Protecting the Quality of our Local Waterways – April 2024

hello everyone I'm H Thor the community relations coordinator for the storm water quality division here at the of Oklahoma City I'd like to officially welcome everyone to the April edition of our 2024 re before we begin hearing from our presenters I'd like to provide some information to help enhance everyone's experience during today's […]

Protecting the Quality of our Local Waterways – April 2024

hello everyone I'm H Thor the community relations coordinator for the storm water quality division here at the of Oklahoma City I'd like to officially welcome everyone to the April edition of our 2024 re before we begin hearing from our presenters I'd like to provide some information to help enhance everyone's experience during today's […]

Oklahoma City MAPS 4 Citizens Advisory Board – May 2, 2024

drink yes it good morning and we will go ahead and call to order our maps for Citizens Advisory board meeting for May 2nd 2024 um items for individual consideration item 2A approval of the minutes of the April 4th citizens Advisory board meeting they were in your packet if you have any changes or […]

Quarterly Visual Monitoring of Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity

when a qualifying rain event begins at your facility that is an event occurring during daylight and operational hours gather your sampling kit and reain gear quickly having these items prepared and ready to go ahead of time will help guarantee a successful monitoring event a qualifying rain event must generate at least 1/1 of […]

Quarterly Visual Monitoring of Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity

when a qualifying rain event begins at your facility that is an event occurring during daylight and operational hours gather your sampling kit and reain gear quickly having these items prepared and ready to go ahead of time will help guarantee a successful monitoring event a qualifying rain event must generate at least 1/1 of […]

Hidden Heroes: Behind the scenes at the OKC Memorial Marathon

each year Public Works Crews assist with the memorial Marathon their efforts support the Memorial's mission to celebrate life reach for the future honor the memories of those killed in the 1995 bombing and unite the world in hope it is really surprising the number of law enforcement and then everybody else that comes in […]

Hidden Heroes: Emergency response is a team effort

April 19th 1995 the Oklahoma City bombing is historically known as the most significant domestic terrorist attack I was the uh Public Works Le on assigned to Emergency Management and during the bombing I was the emergency coordinator for all Public Works assets that came downtown prior to the bombing Public Works Crews did not […]

City Hall Sessions – Episode 28 – Kennedy Fine

hi I'm David Holt the mayor of Oklahoma City welcome back to my office here at City Hall for another episode of City Hall sessions where we highlight some of Oklahoma City's most amazing musical talent and today we have a young lady who grew up right here in Oklahoma city is still making her […]

OKC Public Works Hidden Heroes – There When Disaster Strikes

all in a day's work sometimes those days include more chaos than others we thought we were getting ready to go to work yesterday with the tornadoes predicted tornadoes floods windstorms snow and ice we do everything Public Works crews are trained to assist with Emergency Operations and are often requested to lend a helping […]

Hidden Heroes: OKC Public Works assists in OKC bombing recovery efforts

the Oklahoma City bombing is historically known as the most significant domestic terrorist attack many Public Works employees assisted with response efforts well for 10 minutes after the blast to 5 weeks after the recovery I was the uh emergency coordinator downtown representing Public Works April 19th 1995 employees started their workday as normal but […]