Planning Commission Meeting (Feb. 6, 2024)

uh ladies and gentlemen at this point in time we'll call to order the Tuesday February 6 2024 meeting of the Planning Commission uh the first item on the agenda is consideration approval of the minutes as everyone had an opportunity to review them and are there any changes additions deletions move to approve second second and the minutes are approved by a vote of 5 to zero uh the next item on the agenda is on our consent docket uh the consent docket basically uh does not require any public hearing unless someone wishes to have it pull based upon the crowd I assume that's not going to be the case the item is case number dd23 d00 014 consideration of deed certification for 5420 Indian Hill Road naon Von is the applicant and I assume everyone has had an opportunity to review that and if so and we have no questions by members of the commission uh do I have a motion to approve that item I'll make a motion second and that item is approved by a vote of 5 to zero it is finished here tonight uh the next item on the agenda is on our discussion docket is case number PR 23- 000020 public hearing and consideration for a replat of Stonehill Cottages in Iron Horse Ranch a final plot located on the Southeast corner of Coffee Creek in cold train and the applicant is present um Mr Brian if you'll please present this item of course um you can see the uh the platted area outl here on the screen and the uh the subject of this application highlighted in the in the Bold yellow lines there with those lots um the proposed replat removes the two common areas common areas B and C and allocates the those two areas to the adjacent six Lots so you can see that modification here on the screen this request does not change the number of developable lots happy to try to answer any questions uh do we have any questions of City staff at this point in time was there anything in the original approval that we put that in there for a purpose or it was there that we need to be aware of I I don't believe so I'm not 100% sure what the purpose of those two common areas were might invite the applicant to answer that question the kall Dyan craft and to repr applicant and no I don't think there's any code requirement I don't I think it was for whatever reason and I wasn't involved when they did the final plat but I think they just thought hey it's the middle of the block let's break it a little bit um but really they're not that long of blocks anyways and if you look at the size of the common area one of them's like just a tenth of an acre the other one's like 004 for so I think after the fact they looked at it and they're like hey what are we going to do with these common areas and the logical thing would be just to split them down the middle and add them to each slot so it's pretty simple though thank you do we have any other questions by members of the commission at this point in time anyone from the general public wish to speak either for or against this project and I'm assuming the applicant is going to rely upon the statements of staff at this point in time based upon your comments that you've already made as well yes and do we have a motion on this project we do approve second uh the project is or the uh item is approved by a vote of 5 to zero that will be before City Council on uh February 26th uh do we have a motion for well do we have any new business and I don't believe we do do we have a motion for adjournment so second all in favor say I I opposed we are adjourned at 5:34

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