Urban Design Commission – April 24, 2024

all right we ready to go all right everyone welcome to the April 24th 2024 meeting of the Urban Design commission my name is Tyler Holmes and I am the chair of the commission when called on applicants and speakers will come to the front Podium to speak only one person at a time should come to the podium please do not approach the podium until it has been vacated by previous speakers please speak into the microphone and identify yourself and provide your address for the record when you begin speaking address your comments questions and testimony to the commission please limit your comments to three minutes it is unnecessary to repeat testimony previously given by others citizens May address the commission on agenda items by responding to chairs call for speakers during discussion on each item and signing the speaker's log at the podium all comments must be relevant to the item the chair or Pres residing officer May in his or her discretion prohibit a person from addressing the committee and or remove the person from the council chambers if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior please see the agenda for more information about these requirements if you parked in the Sheridan Walker parking garage north of John Rex elementary school or the arts district parking garage immediately South the city hall staff can provide you with a validation ticket for you the agenda and documents are located at https okc.

Primo.com publicportal um you would then select the Urban Design Commission meeting then click on the agenda item and the relevant documents will come up below the item Keith we call the rooll Holmes here black here foro here Dixon ooso here peoples here we have cor excellent okay okay um we have last month's um minutes for March 27th 2024 if anyone has any questions or any um movement uh just let us know I'll make a motion to approve next I'll second that motion all right Ms are [Music] approved there are no cases withdrawn and there are no continuance requests and today on our consent docket um we have udca 23-23 parentheses P2 at 420 Southwest 25th Street um yeah Mr Mr chair uh this item is on your consent docket because it's an item that um we've reviewed as staff and it complies with all the provisions and applicable uh guidelines we have uh you'll note that this is um uh just painting the exterior of the building and since we don't have any standards in UD for color pallets or anything like that um there are no real standards for it to measure up to so we just place it on the consent docket for your um basically action either as if you have questions about how they painted it we can get into that um the details on the colors they used um which just just to remind you that the building's already been painted um uh we can discuss those colors if you like um otherwise if there are no issues you can just uh make a motion to approve this the consent docket do we have a motion I'll move approval of the consent I'll second all right consent docket is approved we have nothing on the cases for individual consideration and we do have other business for the design review District consolidation ordinance provide a recommendation thank you Mr chair um this is an item that um I think we've uh touched on with the Commission in the past uh for sure it was an item that we raised with the commission and all the Commissioners that we have and committee members uh at the the uh commissioner committee training session that we had last April um this is an effort uh that we've um begun kind of in conjunction with the uh overhaul of the city's uh zoning code and um through the stakeholders uh process uh on uh making changes to the code uh part of the part of the idea that was brought up was to uh make things uh more efficient and less cumbersome um one of the ideas that was brought up uh in that uh regard was to um look at ways to make the design review process smoother and easier and more efficient um what we've come up with is an idea to consolidate um the design review bodies not the districts um and just uh Shuffle I guess around a little bit who reviews what and that will result in the elimination of three of the Committees uh and the retention of two so right now we have five um we have um I have a presentation here I should use that um so uh here are the five that we have right now and you can see that um some have uh very widespread uh non uh accessory or non AB buding uh areas um the scenic River area all those areas are connected along the river they go from Meridian Gateway on the west to the American Indian culture center on the east and then as you're familiar with the ud we have Asian poo Plaza uh Capitol Hill um Cottage district and Lincoln Boulevard um and Uptown Northwest 23rd Street of course um so um based on the activity levels of these five districts and uh based also on Geographic um compatibility of some of the districts we have come up with a way to recombine and well this is a little bit of history on on the background uh brooktown was established in 1993 it's located just southeast of downtown um downtown was created in 2007 as a core with three different districts in it uh dbd dtd1 and dtd2 seven members on that commission um Scenic River overlay Design District uh as you can see it's contiguous along the River from west to east with the American Indian uh Cultural Center on the East End nine members created in 2007 Stockyards created in 1996 one of the earlier districts very relatively small district with a hard zoning in the core and uh transitional uh zoning District overlay uh on four directions along agnu in Exchange east and west north and south of the core five members on that Commission and then uh Urban Design is uh at nine members created in 1998 so here's the current configuration um Bricktown reviews Bricktown Downtown reviews the three districts they have um River Front reviews the six districts they have Stockyards has the hard uh zoning and the one overlay area and then Urban Design has uh a mixed bag of various districts throughout the city um I want to make sure that everybody understands that the districts themselves and the rules they contain the regulations and guidelines they contain are all staying the same nothing changes in those areas at this point in time it may ultimately be revised going forward as a zoning code update uh goes through the process but with this particular action all we're talking about is changing who reviews which districts so in the new configuration and the consolidation we go down from uh five district five committees and commissions to just two uh downtown would uh handle their three existing districts and absorb the Bricktown review process and then Urban Design would keep the uh various District overlay districts that they have and then also uh take on the responsibility for reviewing uh cases in Scenic River and Stockyards um with respect to the current configuration of the memberships this is how uh Urban Design is currently configured this ordinance Amendment proposes to adjust that somewhat mostly to uh kind of create a a spot on the commission for people from um the districts that are being absorbed so we're looking at um just trying to have some representation uh honor and designed for uh possibility of stockyards uh Representatives or or Riverfront uh Representatives Property Owners um business owners that kind of thing um the same token in downtown design review is a little bit different here we are actually adding two members from seven to nine and part of that would also uh reserve a spot for uh representation from Bricktown um the gist of this I guess the effectiveness of this is kind of um all played out in numbers right now we have 37 I want to say 37 I think it is uh committee members and Commissioners on the five bodies with this uh ordinance Amendment reduces that number from 37 to 18 and then with respect to the number of meetings that are held every year with the five commissions we have right now we go from 52 meetings uh maximum possible down to 24 um this makes things a lot smoother and easier for staff in terms of preparing for two meetings a month as opposed to four every month uh well almost every month um and also uh makes it easier for the mayor's office to keep tabs on the terms and term expirations of 18 m members as opposed to 37 members so um from that standpoint we think there's a lot of efficiencies to be uh uh to be uh gained out of uh doing this uh change and um right now we are in the midst of our April um presentations to all the design review bodies we've been to the river the river trust and we went to see them I think it was in March late March and then we've started with a design 6 this month in April we uh saw uh Riverfront on April 4th we saw uh Bricktown on April 10th we saw uh downtown design Review Committee uh last week on the 18th and then we're here before you today on the 24th and just if anybody's keeping score uh the four bodies we've been to uh so far have unanimously uh recommended approval uh of this ordinance Amendment uh after this body today we have one more uh body body to review one more design review body to review the this ordinance with and that's Stockyards and we will see them at their next regular meeting on May 8th uh after that uh assuming we get uh strong support from all the Committees commissions we will be taking it before the Planning Commission in May or June and then onto the city council in June or July um at the same time we are um coordinating with the mayor's office um we pulled all the members that we currently have as to their interest level in continuing to serve on these design review bodies I think we had about I don't know five or maybe somewhere between five and 10 said that they were no longer interested in continuing to serve um much of the rest of the folks uh were cons still uh interested in continuing to serve um of those we did have a few that under the new qualification criteria for membership on the two remaining boards weren't going to be able to meet those criteria so they would weren't going to be able to to serve so we've kind of created a matrix uh for the mayor's office of all the people who are currently serving and which slots they might fit in and some people fit into more than one slot on on either UDC or uh uh on the design downtown design Review Committee and so we're hoping that between now and the end of July that we will have um coordinated with them far enough or they have maybe other applications of people we haven't seen yet um to start thinking about how to reshuffle the membership of the two remaining committees and that hopefully uh I think if if this gets adopted in July it would become effective in August and the first two meetings that this would affect would be in September so hopefully uh by the end of August uh we will have uh done enough coordination with the mayor's office to make sure that we have 18 bodies to fill both of those boards um that completes our presentation and we're prepared to respond to any questions or comments the commission may have would this adjust the time of the meeting like currently it's at 3M if it Consolidated meetings could get longer I didn't know if it would go to like two or one I didn't quite hear that the the time of the meeting say for Urban Design or even the others would it would it adjust any of the time frames yeah um we've been talking about that um with the mayor's office and with legal and um the way it kind of works out we we thought we were going to run into trouble with a lot of people um being close to being turned out already Micha he's he's asking about the time of the meeting when oh the time meet I'm sorry that's okay yeah so we don't plan on changing the time downtown will meet when downtown meets Urban Design will meet when Urban Design meets and they will absorb those other committees um uh Stockyards meets quarterly at most and often they don't even meet that many times it's such a small District they rarely have items that go to committee so that will not um impact this body's agenda significantly river meets more frequently but they often similarly to UD only have you know one two three items a month so we don't anticipate um downtown and Bricktown I mean downtown and Urban Design being overrun with uh uh that and that's kind of how we decided on how to combine them we took our two kind of most active committees and are having them absorb um less active design review bodies yeah that that was another aspect of why we combined the bodies we did we took a look at the level of activity for each of these boards and how long a lot of you know how often they meet and sometimes how long the bodies the meetings are for like 15 or 20 minutes sometimes because there's one or two items and uh so we did take that in consideration and um that's the other part of of what we were doing was what you know we kind of feel um not so good about you guys are volunteers and you have your own lives and your own businesses and all things to attend to and we kind of feel uh rotten bringing you down here for you know 15 20 minutes and then sending you off on your way so hopefully by uh reconfiguring these bodies um you're not going to end up with 4-Hour meetings but you probably end up with maybe an hour or hour and a half meeting so it makes you wor more worthwhile your time to come down here and and help us out with these reviews so I have a question would this uh I wrote down a couple of them so would would um we absorb the other districts or would we have to um like like would we have to you know adjourn a meeting and then reconvene as okay so we wouldn't have to do that we'll probably um arrange the agenda so you're going to have your standard UD cases then you're going to have Stockyards and we're going to have um Scenic River and we'll probably arrange the agenda with all the ud cases together and all the scenic River cases together and they're going to keep their same uh case numbering system they're not going to become UD cases they're going to remain you know Stockyards case numbers or whatever so that's for record keeping and so on and so forth but we'll we'll probably arrange the agenda so that the all the ud cases are together and all the city river cases are together and all the stocks cases are together so and you won't have to adjourn and then reopen so thank you yeah it won't be like when Council goes from right Council adjourns and convenes as the whatever trust and jours and convenience yeah no it'll all be Urban Design commission okay you mentioned to um something about criteria to serve do you have an idea what that is these are the criteria we talked about um we have these kind of criteria already um that's shown on the left side of the slide this is for downtown show you Urban Design so our current uh membership criteria is on the left side of your screen and um and it's not really changing all that much um we're keeping it at nine members um there is a little bit of reorganization in terms of the criteria um we got rid of having one of the members being uh a member of the downtown design Review Committee and we're kind of more interested in creating a slot for two people that are going to be coming in from uh the Bricktown excuse me the scenic River or the Stockyards areas um and that way we keep that kind of representation that is kind of uh already in place uh for some of the Urban Design areas so thank you any other questions or do we have a motion to make a recommendation is that the idea I will make a motion to um recommend that this be forward to Planning Commission with approval or denial you with approval okay yes I'll second all right is fast uh Communications we have a list of things here um I don't I don't have any questions on anything there anyone have any comments on any of those items uh no just uh those are the administrative cases that have been approved since our last meeting uh on March 27th you'll note that the first item uh A1 is part one of the conset deck item on the same agenda here we have here today and uh then the others are just uh signage and um also signage so uh nothing very Earth shattering there for you any comments from planning um I will just note as Michael touched on we don't anticipate um well you all will continue to meet um don't don't take us off your calendar um with the whole committee consolidation thing um the schedule shouldn't change um we don't anticipate the membership changing other than for anyone who has indicated they' prefer not to continue to serve um so anyway we hope to still continue to see you guys all summer long um you may have noticed that you haven't been getting emails about a commission training we decided to hold off on that this spring and we will do a training in the fall most likely when the Committees have reconfigured themselves um you might like rent a little bus and drive you guys around Scenic River and Stockyards maybe go eat at Cattleman's um get everybody familiar with their new areas so um stay tuned for more on that awesome any comments from commission members all right our next meeting date will be Wednesday May 22nd we are adjourned yes we bribed you guys thank

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