Progress as Promised – Washington Street – January 2024

[Music] hi I'm Timothy Robbins construction division manager city of broken Aro you're back on on site with me here on our Washington Street widening project between Olive and Aspen in the west part of town so over the last 30 days the contractor has kind of finalized their efforts on the North side widening on along the entirety of the project which means they are done with all the concrete drives the mill and uh preparation for the asphalt on the uh overlay on the North and the ultimate widening out of the five Lanes of traffic in this section so as you notice the uh last couple weeks have been awfully cold and asphalt doesn't like those temperatures so the contractor has been a little bit delayed in laying down that final course of asphalt we talked about last time so with these weather conditions we are looking to try to get this asphalt laid out in the end of this month to the the early part of February as temperatures allow but in the meantime the contractor is going to be continuing to work out on site finishing out that brand new 10-ft Trail on the north side of the road that everybody's going to really love coming down this section so it's going to be a great ad so we're going to be getting that done next couple of weeks and they'll be finalized cleaning up and uh hopefully the asphalt and striping is going to be the last thing to come so now when we get to the asphalt just be cognizant of the 25 mph speed limit and we're going to maintain one lane in each Direction during this traffic uh this traffic configuration now there's going to be a lot of trucks entering and exiting the work zone so keep an eye out for that as we Traverse through the Section so thank you again for your patience and we hope to come back to you another month with a completed beautiful project have a great month

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