uh and uh we are we want you to be ready because the next uh 3 hours are going to be jam-packed with information that will help you to uh eliminate dangers like taxes inflation and Market volatility so you will not outlive your money so as I begin to teach I'm going to be presenting and then I'm going to have my son one of the top tax strategist in America uh he'll be doing some instruction with you also and then I'll come back full Circle to show you some options of what you can do and if you want to see how any of these strategies that we're going to teach you may apply in your particular set of circumstances so again welcome we appreciate your time and attention I'd like to start by uh helping you understand the bigger picture I've been a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist now for five decades helping thousands of Americans optimize their assets minimize taxes and empower what I call their true or authentic wealth so for you to understand where I'm coming from uh because i' I've helped thousands of people that many of them have millions and even some billionaires and uh if they just focus too much on the money they're some of the most unhappy people I meet so pay attention I'm going to go through a little draw shot video to help you understand where I'm coming from so that you can get clarity when you're about to go on a trip somewhere for the very first time what's the most important piece of information you need to know now most people blurt out where you're going or how to get there actually nope uh when using a GPS it uses triangulation and it does that by honing in on three out of about 30 satellites that orbit this Earth for that very purpose once it has Clarity on where you are at within 2 square fet on this globe then you program in where you're wanting to go and it will show you all kinds of ways to get to your desired destination uh the freeway the scway the byway and also where to refuel refuel your car or yourself in route now when people ask me Doug what is it that you like to do I enthusiastically respond I sort of like to be the OnStar button on people's dashboard of life you see I like to help people get extremely clear on where they are at in every area or dimension of their life and then get clarity on where they're wanting to go then the path to get to their desired destination can be easily mapped out sort of how to live the life that they want to lead now a very good friend of mine strategic coach Dan Sullivan told me one day all progress Begins by telling the truth and I would add to yourself sometimes the hardest person to tell the truth to is yourself as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist now for five Dees de ades I can usually look at uh six uh somebody's tax return or six numbers on a financial statement and within two minutes I can tell where they are at financially okay how much of a Fortune they're missing out on and what they know and what they obviously don't know how long their money is going to last the fact of the matter is you don't know what you don't know because you can't be aware of something you're not aware of now you can also tell where somebody's at by where they're at physically okay we make choices in our life regarding exercise or lack of exercise nutrition or lack of nutrition that puts us at a cellular level not at ease what we call disease that uh all too often results in what my good friend Tony Escobar calls death by lethal ingestion he says maybe because of weapons of mass consumption but there's a lot of people not at ease financially as they approach retirement but you can you could tell where somebody's at by where they're at emotionally intellectually uh spiritually but all progress Begins by telling the truth and once you have Clarity on where you are at in every area or dimension of your life then you get clarity on where you're wanting to go and then the path to get to that desired destination can be easily mapped out okay does that make sense so what I've done for all of you here is uh it's sometimes a little bit difficult to quantify where we're at any given time and so I have a scor card that you can download at the PDF here and I'm going to explain it to you and then you can look over this scor card as we teach you here today so pay attention I'm going to explain what this is we're going to be talking about a lot of principles but I have chosen the top 10 that are game changers for people especially as they approach retirement or as they are trying to become financially independent okay and so over here on the left are the 10 key principles that we're going to touch on here and uh the first four without question are the key elements of a prudent investment okay liquidity safety ready return and tax advantages and then I'm going to focus for a few minutes and make sure you understand the difference between K and c and also abundance versus scarcity mindsets a three-dimensional approach instead of just one just focusing on money okay uh responsibility and accountability equal opportunity and values and vision so what I want you to do is as we proceed today and you learn about these principles uh you look across uh horizontally across this chart and there are five colums arranged from poor Fair good better best okay I have a little diddy that goes good better best never let it rest never let it rest till Goods get better and better gets best now let's say that right now today you have most of your money that you've accumulated for retirement in traditional ier 401ks see that would be right right there that box as far as tax advantages okay uh it's it's actually just fair a little bit better than poor and you'll understand why and yet that's where most Americans have their money uh I can prove to you that rths will give you probably 50% more in net spendable income if you think that taxes in the future will likely be higher which most Americans do because of irresponsible government spending the printing of money the point is wherever you are at right now uh you read the statement under the poor Fair good better best column and uh you can Circle the statement that that most accurately describes where you are currently at with relation to the principle on the left and so if you have most of your money in iror 41 case that would be a three or a four over there on the right you would write a three okay or a four uh the perfect score is a 10 now uh I don't really want you to be concerned about your score today except that you understand on a scale of 1 to 100 where you're currently at it's not where you begin with that necessarily counts is where you end up and so I don't want you to beat yourself up if you add up uh the 10 numbers over there on the right and you put a score down there on the bottom uh right hand corner uh when you have that score if it's in the 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s okay great now now you know where you're at uh but I know the answer to this question whatever your score is today how many of you already know you want a higher Abundant Living score in your future okay so that's what we do I've been helping people raise their score now for a long time and people who attend these rbds uh generally they will raise their score to over 90 within uh at least two or three years and we had a couple down in Morgan Hill California that did it in 9 months they raised their score from 32 up to 93 in 9 months it was just incredible so that's the goal I want to help you raise your score on this scorecard but this will help you like a GPS understand where you're at okay now one of the books that uh we want to get in your hands today unless you've already uh obtained a copy is my most recent bestselling book the laser fun it's been flying off of our warehouse shelves and it's actually two books in one the white covered side is about 200 Pages 14 chapters with all the charts and graphs and explanations if you're more of a left brain learner if you're more of a right brain learner you learn more by stories and examples you flip it over to this book this is about 100 pages and 12 chapters with 62 actual client stories and so that's the uh right brain side this is the left brain side if you want to use your whole brain then you can read uh all 300 pages okay and so you can get a free copy from your assigned laser fund specialist here at the end of this educational event but uh the scorec card that I just showed you is actually found the entire scorecard is found in the right brain side of the book on page 13 okay if you can't download it for some reason now the purpose today we're going to be focusing on money and uh I discovered being a retirement planning specialist now for five decades that most Americans outlive the money in their Golden Years due to three big dangers okay and this is truer today than it's ever been because of irresponsible government spending and the printing of money and by the way this is not a a political agenda or a health agenda relig religious agenda but whenever I ask my audiences would you prefer that I be honest or gentle they always say honest okay I'm not in any agenda here but I'm going to be honest with you and so taxes will likely be going up because the government's been spending about twice as much as they bring in okay uh they've been printing money and that is a hidden tax the cost of living uh the real cost of living will probably double in less than five years if you could get by an 8,000 a month uh right now you're going to need 16,000 a month in five years to buy the same gallons of gas and loaves of bread and and a dozen eggs as you could buy today okay and the third is something that is caused by the other two and that's Market volatility these are going to continue our goal today is to help you become immune okay eliminate those dangers and be immune from those so that they do not affect you in your golden years and you'll be way ahead of most Americans okay so what we're going to proceed to do today is teach you three opportunities that you absolutely ought to check into for yourself number one is to convert as much as as I'm going to show you here 40 to 60% of your retirement income not even show up on the front page of your 1040 tax return it's taxfree it's not a tax loophole the IRS don't know you're receiving it but it's tax-free uh so you're immune from taxes going up uh we're going to teach you how to link your returns that you're getting on your money to the things that inflate I don't like inflation any more than anybody but it doesn't hurt me it helps me I've always been able to outpace inflation and I'll show you how you can do that and then number three by using index in which is a strategy now I'm not talking about index mutual funds okay that's a commodity I'm talking about indexing where you can participate when the econom is doing well the Market's going up but if the market crashes okay which it does every seven years on the average at least uh you will not lose okay so pay close attention because most Americans in fact most financial advisers don't understand indexing and they come to us uh to learn about this I teach Advanced continuing education to CPAs and tax attorneys and financialist advisors and many of them it's unbelievable they don't understand what indexing is so uh listen close you're going to learn that um uh a lot of times you you watch the um CNBC and the financial advisor will say oh the average return the last you know 15 years has been 7 and a half% if you had your money uh in the S&P in in the market well um there's a big difference between sequence of those returns and the the actual uh return if uh you look at this chart and let's say at age 65 that was the year 2000 okay the turn of the century and uh if you had a million doll nest egg and if it was it was averaging 7 and a half% you should be able to pull out what 7 and a half% a year 75 grand a year and and not deplete your million dollar Nest Egg well the sequence of returns if you happen to retire the turn of the century uh remember the 911 terrorist attacks and it went down down and then it barely came up and then in 2008 it went down again well that million dooll Nest Egg even though the re the average return was 75% that million dollar nest egg in 15 years would dwindle down to 98,000 Bucks okay you're going to outlive your money whereas let's just let's just flip those years and let's say the first year you retired was like 2015 the next year was like 2014 the next year like 2013 uh it's the same average rate of return 7 and A2 but would still have 944 th000 bucks so uh at retirement planning at retirement planning is is totally different than maybe what you did for retirement planning having your money in the market you're going to learn today that Wall Street was never designed to create predictable cash flow and that you have to understand the difference between average rate of return okay and the actual to not lose when the market goes down okay and so the three greatest strengths of my favorite vehicle okay which I I call the Laser fund uh you'll learn what laser stands for is number one liquidity that's the L in laser okay uh the ability to access your money when you need it number two is Safety Not only of the institution but safety of principal anytime I set aside money I don't want to lose what I set aside uh but any year I make money I I want that to become newly protected principal I don't want to lose in future years money I made in previous years you wouldn't believe how many financial advisers don't know how to do that one and then number three to earn a predictable rate of return not piie in the sky you'll have those once in a while uh but average rates of return uh that outpace inflation I've averaged uh easily you know uh 7 to 10% uh and uh my son Emeral will show you that uh if you have the right advisor that unleashes the power behind maxf funded ilul a laser fund uh because uh a laser fund is a property structured Max funded IL then you can achieve double digigit returns and you would have to be earning 15 or 16% in a tax deferred IR 401k to net you know 10 uh you only have to earn 11 to Net 10 at the end of the day in in in a laser fund and that's that 1% is not taxes you're going to learn okay so in this is my 11th book and uh through all of my books especially my early ones that became uh best sellers I would have this chart that you see on the screen here the risk return Paradigm and I would list 16 General categories of investments from highest risk down to lowest risk the top risky being Commodities the last might be the lowest risk equity in your house okay now let's apply these these liquidity safety R return tests uh because these are the key elements of a prudent investment and most people uh they go after rate of return and they they uh give they they give up the liquidity and uh it it kills them because when they need money uh they have to pay tax they have to pay a 10% penalty or or or they have to wait and the Market's down or whatever okay it's not a good time to to sell your real estate or sell your your mutual fund shares or whatever uh this many more when we apply the safety test okay you don't have safety principle you can lose what you set aside this this many more don't don't pass the safety test well you apply the rate of return test and we're only down to three three survivors so far number 10 might be a very small handful of mutual funds uh 15 maybe a small handful of annuities and number 12 what's that that's maxf funded insurance contracts okay and I'll explain a little bit about that and my son Emer will go into depth but let me ask you a question if you were a farmer and you had the the choice of buying your seed in the springtime and uh you didn't have to pay tax on what you paid for the seed you plant it you irrigate it you cultivate it you work hard and and then in the fall you harvest your crops and now you agree to pay tax on what you sell your Harvest for four okay if you can't tell that's that's a traditional IRA or 401K you get a tax break on the seed money but you agree to pay tax on the Harvest if you think that taxes will likely be higher in the future that's not smart it'd be better uh to Simply pay tax on the seed money and enjoy the Harvest without tax now in the Internal Revenue code you're going to learn today number 12 is the only Survivor out of 16 that has a tax favored Harvest and it's been a sacred tax-free cash cow for over a century in the Internal Revenue code and so you'll notice on the front of the book here these four pillars stand for liquidity safety rate of return and tax advantages and in the book you can score any investment anywhere where you can put money uh on a scale of 1 to 10 based on liquidity now Max funded ilul if it's structured correctly is deemed a laser fund on liquidity you'll see that it it scores at least eight out of a possible 10 uh the ability to access money uh as far as safety is concerned it's almost a perfect 10 but we'll give it a nine okay uh on rate of return depending upon if you're using it for maybe a short-term goal like five or 10 years or a long-term goal like retirement income it's going to score U uh eight uh sometimes higher than that but as far as tax advantages nothing else in the Internal Revenue code does what I'm going to show you here and I've challenged CPAs and tax attorneys to show me and they never have shown me any anything that does what a maxf funded IL does and so it would be a perfect score of 10 you add up those uh those four numbers right there and what do you end up with a score of 35 out of possible 40 do you know where most Americans have their money and I raise are 401ks uh in the market or annuities or whatever uh the score is only 18 maybe 20 or 22 out of 40 it's it's really quite pathetic and so this is designed to increase liquidity safety rate of return liquid asset safely earning returns is the acronym that spells laser okay now let me shift gears to go back to this big picture here during five decades as a financial strategist I have seen countless clients work very very hard to manage and grow their wealth and uh they want to enjoy that abundance and then Foster a similar dream of prosperity for who their posterity but all too often that dream turns into a nightmare and I'm going to tell you why because many many times when I meet with people that are very successful I say how did you build this Empire or this huge nest egg and they go oh Doug I grew up a right after the Great Depression my parents taught me the value of work man I have worked so hard man my kids are never have to work as hard as I did and uh then you know 20 or 30 years go by and they come into my office and they're sort of forlorn and I go what's up and they go Doug I don't know what's wrong with our kids and now our grand grand kids they don't even know how to work and I would say well maybe you stole that from them maybe in your attempt to help them you were hindering them you always said what made a a man out of you is how you had to overcome challenges and uh now you you were bailing out your kids you know and and you wonder why they're weak like a butterfly coming out of a chrysis if you help it out when it's struggling it will die yeah isn't that sad now being a parent or a grandparent is tough so again I'm going to be very honest with you here in the next few minutes I'm going to share three secrets that you can learn and create and leave a legacy and I'm going to gift you a copy of this bestselling book entitlement abolition to do what I'm talking about so here here's the three dimensional approach there's three dimensions of what I call authentic wealth when we say the word assets what kinds of things do most people think of first when we say the word assets most people think of your house or your real estate or your cash or stocks or Bond or whatever okay uh those are just material possessions aren't they they're just things whenever I ask people what are the most important assets that you value that you cherish that you possess on this Earth they know I'm not talking about money and they say well Family Health values relationships your faith yeah these kinds of assets involve people okay I call these human assets they are are our core assets I put these under the foundational assets for a Abundant Living uh they would also include such things as your heritage your talents unique abilities uh charitable foundations and so forth now there's a third dimension of authentic wealth that involves the wisdom that we gain throughout our life uh wisdom is a product of knowledge times what experiences okay just the good ones how many of you have learned more from your bad ones like I have okay it would also include your formal education reputation methods systems Traditions alliances ideas and skills so these are the three dimensions of authentic wealth now whenever I ask anybody if you had to let go of one of these three categories of assets Financial foundational or intellectual you had to let it go start all over accumulating that category but you could keep the other two categories of assets not only keep the other two but you could transfer them into future Generations but you had to bankrupt or let go of one of those three categories of assets and start all over which one would you let go of now abundant minded people immediately say the money yes why would you let go of the money because you can rebuild that one using the other two the intellectual and foundational assets okay uh most religions on planet Earth uh believe that we come to this earth possessing the intellectual or foundational to one degree or another if you believe in a life after this one those are the ones you return to your makup and report on have you ever figured out how to take the money with you when you die no there's no luggies rcks on hearses as the song says so at threedimensional wealth we focus on all three dimensions this is like a three-legged stool and so we believe it's more important that values are understood before the assets are valued then they can be brought into balance and Harmony to provide ever increasing results now I'm going to use another metaphor which is the golf metaphor and if you're not a golfer like I'm not you'll still get get it but let's say you were going to be playing in a golf tournament and you have the choice of using a professional golfer like Phil Mickelson's swing or you could use his clubs okay what would you choose I'd rather have his swing not his clubs well I've noticed that most financial advisers in America seem to focus on the clubs or the commodity buy this mutual fund this stock or Bond or gold or silver it's not in the commod commodity it's in the strategy indexing is a strategy and index mutual fund is a commodity I've noticed many estate planning attorneys seem to focus on dividing up the golf clubs and the trophies so to speak among the kids and the grandkids when they die huh I'd rather leave behind the swing or how to fish to my kids and grandkids rather than dumping a bunch of fish in their lap I want them to be um uh never be unemployed uh to always be self-reliant uh security is in the individual not in somebody giving you a job to do so at three-dimensional wealth we focus on all three which involves learning true principles now a truth is just a belief until you experience it when you experience a truth it becomes a truth to you so all of these principles on this scorecard I have experienced and I continue to do so and then what I like to do in these educational sessions is teach you strategies and Concepts on how to apply those principles in a fast power curve instead of the long learning curve that it took me okay I turned 72 here in a couple of months I don't want my kids or my grandkids to take as long as it took me to get it okay and so we teach proven strategies and Concepts I marry some Concepts together that's what makes me unique compared to most advisers uh but metaphorically speaking uh I show you when to use a sand wedge or a seven iron or a driver uh so we'll show you the best tools and my son Emer will show you that uh but uh what I focus on is the swing and uh then my son can show you the best clubs to use does that make sense okay so I travel a lot and many times when I'm talking to somebody next to me they'll say what do you do and I'll pull out a Delta Airlines napkin and I'll draw a great big a like you see on the screen which stands for abundance and then I'll say well I help people optimize assets well uh I then need to describe this three-legged stool and so I'll say when I say the word assets what kinds of things do you think of first and they usually say well uh my house my real estate cash stocks bonds and so forth and I go yep uh uh that's really just material possessions though right though but we put those under the financial Dimension now there's two other dimensions uh let me ask you this way uh what are the most important assets that you value that you cherish that you possess on this Earth and then they give me their family health and values and spirituality their beliefs and so forth yeah these are the foundational assets and then if they haven't mentioned I say there's another category that involves the wisdom that we gain throughout our life that's our intellectual assets and again wisdom is a product of what knowledge times experiences it gives us our wisdom But it includes our formal education reputation systems methods Traditions alliances ideas and skills okay so these are the three dimensions I'm talking about like a three-legged stool now sometimes people say Doug what do you what do you do I respond I take the wobble out of people's life on this three-legged stool why okay because some people uh maybe they accumulate their financial category their financial wealth at the expense of their health and then later in life they're spending all their wealth trying to regain that Health that's really sort of stupid okay or many people accumulate their financial okay asset at the expense of relationships with their spouse their kids their grandkids their God whatever their belief is of a higher power and at the end of the day they're only 67 they got one foot in the grave they're bankrupt in the intellectual and foundational categories even though they got enough money they could spend $10,000 an hour the rest of their life and never put a dent in their bank account but they always come and say Doug what was all this for I'm not going to take any of this money with me and my my wife left me years ago my kids they don't they don't come around I don't have any faith anymore I need to I I I'm not prepared to meet my maker and you know they always have what we call absolutely unacceptable regrets okay now there is a fourth category of assets that transcends all three okay and uh you can give your time to uh charitable causes and what have you you you can donate your talents but most governmental systems in the world have a method whereby we must give back to society uh these are our Civic or social assets and U that method is usually what taxes over there okay uh so taxes I'm a red-blooded American I think we should all pay our fair share of tax but uh with a lot of CPAs and tax attorneys that I train seem to forget within two years after going into practice is that in the Internal Revenue code any time a citizen of America takes ownership instead of relying on the government to to do it for them uh they can redirect otherwise payable tax to causes they support okay uh see ownership is the is the key to American Wealth uh Deeds titles Articles of Incorporation you look at countries that do not allow their citizens to own and they are starving like North Korea versus South Korea okay North Korea has to try to Blackmail the world that they're going to uh create nuclear weapons and everything like that but they're actually starving to death there okay whereas South Korea's vibrant Dynamic produces the number uh one selling automobile in the world for the money now Hyundai okay now that's the difference between ownership and not ownership so if you take ownership in a home you'll take better care of it than if you rent it okay so we have incentives so far in the Internal Revenue code the cheapest money I can obtain is to buy a home or real estate and I can tax deduct it if I do it correctly okay uh if you take ownership for your own retirement instead of relying on the government to provide it for you because they try and they don't do a very good job Social Security is is about 160 trillion in debt uh and uh it's a train wreck waiting to happen but uh you might have good ways if you choose to save yourself instead of relying on that Social Security irer 401ks is is a good way but a far cry from the best you have better ways which uh are roths uh but I've never owned an IR 401K never will I've never owned a Roth IR 401k and I never will because my favorite vehicle the laser fund uh has the two benefits roughs have and four additional benefits the roughs will never have so why would I mess around with a Roth or an IRA 41k with all the strings attached okay and so by doing that I'm taking ownership I take pressure off of the government to provide for me if I die sooner if I live longer if I live to be 120 if I leave behind widows and orphans they will never be dependent on the government so it's totally taxfree I'm helping out my great country country of America better than just rolling over and paying unnecessary tax and uh you'll understand that as you study here the book now in the book entitlement abolition which I want to gift you at the midpoint here uh I I contrast what I'm talking about by using the examples of two families and I don't endorse these families by any means but it's the Vanderbilt family versus the Rothchild family okay now if you're not aware Cornelius Vanderbilt was like the Elon or Bill Gates of his time he was the richest man on earth when he died in 1877 okay uh he amassed $105 million Fortune he wasn't very philanthropic he only left behind less than 1% of that a million bucks to Central University which became Vanderbilt University now uh it took um 96 years until 1972 before 120 of his descendants gathered together at Vanderbilt University for their first family reunion and there was not a millionaire left in the bunch it was all gone uh shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations the the the fourth generation's like what we're now one of them we have to go work uh it was unbelievable now uh it's not just unique here in America in Asia it's called rice Patty to Rice Patty in three generations if if all you do is just dump wealth in your kids' lap and they become entitled okay uh and uh then it's uh in Europe clogs to clogs in three generations and so these clients uh that they they said Doug I accumulate all this money and then my kids are just hanging around like vultures when do I get my share uh and they have this entitlement mentality so uh I started giving them advice and and secrets to how to teach responsibility and accountability and abolish entitlement mindset and that's why I titled this book uh entitlement abolition there's 12 chapters in here and so it's interesting because William k vanderbild a grandson said it has left me with nothing to hope for and nothing definite to seek or strive for inherited wealth has been a real handicap to happiness wow now I contrast that to Mayor Amel Rothchild he died in 1812 and he built a banking Dynasty in Europe and the Rothchilds had several children and among them five sons and they assigned each of those five Sons to European capitals and they would communicate back and forth with homing pigeons when to buy and when to sell the point I'm making is when he died he did not leave behind an inheritance or an entitlement he left behind a system uh I I call it a family bank now listen close this is not a Chartered Bank like down the street this is a conceptual Bank where they make deposits and withdrawals of of more than money and I'll explain that here in just a second but in this family banking concept uh there were three basic rules uh they loaned their heirs money and the loans had to be repaid with the nominal interest rate okay or they went into joint ventures it wasn't uh just a handout when when you died you you got loaded with a bunch of inheritance uh if you needed help with a college education you could apply if you got approved then you could borrow from the family Bank you got your education when you graduated you paid the loan back uh with interest so your kids and grand kids would have the same wewi all okay uh if you wanted to start an orthodontic practice or develop real estate you could go into a joint venture the family Bank could own 20% or 50% depending upon uh how much they they chipped in of capital at the end of the day you could buy out the family Bank uh at the then value because this is the real world they taught responsibility and accountability we did this with our six children okay uh the second rule is the knowledge and experiences those errors gained had to be shared with other uh family members horizontally uh and uh vertically okay because a lot of people it's just apparent to kids to grandkids secret no Aunts Uncles nieces nephews sharing is having more if you didn't share then you were out of the loop yeah you couldn't participate in the family Bank the third rule the family gathered at least once a year to reaffirm its virtues and intentions or they were out of the loop okay uh you had to constantly gather together and figure out what charities what do you believe in because uh if you set it up right using like a laser fund you'll never run out of money and the Rothchilds did not the RO child's wealth went through the roof the Vanderbilt Fortune dissipated and disappeared because it just was dumped in the kids laps okay so there's some false belief patterns here I'm going to go quickly through these and then you'll learn more in the book uh the first one is that equal distribution is the fairest way to treat those you care about now when I speak throughout America I will ask my audiences how many of you have a trust okay so think about it if you have a trust uh I can almost guarantee you your kids will never read that document except one page that says how much they get okay now uh it's sad because uh it's it's usually set up with an attorney and a state Planet attorney and once that attorney finds out your net worth what's the first question they ask how many kids have you got cuz what are they going to start doing dividing it up okay uh what's the number one rule if you want to destroy divide and conquer no you United We Stand but they divide it up and so usually when uh the patriarch and The Matriarch pass away uh the the trust goes Chun chunk chunk chunk and divides it up and dumps it in the kids lap and it ruins half of the children in this country and they sit around when do I get my share it destroys the love of the family oftimes okay and so uh we we are going to eliminate this equal distribution it's not the fairest way to treat those you care about so regardless of its complexity traditional estate planning in this country has become a process of four DS we call it uh they divide it up okay and then it gets deferred thinking you're saving tax we'll dispel that Myth today and then it gets distributed or dumped on ill-prepared Airs of times and then it dissipates this wealth is transferred uh without uh A system that Fosters responsibility and accountability okay uh and so Abraham Lincoln is the one that said the worst thing you can do for those you love is the things they can do for them El Robert Frost said every affluent father wishes he knew how to give his sons the hardships that made him rich but we don't want to uh uh you know see our kids suffer and we think by bailing them out and dishing out money that we're doing them a favor and then we wonder why why they're sitting around Mom Dad Grandma Grandpa will you pay for can I have when do I get my share and it forms that entitlement okay and so it's really equal opportunities instead of equal dist distribution you'll notice the statement at the bottom there uh there's nothing more unequal than the equal distribution to unequals now sometimes people get disturbed by that but let me explain it okay see um I'm Christian and so I believe in a higher power I do not believe that our creator uh gives equal distribution of blessings let's say of Health to all of us regardless of how some of us may choose to abuse our bodies okay our creator doesn't go oh uh you you are just abusing your body with all the you don't exercise and you're overeating and you're taking harmful substances in there uh but you know what I'm fair I'm going to give you the same Health as these people over here that are taking care of their body their temple they're eating right they're exercising and so forth cuz I'm fair I'm going to give equal distribution of Health no our creator does not do that our creator gives us equal opportunities not equal distribution so I usually recommend that people rethink their thinking on their trust and they change the rules of governance so that your children and grandchildren all get equal opportunities if they are responsible and accountable uh but not equal distribution regardless of uh how they blame or Justify or operate in shame is this making a little bit of sense you'll learn more when you read the book so the first secretest is to live uh live what you believe in so that when you die they're not sitting oh where did I get this inherited okay you identify your core values and your vision and your principles uh I could give you a one sheet of paper and you record you push record on your smartphone and uh I can ask you questions and if you answered them off the cuff and recorded it your posterity would watch and re-watch listen and relisten read and reread that for Generations they won't read your trust okay and so you live by the governing principle of equal opportunities not equal distribution so at the midpoint here uh I'm going to gift you a copy of this this book and uh you'll be able to see in here on section one what I'm talking about and you and how you can create you know a motto or a slogan or laws or a Manifesto or a Val value and vision Clarity statement uh we have in our family all of those you don't but you'll see mine in the book and uh you leave behind what you stand for okay now you'll be able to see this on pages 69 to 75 of the book now let's go to the second false belief pattern that your leadership role ends when your children are out of the nest I've had some wealthy people say whatever my kids and grandkids do with all these millions of dollars is their problem and I go no no no no no no you're going to set them up for success or failure and how you leave it behind okay and so it's like throwing a rock in a pond what you do will Ripple for Generations you can set them up for success or for failure by just dumping it in their life and so we we focus on four Ps instead of four DS okay we want to preserve protect perpetuate and imp power with prosperity okay and so this is where you'll read it's a system where true wealth is transferred with responsibility and accountability and I'll talk a little bit about that here in just a second so if the family Bank were in the center of this diagram I call this a Perpetual cash fund okay it goes on into perpetuity uh for future Generations you'll notice here that cash is spelled with a K right there okay now what does that stand for well when you have that family Bank concept you're making deposits and withdrawals uh for your posterity based on responsibility and accountability with the financial assets okay but also the foundational assets the wisdom and experiences and everything like that that that's transferred with respect and responsibility and accountability same thing with all the experiences good and bad your reputation everything like that so this is the cach I'm talking about knowledge attitudes skills and habits that's the swing I'd rather leave behind that cash if I have to choose between that cash and C A I'll choose this one any day CU now I'm leaving behind how to fish instead of just dumping fish in their lap does that make sense so it's sort of like being healthy wealthy and wise and all three of those that three-legged stool how to live and love how to learn how to give and how to earn okay and so uh we do this in different ways you'll study in my book uh my wife and I now for the last 10 years have have held an annual grandparents Camp uh Grandpa's Camp is what they affectionally call it uh but grandma is totally involved there this was our first one clear back in 2013 and uh our our 12-year-old and older grandkids come for the first four days and we talk teenage talk and we teach them as you're going to read in the book uh principles that the colleges and universities are not effectively teaching them today and uh it's amazing when you learn about these because uh I had a friend Richard Rossy that had two uh two sons that uh one had two phds and one had an MBA and they graduated from college and both moved back home because they couldn't find a job and so we tested them on these skills that I talk about in the book and uh they lacked in all of them effective communication uh and Charisma and likability and uh being responsible and accountable it was unbelievable okay and so we trained them and they went out and they after nine months of learning they both got job offers starting at a quarter of a million dollars so that's the curriculum of that we teach our grandchildren our te our 12y olds and older but they start when they're four okay uh this is one from um nine years ago put on the whole armor of God because we're Christian okay uh here's America the land of liberty uh this was two years ago these are the older ones as we're about to embark on a hike these were the younger ones that came for the next two days and uh and so a lot of people want to see what we teach our children and grandchildren to be responsible and accountable so the second secret is to lead you know lead from the front and uh use uh true principles and try it improv in Concepts and Leadership tools so we have 22 tools that you'll see in this book that you can use to teach those that you care about okay and so I would recommend you conduct family vacations with a purpose uh once you do that one time they're going to be begging for it yeah we go and we scuba I bike hike Golf and fish and everything else but if you ask any of our children and grandchildren what they remember most about Maui in 2011 or 13 or or what they remember about this place or that place we went to it's it's the time we gather together for uh 40 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the evening and we talk about life and how to handle life and uh so these are included in the book and you'll be able to read about how to have family vacations with a purpose in chapters 7 and 8 a very popular concept uh here's one of the the game-changing principles for example one of the 22 tools uh because Dr Edwards Deming who's the total quality management engineer that transformed Japan to the Quality they put out today compared to when I was a kid anything made in Japan was junk or cheap and uh he mentored Marshall Thurber who was one of of my mentors and he said unfortunately too many people in the world today Delow deal below the line and I'm talking about that line right there okay and he said in one of three zones blaming always blaming why they can or cannot or did or did not do something okay or sometimes they justify that's one rung up on the ladder why they can or cannot or did or did not do something sometimes they just operate in shame well I'm not smart enough uh my father never taught me that I don't have enough money uh it doesn't matter matter if you deal in any one of those three zones it's all an absolute waste of time energy money resources okay it's only when you deal above the line that you progress so this is something we teach and we use every time we we gather together as a family on a family vacation and Grandpa's Camp what's above the line to respond to any situation in life don't take the victim role don't uh don't sit there and act like a clam on the bottom of the ocean waiting for Plankton to float to you okay uh America doesn't have a clam on the flag Poole they have an eagle okay you respond with all your ability and then we teach our kids a higher power will make up the difference but if you don't respond with all your ability then God only helps those that helps themselves and then that's to yourself and accountability is to other people no nobody's an island okay we must be accountable to other human beings and so demine actually had Marshall Thurber go out out and gamify this and we play this game and Marshall went out to a Fortune 500 company explained this had these posters all over the the company and for 90 days they played this uh game and anytime anybody came and they they dealt below the line uh anybody else in the company could say was that $2 even subordinates could ask the management was that $2 and if they agreed then they would contribute to Dollars to jars that were strategically placed throughout the company they were going to donate what they collected in 90 days to a charity do you know they collect they collected over a quarter of a million dollars in 90 days guess what happened to the productivity of that company it went absolutely through the roof and uh so they kept playing it the rest of the year and everybody got a huge raise and the bonus they all got was equivalent to their salary by dealing above the line and so we do that in our family you'll read how we do that with our children and grandchildren and we play the game okay so uh you'll learn that on page 64 if you're interested but if you need me to explain it to your children and grandchildren uh you may not be aware but I have a YouTube channel and uh I have about 137,000 uh subscribers I have about 1,400 educational videos on there and I have several that explain you know that concept of dealing above the line and the $2 gamified way to learn that okay and so it's free when you uh uh subscribe to my Channel and I post uh at least three uh uh long form videos a week and probably two or three shorts every day okay what's the purpose here it's to give you Clarity so when people say Doug what are you selling I go well Clarity why because uh when you have Clarity that gives you energy people say Doug where do you get your energy at ag72 well it's right there Clarity I have super I'm super clear about what I'm trying to help people understand and realize okay now when you have Clarity then we add balance now when you go down the highway and you're out of balance You Wobble when you're in balance that increases the Velocity in which you achieve your goals okay now when you have Clarity and balance then you're able to focus better on what matters most it increases the accuracy in which you achieve your goals so I want to give those that I care about and I care about you today I want you to leave today thinking clearer than you did when you joined us I want you to have more balance and focus and then what does that give you more confidence confidence is the greatest gift you can give anyone and I want to instill greater confidence that you can handle uh the rest of your life not outlive your money if you live to be 120 and we're going to show you that here today okay and so at the midpoint uh then you'll be able to get a copy of the the entitlement Evolution B and the first four chapters talk about the Trap of how many times the the ones we care about the most and this could include your children your grandchildren your employees uh your your fellow you know uh friends church members whatever sometimes we're all in this trap and here's all this abundance there and we can't reach it okay so the last eight chapters of the book talk about the Legacy Bank United We Stand okay and family Retreats with a purpose in Grandpa's Camp you also understand how to manage the K and the C how to uh transfer this into the workplace and then determining the life that you lead and the Legacy you lead what happens you break out of that trap with your loved ones and now everybody is participating and collaborating instead of competing and uh and tearing down and comparing comparison is a thief of Joy uh according to Emerson okay but a abundance breeds abundance and that's what we want for all of you in fact this was so popular that I used to do two-day live classes the tuition was 2,000 bucks and then I recorded that two-day uh master class uh it's ,000 and for you that are attending today you you'll have access to this if you want you can refer to it uh it's normally the the the least I usually do it for is 197 you'll get it free when you complete the survey here here uh at the end of my session here in a few minutes but uh if if you're wanting to see what the survey looks like you can begin to fill it out right now uh you can scan this QR code or as you see there on the bottom go to uh retire by Design event.com forget started or scan that QR code and that's the survey that you'll fill out and as a token of appreciation I'm going to gift you a a a copy of uh the entitlement abolition also the audio if you like to listen and learn and then if you like to watch and learn you'll have access uh to that um Master Class okay now I want to even if you're filling out the survey right now I want you to listen as I sort of connect the dots before I go back into the financial Dimension and turn to time over to my son the third false belief pattern is that by leaving behind a monetary inheritance you have blessed your posterity with a legacy hopefully you're rethinking your thinking so what I'm talking about is the Legacy dimensions are again the intellectual and the foundational okay and uh they will then work in harmony with the financial but I believe it's more important you leave behind the knowledge attitude skills and habits that cash uh than even the C because now you're leaving behind how to fish so in the book you'll see this entitlement cycle and how it happens because we go out and we get an education we gain skills we learn learn and we have self-learned uh knowledge attitude skills and habits we have an increase in that abundance and wealth and sometimes it takes years to accumulate it if you notice sometimes your kids want to have in in one or two years what it took you 30 years to acquire yeah well uh sometimes we when we experience that wealth and abundance uh and people say well my kids will never have to work as hard as I did what happens entitlement sets in and then it exhausts the family resources and and uh you lose this generational momentum okay and every new generation is having to start over again how sad is that what I'm talking about is a legacy Cycles okay so you see here the Legacy cycle starts out the same but once you experience this wealth and abundance down here then you have a system that Fosters responsibility and accountability you you set up a family Bank uh with the financial and the other kasasa Ag and you give access to that even the knowledge attitude skills and habits with a system that Fosters responsibility and accountability okay they they have to abide by your rules and so you give them access to that and Watch What Happens uh there's this increase in momentum it's like the Rothchilds versus the Vanderbilts and future Generations have a early advantage and they don't have the same make the same mistakes but they're not sitting around uh oh when do I get my share and then they blow it okay so the Third Secret is to leave what uh create systems to intentionally behind knowledge attitude skills and habits and that's why I dedicated chapter nine of the entitlement abolition book to show you how to do that okay so uh what I want to do for you today is H show you how to raise this score let us help you raise this score on the score card now I've been talking about uh here these down here the the last six we're going to uh make sure you understand how to focus on the first four which have directly to do with the financial Dimension liquidity safety ready to return and tax benefits okay now systems it's so critical 94% of all failures are a result of the system or lack of a system so system is an acronym that I've used for years that stands for save your self time energy and money so that you don't have to take a long learning curve uh when I've already made all the mistakes uh you can apply these things in a fast power curve and uh that's what my my children have done and now my grandkids and uh but they're learning by by being responsible and accountable now Dr Edwards Deming who came up with uh the that deal above the line in the $2 rule also taught us this that 85% of any successful result you want in life is determined in the first 15% of the process now it took me 3 years to get this I don't wanted to take you that long and so uh for years I used a very uh predictable eight-step process that I took my clients through and I would really like you to go through this process because it's called the true wealth transformation and this will absolutely transform you uh your family your loved ones uh financially and in the foundational and intellectual Dimensions uh but the first step of the process the first 15% is The Enlightenment experience it's getting it okay what's what takes the time in learning is not getting it so I want you to get it and uh this is why we use uh this kind of education and this is why you can read and learn you can watch and learn you can listen and learn but then you can meet with uh professionals to see how this may apply in your particular set of circumstances okay and so then when if you go through this with a a a licensed advisor someone that I have trained and I oversee they'll go through what is called the true wealth Discovery the the second step to find out where you're at and where you wanted to go especially financially then they'll go through hours of doing a strategic design and then they will show you a success formula that's extremely flexible and then they'll go through and tweak and refine it uh refine it and then you'll arrive at a final action blueprint that still has tons of flexibility because life's unpredictable and uh that will include uh repositioning underperforming or non-performing financial assets to increase liquidity safety rate of return and tax benefits okay and uh then you'll go through an implementation experience where you're repositioning assets where many times as I'll show you here it will increase your net spendable income not just 50% for many people double triple and even quadruple and I'm not I'm not blowing smoke here I'm going to show you actual uh proof of this and then there's accountability Factor where uh at least once a year you are kept on track because life happens and you have to adjust things so this eight-step process is a transformation now as we dive into the financial and uh you look at my book a laser fund you'll find that in in the 14th last chapter of the left bring side I introduced four General categories of resources that a lot of Americans draw income from now most Americans don't draw from all four but some do uh in general this would be investment income and and then sometimes people have real estate that they own that they they U Get rental income some have guaranteed income of pension or social security or whatever uh but the most underutilized is this green one it's taxfree income and I'm just like oh my Heavens uh this should be a no-brainer especially to protect yourself against taxes going up so in a nutshell the purple bucket is where most Americans are way too to topheavy uh they have 80 to 90% of their retirement trapped in yet to be taxed iasor 401ks invested in the market and I usually go what are you thinking okay I often ask people to come and and bring their after tax Ira 401K statements I know they don't have those but they're shocked when that million doll nest egg is only really about 650,000 their money okay and uh it's in the market and the market is very volatile and they they uh the people who retired uh at the turn of the century they saw that million dollar NES dwindle down to 600,000 twice in 10 years now our clients who had money in laser funds they doubled and tripled their money during that time period as I'm going to show you here uh we have some people that own real estate which is fine but uh sometimes that real estate also goes down in value there's vacancies and to be honest with you a lot of uh landlords they get sick and tired they're taking out the trash and fixing toilets and evicting tenants they hire managers and now I can tell you horror stories of uh how money has been embezzled when they hired management companies what have you but some of these people feel trapped because they've been doing 1031 exchanges okay and they don't want to sell and pay a capital gain tax uh do you do you want to know my opinion uh I would sell pay the capital gain tax at today's lower rates because Biden wants to double them okay and do away with the Step Up in basis which if he did that then 1031 are of no Advantage but people are shocked when they pay uh 20% in capital gain tax the 80% that they put into laser funds generate as much or more income taxfree as they were getting after tax out of the real estate properties and they don't have to be a landlord anymore okay uh you have some people that like uh Social Security or maybe a school teachers pension uh but the most underutilized is the a taxfree bucket you're going to learn here that municipal bonds those aren't popular much anymore because there's so many municipalities uh going bankrupt and they're low yielding I've already said I I I don't own an i area 401k or a Roth and I never will uh why would I do that because an mfta Max funded tax Advantage insurance contract structured correctly is a laser fund and it has the two advantages roths have and four additional advantages with no strings attached you can put in as much money see if you make too much money you can't even uh own a rot you probably know that okay now one of the strategies my son is going to talk about today is how to do a strategic roll out this is not a rollover a rollover is going from the frying pan of the fire that's like taking money in 401ks and being duped into putting rolling it over to IRAs and continuing to defer uh put off procrastinate paying tax until you're age 72 and then take rmds required minimum distributions which is frankly the worst advice I think for most Americans you're not saving tax you are actually compounding the tax increasing the tax by continuing to take rmds throughout your life expectancy your spouse's life expectancy and then when you both pass away anything left behind goes to your children they can't use it for their retirement necessarily they have to pay tax on it within 10 years because the government wants their share of that sooner than later now because they're hard up for money and so this strategic roll out I want you to pay very close attention on how to reposition money out of the purple bucket down to the green bucket and how you can save there hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary tax but at retirement I'd recommend that no more than 30% of your money come out of that purple bucket I rais in 401ks if you own a bunch of rental properties I would recommend no more than 30% of your retirement be relying on that because there will be vacancies and we're going to see especially commercial real estate get clobbered this year which will then catapult and Domino into residential uh between uh 0 to 80% could be a guaranteed income based on your risk tolerance but I would recommend 40 to 60% of your retirement income not even show up on the front page of your 1040 tax return it's not a loophole the IRS will know you're receiving it they know they know everything but it's tax-free and uh frankly there's some of our clients that uh they actually say I want 100% of my income to be tax-free and the IRS gets a windfall while they're doing this transfer this roll out but after that we have clients that have hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and it's all taxfree so folks you'll uh read in the book the laser fund which uh you can get gifted to you from uh your laser fund your uh specialist uh there's stories in here especially in the right brain side some school teachers years ago that came to to me and I was able to save them a quarter of a million dollars of unnecessary tax on their 401ks 403bs and tsas tax Sher annuities uh their advisor tell them that keep putting it in there they were going to pay taxes the rest of their life we ended up doubling their net spendable income uh we had a real estate landlord that we saved him um 750,000 of unnecessary tax and uh we actually were able to um uh resurrect some tax ta deductions on some of his rental properties and offset the tax and that's a unique strategy cuz I'm a tax strategist and uh he was so grateful but but we four times four times his retirement income his advisor with the 4% rule wanted him to pull out 24,000 a year out of a $600,000 nest egg after tax he was going to net 16,000 after a 5year strategic roll out he had 750,000 generating a 10% payout of 75 Grand a year taxfree okay uh we had husband and wife both Physicians that saved 4.6 million in their Ira of 401k is busy blinders on doing their their their medical practices and uh when they came to us they realized that they were in a tax trap and uh I I estimated that even if tax rates didn't increase they would likely if they followed their advisor's advice to postpone till 72 and take rmds they would pay at least 2.6 million of tax uh the rest of their life I said you know I can't save that now you're you're so into these uh you've saved 4.6 million you're going to pay 2.6 million you know what their adviser told them you can afford to pay 2.6 million in tax you have 4.6 million uh I said why don't why don't why don't you ask what they would like to do I I'm pretty confident I could save you about 1.2 million but not the full 2.6 would you like to save 1.2 million they went absolutely we did uh we took that 1.2 million of un unnecessary tax that would have gone down the drain and uh we put that into a laser fund that's generating 100,000 a year of tax-free cash flow for their kids and grandkids and their family Bank into perpetuity with otherwise payable tax uh we had a couple in California they had 6 million they bit the bullet in 5 years uh that was an IR raise of 41 case they paid 2 million in tax uh the you know the IRS was thrilled they got it sooner than later but then after that okay the 4 million they netted they put into uh four laser funds two on the husband two on the wife uh that doubled in about 7 and a half years to 8 million they now have 8 million uh generating 600 to 800,000 a year of tax-free income they only need 300,000 a year to live on but that they don't even have to file a tax return on any of that that's how cut and dried it is you're going to learn from my son there there's only three types of income that people pay income tax on since 1986 tax reform we had a couple come to us with 2.6 million in irer 401ks and they said you know based on a 6% payout we'll probably uh get about 160,000 a year of portfolio income we have another 40,000 coming from my wife's uh uh school teacher pension uh we we're we're set we're going to have 200,000 a year of of taxable income I go well way to go uh but uh with inflation in about 5 years uh you're going to need 400,000 to buy what 200,000 buys but uh the biggest problem I see is that's all showing up on the front page of your 1040 tax return and they said you mean there's another way and I go absolutely they said where have you been I said I've been here all along you've had your blinders on now let me try to uh correct this in 5 years we were able to change it where in instead of paying 54,000 a year or more in tax the rest of their life and only netting 146,000 after tax to buy gas and groceries prescriptions in golf green phases after five years they still had 200,000 of income actually we increased it to 240,000 but I'll just compare apples to apples right now uh we took 120,000 of that 200,000 off of their 1040 tax return they now only pay tax on 880,000 which is only 21,000 in tax they now have 178,000 how much did we increase their income 32,400 a year and now it's even more than that uh we have uh saved them now over a million dollars in taxes to their life expectancy okay we do this all the time so when my son teaches you he's going to show you there's room in the the tax brackets and in 2023 uh your income your taxable income between uh 89,000 190,000 was a $101,000 of room okay and if you didn't use it you lost it uh there was another 173,000 of room uh in the 24% bracket okay this year there is 106,000 of room between uh 94,000 and 201,000 if you don't use that room you're going to use it lose it and between 21,000 and 385 182,000 of room just use the room uh because your current tax bracket is likely the lowest bracket you will ever be in and so uh the tax um the tax cuts and jobs act that Trump passed if Congress does nothing will be one of the biggest tax increases we've ever seen it expires or sunsets in 2025 which means the 12% bracket moves up to 15 the 22 moves up to 25 people say well that's only 3% more well no if you now pay you know uh uh 25,000 on 100 Grand instead of 22 that that's 133% more money okay 24 goes up to 28 that's 16.66% more money and it'll be the biggest tax increase people will see you need to take advantage of this my son is going to introduce you to three sections of the Internal Revenue code that in one form or another for the past Century uh allows you to accumulate money taxfree under section 72e of the code you can access that money totally income tax free the rest of your life if you live to be 120 uh under Section 7702 and when you ultimately die anything you leave behind blossoms uh usually it transfers income tax free nothing else does that in the Internal Revenue code that is Max funded Insurance in order to make sure it complies you have to make sure it adheres or complies with three tax citations these are acronyms tea defra and Tamar and uh you'll read about it in the book but my son will explain these and uh he'll show you how you comply with those and then we use the metaphor of a bucket a bucket is a repository like a index universal life insurance contract but you're taking the least amount of insurance you can get away with uh based upon your age and your gender and your health and you can even own it on your spouse if you're not healthy enough but if you're a sick 60y old you can put in let's say $500,000 into this and you could buy a grundle of life insurance for that that's not the objective you want the least amount of insurance uh it might be double that around 1 million but this 500,000 will probably uh double to a million in the first 10 years of owning this bucket conservatively speaking and now you're self-insured the cost of the insurance is zero you're actually buying term and investing the difference uh taxfree and the bucket now you are self-insuring have you ever seen an insurance policy that gets cheaper as you get older then you haven't seen this because uh this actually gets cheaper as you get older so Em's going to go through and talk about how this all relates and applies and how you have to comply with these three uh tax citations uh jumping through those te forde Tam Hoops okay indexing is a strategy it's not a commodity I'll I'll give you just a little Glimpse here and then em is going to teach you this in depth if I have let's say a retirement or any point in time a million dollars of cash value in my laser fund uh it's earning a general account portfolio rate I've earned as high as 15 a.
Half% on that inside of the insurance company the multi-trillion dollar insurance industry which is where Banks and Credit Unions put their tier one assets for liquidity and safety the lowest I've ever gotten is 4% so any year I feel bearish about America I can settle for just 4% it's taxfree that's 40 Grand now I have a million 40,000 but any year I feel bullish about America I think the economy is going to go up maybe because of it's an election year or whatever I I can I can let the interest on my money fund an options budget with the insurance company but my million has to stay safe in the insurance company they take and they they buy upside options in the S&P 500 so if the S&P goes up 8% the insurance company pays me 80,000 if it goes up 12% they pay me 120,000 but what if the market tanks the options expire worthless I don't earn anything but I don't lose I still have my million if you had your money in the market uh in 2008 you would have lost 40% let me show you here is um November of 1999 a million dollars in a IRA 401K in the market would have gone down to about 650,000 uh after the 9/11 terrorist attacks people felt like they had lost their future they had to to put off retirement 7 years it took four years to come back up above break even and then when they thought they could finally retire what happened in 2008 as Warren Buffett put it he said when the tide went out in 2008 it revealed who was swimming naked yeah they lost 30 or 40% again for the second time in a decade it took four years to come back to a mil 46,000 bucks people who had laser funds during that same 12-year period a million doubled and tripl two2 and2 $3 million they did not lose when the market went down maybe they didn't make anything but they didn't lose and so they just made money when the market went up they did not lose when it went down that's what I want you to understand today and you'll see why when you diversify among different ways in here so you can uh put your eggs in several different baskets so to speak that uh you can have 20% of your money being credited with these great rates of return this is a sample simple statement all on one sheet of paper this is what people are able to earn and then my son's going to show you when there's anxiety there's opportunity like during covid-19 an inflation hit you know actually inflation was about 27% to truth be known our clients were able to earn 61.3 3% who in March of 2020 when the market dropped down 30% our Savvy advisers let their clients know hey it's time to link to a one-ear point to point with a threshold strategy okay that's instead of a cap the end of the day was this uh we had many clients get 61.3 3% this guy made a half a million on that $852,000 he had a, 387,000 in March of 2021 if the market would have crashed 30 or 40% the next year he would have not lost one dime of the half a million he made the year before you lock in your gains and you reset so my son will show you that so here's what I want you to do unfortunately and I I I'm not a pessimist but I am a realist uh if the American economy is sinking uh and sometimes our you know Congressional people are like rearranging deck chairs on a sinking Titanic uh Thinking by spending spending spending they're going to spend their way out of a recession folks it's simple economics if your outgo exceeds your income your upkeep will become your downfall and so if that's what's going to happen and the economy sinks I want you to board a Lifeboat today okay so that you will stay afloat financially if the economy sinks and so that's one of the objectives with the strategies as we move forward but you're going to see here that things like the 401K are not the cats meow we thought it was Uncle Sam's going to have to take your bigger and bigger piece of the American taxpayers Pie and uh I want you to be able to learn and have the tools and and I want you to be able to get a free copy of this book to learn more uh and you'll see these four buckets explained on page 237 of the book and you'll be able to get this from your assigned specialist at the end but I want you to listen very close even though today you're going to learn that a properly structured ilul is like a financial Swiss army knife it's the dream solution for many financial goals uh it's got a death benefit coming along for the ride so to speak many times people use it for retirement planning we're going to focus a lot on that one because it knocks the socks off of iriser 401ks especially invested in the market but hello uh you can use it for College funding for your kids and grandkids it's way better than a 529 plan you can use it for working capital for your business you'll read stories in the book about that uh Real Estate Management okay uh it can be a great emergency fund uh just bypass the middle man the bank and the credit union for emergency funds because this is where they put your money okay uh lump sums inheritances uh settlements uh estate planning pension maximization if you're a school teacher police officer firefighter uh general tax reduction by doing strategic rollouts so folks our Focus today is to uh help you understand the things that are the least understood from us teaching this for years and the things that will have the Great impact for you today so uh claim your entitlement abolition book this book right now by filling out this survey now the survey uh is going to be put up on the screen and when you open up the survey you'll put in your your your information this is confidential information we don't share this with anybody so your first and last name the best email address and your best phone number okay now if you are a financial advisor please be honest let us know and uh we will have uh you have the opportunity to speak with someone on our team to facilitate your interest if you're a financial adviser okay but uh I want everybody that to get ready for my son Emron by downloading your event workbook you are going to want to have this workbook in front of you as my son starts here in just a moment and so download your event workbook as you uh complete your survey so the the second part of the survey these are the numbers they're confidential I don't share these with anybody I want you to give me your annual gross income this is confidential how much do you save on on the average on a monthly basis or annual basis uh but it says monthly okay and then the estimated value of all your IR of 401ks that you still have to pay tax on uh these are the non Ira 401K the non-qualified and then uh the value of your real estate and how much you owe okay now why do I need those six numbers because I will be looking at those six numbers here in the next uh 60 70 minutes and I can tell immediately what you know what you don't know and what you ought to learn and I look at those numbers and I go oh my Heavens uh they they've got to check out this opportunity this opportunity a strategic roll out they're going to pay about 230,000 of unnecessary tax that's just the way my brain thinks and then I will be assigning you and you'll meet them I'll be assigning you to a specialist I have the Crim laem I have licensed I have trained over 5,000 advisers in America in the last five decades these are the top 12 in America and I am assigning one to you based upon what you share with me here so that they can uh help you with no Coster obligation uh and they'll show you what uh you can do to reposition assets they'll get compensated indirectly they do not charge you a fee for your time is that fair enough enough so you'll have a chance to meet them and at the end you'll be assigned to a separate breakout room it's a zoom virtual room to meet your ilul specialist so I need you to complete your survey Now scan this code or go to retire bydesign event.com at the bottom get started and get ready my son is going to explain what makes this different he's going to reveal three Secrets reducing taxes on your ier 401ks creating tax-free retirement income and Crea gains and eliminate losses so complete your survey now and U I'll come back on and have you meet all of the ones that I've assigned to you complete the survey emeron you ready to roll we think so I'll transition on get set up real quick so I'm so excited to be with everybody here today and seeing what we can do so I we're going to dive into some more of the financial strategies that uh Doug began to introduce there and and uh get into uh really designing your retirement and that's uh that's exactly what uh today is all about helping you get that Clarity on designing that retirement for yourself here uh give me just a second to go ahead and just plug in couple last items there and get that up okay is that up on the screen do you have the right is that coming up correctly for you serving uh yes you're seeing my PowerPoint right okay great well good I we we so what I want to do is I'm I'm going to cover in and I'm going to go deeper into some of the strategies that Doug talks about in uh the laser fund book uh for example how he talks about some tax reduction strategies how he talks about the tax re retirement income strategies and gains without losses so hopefully you're here today to be able to learn a little bit more how to do this I mean how many of you want to reduce taxes how many of you want some taxfree retirement in income and how many of you would like to uh pursue gains without losses okay and that is exactly what we're going to talk about here and know now to do this I want to make sure everybody understands one thing and that is the miracle of compound interest right do we understand the miracle of compound interest and if you really understand this miracle of compound interest you know it is uh it is really the miracle that will allow you to overcome the greatest fear what is the greatest fear amongst baby Boomers as they retire or any retiree no the number one fear amongst retirees is the fear of running out of money right and then how do we overcome that fear well we overcome that fear really by understanding by protecting preserving and understanding the miracle of compound interest to help you understand this miracle I'm going to go ahead and just run a simple little exercise here if you've got a sheet of paper you can follow along with me if not you can just go ahead and watch here I'm going to use Doug's little scorecard right here here and we're going to go ahead and just run this a run a fun little a fun little uh visual for you so if you have a sheet of paper follow along with me grab a Scrat a scrap piece of paper here and what I want you to do is take that scrap piece of paper once you've got it I want you to fold the scrap piece of paper in half okay now uh how many of you do understand the miracle uh you understand what compound interest is right do we understand what it really is well let's continue to see here if You' got your scrap piece of paper go here go ahead and fold it over a second time okay fold that scrap piece of paper over a second time now you got two folds in it I I don't want any spring in it or anything like that I want it pressed all the way down go ahead and give me maybe maybe even give me two more folds if you can and in fact how many times how many times can you physically fold a sheet of paper I think the general consensus of the general rule of thumb is usually about six seven or eight times kind of depending on the thickness of your sheet of paper but if you You' got four or five folds on there again I want that I just press that as tight as you possibly can okay I don't want any extra spring in that and I want you just take take a look okay take a look at that uh at that sheet of paper that you've been folding right here and I know we can't fold it over more than like you maybe six seven times but uh I want you to use your imagination and I want you to imagine that you have just folded over that sheet of paper that you've got right here a total of 50 times and if you had folded over this P piece of paper a total of 50 times how thick would this sheet of paper now be how thick would this sheet of paper now be you know and go ahead and unfold your sheet of paper if you're right there write your answer down there or if you're on the zoom or on the either YouTube or even Facebook right go ahead and throw your answer in the chat what how thick do you think this sheet of paper will now be after you have folded it over a total of 50 times now for some of you that have already been on this or some of you maybe have seen this you know maybe see the answer right here but again what what is happening what is happening and most of the common answers I usually get it like one inch you know to be about an inch thick or maybe three inches or maybe even 12 inches thick or you know but most of them are usually between one to three to maybe six Ines thick is how thick that sheet of paper will be yeah folks what happens every time you fold this sheet of paper in half it's doubling in size so it's not the same thickness as 50 sheets of paper no when I fold it over one time it becomes the same the same as two sheets of paper but when I fold it a second time now it's the same thickness as four sheets of paper three folds would be eight sheets of paper and then another fold would be 16 sheets up so it's doubling every time you fold it so if you were able to fold this sheet of paper over a total of 50 times it would now be 93 million miles thick 93 million miles thick I mean how many of you just kind of laugh when you kind of saw that when you see those answers when you see somebody saying 93 million miles thick you're like what are they talking about but this is the miracle of compound interest you know and one of the greatest things we can compound is our knowledge our knowledge and experiences and that's what we're here today is is to try to share with you some of this knowledge so that you can compound this knowledge and really take advantage of it especially financially speaking but even financially right here we see that if we can protect and preserve our compound interest this is the greatest one of the greatest secrets to preserving your own wealth now folks if you wanted to get to the sun this is the distance 93 million miles that's the distance from here the Earth all the way to the sun in fact if you wanted to get to the sun and back how many folds would it take it took me 50 folds to get to the Sun how many more folds would it take me to get back just one more fold right one more fold doubles in size and gets me all the way back this is the miracle of compound interest so let let's look at this because this really helps me now establish the foundation of addressing some of our greatest dangers here because one of the greatest dangers I see for people when they look at retirement to design their retirement when they're looking at their retirement is again this fear of running out of money and one of the greatest and and you know things that caus us to run out of money is our one of our greatest expenses in retirement right you're probably you if you add it up each and every year the largest you expense you have in retirement are probably taxes okay and then we also are going to talk about some losses as well but taxes taxes are usually one of the greatest I you know one of the greatest expenses we have in retirement so let me let me establish that let me just establish everybody and get everybody on the same page by asking maybe a couple of simple questions when you're saving for your retirement you know why are you doing this you know why do you have retirement why in other words why are you saving your money why are you trying to grow your money right I think you're saving money and growing money so that you can retire someday and live on this money I mean I think most people save money and grow money so that we can what they can someday they can access it right that is why they are doing this we're doing this so that we can someday access our money yet traditional financial planning never focuses on the true objective why am I saving my money why am I doing this right and that is the key nobody no most traditional financial planners most fiduciaries are going to dis Focus maybe on maybe growing your money but they're never going to address the the ideal of you accessing your money actually accessing the money and this is why we need to do it so secret number one is that you've got to stay focused on the correct objective right the why we always start with the why so why are you saving your money and so so someday I can access my money my data said for years people often times choose Investments that grow to the most rather than Investments that are going to generate the most in the time of life that they need it okay and that is something you want to look at and that is something you definitely want to consider especially when we look at tax planning because I want to show you what what do taxes do to this miracle of compound interest right we just folded this sheet of paper over in our in our heads here in our imagination we folded that 50 times 93 million miles thick I mean just it just kind of blows your mind but let's see what taxes due to this miracle of compound interest we're going to take a dollar and we're going to double it2 20 times okay so if I double a dollar once it becomes $2 if I double it again it becomes 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 you do this 20 times if you double $1 20 times you'll end up with a million right you'll end up with a million dollars now let's see what taxes du to this miracle of compound interest let's assume let's go back to my original dollar let's go back to the dollar and let's assume every time I grow my dollar I'm going to have to pay what I'm going to have to pay taxes okay if I have to pay taxes on my growth what does it do to my million let's just assume a 25% tax rate okay now I know some of you on this on on today's on this event today today's webinar today's uh uh uh event here I know some of you might be in a 50% tax bracket right if you live in California and you're paying you know 37% to the federal government plus another 13 and a half% to the state or in New York you know New Jersey if you're in any one of these states a lot of times you're sitting there you're paying maybe up to 50% I'm not going to use 50% let's just let's just go with 25% that's a marginal tax bracket between federal and state okay so between federal and state at 25% tax bracket so if I grow my dollar to a $2 I got to pay 25% in tax so instead of having $2 minus 25% I'm going to have a175 did you follow that because I'm not going to pay tax on the original dollar I'm only paying taxes on just my growth so if I go from a dollar to $2 pay 25% in tax on just the growth I'm going to net a $1.75 I double the $1.75 and I only tax the growth I double that number and only tax the growth you do that 20 times and instead of having a million dollars how much do you think you would have how much do you think you would have go ahead and give me a couple couple of you go ahead and give me your answer throw your answer in the chat how much do you think you would have instead of having a million dollars you would have what you would have what couple of you just throw in the answer right there Ronnie says 375,000 the alvy guy the alive guy says 175,000 uh man yo that's pretty harsh there 45 ,000 man that hurts buddy uh who else what else what what else do you think what what what do you think how much would you really have here how much money would you really have let's get a couple more answers I'm not gonna I'm not going to move on until I get a couple more man the yo goes down even more to 30,000 sheesh Louie says 650,000 okay one more one more let's get one more guest in there and then we'll move on here 875,000 625,000 okay and what do taxes do to this miracle of compound interest now a lot of people think maybe I'd have at least 750,000 right a million minus 25% I'd have $750,000 well no you'd only have you'd have $750,000 if you waited until it grew doubled 20 times and then paid your 25% in tax but if I have to tax every time I grow my money you would W end up with a whoppin 72 ,000 so I know Yano was pretty close right there yeah he's ready I mean that was pretty I mean that's a that's a Debbie down I mean $72,000 and I think what yo is saying is what if you had to add 25% what if you had to add what if you're in a state that has a little bit higher income tax so let's see what happens to those that live in California if you did have to add even another 85% to that for a state income tax rate you would end up with a measly $27,000 [Music] $227,000 right this is why taxes erode away the miracle of compound interest it is why it is so important that we start looking at our looking at our taxes and we start tax planning so many of us are reactive with taxes rather than proactive and we got to start thinking proactively here right that's how the affluent think they're thinking forward instead of instead of thinking about hey I don't talk to my Tax Advisor until right now I mean how many of you how many Americans when do most Americans talk to their tax advisors to their CPAs you know sometime after January 1st and before April 15th so a lot of you are probably just starting to now to start contacting them yet if that's when the first time we start contacting them in a given year we are being reactive right this is going to the CPA and said hey this is what happened last year can you fix it right can can you fix fix what I've already done rather than looking forward here and we are going to uh be proactive and prevent right how many of you know and and understand the uh the adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure an ounce of proactive tax planning can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars and unnecessary tax and that's what we're going to show you and get into here so if you've got your if you've got your workbook here this is one of the first Pages you jump up here in the workbook go ahead and F uh follow along with me right here and we can get this we can get this workbook filled out so if you got that if you downloaded the workbook or if you don't have your workbook yet uh I mean you get the workbook when you fill out that survey so if you haven't filled out your survey yet go ahead and make sure you scan that QR code or go to the website there at the bottom of the page right there get that get that filled out right here and you can follow along with me inside this workbook and the challenge right here I mean again when we look at this most advisors traditional financial planning tends to focus on what we call the uh the the club the product or the club and what we really look at is the best thing here is that we want to we really really want to focus on your strategy and your swing I mean think of it this way my dad often ask what would you rather enter a professional golf tournament with somebody like a professional golfer Phil Michelson Royal maroy would you rather have their swing or their clubs the swing the clubs are not what makes them tend of millions of dollars is it the secret is in the swing right and so and and and write down maybe write down right here what are some of your greatest fears what are some of your greatest fears in retirement and uh you know when we look at this here and as we go through this here let's go ahead and see what happens to us because what we don't want to see is we don't want to see at the end of the day when you're planning for your retirement that your retirement looks like this battery on the left and you're and you're just praying praying that the battery last us longer longer than you do no we want to make sure we have a strategy in place where we are looking for a generator a generator type of approach to our future and one of the greatest ways you can do this is to make sure that you ask your financial adviser whoever you're working with if you if you work with one of our specialist this is one of the first things we we want to know how much money can you access right you want to look at access most people when they go to talk to their financial adviser they only ask this question here how much money do I have in my account how much money do I have in my account how much money do I have in my and that is a very important question but this is not the why right this isn't the why I don't have I don't I'm not saving money so that I can just see the number I'm saving my money so that I can what I can access it someday so I want to know how much can I access and this is extremely important because when you start addressing your ability to access your money you start thinking differently especially when I pose my next question my next question for everybody here is by raise of hand okay by raise of hand feel free to use a little you know the little raise hand emoji or whatever if you got your video on you can raise it physically but by raise of hand how many of you believe that future tax rates tomorrow's tax rates future tax rates are most likely going to be lower no nobody how many of you think they're going to be able to at least stay the same so by raise of hand how many of you think that ta future tax rates are most likely going to be higher right there we see we see there's hands going up hands going up how many I mean if if that's the case there I mean why why do we think tax rates are most likely going to be higher I think we see the writing on the wall I mean we've got $32 trillion north north of $32 trillion of a national debt $32 trillion I can't even fathom what that that number right and then beyond that you know we've got all sorts of Social Security is getting into trouble here in the near future Medicare is unsustainable so we've got all these issues here that we've got that are going to cause taxes are going to have to go higher now ta the government actually has three different ways that they raise taxes on us they raise the tax rate they manipulate tax thresholds and they eliminate deductions let's lean into each one of these three for real quickly right here the most common one is tax rates right the most common one is is is the tax rat so historically what is the highest tax rate we have ever seen in our country's history taxes were first introduced to us in 1913 on the federal government side so that's when we that's the first year we started paying taxes to the federal government was in 1913 what's the highest our tax rate has ever been what what is the highest the tax rate has ever been I've got Ronnie in there saying 94% permilla 94% Stuart 95% uh 96% I mean the highest our tax rate has ever been I mean you guys are you guys are right there you know you've been you you're you're following along the alive guy 38% the highest rate we've ever seen is 94% 94% back in World War II right 94% I mean that is a right now we're at 37% and I mean we're complaining about our taxes right now it's 37% is the highest rate yeah it's been as high as 94% now that's where the the government actually wants us to stay focused on the tax rate because they want you focused here like worrying oh well no I mean if so and so gets elected they're going to raise tax rates if Congress is they're going to raise tax rates right they're going to raise taxes and the thing is most of of us they want us to the government wants us to focus on the rate because if we focus on the tax rate in the meantime the government is actually raise taxes on us two other ways much much more effectively the first way and the most effective way the government has raised taxes on us is through manipulating the tax threshold okay let's look at this I'm going to go back right here so I'm going to assume right now you know you're making I'm got I've got somebody who's making about $460,000 that's their taxable in income okay their gross income is over $500,000 okay so their gross income is over 500 Grand but their taxable income that they pay taxes on after deductions and exemptions is sitting at $460,000 I mean is that is that considered a good income I mean I would anybody else like that income I I think that's a that's considered a high income right that's considered a good high income and if that's the case right there you'd actually be in a 35% tax bracket right now now so right now you would be in a 35% marginal tax bracket if you were married filing jointly and you combined had a combined income net taxable income of 460 Grand you would be in a 35% marginal tax bracket I want to go back right here to this dot right here this is 1917 okay let me rewrite that 197 and in 1917 the highest tax rate was at 68 % okay we're at 37% it's at 68% back in 1917 I'm going to take this exact same American netting four get having a $460,000 of taxable income and I'm going to put them right back here in 1917 okay and if they're back in 1917 they're making the equivalent of $400 or $500,000 today okay if they're making the equivalent of 500 Grand today that's the same thing with inflation that's a the same income as two 20 grand a year back in 1917 okay so you're buying the same the same beautiful million-dollar houses you know you got the same cars you know you're driving you're driving that uh you know what what you know you're driving whatever cars you got that lifestyle youve got that lifestyle back in 1917 but in 1917 the tax rate was at 68 the high rate was at 68% so if you're making $460,000 how much in taxes do you think you were paying if you were back in 1917 making the equivalent in today's dollars of about a half a million dollar a year back in 1917 what was your tax rate ra y n 90 we got go ahead and to put in put in what you think I mean where is your tax R the highest rate was 68% I mean most of us think we're probably going to be at least somewhere here in the top half of the brackets right I mean that makes sense you'd be in the top half yet back in 1917 not only you in not in the top half but you're clear down here because in 197 the tax rate the maximum tax rate you would have been paying if you were making the equivalent of 500 Grand in today's dollars 12% 12% the high rate was 68 but you're only paying 12% and in fact that exact same American a 100 years later is paying 35% that's a triple that's a 200% increase in taxes on the same person and we have a lower tax rate than they did back then but we're paying 200% more in fact how many how what would you do if this next year this next election cycle this next year you know whoever gets in or whatever happens and the government decides to Triple your taxes if you had to pay triple your taxes next year what would you do what would you do I mean I think I think I mean most I mean I think that would create Mass Revolution I mean if you had to pay tripl in taxes now you might just you might just have a brand new civil war going on getting on your hands here because I don't think a lot of us would stand for it and that's you know but the government didn't did not increase us at 200% overnight in fact how many of you remember back in science class when you were a kid you talked about the effective way how to what what is the most effective way to boil a Frog anybody remember that remember that little science science experiment what is the most effective way to boil a frog if you throw a frog into a Boiling Pot of water what does the frog do it hops out right it it gets out so if you want to effectively boil a frog what do you do you put it in lukewarm or cold water and then you just slowly that's right increase the temperature slowly when you increase the temperature ever so slowly you can actually increase the temperature to the point where that water is now boiling and that frog will just sit in that pot of water and die it'll it'll sit there until it is boiled to death folks I hate to break it to you when it comes to taxes the government is the one that's turning up the temperature and who are we we're the frogs right we're the Frog and they're just they're just constantly just Bo they're just turning that up ever so slowly boiling us to death now the other way the government raises taxes on us inadvertently is through deductions and in fact in our current system when you retire you will typically lose your three largest deductions what are they well you're going to lose your mortgage in deduction because finally you finally have got that house paid down or paid off you know notice the next one you you children right the children are grown up you don't get them to claim them as dependence anymore and then the final deduction in fact it's usually the largest deduction you lose right before retirement is what the largest deduction you typically lose right before retirement it's one we don't even think about and it is what it is our IRA and 401K contributions right I mean when you right before retirement you're trying to shove as much money as you can towards your retirement as you possibly as you possibly can you're putting as much money into those accounts as you can when you retire are you still saving that money no and if you're not saving that money you don't get a tax deduction for it anymore in fact not only you not saving that money what are you now doing you're now withdrawing that money and exposing that money to taxes so when we hit retirement I see so many Americans even their their income can go down but their taxes went up because more of their income is exposed to taxes if that makes sense like you're the difference between your gross income and your taxable income is almost the same in retirement versus you got a gap there during your earning years because you got deductions and exemptions here this brings me to Danger number two and this is the fact that we have just simply been LED that we've been we've allowed the government to lead us into some serious tax tra we are simply handing over our financial future to the government through things like Ira and 401ks because did you realize an IRA or 401K is not a sole proprietorship meaning if you have an IRA of 401k the money in that account does not solely belong to you an IRA or 401K is a partnership it is a partnership so if your company sets up a 401k plan what are they doing they're setting up a a partnership between you and who the government that's right the government so the government is your partner and at the end of the day there when you look at this government right here Uncle Sam is your partner and my biggest my biggest personal problem with the way I arise 401ks 403bs and 457s my biggest problem with these account is this right here who controls the split of ownership who controls the split of ownership in fact they even let you put your name on the piece of paper when you get your statements it's your your name shows up on the paper the government's name doesn't show up on the piece of paper but your name shows up on there by letting your name show up on there the government maintains control of who gets to split that ownership and don't you worry the government you know the government can split their ownership however they want but don't you worry because remember you know they have your best interest at heart right right I mean the government's appetite is not getting any smaller it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger this is what we just saw tax rates are most likely going to be higher so this brings me to secret number two in in designing your retirement you need to take back control I mean in fact if you were to enter into into any partnership you ask any CPA any attorney ask anybody with an MBA you ask them hey if I'm going to get into a business partnership with somebody and I and one of us is going to choose the owner the the the role of owner and the other one is going to choose the role of control what would you rather have ownership or control and every attorney every CPA every MBA is going to tell you choose the role of control right control control is more powerful than even ownership is so we need to take control back of our own financial future otherwise you are going to be simply subject to the whims of the desires and the appetites of the government how many of you feel like this that you've got money you know you've got money stuck in IAS 401ks 403bs 457 seps deferred comps pensions Social Security you've got money in Saving CDs stocks bonds efts M mutual funds annuities and or real estate I mean how many of you can relate to having money invested in these areas and there is nothing wrong let me put it let me make it straight there is nothing wrong with having money invested in any one of these areas however if all of your money if all of your money is invested exclusively in these areas they all have one thing in common what is it taxes taxes taxes and taxes so what we're proposing here today is that we need to we need to uh carve out a portion of your portfolio and protect it from the greatest threat to your retirement that is taxes I mean we need you don't need to carve out 100% of it but mathematically speaking we can find what it's not it's not about going from taxable to taxfree or taxfree no no mathematically speaking it's about finding what the right balance the right balance some of you might only need 10 to 15% in tax free some of you might need 40 to 60 to 70% in tax free but the great thing is is we can sit down with you we've got more experience of doing this than anybody else here and finding what is the right balance for you and how do we find that balance because we find out why what are you doing what is your what are your main objectives what are you trying to accomplish why are you doing what you're doing and so once we find out we can find the perfect balance for you to optimize your money right isn't that what it's about we want your money to be optimized we want to optimize your strategy optimize your swing one way we do this is by starting by focusing on the right thing by breaking up your financial strategy into four different phases okay you've got a contribution phase an accumulation phase a distribution phase and a transfer phase now which of these four phases is the phase in which you go to access money on a consistent basis which phase is the phase where we go to access money on a consistent basis phase number three right it's our distribution phase the distribution phase this is where we go to access our money and so that's the phase we need to stay focused on how much money can I access in the time of life that I need the most when I'm developing a strategy or when I'm looking at where to put my money I want to know how much can I access yet traditional financial planning wants to take your eye off of that ball and it wants you to focus over here on the phase two the accumulation phase now don't get me wrong the the accumulation phase is extremely important it's the means to the goal the miracle of compound interest right it's the means to the goal but do not please please please please do not make the mistake that millions of Americans are still making today and that is they are being dictated to and they're being lulled into allowing the means to the goal to become the goal don't let the means to the goal become the goal no your retirement your golden years that is still the goal don't let them Take Your Eye Off the ball because if you do you end up being subject to the 4% rule how many of you have ever heard of the 4% rule before right if you go get a finance degree in almost any University across this country they're going to teach you the 4% rule because the 4% rule has been proven over and over again that tradition the way trai people traditionally save their money for retirement then when they hit retirement if they don't want to run out of money the simple formula is don't take out more than 4% a year so that means if I have a million dollars okay if I have a million dollar saved for my future 4% of a million is what $40,000 so for every million dollar you set aside for your own future you should never access more than 40 Grand in any given year does that sound exciting to anybody else 40 Grand from a million is I'm like holy to moly are you kid I can only access 40 Grand that doesn't sound too exciting does it and yet it gets worse what if this $40,000 comes out of an IRA or 401K that comes out of ir 401K you still got to pay the taxes so you might only net as little as $26,400 you're going to be somewhere between those two numbers right there I mean how many that does not sound very exciting or very appetizing this is why inside of the laser fund we teach you how to keep your eye on that ball asking yourself what's going to generate the greatest amount of income in the time of life that we needed the most and that's why we are able to achieve 6 to 10% payouts out of our laser funds tax-free I mean taxfree when we get that done right there I mean you look at that now if I have the if I had the same million dollars on that right side of the screen right there a million dollar 6 to 10% of a million is now 60 to $100,000 tax rate how much more is 60 to $100,000 then 26 to $440,000 this is how you optimize your results stay focused on the correct objective so again right here in your workbook this is the time and attach now to go ahead and identify you need to identify where are you currently at so look at here what is the what you know we can see what is the some of the current highest income tax brackets we kind of covered that but what I want to see right here identify where are you at how much do you have in tax tax and tax deferred Investments versus how much money do you have in tax and and taxfree Investments right you know do you have do you have a $300,000 here do you have a million dollar over here and how much do you have over here maybe you've got uh I don't know maybe you do have $30,000 or maybe you do have even $200,000 I don't know how much do you have what percentage of your portfolio because most people are sitting between 70 to 100% of their portfolio is in taxable to be tax deferred Investments and only zero to maybe up to 30% is sitting over here and taxfree what kind of a balance do you currently have and what do you want want what is the balance you want do you want a 5050 balance or do you want to flip this and you want more like hey I want I want uh 30 to 40% over here in taxable and I want 60 to 70% taxfree I mean how would that feel how would that feel if I had 60 to 70% tax free but wherever you're at what best ACC what best feels what you're trying to achieve right there fill in what you think you're looking for and then not only that you know look again look at how much you know how much money do you have in your retirement accounts run that 4% rule I mean if you have if you have $300,000 set aside or if you got $3 million set aside you know whatever it is right there multiply that by 4% what do you got I mean what do you what is in there I mean this one would be about $122,000 a year versus $120,000 a year for 3 million what do you have what is the 4% rule as it pertains to to you now this help helps us right here once we identify where I'm at when I identify where I'm at now I can also try to improve on how to get to where I want to go because once I know where I'm at I know where I want to go now it's just trying to create the best strategy of how to get there and one of the best strategies to financial Independence and Financial Freedom is following and understanding it's understanding and implementing what Warren Buffett refer as to the number one rule of money what does anybody know Warren Buffett's number one rule of money I mean I think he's got something figured out here I mean he's worth about a hundred billion dollar all right he he is he is he I think he's already zeroed in on or he just surpassed a hundred billion doll net worth so what is Warren Buffett's number one rule to money anybody what is war Buffet's number one rule of money simply put don't lose right Henry don't lose money don't lose it right I mean that I me oh my gosh that sounds that sounds just right don't don't lose money in fact it's such an important rule the rule number two though States what don't forget rule number one why because Warren Buffett and other fluent individuals understand that losses have bigger impacts than gains do okay they think differently affluent people think differently than most Americans and I'm assuming most of you whether you're fluent or whether you're wanting to be more fluent we need to change your mindset you need to think like a fluent people think because again they understand that if I if I start out with a certain amount of money let's say I start out with $100,000 and I gain and I earn 50% interest on my 100 Grand okay boom 100,000 but then I grow it by 50% % but let's assume I lose 50% but then I grow 50% and I lose 50 so if you go up 50% down 50% up 50% down 50% where am I and most Americans doing Simple Math would be like I'm back to where I've started right up 50 down 50 up 50 down 50 add divide get your average rate of return your average rate of return is 0% so you're back to where you started no no you're not and this is what Warren Buffett is trying to teach you if you have a $100,000 and you grow up by 50% you now have $150,000 but now if you lose 50% what's half of 150 that's right $755,000 so now when I try to rebound and I earn 50% I'm now only earning 50% on a smaller number I'm only earning 50% Returns on 75,000 so now if I earn 50% on that I grow to 112500 but then if I lose another 50% I'm down at 56,000 ,750 folks meaning I have lost 43.75% of my money even though mathematically simple math says hey my average rate of return is zero no you will lose in fact if you have a 50% loss like we did in 2008 if you have a 50% loss a 50% loss has to be followed by a 100% gain just to break even just to break even and this is why fluent people think differently Warren Buffett when he's looking at strategy investments when he's looking at where to put his money the very first question he is asking himself if I'm looking at a new opportunity here he's not asking because most Americans want to know what if you're looking at a new opportunity you're looking at putting money somewhere almost all Americans the very first question and really the only question they want to know is what how much money are we going to make what is the rate of return what is the rate of return ROI ROI what is the return on my investment right everybody wants to know what is the rate of return what is my rate of return no Warren Buffett does not worry about rate of return as his first concern his first concern is what how do I eliminate losses how are we going to eliminate losses only can only by answering this question can you then move to question number two right we want gains everybody want Warren Buffett included wants gains but he knows more important than gains don't violate rule number one how are we going to eliminate losses once I understand how to eliminate losses then I can go say okay how are we then going to capture gains and then once I capture gains now this is where this is where most this is where rich people end right rich people end right there they fig they finally figure this out okay unless they're just lucky and they get some big huge return but but intentionally rich people they get they get to qu they get right there but the difference between rich people and affluent people is the affluent thinker goes one more question cuz doesn't Moren Buffett doesn't uh you know all these all these wealthy people they ask the last question how do I keep it not only do I keep it you know how do we not lose how do we gain but how do I not give it all the way to the government how do I not pay it all the way in taxes how do we protect it from taxes right this is why everybody was asking how come M Romney doesn't pay more in taxes because Mitt Romney follows these three simple questions right this is what we're looking at here so if you were going to use something like the S&P for example if you're going to use the S&P 500 to try to grow your money well the first thing is is how do I eliminate my losses how do I capture gains and then how do I protect it from taxes well this addresses right here because if you just look at thep all on its own the S&P loses right if the S&P does gain but then the S&P you must pay taxes on the gains right so I mean it kind of violates all I mean the only thing it might do is it might give me a little it gives me gains over time okay but it violates rule number one and I have to pay taxes on rule number three so let me introduce you to the three greatest strengths of the laser fund or of ilul the three greatest strengths of Il is number one when I link to an index or when I link to the market like the S&P 500 I don't lose you do not lose when the market goes down boom Warren buff is number one rule of money how do we not lose you are guaranteed not to lose whenever the market goes down how would that feel how would that feel if you knew the market was going down if covid came back again or whatever happens I mean we're looking this election cycle this next year what is going to happen to the country after this next election I don't know about you but I think there's going to be some quite a lot of uncertain certainty here and so how what's what's going to happen well I know whe what whether the market goes up or whether it goes down if it goes down I'm not going to lose how many of you want that same guarantee okay if you want that same guarantee when the Mark goes down you don't lose go ahead and put in there you know no losses put no losses in the chat right there if you want to make sure you don't have a loss when the market goes down type in no loss into the chat okay do we have it do we have people that don't want any losses who wants to have no losses if the market if the market is GNA go down okay I've got Dwayne I got Yano I've got Alo I've got a couple of you but I've only got three man I don't even need to go to I don't need to go to the next one I don't need to go to number two here if I don't have enough people that don't want you you guys want losses or you don't want losses okay no loss throw it in the chat there throw it in the chat if you want no loss I want to make sure I've Got the Right audience here no loss you want no loss cuz that's what I want I want no loss fantastic fantastic okay now as we get into that as we look at the next thing right here once I get once I have no losses inside the greatest strength of iul now I can figure out how do I capture gains and this is one of the greatest strengths and one of the greatest secrets of iul is that you get to lock in your gains and every time I get a gain I get to lock it in as new principle and then only that I get to reset my growth point in the market folks if you can figure this one thing out right here I mean your mind will blow it will it just explode because understanding this right here these two number one and number two basically it does what if you understand this then you would Now understand that inside of an i you're almost always systematically allowed to always sell high and always buy low you're always able to sell high and you're always going to be buying low and not only that whatever we're able to gain on here we're going to show you how you can make that taxfree not just grow taxfree but how when you go to access that money accessing that money is also tax-free so again we do this through utilizing a strategy called indexing indexing is like the Strate it's that swing okay okay inside indexing the first thing we do right here is whenever the market goes down you get a guarantee okay a guarantee that zero is your Hero Zero is your hero I mean I want everybody to try to repeat that repeat that Mantra a hundred times zero is My Hero Zero is My Hero Zero is my hero right I mean that is just miraculous whenever the market goes down zero is now my hero now when I go to look at gains when you're utilizing indexing you capture gains understanding a couple of different parameters one is that you have what's called your participation rate okay your participation rate is uh how much of the market growth do you get to participate in say say for example if I have a 100% participation rate a I get 100% of the gain so that means if the market does 8.97 my participation rate was 100% I'd get 8.97 right if it does 32% I get 32% now if my participation rate were 50% I'd only get half of whatever the market does now if my participation rate were 200% I'd get double whatever the market does okay is this making sense so inside of an i you're going to have a participation rate and the most common one is a 100% participation rate right that's the most common thing to see especially when you're utilizing the S&P 500 you can see usually 200% participation rates or even 300% participation rates when you use a proprietary index you don't use the S&P you use a different index and you can get higher participation rates but typically with the S&P 500 you're looking at a 100% participation rate so again if the market does 8.9 you get 8.9 if it does negative you get what zero then it comes back up and does 32% you get 32 it does four 4 8 8 12 12 55 you get 55 if it crashes right here you get zero does that sound good does that sound great to anybody else I mean does this sound good to anybody else how many of you are thinking this is too good to be true well let's look at our second parameter right here right I said there's two parameters a participation rate now there's the second participation there's the second parameter here the second variable in capturing my gains the next one is usually called a cap or a threshold okay you either have to choose between a cap or a threshold and a cap is simply that it's a ceiling it's a cap of how much you can gain in a given year most caps today are between 9 and usually like 133% okay that's traditionally about what we're seeing right now is between 9 and 133% so that means if the market let's just go ahead for sake of argument let's just choose that our cap is 11% so that means that I get 100% of whatever the market does up to 11 if the market does a above 11% I'm going to be St I get 11 okay so if the market does 8.97 I get 8.97 however if it does 32% I don't get 32% I get 11% okay if it does four I get four I get eight I get eight if it does 12 I don't get 12 I get 11% okay Z negative I get 0o 55% I don't get 55 I get 11% is that making sense okay hopefully that make sense that's great and then that makes that makes perfect sense here now there's the other strategy here also called the threshold strategy the threshold strategy instead says you get whatever the market it does minus a threshold and traditionally that threshold has been between 5 to 10% okay it can be higher I've seen it as high as maybe 15% or even as high as 20% but traditionally the threshold is between 5 and 10% so that means you get 100% of whatever the market does minus let's go ahead and say traditionally 95% of the time it's been stuck at 5% okay so 95% of the time it's at 5% so you get whatever the market does minus 5% so now if I had it in that I get 8.97 minus 5 I'd get 3.97 H but then right here instead if it does 32% I get 32 minus 5 I get 27% H that sounds kind of nice right then it does 4.3 4.4 minus 5 4 .4 – 5 equals what well inside of an I that does not equal negative because again the worst you can do is 0% right you the worst you can do is 0% right 8.36 12.36 and then 55 55 – 5 is 50% now wouldn't it be nice wouldn't it be miraculous if I could actually choose either one of these accounts I don't have to choose one or the other I could choose one and I could move to the other and I can move from the other back to the other I can move back and forth depending on what would be best depending on what's happening in the market would it be miraculous if you could if you were allowed to move back and forth yes it would be and not only that yes you can move back and forth and it doesn't cost you a dime to do so you can move back and forth once a year now once a year you move back and forth and I can actually move back and forth once a year on an anniversary date and I can have 12 anniversary dates cuz I can I can tie money to every single month I can dollar cost average my money so that I have an anniversary date every single month and every single month I could change between either a cap a cap strategy or a threshold strategy now no one no one has been doing this selling and managing iul longer than us nobody in this country has more experience with I than our office and our firm and we've discovered one of the simplest strategies to capture the greatest amount of return inside of an i is that overall we're going to default your strategy the easiest thing to do to not get too complex is default to a cap strategy just put your money into a cap strategy but then we strategically move to a threshold strategy does anybody see when they would want to move to a threshold strategy how many of you can time the market anybody can anybody time the market can you predict the market how many of you can predict the market nope anybody can anybody is anybody is anybody willing to say is anybody smart enough to predict the market do you want me to all teach you how the only time you can traditionally predict the market the only time the market becomes predictable is after a market crash what happens for the last 150 years what's happened after every time the market crashes okay it can crash and it can even crash multiple years in a row like right here it crashed it crashed but eventually it bottoms out somewhere and it does what it starts recovering okay that recovery that recovery and the great thing is whenever the market crashes you can move over to the C the threshold strategy even if it keeps crashing the worst you can do is what zero but then you're to position perfectly for whenever it does start recovering you're in the right position to hit the recovery so now you can capture that recovery when it goes up and now you're capturing most of that growth during that recovery phase we've done this over and over and over again so over the last 20 years you know you would have seen something more like this 88.9% 00 27 but then we go back to a cap right we're cap cap cap okay right here the market crashes Now we move to the threshold strategy grab it now we move back to a cap cap right we're in a cap all the way here until the covid hit and then covid we hit right here and we were now moved over to a threshold strategy and then after Co we got a 60 1% rate of return now again the great thing here is you don't have to change your strategy before the market crashes you change your strategy after the market crashes right you don't have to time it and have it all already moved to a threshold before the market crashes I've never done that because I've never been able to predict when the Market's actually going to crash but when the market does crash like covid does did everybody remember when Co happened did did anybody miss Co you were you were in your you never left your house or whatever or maybe you left your house it was wondering why nobody else was leaving their house I don't know so I mean but Co I mean Co hit Co hit in March once that hit in March right there I changed my allocations at the in the middle and the end of March in April in May and June July August I changed all my allocations over here to a threshold strategy and in doing so when the market recovered it did a 66% return the market did 66% return so we got 66 minus 5% which means we got a 61% return and I'm not just smoking mirrors here here's one of my clients actual statements there's immatured on a on March 15th of 2021 they had $872,000 tied to the month of March they made 61% so they have money tied to every single month this is just the money they have tied just to the month of March $872,000 made 61% that's a $535 5,000 return that means I took $872,000 and we turned it into 1.4 million okay then after we got the threshold strategy what did we do we moved them back to a cap strategy so the next year now they're just in a cap strategy and the market did 5% they got 5% 5% here had a a little bit higher participation rate this has 15% of whatever the market does so we got 7% okay then we also have you can talk with the adviser if you want to talk about a multiplier I actually took this uh 20 20 30 that's $75,000 and with a multiply I was able to turn their $75,000 of growth into $200,000 of growth how many of you would like to learn how to multiply your positive returns yes pretty sweet here's another one in March 15th of 2023 we're still in we were still in the cap strategy the market actually went down this next year and so we got 0% 0% 0% there it is zero is My Hero Zero is My Hero Zero is My Hero Zero is my hero now March this next month right now we're looking at each one of these returns being between uh each one of these is being between 7 this one right here is actually going to be I think this one's at 9% this one's at uh 12% and this one right here is at 7 and A5 per.
Okay so each one of those are going to go in there they're all going to get those returns plus I'm going to be able to multiply those returns this next month that's what we're on track to do this next month and if you want to come back and see this again in a month from now I'll be showing you those exact returns a month from now okay what this is actually going to end up doing so here's another one June June 15th you know we had a 30% return right here on the $61,000 30% I was able to multiply that by 2.7 how many of you would like to earn $51,000 of Interest or growth on 61,000 that is an 83% rate of return 83% rate of return on their laser fund or on their IL and that's not even the best part the best part is what the best part is this is all taxfree right it's all tax free that is the beautiful part about this I can show these I can go over these over and over again here's another one in August we had $900,000 made $200,000 900 Grand made2 200 Grand here's one other one we 9,000 made 2,000 right and it does it doesn't M you don't have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to do this if you have 900 Grand you made 200 Grand but if you only have $9,000 you'll still make $2,000 right they don't we don't treat anybody differently just because you got more money you're going to be able to get the exact same growth exact same strategies as everybody else so right here this brings me to this part of the workbook flp to this page of your workbook right here and right now currently Al tell me what you currently have in the market what do you have exposed to losses what money do you have have that is violating what of your serious money right especially your serious cash what of your serious cash is still violating Warren Buffett's number one rule of money how much money do you have and how much of that would you actually like to protect so how much do you have right now versus how much would you like to have right identify right now what is it that you would want to change about the protection on your own money okay this brings me back again to recapping a little bit with the four phases of retirement planning here we've got you know when we look at these four phases it's sad because most Americans go through each one of these four phases and they just can they just blindly pay taxes in every fa in every phase right they're paying taxes in every phase mutual funds fallowing this category right here if you have mutual funds you're paying taxes in every single phase right maybe I can go up to some tax deferred Investments and I get at least my growth I get my compound interest tax free right that's great one green circle is better than no green circles but what's better than two green circles or mean one green circle well two green circles yet most Americans tend to do the one thing that that you know make this one this is where they get caught in a tax trap I mean if I if you had the choice would you rather tax would you rather tax your contribution phase or your distribution phase or in other words which of those two phases would you rather turn green your contribution phase or your distribution phase what would you rather turn green green let me simplify this by asking you a different a different a different question if you were a farmer and you had the choice when you go to buy your seed in the springtime you could either go ahead and avoid paying taxes on the price of the seed but if you avoid the tax on the price of the seed you're going to have to pay taxes on your entire harvest in the fall or would you rather go ahead and pay the tax on the price of the seed so that in the fall you'd thus be able to enjoy your Harvest tax-free how many of you would rather do Harvest if you want har a taxfree harvest write harvest in the chat put harvest in the chat if you want a tax-free Harvest versus a tax-free seed right if you want if you want Harvest put harvest in the in the chat right there Harvest Harvest I got a few of you there few more I mean again I only got three of you three maybe four is only don't have three or four people want a taxfree harvest let's see what what we've got who wants a taxfree harvest yes yes because you see the impact I mean two green circles is good but three green circles is so much better three green circles is better than two green circles and that is what we're talking that is what we do here because when we go to distribute your money when you go to access money the time of life that you need the money the most I want to make sure that you get the most amount of money possible one way to do this and how many of you how many of you currently have money stuck in an IRA or form 41k and you'd like to figure out how in the world do I pay the least amount of taxes on this Ira of 401k in fact how many of you would like to learn how to transition from a taxable Ira 401k and you'd like to convert it to taxfree and pay the least amount of tax in making that move how many of you would like to pay the least amount of tax we call this a strategic rollout right I took this client right here he had 1.9 million in his ey rais in 401ks he was earning 7% on that money he was just going to go ahead and leave it in there because that's what his a financial planner told him to do just leave it in there when you turn 72 73 you're going to have to take out rmds what's an rmd that's a required minimum distribution meaning even if you're not retired when you hit 73 years of age okay when you hit 73 years of age whether you're retired and whether you need this money or not it doesn't matter because your partner Uncle Sam the government they do want their money so they're going to require that you start accessing money out of the partnership so they can start taxing the money before you die so they can tax it again when you do die right and that's what an rmd is so that's what his traditional plan was hey I'm just going to do rmds well we did an analysis instead showing him how to do a strategic roll out and the beautiful thing is if he just left if he just left his money in his Ira he would have had 3.2 million doar when he hit 70 and A2 now 70 and A2 was the old rmd age that's the age that he was still going to retire 70 and a half if he took out rmds on $3.2 million that year he'd take out $119,000 of the money he has to take out to avoid a 50% penalty folks did you know that did you know that if you do not pull out your money that you're required after say age 73 the government gets to penalize you 50% and is that in place of the tax no no no no no that's on top of the tax right they tax they penalize you 50% on what you did not withdraw so this he would definitely have pulled out $119,000 to avoid a 50% penalty he pays taxes of $40,000 he gets to net or go spend him and his sweetheart get to go spend $77,000 whereas instead we proactively moved his money out of here2 grand a year and we move this over here into his laser fund okay we move that into the laser fund or into the ilul and by doing so at age 70 and a half he's allowed to pull out $233,000 a year from age 70 to age 120 taxfree I mean I loved it because his wife Mary and when I was showing them this his wife Mary goes emeron I I don't think we need $233,000 I said that's fantastic if you don't need it just give it to me no no just kidding no they said she's like that's amazing because if I don't need it what does that mean I means I can leave more money behind to my kids and grandkids I can leave behind a much bigger leg I can charity whatever they can become so much more philanthropic now their Golden Years had more purpose right they entered in and they now have so much more purpose in their golden years because even if they did pull out this money at aged 100 if they left their money in their IRA 41k and died they'd leave behind $1.2 million after taxes to their kids and grandkids they got to spend $4.8 million during their lifetime so over the next 30 40 years that means that asset that one $1.9 million of asset became is now it's a $6 million overall asset is what it was over those 30 40 years can in contrast to laser fund We Leave Behind $2.6 million more than double We Leave Behind more than double plus they got to spend $7.2 million during their lifetime meaning that they had the same period of time that same $1.9 million pre-tax we got the taxes over and done with and they netted $ 99.8 million that is a 50% increase how many of you could afford a 50% raise how many of you would take a 50% raise tomorrow that is what we're talking about so this is what I want you to do I want you to be able to look at this and this is the exercise that we take you through to figure out what should you be strategically rolling out to pay the least amount of taxes this is the simple worksheet that we use it's right there in your workbook and you can use this with uh with your specialist if you meet with them if you signed up to meet with one of them you could absolutely do that we find out where you're at and we want to make sure we pay the least amount of taxes possible we're going to go ahead and and adjust that and get that down so that we make sure the idea here is we want to find out how much room do you have in your existing tax brackets folks your existing tax bracket is most likely the lowest tax rate you were ever going to see the rest of your life in fact taxes ta tax rates are going to go up in 2026 so we've got two years right now 2024 and 2025 that we've got to take advantage of in fact and part of this we've got a 70y year low tax rate in the 24% tax bracket you need to be taking advantage of this this is one of the greatest secrets in our current tax bracket right now is the Trump tax cut and that's the 24% tax bracket learn more about that ask your specialist about the 24% tax bracket cuz when they do I can now show you how to get those taxes over and done with and now move you over to an environment that's tax-free not only that but you don't lose when the market goes down you gain when it goes up and it's taxfree for the rest of your life right here and why is it taxfree well if this has been this has been established ever since 1913 because you had the affluent families in the in the world when the government decided to start taxing the American people well you had like the Rockefellers the Rockefellers went to the politicians and said hey yeah we got start paying taxes yes but let's go ahead and make sure there's some place that we can put our money where we don't have to pay these taxes would the government do that for themselves would the Rockefellers have done that for themselves the answer is absolutely yes in fact that's one of the greatest ironies is that that politicians are one of the biggest owners of laser funds right they've been doing this for a hundred years and what they did is in 1913 they established somewhere inside the Internal Revenue code where if you have money there you're able to reclassify your money you're able to reclassify your money so that it's not considered income now we pay taxes on three different types of income earned income passive income and portfolio income but did you know you are allowed to reestablish or you're able to reclassify your money so that it's not considered earned passive or portfolio income what I'm talking about here is what we know today as section 101a of the internal revenue code and when you reclassify your money under section 101a of the Internal Revenue code it's no longer income what is it what is your money now defined as I mean for those of you who don't know you'll find this so ironic your money will now be classified as death benefit right your money is now identified as death benefit now folks but there's a huge difference in the way that most people understand most people pay for death benefit how much how many of you have a have an insurance policy and you pay a monthly premium every single month for that insurance policy right you're paying for your death benefit how many of you would like to learn how to own your death benefit instead of paying for your death benefit you want to own the death benefit and this is exactly what the Rockefellers do this is exactly what Warren Buffett does this is exactly what Mitt Romney does this is exactly what all of them do they don't pay for their insurance no they own it they own it because life but simply put here life insurance policies are not Investments though because Investments are subject to what investments are subject to taxes loss whatever it may be right they're all subject to that but so we don't purchase for an investment purposes we purchase this for what for the purpose of death benefit now folks what can you use death benefit for ironically you can use death benefit for whatever you want everybody thinks that death benefit you got to you can only use death benefit for when you die no you don't I mean let me ask you this who determines how much death benefit you want or need you do you determine how much death benefit you want or need can your needs and wants change absolutely they can change so as I'm younger I'm trying to build and I'm trying to own my death benefit I'm going to grow my death benefit I'm pay I I own it Own It Own It own it but then as I get older my kids are grown you know I'm looking at retirement I'm like you know what every day I get older I get closer to death correct and every year I get older every day I get older I actually need less death benefit so as I get older if I need less death benefit am I allowed to reduce my death benefit before I die are you allowed to reduce your death benefit before you die yes you are and the great thing is is that if your money is the death benefit you're just going to refund part of that death benefit to you before you die it's still considered I'm going to show you how you can still consider that death benefit and if it's still death benefit it's still taxfree but now that money is in your pocket rather than waiting to go to somebody when you die and you can do what with that money you can spend it however you want how many times can you reduce your death benefit as many times as you want okay that's why affluent people don't pay for their death benefit they own it this is section 101a of the Internal Revenue code it is La it has existed ever since 1913 okay 1913 it's right there it's tax-free not only that but under Section 72e it grows taxfree and under Section 7702 you can access your money taxfree but in order to qualify for these three sections of the code you must comply with these two tax laws the tax Equity fiscal responsibility Act and the deficit reduction act lucky for you we our Specialists right here we are experts in these tax laws right so we understand and know exactly how to structure your tax laws so that you qualify and not only do you qualify because people do this all the time uh you can go to almost anybody they're like yeah I can help you qualify for Section 101a 72 and 7702 but inadvertently to you they help you qualify for it but it's costing you an arm and a leg no you want to do the listen you want to make sure this is properly structured because if you properly structure this this can actually end up being the cheapest if not the cheapest account you will ever own over the rest of your life because you own the death benefit you're not paying for it okay that is the key piece here again insurance insurance is Simply risk management death benefit has two parts okay you have the total death benefit now when you look at those two parts you have how much of that death benefit is owned by the insurance company and how much of that insurance risk is owned by you the policy holder your risk your cash value and what we want to do here is we want to maximize your ownership right we want to maximize your ownership and we want to minimize the insurance company's ownership in that death benefit so in other words in theory here if I had a million dollars of life insurance if I wanted to have a 100% owner if I wanted to self-insure myself ideally here I'd pay a million dollars for it and I'd have the insurance company have no risk in theory if I could do that I Die Tomorrow my sweetheart's still only going to get a million dollars but none of that million dollars was the insurance company's money all of that million dollars was our money and this is the theory behind how we pursue it now when we pursue it you can't actually have 100% okay you're not you're not allowed to have 100% risk right here you can't do that but what we do want to have here is we want to under the law under tea and defra what we're looking at here is we're wanting to maximize our ownership and we want to minimize the insurance company what that looks like is like right here here's a million dollar policy on a 35y old a 55y old and a 75y old on a 75y old a 75y old would be allowed to put in this is their money this is the uh this is the policy owner right here they're able to go ahead and put in $740,000 the insurance company is up here okay on a 55 year-old the insurance company has to have $587,000 of the ownership in order to comply with the law and the 55y old can put in $412,000 the 35y old they can put in $215,000 of their own money and that is the insurance company down here okay so there is there is there is you me or you okay right there or in other words here you look at them say let's say they all had $500,000 okay a 75 year-old if they had they have would have to buy a $690,000 life insurance policy right there that's the insurance company and here is the here is you now you go over here a 35y old though if they want to put in the same $500,000 a 35-year-old they're going to have to buy a $2,350 th000 life insurance policy right there that's the insurance company's risk now why is that the case here why because folks $1.8 million of risk on a 35-year-old costs the exact same as $190,000 of risk on a 75y old so if you know how to structure these you know how to optimize these who pays more for their self-insured insurance policy who pays more for their laser fund the 75y old or the 35y old who pays more for their laser fund the 75y old or the 35y old hopefully you were listening closely because they both pay what the exact same they both pay the same and that's what's so beautiful under these these accounts po you think oh I'm too old for this no you're not if you understand the tax law you don't have to buy you don't have to carry almost you basically able to put all your money in and have very very little risk from the insurance company and so that's how you're able to self-insure yourself differently again think like the affluent do think differently this is a this is an IL right right the IL is a club but how you use your UL don't use it like most people 95% of people that have an IL right now are like this guy down here on the bottom they're swinging and Swinging that botles coming back it's hitting them in the head no we want to teach you the million dooll swing okay the million dooll swing with this is exactly the difference between the the uh that that's that's the 10 million do difference right that is the difference right here think of this again as a as a as a piece of real estate a fivestory office building right A five-story office building it's sitting there vacant it's not worth anything unless you what lease it out same thing as an insurance policy insurance policy is like a big empty building if you lease out the building it turns into a beautiful Cash Cow if you leave it vacant it's just going to continue to cost you plenty and and it's going to cost you over and over and over again so this is the LA the last tax law that you not must understand or must comply with is the called the technical and miscellaneous Revenue Act and you can get more information on that and lean into that a little bit more when you do uh meet with uh with one of our with one of our Specialists there so let's go ahead and uh you know how many of you are now ready to see what something like this can be done for you I mean if you're filling out your workbook if you're filling out your workbook and whatnot and you see what's going on here we want to be able to show you what uh what what can what is possible Right what is possible in each one of these cuz as we go through this here you know as we go through this you can see that you as you get your bucket filled you want to get that 100% full and as you get that 100% full you're able to turn around and we're going to be able to show you how to capture these returns 15% 16% how to average 9% taxfree here's one that's been over 25 years old averaging 9% here here's another one 88.6% that one's 18 years old here's another one that's averaged as high as 26 .
75% but the idea here is understanding how to properly structure your bucket of money right when you structure that bucket of money you want to make sure that one key thing right here is There's No Vacancy right just like your piece of real estate you don't want any vacancy There's No Vacancy in it you want to optimize your piece of real estate you want No Vacancy and that's exactly what we're looking at here so your final piece of your worksheet right here again identify where are you at right now versus where do you really want to be how much do you have in each one of these buckets and how much do we want over here in this taxfree bucket here so again if you haven't had a chance I'm going to bring my dad back up on on stage right here so if you haven't had a chance yet to fill out your survey again there's the QR code again and uh we're going to go ahead and just show you a couple of different things about how you can get and what you'll get as you meet with one of our as as with some of our Specialists here great thank you so much I'm r appreciate all of that hopefully you gained insights into some incredible opportunities that maybe you didn't know existed before so let me get this uh brought up into presentation mode and uh is everybody able to see that screen okay waiting for it okay let's bring that up so I'm really excited to show you uh what um you have access to here as uh I've been assigning you to uh a professional as I've indicated I probably had over five uh excuse me 50,000 financial advisers that uh my Publishers uh Warner business books was my original publisher and uh we were so blessed to have many bestselling books when became a New York Times and Wall Street Journal number one bestseller back in 2007 my son's co-author a book millionaire by 30 how to have your money earning more than you do by age 32 and then they have co-authored um the book the laser fund that I want to make sure you get a copy of now but uh let me show you uh what you can do in order to talk to and pick the brain of uh the 13 top financial advisors that I oversee and uh you can meet with them once twice three four times I'll show you that that eight step process again and if you say thanks but no thanks they're not going to bill or invoice you for their time or anything like that but you ought to take advantage of this because it's critical that you meet with h a specialist that knows how to do it correctly like emeron was talking about so I appreciate Emron talking about how to reduce taxes on your IRAs or 401ks let me make sure that this uh pen is working okay uh the first one how to create tax-free retirement income the best way uh with a Max funding iul structured correctly and funded properly is a laser fund and how to create the gains and eliminate the losses so the survey as you fill that out uh you have the opportunity then to meet again with no cost or obligation with one of these top advisers I'm going to put their pictures up here in a moment and you'll be assigned to a breakout room here in just a few minutes but hopefully you connected the dots on how you can reposition assets uh underperforming non-performing assets to increase uh the liquidity safety and rate of return but as you convert uh to taxfree you eliminate the danger you make yourself immune from rising taxes because taxes are going up uh inflation will actually help you instead of hinder you I've always earned a rate of return uh at least 5 and a half% greater than the inflation rate at the time hopefully you got a glimpse of how indexing helps you do that and then how to make yourself immune from Market volatility because that's going to continue to cause a lot of Americans to outlive their money and again the three opportunities that hopefully you've gotten Insight on today convert to taxfree then it doesn't matter what taxes go to You're immune link your returns to the things that inflate I don't like it anymore than anybody but but it doesn't hurt me uh and third is by using indexing which is a strategy that's a swing uh an index mutual fund would be the clubs if you had your money in an index mutual fund uh in in the Great recession 201 to 2012 you would have lost 40% twice in that 12year period uh our clients with indexing they they doubled and tripled their money taxfree because they didn't lose again the key elements in order of priority are liquidity the ability to access your money when you need it the safety not only of the institution but safety of principle you know these uh the multi- trillion dollar insurance industry is the backbone of America and the backbone of the world that's why during the Great uh de ression some uh real estate dropped 80% in value banks closed 40% never reopened again uh and uh how many legal Reserve insurance companies went under in the Great Depression any of you know zero zip NADA how about 2008 when 400 Banks went under and 900 more were on the watch list on the brink of going under uh the federal government asked the five major banks in America in 2008 uh where they had their tier one assets that's that's money they have to have liquid on hand and safe in case of a run on their Bank uh guess where the five major Banks had 30 to 40% of their tier one assets for liquidity and safety in insurance companies if you understand how money Works banks in 2008 were paying immediately 1% or less every million dollars they were paying 10,000 a year in interest they turned around and 30 to 40% of it they put in insurance companies in this often in bowly bank-owned life insurance and even without linking to an index they were earning five how much more is five than one I mean they were making 50 Grand and they only had to pay 10,000 would you hire an employee for 10 grand that made you an extra 50 Grand and so if this is where Banks and credit unions are putting your money for liquidity and safety bypass the middleman increase the safety because these Banks many of them were only rated Triple B most of these insurance companies are rated Triple A which is six notches higher in safety and the rate of return was five times 500% more and so the rate of return is the third key element the tax benefits are like icing on the cake so what I want you all to do is take advantage where we can help you raise this score I would love to help you raise your score to over 90 down there on the bottom right whatever your score is today in the 30s 40s 50s let us help you raise that score and watch what happens to your peace of mind as you arrive at what I call the land of peace and abundance okay the eight-step process you have now embarked on this through the enlightenment experience how many of you got epiphanies in AA today okay and saw some opportunities you didn't know existed before well now as you meet with these uh licensed advisors you'll be able to go through and they'll determine where you are at uh especially financially but in all three dimensions and where you wanted to go and then they'll go through and create all kinds of illustrations on how to reposition under performing non-performing assets without increasing your outlay one dime that's the first thing I would always do for my clients let me show you how much better off you would be 5 10 15 20 years down the road and all the way if you live to be 120 without increasing your outlay one dime I've never had anybody that didn't want to see that report and sometimes it's 20 or 30 page report or longer and then if they're going to be short of hitting their goals I would say do you want me to calculate how much more that you ought to be sock away as soon as you can in order to hit that goal or how many years you need to wait until you can retire to be able to not outlive your money and so at a at a minimum it was those two illustrations that that's what we call the Strategic design and your success formula okay so these dark blue ones are are personal meetings that you have uh uh you can do it in person but online with today's technology uh you can do Zoom meetings or goto meetings and and talk and see everything that we're talking about and then you go through a refinement process and then uh you have a final action blueprint so normally that's a minimum of of three uh face-to-face appointments the white ones are sort of Backstage where they're spending hours of time uh creating your illustrations for you and then you can go through the implementation experience and uh that uh usually takes anywhere from you know uh 3 weeks 6 weeks nine weeks and uh as you can see how you may want to implement this or even if you're U unhealthy don't rule yourself out but you can own a laser fund on your spouse on your kids okay it's the owner that gets all the the benefits but Eman just showed you it doesn't matter how old you are or even how unhealthy you are uh you get away with less insurance so the the cost of insurance is the same no matter if you're an 83 yearold a friend of our family who had three blocked arteries adult unset diabetes a prostate cancer episode six sisters Prett decease him and three brothers he was actually 78 years old but he had the life expectancy of an 83 year old he was able to put in 500 Grand and and earn 11 and Net 10 just like a 22-year-old athletic Marathon running female hopefully you understood that the cost of the insurance is the same no matter how old you are and it gets cheaper as you get older because you're self-insuring and so that's why it's critical you tweak it with annual reviews at least once a year at a minimum that's an accountability Factor okay and so engage in this process for your transformation and uh create u a brighter future for yourself now I want you to see how much better off you could be uh by engaging in what we call the asset optimization success path and implementation plan that eight-step process so here's what you will receive uh when you meet with your ilul specialist that I've assigned you to here in just a moment okay first of all they when you meet with them you you need to schedule and meet with them uh then they will uh give you first of all the digital to the laser fund okay the the PDF okay and uh then also the audio and uh that's that's a $40 value to get uh the print and the audio version if You' like to listen and learn like I do okay in addition to that uh we are going to allow you to have access to the Master Class class so that if you need as you're meeting with your specialist if you need to learn a little bit more about well what is indexing and and why is this tax-free and what have you you can not only read in the book but you can go in and watch uh a video me and my two sons explaining that that's the master class and that's normally been $1,000 you get that absolutely included which brings the value up to $1,000 so far but here's the last two critical reports I think think every one of you will want to seize the opportunity to get the first one is the Strategic roll out again not a roll over this strategic rollout report will show you based on your numbers how to strategically uh begin a roll out or set yourself up so you can start rolling money out of those irer 401ks with the least tax impact based on your circumstances so you don't miss out on on the the room that we have this year next year and what have you but but also how you can prevent the disease that Emer was talking about uh you you may want to change the contributions to IRAs in 401ks uh at least the portion you're not being matched on that should be a no-brainer and so forth okay that's a $1,500 value to get a strategic roll out customized analysis for you now that brings it up to a $2,534 value but here's the the the the whole big report that is going to blow you away is the actual customized laser fund report the laser fund report is what I'm talking about where you're able to uh see uh how much better off you would be 5 10 15 20 years all the way to age 120 by repositioning assets first of all without increasing your outlay one dime how much better off you'd be but then also what if you started stocking away more did this or did that so that you can hit your goals and U have actually more money than you probably need and so when you have the customized laser fund report these are detailed reports for your customized laser design and you may end up with with a couple for you a couple for your wife depending upon how you want to diversify or whatever okay but uh you can diversify very well just even with one laser fund as I showed you you can diversify with five different indexing strategies with one laser fund your adviser will show you how to do that protected growth zero will become your hero you won't lose when the market goes down they'll show you the projected tax-free income and it won't be just some average return they'll show you actual simulation of of what this would have been like during the Great Recession and everything so you can see how it works in real life uh that's unbelievable nobody else has the ability to do that and then you're able to compare it to various Financial Alternatives what if I left money in a 401k or a mutual fund or these stocks or whatever we'll compare to any Financial alternative you'll see when those crash and burn or run out of money uh because of taxes or inflation or whatever that that's a dynamite report and then you get these actual historical returns plugged in and we like to use even the worst case scenario on that laser fund report so when you schedule and meet here in just a moment uh we're going to do breakout rooms you'll receive the laser fund digital the audio the master class to help you to be able to refer to as you meet uh you don't need to go through all of that before you meet in fact it's way better if you meet and then you can refer to those okay and so uh you'll also receive the customized strategic uh rollout report uh which is crucial if you've got money in I or 401ks right now but the laser fund report that is where uh many people uh invest at least $2,500 in that report alone a total of $5,000 of value absolutely free this should be a no-brainer okay now if you're watching this on YouTube okay or on Facebook live is that what you call it Facebook live there is a scheduling link and uh it is pinned in the comments okay so YouTube or Facebook it's the link is pinned in the comments and let me just tell you this how many of you can can remember everything we've taught you in the last three hours how many can remember everything uh well as a token of appreciation for filling out the survey I will send you a replay of this webinar so you can fast forward you can listen to portions of it again I apologize for going so slow but maybe it wasn't slow enough and you can go back and and view that that's a token of appreciation for doing that if you haven't completed the survey uh for those who are on this Zoom then you of course just scan that our code or go to that or let us know if you're having trouble here are the 13 the creme to laem advisers that you will be meeting with right now in a breakout room okay going across the top from left to right we've got uh Brandon Doug Emron Aaron Scott Clarence Tracy on the bottom row left to right Greg we got Kyle Allan Carl and Brian and also Marcus they are all over seen by me we have intensive training uh for years and we have continued training you are in great Hands by talking with them and they'll go through that eight-step process for you and again if if you say thanks but no thanks they're not going to bill you or invoice you for their time they get compensated indirectly if you choose to implement anything because they get compensated from the marketing budget of uh the financial institutions that you may choose to to work with because you have to go through a license advisor is that fair enough so uh if if uh you are receiving an invitation and clarify with me bud or emeron uh if you are not able to get a link to a breakout room to meet with your advisor that we've assigned you to uh you will get an invitation to join you can click on the join button okay and then uh if you go through and complete the survey if for some reason you are not able to get into a Breakout room click breakout rooms at the bottom of the zoom see that see those four little Windows like the windows icon you click uh on that to the breakout rooms and uh you click on the three buttons and then uh or you can click on the three little buttons there the three little dots and select breakout rooms if you're on a mobile app uh you will see this icon in the top left of your screen on most mobile apps so uh everybody should be able to be invited into a breakout room right now where you can just schedule and just have quickly meet your specialist so that they can set up a time uh to talk with you a little bit more detail in private to see where you're where you're wed to go so you can begin to get all of those gifts and see how much better off you could be right by repositioning assets optimizing your assets and minimizing taxes so um is everybody good is there anything else I need to give instructions on as far as getting to Breakout rooms no they're going now good you're all going into your breakout rooms right now we'll have the rest of them are still here in the room with with your wife okay and those who uh have not filled out a survey you'll probably be still on here and I could answer answer a few questions but I would strongly recommend you uh you uh meet with uh uh one of the ilul professionals I'm talking about so you can see how these strategies apply in your particular set of circumstances so it'd be really good for you to take advantage of that if not uh maybe while U the others are in the breakout rooms uh meeting their assigned specialist then I could address a few questions should I do that yeah that sounds good okay so uh it says uh some good comments yes very informative I'm so glad you can tell I'm very passionate about this uh what is your real name are you talking to me I'm Doug Andrew I am Doug Andrew and uh no I do not color my hair I'm 72 some people look and say oh he colors his hair uh no actually I've got good jeans or something I do not color my hair uh let's see what else is uh everybody's up there alive guy doesn't have a breakout button so did he fill out a survey or what's his name I don't know his name yeah it says the alive guy the alive guy I don't have a breakout room button he can type his name or send us a private message yeah send a private message so that we know who you are um yeah apparently you're alive um so uh let us know who you are and we'll help you with a breakout button let's see here um haven't received it yet I think everybody's being helped on a one-on-one basis so thank you for that and it looks like there still are a few of you on if you're a financial advisor make sure that you clicked that you were an adviser and you'll be contacted and shown how you can learn how to uh help your clients the correct way uh through an organization called I insiders because our passion is to make sure that the general public gets these uh structured correctly and uh unfortunately over 99% of of agents who sell iul do not how to do not know how to do what you've learned here today and uh so it it's it would be lucky if you were to average even six or s% return a net two I we want you to earn you know 11 or higher a Net 10 uh by having this done correctly funded properly and managed as my son Emer was showing all of you so uh let's see if there's any other questions here how much do you need to open a maximum funded ilul that's from uh an Joseph so an depending upon your circumstances again a lot of our clients our sweet spot are 55 to 75 year olds and they're opening up iul uh with with a 100,000 a year uh a million a year uh even 10 million a year but if if you're just starting to Sock away money on a monthly basis uh you can set up an IL uh generally I would say uh if you have 500 bucks a month of discretionary uh savings or or income uh you can set one up for as little as 500 bucks a month could you put set one up for your children for 200 bucks a month yeah uh but uh if that's really all you can squeeze out of a out of your uh income is about $200 or $300 a month I want to make sure that you can commit to living on less than what you earn and that you can actually set aside that much money so I usually say as soon as you've got 500 bucks a month that you can save you can set one up on a monthly basis and uh you have to make sure that's done correctly so you set up $500 a month and you will use one option for an increasing death benefit until you stop putting money in and then you'll switch to what is called the death benefit to make the cost of insurance get cheaper as you get older most ilul agents have no clue how to do what I I just said okay so uh you can set it up for as little as 500 bucks a month let's see uh where we still there how much okay we've answered Ann's question hopefully any other questions that I could address right now you can type your message in there uh Angela still saying I don't know where to meet Dave blank uh Dave Blake so make sure uh be patient there and we'll get you into a breakout room to schedule to uh talk privately with your I specialist again uh don't miss this opportunity let us know because we don't want you to miss the opportunity um this is uh very unique where people can pick the brains of of the top 13 uh ilul specialists in America and uh there's over 70,000 that are licensed out there and like I said the vast majority do not understand how to uh do this correctly like we've been teaching you here today so if you really want to optimize assets and take the cost of the insurance and make it cheaper as you get older you want to meet with one of these Specialists plus they will look at all of your assets and analyze which ones need to be optimized to increase liquidity safety ready Return of the tax benefits okay uh okay so uh um we're ready to wrap up hopefully uh you all have had a chance to meet your IL Specialist or you've let us know so that we can reach out to you so that uh hopefully this is the the beginning of your brighter future I can't wait to uh meet you some way whether it's virtually or in person someday and you show me how your score is over 90 we want to help you raise that Abundant Living score so thank you so much today for your time and attention we do not take that lightly uh any other things that I need to take care of before I sign off okay so thanks again we really really do appreciate the time and attention you've given today if you know of anybody who would like to learn this information or who you think should know this information be sure and let us know and uh we try to conduct these on a regular basis so that they could take advantage of this education we hope this three hours was over the top for you uh filled with insights into opportunities that hopefully you now want to seize so everybody have an incredible day uh make 2024 the year that is a GameChanger for you and that from this point forward you have a brighter future optimizing assets and minimizing taxes and hopefully dramatically increasing your net spendable income uh we want you to be on board with those that uh do the right thing to not outlive their money have a great day thank you so much that