e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we have a quorum I'm going to call to order the uh March 26 meeting of the Oklahom City Riverfront re Development Authority all item two is items from the chairman and I don't have anything item three is the minutes do we have any corrections to the February 27th meeting need a motion C your votes for some reason it won't let me vote and that passes item four is a consent docket we have the O gas revenue report and the Oklahoma River Corridor events update any questions on either one of those motion C your vote it passes item five is the primary items item a is the Oklahoma River Project summary yes good afternoon J sh Public Works um it's been another very active month a lot of construction projects going going in the Eastern Basin simultaneously um once the projects were completed in the flow line uh that allowed us to be able to close the Eastern Basin and start 10 pound water um we were fortunate enough uh on March 22nd to have a local storm and we've now got full empowerment back in that Basin uh we have noticed a few elevated volumes of debris and we're addressing those now but Basin should be functional and and back for uh back for use is there any questions any questions thank J any motion on that we receive C your vote that passes Item B is an update from team design on the Eastern basin constru projects they're also going to give us I thought it'd be for some of the newer members I thought it'd be nice to go back an update of what they have done over the years maybe they don't want to do what they've done Dennis chairman Mars me members of the trust Dennis Clowers representing team design today uh and as chairman Mars said a few weeks back he asked me to put together an update on what's going on on the river and he and I further discussed that and uh thought that since there are there are some older not age older but people that have been on the trust for a while and are familiar with us but there's others who aren't I might give just an update on the history of team design and their involvement with the river is there a a remote are you going to okay all right um so that's our agenda is to give you a brief history on team design a history of the Oklahoma River and and talk about current projects go ahead um team design actually began 65 years ago with a company called Howard russling Associates uh in 1965 it became Russell grelin and Douglas um in 1972 it became rgdc when they added uh Bob Cornell as an architect and then in '96 it became team design or Tri a design and then uh two years ago team design the only remaining um original partner of Russell grelin Douglas is Don Douglas who is here with me today and he's uh ready and raring to correct me on anything that I say that's an error um this is the way the river looked back in 1889 and 1890 I am told that Dawn may or may not have been around at that time um we'll just leave that up your imagination obviously a different facility than it looks like today in the mid-50s the core of engineers did a major project to realign the river to make sure that water got out of town in a timely manner and that's what Engineers do they make things straight and wide and stuff flows through uh a lot better so in 1955 that cor of Engineers project was finished um in 1980 um rgdc was contracted by the city to come up with a master plan for the river and that became what was called The String of Pearls had a lot of good ideas in it uh unfortunately there was no funding at the time to do any of that work so that plan kind of sat idle for a Time prior to the first map selection uh that was held in 1993 um rgdc was asked to come up with a corridor plan of things that could be done on the river if that sales tax passed and they did they put that plan together and obviously Maps one passed in 1993 and funding was available to build three dams on the river rgdc was selected as a design engineer uh to do the design of the three dams and the Eastern dam is shown there on the right first one that was completed in 1999 um next slide then in 2003 the Paul Brum Dam which is just west of of Western and the May Avenue Dam were constructed uh which impounded River all the way back to about uh Meridian um since then team design has uh done some other projects on the river the Corb Engineers funded some uh some projects to do trails and bridges and beautification along the river and then in 2006 when the decision was made I think it was led by former May mayor nor to uh put some River cruises on the river uh rgdc or Triad design at the time was contracted to do a transport excuse me Mobility plan on the river later on um Triad Design Group did the design on two Landings one at Meridian and one at Stockyards later uh map our Triad Design Group was part of a design team that that designed the U maps 3 Whitewater facility which is obviously uh World known and Mike has done a great job of managing that project team design also did some design work on some Public Works facilities down near exchange where boats could be stored and worked on um Jess mentioned mentioned in his uh report a few minutes ago that while the river was down there were a couple of projects were done one was some work that needed to be done to the Eastern Dam and another was to make some repairs in what's called Zone G of the South Canal where it ties into the river part of that project had been done with a reinforced concrete wall that had Stone uh into the um into the concrete which was very stable and is still there today unfortunately there wasn't funding to do that all the way down to the river so a stackstone um design was done and it hasn't fared so well but uh Public Works and Parks uh put out a contract to make those repairs and all of that work was done while the river was down if you haven't been down there it looks very very good these uh photos were taken during the construction of that uh Maps four included several projects on the river and team design was selected to do uh the maps 4 projects and those cons consisted of in Priority One a pedestrian bridge from the north side of the river going over to the Okana development the second is a dam the third if funding is available will be a public gathering area or a stage so go ahead next slide so the The Bridge pedestrian bridge is located a few hundred feet uh west of Eastern and it goes from the north side of the river and ties into the Okana development as I said next slide this is just a plan and a profile of the bridge it's about 500 ft long uh it's 20 ft wide um it will have cable railing a lighted Rail and it'll have below deck uh peer lighting these is just some of the details that indicate uh the cable railing that'll be along inside the bridge and then the next slide would show the uh the lighted Rail and then the below deck uh peer lights there are four peers and so all of those peers would have lights on them to give them a little aesthetic uh view um the bids came in such that there were a couple of alternates that were we were able to award one is light poles and Banner uh poles uh similar to the other Banner uh brackets that you may see around the city and then also included uh will be peer cap medallions that will um a design that was agreed upon by uh the chicka tribe uh the Okana folks the first Americans Museum uh and these will also be included on the sides of those peers this next slide gives you an idea of what the um construction amount there there right under $10 million of maps for money in the all the projects combined uh the bridge is going to take up the majority of that as you see after the contract was awarded by the city council for the bridge we have about $3 million left uh that will go toward the uh the dam uh this next Dam which will be Downstream from Eastern um I'll show you that on at a later slide but the council ordered that contract on March the 12th uh we're just about ready for the contractor to begin construction and it should be completed by the end of this calendar year uh the next project as I mentioned will be another Dam that will be Downstream about a quar mile from the Eastern bridge and the purpose of this dam is to impound water not to create a a recreational facility just but just to improve the Aesthetics in the area if you might Lance off the Easter this east side of the Eastern Bridge there's a lot of debris uh things that have washed down there and so this the purpose of this is just to cover that up with about four to five feet of water just to provide a better athetic view of the river Downstream from Eastern as well as Upstream the last project I'm going to talk about is um a project that was funded by the Federal Transit Association and by Embark um and the Chickasaw truck tribe and it was for for a boat landing to be constructed on the um south side of the river near the Okana project and this that slide that you're looking at right now if you look in the upper right hand corner you'll see a little uh light colored piece that is actually depicting the end of the pedestrian bridge so this will give you a perspective of where that bridge ties in to this particular area um the scope of the work is to create a Cove so that the Riverbats can dock there unload passengers and uh to create a public place uh what we've designed there is an Amphitheater type sitting area that would be available for the stage if there's enough maps for money to actually build the stage later on the next few slides are just some other views of what this project might look like and the last one is then looking back across the river toward the north um team design was selected for the project in late 2022 uh as I indicated it includes a Riverboat Landing near the first Americans Museum on the south side of the river uh the FTA Grant provided 80% of the funds a local match provided the other 20 um I'm sure you're very familiar with the Okana develop velopment um and the first American Museum that opened in 2021 uh the entire Okana development is scheduled to open in January or February of 2025 the preliminary engineering report for the Embark project was uh submitted to the art board in September of 2023 and bids were received about uh well on February 7th and we've got some challenges with the bids that came in uh they were higher than expected so we're working through that with the city staff our intent was to have a contract um on the Embark board by April 5th which is our next meeting we're working to try to get that done we're not sure if that will happen but we'll be glad to keep you all posted on the progress of that uh before I close I just want to mention maybe a few other projects that you might be thinking about for the future um we could we go further downam maybe around 23rd Street out by sunna Road and create another Dam there that we create a recreational uh ponding in the river uh obviously it wouldn't be connected by boats from from where we are now because there's no lock in the Eastern Dam to get the boats down there however we could go Upstream from the three dams that we have on the river maybe up toward Lake over holer put another Dam or two to impound water all the way to Lake over hoser just some thoughts for project in the future and that's all I have and I'll be glad to respond to questions any questions for Dennis I've got one the low water dam um is that going to be a fixed Dam simply a flow over no way to lower it or anything in high water situations right it's going to be done with sheet piling yeah okay anything else just to add to your little list the the the uh what am I trying to say the the uh USS Oklahoma City sale and the park that's going to be created around it uh there's I know that there's been people say that might be a good place for another boat landing I don't know but uh that's going to be at the end of uh the park system down there that be a very nice spot any other questions thank you Dennis okay thank you all any motion to accept that you vote and that passes uh item C is an update on key to home partnership for homeless services we have Jamie caves here and I think Erica Warren's going to do the presentation good afternoon thanks for having me today my name is Erica Warren I'm the communications manager for the kah home partnership there it is okay thank you um yeah you can go to the next slide this has our agenda um so we're just going to be looking at kind of the overall structure um an overview of the key to home partnership what that is and um kind of what we're working on our strategic framework um over the next two years so our key priorities and goals um and then progress to date and then we'll just take a quick look at how you can help and how you can get engaged in the work that we're doing next slide please um the Keet to home partnership is a public private Partnership of over 40 organizations that are working to prevent an end homelessness in Oklahoma City these partners are made up of nonprofit service providers Community leaders and most importantly those with lived experience that can help inform the partnership's work and focus and they do this through piloting and testing different programs and Reporting results back to the system through dedicated work groups the City of Oklahoma City serves as the lead agency across this m partnership which means that the city is responsible for developing and implementing the overall systemic response to homelessness in our community the city is tasked with monitoring and improving the overall system performance by increasing capacity and efficiency across the homeless response system so what do we mean when we say public private partnership the public private model is critical to the success of the Keet to home partnership and because it allows us to maximize and utilize the public dollars that are available to us and while using the private funds to remove barriers that are not covered by those public dollars next slide please and looking at our strategic framework we've laid out four key goals over the next two years um that we hope to achieve um goal number one is revamping our govern governance system um this is a goal that we have already completed and so we have increased our oversight board from eight to 18 members and and the idea behind this was that we really wanted to expand the board to include more highle decision makers um stakeholders in our community and again most importantly those with lived experience to help inform the work that we're doing the priorities that we're setting and goal number two was to address homelessness differently um we all know that we can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome so goal two we really wanted to to think about how we can do things differently um to move our work forward so this means how having a dedicated team at the city level um task with managing the resources and coordinating efforts across that um Continuum of Partners um it also means enhancing our data solutions for increased accuracy um and providing realtime access to that data um and increasing access to affordable housing by leveraging the maps for funding for permanent Supportive Housing units goal number three is focused on expanding youth services and diverting youth from ever entering the homeless response system um in the first place with a goal to divert at least a 100 youth by the end of 2025 and then goal number four is to reduce chronic unsheltered homelessness by 500 um by the end of 2025 through a new housing pathway called the encampment rehousing initiative um this new initiative is a new um Pathway to housing um and what the encampment rehousing initiative does is go directly into those encampments um and it moves folks residents of those encampments directly into housing within four to six weeks next slide please um so some progress to date the encampment rehousing initiative was success successfully piloted in early 2023 it officially launched and September of 2023 and since that time and the encampment rehousing initiative has housed actually I just got word um 102 people um update from 101 on the slide as of today um and as of today zero of that 102 individuals have returned to the homeless response system next slide please and this is just a photo of um a former encampment that was along the river this was at Southwest 15th the Meridian um so this is an encampment that um had been present under that bridge our Outreach teams had the opportunity to go in and work with residents living under that bridge building Rapport um understanding their needs what complex needs they have um and what services they might need um and individuals from that encampment were then successfully housed um remaining in stable housing with those additional wraparound supports and case management um so that they can stay stably housed next slide please um so how can you help um at ketah home we like to say that everyone has a part to play in solving homelessness um and every single one of us does have a part to play so um if you ever are concerned about someone experiencing homelessness um please alert the action center um I had the opportunity to meet the folks that work in the action center um and they're some of the most dedicated people and positive people I've um ever encountered especially considering the work that they do um if you're ever concerned about someone who is in a situation that you think is critical and needs um response pretty quickly um please alert the action center and detail that um we have response teams that can come out within an hour to respond to someone in need um you can also request litter abatement so if it's a a city-owned property that is involved um in your concern you can make a request for that um and you can also request code violation um like junk and debris or graffiti um to access the action center you can call you can text um you can email there's also a very userfriendly app called OKC connect that I would encourage you to download next slide please um a couple of other ways that you can get involved is volunteering and we have many many opportunities across those 40 plus partners that I mentioned earlier um anything from preparing meals to um movein kits um helping with meal trains household goods pretty much anything that you can think of there is a need for and we can get you plugged in um and then as I mentioned before and this is a public private partnership um and private dollars are critical to the success of our efforts so um if you're so inclined there is also an opportunity to donate um you can go to ketah home ok.org to learn more and that wraps up the presentation I'm happy to take any questions any questions yeah I you mentioned donating furniture or clothing or whatever where do they take that um so we have various partners that um are in need to the existing places that take yes existing agencies that are already working and with the homeless population so there's youth providers there's um various agencies that would take those donations gladly good yeah um thank you so much for the presentation um I curious to ask if you can talk a little bit more sorry it's didn't get the clip right um if you can talk a little bit more about the landlord engagement portion of the program um because I do think that is something that's like fairly unique to this um I think the way that we've done coordinated housing um is to not only have the city be sort of the um sort of coordinating body but um but kind of that that opport and I think too it kind of um helps also answer the question of like why we need the private funds um because of that flexibility of how they're being used um that sometimes our our federal and other sources of funding can't always respond to so I'm curious to if you can share more about that so folks can hear about that aspect of the the initiative and learn more about so I I'm Jamie caves um the landlord engagement team is really important because there are many of the people that we're housing have barriers to housing and so the landlord engagement team can address those barriers with landlords um so we have staff that go out and they talk to and Advocate with landlords especially landlords that have many properties so that we can position um some units across the city in multiple complexes and they work with them to to let them know the benefits of working with these clients because they have case management support because they have rental subsidies um and other supports in place to help them um stabilize and what you're talking about with a public private partnership is the benefit here with the landlord engagement team is that we're able to pay hold fees and that's why we can move so quickly with the encampments because we were having an issue where people would be they'd receive a voucher and it would take them months and months and months to hunt for housing and to find a unit that would accept the voucher and that they could move into well our landlord engagement team is out there working constantly on finding these units and so when we go into um an encampment we quickly learn that there's 20 people that will be on the by name list and so the landlord engagement team while we're collecting documents and doing the other pieces here the landlord engagement team is going to identify those properties and secure those units they use private dollars to hold those units so that they can wait for the weak or two until those are those people are ready to move into them and that is a a a key to being able to move so quickly to identify the units because we cannot use public dollars to hold we're also able to use those dollars to pay for movein kits we know that people are more successful when their basic needs are met when they have a mattress and towels and dishes to cook with and so we're able to use those dollars for movein kits and then we can also pay on occasion there are people that need a risk fee if they've had prior evictions and other concerns that the landlord doesn't want want to rent to there's the ability to pay like an additional deposit with those private dollars in order to encourage them to like take the risk on that client so they can have the opportunity to move into housing I appreciate that um detail because I I think that's my been my experience in talking with members of the community is this like perception that if people are living unsheltered and they might be under a bridge or in some kind of encampment um that you know like housing will just appear and that or or that people don't want you know the help that's being offered but that that piece of having something available that you can offer that actually offers choice I was um recently speaking with the president of the um Continuum about how sort of great it is to say oh we have a unit in this part of town and someone's saying I don't really want to live that's not where I you know know my you know my community or the healthcare I go or whatever you know that's not where I um want to be but that the that ability to sort of um have options um actually helps people feel ownership over they're not just being kind of handed the Bottom Rung option they're they're being given the option of um making a choice that that they get to have ownership over um and and can make that decision about what's going to be best for them um and I think that that piece is so key to um sort of re I think you said earlier like not just doing same thing over and over again because I know speaking with a lot of Outreach workers the struggle of trying to keep track of folks when they're living in in such chaotic environments um or you know again like their papers all get destroyed and so they have to start all over again with their ID and documentations and all that stuff that can take so long um to just have that available and ready for people um is really really amazing and um it's exciting to see um us sort of pursue that model um I'm curious if you can also kind of talk about um because I know this is something I get from residents and questions about kind of how you prioritize or have been I guess prioritizing which encampments to sort of start engaging at at what times um just because I know I I think I know a little bit about how you do it but um but I know you know going to the action center it's like okay when when is you know when can I expect sort of the response um and I think especially you know I heard you say that there's someone that can come out an hour and sort of more um to sort of help address like maybe the the need in the moment but that longer term like you know there's an encampment around the corner from my neighborhood like is it on the list when will it be addressed those sorts of things curious to hear how you all do that prioritization because I know I one question I've asked in the past is like can we do them all like and it's well we only have certain capacity of you know certain amount of staff and um capacity at the moment so kind of curious to hear if you can help us understand how that priorization works yes so um first of all I want to just say that we have a 97% acceptance rate so 97% of those people that we've approached and offered housing to have accepted housing and I think that is just really important for people to understand that they they do want housing um as far as the priority um it it's it's kind of a lame answer it's really just there's a big Matrix that we use to help us identify properties that that we actually will use in the future right now we're working on developing processes so that we can um close encampments on private property and railroad property so right now we've just been really working with the loow hanging fruit which is city-owned property so we're just about to finalize those processes things are going well moving forward um but but that has largely been what we've been doing we also have been effectively working with Oklahoma Department of Transportation so you'll see some of those um underpasses like 39th in Pennsylvania that was closed because we already have a a pro partnership in place with them um but a lot of that Matrix in determining how we select camps is about not overburdening our systems so when we're asking uh a group to do the cleanup we don't want to ask the same group so if if Parks is cleaning up this location we don't want to ask parks to clean up at multiple encampments right back to back so they need capacity and budget room and so we're just like kind of strategically trying to be sure that we're not tasking the same groups of people over and over um we also are trying to ensure that we are closing encampments in different wards that we're not only working in the same ward so this whole Matrix is kind of a scoring tool that helps us just make sure that we're spreading out evenly um and not not overburdening any of our partners any other questions yes can you tell me um I know it's been a short time frame and things but have you had any once their housed how long is that anticipated that they will be living there and have we had anyone actually go through the program and move on um I I think that there are a few but I don't don't have data specifically on how many have moved on because we are just finishing that 12 months in the pilot we're just barely past 12 months but that answers your question is we provide a 12- month subsidy and wraparound Supportive Services the goal is to rightsize the housing solution so almost immediately when they move into housing our case management team is working to um identify the level of need the barriers and what kind of support this person is going to need and start putting that like kind of exit plan in place so some people are going to need permanent Supportive Housing they're going to need longer term support permanent Supportive Housing typically averages about 5 years of Supportive Services in a housing subsidy um some people won't need all of the 12 months before the the case management can kind of fall away and they can start paying some of that rent or saving towards a a unit where they'll pay their own deposits so every everybody is different on the level of need our goal is to get them connected to Community Resources to increase their income whether that's um disability or retirement or employment just whatever it is for that individual during that 12 months so that they're ready for that sustainability and and can be stably housed after that 12 months just a quick thank you the work that you guys have done in the first 12 months of this pilot program and the efforts that have been very um kept you busy kept you up late at night kept you on your toes it's it's making a difference and we're really grateful for that thank you thank you anything else thank you need a motion to accept that your vote Kathy that passes item D is a quarterly Riverport Foundation update Mike okay good afternoon Mye canop with Riverport um well let's go ahead and get started with a financial update um I think it pretty much speaks for itself a lot of our early in the year financials Are all uh associated with timing and we had a lot of um uh what we contri additional earned income and contributed sport support come in through sponsorship and some things early on and some of the expenses um in in our ramp up period as we're kind of in that period of getting ready for the season you know we do incur those expenses a couple things in particular we are currently replacing the conveyor belt on the at the Whitewater Center and that's something we have to purchase ourselves and then later then re submit that for reimbursement so that is actually taking place as we speak um there was a very significant cleaning exercise that went on with the Whitewater Center where it was drained again and um and just preparing it for this coming season and of course the Olympic trials in a month from now so it's really important that we put our best foot forward for this event so we're trying to get everything uh ready but we feel uh like we're off to a good start um from a development perspective we are um tracking ahead uh we're a little over half our development annual development goals so that that is um that is good news and certainly trying to leverage the opportunities that Olympic trials provides as well as row Fest which will come uh later this year so let's go ahead in the next slide just want to give you an update on the winter training call adaptations that we had to make due to the river uh draining uh had to divide and conquer with programming out at Lake overholser uh the old Stroud house and then also um at the exchange Boat House you probably or if you go over that part of the river it was very active throughout February because of all the programs that were relocated there um with University of Oklahoma and uh there's there's actually a this we we were in spring training period of the last week so that there was a lot of activity I have a picture of one of the Thunder players just underscore we did some other things like indoor events we did in you know indoor Esports camp where we combined you know virtual rowing and think active uh technology into the mix so that was uh very pop that was popular over the winter go ahead and the next slide um I want to give you a quick update on programming um a big strategic Initiative for us is to grow our youth under 15 programs which is Middle School and that is a um something that is really starting to ramp up in the sport of rowing we want to take a lead in this and we did this in conjunction with our relationship with ARA Cooper he re he they provided a grant for us and so we're in we have several schools the high idea this is an program is about inclusion so it's not one school or it's it's multiple schools coming together and training training as one so kids from from Southeast FD moon to to the northwest side to Mustang so it's been you can see the every single machine is taken up when they come out we've had over 70 kids involved we're kind of at our capacity at the moment but um it's a real good signal about where we're going with that program go ahead next slide and then our broader range of youth programs um despite the fact there was no great uh I mean we made it work but but the the athletes didn't get a lot of time on the water before their first race and um they did very well in Austin and we have several kids getting full ride College scholarships um for next year because of this program and um I note you see that pink boat there that's Mercy we have a fleet of new boats I I think I reported last time that Mercy is a big part of that those are going around the the country when we go to these events and so we share that with them and then uh there's a graphic of the OKC youth Invitational this is an event we've postponed a little bit to thankfully we got some rain so we got water back in the river quicker we were worried about that um normally that's over spring break it's now in April that event has grown into sizable rowing event in addition to all of what else we do so that'll happen here in a couple weeks go ahead in the next slide and then we also had indoor rowing championships uh lots of activity for that um again this is something that so many different groups whether it be youth corporate uh veterans all different groups came down and and participated in that and we're looking to continue to expand This indoor rowing League even throughout the state eventually go ahead next slide then fundraisers we had a very successful fundraiser on you see on the left which is a chili cookoff it placed our annual per perer finish as a great change and greatly exceeded the fundraising goal um encourage you know next year we'll make sure that's on your calendar it was very well well received coming up is champagne and oysters with very much a Paris flare to it given the Olympics champagne and oysters supports our Olympic hopefuls and high performance and it'll be kicking off the Olympic trials so the athletes will receive their official Olympic trials bibs at this event and it's going to be a very inspiring event it's again always a lot of fun we will certainly get invitations to you and this is uh uh we're GNA actually have the the president of the International Federation here for this event International canoe Federation so it'll be really a opportunity for us to continue to deepen that relationship go ahead next slide uh this is Dennis already reported on this but I just you know some images the river draining process and the work that was done um and the dam when it did uh start to open up um we're kind of in that clean up period there's a lot of work to be done just to restore the area around the chese boat house uh but they're working at it and so that's kind of what our our focus is now so it's a great great Improvement go ahead next slide uh the bike park prog Pro progress I mean we're we're really uh pleased to about uh this develop there's a lot of enthusiasm in the community we have a community user groups that meet regularly on this uh we call it the trail head because it literally links to the Eastern Greenway Trail you can go east or west and eventually R the whole city from this location um designed by Wade scucci and his team and then we received a recreational Trails grant funding and T set funding as well as a lot of private support and um some other contributions as well in fact fact um Hydro FL flask nationally is donated to this project because they see this as a big part of how we're engaging the community in the outdoors if you recall we received an outdoor Foundation Grant a few years ago one of the first four studies to ever receive that and it's gone so well we're getting continue investment from the outdoor industry into what we do in Oklahoma City so that project is scheduled will be done uh by this summer so that's it's well underway go ahead next and then this is a new project um just to kind of underscore the engagement and of the users of the venue um one of the young men who's in the youth Riverport program is trying to get his Eagle Scout or he's getting his Eagle Scout and he made his project putting artificial turf in the entire Finish Line Tower seating area now honestly I think it was a little bigger project than he thought it was G to be when he set out but it became this massive project that every all the youth programs rolled out to help him accomplish and all the materials were donated all the work was donated um and it's a massive Improvement it makes that area much nicer just in time for again row Fest this year which is going to be huge okay go ahead next then I want to talk about Olympic trials this is like a obviously a Monumental event for us um it will be we are working with um NBC is going to have full coverage um throughout on the Pak Network and also throughout all their streaming platforms so we're doing a a big production with this because there's a lot of interest because it is historic it'll be the first ever kayak cross Olympic trials which will make its debut in Paris and they expect that to be high very popular because it's fast-paced and exciting but you can see the schedule there it'll be April 26th and 27th culminating on the 27th with kayak cross and then Team USA will be announced at the end of that event on the 27th with some fireworks and a lot of fanfare um so again we're it's it's going to be very important that we pack the house so we we really want to spread the word we're working on bringing schools down on the 26th to be there we have about 500 kids so far scheduled we're going to have an event called the Olympic experience that will go along with it so um the public can participate and try different Olympic sports I mean obviously Ours from rowing in canu kayak to gymnastics with bar Connor to uh rock climbing and and and surfing so all of that will be happening in conjunction with the trials and it's also opening weekend for River Sport and so people will be able to go rafting that same weekend on the uh outer Channel as well so very busy very busy weekend in Oklahoma city with the marathon and Arts Festival and um so we're making we're we're coordinating but it's going to be quite a big deal the the public can come in to watch from the hillside area that's free we wanted to make sure it was accessible to all and then we will have premium seating on the south side of the Channel with seats and shade and and VIP U benefits but we want to remove all barriers of Entry to just make people feel a part of this as you all know this sport is a big part of our future and we have a world championship in just a couple of years so we're getting volunteers training volunteers gate judges timers all of those things are going to be really important so we're using this as a kind of a real Kickstart to that effort so and that's all I have is there any questions any questions for M busy time coming up it is busy time okay all right thank you thank you any a motion to accept that cast your vote and that passes item e is a management and use agreement with epic Paintball Park LLC to continue preliminary activities related to the proposed construction and operation of a recreational paintball facility on our property around ten and County Line we've been dealing with this for a few years and he keeps getting extended itions U because of his trying to get the program put together so and Kathy's youth committee has looked at this and you're okay with this Kathy yes we are there were circumstances that he was not able to produce and so we're giving him this extension be able to to do the things that he would like to do and that we definitely want him to do yeah so this is onee extension till March 25 any questions motion how many years has it been so far i' take a ball part because it's not a good sign when you have to think real hard about it at least I think at least four years okay is that correct you think that's right outside of I40 uh since the early 201 oh okay he's been in this location since 2021 yeah okay for this location all right thank you okay C your vote and that passes item f is a revocable permit with the national MS Society for the walk Ms Oklahoma City on May 18 using the South River Trail need a motion C you vote that passes item G is an ordinance amendment to chapter 60 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code 2020 related to certain permit fees applicable to the north Canadian river Corridor Recreation Area we have uh Scott Fairman here to answer any questions you might have Scott you want to give us a cliff notes version of what's going on here I'll do my best uh good afternoon chairman and trustees I'm Scott Fairman assistant director of Parks and Recreation so essentially this is part of a bigger effort um to review our fees and assess our current fees in Parks um and so obviously there's a few fees that are part of the the ochre system um this this particular one is pretty minor it just gives us the ability to rent the restroom in a special event U permit as opposed to only in a revocable permit now it's currently written so it just gives us a little more flexibility and and another product for our our citizens to to have and then it also allows a fee for staff uh assistance when we when we deem that staff is necessary to to be in an event any other questions I'll be happy to to answer those any questions for Scott okay thanks Scott need a motion C you vote that passes item six is the claims docket any questions on the claims docket motion cast your votes not pass item Seven's comments by staff you have the written report from Melissa in your packet any questions okay motion to accept that c your out that passes any comments from trustees any citizens to be heard we are jour e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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