good afternoon it's 2 o' I'd like to call to order the January 30th 2024 Oklahoma City water utilities trust meeting our first item of action is Roman numeral number two approval of the minutes from January the 16th 2022 four does anybody have any comments changes or questions about the minutes if there are none I'll entertain a motion and a second please vote the minutes are approved the next item of business is the consent docket today we have 13 items before us it includes plans for bids uh an addendum uh ratification contract Awards change order amendments some agreements and a revocable permit there are like I said 13 items a through M we can take all with one motion please a second please CEST your votes the consent docket is approved the next item of business is the concurrence docket where we find two items uh one is approving plans and specifications to be advertised TI for bids and the second item is a permanent easement does anyone have any questions or comments regarding the concurrence docket if none I'll entertain a motion in a second we have a motion in a second please vote it passes item number five on the agenda is emergency construction contracts which is my understanding we have none today so I'll move on to item number six which is items for individual consideration which also we have nothing today this is really tough uh we have then item number seven which is items from trustees there being none I will now go to item number eight which is the general manager reports um Mr chairman and trustees we don't have anything to add if you have any questions about the proforma or business manager Vanessa agular is in the audience and she can answer any questions any questions comments about either the uh the report or uh the performa oh all right we're at item number nine citizens to be heard and it's my understanding that we have is it Claude cyer Claude cyer is here today to visit with us would you like to come forward at this time sir uh yeah I came a couple of times and just set that back here but I have a uh I had I put in a request with who I thought a hard attorney and to get a a water from Oklahoma City off off out of City Limits and made an Al apption with Dustin seag Graves he's an engineer that I Ed developing land I develop residential and commercial land in Oklahoma City and I have since 1960 and i' I've got uh 150 residential lots now started with 250 I'm down to 150 that were selling slowed down a little I got a couple more subdivisions I've developed a lot of land and I've always used the engineer the sign to that area if anything I go to do and we had some work had a B1 of H 6,000 ft of sewer line for B1 that uh the sewer is for you guys for this committee and just got it completed Ed and uh with the engineer and I mentioned to him that I was having trouble getting water I'm on Northwest Highway right across from the big uh water tower out there the Blue Water Tower and anyway it's it's it's fedmont water but they've made a ruling that there's no outside water to be you can't can't get any any water outside of their city limits which is just a new move they've made and I had it all figured out I thought and but anyway I have an attorney that he was working with uh Dustin and we had we were working to do get the everything filed and we'd been working with him about six right months while I was doing this other work but we got a a uh we got a a little note from uh Mr Brownie uh about a month ago said that I couldn't have a 4 in meter to run a line out to the subdivision and I don't have any way to get water and I've got a really nice subdivision streets cut and I'm in here today to see if I can get some water if if 4 in will drain the city too much which he said it would he's trying to get a billion dollar water line to come to the water system and uh I could I could use a 2 in to get started with and hold me for a couple of years until Oklahoma City got the Water Works fixed well it sounds like sir you've done a lot of development over the years and uh Mr Browning is not here today but we do have our lawyer Craig Keith who uh may be able to comment on this and I think he may have spoken to your lawyer can you kind of bring us up to speak Craig please yes Mr cyer I I'm Craig Keith and I had been I had emailed with your lawyer and received his request which I confirmed with Mr Brownie and and therefore led to the email or the discussion that you had with him at this time uh the City of Oklahoma City is not taking on new outside the city customers uh because we are waiting for the completion of the 72 in line from aoka we have a concern that even when our existing facilities are fully pumping that this that drap Lake continue to goes down even during wet years like we had last year and for that reason we are not taking on any new customers outside the city limits do you know the date that y'all made that decision no I did not sir see I asked the uh Mr Browning that it took me a week he well the reason I came to this meeting a couple weeks ago whenever it was is because this my city councilman advised me because I couldn't get a Browning according to the attorney Browning made that decision and I and he said I need to talk to him I tried for a week and this meeting was coming up and I talked to my councilman he said come you can talk to him here and so I did and he met me before they all had the meeting and said I'll talk to you back there and I asked him when what was the cut off date and do you have it in writing and he said no he just turned me down on that one and I said oh and I I really think I I've tried to get a hold of uh Mr Seagraves and I haven't been able to talk to him since this was turned down and the attorney that uh that Craig I think his name was that called my attorney said that uh that Dustin was really upset and surprised when he got the email he got theil the same day we did and we've been working on this for 6 months I'm trying to get the subdivision ready where the city will accept where they where they will let me buy the water for that so it's it's kind of got a little bit out of hand he did he never has told me a date that they started cutting people off from getting water and I I've never had a problem I used to carry the a water in my pickup meter and buy water from the uh fire plugs to keep the dust down on the streets while we're developing it and there's a lot of places I've been using water and I've never had anybody to tell me that I need to come to this board for anything about water and you know I appreciate you guys and I've made a lot of money in Oakland City but I checked everywhere in the world and it looked like I and uh Seagraves went to with us to uh pedmont because we got we're half a mile from the water tower he said that's our water in that water tower and but he couldn't conom in letting us have a meter they had they got a new Eng new uh manager city manager and he's got a a what do you call it anyway that they won't sell any more water out of the city limits of pedmont so they're going to I know of people that they're going to them saying they're going to cut the water off because they're just going to sell water to people in the city limits and that's a lot of people but anyway I don't want to take all your time I guess I guess the thing I would say is it's not really a cut off date it's it's a a capacity issue and until we get this 72inch line completed we have a capacity issue and and I feel sorry for you and it sounds like you've done a lot of great development in Oklahoma City uh and we want to try to help you any way we can but when we have a capacity issue we we just do you can't you can't sell water out of a 2 in meter or 4 in well I I can understand that if you make it a CI rule but you got to have a starting date and you got to make it stick and he hasn't given me a starting date yet yeah well I mean when you get cap to capacity you're there you don't have to give a starting date you just say whoever you want to say well we'll we won't serve them yeah I I I I just think it's an issue of capacity at this time and and that can change in the future once we get the 72 in line complete but I I appreciate you being here today if you'd like to talk more to Craig after we adjourn he'd love to visit with you uh but I think we've kind of explained our position are you Mr cig are you cig I'm Craig yes I'm Claud cig would you like to talk to him after we got one one little problem okay I and I've tried to get a hold of uh Dustin sea Graves and I've tried to get a hold of his secretary she helps him a lot sir and and I they have Dustin is in the audience that the issue is is that Dustin works for Chris we're all trying to provide you the appropriate response and we've done that okay and Dustin's not going to be able to give you a different answer than the answer we've already given you are you telling me you don't want me to talk anymore no no I'm not saying that at all he just trying to point out that that Dustin's here today and and we're more than happy to talk to you once we adjourn Dustin is here yes yes in the audience yes sir oh I'll wait catch you okay okay hey thank you for coming today I really appreciate it sir well I'm sorry I make a lot of money with Oklahoma City and I haven't been to a city council meeting and I usually just have my Engineers but this really it's the prettiest piece of ground in Oklahoma I've got out there the uncle John's Creek starts right up a WS it's a big creek all the way through it it's a come out and I'll sell you a piece of land sounds beautiful I got to have some water thank you sir we're now at item 10 on our agenda and that is adjournment and folks we are adjourned

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