Stability with the LASER Fund

when I use the story of The Three Little Pigs to explain why money has to have a home again people will go Doug explain how you can participate when the stock market goes up or when the real estate market goes up but when they crash that you don't lose okay I keep my serious cash safely tucked in a house of bricks in a maximum funded insurance contract if it's structured correctly and funded properly it is deemed a laser fund laser means liquid asset safely earning returns this is where I have my money I can participate in the stock market by using indexing but indexing is not an in index mutual fund it means that if the stock market goes up I get to benefit I can lock in gains of 8% 12% 16 25% which I've done but if the stock market crashes I don't lose I may not make anything but lose same thing with real estate when my real estate goes up in value I benefit when it goes down I don't lose

As found on YouTube