okay I think we have well we'll get into it we I think we have one other person coming so we may change some of the order up so just kind of bear with me here as we do it uh to start this is kind of loud um can we do a quorum real quick oh I'm doing the Quorum um real quick okay um I'll go ahead and start welcome to the January 24th 2024 meeting meeting of the Urban Design commission my name is Tyler Holmes and I am the chair of the commission when called on applicants and speakers will come to the front of the podium to speak only one person at a time should come to the podium please do not approach the podium until it is vacated by previous speaker please speak into the microphone and identify yourself self and provide your address for record when you begin speaking address your comments questions and testimony to the commission please limit your comments to three minutes it is unnecessarily it is unnecessary to repeat testimony previously given by others citizens May address the commission on agenda items by responding to chair's call for speakers during discussion on each item and signing the speaker's log at the podium all comments must be relevant to the item the chair or presiding officer May in his or her discretion prohibit a person from addressing the committee and or remove that person from the council chambers if that person commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior please see the agenda for more information about these requirements if you are parked in the the Sheridan Walker parking garage north of John Rex elementary school or the arts district parking garage immediately south of City Hall staff can provide a parking validation ticket for you the agenda and documents are located at www.
okc. primo.com publicportal you would then select the Urban Design commission meeting then click on an agenda item and relevant documents will come up below the item Keith can you please call the rooll holes here here Miller here Aon flat here C Charo here Dixon Oso peoples bar of Corum right going into this uh approval of minutes from last it wouldn't be last month it's November 15th 2023 meeting um give you guys has a couple moments or get a motion I'll make a motion to approve the the minutes I'll second Nathan digitally did it I have Cal a second okay yep all right everyone vote okay it's been approved we have no cases withdrawn today and we do have a continuance request for udca d23 0027 guess we keep moving from there um so we do need a motion and a vote to continue that item um Michael do we have a date to which they wanted to be continued yeah um had we met in December um they had actually requested the continuance back then indicating they wouldn't be available for either the December or the January meetings but they have been in touch with me since then and they're planning to be uh prepared to uh present at the February meeting I'll make a motion to move to the February UDC meeting I'll second that motion everyone V motion has passed okay cases for individual consideration today or the consent docket looks like we got nothing on that but case for for indiv individual consideration we have udca 23-28 parentheses P2 at 1742 Northwest 16th Street thank you Mr chair this is a uh case uh on Northwest 16th Street in the plaza District at 1742 Northwest 16th which is the southeast corner of uh Northeast Northwest 16th and North Indiana Avenue this is um former gas station from long long long time ago and uh it's been home for a variety of businesses over the recent years uh I think Empire uh started there and then uh it was neon coffee shop and now they're proposing to do a new business there called Margarita Garden which restaurant and bar um we've already approved administratively and I'll think you see it later on the agenda um some work on this building um that did not need uh commission input it's all consistent with the uh design regulations and guidelines for the district and that was approved administratively by staff earlier but this piece um they are asking uh to uh clad a portion of the north elevation of the building with artificial turf um at the North elevation there are two um Overhead Doors uh one's been replaced with glass the one on the right um the one on the left is remained in place but they want to place artificial turf over the to clad and cover that second uh overhead door as this is not a material that's listed as a permitted uh building material for the district uh we thought it would be best to bring it before the commission and make sure the commission doesn't have any issues with uh that accent material over that overhead door and uh we've recommended approval uh of that request uh to the commission and we're prepared to respond to any questions the commission may have have any questions is anyone present here to talk on this okay do we start I guess a discussion amongst us do you have any comments or any emotions as far as from an accent material I don't see that it's an issue especially considering the fact that it's being placed in an area of an overhead door so it's limited and what it's being done and it's basically a and it seems to me in looking at the photographs it's intended to be it's not intended to be a horizontal Turf it's intended to be something that's a vertical live wall just a artificial version of it um and the only comment I was going to ask was how was it going to be attached um to see if that was going to go into the masonry or if it was going to go into the door itself but it wouldn't have swayed my vat I don't think that I have an issue with with this material I don't have any issues either I know um up down in the district does not it's not in our G jurisdiction here but it is a precedent on 16th that that has it actually um so it's technically within a the 34 mile of the commercial strip there's a little bit of artificial turf so any other comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the application on the basis that the project meets the regulations and guidelines of the Urban Design overlay District zoning ordinance as referenced in section c and d of the staff report I'll second Sarah Yeah by Sarah yeah okay we have a pass so I think we will be skipping the next item temporarily um so as of right now let's go into um on other business Item B we have elect officers um we have an elect chair an elect Vice chair I believe that we both filled a position this year when Marcus had stepped away to go to go to board of adjustment um on the process of electing a position bear with me real quick um I'm I guess we can discuss but I'm open to continue serving for this next calendar year um but that's if anyone else is interested too I don't know so yeah how does this work how does this work exactly do I nominate myself no okay I'll make a motion to to uh nominate Tyler to remain as the chair of the commission there okay I'll second that Mo well I'll second that motion guess I voted and then I'll make a motion to elect Sarah to remain as Vice chair of the commission I'll second that as well okay awesome on Communications I'm sorry Tyler uh your vote on I don't have vote okay all right it's passed okay moving forward just uh um Communications right now does anyone have any questions on um any of these items for administrative approval if not I don't believe we vote on these or do anything so I guess at this point we still have um item a under other business um are I know we're waiting on someone else to arrive so I guess at this moment we can do a quick five minute recess was the idea sure we can break for five minutes and then if we don't have anybody by then reconvene and finish the remaining items on the agenda all right okay this exactly yeah um so we have a um discussion I think for the applicant's representative on this next item we do not have quorum to take any action on this item um it will go to Planning Commission next week or is scheduled to go to Planning Commission next week our next meeting would be February 21st do you know when it goes to council um it's to go to council first week of first Hearing in March would be my guest I mean we could put it back on for February 21st that's a little bit out of order but we have done that in the past with some other design committees where that' be our preference since it's just a recommendation and 28 oh you're right but it would be prior to that council meeting you want my name David box 52 to call sorry this is kind of a um if the I mean if the um committee is good with that I mean we obviously Planning Commission is just recommending you're just recommending um to move it to February 28th means we're now we and we are we have sticks up it means we're not to city council until um probably May yeah I think you have a lot more than sticks up right um yeah so it's it's a significant yeah time issue for us um so I think if I mean we can't take action on it today no matter what but I think if the commission is comfortable with it coming back at the next hearing and then that recommendation would just kind of skip over Planning Commission and be forwarded on to city council um I think that would be one option I'll defer to municipal coun I think that's about the only option because you without a quorum I don't think you can actually vote to continue it or any you know we're sitting at four we're kind of dead in the water on this item so it would just fall to the next meeting yeah we can't even by default motion to continue no it's just going to go unheard today is there any Merit in discussing it in case there are any comments that need to be relayed or is it just simply us recommending moving on I I would just wait till the next time around I mean you even if you discussed it we're not really accomplishing anything I would just I would wait so then just kind of as a matter of order all you've got left is comments and next meeting date on the agenda as far as I can tell so I would just roll right into your next item all right recess is over um any comments from the any planning department or staff nothing for me comments from commission members our next meeting date is Wednesday February 28th um and new applications are submitted to staff at 4M January 23rd we are adjourned