for e e e e e e e e e good afternoon everyone Let's uh call to order the Oklahoma City water utilities trust meeting of April 9th 2024 the first item of business is the approval of the minutes of March the 26th 2024 are there any changes suggestions questions then I'd entertain a motion please got a motion a second please cast your votes it passes we next turn to the consent docket today we find 11 items on the consent docket there's awarding contracts amendments and change orders addendums to contracts some pricing agreements and some open market purchases would anyone like to pull any of these items for a discussion or an individual vote all right I'd entertain a motion to approve the consent docket we have a motion a second cast your votes it passes all right now we are onto the concurrence docket there's nothing today there emergency construction contracts there's nothing there so we'll turn to item six items for individual cons consideration we have four items the first one is a final engineering report for a dewatering system uh improvements that were made at Hefner Water Treatment Plant we need to have have any discussion or any presentations on that Mr Vice chairman this is just an update or an upgrade of the uh system that we use to pump the groundwater from around these structures um we had an engineering evaluation and the report recommends some some modifications to the system and we'd be happy to answer questions if you may have if anyone has any if no one has any questions I'll entertain a motion in a second for item 6B excuse me 6A please vote it passes now we'll go to item 6B which is uh an amendment number one to the Professional Services agreement pertaining to the operation maintenance and repair services for Tinker Air Force Base thank you Mr Vice chairman Paul rebos from gy will give you a brief summary hi Rick how are you today Paul oh Paul I'm sorry hi Paul uh Paul Rick B with gy I'm the program manager for the uh trust efforts at Tinker Air Force Base today's amendment is to adjust the infomark contract to operate the water Wastewater systems at Tinker um because of some Mission growth and changes to the mission at Tinker uh we've seen a lot more need for their services um so this will add a three FTE for indiv individuals uh to operate as another crew on base for uh emergency repairs weekend work and uh evening work uh the base has frequently requested um off our work and that has put us behind um preventative maintenance so we would like to add uh Crews for that um it also simplifies their contract Administration so um currently they are allowed to have an annual adjustment of their rates um based off of a blended CPI ECI and PPI calculation and this just uh simplifies it into CPI calculation so it's a lot easier to administer um there we did a comparison over the last few years and it would almost be the exact same uh rate U that it has been so it's a they were amendable to that change and it also adjusts the start date of their contract annually by one month to coincide with the start date of ait's contract with the federal government so the amendments to provide for additional maintenance repairs operations correct yeah at Tinker additional staff yep any questions anyone or you have any comments sir no comment I'll just to be clear then we take that extra amount back to the feds right correct so yeah we have a rate adjustment process that we'll be going through and asking their their permission before we actually add that staff great thank you all right now entertain a motion on item 6B at this time we have a motion of a second please vote it passes we'll now move on to item 6 C which is the management agreement with the City of Oklahoma City to maintain radio controlled model aircraft um operations at Lake Hefner reservation Mr chairman if you don't mind uh C and D are connected so I'll explain the item Okay C is a an ordinance change uh or D is an ordinance change change related to C so we have two model air airplane Fields one at Draper one at at Hefner the one at Draper is under a management agreement and the one at Hefner is not it's under a permit that has expired so we have negotiated uh terms with the Torx group that's the airplane group at model airplane group at Hefner to put them under a management agreement similar to the one uh at Draper and this also would include permit fees where we collect those fees and those were developed based on what this organization said uh it would cost to maintain and operate their facilities when we cor collect the fees they're entitled to to get back 90% of those fees for the operation and maintenance so they're not the same as Draper they're a little different but it's based on what their U organization said it would take to to operate in maintain their their functions there at Hefner so can we get Todd to test the aircraft sure we'll sell him a permit so anyway uh C is the agreement and D is there ordinance right that will be presented to council for consideration so let's first take up item 6 C which is the management agreement I'll entertain a motion we have a motion in a second please vote it passes we'll move on now to 6D which is the ordinance I'll also entertain a motion for that so there we go all right we have a motion in second please vote it passes we now go to items from trustees any items from any of the trustees today uh we next go to one of my favorites the general manager report thank you Mr Vice chairman uh two items they're both updates on major projects uh we want to give you all quarterly updates on the south Canadian wastewater treatment facility and the aoka pipeline so will Huggins is here to talk about the uh South Canadian wastewater treatment plant good afternoon good afternoon Mr Mr Vice chairman trustees let's see so normally you would get joy cot the project manager but she's off recovering from shoulder surgery so I'm going to try and stand in her shoes today give you an update on the what's going on at the large improvements at South Canadian so just a reminder the existing plant is reaching the end of its useful life um so there's several facilities and treatment processes that need to be updated uh we're going to increase the treatment capacity from six to MGD to 8.6 MGD uh we're also going to include some enhancements to the treatment so it can complies with a new regulatory requirements regards to the affluent um and also just optimize the plant um to current standards just little background I think you've seen this slot a couple times the engineer is CPN doing business as STV uh the contractor is Crossland heavy contractors uh construction crost after the value engineering is around uh a little over 101 $191 million it's big number to get out um so it's a 54 Monon project project which is long um at about the 48 month Mark we should come um excuse me at the 42 month Mark we should actually come on to a lot of the new treatment processes being online the actual new plant the new affluent and then there's about a 12- Monon period where we're going to be demoing the old plant and restoring the plant so right now we're tracking pretty well as of April 1st um we're about 33% ter spent in terms of dollars and around 37 in terms of time complete so tracking well in terms of getting work done um just a quick kind of brief bullet point on look looking behind the last 90 days made a lot of um a lot of Headway on the airation Bas structure it's a large concrete structure I'll show you some pictures on that progress later on we've also started the final segment of the 54in effluent pipe and including uh installing a new head wall uh that's actually out in in the river uh started pouring uh base labs for the clarifiers and then there's several new new structures that started that we'll give you an update on at the next quarterly meeting um a quarterly update so looking ahead we're projecting to complete the actual concrete structure for the airra Basin uh we plan to do the rubing for the admin building and continuing the r the rough in and interior finishing uh we're going to complete the outfall head wall and effluent pipe um and and then we're also do the main slabs and walls of the clarifiers with that we kind of show some pictures and try to do it in a timeline format you can kind of see how how the how the projects progress so this just shows the evolution of the admin building which will h house the offices for staff um where they can um meet training um in general like controls of the actual plant this is a head work structure it's a new influent head Works um this just shows it progressing from August to April um this right here is in is the actual influent Channel there'll be two bar screen um mechanisms located here one here and then this is the effluent so as as we progress you'll start to see equipment be added to these um pictures airation Basin this one's kind of neat uh you can see that it's a it's a rather large structure if you have a chance to go visit um during construction I'm happy to give you guys a tour it's really it's really interesting it's kind of dirty right now but the next slide is real cool this is I want to thank Crossland for in this they actually did a time lapse of construction uh I sped it up even more and trimmed it but this just shows the airation Bas and coming up out of the ground from the foundation prep uh to laying um the aggregate base and then starting about now you start to see concrete pors coming in the floors they're bringing up the walls and they're working along and so now um they've actually started to pour pour some of the decks um from this end down here they're starting to pour the de upper decks and then they'll finish up the structure over the next 90 days oh not that clarifiers uh another treatment another treatment process they've um done the subsurface improvements um and now they're actually pouring the foundation and they'll be coming up the walls primary electrical building it'll kind of be the electrical heart of the plant it's new it's a new primary electrical feed new primary electrical distribution system um there'll also be generators located there so they've got the building in place face and they'll actually um when assuming that the the whenever the electrical gear comes in which is a long lead item we'll start to see some gear actually come into this building disinfection building this is actually the on-site sodum hypochlorite generation system we're as we've talked about before we're moving away from on-site chlorine gas to on-site generation of a a fancy way of saying bleach um so this is just that building coming up out of the ground you can see we've got some of the um kimle tanks um already installed and ready digester thickener this facility is used for H for part of solid handling just we've had the the masonry be completed and they'll start working on the inside as soon as Process Equipment starts showing up and with that just any questions you might have about progress anyone to have any questions thank you very much appreciate it now we go on to 8B the next we will give you an update Larry harir we'll talk about Thea pipeline great thank you good afternoon good afternoon all right some of the do you have cool video like that just building the pipeline no I just have uh pictures for effect see how well they are uh some of these things you've seen before this is the aoka program in a nutshell we got several projects lined up that we're trying to get done to bring more water from Southeast Oklahoma to the city um we still have about 43 miles of pipe under currently under construction out of 98.6 miles uh going to the uh status of each of the projects coming from the southeast to the Northwest uh the section between Pump Station o and the Colgate Pump Station I have 61% of that uh project installed so far moving on to uh WC 873 between Stone wall and the Ada Pump Station we have 24% installed and they're just going like crazy WC 874 the segment between Ada and the Canadian river crossing is pretty much 99% uh uh installed the pipe they're getting ready to do the connection between uh the river crossing and their project right here speaking of the river crossing this project is pretty much 100% % installed uh the mcke Contracting who is doing the uh project I previously spoke of will be doing the interconnection between the new uh pipelines that badet has installed and we're Gathering up for this to happen on April 22nd after that's done we can turn off the aerial Crossing going across the river and resume service in the original TOA pipeline uh shortly thereafter 877 the deal uh the project between the Conan Pump Station and about halfway to mome uh pipe delivery began late in March of uh this year so uh soon they will begin construction um uh pretty much right after they get done with the connection at the river crossing it's the same contractor uh other projects coming up next uh would be Pump Station o which would be the main Pump Station to start bringing water uh to the through the new pipeline as well as the Colgate to Stonewall stretch and the uh from the river crossing to the cona Pump Station I take any questions you may have any questions anyone looks like we're making progress we're moving right along yeah thank you very much you're welcome thank you Larry we ay have any citizens to be heard today we find ourselves at Roman numeral 10 adjournment we are adjourned thank you sir now I can catch my flight get