yeah that's helpful uh but to the north to the South to the east everything else around its houses so creeping in there if next the next door neighbors want micro units of I mean this is on7 Acres allow micro units I just just a difference of opinion I don't have questions I just uh vote no but good luck to you it anyway gotcha I mean it we'll see yeah we'll see it's definitely different other questions comments from Commissioners was the number four or three number one we reducing the units four was where we landed so we're striking the te yes or or changing it to to to four rather than three but yes okay it was what five originally staff was good with four two no they three units there's a te for itbs do a four so I think striking the te if that's where we head regard cool commissioner Powers I'm going to move if there's anybody else who wants to be heard I'm going to move approval of item number 18 s SP 1588 striking T commissioner Powers moves to recommend approval of Spud 1588 to city council this includes striking the 1te that is in the staff report the motion's been seconded by commissioner Goen please cast your votes and the motion passes narrowly barly let's hope this works send us some pictures later for sure I don't get to do design on this one unfortunately so all right we're in line for item 19 item 19 is Spud 1590 application to rezone 1144 Northwest 41st Street from R1 me again okay Fallon Brooks Magnus Jolly Bird design representing the applicant um this one was quite contentious but um I know we have some neighbors here uh I think that we've mostly worked it out uh I don't know if any of them have any specific comment but I'll leave them to that I guess for now uh we're taking two lots and we're basically splitting it into four and we're putting on 40th and 41 we'll have single family home that faces 40th and 41st and then the back Lots on each of those facing military will have duplexes um we hard to hide all of our parking uh in the rear uh and minimize the number of curb cuts that we would have um this is I think like the fifth or sixth site plan that I okay so uh yeah so I will I guess put it for comments okay commissioner powers I actually language in the staff report about the maximum Building height um being the R1 standard except that buildings with flat roofs will be a maximum of 28 feet in height which I agree with except that I thought we had decided that we were going to do pitch dfts here it is that something that we wanted to commit to or not uh so no no flat roofs was my understanding that was my understanding as well yeah there should be a line in there um I might need to work this out with staff but we the MDS has changed so many times so I'll just make a note we we can definitely put that in there no flat roofs um uh the other thing that that caught my attention as I was looking through this again was we we also decided there's just no dumpsters there's not going to be any dumpsters so that also and and um the other thing was oh the width of the driveways we ended up with two on Military 24 is that our minimum that's really unfortunately it is it's two-way on each of them we have to meet that standard for parking because you're turning into a driveway a garage on one side and you're parking on the other unfortunately okay uh I I just wanted to make sure it's really wide but um can we go back to the height really quick Janice what was the height height the height is the R1 standard which is 35 35 oh okay I thought you said 28 and I thought if it were a flat roof flat no no flat allowed so um I think those were the only points I felt I wanted to clarify I'm sure we have some people here who might want to be heard although as I went back uh again through the letters it seemed to me that we had touched on virtually everything but I I do want to hear from the neighbors I I don't think I see anybody signed up to speak for item 19 so oh good Sarah yeah she gave it to yeah we should have at least one signed up j s all good all good thank you okay Cassidy CER it me um thank you Fallon um my name is Cassidy Smith Tolliver and I am the neighborhood president of hel Farm I live at 12 oh there we go 16 Northwest 42nd um people say that a good thing is worth fighting for and in hel Farm as many of you know um well we have a history of working to protect the community we love while also embracing thoughtful infill changes over the past four months our community has worked tirelessly with the applicant um to find compromise we've had countless email exchanges phone calls I have had one-on-one coffee meetings to hear concerns um and we had a two-hour community meeting with commissioner powers and commissioner Littlefield um where the applicant was gracious enough to really take to heart what every single neighborhood to say and I've heard were difficult to work with eight units have become six a 3,000 foot Max has become 2500 parking has gone from a visible parking lot to tuck respectfully tucked away spaces the setbacks have become more in line with our historic setbacks and we love all of this it's thoughtful and it's respectful while many changes have been agreed to and we are thankful for them Helm Farm neighbors have asked me to come to just ask for one last change um and that is a te on 50% lot coverage instead of 60% we've worked down from I think it was 67 6 yeah was like 67 um I know that it's normally said here that R1 standards are not typically applied in an Spud however I have heard that even with the proposed ad standards that you heard at your regulation development committee meeting this morning that with the zoning standards for the UL the um Luda with adus you can have more than 50% lot coverage because of future storm water runoff as we add more incremental housing if for some reason today we are not able to achieve this compromise our neighborhood is still very pleased with the compromise that we have seen take place and we won't seek a denial today thank you help me understand that so your intention so yeah we looking at the do there's some architects in our neighborhood they couldn't make it today um but they were asking for 50% lot coverage on each of the Lots so lot one lot two lot three lot four and I think it's just because lot two and three maybe have a little more and lot four maybe has a little more than what would typically be seen in an R1 um and there was also a concern obviously I don't think it's going to matter as much um but with the upcoming ad standards the concern maybe might be that um at 60% maybe they Shrunk the house down a bit and they're back at the eight units that we had asked not be there because the garage could become a garage apartment now you're getting at what I was worried about okay we're saying one thing but Our intention is another so it's it's a little of both concern is so so if if the concern is we need to limit the square footage of the size of these units or is the concern the density the the concern right is like we've limited it but in theory if they shrink the house down we're right back at that 8 unit density that we worked to work down from six and six actually came from commission that came from City staff I believe I I think have specified the number of units that are permitted here though we we have but when the new Adu standards go into a effect that won't supersede this that won't supersede this okay that was the question neighbors had and that's partially why I'm here okay so knowing that what you've seen what you all have seen is what it will be they're still asking for 50% okay I personally personally just regular resident love it neighborhood president they still would like to see 50 but we we can live with this um if we can't get there okay commissioner Powers I mean I I would say this is INF fi development very carefully designed very carefully laid out exactly the way that it was asked for I would say we need to stick to the agreement we have but um valon 50% would absolutely kill me on this I can't get it below 60 I can't can't vote for that but I understand and I appreciate Cassidy bringing her neighbors concerns any other thoughts Commissioners on that I I'm fine with 60 yeah there was a lot of give and take and you know these these things are they're not standalone issues they're you know pieces of a puzzle that ultimately has to fit together somehow uh so I'm I'm comfortable with the design that we have the layout the design of the layout is what I mean and and I think that the that the lot coverage is a good compromise for where we are and we've limited the units so I just want to be clear about that the units are specified so that will not change if the ordinance changes around adus so that's right so anybody else any other comments questions is there a lot restriction on the new Adu ordinance coming yeah as far as minimum lot size um that's a good question I don't I don't think so it's allows for that was a percentage of coverage is the only is the only thing so lot coverage height setbacks okay okay so I will move approval of item number 19 SD 1590 uh commissioner Powers moves to recent with tees indicating that um there will be no flat roofs um and no dumpsters commissioner pow moves to recommend approval of Spud 1590 with the uh addition of two technical evaluations one prohibiting flat roofs and another prohibiting dumpsters that motion's been seconded by commissioner la Forge please cast your votes thank you motion passes thank you um we're in line for item 20 item 20 is case Spud 1606 application reson 1625 North Maran Avenue from R1 and Gatewood UCD to [Music] b606 hi I'm Kenny dies with the allei OKC and here to answer any questions um all right well I'll go ahead and let commissioner Goen start with questions okay well I I'd like it maybe you you explain a little bit more just to tell us about the development H what neighbors you're working with who you know kind of in the agreements um specifically addressing the uh well fire access is one topic that we that I've looked you know have some concerns about I want to make sure that it's it's you know safe and accessible um and then the adjacent uh R1 or R2 property I should say to the South um what mitigating measures have you Incorporated and what can can we incorporate and discuss today that um such as screening and the dumpster location so those are kind of the concerns that uh I have and uh we might hear from others as well but maybe if you just give us a little bit on those okay yeah the overall project we're hoping to have a complex that is multiuse with commercial on the bottom residential on the second uh for mixed use residential on the second uh and third floor the units would be 600 square ft with the third floor having micro units as already been brought up 300 square foot units uh I served on the board of the plaza district for almost 10 years and have been active in the plaza district for even longer than that uh we owned a coffee shop a live music venue and you know we're active as a business in the plaza District as well uh we hope that our unit can accommodate two big needs in the plaza district one is Affordable entrepreneurship uh the mixed use units we already do have artists in the area that would love signed up to be in units uh being able to have a gallery and live in you know a gallery context and so our our hope is a space that can also accommodate a need for a temporary housing tourism was probably the best thing the plaza district has ever had in fact I can remember when uh the chamber you know was really aggressive about outof State tourism and what kind of radical impact that had on us especially in summer months accommodating temporary housing in the area uh I know as a business owner and a board member something we really strove for um we feel like the diversity of our type of complex and its location on the east side of the plaza District kind of helps close the district that east side has been very hard for us to activate as far as its presence I spoke with Jeff strubel at length he owns the property just to the west of us and there's definitely a lot of energy on both of our parts to see a stronger more active Plaza District on that East Side our closure across from him and the alley is a a bad nomenclature it's not truly an alley uh but between our units you know there is the drive and parking area that Jeff and Amy uh both do have in energy to see our project succeed and how that can actually help with their own developments and leases in that area the fire um I think you know looking at access from 16th Street Marian Street as well as dumpster accesses that surround us you know there's food delivery trucks and dumpsters that have to have access you know right behind our property uh there between mine and Jeff's property and as well as on the south side of the street Ray there's more dumpster access there it does seem like there's a variety of uh areas for Access as far as the fire hose lays um are concerned um there are some drives as you can see in the in the unit I know those are only 12 foot in width but does you know provide some even more um accessible potential you know for fire needs in that area does so have you are you aware of the four T tees that are in your staff report or in our staff report say that again we have some uh technical evaluations uh that are I want to discuss and and so yeah these are we we may agree to modify these but that's that's the conversation that we're having today so um you know number one we're suggesting that the uh existing home be retained that that's specified in the master design statement you're aware of that one uh maximum number of residential dwelling units be reduced to 12 you'd be okay that was the staff recommendation and and our recommendation actually don't have that paper 15 I think is what we were asking for the the density change in that area some of that does have to do with the context of temporary housing that we would be that would very much be a part of the the complex uh we you know I feel like from living there for over 10 years right there on Maran um the the density even as a business owner is something we welcome in the area um I've spoken with the plaza District as well as our neighborhood we live in class and tenpen I think Gatewood is what's kind of officially on the record but uh from our uh neighbors and discussions you know and Property Owners around it right now the house to the south of us is for sale so so there hasn't been any personal dialogue with them but in the community um I have not heard any concern for density that the project would bring about now we may hear from someone today that would disagree with that but uh but there is a need we feel like for those businesses for bringing density into the area and we feel like our additional are are asking for beyond that 12 you know is a part of that uh ask on our part for the plaza District to allow for some more density in the area MH the um okay and then there's you know specifying a parking requirement dealing with parking is a concern basically and I know there's ample there's a parking lot backing up to you and there's you know there's other parking options but that's a lot of units for four spaces on your site which is then getting covered with quite a bit of Paving yes um and I do want to come back to the question of would the paving as laid out on your site accommodate fire service vehicles access I don't I don't know that it the 20 foot minimum th those drives are not correct yeah the the the full access would be coming from Maran 16th Street and then blackw yeah okay is there I might talk to that just a moment Mike Mays 4301 Thompson Avenue um the hose lay length from Maran and from 16th Street is 150 ft and that would cover the uh East the full East side of the building part of the South uh and the majority of the west side of the building so if you actually look at uh kind of zoom out look at Jeff shal's property where there are some dumpsters that back up to the uh to the alleyway there is um access there well as well which would cover the remainder of it uh we've reached out to the Fire Marshall to see if he uh agrees with that but it it seems like it uh it's it's covered from all sides so do you all have some kind so you'd be able to Mike what you're saying is you can fit the fire Tru in that space in between or or from 16th and that's sufficient so yeah so the 16 uh 16th Street would be if you measure the distance from the hosle which is 150 ft it would cover the all of the west side of what we're proposing to build with exception of about 10 feet uh of the south portion of the West side but that portion could be covered by um black welder okay so and then the other side could be covered by Maran so we don't necessarily need drives to to be able to cover the building I think it's more hosly okay but the access on the properties even talking to Jeff I mean their dumpster access and food truck delivery access is something he he has you know need to preserve himself again yeah I know that that's not um you know it's not our property but just speaking to the there's a lot of access that you know comes not only from hard access from the streets but also from just the nature of the commercial buildings that surround us there's a lot of unique access for those businesses and establishments through dumpster locations and food delivery service needs is there a plan to basically open up to the the West Side the West have across access there I mean that it's an active area i i y yeah and and we've spoken with with Jeff um you know again he he has no intention of expanding East for him it's it's incentive for him our project actually does help benefit his and yeah The Pedestrian passageway between the two or the project doesn't depend upon that West access we do have 10 foot uh balconies you know from the front doors of the units facing west uh outdoor uh community and activity outside of the spaces is a part of our design but you know the access can happen on our property moving to the east from the unit but Jeff is more than happy to see that access coming toward him to the West um questions from others I let's get it all out I guess if we have other sure topics to discuss I only have one it's it is the same theme um this time I'm more favorable on it I I am for smaller to make it more affordable and okay with some increased density and I'll raise my hand when I think it's too dense here I think it depends on the area here I think it may be appropriate so if it's not unfair I'm curious why this I hate to go against the staff though who thinks 12 so is there any particular reasons the staff has recommended 12 instead of 15 I I was getting comfortable with 15 but yeah I wasn't done with that yet either I I think that's still to discuss but I appreciate you raising the question Sarah Walsh planning department um they're requesting 16 but 12 was just based on the urban medium range of 10 to 40 dwelling units per acre that's how many would be 40 41 okay well and then my personal view on that would be if anywhere is appropriate for additional density this is a good example of those um but appreciate that the uh the neighbor to the South um the fact that the houses for sale is actually more of a concern because they wouldn't necessarily know what they're buying if they buy it two weeks from now and this isn't approved and on record so um the dumpster location of 25 ft is a um uh staff note um which would be from 25 ft from the South Boundary of the Spud that looks like it would be difficult for you to achieve that but have you pondered that in dumpster locations so it it would be a dense buffer between the two properties and you know we all of us there on Maran are adjacent to Commercial and and that is I mean the nature of all of our properties there um are surrounded by commercial you know it's it's hard to conceive of somebody purchasing there on Maran Street and not expecting a pretty heavy load of commercial impact on the property that's just I mean that's the way it is from here on out I get it what what if there's a number what would you I mean what can you if if we need to put a number there is it 10t is it 15t what would you agree to 10t 10 ft yeah okay what would your enclosure for the dumpster enclosure since it's so much closer to the residen so what would you build yes so the Mike May again that would be 10 feet to the back of the enclosure and as skinny was discussing or mentioning earlier that would be heavily landscaped the enclosure would be opaque um yeah we looked at several different uh variations to try to uh get that to work and that that is really the only location that we could make work due to the position of the house uh south of the property I'm sorry north of the property and um trying to fit in as much parking as we possibly could would you ask the material of the enclosure yeah it would be like a stone um you know masonry brick do you know the height of the fence on the the western boundary of these adjacent properties is that an 8ot screen the Western boundaries like the the what currently exists on the parking lot separating parking from Neighbors just chain link on the back of our on the west side of our property is just a chain link yeah well I meant I guess what I meant is what I'm what I'm leaning towards is I I believe maybe an 8 foot sight proof screen would be appropriate on adjacent residential as opposed to the minimum of six which is currently in and yeah on the south side you're saying yeah and so on your South Side I would was going to ra the issue of I think 8ot might be more appropriate because of the dumpster but I was questioning what's actually on the west already it's really irrelevant to that right yeah I I I believe they they might have it's either six or eight feet and we would be agreeable to8 feet okay um I have a few questions yes buy first of all huge fan of the plaza also served as a board member love it support It Go regularly um so I want to I want to talk about just make sure I'm understanding what the building is going to look like and and the decisions around the layout let's start West and work our way so on the west side of of this site will there be access will there be there will be pedestrian access access to the building like you're intending people to be able to go in and out of the building from that side yes okay and and Mike and I have both spoken at length with Jeff about that topic in fact he wants to have an intentionally curated visible access for that pedestrian traffic into his area yeah that's really cool um okay that all makes sense to me and then it's three stories yes okay 16 units is what you're okay and then let's work our way to the further east I when I so when I first looked at this one I I wondered what's the intended plan for the existing home so continuing with residential and that would also be you know it's tying into the temporary house housing so okay yeah that the the home you know built in 1910 we we feel like is aesthetically an important part of the the heritage of the neighborhood you was one of the old doctors from the old Mercy on 13th that built it and yeah and we intend on continuing to preserve the aesthetic of that home and make it a part of the hospitality I mean our our big Focus will be Hospitality we want some businesses to be in there but but at the end of the day um I've always I used to be a vocal proponent to developers bring people and tourism into the plaza District absolutely and different kinds of units because you know we want more people who work in the plaza to live in the plaza the goal AB services are a huge impact on our economy if somebody has any type of business that people are coming and going in order to see them and yeah our curation of tenants in the building um is I mean I've got a deep heart for the plaza District I've I've blood and sweat on the streets there and we want to see it succeed so my next question is really about the decision to have the the driveway the way that it's laid out because I immediately looked at it and thought I don't think I've seen anything like that anywhere else in the plaza it seems awkward okay it also seems like the access to it is awkward and that it's not enough parking and I just kept thinking me the lawyer not an architect not smart enough to be an architect won't even get close but um I I just wondered why why that way of doing it instead of finding a way to use that space on the south side for more parking in some way like I guess I just wondered is there a way to do this to lay it out differently to make that circulation different or help me understand why that decision was made to do it this way yeah the dumpster access and being able to drive through the property uh moving forward was a lot of what was behind there um you know we have a we have the space for it that is a a natural drive to the north side it's a commercial property to the north of us residential home that was converted into a commercial and so there's really not much we can develop in that space where that existing Drive is and so that seemed natural to leave it be uh on that north side of the property uh we did want some parking spaces and and so the drive on that backside won't even be visible from Maran it's just kind of an invisible space in the property um so it it just seemed like something utilitywise that uh would have its long-term function for us particularly the the dumpster access was one of them but again you're intending people to primarily enter through the west side not the east side correct okay yeah okay it's different I'm glad to keep the house I think that's a good thing so yeah me too we raised eight kids there wow and uh yeah speaking of yeah my wife actually nodded to me it's like we need to tell you yeah we've lived in 600 square feet with four kids and loved it we had two desks in an office yeah for real people don't need as much space as they often think they it's true yeah we've liveed you fill it if you have it right now we've lived in San Francisco Richmond Berkeley Oakland and Chicago and yeah small small living conditions is uh and so on your circulation though is like basically from the South Boundary of the property to where the current existing houses you don't have enough room to get 18t deep spaces in a two-way in andout Drive do you correct that's why you have the got yeah okay yes yeah so simple answer yeah the limitation in space we really couldn't afford much to gain uh aside from just having that drive and some parking spaces my view is with good landscape design and good architecture that I don't have any issue with the the site circulation personally um and I think you guys will do a good job and uh I'm I'm in support of the case so if uh if there's no other conversation and no one Speaking I will attempt to make to move approval with with clarification on the tees well um the number of units was the one that I wanted to come back to so I've heard 16 I've heard you say 15 staff was asking for 12 uh 16 is and so is there any movement on that do you want I mean I was going to suggest a compromise of 14 where where are Commissioners on that on 16 versus 12 I mean if I'm I'm going to vote for 16 so I like looking over here I mean I know we voted on the previous micro unit so are we I mean let's let's get a motion we can agree to if we don't like 16 then this as was said is one of the few places where you can just say if you're not going to do density here I don't know where you would so I I I'm the one who often has problem with higher density where it is near and impacting Residential Properties but here I you know I think that this is an appropriate location I I don't have a strong feeling also not being smart enough to be an architect um about you know what's what is an appropriate number at 12 versus 16 I don't I don't have a strong feeling about that here I'm I'm happy with 16 and I would be excit I'm part of the community too I live a few blocks away and I'd be very excited to see this happen six 16's 55 dwelling units per acre 55 it's a lot it's a lot well I just want to confirm there's five votes for 16 because if there's not then we need to talk about what well we're hearing it doesn't it sounds like okay I'm seeing some head nods so maybe we should try it with 16 and see where we end up uh I'm going to move to recommend approval of Spud 16006 subject to uh te1 as written uh te2 to be amended to 16 instead of 12 but that's already in the MDS right so you can just yeah okay we strike te2 uh I think we need to specify a minimum parking requirement for the new development the note we have says parking does not have to be located on the same parcel as the Spud but as the Spud shows four parking spaces that would be the minimum on the Spud in my mind Sarah what you intend on that our intent was to address the parking and just dep um depending on the number of spaces that the Planning Commission felt comfortable with allowing the parking to be located off the Spud site so if you want to amend that to just read that four Park four on street or four onsite parking spaces are required as shown that's fine okay that that's mine then just strike the the rest of it unless you no that would be fine actually if they can put all four on the site then that would satisfy parking okay okay te3 is a minimum parking requirement of four spaces for the new development dumps dumpsters shall be located a minimum of 10 ft from the South Boundary of the Spud and an additional te5 of an 8T sight proof screen uh shall be required to the South uh or any adjacent residential zone property to the South right it is to the South it's also the only one but okay uh I'm so sorry can we please discuss just real quickly the dumpsters um you could delete it and then what would stand is how this Bud was written which is 10 ft from every property line or you can have us replace the dumpster section with a 10ft set back from the south which is a little more flexibility on the site that's better I think to just say strike it and keep what's in it's 10t from any property line well 10 no I'm saying do the 10 feet from the south right okay 10et yeah so it's just so as so revising te te4 to say that dumpster sh be located um a minimum of 10 ft from the Sou southern boundary of the Spud right Sarah correct I believe that was what I read dumpster enure yeah dumpster okay dumpster enclosure shall be located minimum of 10 ft from the South Boundary of the Spud yes and sure and shall be a masonry enclosure we good on all those sure sure okay so uh commissioner Goen moves to recommend to city council approval of P Spud 1606 subject to technical evaluations eliminating te2 excuse me technical evaluation amendments that include deleting te2 um specifying that the minimum parking requirement shall be four parking spaces um amending uh te4 to require that the dumpster enclosures shall be located a a minimum of 10 ft from the southern boundary of the Spud and that that enclosure shall be um of a masonry material as well as the additional te5 of a minimum 8 foot sight proof screen to the South Boundary to the South Boundary excellent okay so that was the motion from commissioner Goen is there a second it is not showing up on my screen I got move there we go and the motion have been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your V votes and the motion passes thank you good luck thank you we're excited about it all right we're in line for item 23 item 23 is case PC 10925 application to reone 9500 West Memorial Road from AA to R2 is there an applicant present for item 23 good afternoon Steve Rollins Arc engineering Consultants Edmond Oklahoma uh representing the applicant this is a small 5 acre piece of property that uh the developer is asking to rezone from AA to R22 family uh there are several R2 developments already in the area some of them that have been approved fairly recently uh so this is uh just another option we feel like that that will provide a good uh affordable housing for the area so we feel like it's a good fit um there was one letter of protest received by email from Carlile Crossing homeowners association um the developer Caleb Meek who's here if you'd like to ask him anything directly about that uh he met with the homeowners this past Tuesday to discuss their questions and concerns um a lot of their a lot of their issues had to deal with uh what the duplexes would look like materials colors things like that and also uh values of the the duplexes versus uh their homes uh but he left the meeting feel like feeling like that it went very well and that uh all of the the issues had been addressed so uh with that if there any other questions I'd be happy to answer those this time thank you this is in word one commissioner Claire yeah I want to thank you for taking that opportunity to meet with the homeowners association and hear what they had to say I presume I heard that they were not going to be in attendance today two people signed up we do have two people signed up okay um I'd like to hear from them please excellent we'll begin with um Tyler Thomas hello I'm Tyler Thomas I actually bought my house from Caleb so where he's proposing is that before we bought our house I even asked if anything was like this was going to be built be behind our house and it was told no and now years later it's coming saying that we're getting ready to have um duplexes built behind our house and like my house actually was Caleb's house and I have a sidewalk that goes from my backyard to a barn that the on the property I think he owns and we've been a lot of us have been trying to buy that property from him but he wasn't he wouldn't sell it but we had no idea I was I didn't even know that they had a meeting Tuesday about this property nobody even told me and my my neighbors this actually next to me this has the the building where his property is actually uh right is next to us and we didn't we bought that house this was our this was our forever home and we bought it knowing that nobody would be living back there because it's like a it's like a rural area so it's it's a good scenery behind it and we didn't we wouldn't have bought the house if we would have known it was going to be any duplexes or anything like that behind it and like I'm a I'm a disabled veteran so I don't plan on working to I work hard to get this house you know and this was my forever home for my family and I don't I don't want any duplexes behind it I would love to have it the way it is leave it alone so that's all I have to say on the situation but I I was never told about a meeting or anything this when you guys just uh spoke that they talked to people on Tuesday me and my neighbor looked at each other we didn't even know anything about it and like I said this is directly behind my house that's all I have to say could you repeat your name and address for the record please Tyler Thomas 13609 Keswick Lane and I'll respond to to to something you said after I hear from your neighbor that signed up to speak to you thank you thank you next we have Yin Valera and I apologize if I mispronounced your name hi my name is Yen Valera and I apologize for my silly look today because I was uh actually working on a home before I got here but um I'm his neighbor and I live right next door and he was correct cuz I did not know anything yeah I'm sorry could you could you hold the mic just a little bit closer we want to make sure we can hear you okay so I'm Tyler's neighbor and I live right next door and that Land Is Right immediately behind me and Tyler was correct about like the meeting on Tuesday I did not know anything about it have no idea we were just a little surprised about the neighborhood meeting and I know my husband been following a Facebook group and there was a person that were mentioning and asking everybody in the neighborhood for the person to represent the neighborhood to come and protest if they have if any of us has any protest to come forward he will represent us but I don't see the person today and I'm glad that I showed up today because if not this will be passed and I live in a neighborhood that is my house is 550,000 at least worth and that's the taxes that I'm paying for for property tax really high I do not want any pro affordable duplex right behind my house especially it's lower the value of my home I'm sorry I I get a little shaky because I'm not very happy about that um and why am I paying taxes so high when there's an affordable house duplexes right behind my house if I decided to sell my house in the future is anybody else going to come and say I'm going to pay for your home for 500,000 would you would any of you want to do that that's my question and then also the view right now we have an open view it's really nice our backyard is lower their land is higher which is fine I'm okay with that because I like the view I like to see the horses that's the reason why we we bought the property because of that and I like to see the horses and all that stuff I don't want to go and see like affordable duplexes houses I own Al properties which one of them I would just repair I was painting I still have paint on my arms right here still and from my experience the renters they don't keep the properties well they don't keep the the area well so every time someone moved out I have to go back repain like today I just repainted the whole entire house the trims I work through the trims the grass is a mess so I don't want any that all right I think that's all I had to say thank you I have one question um from the applicant for the applicant and then I'll have a couple of comments um are these products uh intended to be for sale or or leasable you know I think the developer may be the better person to ask about that I I think they will just be leased but uh he he could probably speak better than that than I good okay um it really doesn't have um that much significance what I wanted to to say was first off I wanted to respond to Mr Thomas um I'm I'm very sorry that you were told when you purchased your home that nothing would ever be developed behind you we hear that almost every commission meeting and it is just not true um we we have talked as a commission about ways that we can work at a state level and with the real estate industry to put something in a place that would make it um that where it wouldn't be okay for you to be told that nothing can ever happen there because chances are if it's developable area it's going to be developed um what we unfortunately the only response that we have to offer people that are told that is the only way that you are able to guarantee that it remains to uh exist in its current state open field beautiful view is for you to purchase the property on on their own and I know you you said that you attempted to do that but it's the property owner's right to you know sell or not sell If he if he sees fit um re responding to miss miss valera's um I think those comments uh apply to you too um and additionally um as it as it relates to uh leasable properties versus for sale properties there's been a number of stud done um by universities and housing authorities and there's no conclusive evidence that market rate housing whether it be duplex condo town home place next to single family lowers property values they either remain the same or they improve it so I encourage you to do some research um find those studies and hopefully that'll help address some of your concerns so thank you and I I just want to Echo um it always saddens me to hear that people are told well nothing can happen to this land you know it's really sad to me that that happens and I know and then it's even more frustrating when you intentionally put in the effort to try to get the property and they still don't do it so um that's very upsetting um and but I I understand and appreciate um commissioner cla's comments um I think the other benefit of increasing um the density in some ways is it makes the availability of amenities to the area even more possible because there are more people who are living in the area um and I think if I think I and I hope that now that we know that there are concerns about contact with the neighbors in the neighborhood that you might make an effort to visit with them and hear their concerns especially as uh construction May begin regardless of whether it's you know I'm sure that it's going to be developed whether it's um duplexes or whether it's single family homes and so making sure that the neighbors are are fully communicated with about what to expect and what the progress is I think is is really important and and just a kind thing to do um but I I appreciate um again commissioner cla's comments please yeah um I just had a question for the developer if he's here is the developer here you um mainly if you wanted to speak uh to the comments that were made by The Neighbors I'm sorry do I want to what did you have anything you wanted to say in response to the neighbors talking about uh what they were told um the fact they tried to buy it they reached out any of that kind of thing I have never had anyone reach out to me to purchase the property and except for uh the Andy Wood who's my friend I've known for years since I lived in there since I lived in there from 2012 to 200 I think 16 when his he purchased the property I have never met Mr Tyler and so I've never spoken with him before as far as who told him what he said I don't know I have no idea but I personally have never met him never how about the timing of request and approval to put duplexes in here instead of doing it uh in the past so everybody would have known and instead you just now decided that's what what you want to put in I'm sorry I couldn't understand how about the timing of requesting this approval rather than doing it previously so people would have been aware I think that um I like I said I've owned the property since 2012 and I've kind of waited to let things grow up around it versus trying to do something earlier I think uh since the last four years and the inflation we've had with housing I think that the affordable housing is a something we need um you know my houses I used to sell for 250,000 I'm selling for 350 to 400,000 now and not making any more money than I was making before and so I'm trying to bring something around that you know if I choose to sell it that it's u a more affordable housing would you state your name and address for the record please my name is Caleb Meek uh I live 23911 Buckingham Court edman Oklahoma thank you anything else I think one of the questions from um your neighbors has been about the quality of the product so could you speak to your plans as far as the quality of the product what you're intending to build um I think it's a very reasonable concern if you previously had a vacant lot behind you suddenly you're going to have development it would be nice to be informed about the quality of the building that's going to be put behind you right um you know what we're planning on doing is some type of um wood frame structure with masonary uh whether that's Hardy plank that's become very popular is the Hardy plank SL Cottage farmhouse style of um you know uh structure and so we plan to do something that um is not a it's not just going to be a you know cheap um door with a garage uh with a hip roof we're going to do something that looks good and uh brings a premium in the whether it's a market that we sell to or a rental market so we my wife won't let me build anything that's junk she does all my design work does my selling she's my broker so you know she does all that and we we don't do low-end stuff okay other questions from Commissioners this is a straight zoning case too it's not a pudd mhm so it's so it's R2 goes from agriculture to R2 yeah so I mean your lot sizes are still it's not like 30 foot Lots or anything they are 30 foot Lots oh they are 30 because they're for sale or Lee so oh well 60 but the duplex is half and half yeah yeah yeah yeah any other questions comments from Commissioners then I think we're just looking for a motion Mr chairman I'll move to recommend approval city council item PC 10925 okay uh the motion is to recommend to city council approval of PC 10925 to city council I probably said to city council twice is there a second it's been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and the motion passes I would encourage you to please have some make sure that you have the contact information for the neighbors to keep them informed as this process goes forward um I'd also like to remind the neighbors that um this is a recommendation to the city council the city council will have an opportunity to vote on what we've um approved today so there will the actions about this will continue um 6 weeks from now at the city council meeting so thank you we're in line for item 24 this is KC 7630 preliminary plat of Magnolia Park located south of West Memorial Road and West of North County Line Road that varing to section 5.3.1 point d.520 good afternoon Steve Rollins Arc engineering Consultants Edmund Oklahoma uh this is the preliminary plat for the previous uh zoning uh as mentioned earlier there are eight H I'm sorry uh 16 I'm sorry 18 duplex Lots with one residential lot for a total of 37 Lots or 37 uh 37 units uh 7.4 units per ACR what's shown uh with the size and and configuration of the property there's uh a single called a sack that extends basically through the middle of the property uh that divides the property in half um in the staff report the fire marshal did have an objection in there that that was basically uh because there are more than 30 Lots on one single entrance uh his his options were to provide a second access or fire suppression uh there is basically no way to provide a second access just because there are no Street stubs to the South or to the East and no way to Loop through the property uh so um basically if if it's approved today like this we would come with uh and plan on doing fire supression if there are 37 units or uh we we we would come back with a final plat that that had 30 or less if that's an option too um so um but just due to the size there was no way to to provide the stub for the loop through the property um we are in agreement with the tees uh we would ask that uh for a variance to te number two which is a stub to the West if we could go back to the aerial view you can see that there is a large pond directly to the west and there are also some large power lines that angle down the east side of that pond so I think any stub that went to the West would be pretty hard to access in the future but uh we would like to request the variant for that so if there any questions be happy to answer those yeah I'm I don't know if I'm buying that one on the on the to the West I think I mean looking at the depth there you could very easily have lots that back up to your your western boundary and with a street in front of them going out to Memorial I I think that's possible um we we can come back to that one I I have a question the I can't say that I've ever seen a proposal for duplex you know this many duplex units and one single family lot can you can you tell me the intent behind that there was just no way to fit another duplex lot it wasn't the the width wasn't there so we we made we made it a single family so if your intent is to to lease these duplexes but then you're going to sell one single family and I'm presuming that's that lot in the far southwest corner that is correct yes that yeah very good point that'd be a great place for a street stub um or a park space or I just that's what one single family unit I mean I I understand maximizing your developable area but just it's going to stick out like a broken tooth I think and and create I I think just issues real estate wise we it's in our ordinances that we want to have connect connectivity between neighborhoods so I I'm not seeing a compelling reason at this point to not Grant the stub so I would I'm going to vote against the variance if we consider the variant but I don't know where everyone else is on that yeah that piece of property to the West is just way too big for not not to be at least the possibility of future connection that's just um you know I'm not sure how this piece got left out so I I don't care anything about the single family home amid the duplexes one way or the other about that but it'd be a nice place it it certainly allows you enough space to put a stub so I think you know that'd be a good use for that land yeah that makes sense now our neighbors are signed up to speak so we are prepared to hear them on the platform as well if they'd like to speak and you do have 5 minutes to address the commission now unfortunately it your comments do have to be about the plat which is about the site layout not the reone so with like I said the same thing like how my neighbor explained our houses his property sits above our houses so if he goes up it doesn't even matter if they can if you can go over in his lot and he can you can stand and look at our backyards so if he goes up you're going to be able to see directly inside I mean right in our backyard we have no we won't have any privacy or anything and all of these are going to be single family duplexes just going up because the the space is fall or whatever but like I said we don't want it and then I know that the land to the west or whatever I think it's in a a trust and they can't sell it so I'm not sure who who owns it but that's just what I was told and I have been speaking with Mr Andy Woods who he had talked about earlier that's my neighbor we even offered him $500,000 to buy this and he he wouldn't sell it to us and when I when I bought my house he didn't show up I bought it from him but his dad showed up to sign the papers so that's how we've never met so I've been contacting the people that's been representing him but I guess it's never got back to him or you or whatever I'm sorry but we've been trying to buy this property since I bought this house from him but he won't sell it and like I said our neighborhood our property value is starting it was Rising going up with this I do believe it's going to go down tremendously and like I said we worked hard for our stuff and I understand what you were saying about you know nothing lasts forever and I know if it's lay people going to build on it but if if it would have been truthful forthcoming upfront and at least gave us a chance to make a decision on it that would been fine but now that we're locked in and you he wants to wait years later that's not right and you know that's all I got to say I I mean like I said I fought hard for this country like I said I'm 100% disabled vetan and and stuffff like this it it gets to me when we work so hard in life to to get to a certain stage in our life where we can retire and it it just messed up and that's all I got to say I'm sorry but thank you uh Yen Valera I um sorry I wasn't understanding the previous uh meeting so was it approved to be a duplex is that what it was or we recommended to the city council that it be approved to be um the zoning to be changed to R2 which would allow for duplexes okay so the final decision will be made by the city council in about six weeks at their meeting okay I see okay so um for this is I so from the way it looks I'm not sure um I guess I'll have a question for the builders then Well ma'am for when you're addressing the commission you have to address your questions to us so if you have a separate questions for them you can you can go ask them when you finish your remarks for us but just let us know what the things are that you'd like us to know about the pl so for those I think it just too many properties on those lots just all those lots I'm assuming there's each lot is one duplex and I feel like that's that's just way too many on there and like again I say before with I have any of you own any rental properties do I own rental properties I do not own any rental properties so do you go through and check on your tenants when you with those rental properties I don't because I don't I don't it's not local so I don't manage I don't actively manage it so so someone else is managing it so every time a tenants move out how much expenses how much money do you put into kind of keep up with it and well listen I mean I just want to well not like the difference between a rental and a for sale unit is not an issue that we're really debating here because we can't control or mandate what someone does with with the product that they build as far as real as the hous so and I don't personally have any I I know there's a lot of heated feelings when it comes to you know renters and for sale but again it's just that it's not within our purview as a Planning Commission to decide whether a property is going to be a rental property or whether it's going to be a a privately held sell sold property and nor are we allowed to take that into consideration when we're making a decision now higher density obviously lends itself to it being a a higher likelihood of it being a rental property um but technically no we don't make our decisions based on whether it's going to be rented or whether it's going to be privately sold and when you when you see the lines on this drawing it's so that it's one unit on each side of those lines there's not two two on on each one okay just so you know they're they're 30 foot Lots there's going to be two lots one duplex okay so if if it's get approved which I got a feeling like everybody's kind of pro for it my request is it needs to be a luxury um apartment or duplexes just so it keep up with our values our property just because I don't want them to be like affordable it becomes rentals and I'm paying again going back to the taxes I'm pay because we're on the preliminary plat we can't make any of that decision anyways on what they look like and it's a straight zoning so we don't really have any control on what they will build there so so sorry it just has to meet the zoning code for R2 I completely agree with your sentiment so and that's why we were we were asking the applicant you know what tell us about the product because we want the best best housing stock on the market available for people and we want it to be consistent with the the fabric of the neighbor surrounding neighborhoods and and and we very much hope that that these these folks that are applying here will will'll follow through with that so basically once it's approved they can just build anything they want to like a 300,000 or 200,000 duplexes it's yeah the price wouldn't matter and they have to meet the current Zoning for R2 assuming it it gets approved we only decide what the proper land use is so the use but not we don't make the decisions about the property owner is going to make those decisions about what materials get used how the ultimate quality the ultimate cost that ultimate investment is not within in our purview in a in a case like this one where they're requesting we're asking to they're asking for the ability to be able to create duplexes on this property we don't have the ability to tell them what materials how much it's going to cost any of those things okay okay I guess I don't really have any other comments then thank you thank you thank you so I want to come back to the variants um I think I think it's safe to say that we want the street stub we're not going to Grant the variance so are you agreeable to that yeah we'll we'll do the stuff to the left I believe that would probably help you with your 30 Lots or less to avoid fire suppression also and actually I asked that question to the Fire Marshall and it does not um until it's actually tied on to as an access point so well I'm saying you're taking Lots the the number of as far as reducing the numbers yeah got okay yes okay sure so if there's no further discussion I'm prepared to make a motion commissioner CLA um I'll move uh approval of item c763 subject to the technical evaluations commissioner CLA moves C 7630 subject to the technical evaluations the motion's been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes and the motion passes we're now in line for item 20 oh excuse me we're in line for item 14 we're going to we missed item we missed item 14 sorry about that we missed 14 we're going to come back to 14 I 14 is case sp65 application uh to reone 3305 Northwest 192nd street from spod 1194 being K civil and environmental Consultants 4700 Gardia Parkway sorry the uh applicants representative could not make it so he just I I called the owner and he he wanted me to represent him for this case so for this deal you know it's an existing PUD and basically they're requesting that additional uses be required or be allowed for this um I think there's been some Outreach on some potential businesses there that did not meet the original PUD so they're reaching out to uh could reone this Eastern portion so they can allow some additional uses that would allow for the market conditions and some of the businesses that are coming in so okay this is in W8 commissioner Noble um I didn't have anything really on this again it doesn't the cities decided not to allow service on it you know that corre yeah we're we're aware of that yes sir I've got no issues there any other questions from Commissioners we have no one signed up to speak just looking for a motion commissioner Noble I'd like to recommend approval of Spud 1605 commissioner Noble moves to recommend to city council approval of Spud 1605 the motion's been seconded by Commission Meek please cast your votes thank you motion passes thank you we're in line for item 25 item 25 is case PC 10914 application uh to reone 11221 West Hefner Road from R1 to R2 hello everybody I'm Corey peacock with peacock design here on behalf of the applicant uh he's also here as well so if you guys have any questions later he'd be more than happy to answer them we are requesting to rezone about 13 and a half acres here on mang Road and Hefner Road from R1 to R2 um I again more than happy to answer any questions or provide more details about you know the design or what we're planning on doing so let me know commissioner Claire um thank you um Mr peacock I know we've had some conversations um one of the big things that that I asked of you was to meet with the neighbors uh that was scheduled a couple Fridays ago um I was not able to attend um but uh I understand that was not a terribly productive meeting can you just give a brief recap of some of the the major items that is correct and actually was UN me am I close enough now you are okay sorry um I was unable to attend as well but the developers did hold the meeting for them um so I can either give you the synopsis or I can let one of them speak to it but I I was informed of I think I think you know the general list just bullet items what are the major concerns uh bullet items is obviously we open the meeting for everybody to come to uh voice their concerns and to address the citizens complaints and also just to provide some more information on the development that we are planning on doing um Mr cyer and Mr Miller were there to um provide this information and it just it was like commissioner Clare said not very productive the developers were not allowed to speak to the points that they would like to it was became more of a screaming match um and it just had to end abruptly because concerns of safety became a factor so there has not been an actual conversation between the the developer and the neighbors because the meeting did not go well well the the meeting was about an hour an hour and a half long but just not a lot happened not a lot was allowed to happen and and I know councilman Carter was present um I spoke with councilman Carter um he offered to facilitate another meeting um and I I don't believe that that was ever that ever came to be okay okay this is straight zoning I'll remind the Commissioners we this is straight zoning request so either R1 to R2 so the question for us is do we want do we think that a meeting you know I'm a strong proponent of community conversations but I'm a strong proponent of productive Community conversations if neighbors cannot be moved and applicants cannot be moved then there's no point in further com then you're asking you're at our it's our decision to make at that point I prefer strongly that people find a way to work together and come up with consensus and move forward that way so it's you you deciding how you would like for this zoning issue to be resolved rather than us deciding um but sounds like well I want I want to start so I I know a number of the the issues are kind of outside of of our Authority um obviously we've received a lot of letters I've read them um and we're going to hear from from the folks that signed up um I have a few statements that I'd like to make that I'll hopefully kind of guide our conversation please um so I'd like to start with that and then we can hear from from the neighbors so one of the items that I heard um was the loss of recreation space and the loss of school pickup areas and first and foremost I want to let you guys know that I've designed parks and trails and Recreation spaces for 25 years so this is something that's near and dear to me um I want to acknowledge your frustration and the potential loss of those um cuz Parks play a vital role in our neighborhood I think what's important to emphasize to all of you is that while you may have had access to this um it is not a public park space I'm very familiar with Oklahoma City's 105 neighborhood and Community Parks um this is not one of them so this is land that is privately owned and not designated as a public park so it kind of hearkens back to my pre the previous um case where the only way to guarantee it continues to operate in the way that it does is for the homeowners association or the school to purchase it and that's has not occurred so um secondly I want to talk a little about Street infrastructure um we see this on a lot of cases um almost every week where roads utilities are not ideal for development and it would be incredible if the city had the resources to go in and make those upgrades prior to Development coming along that's just not the system that we have to work with um it's a it's a unfortunately a reactionary system new development new rooftops bring uh additional tax revenue voting constituents um to to areas and that's often what drives those improvements the squeaky wheel gets the grease um in in regards to the school pickup um it is highly unfortunate that the Yukon public schools have not done a better job uh with the site design or their school or their organization of their pickup um the fact that they must use Oklahoma City Public right away in order to cue vehicles and parents and all that um is I mean that's if you ask Oklahoma City Public Works in the traffic department that is not not good with them so um from a from a school standpoint I mean that that is outside of our of our purview um and then the last thing I want to mention is is that this property is currently zoned uh R1 and the applicant could if they wanted to walk across the street to Building Services right now and they could submit a single family home development plat that would net 65 homes they wouldn't have to do a thing it wouldn't have to notify neighbors or anything they could go build 65 homes right now rezoning to this R2 is going to create 90 duplex units that's 25 more than what they could do as is so I think from a comparison standpoint that's just something to note so that's that's what I have right now um I'm excited to hear from from folks and so if you want to call the first any other questions from commissioners before I do okay um first we have uh and I apologize Sia maler and I apologize if I pronounced it wrong I I really do my hey you see my name right over here it's like I get called camel I get called all kinds of things so cheetah I get it Alla from Siri so um good morning good afternoon it feels like it's been a morning and an afternoon my name is CJ malar um I am the vice president of Siri Hills HOA number one uh our we actually we received a letter our green belts back border the property uh all of our houses are you see right there on the 109th all of those are in our HOA um I just wanted to you're going to hear a lot today uh we have some individuals that have really done research and stats but I'm not here to talk to you about that I'm here to talk to you about um as a mother I live on 111th so we are within walking distance of the school I've had two children I've lived in sir Hills for 11 years in Sur Hills I understand that it's just a neighborhood in Oklahoma City to many people um I personally believe it's the best neighborhood in the state that is what I believe I don't know of another neighborhood that gathers and supports and just has a sense of community the way that we have I think that the land owners um it's been amazing that they've allowed the neighborhood to utilize this space as a park and as a place for us to gather we do annual water balloon hun battles we do all kinds of stuff softball fields and as neighbors we we've also tried to help upkeep this property the mowing the weed eating I can tell you I have personally been on this property multiple times weed eating and mowing myself I do not own a I own a coffee shop so but that's part of neighbors loving neighbors and loving our community this space I what we are well aware that this is zoned um a single family residence we knew that all of us knew that when we bought our home uh the problem is right now Sur Hills Elementary School I have a son that graduated was in Siri Hills in 2020 as a third grader I now have a son as a kindergartener in 2024 this is not the same school unfortunately it's amazing teachers it's an amazing program it is unsafe my son scores uh level three on his benchmarking is two grade level he has scored a level five which is an advanced grade level all throughout the year and he fell asleep last month during his benchmarking uh they were able to let him retake it he scored a level one which as you know that has a ripple effect in our community and on our city and on our funds um he scored low because my son as a kindergartener is one of the fortunate kindergarteners that has his lunch break at 10:30 a.m.

unlike some of the students who eat their lunch at 9:45 in the morning so my son who's a kindergartener eats at 10:30 and that's it to get through the rest of the day through because there are so many students in this school the classrooms are so overc capacity my son has 23 students other than him in his class um it is it has created just this bizarre environment and I understand that yeah as tax as we build more we get more tax dollars we can do more but at some point we have to do hard things and make hard decisions to protect our kids every day I am there to walk my son home and to walk him to school and every day I pray that we don't have a catastrophe because the traffic is insane right now the open on the um east side that is kind of used that all the Walkers I know it's not their right to do so this isn't a public place but right now it is the safe place that all the Walkers can walk home to because on the street you guys there's no visibility a four-year-old is going to run in front of my car and I'm going to live with that for the rest of my life I am I am very appreciative of the land owner allowing our neighborhood to use this I understand that he can build single family residences tomorrow I don't want that until our schools can handle that but I do want Siri Hills to grow I think like I said it's the best neighborhood I believe in diversity and I believe in equity and I would love to see affordable housing because sir Hills is such an amazing place but not at the cost of putting our kids in danger and if you don't believe it's a dangerous situation I would just would like to invite any of you before you make a decision like this just come between the hours of 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.

And stand on either any part of either one of those lots do the same thing from 2: to 3:00 p.m. you will see I am there to walk my son there are so many children who don't have an adult with them to say stop there's a car coming it is unbelievable and while I welcome growth and I welcome development I do ask that this remains residential for a single family home because while 25 may not sound like a lot to you sir 25 homes with three kids is 75 students we just got our prees back into this school next year even if we can find a place for those prees to go offsite just with the new developments we have coming all around us that aren't right across the street from the school we're even if we got rid of 200 we've got 300 more coming we can't keep doing this this is an unsafe situation just give it a little time let our CH let our schools I understand Siri hasn't done a great job but they were this was such a small neighborhood even 5 years ago you it's comparing apples to oranges we have to give them time and they are building more schools you saw that in the letter that you received from our superintendent but right now this isn't about development I understand that they can development to develop it tomorrow I also understand that the land owner has great grandchildren that go to this school so I would hope that maybe we could if we could just hold until those bonds come to be able to build another school to support this I mean it just makes sense to me because any construction right now will take take an already dangerous situation and it could easily turn into a tragedy and I couldn't have that on my heart without coming and saying something I don't like drama I don't like conflict I did not like the meeting um I was there it wasn't a good meeting sir I I will tell you that and it's very sad that it had to go that way but it it was it didn't do any good this decision is going to have to be on you and I want you to know that I will respect I respect your Authority and your position and I don't want your job I can't imagine having it and I will respect that but it would be so wrong for me not to come up and try to stand up for my son who's a kindergartener and all those other students and teachers who are parked on both sides of the street because they don't even have room to park themselves so even the teachers parking on the street along Hefner and Hastings it's it's just there's no we can't there's no solution right now so I understand that your only job is whether this goes to R2 or stays R1 25 may not sound like a big deal it can be life-changing so thank you for your time I really appreciate it thank you next we have uh James Dua a tough name to pronounce also it's Dewey dwey okay I apologize uh thank you for the opportunity of uh presenting today I'll be brief um my name is James dwey I live or my residence uh which I just moved out of a couple months ago uh is located at 11224 Northwest 109th Street uh that uh House was built in 1983 and I lived there for 39 years since 1984 so I've seen all of the development that's occurred in and around uh the sir Hills development and the subject property I looked at the packet today this morning before I came here and I have two previous submissions to the council um and I saw those included I did make a submission on March 3rd uh by email with an attached uh letter that I did not see and I respectfully request that that be entered into the uh system is that possible yeah okay we can receive it okay when I uh moved in there in 1984 there was nothing no residences on the south side of Hefner Road it was open field it was farmland and over the years thank uh thanks in part to the development of the Kilpatrick which is a great uh feeder for that area lots of development sprung up and I've seen the increase in rainwater runoff as each development was built and it comes right into the dra natural drainage area that runs through the middle of the subject property right into my backyard the water is approached my fence many times in all but just the lightest rins so my main concern uh is that we look at the drainage coming off of those areas when you put that amount of housing in there the conrete because I've seen it increase over the years uh because of the additional uh housing that's on the south side of uh efner Road all of that area is at higher elevation than my property and the natural drainage ditch that is directly behind my residents I'm going to defer the rest of my time to uh someone else who's speaking and I know she'll cover all of my other concerns so um thank you for that thank you next one we have Lisa Wheeler okay um next I have um m Michelle hefron okay um next I have Carrie larent lar ler excellent okay Aaron coats okay Jim Stags great uh Billy huie I apologize if I mispronounced your name great and then wait let me before I get to you're Michelle right okay let's make sure Tracy um Britney Pard great um Debbie uh nulan I apologize if I got that wrong great okay Michelle hi guys um my name is Michelle Henley I live at1100 Northwest 109th Street my house is directly behind the daycare which is just to the east of this proposed development I have utmost respect for the Commissioners the land owner everyone I know that at any time he can come build single family houses and I do Echo what CJ said 25 houses may not seem like a lot to you guys but I walk my daughter to school every morning and if you ask me why I take my cell phone with me it's because I've personally almost seen the crossing guard get hit by traffic on way more than occasions that I want to count and I have had to think about if I'm going to have to call 911 the road out there they don't have Crossing um lights or anything the paint on the crosswalk is even peeling off so it is it is a concern um I did compile some facts about the school I know that you guys said that it's not in your scope but as taxpayers and citizens of I feel like I want to present a few facts um sir Hills Elementary is the third largest school right now in Yukon School District only behind the high school and the middle school the student population has already grown by 26% since 2019 the school is at 100% capacity with 800 students it's already projected to grow to 1,200 students due to all the other development in the area they added nine additional classrooms all of them are already full some classes currently have as I've heard and I can't substantiate this as many as 25 to 26 students the current state average for students is 16 to1 our school is currently 22 to one there's a teacher shortage as you all are aware of there's also a substit shortage when there are no substitutes they split the classes up and half the students go here and half the students go there so that makes the class size bigger um and what CJ said prek lunch does start at 9:45 my daughter went to prek there and I'm very well aware of this they get 20 minutes for lunch and it starts at 9:45 there is not enough room in the school's parking lots that the teachers have to park along Hefner which is right on the the side of this development um which as CJ said it causes visibility issues there's no lights there the crosswalk um the PTA did finally buy the cross crossing guard a lighted sign because as you know last week on Sunday the time changed we are now walking to school in the dark it's so dark that on certain days when I'm walking my daughter we use the star app to look at the planets on our way to school it's a dangerous situation if they can't see you and there's so much traffic and cars lined up across the street um again it's the I know it's the school's issue that they did not build this school in a very good manner but there's so many kids at the school 800 students that if you line up up in the car line even if you're there on time it's you may not get your student to class on time because it's physically impossible to get through the car line I also want to note that the daycares in the area are are also full I found out this morning that my daughter who has gone to the daycare in the neighborhood the daycare has been sold to the school which great that's pretty much robbing Peter to pay Paul now my daughter doesn't have a daycare and from what I understand the daycare is about a mile away from the school my daughter had to go to prek At Redstone intermediate which was not at the school I I don't know how to explain it but she was awake she was with third graders she was away from the school she didn't get to participate in the school activities that the other school gets to participate in this is a Band-Aid situation if the daycare was sold to the school because I don't see how they can fit the entire day entire prek population into the daycare and again now like I said my daughter has no daycare to go to she was on the wait list for the summer program so that's kind of where I'm at with the school does anyone have any questions about that before I move on okay um and again I'm I'm new to this I'm learning the process and I put a lot of these facts together um it's my understanding that there should be a traffic study done every three years and there hasn't been one done on Hefner since 2018 I would ask that if this does go through that a traffic study is proper traffic study is done on that intersection I I'll go ahead and just ask this question I don't believe we can require a traffic St or can we do we have that Authority we technically we uh you do uh we haven't done that as a matter of course since impact fees were passed I don't know perhaps you're referring to traffic counts that that the city does traffic counts yeah I mean I don't know if that's a factor but I mean the traffic out there hasn't been prop as far as I can tell hasn't been properly counted in since 2018 um the traffic is so crazy at that intersection during the morning that the principal of the school is the traffic director um roads are not resurfaced we have been in contact with our councilman it's my understanding that he's trying to get it on the 2025 bond for 2027 that's a ways out we've been trying to get them fixed forever that I watched your meeting from the 22nd and you guys did talk about some of you have been out there the roads are awful I'll just leave it at that um the traffic on north of Hefner in between the two areas is where I'm most concerned about because I live on 109th if there's more traffic it could create a bottleneck on that part of the road and if there was some sort of emergency where Emergency Services needed to get through that is a concern for me because I personally live up there [Music] um the other thing is and I don't know if this really matters but there is a deputy out there who watches traffic he's a Canadian County sheriff and I have been told by him and the school that because he is Canadian County and it's Oklahoma City jurisdiction that he can watch people speed he can do whatever and he cannot write tickets because I've personally stood with him when he comments on people speeding and he cannot do anything so I would ask that if this goes through what Oklahoma City plans on doing to provide resources to monitor the traffic by the school okay I'm going to skip to the OG part um I know and I'm not very first on this but our neighborhood suffers from really bad power flashes and power surges a lot of us have lost I've never lost so many appliances until I lived in this neighborhood it's so bad that I the only phone number I have on my desk because I personally work from home is the number to o& so I can report power flashes so this is a concern to me um I did check the OG website OG website and they have a map of everything they're planning to improve there's nothing in our area and I included a screenshot of that so I would ask that if this goes through like what are the plans to address these power issues in our area okay one other thing here sorry I was able to the plats that I was that I was able to get a hold of through the Oklahoma Planning Commission website I counted 644 families going up around our area not counting this that doesn't include the 74 additional homes you just approved in item agenda number one this earlier so that's brings a total to 728 homes for families going up in our area not counting this if you look at the map and you scroll out from it this is the smallest space of all the spaces that are being developed around us our neighborhood cannot handle this especially directly across the street from the school um and then I also want to address the drainage issues that my neighbor addressed since I do live behind the daycare I will tell you there is a natural slope to this field um because the daycare was built there our yard floods every single time it rains we had to build a cement wall retaining wall around our property to keep the runoff out from our yard so my question is to you if you build single family or multif family who's who's looking out for that because when I looked at the plat I didn't see any potential area that would address the drainage behind the houses buted up against to the existing houses we we'll have we'll have Barry after your comments are finished we'll have Barry come explain how this would work regardless of whether this rezoning is approved or not what the process would look like around you right in the West Field there is a creek that goes through the field or they're calling it um a reparan I would like to know why every other Creek in our neighborhood is deemed a flood zone except for that Creek even though our neighbors have personally witnessed it flood into their yard the last time a flood study was done was 2008 so that's a question as to what would be addressed to that and yeah sorry I'm I'm just still a little nervous um yeah all the other creeks in our neighborhood are deemed flood zones except for that one and the other ones during BR into that one so it's my understanding that maybe they didn't finish the flood study I'm not versed on how that I don't um and then lastly I am very aware that the landowner has let the neighborhood use the um the property as a ball field and that is his right to to say it's no longer going to be a ball field but I will tell you that Ward one has the least amount of Green Space of any Wards in OKC and that came directly from Bradley Carter Maps currently doesn't have any planned Green Space or improvements for our area which I have linked on the map in my email um I also checked the 2020 OKC Parks master plan which also denotes there's no parks near our area there's no plans for Parks also in the 2020 OKC Parks master plan there is a significant need for ball fields which they have laid out 34 Little League ball fields are needed by 2034 if you take away this ball field and again I know it's his decision but the people that do play there have no nowhere to go so again as a homeowner there I would at least the least amount of homes that could be built as possible but I think the majority of our neighborhood would like to see it as is but again that's out of our that's really the land owner decision so I think that's all I have if anybody has any questions does anybody have any questions and thank you I I do have one on the uh letter from the superintendent of Yukon Public Schools he makes a statement that says the other really concerning issue would be traffic as we anxiously await the final inspection of the new Loop what does that mean they are building a loop behind the school I don't understand and I'm not very close to it I don't understand how the loop is going to help the traffic because what it's basically going to do because I've gone and looked at it is it's going to make every go into a single file line versus right now it's a double lane so I really don't understand how they're saying that that's going to help the situation because right now you believe that Loop will be back behind the school it's behind the school okay so it'll take quite a few cars but they're still going to funnel back out onto main roads they'll go in but they'll come out but maybe at a faster rate I would hope I think it'll be a yeah I don't understand how trying something at least because a lot of this problem is their problem right I know you guys have to live with it but this is a Yukon School issue um my only other question was is had Yukon schools or Siri Hills HOA number one two three or four whatever has anyone ever tried to buy those fields uh either as a school entity or as an HOA we as far as I know we haven't the HOA hasn't tried to buy them I heard heard that the school tried to buy them and it was denied but I can't substantiate that or or prove that so I don't even know yeah have no idea I was Mom looking out for my kids in my neighborhood learning this process thank you thank you any other questions Commissioners well I I sympathize with these concerns and and I agree that a lot of this is traffic management and school management issues but yeah I mean you just zoom out on the map and you look at this spot and like it should be greens space from a neighborhood perspective Green Space is right but I can't force you know we can't force the the land owner to sell it to the school or to sell it to the HOA and and that's out of our control but it sure would be nice if it was a green space for the neighborhood sure agree more houses don't go in than what it's already zoned for I I appreciate you that point certainly and and that say the same thing I I think R1 would be a better use for this I mean for the neighborhood but when I see the Green Space there's Green Space around the school this property is going to be developed that's just the way it is there's Green Space it's like asking the golf course to say well just stop playing golf and let's make that at Green Space you can't just do that you have to own the propert and and so most of the things that you said are either traffic which is really not in our purview Yukon schools problems definitely not in our purview and definitely for for Yukon I definitely agree with that I just the electrical grid again OG&E not really in our perview so again there's pockets of R2 all over Sur Hills I agree another pocket is another pocket we I've been a commissioner for about a year and a few months we've approved thousands of New Lots in W one for these schools to be here today and to try to stop 90 more units is is just again they own the property I do think it's important to clarify this as I was discussing with Council Now traffic and schools can be a can be a factor but we are limited in our ability to use that as as a scope as you know our decisions are challengeable in a court so um they cannot be arbitrary they can't be capricious so we have to have you know evidence that meets those standards which is difficult for us even me as an attorney to to do um in our hearings so it's always important for us to look at how the infrastructure is imp Ed and see if there are ways in which we can um mitigate any challenges that may be created by our zoning decisions um so nuanced answer but it's and I think I have brought that up many times as we've approved subdivisions in in W one through here because I have driven through here in the morning and seen the sheer number of cars and and kids and I just wonder like no one must ride the bus to these schools because every parent drives their car to their kids to school in what's really funny about that is um the the situation with buses is such that of course this is not this is a Yukon school not OK City school but um people who live close enough to a school um that they can either walk or have a parent drop them off they're not eligible to ride the bus so I mean that's not always an option and you know I actually own property in Sur Hills that I've owned since the very early 80s um until last year my brother and his wife lived on folkstone just north of the school and what Mr um dwey was saying is absolutely true when I when we bought our property out there um there was anything uh south of Hefner Road but Open Fields and farmland and you know Ranch Land um and Sir Hills itself was sort of sort of um promoted I mean there there are definitely family homes very definitely family homes but it was kind of a retirement community almost um and in fact that was why we brought the prop we bought the property was because my parents eventually wanted to um retire close enough that my father could play golf every day that was his one big retirement wish um so I think you know it's easy now 2020 hindsight and the U benefit of the development that's gone on since to say that the school is poorly designed and so on there probably aren't it's it probably is designed just like other schools were designed at the time it was designed this was a a sleepy little area and the school was probably hardly up to capacity um everybody could either walk or ride their bike it was it was there weren't traffic issues there weren't uh these problems it wasn't overcrowded um and and so I mean I I do think it is within our purview to take into consideration both traffic and the impact on schools it's not something we do very often uh but you know this is a situation where we're being asked to change the zoning from one thing to another uh it's not like if we say no they're not going to be able to develop it it's a question of whether it's going to be this number of Bill of homes or this number of homes um I I'm going to be very hard pressed to vote Yes for this this um application in fact I should say it the other way around I I cannot imagine myself voting yes for this application it's just either it's too soon or it's too late I'm not quite sure which if uh I also would have to confess it until this application came along I didn't know that those ball fields were not part space they've always been there so the the shock factor for the people who actually use them and and are used to having them there I can well understand but the impact that I mean the development impact is is very real and yes the schools are always behind that curve it's just the way school funding works and all that kind of stuff and sooner or later hopefully that will balance out I also have had the unique experience of attending a school where I only went to school half day because the school was so crowded so 9:45 lunch I get that um this is not a good way for kids to tryy to learn so um I'm going to have a hard time uh approving any upgrade in the R1 zoning that already exists for this piece of property so makes a lot of sense um any other any other questions I have two questions actually I've actually heard because I've only lived in this neighbor neighborhood since 2018 that it has been tried to be developed before and it's always fallen through so I'm curious if anybody knows why it would have not gone through previously I don't recall in I've been on the commission six years I don't recall voting on okay also if you were to vote Yes on this I would want to know like what benefit you feel like this would bring to our neighborhood just from your point of view if anybody wants to speak to that speak to that well I think we'll have an opportunity for us to exchange ideas and we can keep that question in mind anything else for us I don't think so does anybody else okay thank you and thank you for serving our community I I love it in Oklahoma city thank you as promised Barry Lodge would you mind sharing your wisdom on um how we review How the City of Oklahoma City because this is not going to be the developers decision this the City of Oklahoma City the professional civil engineers who do this work would you mind explaining what goes into those decisions around um drainage when new development comes as this area definitely I'm sure has issues with flooding as the we saw in letters and and have heard about y very large Public Works uh I'll address a few things here that questions were brought up I I'll hit just real briefly on the on the traffic study side of it I'm not the expert on that but just a comment that in years past developers were required to do traffic studies when new developments came in it would impact it a few years ago and I don't know what prompted that the requirement for traffic studies to be done by developers was dropped in favor of traffic impact fees that the developers pay when they do the development City uses that for traffic studies traffic intersection improvements and that kind of thing so again that's the limit of my knowledge on that so uh but but that's kind of what goes on with that uh I I want to speak to that we do have the ability to require traffic analysis of a developer what changed was what we stopped requiring traffic studies automatically so it's not an automatic requirement it used to be but it is still something that we can require when we feel the need of it so what be so maybe Barry or or Jan at this point um explaining what that what would that mean let's say we did that then then what happens that's engineering besides the study itself like how does that impact the the resoning request because I'm certain what our neighbors would love to hear is oh they're going to do a study oh they're going to see how bad it is and oh then that means the development is not going to go through I don't want to give that impression I want to be clear about what and unfortunately I think at at this point in it the the tra any traffic study that they did would be looking at the impact of their development only and it wouldn't take into account the other developments that have been done in the past that when you look at this overall that's where the problem is created has been from previous developments and so what they would show would be what's the impact to their from their development only which would I don't know exactly what it's going to do again I'm not the traffic expert but it's going to show probably a very small impact overall would there be some yes there would the extent of that I don't even want to get I'm much better talking about drainage than have traffic I I think that's a fair um analysis and and to be fair er um it would it would actually be a an an impact of the request of the application so the difference between R1 and R2 not you know the difference between it sitting empty right absolutely yes which which means that difference is going to be limited but one other thing if I could make it just interject one thing here too and and Sarah kind reminded me of this at this point because it's already zoned R1 really the only that they would have to show in the traffic studies the difference between R1 and R2 yeah and so now we've even diminished that further for maybe point out to that historically um so with when we the commission would require traffic studies uh it was with a PUD where you could you know you can condition the developers would then build uh traffic lights and so on or or other needed infrastructure right now the city is taking on all that burden this is a straight tone first of all uh but the city is taken on the burden of doing the traffic studies which there exists one for this larger area and also building the infrastructure so even if there were a traffic study done uh we don't necessarily we don't these days then take those and require a developer to build infrastructure because they they are doing they are fulfilling their obligation through the impact fees right y so that's why I bring that up I we'll move on from traffic if that's okay not for this that's not what stuff uh the other question that came up was talking about the flood zones in in the area and why some Creeks have designated as flood zones some are not that was determination was actually made in the early 70s by FEMA when they came in and and did these studies and as a general rule it's been it's based on the drainage basin that flows through that particular Creek and that threshold for the study for FEMA was around 600 acres so if drainage basin that comes through the middle of this property just in looking at it on the aial photograph looks like it's pretty small which would would be why that particular Creek that comes through the property turns to the west and then goes north along Mustang Road wouldn't have been included in as a FEMA flood zone as opposed to the one that looks like it's over to the east of this property looks like it's probably a fairly substantial Creek and probably is a FEMA map flood zone but that's that's where that threshold comes in uh as far as having a mapped FEMA flood zone if that all makes sense the third thing I wrote down on here was the drainage requirements so this development it comes in whether it is as as single family or as the duplex uh development would have to comply with chapter 16 of our drainage ordinance uh that has some various requirements uh this area and I I did not get to check it before I came over I do not believe it falls within the area currently currently delineated as our detention required area developer could I mean has that his option that may be something that he chooses to do uh could uh dedicate some space for detention but at this point that's not uh one of the things that's required they would have to provide the drainage facilities to come from the south across the property to the north and and take that that that across their property excuse me without directing an increased flow onto one of the neighbor properties now they could that doesn't mean they have to provide the detention they may have to direct it a different direction on their property and over towards the natural flow along Mustang C Mustang Road excuse me uh to keep that from going over onto the the neighboring properties and and increasing that there may be some water that goes there now they would not be able to increase that and and damage that property so let's wait very because that's an important point for our neighbors to understand so the city's review am I hearing you correctly that the city's review is going to look at the current level of flooding drainage uh issues so if it's if water is naturally rising to a certain level currently okay in these existing Fields yes um the obligation of the property owner the developer is to make sure that it doesn't get worse or create any problems for the Neighbors nearby it just they can't make it worse right we're going to look at that and so that they're not increasing the flow onto those individual lot owners we are we are not going to look at it to see if they are increasing the total discharge off of their property again this is it it it gets into a lot more than than the engineering side of it if if they have a a property that has some water running across it now and they increase that flow by this development they're opening cells up to the do the litigation on that side of it that they being are going to be even are better about that part than I am but that's what we're going to be look looking at uh we'll make recommendations on their plans but again our limitation as far as the engineering review is going to be sure that it complies with the requirements of the current drainage ordinance that's that's kind of our uh our guideline uh that that we have to follow sidewalks sidewalks would be required on the major arterials as a part of the if this development were to happen so I think on the one hand that's a that's a pro for the some of the safety issues but I'm also wondering how that works with drainage so it's all swailes along at least the northern the Western ver uh piece of this property it's like drainage selles next to Hefner and then that's where that water is being funneled to Across the field it looks like and then if you have to put sidewalks in I don't know what all that looks like but I guess that's what devel that's what you guys do when you develop but any comment on that and the sidewalks have to be Ada compatible yeah and the and the current sidewalk design that that the city is requiring is say if there is a swell or we've got some drainage that is going to go under a sidewalk that it has to be built with a sidewalk Bridge so you know previously we would ramp the sidewalks down into The Flume and and the water would just be flowing across the sidewalk that has changed and so except in rare occasions we require the sidewalk bridge now with a lot of with this sidewalk that's going to be especially across Hefner Road where that drainage is coming from the south they're going to have to figure out a way to pick up that water uh because that that's going to be be their largest uh drainage system is the one that comes across the middle of the property where they've got to pick that up from that pond on the South Side they will they'll have to make sure that that's piped under across their across their site through their site and uh and back out on the North side did that did that help answer the question um other questions Commissioners for Barry thank you Barry as always um we'll give you a moment to respond and then we'll we'll have our own discussion before we vote okay uh just a couple of things I wanted to bring up um because a lot of these points like I said were not able to be made at the meeting that we had but Mr cyer has donated 14 acres right here on moang road the of that green space for a new park and he has offered to do the grading for the new baseball field and provide a the batting cages and pitching machine and then also install two pickle ball fields to make up for the park that is going to be taken away over here um you're saying on the corner of Mustang and Hefner uh see the small piece of land that runs just straight up north on Hefner it's on the east side of Mustang go all the way up Mustang Road right there all of that that land and it even goes a little further north he has donated to the HOA for a new Park area okay but not within this property not within this property no I mean now this the park can be used by all of the The Sur Hills area yes okay um and then also uh as far as traffic concerns the developers have also said that with um if Oklahoma City would allow they would be willing to help restripe the street and also pay uh salary for a year for a crossing guard after the development opens to help provide you know more safety for the kids well while I appreciate that we have no just so our neighbors are clear we do not have any Authority right to require that or to mandate that or to enforce that so but I I think that is a very kind thing to do but we can't the city is not involved in that transaction right I do have one comment that relates to that I believe there's future plans for the city to widen Mustang Road so um I think it's very possible in the future that that area could be reduced so I just want to make that note the donated parking the donated parking area Park area anything else for us any questions for the developer I I've got a I've got a couple um I'm looking specifically at the the letter from the Yukon public schools and they have plans to build a new school in the next three to five years what's your timeline what is your intention to develop this is it to get it permitted and approved and start immediately or you going to is it potentially going to take a few years to develop sir speak in the microphone please go to the microphone speaking into the microphone did you say what the timeline is on developing it I did but could you give us your name and could you give us your name and address for the record please my name is Claude cyer 9700 Russell Drive Yukon Oklahoma okay and uh that uh one thing I I got up there to say now I forgot what it was uh but anyway uh your what was your question my my question to you was what is your timeline to develop this property probably eight months to a year so you you intend to start construction I think I could get ready to sell lots to the Builder it'll take about a year to get it done it's it's a little slow going through Oklahoma City okay okay and then the second question I have for you is and I don't know if it's necessar relevant but I'm I'm it's going to get to a question why do you want to do duplex or twin Home Development what is what is your well desire to do that versus single family I've uh I've been associated with this type of development uh it really works well for older people that move in they I just had a brother that I had built him a house 30 years ago he sold it and moved into a 1500 ft duplex and he passed away his wife lives there now and it's a perfect deal because the grass is mode and and and it's in it's over by uh Lake over holster and it's a really a nice development and it it's not it doesn't really look like duplexes the way they build them now you you we're making these Lots 80 ft wide and that way you can move them around and it doesn't look like in row houses and and we're we'll go 8 and 12 pitch on the roofs so they're not flat so so it's going to be a good development I got to tell you I own the golf course for several years and the reason the people in the on the west side of of the what's that street yeah Mustang Road there's about 250 houses in that development and it's around the golf course and they they are going to make a park out of that there's a creek runs full length from this development up into the golf course and we're going to tie it all together and put couple of baseball parks and a couple of what's this little what do you call that pickle pickle ball and we have a lot of call for that around the golf course they'd like to have a spot they can play pickle ball so we're tying this whole thing together is what we want to do and we'll have 45 now let me tell you we've also figured going uh single family and you know fix them where they not don't look like they're in row but uh we could just get 60 65 of those and there'll be one house one family per so it really Cuts back a lot of it's a whole lot better to have the duplex and we're going to make it look good and taking I don't know if she said this but taking three of those baseball parks away from the school is going to really lighten the traffic a lot when you have three three teams out there practicing it takes quite a few cars so that that will lighten up the load of the traffic on that that little four lane road so but anyway okay thank you thank you for your time you have questions any remaining questions for the developer okay um comments before we take a vote I'll say this I uh empathize greatly um with regard to the school um I I think that in a dream world we would all um have neighborhood schools that were strong where we could all send our kids and let them walk on their own and they would be safe I hate to hear about the issues with traffic I hate to hear about the danger I wish that we had better tools regardless again whether this is whether we say no to this or not this is still a problem like it's going to be a problem so it needs to be resolved and the City needs to create better methods from being more responsive to a more immediate problem I will say it again and I've said it many times I know you all haven't been here to hear it but I am deeply concerned by the way that the city the state of Oklahoma funds schools it makes it very difficult to scale up quickly when we have growing areas all across our great City that can't build bigger schools fast enough because the way that we have chosen as a state to fund our schools I think it's unacceptable I think it's wrong again whether we vote Yes for this Redevelopment or not it's still going to be a problem and it needs to be fixed um and I'll join you and going to go talk to your legislators I talk to mine and I complain about just that the way we fund our schools is is completely inadequate um I I also think that um it's a tough decision because the infrastructure clearly is not there currently it's not um I but um we're really debating between between um having R1 units at 65 and having duplex units at 90 and so for me I'm asking myself what's the what does that mean is it enough is it not enough what is the impact of that I'm torn I'm torn it's a difficult decision I don't know that the infrastructure is there currently I know that it will it can get there if there are more rooftops it does lead to more investment but then what does that cost our neighbors um and so it's this is a tough call to make um I think if maybe it should be considered maybe what we should look at is um if there is an Spud and we limited the spaces where there'd be duplexes maybe there's a way that we can physically change the site that addresses some of these issues that might make it easier for us to be okay with added density because one of the values that having duplexes in a space like this is is um one there could be seniors as the applicant has has shared but there can also be families who otherwise would not have the opportunity to live in a beautiful wonderful neighborhood like this who may now have that opportunity when we allow for this um these types of developments to occur so um I'm torn um but I'm happy to hear from other other uh Commissioners about it um I mean I I think that is a question worth asking is if the applicant would consider converting this to uh Spud that would allow a little bit more um ability flexibility um for the neighbors to weigh in and um maybe get a few more of their concerns addressed time um but that that's completely on you you're well within your rights to have this to request this application um I think there's the ability to put it into an Spud and and create create something that is a little bit more acessible to the commission to the neighbors um it's just going to take a little bit more time all right Mr chair I'd like to jump in before we go that direction um I'm not as torn I think this is easy it's already R1 let's leave it alone I mean if this was a and we were trying to figure out if it should be R1 it' be you know we're taking away baseball fields and it's really sad it's R1 there's there's no reason to press the envelope to me doing a spud to figure out where we put duplexes we don't this is a fine spot for R1 when this was made R1 a long time ago it was perfectly fine it's R1 it's not broke don't fix it I I think that if this was not R1 we'd be talking a lot of stuff but it's already what it needs to be I'm I'm ready to just move on R1 deny it R1 appreciate the offer to donate some other space I hope you do that whether it's R1 or R2 it's really sad those baseball fields are going away and people didn't know it was privately owned but um i' I'd love for you to donate that other space but I think it should be it's R1 now I think it should stay r one and we move forward it's a valid point if it was a spud could we require traffic signaling to be installed by the developer does that have to go that's always that has to go through traffic commission correct it would but um so what your question is would could we require could you require a traffic signal yeah at the intersection of Hefner and Mustang could tra a stoplight and and that's paid for by the develop er uh I in a spud that's a maybe a legal question it's it's on an arterial so I think uh the city is responsible for that through impact fees so it would be the city I will tell you it has clearly there's a peak traffic problem and as was said our traffic counts are old from 2018 but they're pretty low so I don't know that it would okay I'm just curious you explained it once already but ask it again I also heard that the lots are 80 foot wide already that has it been platted no but he did say they were going to be 80 foot Lots so yeah I mean it's an 80 foot lot that's like a single family 40ft lot we just approved you're talking oh you're talking about the next application though right well just and I would like to see a p in this so we could tighten it up but makes sense we maybe we need to any other anything else maybe we just need to see where we are I got up here to answer his he asked me a question I think didn't you about Spud MH uh the uh addition that I was talking about is on out by Lake over holster uh it's nice you turn off a gated community and there's several people I know several people live there so I know about it and actually there are about half and half they have a single family with zero lot line and then they'll have a duplex and they scattered those in there and it made a nice looking subdivision okay that's fine but my question my question specifically was would you reconsider resubmitting this application as an Spud yeah well uh you'd still have to have sorry and technically it would be a PUD but thank you I didn't hear I didn't hear what you said technically the application would be a PUD yeah because that's more than five acres but I don't know where five votes okay chairman I I would point out for what it's worth that there there are a lot of R2 properties within Siri Hills it's not like there's any shortage of them okay I think we're ready for a motion I think we need to see where we are if the applicant is not willing to move to an Spud we certainly cannot force them um so the question before us is whether or not what the recommendation to city council will be so I I think we should just go ahead and vote up or down I I'm not convinced just looking out I think let's just see where we are okay uh then I'm a I'm prepared to make a motion to uh deny the rezoning request commissioner CLA moves to deny um to recommend to city council denial of PC 10914 I think I'm looking at the wrong screen sorry that motion has been seconded by commissioner lege I will say before we vote Commissioners again you're voting in the negga you're voting to recommend denial so if you vote Yes you are saying you want the city council to deny this application if you vote no you are saying you do not want the city council to uh to recommend that it be denied so just to be clear Yes means you want this to not happen Okay and the motion passes which means that we are recommending denial of this application to city council that does not mean and I just want to make sure that we clarify this for our neighbors we are making a recommendation to the city council the city council will make an ultimate decision this decision is not final um but I do know that the city council takes into significant consideration the recommendation of the Planning Commission so I just want to be very clear about that um we are now in line for item 26 item 26 is case c765 preliminary plat of Brownfield located north of West Hefner Road and East of North Mustang we'll need to ask for a continuance on this um commissioner CLA um yeah I'll move to continue item 7615 commiss definitely indefinitely indefinitely yeah we don't have no that's not it what do we need to do in order for them to be able to get it whenever they um would you like to defer the it until I guess it depends on if this is going to go to city council with a recommendation of denial if so we could probably move it to a date that's more in line with that Council decision okay or we could move it that's what I did council's recommending we do that is just move it so it'd be eight weeks from now essentially first meeting in May I guess the question to you are you planning to take go forward to city council with a recommendation of denial or are you gonna regroup we're gonna we're gonna rework we're gonna probably go with R1 stick with R1 and replot okay okay so if that's the case then we'll need to continue it to um at least probably the at least the second meeting in April don't you think because we'll we will already notice okay okay is that enough time okay is that 422 should be April 25th okay I'll move to continue that item of April 25th uh commissioner CLA moves to continue C 7615 to April 25th the motion's been seconded by commissioner powers please cast your votes to clarify for our neighbors we did not recommend um that it be that the zoning be changed to duplexes so if they come back to us with a plat it cannot be for duplexes so don't panic and think I've got to be here on April 25th well if they bring it back on April 25th it would have to be single family platting so just so you're clear about that okay thanks guys thanks for your time thank you you're going to want all right we're moving on with our agenda are there any additional items okay we got back to it yeah yeah glad you caught it okay Planning Commission committees I understand the committee met this morning I'm sorry that I couldn't join it probably was shorter because I wasn't there was it any report from that Nate do you have anything on the committee um yeah committee report from this morning DRC yeah um so in the near future you guys will be see couple things uh come to us here at Planning Commission uh you'll see a draft ordinance of the new accessible dwelling un unit ordinance um as well as uh the Hefner Parkway aesthetic Corridor okay sounds good easy peasy we're going to fight about signs great I love fighting about signs right commissioner Powers kind of fight hope um okay any other reports from committees all right commission members commissioner Claire uh yeah it was a tough one today um you know know I think and a lot of the a lot of the concerns that we heard are still going to be very important when this if it comes back as as single family um I think the the main thing to acknowledge is we are in a very tough position um when it comes to school districts um yes we do not have that Authority the city council doesn't have that Authority that all happens at the state level and you know one of the things that we have um to keep in mind is that you know regionally we're 8,000 units home units shy and I just don't feel that we can hold up uh proposals applications that um meet plan OKC requirements um just for the fact that the school districts don't have all the resources they need and can't get them timely so yeah it's it's a it's awful and it's I hate that we're in this position but um something has to change at least in this case you know the Yukon school districts are not in the same position as some of these like tiny ones Deek where they don't have bonding capacity you know where they're completely maxed out for the next 25 years on their bonds or whatever so mean Yukon schools can raise money and build more schools so that's a good point anything else commissioner CLA just I don't know how relevant is but I went I went and looked at school uh Yukon school bond issue and you know they last did one in 21 so Lots changed but their priorities were not new schools it was getting teachers um and adding classrooms um so I'm I'm sure that's changed since then but I I thought that that was interesting that their priorities was not new schools sure they're still looking for teachers yep absolutely thank you commissioner CLA commissioner Powers um the the meeting this morning the DRC meeting was very informative and helpful and um I think you know that's all going to be even more helpful and and interesting when it gets here so I I think it's moving in the right direction it's encouraging yeah I think so commissioner Meek yeah I went to the meeting this morning and we had a case today that there was an access accessory dwelling in a in a PUD and I just still have a concern that we're not I don't think that with the and you can tell me if I'm wrong Jeff uh I don't believe that with the Pud approvals with these accessory dwellings and more coming at us in the new code we addressed today in that meeting that these these accessory dwellings need address designations and all the ones we're releasing in you know snowflake zoning or whatever you want to call it we're not addressing that and the one we addressed today we didn't address that so um every dwelling unit where people or families live need an address designation and I'm just real it's one of my big deals because you don't want like for the ones that weren't there you don't want a public emergency officials kicking in a primary residence door when someone in the back's got a fire or a medical emergency and without us specifying that in the ones that come to us before the codee update I think it needs to be addressed maybe in a te that's all I got that's good it's interesting is your mic on commissioner Powers my wife can't hear so I'm sorry my my mom too um so the the ones that we approved like in my word you think there was something that we needed to do that we didn't do about that I'm going to ask for staff to check on that before our next meeting I don't believe that development services is going going on new builds yes they may but uh conversions no y I agree though that the I mean I completely agree with your point and I think it was well made today and well received by staff and and others and I understood that if these are permit if it's a new structure and it's being permitted they're going to require that address designation I will hope so yes and and when we when we put through the Adu it'll it'll definitely address that right but I I'm hoping that even though these snowflake ones uh are that's also addressed the conversions going to be a few slip through I think but those are probably not going to really shift I I me it's still a concern of yours I said it's a liability and that's just something I worry about but yeah good point um oh sorry IC my turn I'll I'll wait commissioner Newman oh I have nothing today trying to be quiet that's okay no we encourage you to speak up commissioner Goin I think nothing else other than the uh if they were to come back with this Spud well anyway not not PUD PUD sorry you know I mean it to me that wasn't an issue of of duplex versus R1 as much as the safety and the concerns of the surrounding development so that the if the P if there's things we can do in a PUD that would alleviate some of these other concerns about how pedestrian and vehicles and and circulation around the really tough but it would have been really tough and it it will be if that's where they where they come back with but we should think about that my question on that one right there is oh I guess we're not six months ago or eight months ago or a year ago when we just approved don't talk about it's not it hasn't been voted on by the council but anyway but it seems as if we've approved a lot of houses in the Yukon school district and not had that large of a Care on Transportation or any of that density and today you know seemed different but yeah I I think kind of a unique situation really because of the because grow of the area you know just how much it has changed over the last of course that's now 40 years I talk about it like it was just yesterday but you know it's like there's no difference it's like from it went from being a sleepy little small town thing to you know yeah I grew up around there and there was nothing like you said south of Fetner and yeah now there's the cheek ran rooftops everywhere I mean it was like there was nothing yeah anything else commissioner Goin well I sorry might as well spend a little more it's it's we got N9 minutes till five no uh well it's also very difficult when people have um citizens have serious concerns about their their property values and and what's coming next you know next to them and and consistency on these these things is hard to get sometimes because each case has its own individual merits and and uh so yeah anyway that that was a struggle so with that it's a challenge commissioner Noble uh nothing else I don't think today learning about you know the corridor on Hefner and and then uh accessory dwellings I think it'll it'll help us and maybe actually reduce our case load it's great we'll take that I'd love to be out well before five commissional Forge um I'll say this um it's hard we what happens I think is we are here every other week and you get so used to seeing such a wide variety of things that your um relative scale of what seems appropriate or what's extreme and what's not is so different than the people we serve because our experience in with different types of development is just much more vast so I I'm going to think hard about you know the duplexes that we approved um which was just such a small I mean it was just such a really small area that clearly is going to have a dramatic impact on those people who are immediately affected and then we're talking about another one where we're talking about 95 units you know um I think it's really important for us to just have empathy for the people that are here and make them feel respected for the time that they're here and I think it's really important for us to continue to have meaningful conversations with neighbors before they get here because I think that contributes to their sense of fairness about the process so um appreciate everyone's patience as we worked through all of the this today um anything from the planning department uh yes I have seven minutes right exactly seven minutes uh so we the vision zero plan we're excited about I think I've mentioned it a time or two and we are looking for volunteers from this August body uh we have we have an Advisory Group as we always do for our plans um and so we would like less than a quorum uh planning Commissioners to be involved of course but uh if we could get a the vision zero plan it's it is you want me to give you a quick summary yeah okay well I only have six minutes hurry oh okay so the vision zero plan Vision zero refers to the the vision of having a Zero fatalities so it's uh it's something that if we get a successful plan put together if we get a plan put together we can then apply for a significant Federal fund funds uh for our transportation infrastructure and it will also help us spend our our local funds as well so it it's multimodal we we have a Federal grant uh it's a million doll plan mostly funded by the federal government um and it'll apply to making our intersection safer uh it will apply uh for to bike ped bus car all of it um and basically anything that works uh we want to to put in the plan and try and do so um that's kind of the the the the story and a nutshell a lot of cities have done this um so we are certainly not uh on The Cutting Edge here but we are wanting to get this done so we can start influencing safety in the city and just making it uh making it safer for all um so yeah that that and and we're looking for like I said an Advisory Group we would have we would meet once every month um roughly we're trying to get this done by the end of the year or thereabouts because our contractor kimley horn is on contract to immediately write a grant uh proposal so that we can start to get these federal funds before they go away because that may happen so we are trying to get a group of uh planning Commissioners traffic Commissioners city council members and other uh stakeholders Transportation stakeholders and the in the community involved in this sounds like we have commissioner Claire commissioner Powers yes of course I will commissioner M can't do it anybody else over here yeah I can't either [Laughter] that okay thank you for volunteering little bit but we appreciate it it's a valuable it's a valuable thing for us to do this I Onasis of our year it's like I wouldn't sign on for another like oh four or five years maybe we'll have this you know but if it's really something you think we can we can put together and whip out and get some money out of the yes that that is the goal and that's why we're really pushing and we we have a consultant has many consultants actually that have a lot of capacity to get it done so they've got a lot of people on it I will just say I I haven't been on a bicycle since I was 12 years old so you know and you know walking back and forth to my car is about the extent of my pedestrian activity but I'm sure they'll be some field trips um you know can commissioner Meek come whenever he's available because I do think his U point of view as a first responder as someone who knows significant information about Public Safety would be really helpful it's a helpful perspective it'll only be about six six meetings so we'll we'll put put you on the optional list as having been Vol and told um he would be so good at it yeah as long as we don't have a quorum we're good so okay um if anybody wants to come just let me know um but we'll we'll make sure and invite you three for sure okay volunte priv yeah let's volunteer priv he's not here yeah let's volunteer I agree with that he's in all right municipal council's office unfortunately I'm out of time Jeff us all my time got two minutes all right um not even Mr Warrior could hang out with us for citizens to be heard sing as we are at the end of our agenda we journ

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